1920 London (2016) Movie Script

Greetings, Princess!
You're my daughter, Shivangi.
But don't forget...
after your wedding,
your real home is with your in-laws.
Did you inform them...
about your arrival?
lf l wanted to inform them...
then l would've written
two letters, mother.
But l only came here to share
my troubles... and not add to them.
Sajjangarh is not too far from here...
and the news of your arrival
won't stay hidden from them.
Their daughter-in-law
returned from England...
and went home directly.
This could infuriate them.
They've lost the right
to get angry, brother.
What scares me is that...
you may lose your cool,
when you find out the truth.
Stop talking in riddles...
You know l like talking
straight to the point.
She will if you let her.
Please speak.
What's wrong with the Prince?
Everything was fine
until the 21st of April.
Veer saa' Law exams were over...
and the results were due soon.
"Now that... you're right before me..."
"l wonder what's wrong with me."
"You're making my heart..."
"skip a beat with your eyes."
"Where did you... learn this new trick?"
"l am with you
everywhere... like a shadow."
"Without you... l am nothing."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
"l was unaware... of the moment..."
"O beautiful."
"May we stay like this... forever."
"So be it."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
Greetings, Veer.
Out there, in the distant land,
you're the pride of entire Mewad...
and not just Sajangarh alone.
Today, on the eve
of our annual festival...
please accept this
humble gift and grace us.
Yours sincerely,
Chief Bansarilal Bismil.
"When you're with me..."
"there's nothing else l wish for."
"When you smile... for me..."
"l'll lay out my heart."
"l am with you
everywhere... like a shadow."
"Without you... l am nothing."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
"l was unaware... of the moment..."
"O beautiful."
"May we stay like this... forever."
"So be it."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
"Beautiful... Beautiful."
Dhani saa...
Dhani saa!
Dhani saa... what's wrong with you?
Kesar Maa...
Kesar Maa!
Yes, madam.
Tell the driver to get the car.
- We've to go to the hospital.
- Right.
Medical tests performed...
and blood samples were
sent to bigger hospitals.
Before l could ask
the doctor anything...
Dhani saa...
Dhani saa... what's happening to you?
What's happening to you?
Dhani saa... what's happening to you?
Dhani saa...
l'll go call the doctor.
- Doctor... come quickly.
- What happened?
My husband, doctor..
Doctor please come with me.
Oh my, God.
Get me Lignocaine 20 mg... Quickly.
What is wrong with him, doctor?
lf l am not mistaken, Mrs. Veer...
your husband is
suffering from Tetanus.
lt's a very rare condition.
lt affects only one
in a thousand people.
The disease was discovered
in Germany by a Japanese doctor.
But no cure has been found yet.
The doctor was explaining to me...
but l couldn't understand anything.
Except for the fact...
that medical science had
not found a cure for his disease.
My only solace was...
that he would fall asleep
for a while after the injection.
And get some rest too.
Excuse me, ma'am.
There's a call for
you from your residence.
- George, take me home.
- Yes, madam.
Please hurry up.
This is Black Magic...
The doctor can't cure
him with his injections.
Kesar Maa... why would
anyone use Black Magic...
on a nice guy like him?
He never even raised
his voice on anyone.
You were born in a country
of Mahabharat and Ramayana!
You'll find Kekeyi and
Duryodhan at every corner.
The Prince's step-mother
never loved him.
And that's why His Highness...
sent the prince away
for studies when he was a kid.
So that he isn't affected
by the ambiance at home.
But the young queen knew...
as long as the Prince is alive... her
own blood can never ascend the throne.
And so... she plotted this
ruse when the king grew old.
How dare they... harm our Prince!
Come Surya Pratap!
Let's go talk to them!
One needs water to douse the fire.
But this fire is invisible
to the naked eye.
What do you think?
You'll go accuse them...
and they'll quietly
admit their crimes?
l can kill my enemy whenever l want.
But right now... my motive
is to save our Prince.
So... are we just going
to sit idle, father?
l never said that.
ln order to give them a fitting reply...
we must do it in their language.
Prepare to go meet Baba.
l am sure he has an antidote
for this Black Magic.
Hail Maha Kali!
Did you get... all the ingredients
l asked for, your highness?
Yes, Baba.
Baba, why did you ask for this mirror?
Through the naked eye one can
only see his reflection in the mirror.
And if we look closely...
the mirror is the reflection
of the entire world.
The only difference is...
there's a world that
resides in this mirror too.
A world... that's parallel to ours.
Normally people from this world...
are forbidden to go in their world,
and they're forbidden to enter our world.
But when some spirit breaks the law...
and troubles the
people in this world.
Then, in order to bind her...
l've to break certain rules as well.
But what will you do
with this picture, Baba?
This picture will
draw that spirit to us...
who's been making Veer suffer.
And l'll bind her with my spell...
and free Veer forever.
Your Highness...
That evil spirit... turned out
to be more powerful than l expected..
l cannot do this, your Highness.
lf you refuse to help us... then
our hopes will be shattered.
Your Highness... there's
only one person on this earth...
who can save the Prince now?
And your family knows him really well,
your Highness.
Tell me the truth, uncle.
What's everyone hiding from me?
Why doesn't anyone want
to go see the Mewadwale Baba?
Uncle... you've always
treated me like a daughter.
For my sake... don't
hide anything from me.
Fine, Princess...
Mewadwala Baba is none other than Jai.
Jai Singh Gujjar.
My daughter's getting
married in two months.
We've tried all sorts
of medicines... and prayers.
But to no use.
Now... only you can perform some miracle.
You're an elder...
don't embarrass me.
Everything will be fine.
Who did you bring to protect
your daughter this time?
He can't save your dear daughter,
Pratap Singh.
He's been behind bars
for five years himself.
And do you know what his crime was?
Pratap Singh... please go out.
Yes, but...
Look... you won't be able
to see what happens here next.
Now tell me who you are?
And why are you after this poor girl?
Then listen carefully.
One evening... l was sitting
on the banyan tree..
And she... was returning from the fair.
As soon as she lost her way...
and took the dirt road...
l lost my heart to her.
That's it... l possessed her.
Now go back to where you came from.
Or else l'll make you suffer.
A prisoner... is going to save this girl...
with the art he learned in jail.
From me?
What are you doing?
As long as it's in my hand... it's
the holy water of Ganga.
But for you...
it's like acid.
Stop blabbering and go away!
- Leave this girl's body.
- l won't!
Did you hear? l won't.
She's mine... only mine.
lf she can't be mine... then
l won't let anyone have her.
We can never repay this favor.
But this is a small
token for your efforts.
l didn't learn this art
from my guru to earn money.
Your daughter needs these
jewelries more than l do.
l only want is an
invitation to her wedding.
The royal chariot...
parked outside this pauper's home.
There must be a reason behind it.
Princess Shivangi
has returned from abroad.
She wants to meet you.
l don't care what she wants.
But... right now...
l want you to take
her message and leave.
l don't want to meet your Princess.
- But son...
- Enough, uncle.
You're elder to me...
so l am requesting you.
lf you ever come back again...
or mention the princess
to me... then l might disrespect you.
What a dilemma!
You don't want to go with me...
and l can't leave without you.
l'll wait for you outside.
Lies... lies... all lies.
You've been lying
to me for four years.
The truth is that...
you don't have the courage
to talk to my father.
lt's not about courage, Shivangi.
lt's about the opinion
these royal people have...
about ordinary people like us.
l am not scared of your father.
l am scared of myself.
Because you know l won't
be able to endure his refusal.
And what if father gets
me married to someone else?
Will you be able to endure that?
Stay here... l'm going to tell father...
that l am ready to
marry any guy of his choice.
"Why upset..."
"Don't be angry with me."
"l can't even breathe... without you."
"l wonder why..."
"Let it stay... in your love..."
"Let me stay..."
"Let me float in your dreams."
"Let it happen."
"l'm the dewdrops of your dawn."
"l am your destiny."
"lt's always there..."
"the impression
of your lips on mine."
"l can feel it..."
"your presence in the lonely nights."
"l can feel..."
"felt like... you just touched me."
"l'm the dewdrops of your dawn."
"l am your destiny."
"l'm the dewdrops of your dawn."
"l am your destiny."
What are you looking for?
Your life line's smaller than mine.
These fate lines cannot
predict anyone's destiny...
lt's nonsense.
Don't laugh.
lf anything happens to you...
then what about me?
lf l ever have to leave you...
then l won't go even if l am dead.
Are you crazy?
Now our lines are similar.
We'll live together...
die together.
"lt's necessary..."
"Just like the air's
necessary... to breathe."
"you're a necessity for me."
"Our love will exist
for ages to come..."
"and it's been there forever."
"l'm the dewdrops of your dawn."
"l am your destiny."
"l'm the dewdrops of your dawn."
"l am your destiny."
Were you expecting someone
else in these caves?
What's so special about
that... ordinary shepherd...
that we blue-blooded men don't have?
Rana saa... if you weren't
the husband of my aunt...
How else would l have
set my eyes on a girl like you?
You're the only one...
in that huge palace.
And if some no-good
shepherd swoops you away...
then what's the point of being
born in such a high-class family?
Rana saa... leave me, or else...
Or else what?
You'll tell everyone that...
you were fooling around
with that lowlife shepherd.
Your betterment lies
in compromising with me.
You take care of me...
and l'll take care of
your little secret forever.
Jai, stop.
Jai, let Rana saa go.
For my sake, Jai... let Rana saa go!
This is royal blood...
You'll have to pay dearly for this.
Your honor, the truth is...
that Jai Singh and the Princess
know each other really well.
And they are friends.
Whatever Jai Singh
did... was to save himself.
That's a lie, your honor.
How can the accused Jai
Singh and the Princess be friends?
A Princess... and a shepherd!
Where can they possibly meet?
l think we shouldn't
waste the court's time...
with such absurd arguments.
And so... l would like to
call upon my next witness.
Princess Shivangi!
Princess Shivangi...
have you met this man...
Jai Singh Gujjar, before?
Please answer in 'yes' or
'no' for the court's convenience.
ls he your friend?
Let's skip that.
Can you tell the court...
what happened with you that day?
Rana Jagpratap Singh is my uncle.
He will never think ill for me.
l know Jai Singh...
he came to our court.
But he's not my friend.
Shivangi, what are you saying?
Tell them what happened with you.
You've no right to speak in-between!
Please speak without
any fear or hesitation.
This man didn't just trouble me...
in fact he also
said that he won't rest...
until he doesn't make me his.
That's a lie. She's lying.
- Shivangi, what's wrong with you?
- Silence!
Don't interfere with
the court's proceedings!
When Rana Jagpratap
Singh learned about this...
he went to see him in order
to save the honor of our family.
But he didn't just ignore
his age... but his stature too.
And attacked him.
lt's a lie. She's lying.
What are you saying, Shivangi?
Shivangi, why don't you
tell them that you love me?
Shivangi... look at me.
Shivangi... look into my eyes
and say that you don't know me.
The court finds Jai
Singh Gujjar guilty...
and sentences him
to 5 years of imprisonment.
Why did you do it?
lt took me very long to understand...
that the royal family honor
is more important than any relation.
Those who live in palaces... should
always support royalty.
And not some ordinary shepherd.
Uncle... l said l won't come!
Go away!
Uncle, l...
l know... you don't want to see me.
But only you can help me, Jai.
And if he isn't freed from
that spirit's clutches soon...
then he'll be dead, Jai.
Well... the so-called aristocrats...
finally need the help
of an ordinary shepherd.
l know l am your culprit.
But why punish an innocent man for it.
l beg you... please save my husband.
Please save Veer.
Your love might've been a joke,
but my hatred is real.
You didn't care for my
love... so why should l do for you?
l've heard that you learnt
this art in order to help others.
Veer Saa is one of those people...
who needs you and your art.
How can you punish someone else...
for whatever happened
between us, Jai.
Think about it...
lf some other girl
had come begging to you...
to save her husband's life,
what would you have done?
Would you have disappointed her too?
lf that's the case, then fine...
For others l do it free of charge...
but l will take a high-fee
for this job from you royal people.
Nothing is more valuable
than Veer Saa's life for me.
Just come to London
with me... and save his life.
Kesar Maa...
How's he, Kesar Maa?
ls he fine?
Don't go inside, madam.
Please don't go inside.
What l saw in bits and
pieces this entire month...
you won't be able to see it suddenly.
Don't go inside.
Don't go inside!
You won't be able see him.
You won't...
You didn't do anything wrong
by bringing me here, Shivangi.
This spirit has completely
possessed your husband's body.
She's a witch...
that's stealing Veer Singh's age...
and his strength.
lf we don't do something soon...
then it'll be difficult to save him.
We have... only a week's time.
Then do something, Jai! Do something.
Perform some rituals... or
take any measure you want..
But... but please save him,
Jai... please save him.
Of course... l will save him.
But for that... we must take him home.
Strange... he's your husband,
it's your decision.
Whether you get him treated
here or someplace else...
who's the doctor to decide?
That's what l told him.
But the doctor said
that he'll discharge him...
but if anything happens
to him after that...
then l will be
completely responsible.
And l must give him
in writing as well.
So, what's the problem?
Maybe not today but this
can be a problem in future.
God forbid,
if anything happens to him...
then my in-laws will
hold me responsible.
There's one way.
That's the difference
between good and bad spirits.
Bad spirits can't stop thinking
about physical pleasures...
even after they've left their body.
Especially... the taste.
And that's why sometimes we use...
meat and alcohol in order
to attract these bad spirits.
Mrs. Veer,
we're educated people living...
in the age of science
and medical revolution.
l am shocked that you
still believe in Black Magic.
What you're suggesting
is... quite frankly...
not only nonsensical...
but also ridiculous.
Please, doctor.
You promised me five minutes.
Five minutes is all
l am asking you for.
Please, doctor.
lf you insist!
What is in that piece of cloth?
You will find out, doctor.
Please, be patient.
Now ask him to come to
the Prince's room with us.
Wipe your tears, Shivangi.
As long as l am here...
nothing will happen to your Veer Saa.
Can l see those pictures?
lf your in-laws have done this...
then only mantras are
not enough to get the job done.
They must have found
some medium... or method...
to send this evil spirit here.
Think carefully...
Did they send something to eat?
Or did someone bring
some kind of offerings...
coconut, flowers anything
that which they sent...
and it's still in the house.
No, l can't think
of anything like that.
How's this possible?
Without a medium...
from thousands of miles.
there's something
that you're missing.
Someone did send a
gift from lndia.
What gift? Who? When did he send it?
Few days ago we received
a locket through mail.
What now, Jai?
First... we must neutralize
what has already happened.
There must be a river or stream here?
3 miles away... the Thames River.
We must wait for nightfall.
3 o'clock at night...
is when both the quarters meet.
We must immerse the
locket... at exactly 3 o'clock.
Have you by-hearted the mantras?
Any kind of carelessness...
can cost three lives.
Your husband...
And me.
You must fight this
battle for 15 minutes.
l'll leave when the
clock's hand is on 9...
and immerse this locket
in the river at 3 o'clock.
But you must keep
chanting the mantras...
and keep that spirit here.
lf that doesn't happen...
then the spirit will
get to me and try to stop me.
And maybe even succeed.
l won't let that happen, Jai.
At any cost...
l won't let it out of here.
l know you'll try hard, Shivangi.
But l also know that
spirit's going to try harder...
to get out of here.
She'll try to scare you,
intimidate you... fool you...
but at any cost... you cannot stop
chanting the mantras before 3 o'clock.
Not even for a moment.
She's ready...
and so are we.
Don't stop chanting.
Don't stop chanting.
Madam... don't worry.
l'll go get a lantern.
George, river?
Why are you hiding there?
What happened?
What's wrong, Shivangi?
Tell me.
What's going on here?
What's wrong, Shivangi?
What happened? Why are you crying?
ls everything alright?
God answered my prayers.
He made you normal again.
Send it to England.
Will she come?
l am the disease...
and the cure.
Shivangi will have to come.
l beg you...
save my husband.
Please save Veer, Jai.
Princess Shivangi...
Just like a snake's bite
can be cured only with its venom...
similarly... your Veer Singh's
cure and disease is in this locket.
Now no one can save your Veer saa.
No one!
l intentionally made a mistake.
Even after you had explained me...
l fell for her trap and
stopped chanting the mantras.
lf l hadn't done that...
she could've never
gotten out of there...
and harmed you.
l don't care about my wounds,
l was thinking about your husband.
l don't regret that we didn't succeed.
But what l do regret is that...
we lost when we were
so close to winning.
We made one small mistake
and lost everything.
lf this hadn't happened...
then your husband would've
escaped from her clutches permanently.
l trust you, Jai...
You will definitely
find some solution...
and still manage to save Veer Saa.
Now there's just... one solution,
No point in cutting
the branches anymore.
We must uproot this evil permanently.
And for that... we must find out...
where this evil spirit came from.
There are good spirits
and bad ones too.
lf we want to find
out that witch's name...
or where she's from.
Then only a good
spirit can tell us her.
This lemon will stop rolling...
when it finds a good
spirit that can help us.
l'll throw this lemon out of the door...
and you must find it.
This job sounds easy,
but believe me it's not.
Because that witch will attack
you at every opportunity she gets...
and try to hide her truth.
And if you return empty-handed...
then you should know that
we'll never be able to identify her.
Are you ready?
Take care!
And whenever you're scared...
just remember that your
friend is always with you.
- Madam!
- Stop, Kesar ma.
Neither you... nor l
can fight this battle.
Only a virtuous wife
can fight this battle.
l always knew the answer...
and now it's been proven too.
What do you mean?
lt means...
this origin of this spirit
is connected with Shivangi's in-laws.
What should l do now, Kesar ma?
Should l still keep quiet?
Should l still think
about my honor and respect?
Should l just sit idle... and
wait for Veer saa to die.
What else will you do?
Ask them the price
of my husband's life.
And if the price is my life...
then l'll give up my life
in order to save my husband.
l never thought that
his family can stoop so low...
in order to gain power.
l will never spare them, Jai.
Don't be so naive, Shivangi.
You think you'll accuse
them for your husband's condition...
and they'll admit it.
They must admit it.
Don't be crazy, Shivangi.
Your in-laws are very
cunning and they'll clearly...
deny any knowledge about
a gift or the chief's letter.
Shivangi, this is not the
time to get into a spat with them...
in fact, we should
be saving your husband.
This lemon has revealed that...
the spirit's origin
is connected with Sajjangarh.
But this doesn't mean
you can uproot them.
Then what should l do, Jai?
Should l just sit here
and do nothing.
Just stay here and
look after your husband...
And l...
l will go there and try to
uproot this evil from its origin.
l won't let that witch
succeed in her motives, Shivangi.
l promise you.
l can never forget
what you're doing for me.
What's this?
Keeping my end of the promise.
But my job's not done yet.
l'll take these once my work's done.
Thank you so much.
l am not doing it for you...
l am doing it for myself.
l mean... l feel really
obliged doing this for you.
See you.
Waterloo Station, please.
Please hurry up, George.
l never told you who sent that locket.
Then how did you know that the
chief of Sajjangarh sent that locket.
'Your in-laws are very
cunning and they'll clearly ...'
'...deny any knowledge about
a gift or the chief's letter.'
l kept thinking that
my in-laws are doing this.
But l didn't know that
the man whom l trusted the most...
turned out to be my biggest enemy.
You sent that spirit to me...
and l kept begging
you to get rid of it.
l held your hand for protection.
But you let me drown.
Because you held my hand
for your own intentions...
and also let go for the same reason.
You turned out to be my biggest enemy.
By accusing me in the court.
By humiliating my love
in front of everyone.
By showing me my stature.
l was jailed only for few years,
but l am still being punished for it.
That judge heard your testimony...
gave his verdict... and
snatched all my happiness.
And me...
l listened to my heart.
And decided to snatch strip
you of all your happiness.
l had already passed judgment
on your husband's death order.
l only came here to
put a seal on my judgment.
And l did it by throwing
that locket in the river.
Every tear you shed
makes me so happy, Shivangi.
lt's really hard to say.
l wanted to see the
same agony in your eyes...
which my eyes felt did once.
The agony of losing someone.
What did you think... only
you felt that agony?
Were you the only one who loved me?
You were punished alone?
Do you want to know...
why l lied in the court that day?
What are you doing, brother-in-law?
Such a small punishment
for such a big crime?
He tried to tarnish our family honor...
and for that he must suffer to death.
We must cut that lowlife
into small pieces...
and throw them to the scavengers.
l would've done something
similar with you!
But what to do?
The one who tried to
tarnish my family honor...
is none other but
my sister's husband.
lf we shed your blood...
my sister will become a widow.
Rudra! Go! Finish him.
No, brother. Don't do it.
Don't do it.
lf he's committed a crime,
then so did l?
Punish me...
Punish me,
but don't harm him, brother.
Move aside!
Father, stop him.
Father, stop him.
Don't kill my Jai.
l'll tell him to go far away.
Father, l never asked
you for anything.
But consider this my
first and last request.
And after that l'll do as you say.
Please let him go.
Spare Jai's life, father.
Spare my Jai.
Please listen to me.
Please father, listen to me.
Fine, if you want
me to spare his life...
and keep the honor
of our family intact.
Then you'll do... as l say.
Why didn't you tell me?
You always thought from your heart.
And my family... resolved
every problem with a gun.
Someone had to think calmly.
My lie would keep you
behind bars for few years.
But my truth...
But my truth... would've killed you.
And that's why...
l did what l thought was right.
What have l done?
You gave such a big
sacrifice to save my life.
And l...
l tried to kill your husband...
No, Shivangi!
Even if l've to fight
some witch or God himself...
l promise your husband
will be unharmed.
Nothing at all.
While doing the wrong
thing... l didn't realize.
When the time comes
to make things right...
everything will go wrong.
it'll be out of my hand.
The spirit l sent
to possess your husband...
is no longer under my control.
For the first time l feel so helpless.
What now, Jai?
We don't have much time on our hands.
You were right, Shivangi.
We really don't have much time.
What will we do now, Jai?
How will we free Veer saa
from the clutches of that spirit...
in such short time?
Sometimes... in order to go forward...
one has to take a step
back and mend one's mistake.
l must turn back time...
and go see my Guru.
He'll definitely give me a solution.
'Remember this place.'
'This is where l trusted you.'
'And handed over my knowledge
to you before l died.'
'For doing good deeds.'
'To help those in need.'
'Because l knew...'
'...you were serving time for
the crime you never committed.'
'l was so lost in your innocent eyes...'
'...that l forgot to
peek in your heart.'
'The seeds of hatred
were already sown in there.'
'Forgive me, Guru.'
'That hatred raging in
my heart...'
'...was never right.'
'l was wrong, Guru.'
'l was wrong.'
'Help me, Guru.'
'l must rectify my mistakes.'
'What you're trying to do,
Jai, isn't as easy as it looks.'
'Because what you
did... is quite dreadful.'
'You awakened that witch.'
'Promised her a soul.'
'And now...'
'...she won't rest in
peace without the soul.'
'Right now... she's searching
for Veer's soul.'
'You're the only one
who can help me right now.'
'l must save Veer.'
'l must protect Shivangi's happiness.'
'There's one way.'
Guru has shown me the way.
Yes, madam.
Ask him is there's place
where God's foundation was laid...
but no one goes there anymore.
What kind of a question is that?
How can he have the
answer to such a question?
Didn't he tell you a name?
'On a moonless night...
amidst the mountains.'
'God's broken home...
that's where you'll find your path.'
- What is all this?
- What my guru told me.
George, is there a place here...
where people go on
a no-moon light night.
Like a hill or a mountain?
Not that l know of.
Wait a minute,
there a place called no-moon hill.
But there is nothing there
except for a broken-down church.
l got it.
That's where we must go.
But what will we do once we get there.
We'll know that once we get there.
l don't get it.
All l could understand was that...
someone will help
us once we're there.
"Let me cry my heart out today..."
"You betrayed my breath,
left me alone..."
"and me destroyed completely,
"Make my wounds fresh again."
"Cure my sorrows."
"Make those loyal again, beloved."
"Am l addicted to you..."
"or is it your intoxication?"
"How do l tell you, my benefactor?"
"Let me cry my heart out today..."
"You betrayed my breath,
left me alone..."
"and destroyed me completely,
"l need you to stay alive..."
"how can one narrate it?"
"There's grace in my eyes..."
"that can lighten
up an entire world."
"The heart's down with love."
"All it wants is some peace."
"Your sorrows are my destiny."
"Why can't you be mine?"
"You're the sea and l'm the shore,
"Let me cry my heart out today..."
"You betrayed my breath,
left me alone..."
"and destroyed me completely,
"Make my wounds fresh again."
"Cure my sorrows."
"Make those loyal again, beloved."
You've come.
l was waiting for you.
Don't be surprised.
lt was me you were meant to meet.
She already knew we were coming.
Maybe she's the one
who's going help us?
Ask her...
how is she going to help us?
l am going to help you...
by giving you these knives.
Does she understand our language?
l don't understand
the language of the body...
but, l understand
the language of the soul.
She understands the language
of the soul, not body.
Ask her...
what do we have
to do with these knives?
Veer saa!
Veer saa!
Veer saa, what's happening to you?
Veer saa!
ln the last 24 hours...
l've felt his heart
stop beating twice.
We don't have much time, Kesar maa.
But this knife will tell us how much?
But how?
What are you going to do?
How are you going to do it?
l don't understand, Jai.
Did you get everything l asked for?
That was the first knife.
Now... we've only until
the sand's completely over.
The second knife has done its job.
lt's opened a door for
me into the other world.
Until this knife stays embedded here...
this will be the door
between this world and that.
Without this door... neither
can l come out, nor can she.
Now l must go in that
world with the third knife...
and stab her with it.
But why in that world?
Because in this world
she's just a soul.
But in that world, she has a body.
And one can only stab the body,
not the soul.
So l must go there at any cost.
This means... if you
succeed in that world...
things will be back to normal?
l must finish her in this world.
But those stab wounds will force her...
to give me the locket
which l threw in the river.
As soon as l get that locket here...
we'll have to throw it in the fire.
As soon as the locket burns...
the spirit will be destroyed too.
And as soon as that happens...
the prince will be fine again.
But what if that spirit
comes out after you go in...
and attacks us?
For that you must do one thing.
Until l don't return...
you must hold this coconut
tightly with both your hands...
in front of this mirror.
And remember...
No matter how hard she tries...
Until you don't let
this coconut budge...
she can't come out.
So... you must not fall
week in any condition.
Keep the fire burning, Kesar ma.
l will return with
the locket at any cost.
- Veer saa!
- Prince!
Veer saa.
Veer saa.
Veer saa.
Veer saa.
Veer saa.
Veer saa, you're fine again.
You're fine again, Veer saa.
You're fine again!
Veer saa.
Shivangi, what happened to you?
'There's only one way.'
'That witch wants a soul...'
'...and she won't leave
until she gets one.'
'Are you prepared to
give your life... your soul?'
'lf this is the only way
to save Shivangi's happiness...'
'...then yes... l am ready
to give my soul to that witch.'
"Someone's unknown."
"Someone's defamed."
"Who knows... who he is?"
"Someone's unaware."
"Someone's unknown."
"If this is my pain..."
"then why is he touching it."
"If she doesn't care for me..."
"ls this love... or a tear..."
"that trickles down my eye."
"Someone's defamed."
"Someone's unaware."
"Who knows... who he is?"
"Someone's unknown."
"Someone's defamed."