1944 (2015) Movie Script

1939., USSR and Germany concluded
nonaggression pact.
After only a week ago started
the Second World War.
1940, the Soviet Union annexed Estonia.
55000 Estonian citizens were mobilized
the Red Army.
1941 ve years, Germany is occupied Estonia.
72000 Estonian citizens were mobilized
the German armed forces.
In 1944, the Soviet army
appeared on the borders of Estonia.
The gate was open.
In the courtyard stood a truck.
Father, mother and Kadri was made ??into a truck.
As it's the most normal thing in the world.
27 th July
Line Sinimad-Tannenberg
What happened to them?
They sent them to Siberia.
Could not you have something to preduzme?
-Treci Online! Saaresto on the phone!
Twentieth Estonian division Waffen-SS.
47-mi Regiment, Third Battalion,
Ninth armies, the third line ...
They captured the Children's hill.
The third line ...
The line went dead!
Tamika, back!
The third line ...
I get it!
We will make such a task!
Let's go!
How are you?
I'm fine.
Let's go!
Three years have passed.
Three years and 43 days
I can not help feeling that I
I was to blame for everything that happened to them.
I try to remember
their faces, movements, voice ...
Memories of them slowly fade
and my guilt is increasing day by day.
This is my cross,
and I'll have to wear it for life.
Infantry at 800 meters from us!
That's why you're here?
Bring the ammo!
Sjajnas, over here!
Pir, come on!
Radik, cover us!
I got him!
Are you from the same village?
We did not.
Talu chosen me to be his assistant.
Who are you two?
-SS Rows Kjaer.
Hit the deck!
Leave it!
They promised to send 10 and only two in.
And the twins.
What is your name?
-Skin. - Anton.
Karl Tamika.
I immediately noticed that his face.
I arrived this spring.
Sjajnas, a paramedic.
Kamenski, snipers.
Powder, commander of the department.
Pir, only that.
Saaresto is our commander.
Taking care of you as Jesus.
These rods will not serve anything on the front.
Put it there!
And a gas mask, you can throw it away.
Now here you can put something
what is more necessary.
Letters of girls, tobacco, condoms ...
Sit down!
Take this!
This is a reliable weapon.
In the First World War were fought
my two brothers.
Both were killed by the same missile.
Horrible smells.
We can not bury them until the shooting outside.
This goes here.
Needs an assistant to me.
I will.
Can I do.
Radik, show him the position!
Let's go!
I will look at it.
The machine gun was always the first to be affected.
Then take me.
I promised my mother I'd take care of his brother.
I'm older than him.
How much?
Half an hour.
You'll be my assistant.
I want you and me.
Next time.
This put here ...
You're all I have left.
It's not easy to admit
I'm hiding from you
the real truth.
After the deportation of parents
I walked as in a dream.
I saw only one way out:
On the front.
You made ??me discouraged ...
Who do you keep writing?
The girl?
What is wrong with you?
I can not sleep.
The boys first day on the front line
and you're talking about their tales.
It is a strange feeling.
As if I knew them.
It's like ... I see myself in their place.
Nasty feeling.
Hands in the air!
I forgot to take off the lid.
Saaresto ordered to wake the boys.
The Russians entered the adjacent trench.
Do not you hear?
You're a lucky man.
Here we are, here Russians.
Here are our trapped.
Eighth troop attacks here.
We charge here.
Here is a minefield.
There is a passage. It is used
to force the Russians into a trap.
Any questions?
How many Russians there?
Well, there's a little something.
July 28
The first mine is about 10 meters.
Keep up that tree.
Do not shoot!
We Estonians!
Put your head down!
The Russians are!
Where is your commander?
Died in combat is.
We are from Nordlandske Division.
How many are you?
-4 Soldiers and two machine guns.
Oberarfirer (rank in the German army) Saaresto.
Taking command.
We will attack with your position.
Giving fire!
I get it!
We have some more ammunition?
We do not have.
We start at exactly 4:00 in the morning.
Got it!
Thank you. What's your name?
Me too.
I am Charlemagne.
Then I called Karl-XXII.
I'm Karl Madsen of Roskilde.
It is 30 kilometers from Copenhagen.
Karl Tamika. On the farm Tamika.
Three kilometers from Vinimajzea.
The Germans!
The Germans, the Germans in the trenches!
Let's go, or we're done!
Dragging quickly!
Get down!
Are you okay?
Powder, blow the door!
15 seconds!
Sjajnas, Pyrrhus was wounded!
They ran to the other exit.
Do not shoot! Do not shoot, we surrender!
Do not shoot ...
18th August
Hi, guys!
I see here a wash.
There can be war.
Estonian soldiers.
Fuhrer pointed our people a lot of confidence.
He confided in us is the most difficult task:
Tanenburku line.
And we, the local Estonian authorities,
do not sit idly by.
After years of research
We have proved that we belong
Aryan race.
It is an indisputable fact.
Under the auspices of the Greater German state
bright future awaits us
in a joint family and European nations.
Heil Hitler!
I do not think so.
Heil Hitler!
I thought we'd get Gvozd one baptism and not this.
What do I do with this?
Can her to wipe my ass.
-Paper Is too thick.
And you're condition.
You can replace the tobacco.
Adolf, what I've been reduced to?
Kjaer, have a drink!
-No, I'm going to replace my brother.
Guys, let's have a drink.
Take it!
With Hitler's autograph.
I have my Fuhrer.
Once, a woman?
Well ...
-So That's it.
And she had a mustache?
You said she's your firer.
That does not necessarily mean that he has a mustache.
Fuhrer has a mustache.
She does not have them.
What is it called?
No lower part?
-No. -Donji Part, bottom part ...
Here's the bottom part.
Get away!
-Nosi Up!
What are you thinking?
Let's ...
For fallen comrades!
The Dane has driven me.
They have toilet paper you want.
He gave me a pack of cigarettes.
From Narva remained only a pile of stones.
Dom ...
Maid ...
All is forgotten.
Every day I forget something.
This is all I have left from my father.
He received this baptism
in the First World War.
In the war for independence is
fought against the Reds.
1940, after the June coup
he was convicted.
What are we doing here?
This is not our war.
You bet realms?
We did not start.
-Hitler Attacked Russia.
And when he attacked Finland?
Who occupied the Baltic states?
When occupied Poland?
The devil took them!
Poland was attacked by both.
You know what happens?
Red Estonians will return home.
Some return.
There are not many. A handful.
There are thousands of them!
It's a Soviet propaganda.
What will you do if you meet
Red Estonians?
His compatriots.
-Red Page will be desirable.
Do not you understand? There are millions of them!
It was an avalanche. The red plague.
You seem not understand anything!
Calm down!
Where are you going?
Yes amen brother.
Let him be quiet.
Shut up!
Powder, get down!
Kjaer, your old shift.
What's up here?
Everything is quiet.
She told me:Do not go.
I could not.
Uncle said that that night
be arrested in Tallinn.
My message is to inform parents.
I did not believe him.
What arrest?
Karl, get the gun! Get ready, we're leaving.
We are consequently driving. The trucks are waiting.
-In Germany. That's an order.
I'm staying here.
You think you will return from your Siberia if you stay?
I do not think.
And what do you think?
Do you know what I saw,
such as you?
They endured a week, a month or two ...
and that's it.
What is the purpose of residue?
Will it bring us freedom?
If what you want ...
... Stay here.
19th September. Operation "Aster".
The withdrawal of the German army.
Guys do not want to go to Germany.
Melt can go
by boat to Sweden.
I have a connection.
Just do not go in Tartu.
Then we're done.
Shut up!
Do not come home!
Back! That's an order!
Good day!
Do you have a Russian ammunition?
My flee.
Who are you?
Another troop battalion Virumanskog
National militia.
More specifically ... what's left of it.
Guys, let them Spoil!
Guys ... August, Kaupo, Willem ...
No bullets,
This is useful as a button on his shirt.
Heil Hitler!
Wait a minute!
And where are you going, the Fair?
What are you saying?
Help cho century.
Acting like a cow and not as men.
This is a real firer.
Mom, look!
Attention! Attention!
Take cover! Airplanes! Run to the forest!
Faster! Faster!
Run to the forest!
Get down!
Sjajnas, get down!
Burn up truck!
You bastards!
Start the truck and pick up the wounded.
Let's quickly in Tallinn.
Red will arrive at any moment.
My sister has the same kind of doll.
It can not have the same kind!
Why is that?
This is my Kati.
Of course.
And where is she?
My sister was away.
No one but her Katie?
Let's go!
Help people to fit inside the truck.
Women, children, girls,
on the truck.
Wounded to the hospital
and refugees in Tallinn.
You may still be able to fetch a boat.
What do I do next?
Damn life!
Again I have all I have to solve.
Do you know where my mother is?
I know.
Kati wants to tell you something.
Kati will explain everything to you later.
Put in Avinurme.
No further.
We'll dig in.
Guys, you know what will become of us?
Today, the 19th of September,
this forest is ours.
Tomorrow, the 20th of September will come Russians
and they will drive us out of here.
And the next day, the 21st of September,
we will drive the Russians out of the woods.
And the 22 of September there will be a forester
and they will drive us all.
Fritz took my daughter to the city
She went back to her out of there like a whore
During that time I shed blood
on the Eastern Front
A Adolf deceived us
A Adolf, bastard, deceived us ...
It is time for our last dinner!
Take potatoes CUNKO, bread ...
It's nice to sit die.
You know who said that?
Erich Maria Remarque.
What this woman knows about the war?
This is a man. He wrote a book
"In the West is nothing new."
It's a shame to get a shot at a full stomach.
Take, guys!
If you find it a little bit, I'll get more.
Are you guys going to get out of here?
And where to go?
Who to leave the cattle?
-Don't Be afraid of the Red?
Not all to drive in Siberia.
While we are preparing for war,
Frico will board a boat and flee.
Tallinn will be released,
a brave Estonian
will set the tricolor flag on the tallest building
and 1,918 years old.
If someone does not trip over.
Do not talk like that.
I thought then:
What's arrest ...
and remained in the city.
When I heard you guys talking about it,
I rushed to the train station.
The last train had already left.
I stopped at an intersection and thought.
Perhaps it is better that it was so.
I returned home.
Here foresters.
Pig dreams of mud
and the sheep of warm water ...
Hitler dreamed of East
where there is a lot of food ...
The withdrawal of the woods!
Listen to my command. Retreating to the print mind !!
Estonians, do not shoot!
That's an order! Do not shoot.
Eight Estonian Corps
Soviet Army
249 th Division, 917 th Regiment,
n the second battalion, sixth troop
Why did you let them go?
When ordered to cease the fire?
Fascists to be destroyed.
We do not have time to chase every guy
shooting at us.
These are not children.
These are the fascists.
Captain Vijres, report to the report.
Rid the capital of Soviet Estonia
Tallinn until the 22 September.
That is an order of comrade Stalin.
I'm not ready to go to court martial.
Maybe you are.
We'll see which of the two of us
"The Kremlin" seems no balls.
Jegi I call you in command of the detachment.
Got it!
Bury killed and hurry to finish
before they reach the NKVD.
I'll leave the truck.
And walk in it for us when you're done.
Let's go!
Yuri, what do we do with these?
-Sahranite Them all.
Guys, what's wrong?
Bury fascists together with our?
For them the war is over.
What are you up to, Jurka?
Do you know how he
killed ours?
His name was Karl Tamika.
It's my countryman.
Did you know him?
I did not.
Lord have mercy on him and save him.
Let us go then, Jurka.
31 killed a soldier of the Soviet Army
We heard that you had a fierce fight.
These savages are getting what they deserve.
Guys, come to eat something.
Do not hesitate.
Where are you from?
I'm from Sirve.
So far?
Does it this far? Prohor comes from afar.
From Siberia. His grandmother was Estonka.
Yesterday, there were other m OMCI.
Where are they?
They were sent to another location.
I participated in the war for independence.
Which unit?
From the Estonian Corps.
-Estonskog Corps? I did not hear you.
You can not remember all that.
Give the boys smoked meat!
We have enough meat.
It is immediately obvious. Germany.
Thank you, Grandma.
How long will all this take?
Let's go!
Feel sorry for them.
Why is that?
I met so taiga hunters.
And they are ...
... Raskulacili in camp.
This is my mother.
And this father.
Now he'll show his grandfather ...
Uncle Jakob.
Uncle Jakob.
And this?
-It Zara, my sister.
Before the war, in Perm.
Now will you cry.
22-gi September
What are you sad?
Come on, have a nice trip.
It is not a sin a little fun.
Sergeant Yuri Jegi.
Good evening.
Good evening.
-Gradanin A. Tamika live here?
Yes, that's me.
Aino Tamika.
Then, you ask.
Come on in!
This is probably for you.
I ran and asked God to all
This is not true.
A truck was already standing in the yard.
Mom held at Kadri hands.
She did not cry.
Mom whispered something in his ear.
My father was crazy.
I never saw him like this.
I watched from the bushes when they were completed.
Now you know everything.
Can I help you?
As this letter has reached to you?
I am one of those who buried your husband.
Karl is my brother.
I'm not married.
How did he die?
Died in combat in battle.
How do you know?
I saw it.
He died before my eyes.
Current death.
Karl was fun, talkative, jolly ...
When we took a family ...
-In Siberia?
... Something in him snapped.
It says why.
He thought it was his fault for having
happened to mom, father and sister.
And you?
1939 and invited me to join the army.
In June 1940 I saw
when the Red Army arrived.
Why do not you fight?
We probably were too disciplined
and we waited for the order.
Or are we simply scared.
After a few months they themselves did not know
how we became Red Army.
Then the war started ...
What about your family?
Rudy, however, Oskar, Abram, Prohor ...
They are my family.
There are less and less.
You're very similar.
With who?
With my brother.
The innocent feel guilty,
and do not feel guilty.
Probably you are hungry?
This is my uncle's house.
They escaped by boat to Sweden
two weeks ago.
The Soviet Army, 9th March ...
And they told us that they are
The Germans did.
In the city there were only women, children and the elderly.
The men were at the front.
Most sorry children.
With us they brought a sympathy icnu girl.
I work there as a teacher.
She drew a funny sketch.
I'll show you. Where it has gotten lost?
It's open.
Are you staying here long?
Or are you going next?
They tell us to go to the island Sarima.
We're alone here.
I think I forgave him.
One who betrayed our family.
Someone from the family Jegi.
My brother wrote.
What is it?
I remembered how good we are
lived before the war.
Yuri, I do not know your last name.
Juri Tul.
Comrade Jegi, come with me!
Good day, Comrade Captain.
Together we went through the war.
From large meadow to Tallinn.
In our ranks there are still
nationalists and enemies of the people.
And I know it.
You're young, energetic ...
All have arrived.
Even a walk around the city at night.
Who is she?
She boulevard with Estonia.
My sister.
I visited my sister.
I looked at your file.
There is no reference to a sister.
I probably did not read carefully.
I think that we agreed.
Obavetavace me as soon as you notice and
the smallest anti-Soviet facts
from ordinary soldier to the highest officers.
You can go!
17th November
Prohor, leave!
Less out of the barn!
But he returned.
The boy returned home.
Here is born.
He came straight home.
My grandmother used to say that the country is small,
but it's just so small ...
Juri, go with it!
Well, hosts, saves j bathroom, prepare food ...
Not a soul.
And barn is empty.
Immediately'll look for something to eat.
She arrived filling. Three of the soldiers.
Wait in front of the door.
Let them come.
Got it!
Comrade Senior Sergeant,
let go!
I am your commander, Yuri Jegi.
Admit when you served
in the German army?
I fought in Sinimaea. I ran home
when the Germans began to retreat.
There we were captured by the Russians.
And me too.
I deserted.
Forget the past. There will survive
Only the one who knows how to keep his mouth shut.
Is that clear?
-Of Course!
Tul Red Army!
But where have you gone?
-Pekala The guys potatoes.
Feed them, Hungry.
-Eat As you like.
The basement has a potato you want.
Do not leave anything rats.
Did you find out something about your family?
All farms in Sirvaste are destroyed.
The people taken to Germany.
The war will end quickly.
All will return.
My house was intact, and I'm alive.
Here, on this farm,
We will be attacking Fritz.
Before us, this place will shoot our artillery.
Frico are here set minefield.
We will pass through here in our tanks.
And why do we go forward?
-Komandir Troops wants to go first.
Frico have prepared ships on the coast.
You must destroy them.
Where is our invincible Red Fleet?
-Cesa Eggs in Kronstadt.
Stalin 100 grams.
Let's drink!
Hell, Juri, completely forgot.
"The Kremlin" and called.
Sergeant Yuri Jegi the
appears on your orders.
Close the door!
Sit down!
To victory!
Did you arrived filling?
Have you checked?
I did.
You're a good family.
You always make the right decisions.
As your father in his time.
You're still not a party member?
I did not.
Maybe it's better that way.
Uliva confidence.
Far you have gone.
I'll send you to the course.
You'll get a star.
You will become a company commander.
Well we get along.
We already have a company commander.
Captain Vijres.
Outside red, inside white.
Such as Vijres be good to watch.
Do not spoil your life, Juri.
The last line of defense of the German Army
on the peninsula Sirve
The minefield is on both sides!
Get behind the tanks!
Get up and go for a tank!
Come on, move on!
Do not go there!
There is a minefield!
Take cover behind a stone wall!
Abram, Kjaer, for me!
Prohor, Abram, for me!
Oskar, for Ali!
But ...
Get out!
With your hands up!
Get out!
With your hands up!
You think it will return Sara?
What is it?
Not sleeping?
I can not forget this guy.
I took his last letter ...
his sister.
Jes tell her the truth?
You could not?
So you're in a bad mood?
Do not worry, Jurka.
You did not kill her. He was killed by war.
God will forgive you.
It will help you and goodbye.
22-gi November.
Just a little more and Estonia is ours.
Come on, let's go!
Yuri, the Political Department
interested in you.
We're in shit up to his neck.
We will not wait for old age.
I just wanted to bring the boys back home,
and where I have to bring?
Stop! Hooks up!
Do not shoot, we are Estonians!
Do not shoot!
Get out!
With your hands up.
-Hard Hirv.
How old are you?
The Germans picked us up.
At the airport.
They wanted to send us to Germany
and we wanted the house.
Juri, get your people!
Fire at enemies.
Comrade Captain ...
These are children.
Soviet citizens who cross
on the side of the enemy
are punishable by firing squad on the spot.
Sergeant Major Jegi, complete the order!
-Mobilisali Them.
Juri, fulfill orders!
I can not shoot them.
Shoot, and all your will
end up in the camp.
You're afraid of?
Soviet authorities feared.
Captain Vijres, complete the order!
Another platoon, forward!
Guys, go home!
Have you heard?
Take off your uniforms and go home.
One thought does not give me peace.
What if you did not bring this letter?
Would you happen to be met?
After the war.
Maybe even in the church.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
A live here, Tamika?
Yes, I'm Aino Tamika.
Then, you ask.
Good day!
Come in.
Who knows, maybe we'll meet again.
How did you sleep?
If I could look into her eyes,
I have to tell the truth.
It should start from the beginning.
It says it Juri Jegi,
soldier of the Soviet Army
who was killed in fighting your brother.
I did not have the courage to
I tell you this in person.
Now I have only you in the world.
Forgive me if you can ...
Dedicated to all those who fought
and died for independence
Tranlated by Osito de Peluche