A Clockwork Orange (1971) Movie Script

There was me.
That is, Alex,
and my three droogs.
That is, Pete, Georgie and Dim.
And we sat in the Korova Milk Bar,
trying to make up our rassoodocks...
what to do with the evening.
The Korova Milk Bar sold milk plus.
Milk plus vellocet or
synthemesc or drencrom...
which is what we were drinking.
This would sharpen you up
and make you ready for a bit
of the old ultra-violence.
In Dublin's fair city
Where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes
On sweet Molly Malone
As she wheeled her wheelbarrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying, "Cockles and mussels"
One thing I could never stand
was to see a filthy,
dirty old drunkie
howling away at the
filthy songs of his fathers
and going "blerp blerp"
in between
as it might be a filthy old
orchestra in his stinking guts.
I could never stand to see anyone
like that, whatever his age.
But more especially when he
was real old, like this one was.
Can you spare some cutter,
me brothers?
Go on! Do me in, you bastard cowards!
I don't want to live anyway.
Not in a stinking world
like this.
And what's so stinking about it?
It's a stinking world because
there's no law and order anymore!
It stinks because it lets
the young get onto the old
like you done!
It's no world
for an old man any longer.
What kind of a world is it
at all?
Men on the moon.
Men spinning around the earth.
And there's not no
attention paid
to earthly
law and order no more.
Oh, dear land
I fought for thee
It was at the derelict casino
that we came across Billy-boy
and his four droogs.
They were about to perform
a little of the old
in-out, in-out on a weepy
young devotchka they had there.
Well, if it isn't fat, stinking
billy goat
Billy-boy in poison.
How are thou
thou globby bottle of cheap,
stinking chip-oil?
Come and get one in the yarbles
if you have any yarbles
you eunuch jelly, thou.
Let's get them, boys!
The police!
Come on. Let's go!
The Durango 95 purred away
real horror show.
A nice, warm vibratey feeling
all through your guttiwuts.
Soon it was trees and dark,
my brothers
with real country dark.
We fillied around with other
travelers of the night
playing Hogs of the Road.
Then we headed west.
What we were after now
was the old surprise visit.
That was a real kick
and good for laughs and
lashing of the old ultra-violent.
Who on earth could that be?
I'll go and see.
Yes, who is it?
Excuse me, can you please help?
There's been a terrible accident!
My friend's bleeding to death!
Can I please use your telephone?
We don't have a telephone.
You'll have to go somewhere else.
But, missus, it's a matter
of life and death!
Who is it, dear?
A young man.
He says there's been an accident.
He wants to use the telephone.
I suppose you better let him in.
Wait a minute, will you?
I'm sorry, but we don't usually
let strangers in
What do you want from me?
Pete, check the rest
of the house. Dim
I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I'll walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
And I'm singing
Just singing
in the rain
Viddy well, little brother.
Viddy well.
We were all feeling a bit
shagged and fagged and fashed
it having been an evening
of some small energy expenditure.
So we got rid of the auto and
stopped at the Korova for a nightcap.
Hello, Lucy.
Had a busy night?
We've been working hard too.
Pardon me, Luce.
There was some sophistos from
the TV studios around the corner
laughing and govoreeting.
The devotchka smeched away, not
caring about the wicked world one bit.
Then the disk on the stereo
twanged off and out.
And in the short silence
before the next one came on
she suddenly came
with a burst of singing.
And it was like, for a moment,
O my brothers
some great bird
had flown into the milk bar.
And I felt all the malenky
little hairs on my plott
standing endwise.
And the shivers crawling up
like slow, malenky lizards
and then down again.
Because I knew what she sang.
It was a bit from
the glorious Ninth, by Ludwig van.
What did you do that for?
For being a bastard
with no manners.
Without a dook of an idea about how
to comport yourself public-wise.
I don't like you should
do what you done.
And I'm not your brother no more
and wouldn't want to be.
Watch that.
Do watch that, if to continue
to be on live thou dost wish.
Great, bouncy yarblockos to you!
I'll meet you with chain
or nozh or britva anytime.
I'm not having you aiming
tolchocks at me reasonless.
It stands to reason,
I won't have it.
A nozh scrap anytime you say.
A bit tired maybe.
Best not to say more.
Bedways is rightways now.
So best we go homeways
and get a bit of spatchka.
Right, right?
Where I lived was with
my dada and mum
in municipal flat block
18-A, Linear North.
It had been a wonderful evening.
And what I needed now
to give it the perfect ending
was a bit
of the old Ludwig van.
Oh, bliss!
Bliss and heaven!
It was gorgeousness and
gorgeosity made flesh.
It was like a bird
of rarest spun heaven metal.
Or like silvery wine
flowing in a spaceship
gravity all nonsense now.
As I slooshied
I knew such lovely pictures.
Alex. Alex!
What do you want?
It's past eight, Alex.
You don't want to be
late for school, son.
Bit of a pain in the gulliver, Mum.
Leave us be,
and I'll try and sleep it off.
And then I'll be as right
as dodgers for this after.
But you've not been
to school all week, son.
Got to rest, Mum.
Got to get fit.
Otherwise, I'm liable
to miss a lot more school.
I'll put your breakfast in the oven.
I've got to be off meself now.
All right, Mum.
Have a nice day at the factory.
He's not feeling too good
again this morning, Dad.
Yes. Yes, I heard.
You know what time he got in?
No, I don't.
I'd taken me sleepers.
I wonder
where exactly is it
he goes to work of evenings.
Like he says
it's mostly odd things he does.
here and there, as it might be.
Hi, hi, hi, Mr. Deltoid.
Funny surprise, seeing you here.
Awake at last, yes?
I met your mother
on the way to work, yes?
She gave me the key.
She said something about
a pain somewhere.
Hence, not at school, yes?
A rather intolerable pain
in the head, brother sir.
It should be clear
by this after-lunch.
Or certainly by this evening, yes.
The evening's the great time,
isn't it, Alex-boy?
- Cup of the old chai, sir?
- No time, no time.
Sit, sit, sit!
To what do I owe
this extreme pleasure, sir?
Anything wrong, sir?
Wrong? Why should you
think of anything being wrong?
Have you been doing
something you shouldn't?
Just a manner of speech.
Yes, well, it's just a manner
of speech from your
post-corrective advisor to you
that you watch out, little Alex.
Because next time it's not
going to be the corrective school.
Next time it'll be the Barley place,
and all my work ruined.
If you've no respect
for yourself
you at least might have some
for me, who sweated over you.
A big, black mark, I tell you,
for every one we don't reclaim.
A confession of failure
for every one of you
who ends up in the stripy hole.
I've been doing nothing I shouldn't.
The millicents have nothing
on me, brother.
Sir, I mean.
Cut out this clever talk
about millicents.
Just because the police
haven't picked you up
doesn't mean that you've not
been up to some nastiness.
There was a bit of
nastiness last night.
Some very extreme
nastiness, yes?
A few of a certain Billy-boy's
friends were ambulanced off late.
Your name was mentioned.
The words got to me
by the usual channels.
Certain friends of yours
were named also.
Nobody can prove anything
about anybody, as usual.
I'm warning you, little Alex
being a good friend
to you as always
the one man in this
sore and sick community
who wants to save you
from yourself!
What gets into you all?
We've been studying the problem
for damn well near a century.
But we get no farther
with our studies.
You got a good home here.
Good, loving parents.
You've got not too bad of a brain.
Is it some devil
that crawls inside of you?
Nobody's got anything on me.
I been out of the millicents'
rookers for a long time.
That's just what worries me.
A bit too long to be safe.
You're about due, by my reckoning.
That's why I'm warning you
to keep your handsome
young proboscis out of the dirt.
Do I make myself clear?
As an unmuddied lake, sir.
As clear as an azure sky
of deepest summer.
You can rely on me, sir.
Excuse me, brother.
I ordered this two weeks ago.
Can you see if it's arrived?
Just a minute.
Pardon me, ladies.
Enjoying that, are you, my darling?
A bit cold and pointless,
isn't it, my lovely?
What's happened to yours,
my little sister?
Who you getting, bratty?
Goggly Gogol?
Johnny Zhivago?
The Heaven 17?
What you got back home
to play your fuzzy warbles on?
I bet you've got little
pitiful, portable picnic players.
Come with Uncle
and hear all proper.
Hear angel trumpets
and devil trombones.
You are invited.
Hi, hi, hi, there.
Well, hello.
He are here!
He have arrived!
Welly, welly, welly,
welly, welly, welly, well!
To what do I owe the extreme pleasure
of this surprising visit?
We got worried.
There we were, waiting and drinking
away at the old knifey moloko
and you had not turned up.
And we thought
you might have been, like
offended by something
or other.
So around we come to your abode.
Appy polly loggies.
I had something of a pain
in the gulliver, so I had to sleep.
I was not awakened
when I gave orders for wakening.
Sorry about the pain.
Using the gulliver
too much-like, maybe.
Giving orders and
discipline and such, perhaps.
You sure the pain is gone?
You sure you'd not
be happier back in bed?
Let's get things nice
and sparkling clear.
This sarcasm,
if I may call it such
does not become you,
my little brothers.
As I am your droog and leader
I'm entitled to know what goes on.
Now then, Dim.
What does that great big
horsey gape of a grin portend?
All right, no more
picking on Dim, brother.
That's part of the new way.
New way?
What's this about a new way?
There's been some very large talk
behind my sleeping back, I know it.
If you must have it,
have it, then.
We go around shop crasting
and the like
coming out with a pitiful
rookerfull of money each.
And Will the English
in the coffee mesto
saying he can fence anything
any malchick tries to crast.
The shiny stuff. The ice!
The big, big money's available,
is what Will the English says.
And what will you do
with the big, big, big money?
Have you not everything you need?
If you need a motorcar,
you pluck it from the trees.
If you need pretty polly,
you take it.
Brother, you think and talk
sometimes like a little child.
Tonight we pull a man-size crast.
Good! Real horror show!
Initiative comes
to thems that wait.
I've taught you much,
my little droogies.
Now tell me what you had in mind,
The old moloko plus first.
Would you not say?
- Something to sharpen us up.
- Some moloko plus.
You got to go there first.
We got a start on you. Moloko Plus!
As we walked along
the flatblock marina
I was calm on the outside,
but thinking all the time.
So now it was to be
Georgie the General
saying what we should do
and what not to do.
And Dim as his mindless,
grinning bulldog.
But suddenly I viddied that
thinking was for the gloopy ones
and that the oomny ones used, like,
inspiration and what Bog sends.
For now it was lovely music
that came to my aid.
There was a window open
with a stereo on
and I viddied right at once
what to do.
I had not cut into any
of Dim's main cables.
And so with the help
of a clean tashtook
the red, red kroovy
soon stopped.
And it did not take long to
quieten the two wounded soldiers
down in the snug
of the Duke of New York.
Now they knew who was
master and leader.
Sheep, thought I.
But a real leader knows
always when, like
to give and show generous
to his unders.
Now we're back to where we were.
Just like before,
and all forgotten?
Right, right, right?
Well, Georgie-boy
this idea of yours for tonight.
Tell us all about it, then.
Not tonight.
Not this nochy.
Come, come, come, Georgie-boy.
You're a big, strong chelloveck,
like us all.
We're not little children,
are we, Georgie-boy?
What, then, didst thou
in thy mind have?
It's this health farm.
A bit out of the town.
It's owned by this rich ptitsa
who lives there with her cats.
The place is shut down for a week
and she's completely on her own.
It's full up with, like,
gold and silver
and, like, jewels.
Tell me more, Georgie-boy.
Tell me more.
Oh, shit!
Who's there?
Excuse me, can you please help?
There's been a terrible accident!
Can I please use your telephone
for an ambulance?
I'm frightfully sorry.
There's a telephone in the
public house a mile down the road.
I suggest you use that.
But missus, this is an emergency!
It's a matter of life and death!
Me friend's lying in the middle
of the road, bleeding to death!
I'm very sorry, but I never open
the door to strangers after dark.
Very well, madam.
You can't be blamed
for being suspicious
with so many scoundrels
and rogues of the night about.
I'll try and get help
at the pub, then.
I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
Thank you very much.
Good night.
Dim, bend down.
I'll get in that window
and open the front door.
Radlett Police Station?
Good evening. It's Miss Weathers
at Woodmere Health Farm.
I'm sorry to bother you, but
something rather odd just happened.
It's probably nothing at all,
but you never know.
A young man rang the bell,
asking to use the telephone.
He said there's been
some kind of accident.
The thing that caught my
attention was what he said.
His words sounded like those quoted
in the papers this morning
in connection with the writer
and his wife who were assaulted.
Just a few minutes ago.
If you think that's necessary.
But I'm quite sure
he's gone away now.
All right, fine.
Thank you very much.
Hi, hi, hi, there.
At last we meet.
Our brief govorett through the
letter-hole was not satisfactory.
Who are you?
How the hell did you get in here?
What the bloody hell
do you think you're doing?
Naughty, naughty, naughty!
You filthy old soomaka.
Now listen here,
you little bastard!
Just turn round and walk out
of here the same way you came in.
Leave that alone!
Don't touch it!
It's a very important work of art.
What the bloody hell do you want?
To be perfectly honest, madam
I'm taking part in an
international students' contest
to see who can get the most
points for selling magazines.
Cut the shit, sonny
and get out of here before you
get yourself into serious trouble.
I told you to leave that alone!
Now get out of here
before I throw you out!
Wretched, slummy bedbug!
I'll teach you to break
into real people's houses.
- Let's go. The police are coming!
- One minoota, droogie.
You bastards! I'm blind!
I'm blind, you bastards!
I can't see!
It's no good sitting there in hope,
my little brothers.
I won't say a single solitary
slovo unless I have my lawyer here.
I know the law, you bastards.
Righty-right, Tom.
We'll have to show our friend Alex
here that we know the law too.
But that knowing the law
isn't everything.
Nasty cut you've got there,
little Alex.
Shame, isn't it?
Spoils all your beauty.
Who gave you that, then?
How'd you do that, then?
What's your point, you bastard?
That is for your lady victim.
You ghastly
wretched scoundrel.
Get him off me!
You rotten little bastard!
Good evening, Mr. Deltoid.
Good evening, Sergeant.
They're in room B, sir.
Thank you very much.
Good evening.
Good evening, Inspector.
- Would you like your tea now, sir?
- No, thank you, Sergeant.
May I have some
paper towels, please?
We're interrogating
the prisoner now.
- Perhaps you'd care to come inside.
- Thank you very much.
Good evening, Sergeant.
Good evening, all.
Oh, dear! This boy
does look a mess, doesn't he?
Just look at the state of him.
Love's young nightmare-like.
Violence makes violence.
He resisted his lawful arrestors.
This is the end of the line for me.
The end of the line, yes.
And what of me, brother sir?
Speak up for me.
I'm not so bad.
I was led on by
the treachery of others.
Sings the roof off lovely,
he does, sir.
Where are my treacherous droogs?
Get them before they get away!
It was all their idea, brothers.
They forced me to do it.
I'm innocent!
You are now a murderer,
little Alex.
A murderer.
Not true, sir.
It was only a slight tolchok.
She were breathing, I swear it.
I've just come from the hospital.
Your victim has died.
You try to frighten me.
Admit so, sir.
This is some new form of torture.
- Say it, brother sir.
- It'll be your own torture.
I hope to God
it'll torture you to madness.
If you'd care to give him a bash
in the chops, don't mind us.
We'll hold him down.
He must be a great
disappointment to you, sir.
This is the real weepy and tragic
part of the story beginning
O my brothers and only friends.
After a trial,
with judges and a jury
and hard words spoken against
your friend and humble narrator
he was sentenced to 14 years
in Staja Number 84-F
among smelly perverts
and hardened prestoopniks.
The shock sending my dada beating
his bruised and krovvy rookers
against unfair Bog
in His Heaven.
And my mum boo-hoo-hooing
in her mother's grief
at her only child
and son of her bosom
like, letting everybody down
real horror show.
One up from Thames, mister.
Right! Open up the cell!
Yes, sir.
Here are the prisoner's
committal forms.
Thank you, mister.
- Name?
- Alexander DeLarge.
You are now in
H.M. Prison Parkmoor.
From this moment, you will address
all prison officers as "sir"
Alexander DeLarge, sir.
14 years, sir.
Murder, sir.
Take the cuffs off him, mister.
You are now 655321.
It is your duty
to memorize that number.
Thank you, mister. Well done.
- Thank you.
- Let the officer out.
All right, empty your pockets.
Are you able to see the white line
painted on the floor
directly behind you
Then your toes belong
on the other side of it!
- Yes, sir.
- Right.
Carry on.
Pick that up
and put it down properly.
One half-bar of chocolate.
One bunch of keys
on white metal ring.
One packet of cigarettes.
Two plastic ball pens.
One black, one red.
One pocket comb, black plastic.
One address book,
imitation red leather.
One ten-penny piece.
One white metal wristlet watch
Timawrist, on a white metal
expanding bracelet.
Anything else in your pockets?
- No, sir.
- Right.
Sign here for your
valuable property.
The tobacco and chocolate
you brought in
you lose that
as you are now convicted.
Now over to the table
and get undressed.
Were you in police custody
this morning?
One jacket, blue pinstriped.
Prison custody?
Yes, sir, on remand.
- One necktie, blue.
- Religion?
C. of E., sir.
Do you mean the Church of England?
Yes, sir.
The Church of England.
Brown hair, isn't it?
Fair hair, sir.
Blue eyes?
Blue, sir.
Do you wear eyeglasses
or contact lenses?
No, sir.
One shirt, blue.
Collar attached.
Have you been receiving medical
treatment for any serious illness?
One pair of boots, black leather.
Zippered. Worn.
Have you ever had
any mental illness?
Do you wear any false teeth
or any false limbs?
One pair of trousers,
blue pinstriped.
Have you ever had any attacks
of fainting or dizziness?
One pair of socks, black.
Are you an epileptic?
One pair of underpants,
white with blue waistband.
Are you now, or have you ever been,
a homosexual?
- The mothballs, mister.
- Mothballs, sir.
Now then, face the wall
bend over and touch your toes.
Any venereal disease?
Crabs? Lice?
- Through there for the bath.
- One for a bath.
What's it going to be, eh?
Is it going to be in and out
of institutions like this
though more in than out
for most of you?
Or are you going to attend
to the divine word
and realize the punishments
that await unrepentant sinners
in the next world
as well as this?
A lot of idiots you are
selling your birthright
for a saucer of cold porridge.
The thrill of theft.
Of violence.
The urge to live easy.
Well, I ask you what is it worth
when we have undeniable proof
yes, incontrovertible
that hell exists?
I know!
I know, my friends.
I have been informed
in visions
that there is a place
darker than any prison
hotter than any flame
of human fire
where souls
of unrepentant criminal sinners
like yourselves
Don't you laugh, damn you!
Don't you laugh.
I say, like yourselves
in endless and
unendurable agony.
Their skin
rotting and peeling.
A fireball
spinning in their
screaming guts!
I know. Yes, I know!
All right, you lot!
We'll end by singing hymn 258
in the prisoner's hymnal.
And let's have a little reverence,
you bastards!
I was a wandering sheep
- Sing up, damn you!
- I did not love the fold
I did not love my shepherd's voice
I would not be controlled
It had not been edifying.
Indeed not.
Being in this hellhole
and human zoo for two years now.
Being kicked and tolchoked
by brutal warders
and meeting leering criminals
and perverts
ready to dribble all over
a luscious young malchick
like your storyteller.
It was my rabbit
to help the prison charlie
with the Sunday service.
He was a bolshy,
great burly bastard.
But he was very fond of myself,
me being very young
and also now very interested
in the Big Book.
I read all about the scourging
and the crowning with thorns.
And I could viddy myself
helping in
and even taking charge of
the tolchoking and the nailing in.
Being dressed in the height
of Roman fashion.
I didn't so much like
the latter part of the Book
which is more like
all preachy talking
than fighting
and the old in-out.
I like the parts where these old
yahoodies tolchok each other
and then drink
their Hebrew vino
and getting onto the bed
with their wives' handmaidens.
That kept me going.
"Seek not to be like evil men.
Neither desire to be with them
because their minds
studieth robberies
and their lips speak deceits"
If thou lose hope, being weary
in the days of distress
thy strength
shall be diminished.
Fine, my son. Fine.
I have tried, have I not?
You have, my son.
- I've done my best, have I not?
- Indeed.
I've never been guilty of any
institutional infraction, have I?
You certainly have not, 655321.
You've been very helpful.
And you've shown
a genuine desire to reform.
can I ask you
a question in private?
Certainly, my son. Certainly.
Is there something
troubling you, my son?
Don't be shy to speak up.
I know of the
urges that can
trouble young men
of the society of women.
It's nothing like that, Father.
It's about this new thing
they're all talking about.
About this new treatment.
It gets you out of prison
in no time.
And makes sure you
never get back in again.
Where did you hear about this?
Who's been talking
about these things?
These things get around.
Two warders talk, as it might be.
And somebody can't help
overhearing what they say.
Then somebody picks up a scrap
of newspaper in the workshops
and the newspaper
tells all about it.
How about putting me in
for this new treatment?
I take it you are referring
to the Ludovico technique.
I don't know what it's called.
I just know it
gets you out quickly
and makes sure you
never get back in again.
That is not proven, 655321.
In fact, it is only in the
experimental stage at this moment.
It has been used, hasn't it?
It has not been used
in this prison yet.
The governor has grave
doubts about it.
And I've heard there are
very serious dangers involved.
I don't care about the dangers.
I just want to be good.
I want for the rest
of my life to be
one act of goodness.
The question is
whether or not this technique
really makes a man good.
Goodness comes from within.
is chosen.
When a man cannot choose
he ceases to be a man.
I don't understand about
the whys and wherefores, Father.
I only know I want to be good.
Be patient, my son.
Put your trust in the Lord.
Instruct Thy Son
and He shall refresh thee
and shall give delight
to thy soul.
- Mister!
- All present and correct, sir!
All present and correct, sir!
Prisoners, halt!
Now pay attention!
I want you in two lines
up against that wall,
facing this way.
Go on, move!
Hurry up!
Stop talking!
Prisoners ready
for inspection, sir!
How many to a cell?
Four in this block, sir.
Cram criminals together
and what do you get?
Concentrated criminality.
Crime in the midst of punishment.
I agree, sir. We need
larger prisons, more money.
Not a chance, my dear fellow.
The government can't be
concerned any longer
with outmoded
penalogical theories.
Soon we may need all prison
space for political offenders.
Common criminals are best dealt
with on a purely curative basis.
Kill the criminal reflex,
that's all.
Full implementation
in a year's time.
Punishment means nothing to them.
They enjoy their
so-called punishment.
You're absolutely right, sir.
Shut your bleeding hole!
Who said that?
I did, sir.
What crime did you commit?
The accidental killing
of a person, sir.
He brutally murdered a woman
in furtherance of theft.
Fourteen years, sir.
He's enterprising
He'll do.
We could still look at C-block.
No, no. That's enough.
He's perfect.
I want his records sent to me.
This vicious young hoodlum
will be transformed
out of all recognition.
Thank you very much
for this chance.
Let's hope you make
the most of it, my boy.
- Shall we go to my office?
- Thank you.
Come in.
655321. Sir!
Very good, Chief.
Over to the line.
Toes behind it.
Full name and number
to the governor.
Alexander DeLarge, sir.
655321, sir.
I don't suppose you know who
that was this morning.
That was no less a personage
than the Minister of the Interior.
The new Minister of the Interior.
What they call a very new broom.
These new ridiculous ideas
have come at last.
And orders are orders
though I may say to you
in confidence, I do not approve.
An eye for an eye, I say.
If someone hits you,
you hit back, do you not?
Why should not the state,
severely hit by you hooligans
not hit back also?
The new view is to say "no"
The new view is that
we turn the bad into good.
All of which seems to me
to be grossly unjust.
Shut your filthy hole, you scum!
You are to be reformed.
Tomorrow you will go
to this man, Brodsky.
You will be leaving here.
You will be transferred to
the Ludovico medical facility.
It's believed you'll be able to
leave state custody in a fortnight.
I suppose that prospect
pleases you?
Answer the governor's question!
Yes, sir.
Thank you very much.
I've done my best here,
I really have, sir.
I'm very grateful
to all concerned, sir.
Sign this where it's marked.
Don't read it, sign it!
It says you're willing to have
your sentence commuted
to submission to
the Ludovico treatment.
And this.
And another copy.
The next morning I was taken to
the Ludovico medical facility
outside the town center.
I felt a malenky bit sad
having to say goodbye
to the old Staja
as you will, when you leave
a place you've gotten used to.
Right, halt the prisoner.
Good morning, sir.
I'm Chief Officer Barnes.
I've got 655321
on a transfer from Parkmoor
to the Ludovico Centre, sir.
Good morning.
Yes, we've been expecting you.
I'm Dr. Alcot.
Dr. Alcot.
Very good, sir.
- Are you prepared for the prisoner?
- Yes, of course.
I wonder if you'd mind signing
these documents, sir.
There, sir.
And there, sir.
And there.
There you are.
Prison escort, move forward!
Excuse me, sir.
Is that the officer who will
take charge of the prisoner?
A word of advice, doc.
You'll have to watch this one.
A right brutal bastard he has been,
and will be again
in spite of all his sucking up
and reading the Bible.
We can manage things.
Show the young man to his room.
Right, sir. Come this way, please.
- Morning, Charlie.
- Good morning, Doctor.
Good morning, Alex.
My name is Dr. Branom.
I'm Dr. Brodsky's assistant.
Good morning, missus.
Lovely day.
Indeed, it is.
May I take that?
- How are you feeling?
- Fine, fine.
Good. In a few minutes
you'll meet Dr. Brodsky
and begin your treatment.
You're a very lucky boy
to have been chosen.
I realize that,
and I'm very grateful.
We're going to be friends,
aren't we?
I hope so, missus.
What's the hypo for?
Sending me to sleep?
Nothing of the sort.
- Vitamins will it be, then?
- Something like that.
You're undernourished, so after
each meal we'll give you a shot.
Roll over on your right side.
Loosen your pajama pants
and pull them halfway down.
What exactly is the treatment here
going to be, then?
It's quite simple, really.
We're going to show you some films.
You mean like
going to the pictures?
Something like that.
That's good.
I like to viddy
the old films now and again.
And viddy films I would.
Where I was taken to, brothers
was like no cine
I ever viddied before.
I was bound up
in a straitjacket
and my gulliver was strapped
to a headrest
with wires running away from it.
Then they clamped, like,
lid-locks on me eyes
so that I could not shut them,
no matter how hard I tried.
It seemed a bit crazy to me
but I let them get on with
what they wanted to get on with.
If I was to be a free malchick
again in a fortnight
I would put up with much
in the meantime, O my brothers.
The first film was a very good,
professional piece of cine
like it was done in Hollywood.
The sounds were real horror show.
You could slooshy the screams
and moans very realistic.
You could even get
the breathing and panting
of the tolchocking malchicks
at the same time.
And then what do you know?
Soon our dear old friend
the red, red vino on tap
the same in all places
like it's put out
by the same firm
began to flow.
It was beautiful.
It's funny how the colors
of the real world
only seem really real
when you viddy them
on a screen.
Now, all the time
I was watching this
I was beginning
to get very aware
of, like, not feeling
all that well.
And this I put down
to all the rich food and vitamins.
But I tried to forget this,
concentrating on the next film
which jumped right away
on a young devotchka
who was being given
the old in-out, in-out
first by one malchick
then another.
Then another.
When it came to
the 6th or 7th malchick
leering and smecking
and then going into it
I began to feel really sick.
But I could not shut me glazzies.
And even if I tried to move
my glazzballs about
I still could not get out of
the line of fire
of this picture.
Get me up.
I'm going to be sick.
Get something for me to be sick in!
Very soon now,
the drug will cause the subject
to experience
a deathlike paralysis
together with deep feelings
of terror and helplessness.
One of our early test subjects
described it as being like death.
A sense of stifling or drowning.
And it is during this period,
we have found
the subject will make
his most rewarding associations
between his catastrophic
experience, environment
and the violence he sees.
Dr. Brodsky is pleased with you.
You've made
a very positive response.
Tomorrow there will be two
sessions, morning and afternoon.
You mean I have to viddy
two sessions in one day?
I imagine you'll feel a bit
limp by the end of the day.
But we have to be hard on you.
You have to be cured.
It was horrible.
Of course it was horrible.
Violence is a very horrible thing.
That's what you're learning now.
Your body's learning it.
I just don't understand about
feeling sick the way I did.
I never used to feel sick.
I used to feel the very opposite.
Doing it or watching it,
I used to feel real horror show.
You felt ill this afternoon
because you're getting better.
When we're healthy,
we respond to the hateful
with fear and nausea.
You're becoming healthy,
that's all.
By this time tomorrow,
you'll be healthier still.
It was the next day, brothers
and I had truly done my best
morning and afternoon
to play it their way
and sit like a horror show
cooperative malchick
in the chair of torture
while they flashed nasty bits
of ultra-violence on the screen
though not on the soundtrack,
the only sound being music.
Then I noticed,
in all my pain and sickness
what music it was
that, like, cracked and boomed.
It was Ludwig van.
Ninth Symphony, fourth movement.
Stop it! Stop it!
Please, I beg you!
It's a sin!
It's a sin!
What's all this about sin?
Using Ludwig van like that.
He did no harm to anyone.
Beethoven just wrote music.
Are you referring
to the background score?
You've heard Beethoven before?
So you're keen on music?
Can't be helped.
Here's the punishment
element perhaps.
The governor ought to be pleased.
I'm sorry, Alex.
This is for your own good.
You'll have to bear with us
for a while.
But it's not fair.
It's not fair I should feel ill
when I hear lovely,
lovely Ludwig van.
You must take your chance, boy.
The choice has been all yours.
You needn't take it
any further, sir.
You've proved to me all this
ultra-violence and killing
is wrong, wrong
and terribly wrong!
I've learned me lesson, sir.
I see now what I've
never seen before.
I'm cured. Praise God!
You're not cured yet, boy.
But, sirs.
I see that it's wrong!
It's wrong because
it's, like, against society.
Because everybody has the
right to live and be happy
without being
tolchocked and knifed!
No, no, boy.
You really must leave it to us.
But be cheerful about it.
In less than a fortnight now,
you'll be a free man.
Ladies and gentlemen
at this stage, we introduce
the subject himself.
He is, as you will perceive,
fit and well-nourished.
He comes straight from a night's
sleep and a good breakfast
Tomorrow we send him out with
confidence into the world again
as decent a lad as you
would meet on a May morning.
What a change is here,
ladies and gentlemen.
From the hoodlum
the state committed
to unprofitable punishment
two years ago.
Unchanged after two years.
Unchanged, do I say?
Not quite.
Prison taught him the false smile,
the rubbed hands of hypocrisy.
The fawning, greased,
obsequious leer.
Other vices it taught him
as well as confirming him in
those he had long practiced before.
Our party promised
to restore law and order
and to make the streets safe for
the ordinary peace-loving citizen.
This pledge is now
about to become a reality.
Ladies and gentlemen,
today is an historic moment.
The problem of criminal violence
is soon to be a thing of the past.
But enough of words.
Actions speak louder than.
Action now.
Observe all.
Our necks are out
a long way on this, Minister.
I have complete faith in Brodsky.
If the polls are right,
we have nothing to lose.
Hello, heap of dirt.
You don't wash much, do you,
judging by the horrible smell.
Why do you say that?
I had a shower this morning.
He had a shower this morning.
You trying to call me a liar?
No, brother.
You must think I'm awfully stupid.
Why did you do that, brother?
I've never done wrong to you.
You want to know why I did that?
Well, you see
I do this
and that
and this because I don't like
your horrible type, do I?
And if you want
to start something
you just go ahead.
Go on!
Please do!
I'm going to be sick.
You're going to be sick, are you?
I'm going to be sick.
Please let me get up.
You want to get up?
Well, now you listen to me.
If you want to get up
you've got to
do something for me.
You see that?
You see that shoe?
I want you to lick it.
Go on!
Lick it!
And, O my brothers,
would you believe
your faithful friend
and long-suffering narrator
pushed out his red yabzick
a mile and a half
to lick the grahzny,
vonny boots.
And again!
The horrible killing sickness
had whooshed up
and turned the joy of battle
into a feeling
I was going to snuff it.
And again.
Nice and clean.
Thank you very much.
That will do very well.
Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen.
She came towards me
with the light, like it was the
light light of heavenly grace.
And the thing that flashed
in me gulliver
was that I'd like to have her
there on the floor
with the old in-out,
real savage.
But quick as a shot
came the sickness.
Like a detective who'd been
watching around the corner
and now followed
to make his arrest.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, my dear.
Not feeling too bad now, are you?
No, sir.
I feel really great, sir.
- Good.
- Was it all right, sir?
Did I do well?
Fine, my boy.
Absolutely fine.
You see, ladies and gentlemen
our subject is impelled
towards the good
by paradoxically
being impelled towards evil.
The intention to act violently
is accompanied by strong
feelings of physical distress.
To counter these,
the subject has to switch
to a diametrically
opposed attitude.
Any questions?
The boy has no real choice, has he?
The fear of physical pain
drove him to that
grotesque act of self-abasement.
Its insincerity
was clearly to be seen.
He ceases to be a wrongdoer.
He ceases also to be
a creature capable of moral choice.
Padre, these are subtleties.
We're not concerned with motives,
with the higher ethics.
We are concerned only
with cutting down crime.
And with relieving the ghastly
congestion in our prisons.
He will be your true Christian
ready to turn the other cheek.
Ready to be crucified,
rather than crucify.
Sick to the very heart at the
thought even of killing a fly.
Joy before the angels of God.
The point is that it works!
And the very next day,
your friend and humble narrator
was a free man.
Hi, hi, hi there, my Pee and Em.
How are you, love?
Nice to see you.
- Dad.
- Lad. What a surprise.
- Good to see you.
- Keeping fit?
How are you, then?
I'm fine, fine.
Keeping out of trouble, you know.
I'm back!
Good to see you.
Why didn't you let us know
what was happening?
I wanted it to be, like,
a big surprise for you and Pee.
It's a surprise, all right.
A bit bewildering too.
We've only just read about it
in morning papers.
You should have let us know, lad.
Not that we're not very pleased
to see you again, and all
cured too, eh?
That's right.
They did a great job on me.
I'm completely reformed.
Still the same old place, then?
There's a strange fellow
sitting on the sofa
lomticks of toast.
That's Joe.
He lives here now.
The lodger.
That's what he is.
He rents your room.
How do you do, Joe?
Find the room comfortable, do you?
No complaints?
I've heard about you.
I know what you've done.
Breaking the hearts of your
poor, grieving parents.
So you're back, eh?
Back to make life a misery for
your lovely parents once more?
Over my dead corpse, you will.
Because, you see, they've let me
be more like a son to them
than like a lodger.
Don't go fighting here, boys.
Do put your hand
over your mouth, please.
It's bloody revolting.
Are you all right?
It's the treatment.
It's disgusting.
Enough to put you off your food.
Leave him be, Joe.
It's the treatment.
Do you think we ought
to do something?
Would you like me to make you
a nice cup of tea, son?
What have you done
with all me own personal things?
That was all
took away, son.
By the police.
New regulation, see
about compensation
for the victims.
What about Basil?
Where is my snake?
He met with
like, an accident.
He passed away.
What's going to happen to me, then?
I mean
that's my room he's in.
There's no denying that.
This is my home also.
What suggestions have you,
my Pee and Em, to make?
All this needs thinking about, son.
We can't very well
just kick Joe out.
Not just like that, can we?
I mean
Joe's here doing a job.
A contract it is.
Two years.
We made, like, an arrangement.
Didn't we, Joe?
You see, son
Joe's paid next month's
rent already
so whatever we may do in
the future, we can't just say
to Joe to get out, now can we?
No, but it's much more than that.
I mean, I've got you two
to think of
who've been like
a father and mother to me.
It wouldn't be right for me
to go off and leave you two
to the tender mercies
of this young monster
who's been like
no real son at all.
Look, he's weeping now.
But that's all his craft
and artfulness.
Let him go and find
a room somewhere else.
Let him learn the errors
of his way, and that a bad boy
doesn't deserve such a good
mum and dad as he's had.
All right.
I know how things are now.
I've suffered and I've suffered
and I've suffered.
And everybody wants me
to go on suffering.
You've made others suffer.
It's only right
that you should suffer proper.
I've been told
everything you've done
sitting around the family table.
And pretty shocking
it was to listen to.
It made me real sick,
a lot of it did.
Now look what you've gone
and done to your mother.
Come on. It's all right now.
I'm leaving now.
You won't ever viddy me no more.
I'll make me own way.
Thank you very much. Let it lie
heavy on your consciences.
Now don't take it like that, son.
Can you spare some cutter,
me brother?
Can you spare some cutter,
me brother?
Can you spare some cutter,
me brother?
Thanks, brother.
Jamey Mack!
May the hokey fly!
Mother of God and all the blessed
saints in heaven preserve us!
I never forget a face, me God!
I never forget any face.
Leave me alone, brother.
I've never seen you before!
This is the poisonous young swine
that near done me in.
Him and his friends.
They beat me and kicked me
and punched me.
Stop him! Stop him!
They laughed at me blood
and me moans, this murderous dog!
Then there was like
a sea of dirty, smelly old men
trying to get at
your humble narrator
with their feeble rookers
and horny old claws.
It was old age
having a go at youth.
And I daren't do a single
solitary thing, O my brothers.
It being better
to be hit at like that
than want to sick
and feel that horrible pain.
All right, all right!
Stop it now!
Come on. Stop breaking the
state's peace, you naughty boys!
Back away! Go away with you!
What's your trouble, sir?
Well, well, well!
If it isn't little Alex.
Long time no viddy, droog.
How goes?
It's impossible.
I don't believe it.
Evidence of the old glazzies.
Nothing up our sleeves.
No magic, little Alex.
A job for two
who are now of job age.
The police.
Come on, Alex.
Come for walking.
Come, come, come,
my little droogies.
I just don't get this at all.
The old days are dead and gone.
For what I did in the past,
I've been punished.
I've been cured.
That was read out to us.
The inspector read it
all out to us.
He said it was a very good way.
But what is all this?
It was them
that went for me, brothers.
You're not on their side,
and can't be.
You can't be, Dim.
It was someone we fillied with
back in the old days
trying to get his own revenge
after all this time. Remember?
A long time is right.
I don't remember them days
too horror show.
And don't call me Dim
no more, either.
Officer, call me.
Enough is remembered, though,
little Alex.
And this is to make sure
you stay cured.
That's enough.
A bit more. He's still kicking.
Cured, are you?
Be viddying you some more
sometime, droogie.
Where was I to go,
who had no home and no money?
I cried for meself.
Home, home, home.
It was home I was wanting.
And it was home
I came to, brothers
not realizing,
in the state I was in
where I was
and had been before.
Who on earth could that be?
I'll see who it is.
Yes, what is it?
Frank, I think this young man
needs some help.
My God!
What's happened to you, my boy?
And would you believe it,
O my brothers and only friends
there was your
faithful narrator
being held helpless
like a babe in arms
and suddenly realizing
where he was
and why "home" on the gate
had looked so familiar.
But I knew I was safe.
I knew he would not remember me.
For in those carefree days
I and my so-called droogs
wore our maskies, which were
like real horror show disguises.
Ghastly, horrible police
they beat me up, sir.
The police beat me up.
I know you!
Isn't it your picture
in the newspapers?
Didn't I see you
on the video this morning?
Are you not the poor victim
of this horrible new technique?
Yes, sir.
That's exactly who I am and
what I am, sir. A victim.
Then, by God, you've been
sent here by providence!
Tortured in prison, then
tortured by the police.
My heart goes out to you.
You're not the first to come here.
The police like to bring
their victims to this village.
But it's providential that you
who are also another kind
of victim, should come here.
But you're cold and shivering.
draw a bath for this young man.
Certainly, Frank.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.
He can be the most potent
weapon imaginable
to ensure the government
is not returned in the election.
The government's big boast, sir
is the way they have
dealt with crime:
Recruiting young roughs
into the police
proposing will-sapping
techniques of conditioning.
We've seen it before
in other countries.
The thin end of the wedge.
Before we know it, we'll have the
full apparatus of totalitarianism.
This young boy is a living witness
to these diabolical proposals.
The people, the common people,
must know, must see.
There are traditions of liberty to
defend. That tradition is all.
The common people
will let it go, yes.
They'll sell liberty
for a quieter life.
That is why they must be led.
Driven. Pushed.
Thank you very much, sir.
He'll be here.
I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm hap-hap-happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
I'm ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I'll walk down the lane
Good evening, sir.
Good evening.
It was very kind of you
to leave this out for me.
There was no one around,
so I started.
Hope that's all right, sir.
Of course.
Food all right?
Great, sir. Great.
Try the wine.
Thank you, sir.
Happy days.
Won't you join me?
My health doesn't allow it.
No, thank you.
"1960, Chateau
Very good brand.
Very good
color, sir.
Smells nice too.
Very nice little number.
Here's to it.
Very refreshing, sir.
Very refreshing.
I'm pleased you
appreciate good wine.
Have another glass.
My wife
used to do everything for me
and leave me to my writing.
Your wife? Is she away?
She's dead!
I'm sorry to hear about that.
She was very badly raped, you see.
We were assaulted by
vicious young hoodlums
in this very room
you're sitting in now.
I was left a helpless cripple,
but for her the agony was too great.
The doctors said
it was pneumonia
because it happened later,
during a flu epidemic.
The doctors told me it was
pneumonia, but I knew what it was.
A victim of the modern age.
Poor, poor girl!
And now you.
Another victim of the modern age.
But you can be helped.
I phoned some friends while
you were having your bath.
They want to help you.
- Help me?
- Help you.
- Who are they?
- Very, very important people.
And they're interested in you.
This'll be these people now.
I don't want to trouble you
any further. I should be leaving.
No trouble at all.
Let me fill your glass.
So this is the young man.
How do you do, sir?
I'm very pleased to meet you.
I hope you forgive us for coming
at this hour
but we heard you
were in trouble
and so we came over to see
if we could help.
Very kind of you, sir.
Thank you very much.
I understand you had a rather
with the police tonight.
Yes, I suppose
you could call it that.
How are you feeling now?
Much better, thank you.
Feel like talking,
answering a few questions?
Fine, sir. Fine.
As I said, we've heard about you.
We are interested in your case.
- We want to help you.
- Thank you very much.
Shall we get down to it?
Fine. Fine, sir.
The newspapers mentioned
in addition to being conditioned
against acts of sex and violence
you've inadvertently been
conditioned against music.
I think that was something
that they didn't plan for.
You see, missus
Im very fond of music.
Especially Beethoven.
Ludwig van Beethoven.
- B-E...
- It's all right, thank you.
And it just so happened that
while they were showing me
a particularly bad film
of, like, a concentration camp
the background music
was playing Beethoven.
So now you have
the same reaction to music
as you do to sex and violence?
No, missus. You see, it's not
all music. It's just the Ninth.
You mean Beethoven's Ninth Symphony?
That's right. I can't listen
to the Ninth anymore at all.
When I hear the Ninth, I get, like
this funny feeling.
And then all I can think about
is, like, trying to snuff it.
- I beg your pardon?
- Snuff it. Death, I mean.
I just want to die peacefully
like, with no pain.
Do you feel that way now?
No, sir, not exactly.
I still feel
very miserable.
Very much down in spirits.
Do you still feel
Put it this way:
I feel very low in myself.
I can't see much in the future.
I feel that any second, something
terrible is going to happen to me.
Well done, Frank.
Get the car, would you, please?
I woke up
the pain and sickness
all over me like an animal.
Then I realized what it was.
The music coming up
from the floor
was our old friend,
Ludwig van
and the dreaded Ninth Symphony.
Let me out!
Open the door!
Come on, open the door!
Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Stop it!
Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Suddenly, I viddied
what I had to do
and what I had wanted to do.
And that was to do myself in.
To snuff it.
To blast off forever,
out of this wicked, cruel world.
One moment of pain, perhaps
and then sleep.
Forever and ever
and ever.
I jumped, O my brothers
and I fell hard.
But I did not snuff it.
If I had snuffed it
I would not be here
to tell what I told have.
I came back to life
after a long, black, black gap
of what might have been
a million years.
He's recovered
consciousness, Doctor.
Hello, lad.
Hello, son.
How are you?
You feeling better?
O my Pee and Em?
What makes
you think
you are welcome?
There, there, Mother.
It's all right.
He doesn't mean it.
You were in the papers again, son.
It said
they had done
great wrong to you.
It said
how the government
drove you to try
and do yourself in.
And when you think about it, son
maybe it was our fault too
in a way.
Your home's your home
when all's said and done, son.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Doctor.
- How are you feeling today?
- Fine.
Good. May I?
- I'm Dr. Taylor.
- Haven't seen you before.
I'm your psychiatrist.
Do I need one?
Just part of hospital routine.
Are we going to
talk about me sex life?
I'm going to show you
some slides
and you're going to tell me
what you think about them.
Jolly good.
You know anything about dreams?
Something, yes.
- You know what they mean?
- Perhaps.
You concerned about something?
No, not concerned, really
but I've been having
this nasty dream.
Very nasty.
It's like
when I was all smashed up,
you know
and half-awake
and unconscious-like
I kept having this dream.
All these doctors were
playing around with me gulliver.
You know, like the inside
of me brain.
I seem to have this dream
over and over again.
Do you think it means anything?
Patients with injuries like yours
often have dreams of this sort.
It's all part
of the recovery process.
Now then, each of these slides
needs a reply
from one of the people
in the picture.
You tell me what you think
the person would say
all right?
"Isn't the plumage beautiful?"
I just say what the
other person would say?
Don't think about it too long.
Say the first thing
that pops into your mind.
Cabbages. Knickers.
It's not got a beak.
"The boy you always quarreled with
is seriously ill"
My mind is a blank
and I'll smash your face
for you, yarblockos.
"What do you want?"
No time for the old in-out, love.
I've just come to read the meter.
"You sold me a crummy watch.
I want my money back"
You know what you can do with
that watch? Stick it up your ass!
"You can do whatever
you like with these"
I would like
to smash them.
And pick them all up
and throw
Fucking hell!
There. That's all there is to it.
Are you all right?
Hope so.
Is that the end, then?
I was quite enjoying that.
Good. I'm glad.
How many did I get right?
It's not that kind of a test.
But you seem well on the way
to making a complete recovery.
When do I get out, then?
I'm sure it won't be long now.
So I waited
and, O my brothers
I got a lot better
munching away at eggiwegs
and lomticks of toast
and lovely steakie-wakes.
And then one day
they said I was going to have
a very special visitor.
Just wait outside for a moment,
would you, Officer?
I'm afraid my change of schedule
has thrown you.
The patient's in the middle
of supper.
That's quite all right, Minister.
No trouble at all.
- Good evening, my boy.
- Hi there, my little droogies.
How are you getting on, young man?
Great, sir. Just great.
Can I do anything more for you?
I don't think so, Sir Leslie.
Then I leave you to it.
You seem to have a whole ward
to yourself, my boy.
Yes, sir.
And a very lonely place
it is too
when I wake up in the night
with me pain.
Anyway, good to see you
on the mend.
I kept in touch
with the hospital, of course.
And now I've come down
to see how you're getting along.
I've suffered the tortures
of the damned.
Tortures of the damned.
Yes, I can appreciate that
you've had an extremely
Oh, look. Let me help you
with that, shall I?
I can tell you that I, and the
government of which I'm a member
are deeply sorry about this,
my boy. Deeply sorry.
We tried to help you.
We followed recommendations
that turned out to be wrong.
An inquiry will place the
responsibility where it belongs.
We want you to regard us
as friends.
We put you right.
You're getting
the best of treatment.
We never wished you harm.
But there are some who did, and do.
And I think you know who those are.
There are certain people who wanted
to use you for political ends.
They would have been
glad to have you dead
for they thought they could then
blame it on the government.
There is also a certain man
a writer of subversive
who has been howling
for your blood.
He's been mad with desire
to stick a knife into you.
But you're safe from him now.
We put him away.
He found out that you
had done wrong to him.
At least he believed
you had done wrong.
He formed this idea in his head
that you had been responsible
for the death of someone
near and dear to him.
He was a menace.
We put him away
for his own protection.
And also for yours.
Where is he now?
We put him away
where he can do you no harm.
You see, we are looking
after your interests.
We are interested in you.
When you leave, you'll have no
worries. We'll see to everything.
A good job on a good salary.
What job and how much?
You'll have an interesting job at
a salary you regard as adequate.
Not only for the job
you're going to do
and in compensation for what
you believe you have suffered
but also because
you are helping us.
Helping you?
We always help our friends,
don't we?
It is no secret
that this government
has lost a lot of popularity
because of you, my boy.
There are some who think that at
the next election we shall be out.
The press has chosen to take
a very unfavorable view
of what we tried to do.
But public opinion
has a way of changing.
And you, Alex
if I may call you Alex.
What do they call you at home?
My name is Frederick.
As I was saying, Alex
you can be instrumental
in changing the public's verdict.
Do you understand, Alex?
Do I make myself clear?
As an unmuddied lake, Fred.
As clear as an azure sky
of deepest summer.
You can rely on me, Fred.
Good boy.
I understand you're fond of music.
I have arranged a little
surprise for you.
One that I hope
that you will like
as a
how shall we put it
as a symbol of
our new understanding.
An understanding
between two friends.
was cured, all right!