This Country (2017) s01e02 Episode Script


All right?
You ain't going to believe this.
What? Mr Perkins.
What about him?
He's dead.
He's dead?
Are you joking?
He's dead, he's dead,
he's dead, he's dead!
He's dead! He is dead!
He's dead, he's dead,
he's dead, he's dead!
He's dead! He is dead! ♪
Basically, Mr Perkins was
our old woodwork teacher
and he was a massive prick.
Yeah. He used to be just
plain nasty, wasn't he, Kurts?
Yeah. He always used to
say, "Oh, Kerry and Kurtan,
"you'll do"
"Nothing with your lives."
Which is a bit
rich, to be honest,
coming from him, who's now dead.
He's dead, he's dead,
he's dead, he's dead! ♪
I think it's
disgusting, what yous
is doing, celebrating
a man's death.
Shut up, Len, you're boring.
Yeah, well, I
think it's disgusting
you not celebrating
the man's death.
Hogwarts is that way, Dumbledore.
Idiot man.
He used to call us
Ren and Stimpy, didn't he?
Yeah. Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Pinky and Perky.
Asterix and Obelix.
Noel Edmonds and Mr Blobby.
The Neville brothers.
He used to say I looked like
the puppet off the Dolmio advert.
It's just, I I knew this day
would come, but I just,
I actually can't believe it's
here, do you know what I mean?
All right, Mand?
No, I'm not all right,
some little old blind man with
a guide dog walked into a bin
outside my house.
Shit, is he all right?
He won't be when I've got
my hands on him.
Poor Tyson was
so scared, he's run
up a tree and ate a bird's nest.
So I'm going to find him
and break his legs for him.
See how he likes it.
You see him,
you send him my way, yeah?
All right, you
fucking psychopath.
Who's a psychopath?
The blind man.
Yeah, I know.
Poor little baby birds
got their guts sucked out
their arseholes cos of him.
Evil bastard.
Fucking weirdo.
Who's a weirdo?
Er Kurtan.
Yeah, I know.
Come on, Tyson,
you fucking prick.
How the fuck did
she hear all that?
She's like a fucking bat.
People are scared of Mandy,
but I ain't.
Because we're both on
the same level of hardness.
It's, like, Kane isn't scared
of The Undertaker
because they're both
Brothers of Destruction.
There's a kid crying over there.
Do you want me to? I can tell
him to shut the
fuck up if you want?
She belongs in a nuthouse, mate.
She is fucking nuts.
A very bad egg.
I like Kerry. Her mum's
Mum's a good fighter, her mum,
down the pub and that.
If you was in trouble,
you can always rely on her mum.
Kerry's all right. Kurtan's a
He's a fucking moron.
Our old prom photo, yeah?
Ten minutes after that was taken,
Kurtan vommed all the way down
his ivory tie.
Yeah, only cos I kept spiking
my own drinks. Yeah.
Oh, Kerr, our old detention cards
from Mr Perkins.
"Kerry and Kurtan,
lunchtime detention"
"for making crass song
in woodwork class."
Wait I'll get it.
Five, six, seven.
Mr Perkins is a prick
Mr Perkins is a prick
Mr Perkins is a prick
Mr Perkins is a prick
Mr Perkins is a prick
Mr Perkins is a prick
Mr Perkins is a prick
All day long. ♪
How is that crass?
How is that crass?
Disruption, yeah, defiance, yeah,
abusive language, fucking yeah.
Listen to this.
"Kerry and Kurtan,
lunchtime detention"
"for making Robert Robinson"
"ask the teacher
what rimming is."
Who's Rob Robinson?
You don't remember
Robert Robinson?
He was in our class in Year 6
for, like, two terms
and he just vanished.
No-one ever heard of him again.
He had
Instead of a rucksack, yeah,
he had a suitcase on wheels.
And you started his nickname,
which was Terminal Three.
You started that.
That was brilliant.
You don't remember that?
Robert Robinson.
You don't remember?
Year 6 camping trip, he
brought in an old army camp bed
and it had blood on it.
We used to bog-wash him so much,
the bleach in the toilet actually
turned his hair white.
No. Oh, my God!
He had about three unruly
deaf brothers, yeah?
And he used to
get picked up after
school in a dirty old Land Rover
full of flailing arms. No.
You don't remember that?
No. He used to write everything
out in that calculator font
cos he thought
it was really cool.
No. We made him eat a fucking
bark sandwich, for fuck's sake.
No. You don't remember that?
No. Nothing? Nothing.
Right, I'm going
to get Slugs over,
he was in our class,
he'll remember.
Please don't get Slugs over.
Yes, I am! He'll never leave.
Me and Kurtan have known
Slugs since school
and I've never met anyone
who outstays their welcome
more than him.
Like, you'll say, "Sorry, Slugs",
"I can't stop and chat I've got
to go and have my dinner."
And he'll go, "What we having?"
Robert Robinson, yeah?
He had a fat
woman's arse and tiny,
short little legs like a troll.
Yeah, you sure you're not
talking about Slugs?
Positive. He genuinely
looked like a Moomin.
Yeah, so does Slugs.
I know, but it ain't Slugs.
His school jumper, yeah,
was the most faded
out of everyone's.
He used to chew
his sleeves into threads.
No. He brought
in a bit of meteorite
once, yeah, for show and tell,
and Darren Lacy called him
Apollo 13.
No. Oh, my God.
He was obsessed with salamanders,
And we saw him at the school fete
and he was carrying around
a little bank bag full of coppers
and his face was painted
like a salamander
and he was hissing at dogs.
How do you not remember
Robert fucking Robinson?
Oh, my God, there's this website
that allows you to watch a loaf
of bread slowly going stale.
Fucking hell, man!
Stop it.
What's it called?
Loaf of bread cam.
He's not on Facebook.
How can he not be on Facebook?
Everyone's on Facebook.
That doesn't make any sense.
Maybe he changed his name
cos he got married.
What? Maybe he's not on Facebook
because he doesn't exist.
What about that tea towel?
Where is it?
This is it. Got it.
I've got it. This is it.
That's him. Let
me see. He's here.
Rob Robinson. I got it.
You see? Right there.
Rob Robinson.
And that was him. And I was
I knew it, didn't I?
And that looks like him, as well.
That looks exactly like him.
There's a massive pond
in the back of there
and two summers ago,
it got really bad algae.
32 grand's worth of Koi carp
just dead in a day.
And the algae was thick,
like a pint of cheese.
And down there is karate club.
On my first day of karate club,
karate master
goes to me, "Kerry",
"I don't know why you're here
because I can't
teach you anything."
"If anything, you should be
teaching me."
And just gave me his black belt.
All right, Mand?
No, I'm not all right. You know
that little old blind man?
Yeah. Yeah, when I was
punching him in his face,
the lens from his glasses broke
and cut my knuckle.
Oh, right.
Do you want a tattoo, by the way?
Why's that? Oh, I'm a qualified
tattoo artist now,
I've got my certificate
this morning.
Nice one.
Do you want one, then? Well,
yeah, I've always wanted one
but I've just got no money.
I've been saving up.
No, no, I'd do it for free.
Are you serious?
Yeah, helps me build up
my portfolio and that. Oh!
Why don't you come round
tomorrow afternoon, then?
That'd be amazing.
All right.
Aw, nice one, Mand, cheers.
I'll see you later.
Tyson, fuck off!
So, there's a house over there
that we used to cherry knock at
all the time.
But since Graham's wife died,
we don't do it any more
cos we don't take the piss.
I'm going to do whatever it takes
to find out what happened
to Robert Robinson.
My theory is is that he died
but they just kept it from us
cos we was just little,
innocent children.
This is where Robert
Robinson lived.
I can see him,
I can just see him now,
just playing in the garden.
Summer evening, having so much
fun and laughter.
Cos he loved life.
And then his mum comes out,
"Robert, dinner's ready."
And he's like,
"Mum, I don't want to eat,"
"I'm having too
much fun playing."
She goes, "You have to eat
something, Robert."
And he goes,
"No, seriously, I'm fine."
She goes, "Right, that's it."
So she grabs him by the neck,
like this, pulls him in,
and he's crying,
and he's putting his heels in
but she's kicking him.
Thumping him on the back.
And so he gets sent up to his
bedroom without any tea.
Kurtan? Cos he did have
abusive parents.
What? There's a pair of
old Spider-Man pants here
with some skidders in them.
Yeah. Those will be his.
It's just like one
day he was here,
and then the next, he was gone.
I can se I can feel, I can
feel, Kerr, I can feel him here.
I'm getting this weird feeling,
I swear to God.
You all right, Kurts?
Can you just give me a minute?
He's loving this.
He gets very much too obsessive
with things -
like, last week he was obsessed
with finding out what happened
to the cast of The Queen's Nose.
It's, like, an old kids'
programme that was on TV.
And a lot of them are
still acting, actually.
And then he got obsessed with
the the Fuse bar.
He had to write a letter
to Cadbury's
asking what happened
to the Fuse bar.
And they wrote back saying,
"The sales weren't great"
"but thank you so much for taking
the time to write in."
Thanks again so much for this,
Mand, honestly,
I can't believe it.
So, do you know
what you want, then?
I just can't decide
at the moment.
Why don't you have a look through
one of these books, then?
Choose something from there.
Cheers, Mand.
So, what's that one?
That's a pig.
All right.
Sorry, who's that?
That's Friends.
And that one? Harry Styles.
That's Justin Bieber.
Fred Flintstone. Spock.
Stig of the Dump.
All right. Who did these?
Me. Oh, right.
They're really good.
I know.
Who's that one?
That's Grant from EastEnders
but also it could be
that bloke off MasterChef.
Oh, right. If you
put glasses on it.
Do you know what? I think
I'm going to have to just
go home and just have
a think about it.
Cos well, they're just so
good, I can't choose which one.
So, you're wasting my time?
Cos I've booked the
whole afternoon off for this.
And I'm giving you one for free.
No, I You're taking the piss,
aren't you?
I do really want one,
it's just, I
I do, yeah, I do really want one,
yeah. What?
I just don't know which one to
have yet, that's the only thing.
Do you do, like,
really small ones?
Like I literally just want, like,
a K.
I don't do small ones,
I only do massive ones.
You wanted one? Nah.
Do you know what? I am going to
go home and think about it, Mand.
Brilliant, she's dead.
No, she's sleeping.
Oh, what the fuck
What, with her eyes open?
Yeah, my nan does it, it's like
a weird condition or something.
Look, watch this. Mandy?
Your tattoos are shit.
That's the whole day away.
She's sleep talking.
Oh, my God.
She's going to be so livid that
we just, like, legged it.
Well, yeah, but Oh
You'd rather get a punch
in the face, yeah,
than a giant
tattoo for the rest of
your life, so,
just Oh, my God.
Oh, for fuck's sake.
Oh, well, don't stop,
let's keep walking.
All right.
Pretend we haven't seen him.
Kerr, wait!
What is it?
Look at him, he's waddling
like he's shat himself.
What is it, mate?
Well, what is it?
Kerr, come on, let's just go.
What? What?
Rob Robinson?
Well, what about him?
What? What is it?
No, what about him?
What is it? Rob Robinson?
What is it?
He's alive? How do you know?
Oh, yeah!
Kerr, this is this is
This is serious now.
That is amazing.
Thanks for that, mate.
Thank the Lord for Slugs.
That's brilliant, that.
Come on.
I can't believe it, that is
That's great news.
The plot thickens, Kerr.
Mum, what's for tea?
Can I have a word, Kerr?
All right, Mand?
Look, I'm sorry about earlier.
I don't want you to think I sleep
on the job or nothing.
I'm a professional.
No, honestly, you're fine,
I reckon what we should do
is just forget about
the whole thing, to be honest.
No, I brought all my
tattooing stuff round now.
Yeah, but you're really tired,
though, aren't you?
But I don't really know what
I want to have done yet,
that's the thing.
That's all right,
I'll make it up as I go along.
Sit down.
Yeah, I could have said "no"
to Mandy, but
I want to support a
local business, don't I?
Because that's who I am.
And when a tattoo removal company
starts up round here,
I'll be supporting that, as well.
Take your top off. Yeah.
So, we're just
outside the village.
It's been years
since I've come up here.
Like, it's a long walk from my
but I think it's all going
to be worth it
because I'm seeing
Robert Robinson.
Slugs found out that he works
in this garage
just outside the village.
I don't know what's going to
happen. Like,
anything could happen.
He might not want to see me.
He might just punch me
in the face, and if he does,
I'm just going to stand there
and take it
cos that is the
least he deserves.
He might not even be the same lad
I once knew, like
He might not even be into
salamanders any more.
But one thing I do know
is that I lost him once
and I ain't ever going
to lose him again.
I think that's him.
I am pretty sure, yeah,
that is Robert fucking Robinson.
Right there.
Robert? Yeah?
You are you are exactly
how I remembered, it's so weird.
All right.
It's me, Kurtan.
Like, no-one else remembers
who you were, right?
But I never forgot who you were,
Sorry sorry, who are you?
You were in my class, yeah,
in Year 6 for, like, two terms,
I bullied you relentlessly.
Right. You don't remember?
What happened to you?
Well, I moved schools.
Right. And now I work here.
Why aren't you on Facebook?
I am on Facebook.
I changed my name to Salamander.
Of course.
I should That
is so you, as well.
What time do you finish here?
Ten minutes. Why?
I don't know.
What sort of broom is that?
I don't know.
All right, well,
look after yourself, yeah?
Absolute waste of time.
So fucking boring. Jesus.
Nothing about him.
How are we going to get home
from here, as well?
I've got to walk through
this fucking shit.
Some things are just best left
in the past, where they belong.
You've just got to live
in the moment
and appreciate what's around you.
Because while you're pining for
Noel Edmond's House Party,
you're missing out on
Alan Carr's Chatty Man.
It's just shits and roundabouts.
Let's see it, then.
No. Come on, please.
No, I ain't showing you.
Please, Kerr, come on.
Oh. Yeah, fine,
but don't touch it.
I won't touch it.
Cos it's still really painful.
That looks like a dog
sniffing a bumhole.
Piss off! It's a wolf howling
at a moon, thanks.
Oh Dick.
..this'll cheer you up, yeah?
I spoke to Mr Perkins'
grieving wife earlier
Oh, yeah.
And he's definitely still dead.
I know.
He's dead!
He's dead!
The bastard's dead.
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