A Far Shore (2022) Movie Script

- Cheers!
- Kampai!
You both seem super young.
- Do we?
- How old are you?
You guess.
Ah, 18?
About right?
- It could be.
- Did I miss?
That's about right.
What!? Younger than that?
- Maybe younger.
- Seriously?
- 17?
- Yes, 17.
- You're kidding.
- 17.
- Really?
- And you?
I'm 17 too.
- It'd never happen in Tokyo.
- No way.
Girls start in junior high here.
They do?
Is that all right? Don't they arrest you?
We don't do anything bad.
So casual about it...
They arrest you if you're bad.
They let you be.
Young girls, great food...
Okinawa is crazy!
- It really is.
- Crazy.
I wanna live here.
- Real crazy.
- Totally.
Real crazy.
- Is that mine?
- Yes.
Thank you. Good night.
Come, now.
Up you go.
Look! There's a cat.
We're home!
All right.
- Vroom-vroom.
- You want your car?
Not your drink?
Here you go.
Lie down over there, Kengo.
Give Plimpy some.
Give Plimpy some.
- Plimpy.
- Give him some?
It's too loud.
Turn down the TV!
Were you drinking?
Yes, you were.
Eat this.
When will you get home?
Around 5:00.
I'm going to work tonight.
You're working a lot.
We need the money.
You get 2,500 yen an hour.
- Yummy.
- Yummy?
Yummy roll.
Can you look after Kengo?
Why don't you ask your grandma?
It's a hassle.
I don't want to go.
What's a hassle?
I don't get him.
Don't you want this?
- I'm done.
- You're done.
- What's this?
- Kee-kee.
Not a kee-kee.
It's a choo-choo.
A kee-kee.
What is it?
Your wallet?
You're close?
Hang on a sec.
Where is your wallet?
At home?
Okay, I got it.
Okay, okay...
- Were you planning to take today off?
- No.
- You're working?
- Yes.
And you drank all night?
I'm sorry.
Can you work like that?
- You can't help yourself?
- Sorry.
- Huh?
- I'm sorry.
Look in my eyes when you apologize.
Look here.
Don't look away. Can I trust you?
Please forgive me.
I'm sorry.
- Just some seltzer.
- Just seltzer? Why?
- Because I have plenty of meat.
- You do?
Love your body!
But we have too few hotels.
That's a problem.
Maybe we can route
the shuttle bus here.
We'll lose out to Chatan.
Chatan has hotels, it's true,
but we have the mall
and lots of clubs.
Don't touch me!
You're filthy.
You dirty prick!
- What happened?
- I've had it.
- He felt me up.
- Your boobs?
- My boobs.
- But you don't have boobs.
He offered cash
instead of buying champagne.
15,000 yen.
Really? Awesome!
Good for you.
Touch my boobs.
Thank you.
Give it back!
No, it's mine. Hands off!
Maki got felt up.
Give her some... no, I'll keep it.
No good? Then treat me.
- Why?
- Treat me.
Aoi, let's go to Naha.
Let's go. I'm done working.
Your food stinks!
It's yummy!
- I'm free!
- Feels great!
Everybody happy?
I feel great!
I want to go away.
- Let's go!
- No way!
We're home!
- Welcome home!
- Welcome home.
Welcome home...
What have you got there?
Want to eat that?
Wait a second.
Papa! Papa!
What are you doing?
- Work?
- I didn't feel like going in.
I took the day off.
The boss is going to be angry again.
Why shut the door?
Why not?
It's always open.
Not always.
I'm taking a shit, that's why.
Look up.
Thatta boy.
Hey, last night's pay.
- I spent it.
- On what?
Tomomitsu's party.
What about rent? 35,000 yen.
You should pay it.
I don't have it. You know that.
- I always pay.
- So what?
I won't pay it.
- Pay the rent!
- What?
You pay it!
- You pay!
- Why? Go to work!
Go to work.
You have to work.
Don't you boss me.
You're gonna get it.
Go ahead. Hit me.
- Hit me.
- I will.
Shut up!
Your face.
Was it Masaya?
What do you see in him?
To me, being hit is a kind of love.
But it's not love with Masaya.
Don't you want a change?
Maybe a day job, or something.
Do you want to?
Not really.
But I want a proper job.
You should.
Grandma doesn't like me working nights.
A day job is normal, right?
I don't know about normal.
Why do we have to work?
To earn money.
I'm exhausted.
I know.
Aoi, give me another 10,000.
You already lost.
10,000 is too much. Bet less.
What do I see in him?
Tomomitsu will help me open a shop.
Get serious...
you just need to work.
Are you angry?
- Yes, I'm angry.
- Why?
Come on.
- Let's open a shop.
- No way.
Not hungry?
- Welcome.
- Come this way.
Looking for a pub?
How about a nightclub?
Aoi, please. Take Table 6.
Like group exercises!
This girl will join you.
Hello. At your service.
- What's your name?
- Aoi.
Help yourself to a drink.
Oh, thank you. I will.
Are you guys from around here?
How did you know?
You look like it.
- I might go next door.
- Come to the 2nd floor.
VIP Room on the 2nd floor!
Sorry, maybe next time.
Two men around back!
Manager, police are here!
Lock the door.
They always pay rent
for the US bases.
That's pretty amazing.
What? Why do you get paid?
Hello there.
Something up?
The door's locked.
It's not my club.
Open the door.
That club is closed today.
Closed? It wasn't last week.
We're the police.
We have a warrant.
- I'm super, right?
- Yes, super.
The police are here.
- What?
- Police.
Get out of here, quick.
- What?
- It's nothing.
And a new girl drops in!
3 girls getting away!
Run! Run!
Aoi, this way!
Climb over!
Uganbusuku not enough prayers
Why are you working there?
Ow, this hurts!
Why were you at that club?
Do you have a band-aid?
They pay you to work there, right?
Do you have one?
Boo hoo.
No point in lying.
It'll only make it worse.
This is something else.
This is you, working.
That's you, right?
Get serious!
You're under age,
you can't be guzzling alcohol.
Aren't you going to school?
And your parents?
What do they say?
They're gone.
No parents?
How do you live?
What's it to you?
Do you live alone?
Your son, right?
What about him?
Bug off.
Where is he now?
What's it to you?
It's OK to leave him alone at night?
Shut up!
Can your son be proud of you?
Enough! Shut up!
Can he?
Are you going to keep this up?
Do you love your son?
Shut up! Stop bugging me!
Stop your goofing!
Stand straight!
You're a pain in the ass.
A normal face.
No peace signs! Stop goofing!
OK, look normal.
No hands!
Being taken in by the police,
I'm ashamed.
Quit doing that work!
Drinking until dawn...
It's not fair to Kengo.
Was Kengo a good boy?
I've had it!
You fool!
I give up
We're home.
Gone, gone.
Masaya isn't answering his phone.
He doesn't return my calls.
I'm sorry.
You can't reach him?
- He hasn't come home.
- At night?
He doesn't pick up.
If he's like this,
it'll be hard to keep him on.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Who are you?
- Is she here?
- What?
Is she here?
Hey, someone's here!
What is it?
Is Masaya here?
He's not here.
Did you call him?
We aren't in touch these days.
Thank you.
Hey, Aoi!
Did Masaya really leave?
What will you do?
What's with him?
Have you seen Masaya?
I saw him yesterday.
Really? Where?
Oh, Aoi!
- What are you doing?
- Drinking.
What are you thinking?
Stop! No violence!
Really, calm down.
- Do you know how I've worried?
- Sorry.
I'm sorry.
Don't be angry.
- Excuse me.
- See ya.
How did you find me?
- What are you doing?
- Drinking.
- Do you know the trouble I've had?
- I don't.
I get it.
I'm sorry.
Let's go.
What? Stop!
I can walk on my own.
I didn't pay my tab.
Lend me some cash, 1,000 yen.
What is it?
Why are you angry?
Where's my money?
My money.
I used it up.
If there's cash around, you use it.
That's what you do.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Lend me some.
Why are you so angry?
You can earn it back.
You're such slobs
""Men are one rib short.""
What's your grandma saying?
You don't understand Okinawan.
You neglect your ancestors,
"not enough prayers.""
You're a disgrace to Okinawa
I'm not looking out for you anymore.
Fine, then don't.
Let's go.
Kengo, here, take this.
The money.
- Unnh?
- It's gone.
- Money.
- I'm broke.
What'll we do?
You can work at the club.
I can't anymore.
So then what?
What will you do?
I don't know.
What are you thinking?
That's what.
It's up to you.
What'll we do?
You know...
Our lives.
- What?
- You do it.
- Are you crazy?
- I'll kill you!
That hurts!
Pay me damages!
You got money hidden.
Tell me where!
I don't.
You don't trust me at all.
You're scum.
Where is it?
The calen...
The calendar.
The calendar?
Go to the hospital.
The Sound of the Sea
Where's Aoi?
Not. Not.
Not? Why not?
Are you all right?
What happened?
I asked him, "What will you do?"...
Why are you laughing?
You should see your face.
How do I look?
Like this.
Ow, that hurts.
- Sorry.
- Don't make me laugh.
Like this.
Stop that!
- Sorry.
- Ow! Stop!
That face! Let's take a shot.
We've got to.
One more!
Make a face!
Ms. Aragaki, we took an X-ray
of your left hand.
There was no damage to the bone.
But your eye has a
severe internal bleeding.
It will take a week or 2
for the swelling to come down.
Come back to see us again,
if your sight is impaired
after the swelling goes away.
You reported that you had a fall,
but is there more?
How did the hospital go?
I can write a medical report,
and you can show it to the police
or a support center.
Thank you.
Hand that to Aoi.
- Here.
- Thanks.
Here you go.
I have to work.
How can you?
I don't have any money.
What! He's seriously crazy.
Seriously. He's beyond hope.
Ms. Aragaki!
The charge for today's visit
is 21,820 yen.
I don't have that much.
It's OK, I'll pay.
You didn't have your insurance card,
but if you bring it in,
we'll reimburse you.
Here you go.
22,000 yen. Thank you.
- Shopping?
- Yes, you'll eat and then shop.
What do you want today?
What flavor candy?
- Strawberry.
- Strawberry?
Thanks for the lift.
Kengo, bye-bye. Be a good boy.
Did you wait?
What's up?
This way.
This is Aoi.
I'm Aoi.
She had a fall.
She can't work, looking like that.
Why? It's all right.
You were just caught the other day.
They suspended that club,
so you come to me.
They're clamping down on minors.
Can't I just say I'm old enough?
The club next door closed after a raid.
We need the business, so I want minors.
That's right.
They bring in more.
But not looking like that.
You said you'd hire her.
Mr. Tomihara...
How about a dating service?
What? Dating?
She'd make a lot more.
I know someone you can trust.
Aoi couldn't do that.
You won't get caught, on your own.
Let's go.
You'd bring in 70,000 a day.
What? Hooking?
- Serious?
- No way.
Aoi couldn't do that.
Tomihara should fuck off.
What's a "dating service"?
I think it's like a call girl.
You're too young to work in a spa.
You're still a minor.
Does dating pay well?
I don't know.
Hooking is disgusting.
Imagining an old guy's dick
makes me wanna puke.
I couldn't do it.
Don't say that in front of her.
How about "prick" then?
- Try saying "prick."
- That's not the point.
Prick, prick, prick.
She said it first.
Are you OK, Aoi?
I'm OK.
- Your're all exited.
- How about "wee-wee"?
It's your own fault.
Where are you staying?
At my mom's.
Just pay back what you can.
I told you before.
If we move in with her,
we can live cheaper.
I don't want to go there.
Why not?
I don't wanna live with your mom.
You don't have to talk to her.
I don't.
We have Kengo. It won't work.
Okinawa Governor Tamaki
held a press conference to announce
a business development plan.
He said the government is committed
to building a sustainable Okinawa.
The goal is a kinder, inclusive society,
with autonomy, cooperation,
and diversity.
The governor pledged
to protect human dignity
by building a society
with Okinawan kindness
that leaves no one behind.
Could you spare some money?
Why should I give her money?
She's your daughter.
I know you have a wife and kids,
so things are tight.
I don't expect you can spare much,
but she can't live without money.
Women have it made.
They make easy money in the clubs.
It's tough for men.
There're no jobs these days.
Why not?
I heard the government paid
fishermen 30 million yen.
We didn't get that much.
Just a small stipend from the co-op.
This is the last time.
I can't keep doing this.
Get a job in a club and pay your way.
You look like your mother.
It drives me crazy.
Your mother called the other day.
She's in detention in Kyushu.
Both of you, hitting me up.
Don't come here again.
I'll look after Kengo.
We have to take care of him.
Or else, he'll end up like you.
Are you listening?
The Sound of One Hand Clapping
Where are you going?
- You have an interview?
- Yes.
Just when you have to move...
I'm not sure if I will move, yet.
Really? Why is that?
I'll look after Kengo.
Stop that now.
Ah, hits the spot.
I got you!
I got you!
- Is this your first day job?
- Yes.
What jobs have you had?
- Clubs?
- Yes.
At 17?
So you'll quit working nights?
I have a son, so it's hard.
- How old is he?
- He's 2.
So, you can come in every day?
Every day?
With my son, it might be hard
to work every day.
Why did you think you'd come here?
I wanted to try working days.
Well, our starting pay
is 792 yen per hour.
That's tough.
I won't get paid for a month.
How will I pay my rent
and my phone bill?
You won't make it.
I know.
The pay is 792 yen per hour.
Way cheap. If I work every day,
I'll make 80,000 yen a month.
That's impossible.
Why don't you drink with us?
- I'm making Kengo's supper.
- Do it later.
- Let's drink.
- I said, no.
Sit down. You drink awamori, right?
No. I can't drink, I really can't.
- I mean it, come.
- I can't.
You'll drink. There.
I'm fine. Maybe next time, really.
- Sit down.
- I can't.
Sit, this is delicious.
Stop that!
What is it?
Stop that!
I'll fuck you up.
I'll waste you.
Get outta here.
Stay away!
The rent is overdue.
Call me.
Ms. Aragaki!
Ms. Aragaki! Your rent is due.
It's overdue.
Ms. Aragaki! I know you're there.
Ms. Aragaki!
I know you're there.
Welcome back.
Masaya's here.
Where were you?
Tomomitsu's place.
We have to talk.
About what?
We need money.
What about it?
I can't work in clubs now.
So, what?
You need to find a job and work.
What a pain.
What's that look!?
Who said you could boss me around?
You just say, Work! Work!
You don't get me.
Say something!
Don't look at me like that!
Say something!
Masaya, stop that!
Where are you going?
You don't get me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What's that?
This? It's grass.
You're doing drugs?
It's okay.
It's not addictive.
It's not like speed.
Didn't Masaya come home?
It looks like...
he was taken away by the police.
What happened?
He got in a fight at a bar.
Two men and 1 woman were injured.
They'll each need a week to recover,
but they'll be OK.
witnesses say Masaya had a lot to drink
and initiated the violence.
He's admitted it.
To settle this, Masaya will have to
apologize to the victims,
and pay settlement compensation.
Your bag...
Settlement compensation
is usually about 300,000 yen per person.
More or less.
Without a settlement,
he could be jailed.
Or given a fine.
A settlement?
That's when, for example,
Masaya meets with the victims
and makes an offer
to pay money to them.
Frankly, to pay money
to make the matter go away.
That's a settlement.
That compensation has to be paid
by Masaya or by you.
Or else,
you can ask a relative who
has the means to take care of it.
Masaya said he'd ask you to pay.
If you can't, you can ask a relative.
I met with the lawyer.
He says,
we have to pay compensation.
How much?
200,000 or 300,000 yen.
3 people were hurt.
I have no idea.
I don't know what to do.
I said, I don't know.
He did it on his own, got busted.
He never listens to me.
She's here.
At home.
With the kid.
I think she works in a club.
They're really cracking down
on minors. Did you find anything?
I've been trying. I
asked a number of clubs.
Some have closed,
others tightened age limits.
There's no way?
I think the clubs
won't hire you.
Is there anything else?
There is, but...
I think it would be tough for you.
The sex trade?
You can make good money.
You can do date service, at your age.
It's like sex trade
that specializes in minors.
I can introduce you. They pay cash,
twice what you've been getting.
But it's not for everyone.
You should think it over.
I'll ask around some more.
If you need money, that's one option.
A Far Shore
Quit it! Stop!
Get on top!
I want to go away.
Someplace far away.
- Shall we?
- Let's go!
- Let's go!
- No way!
Ah, you're back.
The cash.
Wanna take one more?
I'll pass.
We'll head home.
That's great.
There, there. You're good.
Deeper, take it deeper.
Don't grab me!
I'll stop if you do.
My hips just move on their own.
That feels great.
I came.
I came.
Good job.
I want to go to Matsuyama.
To Tomomitsu's place.
Our split is going to change now.
What do you mean?
Business is slow.
Up to now,
as a rookie, you got paid
more than the others.
From now, you'll get the same rate.
Let's go.
Hello there!
Where's your mother?
He's all alone
Where's your mother?
Thank you.
We haven't seen each other much.
I know it.
Are you keeping something from me?
Not really.
Are you okay?
About what?
- Aoi!
- What is it?
You're hooking, aren't you?
I heard you were.
You really have to stop.
What do you know?
Do I disgust you?
You don't disgust me.
Those men disgust me.
Those gross men...
I kiss them and lick their dicks.
Shut up!
Those gross men...
touch me all over and lick me.
Stop that talk!
Those men, they're so gross.
They want to do 69.
Shut your mouth!
They finger my pussy
and get a handjob.
Isn't it a gas?
They think their finger's a dick.
But mostly we just fuck, after all.
Don't give me that look!
Don't look at me like that!
Stop that!
Shut up!
It should be around here.
Excuse me.
Can we speak with you?
Yes, yes.
I'm Miyagi, from Child Welfare.
I'm Gima.
I'm Aragaki.
You're the mother?
We received a concerned call.
A boy left alone in the yard,
sounds of crying at night.
And so?
Do you have any concerns,
any worries about your child?
It's none of your business.
Are you well?
Are you okay?
Am I okay?
Am I okay?
I'm okay!
We'll come again.
Fuck me!
Show how it feels!
Feel good?
Feel good?
Show it!
Do you hear me?
Feel good?
Feel good?
Feel good?
Show it!
Fuck me!
What is it?
Ms. Aragaki...
We're going to keep Kengo for a while.
What are you doing?
I'm okay. It's all right.
- Ms. Aragaki.
- I'm okay.
I'm all right. Wait!
Calm down now.
No, let go of me!
It'll be all right.
Kengo! Wait!
Stop! Let me go!
- Calm down.
- Wait!
Kengo! Wait!
It'll be all right.
Where are you?
I want to see you.
What should I do?
Mio, what should I do?
Tell me, please.
What should I do?
Hey, what are you doing there?
You look so bad.
You should see your face.
Should I show you?
Like this.
Like this.
Oh, Mio.
What should I do?
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Please sit.
Kengo is doing very well.
Is he? Thank you.
Ms. Aragaki...
Kengo loves his mother very much.
We'll help you figure out
how you can live together.
If you have concerns,
please consult with us.
I want to see him.
We'll consider that next time.
Kengo is still not very strong.
When can I see him?
Ms. Aragaki...
I know you are working very hard.
But even if you put Kengo
in a care center at night,
can you get him every morning?
Can you feed him?
Will someone care for him?
Won't it be like before?
Are you listening?
Give him back.
Give him back!
Anyway, stay with me tonight.
The family will visit the grave tomorrow.
Even a treasure will rust
If left unpolished
Polish your heart dawn to dusk
To thrive in this fleeting world
If you act, it will bear fruit
If you do not act, life is barren
Hey, hey, all together!
Climb the hills on Hatoma Island
Climb under the beautiful fan palms...
What's up?
How are you?
You were close to Mio, I know.
Even now...
I can't believe it.
Where were you when she died?
I heard she fought with someone
before she died.
She was angry that you had me hooking.
Where were you when she jumped?
What's it matter?
She jumped on her own.
This is Okinawa.
Everything is connected.
Wake up.
You can't escape its reach.
If you aren't careful,
you'll wash up on a beach somewhere.
Angel Child Care Center
Are you all right?
I'm sorry.
Ms. Aragaki?
Ms. Aragaki, wait. 1092
Ms. Aragaki?
Wait, Ms. Aragaki!
Ms. Aragaki! Wait!
To Mother