18 comidas (2010) Movie Script

ln a small cty such as
Santago de Compostela,
haI a mIIon meals
ace cooked evecyday.
Some bg, some small.
Strong, lght.
Full meals or just snacks.
To enjoy m'th f\code(0107)ends
or to eat on your own.
ln some, tme slps by,
and all Mat's
IeR s an empty plate.
In oMecs,
lfe takes an unexpeedturn
andthe world changes ts avor.
Sou. Sweet. D oth,
whch s what usually happens.
ecause at a meal...
you don'tju eat.
Acound ataIe,
youc appette opens up.
As does youc soul.
So n ths cty, everyday
there are halfa mllon chances
to chan the flavor oflfe.
At supper, at lunch,
at what's most mpoctant
to sta o Me dap
a good breakfast.
Tambin es verdad.
Hay que empezar el da...
That's true, you must startthe day.
Breakfast is the most important
meal of the day.
El desano es la comida
ms importante del da. Ahora...
Some state we're in...
-Nosotros vamos finos.
-This has got loads of calories.
Aqu hay mucha calora.
No te lo vas a creer
pero tengo hambre#
Hey, you're not going to believe it,
but l'm hungry.
l didn't sleep well.
What did you dream about?
l had a nightmare.
-A nightmare?
-l was being eaten by a dinosaur.
-You liar. A dinosaur?
Me alegro de que ests en el gremio.
Bienvenido al mundo de las posibilidades.
l'm delighted
you're in the profession,
welcome to the world of opportunities.
Te voy a decir una cosa.
Oue no te parezca mal.
l'm going to tell you something,
don't be oended.
El da que empezamos el curso pens,
este tipo... es medio gilipollas.
When we started the course,
l said to myself,
''this guy's a bit of an asshole''.
-No s.
-l don't know.
Te vi y dije, este tipo es tonto.
l saw you and thought
this guy's a bit odd.
SabeS pOf aU? POfaUe CfeO en M.
You know wh, Tuto?
Because l believe in myself.
Do you understand?
T al menos tienes una camisa bonita.
PefO yO a dnde VOy COn eStO?
Your shirt still looks fairly decent,
but how can l go like this?
l guessMe sun doesn't shne
throughoutths attc,
the sun.
l essMe sun changesMe lght,
chans the shade,
the lvng space s the sun.
-Can you hear the plane?
Would you like to fly?
Would you like to fly?
Where to?
-Lanzarote? Why?
lt's always hot there,
it never rains.
-You'd like us to go?
-This summer?
Good morning.
-Good morning, dad.
-How are you?
-Very well.
-Did you sleep well?
He had a nightmare.
-Are you readyfor school?
As Kennedy said, you know.
Como dijo Kennedy...
No pienses qu puede hacer tu pas por ti.
Sino qu puedes hacer t por tu pas.
''Ask not what your country
can do for you.
Ask what you can do for your country''.
Kennedy, con todo y eso...
Well, Kennedy, you know.
Why did he have to go to Dallas?
OUin le Mandafa if a DallaS?
Fue a Dallas, y se las dieron.
He went to Dallas,
and boy did he dally.
Le dijo Jackeline, saca la capota.
Jacqueline said: ''Take down the hood''.
Y l dijo, no. Oue el sol me da en la cabeza.
And he said:
''No, the sun will hit myface''.
Listen to that, listen,
can you hear it?
-La sartn, la plancha.
-Parece beicon.
-The frmng pan, the grill.
-lt sounds like bacon.
-You want some lemon?
-S, chale.
-You're having a beer?
Because l feel like one.
Come on, you'll be late.
-What time will you be home?
-8:30 or 9:OO.
lt's not a good idea
to have a beer now.
Ok. Leave.
When you Iy
nto the mnd,
the wall hts you.
Saythe moment
ddn't ave,
tell hec t ddn't.
Tell hec t ddn't.
-S, que me creo que es tu primo.
-Oue s.
-Can l sit here?
What would you like?
White coee,
and toast, or something like that.
How are you?
Tea or coee?
-What's wrong?
-This flat is a dump.
Are you working today?
Yes, but...
only until lunchtime,
Iater l'm going to...
...a party.
-Are you working?
-No, not today.
Fucking flat.
Sorry, do you have an aspirin?
-An aspirin?
-Yes, something for a headache.
Wait a moment...
-How old are you?
-What do you think?
Bearing in mind you feel old.
You're twenty?
-lt's very diicult!
-Twenty what?
-Grey hairs.
-You're an old man...
And that makes 5... Ok?
-Good morning, sir.
-Good morning.
-How are you?
-Fine, how can l help you?
Necesito algo de comer.
Necesito algo de comer, algo...
.. .iso.
S, lo de la derecha.
Si, o da dereita.
Podo probalo? Pdemo cortar?
PUedO pfObaflO? Me lO COfta?
Un lisco, un anaquio para probar.
Una loncha para probar.
lt smells good. It's ours.
S un, por favor.
Me COfta Un tfOCitO, pOf faVOf?
Crteme un anaquio, por favor.
Oue tipo de tenda esta?
Necesito probar antes de mercar.
OU tipO de tienda eS eSta?
Necesito probar antes de comprar.
No, we make it here.
Por que non?
POf aU nO?
Yes, it's ours.
Axdame, meu deus,
con quen carallo estou falando?
My God, who am l talkng to?
DOS MO, iCOn aUn eStOy hablandO?
Oue me as un anaco, mamn.
Oue me des un mozo, mamn.
S un anaquio, as.
Slo un trocito. Como una loncha de jamn.
Un anaquio de xamn.
We don't have ham. This is pork shank.
Jess endto.
Xess bendto.
Jesus Chst.
E iso tamn porco?
Y eSO eS CefdO taMbin?
Minced, it's for mincing.
-''Minced face''?
-Meat for mincing.
-Minced meat.
-Thank you, sir.
-You're welcome.
l'll put this back.
Everythng turns out badly.
Everythng goes wrong.
lt'sMe wt0es, as, demons.
l don't cae what Me eason s.
Happy Birthday.
Now you're asking me to go.
-Sort of.
Vladi, tu primo est en casa.
Your cousin's here.
-What are you doing here?
-How are you?
Te presento aTuto Lpez, el futuro
del mundo comercial en Galicia.
Vladi, this is Tuto Lpez,
the future of sales in Galicia.
Vladimir Torres,
a great supporting actor.
With a great future ahead.
Everythng goes wrong.
Everythng goes wrong.
lt'sMe wt0es, as, demons.
l don't cae what Me eason s.
What's up, man?
-How are you?
-How are you?
Podo traballar para ti?
PUedO tfabajaf pafa ti?
Podo traballar para ti?
Son moi bo.
PUedO tfabajaf pafa ti?
Soy muy bueno.
-Podemos repartir el dinero.
-No, trabajo solo.
Despois podemos repartir os cartos.
-Non, eu traballo s, sntoo.
-De acordo.
-Si aUiefeS,. .. OU haCeS? CantaS?
Se queres, podes... Oue fas? Cantas?
Ms bien bailarn. Artista. Algo as.
Eu son mis ben bailarn, sabes?
Showman, algo as.
OUiefeS ChOfilO?
Oueres chourizos?
Comes chourizos?
-COMeS ChOfilO?
-Por que non?
-Non, grazas.
-POf aU?
-No, gracias.
Slo un euro. Son 2 kilos de chorizo.
Muy buenos.
S custan un euro.
Son dous quilos de chourizos,
moi bos, moi bos.
'me, mam.
'me, mam.
Tell me, mom.
D'xame en paz, mam.
Estou maallando.
Djame en paz, mam. Estoytrabajando.
Leave me alone, mom. l'm workng.
We were having breakfast near here.
Estbamos desayunando ah al lado.
And he didn't believe
you were my cousin.
Y l no crea que fueras mi primo.
Ah est. Vladimir en persona.
Here he is, Vladimir in person.
-l can't believe it.
-Good old Vladi!
El viejo Vladi. Monstruo.
-What's up?
l'll bring you a coee.
Os voy a poner un caf...
-No, no, no.
-Wait, wait.
And then
you'll get the fuck out of here.
-No, no, Vladi.
-No problem.
Vladi, we're just passing by.
-l can't believe it.
-l need your help.
No me lo creo.
Esto no lo toquis, por favor.
Don't touch anything here, please.
Well, you can have just a little.
O s. Tomad un poco.
Pero slo un poco. Para abrir boca.
But eat it there.
Pero comed ah. Estoy preparando la mesa
porque viene una mujer.
l'm lamng the table for a woman.
La aUe haCe de COMiSafia?
En la serie ya le quieres atacar.
The one who plays the superintendent.
You won't stop flirting her
in the series.
-No me manchis la mesa.
-Est muy buena.
-Don't stain the table.
-She's really hot.
-Dile que no me haga fotos en casa.
-Tuto, respeta.
Tell him not to take photos.
Tuto, respect.
-Es familia.
-No quiero molestar.
Ests en, mam?
Ace you ok, m?
iEStS ben, MaM?
Vale, volver algn da. Estoy ben.
Vale, volvere algn da.
Ok, l'll go back some day. l'm ne.
Hoyya he comdo.
Tengo unas salchchas muy rcas.
fou en. Hoxe xa comEURn.
l've already eaten.
l've t great sausages.
Teo unhas sal0chas mo \code(0107)cas.
Cmoas todos os das.
I eatMem evecyday.
Las comotos los das.
Xa te chamare. Estou ocupado.
l'll call you back. l'm busy now.
Ya te Ilamar. Estoy ocupado.
l love you, mom. l love you. ye.
Ouote, mam. Ouote, adeus.
Te quero, mam. Te quero, ads.
Everythng goes wrong.
-Encantado de conocerte.
-OK, home. Encantado de coecerte.
Drink a bit.
l'm trying to do the crossword.
l'm trying to work it out.
''Luca, the bullfighter's wife''.
What bullfighter?
''Luca, the bullfighter's wife'',
no idea.
-How many letters?
-1 , 2, 3, 4.
-A famous bullfighter?
-l don't know. Luca, Luca Bos!
-Well done.
-Of course, Luca Bos.
She was married to...
Domingun. l believe he was a playboy.
-He really got around.
That's what they say.
-What's your name?
-And yours?
And t changed.
mer truth changed.
me muM s no goodanoe,
t's changed.
TheuM doesn't exst,
t ddn't change.
-Don't be disgusting.
-Sit down, Tuto.
Tuto, sintate.
Cunto te quiero, to.
l love you, man.
No se puede beber tanto.
-You shouldn't drink so much.
-Here you are.
-Ah est. Tuto, Ilevas aqu...
-Apestas a alcohol. Sintate ah.
-You reek of alcohol, sit down.
-Where do you shoot the series?
- Dnde fabiS?
-No me hagas una entrevista tipo fan.
Don't give me the typical
fan type interview.
-La foto, chap.
-Se la voy a mandar a mi madre.
-Bravo, the photo bravo.
-l'm going to send it to my mother.
OU hay aUe haCef pafa Salif en la tele?
How can you get on TV?
Cousin, don't be dirty.
What's your game?
Don't give him any sugar.
Jeez, the girl's here.
Ah est la chavala.
No, wait a moment.
-enes que firmarme un autgrafo.
-Vete a la mierda.
You have to give me an autograph.
-Come on, stop it.
Yes, l'm coming.
-Please, what's happening here?
-What's wrong?
-Look who's in the kitchen.
-l'm... Are the toilets over there?
My God.
As soon as the doorbell rings
and this person arrives,
you'll fuck o.
-Who are you waiting for?
-2 minutes.
-What do you want now?
Es para mi madre.
lt's for my mother, please.
-Tuto, damn it.
-Come here.
lt's like when l met Torrebruno.
Es como cuando conoc a Torrebruno.
You'd never been compared
with Torrebruno.
Torrebruno to me is an icon.
What's your mother's name?
Yo no quiero molestar.
l don't want to be a nuisance.
Tuto, no saba que tu madre tena
nombre de Medio Oriente.
Your mother didn't know she's got
a Middle Eastern name.
ene nombre de excursin.
Vamos a Palmira.
it sounds like an excursion.
Let's go to Palmira.
Mierda, la fiesta de cumpleaos.
The birthday party!
-lt's today.
-La fiesta es hoy.
-Primera noticia.
-First news.
CMO aUe pfiMefa n OtiCia?
No me haces ni puto caso cuando hablo.
What do you mean first news?
-You never pay attention to me.
-l've got commitments.
-Yo tengo compromisos.
-What commitments?
S. Yo no s qu voy a hacer hoy.
l don't know what l'm doing today.
-Shit. That's mine.
Ouiet, please.
Un poquito de silencio.
Hi, Laura.
Where are you?
What do you mean you can't come?
We arranged to meet now for breakfast.
Don't let him see.
-Yes, who is it?
lt's Sol.
Sol? Shit, what a surprise.
-It's gn a whle.
Sol comng from the past.
Do you want to...
have lunch with me today?
lf you're free.
Yes, l'm free,
l'm playing in the street,
so l stop when l want.
l want to tell you something.
Okay. In 3 hours. Alright?
Do what you have to do,
and then come.
Take care. Bye.
-You playthe guitar too?
-l have news for you.
TOCaS la Uitaffa taMbin?
You can eat everything on the plate.
-My guest's not coming.
No viene mi compaera.
This deserves a hip hip hurrah...
VladiMif eS nOMbfe aftStiCO?
Vladimir's a stage name?
Forget about
the hairdresser thing, ok?
What do you mean?
You don't work in a hair salon.
You're a PE teacher,
with your body you could be.
So l don't work in a hair salon?
If l'm a hairdresser, l'm a fag?
-Where do l work? Tell me.
-PE teacher. In my high school.
Ok, in your high school.
-How are you?
-Fine. And you?
Great. And you?
-What a surprise.
You're a bit bald now.
Fuck. You haven't changed.
Yes, l'm a bit bald.
Hey. Come here.
These strawberries
might not look right either.
Today's my lucky day.
Everything's fantastic.
l'll say that to your brother.
-Sergio, please, don't.
-Todams my lucky day.
Come on, Sergio, please.
Here he is.
No, no, no.
Sergio, please, don't screw me.
ls this my disguise?
No, it'sjust a coincidence.
He, bro!
-How are you?
-Very well.
l've brought someone,
sorry for not warning you.
This isAna, my brother Victor.
-Hello, how are you?
-Pleased to meet you.
Here it is.
You're a cook now.
You didn't have a clue before.
No choice with the little one.
-Right, yes, you've got a kid.
-How old is he?
-He's pretty big now.
-Glasses? Shall l get them?
Yes, they're in the cupboard
bythe door.
So... wine? Do you want some?
Yes, sure.
-This is Sergio.
-Ana and Juan.
-Hello, how are you?
-Pleased to meet you.
Juan Carlos?
Yes, at home they call me Juan.
l feel like l know you
from all the things l've heard.
l hope you like it.
-Let's go.
-Let's go.
You're alone?
Your husband's not here?
He's working.
The little one at school...
and me here.
-Do you like it?
-lt's great.
What's it called?
You've been living here 3 years?
No, more than 4.
-But there were more of you here?
-No, just Sergio and me.
We met at work and share a flat.
-He's a teacher too?
-Yes, PE.
-And you?
-Working on the street.
l don't have a band,
l didn't have a band the last time
we saw each other
l was wandering...
around Europe, Holland quite a bit,
then France, Portugal.
-Just you?
l'd like to get something going.
Form a group or something.
l can learn to play something
and go with you.
Are you sure?
Would you come with me?
Would you come with me?
Yes, but l won't.
Why not?
Because l have a fantastic husband
and a son who needs me.
Do you love him?
Your son sure,
but your husband?
Chicken or fish?
-ls there a choice?
-Any preference?
-Fish for everyone?
-Am l the only one having chicken?
-My god, he also cooks.
-Well, yes.
Flatmate, decorator.
Not a decorator, a PE teacher.
l mean decorator, cook.
Themre flattering you here, Sergio!
-Themre flattering you here.
You could call mom and dad more often.
A couple of weeks ago.
-Damn it.
-Don't worry. Sergio.
l can't hear you
with the extractor fan.
One of your glasses has broken.
Shit, Sol...
-You didn't use to be so.
l don't know, your expression
seems to have changed.
l remember you...
Maybe l shouldn't saythis.
We haven't seen each other
for so long.
l'm happytoday.
You don't seem so.
There's something wrong.
-You're freaking me out.
-No, no, no.
lt's just that.
For the last week l've been...
...dreaming about you.
Nightmares or fun dreams?
Fun dreams,
but l'm married.
-Stupid, isn't it?
l'm going to have a drink.
-Do you want salad?
-Yes, no hurry.
lt's lovely.
l love this flatjust as it is.
As soon as we saw it, we fell in love.
With the flat.
Said like that it sounds strange.
You've dropped that.
-What's youriob, Ana?
-l'm a waitress.
ln Santiago?
Yes, in a hotel bar in Mazarelos
-called ''Trnsito dos Gramticos''.
-You work at Mazarelos?
-They have good food there.
-l don't cook.
-l've never been there.
-You haven't been to Mazarelos?
-That bar no, it doesn't ring a bell.
With the large steaks.
You've been there. Or maybe not.
And what did you dream about?
-Dirty things.
Dirty things.
-Your husband's not coming now?
-No. Why?
l don't know. Just in case.
-He can come when he likes.
-Sure. That's why.
lf you're telling me this,
l wouldn't be happy
if he showed up here.
So you called to tell me this?
Do you think...
Do you think l'm attractive?
Yes, very.
You always were to me.
Why didn't anything happen between us?
l'm not sure.
l think that was
more your fault than mine.
Because you never paid me
much attention.
Or am l wrong?
Because you don't understand us.
Now the second course.
l'm going to see how it is.
This is cold.
-Well, he made it a while ago.
-A bit of a disaster.
When were you in Mazarelos
in that restaurant?
-Next to the Faculty of Philosophy.
-When? Who with?
Alone, eating.
-Are you iealous?
Here you go, jealous boy.
Take it to your brother,
who wants a clean plate.
Alone when?
Alone when?
-Alone when what?
-When were you in Mazarelos?
-Are you serious?
-Just asking.
l've been...
when there was no food at home.
l went there.
-Can you help me here?
Venga. Gracias.
Come on, thanks.
Si queris algo ms...
Do you want anything else?
You've only brought 2 omelettes.
You only ordered 2.
and the scrambled eggs?
HaS entendidO?
Have you understood?
-Mafa nO pUede Venif?
-Est en cama con gripe.
-Mara can't come at all?
-She's in bed with flu.
She's always ill
when we need her most.
Siempre se pone enferma
cuando la necesitamos.
l guess things aren't great
with you and your husband.
We're fine.
Why did you call me?
Because l wanted to see you,
l dream about you.
And because...
Everytime something happened to you,
you used to tell me.
When was the lasttime you made love?
A long time ago.
You don't know anymore?
l suppose l do. l hope so.
How was it in your dreams?
-l don't remember.
You only remember it was dirty.
No, fine.
And you?
lf it were up to my husband,
every day.
But l hardly ever feel like it.
-What a guy.
-Themre all like that.
Except you. You're apathetic.
Bloody hell.
Maybe l'm apathetic.
l don't feel like it.
l can't find anyone...
...l like.
Going out at night, getting drunk,
l just can't be bothered.
And no one wants to get involved
with a street musician.
People might give me some coins
but to think about fucking, no chance.
You're the only person
who has erotic dreams
about a street musician.
-l didn't imagine you with a guitar.
-Fortunately not.
-What are you thinking about?
-How handsome you are.
Even though you're bald.
Ah, hello.
Hi, Laura, how are you?
l've opened the wine,
the salad's on the table,
the grill's on
and the meat's readyto go.
What do you mean ''don't put it on''?
-What's wrong?
-The fish has come apart...
The fish has come apart
removing the salt.
Don't worry.
-He's sorting it out.
-The chicken will be fine.
-No, no, the fish is great.
-Everything will be fine.
-We can call for a pizza.
-No, no, no.
-We should have gone to a restaurant.
l don't know if he cooks every day,
if you usually cook or he does.
Juan, please.
-Are you ioking?
-l'm not. This is fucking crap.
This will be delicious.
You're notjoking?
This is what we are going to do.
No, wait. Laura, listen to me.
Think about it a second.
Stay tonight,
don't tell me you're going to leave.
Laura, please, don't go.
Laura, close your eyes.
Visualize me.
Well, think.
No, l'm not angry.
No, l'm not angr,
l just don't know what to think.
Stu everything.
Think whether
you want to stay tonight.
We'll sort things out.
You can stay in a hotel,
my house or...
...l'll ask you to marry me.
But you're stamng tonight.
You stay tonight
and l'll cook you a fantastic dinner.
Then we'll see
what we do with our lives.
To Laura!
-Thanks a lot, see you later.
Necesitamos a alguien que nos ade,
porque no damos abasto.
We need someone to help us.
-EStS enfadada?
-Are you angry?
No. Estoy cansada.
No, tired.
Yo tambin.
Me too.
Happyto see me?
Yes, but you puzzle me.
As always.
You really puzzle me.
Because you were always
the woman of my life.
You were always the woman
of my life, but...
l haven't heard from you in so long.
Long enough to have no idea
what's happening now.
And l don't know what's happening.
-ES aaU?
-S. 8.
-Yes. 8.
Hay que timbrar 3 veces. Los artistas...
You need to ring 3 times.
-These artists...
-Eh, Jorge. SoyTuto.
-OU tal? SUbid.
-Hey, Jorge, it's Tuto.
-How are you? Come on up.
Pinta lo que quieras. Es para un colega
que est de cumpleaos.
Paint what you like there.
lt's for a mate's birthday.
Sentaos, si queris.
Y cuidado que esto salpica.
Sit down. Be careful, this splashes.
Da igual. Esta ropa no la pondremos ms.
Don't worry.
l don't think we'll be wearing
these clothes again.
Where's she gone?
-You met each other today?
And Marta?
-What about Marta?
-Are you still with Marta?
-Are you stupid?
-lt's a fling.
l don't care, you're my brother first.
Don't say anything because
l haven't mentioned Marta yet.
Careful, there's a fishbone.
Hope we won't have to go
to the hospital.
Un beso. Chao.
Kisses. Bye.
This must be delicious.
Pck up the phone, faggot,
pck t up!
-Very funny.
How nice.
Voy a hacer una prueba para una orquesta.
l'm having an audition
for an orchestra.
Una pfUeba pafa aU?
An audition for an orchestra?
What for?
l don't know
what's going to happen with this.
-Oue no s qu va a pasar con esto.
-COn eStO de aU?
-With what?
-With this house.
Con la casa.
ln what way? l don't understand you.
OU Va a paSaf de aU?
Es que note entiendo.
Voy a hacer una prueba para una orquesta.
l'm going to this audition,
if theytake me,
Si me cogen, no s cunto tiempo
voy a estar fuera.
l don't know how long l'll be away.
CMO aUe VaS a haCef Una pfUeba
para una orquesta?
How come you're going
to audition for a band?
No te enfades.
-Mar, don't get angry.
-Don't get angry?
OUe nO Me enfade?
lt'sjust ajoke message.
Everyone's got them.
l don't think it's appropriate
for a teacher.
l don't think your ring tone...
...is right.
For a teacher.
For a teacher?
lt's a friend of mine who recorded it.
l told Victor that
if l put that,
they'd fire me from work.
-Yes, l have to change it.
-You do indeed.
A m no me parece que est tan mal.
Es un trabajo como otro.
lt doesn't seem that bad to me,
it's ajob like any other.
No es un trabajo como otro.
A pap no le gustara.
No it isn't.
Dad wouldn't like it.
-A mam le encantaba bailar.
-Pero a pap no le hara gracia.
But mom loved to dance.
But dad wouldn't like it at all.
Pero pap no est.
But dad's not here.
What do you want exactly?
l want...
You want more salad?
Then l want
to add this to the salad.
Do you want me to go?
No, why?
Did l do something to you?
-You iust fucked up the salad.
-You didn't want.
Yes, but you didn't have
to fuck it up.
-EStO eS pafa Un CUMpleaOS?
-S. Un colega que est de cumpleaos.
ls this for a birthday present?
For a mate. Lucas, maybe you know him.
Ouiz lo conozcas, Lucas...
HOla? OUefa haCef Un pedidO a dOMiCiliO.
l'd like...
a home deliver, please.
-So, sport's verytough?
-Aren't you a PE teacher?
-Yes, sure.
lt's tough.
You're in great shape.
-Can l help you?
-No, leave it there.
Sorry if what l said
about the food upset you.
lt was a disaster.
But you didn't make it, did you?
We both made it.
The truth is, l'm still a bit hungry.
l don't want to be a nuisance,
-No, ok.
-Come on. If l can't tell you.
-lt's alright.
-lf l can't tell you what l think.
Brothers. Always the same.
You don't have to be like that.
You don't have to be like that,
l don't get it.
Ok, sorry.
l don't see the fucking joke.
-l don't know why l'm laughing.
-l don't see anything funny.
lt's the wine.
Yes, it must be the wine.
l get the giggles.
Have you choked on something?
Lift up your ears.
lt'll clear your throat.
ls this ajoke?
lf you lift up your ears
it opens your throat.
You're veryfunny.
lt may seem nonsense but it's true.
-lf you lift up your ears.
-l don't think it's that funny.
lt's the wine
which is making me laugh.
He has the same problem.
It makes him cough more.
My mother told me, ''lift up your ears
because it unblocks everything''.
ls there anything wrong?
No, damn it.
We don't need to argue now.
-Argue about what?
-Who got angry in the kitchen?
Well, angry. Let's forget it.
-Let's forget it now.
Now we're going to forget it?
Victor, always the same.
l got angry
because you were talking shit.
-You were talking shit, and you know.
-l was talking shit?
-l was talking shit?
-Yes, you were.
Can you give me a kiss?
Well, give me a cigarette.
Damn it, Sol.
-Why don't you want to kiss me?
lt's not that l don't wantto.
Would you find it that hard?
That's what l don't know.
l don't know how hard
it will be for me.
Well, then.
-Do you want a fruit salad?
-No. Fuck.
What's this all about?
Don't you want a fruit salad?
l've made it for you.
l'm not hungry.
-l'm not comfortable.
Because l'm not.
l am.
-Have l missed something?
-No, nothing, it's private.
Don't cry.
What bothers you is the truth,
as always.
Come on, let's eat.
-What bothers me is your bullmng.
-l've been bullmng you?
Yes, and you've been picking
on Sergio.
What bothers you is that?
-Was he having a go at me?
That really bothers me,
cause you show no respect.
And haven't you been
disrespecul to me?
With your fucking attitude, this meal.
What fucking attitude?
l made this meal specially for you.
What's your problem?
ls itthe cold food? The food's shit?
Tell me what the fuck's wrong.
Let's talk.
-You want to talk? Come.
-No. Let's talk here.
-No, iust you and me.
-lf you want, we can go.
Ok. Just you and me.
l've had enough of this shit.
-What's bothering you?
-And you?
-l'm not comfortable.
What are you thinking about?
Maybe you're not wrong.
l'm not wrong, l smell things.
What do you smell?
Tell me what you smell.
Show me the other room.
There is no other room.
There's only one room,
any problem?
l'm a hairdresser.
Sorry, l'm very nervous.
Any problem Juan?
There's only one room. Ok?
How can you do this?
Are you going to stop loving me?
-How will you tell mom and dad?
-l don't have to tell them.
How can you think
you don't have to tell them?
lt's not that important,
why does it matter?
-l feel ashamed.
-Juan, don't.
And you should have told me.
-How have things changed?
-What's changed?
You're fooling me.
l'm not fooling you.
You don't fool your brother
or your parents.
This is how things are.
Are you going to stop loving me?
l'm telling this so you listen.
l feel lonely.
lt seems quite normal to me.
Maybe it seems strange to you,
or l seem strange, but...
if l'm alone all day,
then it's quite normal for me
to behave like this.
Because l'm bored.
That's it.
Sorry, Sol.
l didn't want you to feel bad.
l'm really sorry.
l thought you were making fun of me.
And we haven't seen each other
for so long.
Here, a present,
it's the latest in brooches.
ls it the crab of peace?
Poor things,
they were alive only a moment ago.
Like you.
l'm sorr, this is who l am.
l've spent years not knowing
how the hell to tell you,
this is who l am.
This is who l am.
Are they crmng?
lf l find out
that my little brother
has been fooling me all my life.
l'd bejust as angry.
-How long have you known?
-Don't talk rubbish.
What do you mean
how long have l known?
All along, idiot.
l don't understand it,
l don't know
what we've done wrong.
What did you do wrong?
Can you hear yourself?
l'm your brother, damn it.
What a soap opera,
alright, he's a fag.
Shall we tell them.
What's that bitch l brought samng?
How could l bring her along?
Juan, l swear l'd kill you right now.
-l'd kill you right now, l swear it.
-You'd kill me?
l feel like kicking
the shit out of you.
Why? Because l tell the truth?
That's what bothers you,
l tell the truth,
while you live in your world of lies.
Someone tells you the truth
-and you kick the shit out of him.
-What truth?
-That's your problem.
-What truth?
What l'm telling you,
that's the truth.
What's the truth?
What are you talking about?
What's the truth and what's not?
-What truth?
-That's what l'm telling you...
...you like living a lie,
so live a lie.
What lie?
It's myfucking life, asshole!
My fucking life, It's my life!
lt's my life!
Tuto, vaya estampa.
Fuck! What an image!
What's wrong?
A life of suering this one. Thanks.
Like Noah said,
now wait for it to dry.
Ya lo dijo No, ahora que seque.
Look, l'm sorry.
You know what l mean?
l'm sorry.
l don't like my brother
living with you.
-l like to speak my mind.
-Me too.
-lf you don't want to hear the truth.
-No, please, speak your mind.
l can act all innocent.
One moment, damn it.
Look, Ana, sorry...
Since you've got me involved in this,
l'm going to say what l think.
You seem a bit rude.
l like your brother
and his bomriend... his husband.
l don't dislike him either.
You don't like him because you haven't
bothered getting to know him
l'm just saying l don't like this.
Well if you don't like it,
get the fuck out of here.
Fine, l'll fuck o and you stay here
in your fucking house.
But he's your brother, damn it.
Are my hands cold?
Sol, please.
You're so sad.
Oh, God.
You know what l'd have
given for this 10 years ago?
You'd have had more energy in you.
l'm sorry if you don't like
the way l see things,
but it's too late to change now.
l'm not asking you to change,
it's not for me to do so,
or disagree with what you think
or how you feel.
l'm just saying today
is an important dayfor him
and even though he's a man l love him
and l'll look after him
as if l were his brother.
Did you know my son
had a nightmare last night?
He dreamt that a dinosaur ate him.
-l should go now, shouldn't l?
Ok, bye.
Good luck.
Let's finish the meal, ok?
-l've gotta go or l'll miss the plane.
-Come on.
-And call mom.
-Call her.
-Yes, l will.
-You don't want me to go with you?
-Bye, Victor.
-Bye, have a good trip.
Well, then, l.
Aqu tienes la comida.
-There's your food.
Chinese food.
Comida china.
Well done. Keep on smoking.
-Dale al tabaco, hostia.
-Cllate. Pareces tu madre.
Shut up, you soundjust like your mom.
En teora no se puede fumar.
Actually you can't smoke here.
-Estoy harto de que no se pueda fumar.
-Eres el jefe.
Or anywhere. l'm fed up
with not being able to smoke.
-You're the boss.
-lf you can't smoke in the office.
Si no puedo fumar en mi oficina...
This place won't take 50 of us.
Aqu no cabemos 50.
-Happy birthday.
-Just what we needed!
Hi there, Ara!
-What's up?
Happy birthday!
-Have you come alone?
-Yes, alone. Don't remind me.
-VieneS SOla?
-Vengo sola. No me hables...
ln a hurryto start partmng?
TeniS MUChaS anaS de fieSta?
Happy Birthday.
A aUe nO SabeS lO aUe eS?
Un CD. Lo adivinaste.
You guessed it's a CD, right?
Jesus Christ!
l haven't got equipment
big enough to play it with.
-No s si tendr aparato para reproducirlo.
-Ya lo dijo Nacho Vidal.
Just what the porn actor
Nacho Vidal said.
lf at least l wasjnxed,
l could pass on my bad luck.
ut that's neveMe case;
l always end up the schmuck.
l had a last-minute meeting with Pepe,
the head of department.
-l've onlyiust arrived.
-How are you?
-Great, this place is lovely.
-You like it?
This is today's tasting menu,
and the ordinary menu is on the back.
-What matters is that you feel good.
-l feel good if you let me do things.
-El que tiene que estar a gusto eres t.
-Yo estoy a gusto...
No ests a gusto...
si no crees en lo que hacemos.
You can't feel good unless
you believe in what we're doing.
-l do feel all right.
-The day you're in charge,
El da que Ileves la empresa
haces lo que quieras.
you can do what you fucking want,
and choose the songs yourself,
Montas los temas que quieras,
el ruido Rolling Stone. Lo que quieras.
whatever you want,
the ''rolling stone noise'',
whatever you fucking want.
lf you relied on me a little more.
Si contaras ms conmigo.
l'm leaving this bloody business soon.
Yo en nada dejo este mundo de mierda.
You think l like
spending every day on the road,
O CfeeS aUe Me USta eStaf
tocando laflauta con fro, calor...?
come rain or come shine?
l'm too old for all that crap now.
Yo ya no estoy para eso.
Who you think
l'm leaving the business to?
Pafa aUin CfeeS aUe Va a Sef
Ia empresa? Para ti.
To you.
And then you can do as you please.
Despus haz lo que quieras.
Pero hasta ahora nos ha ido bien as.
But so far
things have worked out fine.
Tanta mierda, tanto rock'n'roll.
All that bullshit about rock'n'roll.
lt's the old people
who pay us to play,
Ouien paga es la gente mayor.
Y quiere msica de bailar. No ruido.
and what they want to hear is
pasodobles, cumbias and dance music,
not noise.
We're always arguing
aboutthe same thing.
Siempre con la misma discusin.
Va a venir la chica y nos va a coger
de mala hostia.
This girl's going to turn up,
find us at each other's throats
and she'll tell us
to fuck ourselves and walk away.
Se va a marchar y nos va a mandar
a tomar por culo.
There she is.
-Hi, how are you? Come on in.
Soy Rosana Castro.
-l'm Rosana Castro.
-How are you?
EnCOntfaSte bien el SitiO?
-Was the place easyto find?
Pasa. Es all al final.
Well come in,
we're in the room at the end.
-How are you?
-Hi, l'm Nito.
-l'm Rosana.
EURl es Nito, mi hijo.
Ella es Rosana.
-This is my son.
-Delighted to meet you.
You've caught us
in the middle of supper.
Nos coges con revoltiio general.
Estbamos cenando.
-Don't worry.
-We were going to have supper.
No pasa nada.
You look great.
Ages since you last said that.
What's the matter, anything important?
l may go back to Barcelona.
For a short period?
No, for good.
Have you sung in other bands?
-HaS eStadO en alUna OfaUeSta?
No, never.
-ES la pfiMefa Vel? Te USta la MSiCa?
-Am me gusta cantar.
lt's your first time? Why?
You like music?
Yes, l love singing.
You love singing...
Mind if we start eating?
Te iMpOfta aUe CeneMOS?
A Nito le gusta la comida china.
Nito loves Chinese food.
lt's delicious.
He only likes mom's food.
Est rica.
A l si no es la comida de mi madre...
Pues tenemos un escenario mvil.
Ahora las orquestas...
-we've got a mobile stage.
-lt's fashion.
-Es la moda.
-Cuando empec eran 4 cosas.
When l started,
we hardly had any equipment.
Ahora es carsimo.
Esto es espectculo.
But now it's show business
and expensive.
And Nito wants itto grow,
Nito quiere modernizarse.
and all that nonsense.
Piensa que el dinero lo regalan.
He thinks money grows on trees.
What's up, myfriend?
-OU tal, aMiO?
-CMO eStS?
-Oue tal, amigo?
-Como ests?
Bien, yt?
Ben, e ti?
OUiefeS Una CefVela?
Oueres unha cervexa?
-OUiefeS ChOfilOS?
-No, gracias.
-Oueres chourizos?
-Non, gracias.
Son buenos.
Son moi bos.
Adoro los chorizos. En mi pas
Ios comemos todos los das.
Gstanme os chourizos.
No meu pas commolos cada da.
-De dnde efeS?
De onde es?
-COnOCeS MaCedOnia?
-S. Pero slo en el mapa.
Macedonia, sabes onde ?
Si, pero s no mapa.
Es un pas pequeo.
EUR un pas pequeno.
Alma grande pero pas pequeno.
Un alma grande. Pero un pas pequeo.
EStS tfiSte. POf aU?
Ests triste.
Por que ests tan triste?
EUR a vida.
La vida.
Estabas ms feliz por la maana.
Estabas mis contento pola ma.
-My dear cousin...
-What ace you d\code(0143)ng at he?
OU haCeS en CaSa?
Come hece,
there are some lovely brds
Ven, que hay unas tas y un churrasco...
patata minuta.
and a great barbecue.
Look, you've got a problem,
you never listen.
Primo, es que no escuchas.
Estoy preparando una cena.
l'm making dinner.
Hey, that's my Vladi!
-Come on, ioin us!
-l will.
l'll go later if l can, l promise,
but right now l'm fine here at home,
the night promises
to be really lively.
Sempre o mesmo problema.
Es siempre el mismo problema.
Rapazas, mulleres.
Puedo explicarlo todo sobre ordenadores,
cohetes, coches...
Podo explicarcho todo
sobre ordenadores...
...foguetes, coches...
Pero sobre as mulleres non sei nada.
pero sobre las muieres no s nada.
Es demasiado complejo.
EUR tan complicado que non sei.
Ouen sabe?
Non hai mulleres en Macedonia?
NO hay MUjefeS en MaCedOnia?
Si, pero son a mesma merda.
S. Son la misma mierda.
Me escap de una as.
Escapei dunha as.
TenaS nOVia all?
as moza al?
Durante diez aos, pero ya no me quiere.
Tvena durante dez anos
pero xa non me quere.
Unha ma decidiu
que xa non me necesitaba.
Una maana decidi
que no me necesitaba.
As que marchei. Colln as cousas,
e marchei de Macedonia.
Cog mis cosas
y me pir de Macedonia.
On que isto era a fin do mundo.
O que ste era el fin del mundo.
Oue mis al non hai nada.
E vin velo.
Oue ms all no hay nada.
Y vine a verlo.
Sempre o mesmo.
Siempre es lo mismo.
Sntoo, to.
Lo siento, to. Mi historia es diferente.
A mia historia
completamente diferente.
Unha muller que nunca me quixo.
Una mujer nunca me quiso.
Bueno, quiz me quiso... hace tiempo.
Ou, se cadra si que me quixo...
hai tempo.
E que ocorreu?
Y aU paS?
Ten marido, sabes?
ene marido.
-Gonna brush your teeth?
Bye, love.
-Well then.
-The crabs have been a great surprise.
What are we celebrating?
-That we're alive.
-Oh, ok, very interesting.
l've been thinking about it
all day long.
Why did you have a beer
at 8 o'clock in the morning?
-What if we start living together?
-ln Barcelona?
No, wherever you want.
-But we're fine like this.
Ok, l'm fine like this.
And you aren't?
Victor, l love you,
l want to be with you,
if you don't give me more, l won't...
Next, we have the vegetable tempura
and ancho sauce.
l don'tthink drinking a beer
for breakfast every morning
is the best example for your son.
Think about it because
l don't want
to see you doing it again.
Teo, l wanna go
and spend a few days...
in Lanzarote...
with Gael.
l don't know how to get to the games.
Let's see... menu.
No, you've just opened the calendar.
Look for it there.
-There it is, on the menu.
You want to go with Gael to Lanzarote?
You want to go with Gael to Lanzarote.
And when did you decide that?
This morning.
You get up this morning, have a beer
and decide you want to go
to Lanzarote with my son
a week to think.
What is it you need to think about?
lf l want to stay with you or not.
What's this you've brought me?
OU hay aaU? CUlebfaS?
My God.
We can put the music now.
-Si quieres ponemos algo de msica.
-La primera cancin.
Make yourself comfortable.
You learn the lics?
-SabeS la letfa?
-S. Es a lo que vengo.
Yes, that's really what l've come for.
Stand wherever you want,
that'll do fine.
Ponte donde quieras.
-Le pOneS la MSiCa, NitO?
-Nito, can you turn on the music?
-l'm very nervous.
-Don't worry.
-Estoy un poco nerviosa.
-Tranquila, mujer.
Walkng along the seashore.
Yendo por la orlla del mar.
Rumon una sa en la caa.
Feelng the sea breeze on myface.
Son mnes que volvern.
A la terra en donde pude nacer.
Memores that stayfresh n my mnd.
The land whece I was cn.
A la terra a la que sempre he vuelto.
me landMat l've alwam
come back to.
Hi, Laura, it's me, Vladimir.
l'm lamng
the two plates on the table.
Now l'm filling your plate
with pasta al dente
with a little spicy sauce,
garlic and oregano.
l guess you're bound to arrive soon.
l'm waiting for you,
give me a call.
My land, besde the sea.
erra, junto al mar, amgo mo.
Tiea, junto al mac, amgo mo.
Est muy bien.
-That's fine. Very good.
-Very good.
-Wanna drink?
-OUiefeS Un tfaUitO de aUa?
Yes, just a glass of water.
Muy bien. enes una voz muy bonita.
-Great, you've got a lovely voice.
-Yes, it's lovely.
Accept me as l am,
Acptame como soy
y me quedac a tu lado.
and l'll staymth you.
Con'go puedo sen'r,
contgo todo es mejor.
Everythng s better wth you.
Derent, yet so alke.
Dferentes, ytan ales
Somos stntos, pero da gual.
We'ce ecent,
ut t esn't mate.
Eat slowly.
Come despacio.
Keep on going.
Sigue, sigue.
Dale un poco de agua.
Maybe some water.
He, Dad.
Oh, my God.
Hola, estamos en el local
de Noche de Gala.
We're at Noche de Gala's
rehearsal room.
Bring an ambulance quickly.
Traed una ambulancia rpido.
And you've cooked me crabs
as a going away meal?
l've cooked them... for Gael.
-For Gael?
Gael wanted crabs for dinner?
He likes them.
Teo, l don't know
what's the matter with me.
l'm not against you going o
for four days
to Lanzarote or wherever.
What l don't understand
is why do so without telling me.
l'm telling you now.
l don't know, we can think about it.
l'm thinking about it on my own
and l'm telling you about it.
l've thought about it
and so l'm telling you:
l want to go to Lanzarote with my son
to decide what l want to do
with my marriage.
Because l'm not happy
and l deserve to be happy
like anyone else.
-Are you happy with me?
-l am.
Because l adore my son
and l like the life we lead.
Ests moi triste, amigo.
Anmate un pouco.
Ests muytriste, amigo. Anmate.
Hai dous billns de mulleres
neste mundo.
Hay 2 billones de mujeres en el mundo.
Un billn est na China,
pero temos un billn para ns.
Un billn est en China,
pero hay otro un billn para nosotros.
A vida tan rara.
La vida es extraa.
La gente necesita amor.
A xente necesita amor.
EUR certo.
-Es verdad.
-Todos necesitamos amor.
-Por algunha razn, certo.
-Todo o mundo necesita amor.
We can find...
another place for you,
to live with other people.
l don't want another place,
l want to live with you.
l seem your lover.
There's nothing tying you down,
you're freer than a potato.
l want to be with you.
What are you afraid of?
-What am l afraid of?
-You want me to tell you?
Right now l live alone,
but l don't feel lonely.
What l'm afraid, no, terrified of,
is of you moving in.
And then one da,
you'll leave.
And l'll feel lonely.
l don't feel lonely right now,
l lead a good life,
l have my life,
l have a wonderful
-You know what l don't want?
-To suer.
-And you don't care if l suer.
Of course l care.
How will l tell my mother?
CMO le diO eStO a Mi Madfe?
Calm down.
Let's wait for the doctor to come.
An no ha Ilegado la ambulancia.
-Espera a que Ilegue el mdico.
-CMO le VOy a deCif eStO a Mi Madfe?
How can l tell my mother?
What happened?
-OU ha paSadO?
-Es mi padre.
lt's my father.
His heart's not beating.
No le late el corazn.
Fuma muchsimo
ytuvo un problema de pulmn.
He's a hea smoker
and he had a lung problem.
Vamos a ponerlo en el suelo.
Let's lie him down on the floor.
CMO Se IlaMa?
-What's his name?
Dad. Come on.
-You know what this is?
-lt's a crab.
-A dead animal.
And you're dead?
What's happened?
OU ha paSadO?
-What happened?
-Calm down.
OU ha paSadO?
-Calm down.
Oh, my God.
No lo entiendo.
Non o entendo.
Oue morra tanta xente
por construr estes edificios.
Tanta gente muerta por construir
eStOS edifiCiOS. Pafa aU?
Para que?
SabeS lO aUe SinifiCa?
-Sabes o que significa?
-Ouintana de mortos?
-ES Una plala pafa lOS MUeftOS?
-As que unha praza para os mortos?
Pues en Macedonia brindamos as
por los muertos.
Pois en Macedonia
brindamos as polos mortos.
-This'll kill my mom.
-ls your mother here?
-A mi madre le va a dar algo.
-ESt pOf aaU?
She's at home.
-Est en casa.
-Si quieres la vamos a ver.
lf you want,
we can go and check on her too.
No podemos ir
porque a mi madre le da algo.
We can't go because this is going
to break her heart.
Well it's her you should be with
right now.
Pues es con quien
tenis que estar ahora.
Do you want me to go with you
to talk to your mother?
OUiefeS aUe te aCOMpae
a casa de tu madre?
What a scene.
They haven't even noticed.
They may have been surprised at first,
seeing you and me together,
but now they couldn't care less.
They've realized
we're not father and daughter.
Really... please...
-Can l take your plates?
-Would you like a coee?
-Machine deca.
-No. With saccharine.
Mind if l leave you alone
with your coee?
Mind giving me a kiss before you go?
Just go.
Hi, Laura.
lf anything's happened,
give me a call.
But l've been thinking,
maybe ours is an impossible story.
if you return to the world
of the living,
give me a call and l'll pick you up.
Meanwhile l'm going out with friends.
Big kiss, bitch. Bye.
Oue iso?
OU eS eSO?
Para alegrar o corazn.
Alegra el corazn.
Podemos tocar xuntos.
-Podemos tocar juntos.
-Si me dejas, me gustara.
Se me deixas tocar contigo,
Si, toquemos algo.
Venga, toquemos algo.
-Como te chamas?
-Spasek, e ti?
-CMO te IlaMaS?
-Y t?
-Encantado de coecerte, Edu.
-Encantado de coecerte, to.
-Encantado de conocerte.
Desde Macedonia.
-Dende Macedonia.
-Directamente dende Macedonia.
Directamente desde Macedonia.
Slo para ustedes por 1 euro. Venga.
S para vostedes.
S por un euro.
Vamos. Vamos. Vamos.
Tenemos chorizos.
Temos chourizos.
Lo siento mucho.
l'm very sorry.
OUiefeS Cantaf en la OfaUeSta?
You want to sing in the band?
We clean up tomorrow, ok?
-To Macedonia.
-And Galicia.
Por Macedonia
Por Macedonia.
E Galicia.
Y Galicia.
Por Macedonia y Galicia.
Por Macedonia e Galicia.
To Macedonia and Galicia.