How the Universe Works (2010) s07e05 Episode Script

Secret World of Nebulas

Through our galaxy, there is a pull Amazing gas and dust Seals Contains the secrets of the circle of cosmic life The birth and death of stars, planets and humans Those things are the cradle of creation You have a close relationship with the feasts You are the vows of life The story of our solar system begins with the nebula If you want to build a solar system, you will need a nebula Look around you, all you see Everywhere was a day inside a mist Scientists are now raising the curtain They open our eyes in front of the extension The true expanses of our universe They solve the mysteries of these creation engines There are mysteries hiding within them that we did not even imagine drsamehnour yahoo,com How the universe works "The Secret World of Sessions" Milky Way, full spiral galaxy With areas of gas and dust called the embankments Everyone has their preferences I love the horse head nebula, looks great I have always been fascinated by the mist of the cat's eye My favorite nebula is the mighty nebula Maybe the mighty nebula The best place to understand the emergence of stars It is here in our art The mighty nebula is one of the most famous of the dams You can go out at night and see your eyes Man kept watching that patch Blurred from heaven for centuries The civilization of Maya in Central America is the fire of creation The Mayans were more right than they knew Almost every part can be seen from The life cycle of stars in the nebula We can not understand the life cycle of stars Without understanding the life cycle of the dams They are intertwined The mighty nebula has everything, from massive stars On the brink of death to a gas-guzzling birth star You can see the thin threads of materials, curtains Which enveloped the fledgling stars The columns hit each other and Tron Nogoma makes its way through gas withdrawal , You see this hive Frenetic activity, working before us In 2018, using new data, it is manufactured NASA envisioned a stunning outline of the depths of the mighty We have for the first time in history tools Fit to explore the hearts of those embellishments It was beautiful when starting out but we have now Clearer images to appreciate the greatness of this structure In the heart of the mighty are clusters of young stars Burst charged particles and solar wind To open a gap in the middle to make a window inside We see the structures in their origin We can see the processes happening before our eyes The intense starlight of the clusters activates The gas next to it is blue and blue The pink comes from the emitted light Of hydrogen atoms in the nebula Glows like gas in neon lights Blue comes from the light emitted by the stars New warm and reflective dust particles Those new hot stars illuminate the mighty nebula But she was born basically in the dark There is a distinctive type of embellishments The dark nebula is called It becomes so basically when Dust concentrations are larger Thick dust clouds are obscured The visible light of the stars behind them To make shaded shapes such as the horse head nebula This mist is very large and dense and has A mass enough to make thirty stars the size of our sun Astronomers can now stare inside We have only recently been able to start doing so Thanks to detectors Seeing infrared light Infrared light allows us to see through Dust the nebula and see what happens in the interior Humans can not see the light below Red but we can sensor it as heat The detectors tell us that dark clouds are formed The stars are hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit below zero But in the basement with hot basins If you look at infrared light You'll see amazing fingerprints and gradients Amazing heat, a sign that new stars are born Parts of the material are lumped under gravity When gravity increases gravity It attracts more gas to grow in size It becomes larger, denser and more hot Eventually the pressure and heat increase Enough at the center of this thing The fusion fuse ignites The star is born One hundred billion stars Which constitute our galaxy The latest star production lines It goes back to the dawn of time And to the first nebula If we want to reveal the history of the Milky Way We will start from the beginning, from the Big Bang 13,8 billion years ago Life in the universe has died It was initially pure energy But for more than 300,000 years, that has cooled Energy to hydrogen gas and helium The entire universe was then one huge cloud The basic ingredients of our universe have spread exponentially The universe, so the universe began as a single giant Over time, the primitive nebula began Collapsed and splintered into small parts These areas have become high Density even collapsed to tablets The gas cylinders are very hot in their hearts The first stars caught Started with pure hydrogen But when you get older I made the other heavier items Stars are new elements, that's their function The definition of the star is that in its heart, it merges Hydrogen atoms to helium and releases energy But most of these simple first stars were Giant giant stars do not live long She burned all her excess Of hydrogen at super speed They burned themselves And died a few million years later She died with a bang Explosion issued more elements Complicated to the initial nebula After the formation of the first generation of stars There was a huge resurgence of new elements Which formed and spread across the universe To be able to form the second generation of stars When the second generation of stars lived and died It added more components to the cosmic mix The next generation of stars Merge more elements and explode and die Its elements are being disseminated to the new generation of The embellishments to be the new generation of stars Each generation has more elements In the periodic table of its predecessor After the Big Bang 300 million General Our Milky Way galaxy was formed Galaxies formed like the Milky Way From the initial Hungarian nebula A giant gas cloud collapsed and formed our galaxy There is a rich cosmic music Play between stars and endings We now know that we are part of that grandeur In the end our sun was born rich in elements We believe that our sun is a third-generation star There was a mist then a star A nebula, then a nebula, and our sun It took ten billion years to form a mix Cosmic elements rich enough to form planets of life Carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen Oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur These are the main elements of life as we understand them It must be formed within the stars These elements formed during the life of the star But it needs a very violent process to liberate it to the universe An event that can be clearly seen across The Universe The most beautiful embellishments in our galaxy consist Of extreme violence Death of massive stars One of the most beautiful colorful embellishments in our galaxy They are the remnants of the great explosions Such as the cancer nebula, the A-chair, and the veil All formed when a huge star exploded violently The nebula was a star About ten times the mass of the sun This star will crush him The atoms together form heavier elements The process produces huge amounts of energy The big star can To incorporate heavier and heavier elements , Until it reaches the iron Then things get worse Iron atoms are so large that Incorporating it needs more energy than it produces The pulp begins to collapse on Himself to trigger a catastrophic explosion He explodes the elements into space When the star turns to a low The greatest it tear itself violently And all elements of the star To spread for light years We call it the nebula of the supernova We now have a nebula full of all Those exciting chemicals All of them are lit by the explosion of the supernova The remnants of the supernova Glowing glow in different colors The colors are represented in the mist or fingerprint Test the DNA of the elements inside it Each atom has a cloud cover of The electrons that orbit their nuclei When electrons change energy levels, The frequency of light associated with that variable energy Send to space and contribute to The wide spectrum of colors we see We can look at distant plugins and say that They have lots of hydrogen or helium Or a little platinum or a lot of oxygen Colors reveal the elements Made during the life of the star and his death But the shape of the mist reveals What happens after the death of the star You may think that the explosive star has Similar to others with the same type of mist Then you see the crab nebula in its beautiful complex form All of those brackets Swirls of gas and dust Something must be inside Disappears inside the nebula of cancer An astral body is called a pulsating star Stars are a kind of neutron star A ball of high density material Born from the death of giant stars It is the remains of the core of an explosive star He collapsed and formed a small ball of Nitrons are a small part of normal matter She is very hot and she has Strong magnetic field This pulse is about thirty times a second To detonate radiation spread in Space as a raging cosmic lighthouse Pulses in the nebula do not release light But rather releases winds from charged particles The cloud of gas around it is the nebula of the winds of spring So take all remaining materials from the potter The greatest and launched in that extended cloud The winds of springing through the gas Ocean to make swirls and the nebulae of the crab nebula The supernovae create the elements Spread by the winds through the universe To be new dams Socks may be a solar system like our system Nebula starting point of the solar system configuration All ingredients, chemicals and gases And solids that we see in our solar system today Imagine the main elements Which is the planet What happened to bring them together? How to cloud a gaseous element To become our planets and sun? What about the nebula to our solar system? In the past they were not there Sun or solar system or human Just a cloud of gas The dust is a solar nebula We are here today because it is billions of years ago There was a nebula with all the necessary ingredients Everything we see in our solar system today was a part From a cloud of gas and dust, our solar nebula Five billion years ago are being processed The solar nebula to be our sun So billions of years ago there was Our solar nebula is a cloud of gas and dust It was outstanding but unstable What upset the balance to turn Cloud gas to solid particles? , Something must change inside the nebula Something that raises stars and planets This remains a mystery What is the answer to this five-billion-year-old puzzle? There are two theories, both of which begin with fossils Fossils made their way from The edge of the solar system towards Earth Our air cover broke through and made its way towards us Meteorites are important for us to understand and study Because it capsules time to when The solar system was basically composed Mina and Adwa are one of the biggest Compounds of comets on Earth Those rocks have pure records For the early history of the solar system There was not in the solar system Something before the origin of those rocks There was no land or other planets, this is amazing The first solid objects that originated from Cloud dust surrounding our newborn star Contained the asteroids and meteorites that formed at that time Time on chemical fingerprints of our solar nebula It contained the oldest elements and solids that condensed From the cloud of gas and dust when our solar system was formed I fought together and formed these The big rock you see here In 2017, researchers who analyze Configure a type of solid meteorites Called Kondrit, they found evidence About how to configure our solar system There may be some hard evidence somewhere Within the chemical composition of those rocks He tells us exactly what happened And how our solar system originated This definitive guide is A radioactive component called iron-60 It is believed to be only In the Great Revolutions If there was a nebula ready to form stars And next to him came a greater calamity The great hypocrite will throw all these Heavy elements of the gas cloud It will also research the composition of stars By hitting and compressing this gas A nearby star explodes into a larger one The shock wave hits our bosom Solar system for iron But the crash is a breakdown A sudden attraction at the core of the mist The gas cloud is clogged Together to become hot and dense And our sun is born When the sun arose, there were A cloud of snakes around the sun When it was circling the sun, it merged And clung to each other and grew into those balls Over the next hundred million years, those balls became Larger and larger to be asteroids, moons and planets All the planets in our solar system look different Some are snow giants and others Gaseous giants and some rocky bodies But all came in fact From the same nebula before the sun Our planet grew up With the right combination of elements Everything, every atom in our bodies She was formerly Sodema before my sun The theory of the Great Surgeon By pushing our strong solar system configuration But not everyone agrees Sometimes the biggest arguments come Among the scientists of the smallest things Here I speak of small radioactive atoms In 2017, studies showed containment Other meteorites have other radioactive imprints Rare aluminum alloy The so-called aluminum-26 It is an irregular atom that does not form Easily in great twists It must have come from somewhere else This other place is a rare type of star Giant by forty to fifty times the mass of our sun Star Wolf Wright , The stars may be strange The largest is very strange The largest kind of stars that We saw her as the stars of Wolf Ray The stars of Wolf Rye burn more powerful than any star to produce Heavy elements such as aluminum-26 during their short lives It is huge, hot and shiny It unleashes tremendous winds These stellar winds release tons of energy Materials from the star to the ocean space To form a bubble structure Scientists see the process in the nebula The bubble is 7,000 light years away from Earth In the middle of the mist there is one Massive stars with enormous starry winds High-energy particles, radiation, as the name suggests It releases a bubble in the huge mist around it The walls or bubble crust are dense and full of materials Stellar winds drive more The more material inside the cortex So that the substance collapses with an effect Its attractiveness and condensation into stars Possibly what we see in the bubble nebula Is what happened here 4,5 billion years ago To form the sun and the planets If our solar system grew up Inside Bubble Nebula Wolf Ra 00: This will explain the abundance of aluminum-26 Located in meteorites But it was not decided What we know is that our story has begun The collapse of the solar nebula But our star will someday die Does the sun turn into a mist? Awesome or darkened dim? The embellishments will be stars The stars are the embellishments The largest stars do so With violent superpowers But 99% of the stars are not Big enough to die exploding Some burn themselves to death But other stars can be dams Beautiful as a misleading ,, Planetary Safes From afar they look like planets but ghosts of stars When stars like our sun begin to die, Swells to what we call red giant stars When the stars reach the size of the sun At the end of her life, her heart is getting hotter and hotter When the heat is hot, the gas expands Ocean to turn the star into a red giant It becomes so large that it is no longer stuck Gravity with its outer layers The outer layers of that star begin to drift Away to lose contact with the central core in the middle And begin to explode into scales and colors and beautiful forms We call those starving stars with Planetary Feasts We discovered about three Thousands of planetary nebulae in our galaxy Some seem like hourglasses and others Like a clown or clown or ball or cake But if they were all ghosts of the same kind So why this great contrast? If there was a star alone Without planets and without anything around it It will blow its winds in a spherical crust If you see Sodema like this It would look like a bubble of soap in space But only 20% of the embellishments Planetary form of a bubble full of consistency Most of them have these exotic forms They look like two-lobe or two opposite squid All shapes are different Experts believe that alien forms to those Planetary masts may relate to how the star dies A new research shows the fate of our star Sadema will be a bright planet Beautiful or just disappear in the dark? We believe for the first time that we have the answer It's a long-standing debate, is it our sun? Big enough to be an amazing sdema? It is a strange coincidence that the model appears We need a specific mass to form a planetary nebula By chance, the sun is too high Assume new data That our sun will die dazzled When the sun dies, it will expand To a red giant filling the sky We got used to our yellow sun Kind of moving in sight Imagine a shiny red glowing ball A huge swell across the horizon instead of the sunrise The expanding sun swallows Mercury and then Venus The surface of the earth will be roasted To turn him into an infamous hell The bad news is that when The sun expands like a red giant , They will capture the Earth's oceans Life will not endure then on Earth Like putting your head in the oven and kneading it It will be a hard time on earth This may mean the destruction of the planet We think the sun will grow To swallow the earth's position now Instead of sunrise and sunset We will find ourselves inside the sun The sun will expose its outer layers To throw more than half of its mass To reveal the stellar pulp When we look at this pulp is called Then the white dwarf was the size of the earth It will be very hot, hundreds of thousands of degrees This white core radiates hot Ultraviolet light and x-ray They are impacted by external gas layers And turning them into ultra-gloss rings A planetary nebula will last 10,000 years It is certain that when the sun turns into a planetary nebula The solar system will look very different What it is today, will become unfamiliar The planetary nebula would mean an end The solar system we know The sun will eventually die And dissolve into space again But then the cycle will begin again It is not just an end, it is also a beginning The plug-in will be supplied Will create a new solar system When a solar system dies it is born Another, this cosmic life cycle The signs always signify change in the universe Strongly related to the star's birth and death Some new notes appear Our favorite soups are dying too Can be columns Famous creation dead already? Inside the depths of Eagle Eagle Nebula Dense of cool molecular gas Probably the best known images In astronomy, pillars of creation One of the defining images is the pillars of creation They were pictures that arouse my memory and my emotion The columns are five light-years wide They are shaded by nearby star cluster lights And those stars have not carved the shape of columns The surfaces of those stars are full of activity Boiling and constantly releasing particles Stellar winds at ten thousand miles At the hour you get caught up in the ocean gas pull In the end, the surrounding mist dissipates When the mist disappears, you will live Pull thicker and denser But how long? "When you look at the pictures" Hubble Beautiful pillars of creation, eagle eagle You see a scattered blue gas Around the columns themselves This is a guide on how to configure columns And how it will change over time This blue foggy gas is just a substance The superheavy evaporates from the same columns Nearby stars are slowly melting the columns This is similar to the way it occurs Factors of erosion here on Earth Look at the Monemeunt Valley and those rocky columns Stunning and exotic forms emanating from the earth These areas are denser than rocks They were covered by soil and sand For millions of years, those substances have been crushed The lighter to reveal the thickest rocks beneath it That's exactly what happened here That process is under way The pillars are constantly evolving Know that the pillars of creation A temporary feature in the life of the galaxy It will not last forever In fact, over the time since the capture Hubble Space Telescope Photo We've seen a change When astronomers compared data New "Hubble" images since 1995 They discovered an exploding crater from the mist At a speed of 450 thousand miles per hour Stretching a hundred billion miles into space What might be the source of all that energy? These are associated with the birth of a star Stars born inside columns make their way Outside, eat that substance and blow it away The nascent stars like children flock to candy Eat up gas then spin out of control But the stars also have a magnetic field This magnetic field spins quickly The material is swept around it and released To the outside through the plumes of the poles of the star They are emitters and astral winds Destroying the columns of creation from the inside out Even worse, these nascent stars grow Quickly until you soon reach the end of her violent life When the stars die they send waves Shock, high-energy radiation, particles Great blasts explosions As such, the columns may be torn completely Some assume that those columns may Already destroyed thousands of years ago The Eagle Nebula is seven thousand years old So we see it as it was seven thousand years ago Not as it is now It is the sad reality of life The stars that you make are destroyed , This happens all the time, everything changes Our favorite famous sodas will not last forever It seems sad, but so does the universe It's a temporary situation, it's change We see the pillars of creation today and will be Future clusters of stars But this is the continuous rotation of the gas Dust to the stars will not last forever The embellishments across the universe disappear Is gas out of our galaxy? A new search appears to be across the universe The star formation rate falls quickly Researchers predict that 95% of all The stars that will exist have already arisen Until the galaxy is intact And maintain the star formation It needs to collect reserves New constantly ,, Stuff Gas runs out of our galaxy and so on I speak with galaxies all over the universe That cycle will slow down and will one day stop More gas is trapped in the small stars The mass that will not explode in a greater velocity And the big stars that An explosive die pays gas away The galaxies throw materials Great wind turbines and lighters are sent Continuously streams of gas and particles outside the galaxy But the stars do not work alone But cooperate with something bigger Experts believe that the main culprit falls At the center of each galaxy ,, The super black hole In the past, the Milky Way measured the loss of gas Hundreds of millions of years ago, it was a black hole The central is super-large and charges some materials In that process he launched many Energy, like a lot of energy belching He fired gas and probably escaped some It is completely out of the galaxy Our galaxy today is still the star But the gas tank needs to be refilled The galaxies spin with nitrogen Be the pillars and the stars It seems we have now come to a refilling station We discovered a huge cloud space Of hydrogen heading towards us That cloud of hydrogen is huge With a length of ten thousand light years and a width of three thousand "Cloud scientists call it" Smith It revolves around our galaxy and hate 27 Million years will hit the disk of our galaxy Will bring about the vital collision of our galaxy To reshape the stars strongly There will be plenty of gas Million times the mass of the sun He can form one million suns But this is just a snack To maintain star formation You need a galaxy for continuous food , Here in the Milky Way galaxy We are still stars This is because our galaxy is galactic It is surrounded by dwarf galaxies And eat it and steal its gas and dust We are the product of mergers, merging Many small galaxies collide When a new galaxy hits the Milky Way They bring with it gas and dust New and the possibility of creating new dams By eating a variety of foods add the Milky Way A few billion years of star formation But our galaxy is always looking for its next meal Within a few billion years Her neighbor will be struck by the galaxy of serial women When the women merge with the trail Tebbana will provide us with a new quantity of gas Although this is a tragic accident It is really a good thing Because when it happens stars will be born New inside the Milky Way This will prolong the life of our galaxy if we thought so But there are few galaxies Nearby to eat Milky Way In the end on the run Long will run out of nebula gas When this gas runs out, there will be no new stars Whatever happens then it will be Those are the last generations of stars Without gas to feed, the dams will disappear across the universe The universe stops The dams run out and disappear The last stars will eventually be turned off From now on, everything will be dark The dams ,, One of the finest features of the universe What makes the babe embellishments it Pretty but more It is the cradle of creation The start and end stars Building upon them planets and life I think it's amazing to learn about the universe I think we finally learn about ourselves It is our instrument of communication with the circle of cosmic life The parallels match our lives , It is very beautiful But it is temporary It will not last here forever This is the story of our universe This is the story of change So take your day
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