A View to Kill For (2023) Movie Script

What... what have you done?
Hey, honey.
I'm on my way home.
I'm absolutely starving.
What the hell?
Oh, come on!
Hi, guys!
Hey, honey.
How was school?
- It was fine.
- It was good.
Bad day?
Someone smashed
the car window in
and there's glass
all over the back seat.
My God, this neighbourhood.
We really are...
I think about moving.
Yeah, well, you might need
to win a lottery first.
I'll take it in tomorrow
morning. See if Jay can fix it.
We can't afford that right now.
Get ready to try the pasta
I made. It's delicious.
You stirred the pot
a couple times.
That doesn't count.
Yes, it does!
Uh, thank you guys
for helping your dad.
My little sous-chefs.
So, I have a few more
late nights this week.
Marcia's still off
and I said I'd cover.
Okay. I'll switch
my schedule around.
I'll pick Finn up from school.
I could always get him.
What about your extra
calculus lessons?
I can miss them for a week
if it helps you guys.
Absolutely not.
Those lessons are important.
But I wanna help.
You do enough.
And besides, best thing
you can do for this family
is ace those exams
and get into college.
He's right, sweetie.
We've managed this far.
Oh, hold on a second.
What happened to no phones
at dinner?
I'd be in so much trouble
if I did that.
Well, it must be important.
Who's hungry?
- I am! - I'm starving.
- All right.
Thank you.
That was the Tulip House.
It was about my dad.
They said they have
some new information to discuss.
Who's Tulip House?
It's an adoption agency.
You're adopting?
What about us?
No, it's an adoption agency
that your mom was adopted from
when she was little.
They said they have
some information about my dad.
I thought you said you didn't
know anything about him.
I don't. I've never really
even known his name,
but maybe he might
wanna meet me.
Who wants pasta?
Bill Porter from Tulip House.
Is there somewhere we can sit?
- Yes, sir, right upstairs on the left.
- Perfect, thank you.
You said you were here
about my dad?
Has he made contact?
Does he wanna meet me?
Yes and no.
I'm afraid I have some bad news.
Your father, Lionel.
Lionel Fitzpatrick was his name.
I'm very sorry to tell you
that he's passed away.
He passed?
About six weeks ago now.
He had a heart attack.
I'm sorry it's taken so long
for you to be told.
It took quite a while for
all the formalities to be
completed and for his lawyer
to find us.
Yeah, I see.
I'm very sorry to be
the bearer of such sad news.
So, if he's passed,
why did y'all need to get
in touch with us?
Well, here's the thing.
Mr. Fitzpatrick was quite
financially, I mean.
Extremely comfortable,
you could say.
And he had
no other family at all,
so you're his next of kin
and he left everything,
everything he had, to you.
He left me some money?
Well, how much are
we talking about?
I don't have the exact figure,
you'll have to talk to his lawyer
when you finalize the paperwork,
but it's quite a lot.
That's not all.
So, he was our granddad,
but he died?
That's right. And it's okay
to be sad,
even though you didn't know him.
I'm sad too.
I wish we'd all gotten
to meet him.
But if you never knew him, why did
he choose to leave everything to you?
I don't know.
I guess because I'm his only
remaining family.
I still don't know
why he chose me.
But the money isn't
the only thing.
He also left us his house.
But it's a little far,
like out of the city,
and if we moved there,
you'd have to start new schools
and you wouldn't be able
to see your fr...
Where is it?
In a place called Blanca Bay.
It's about two hours upstate,
but it's by the beach.
Are you for real?
- Whoa! Is that the ocean?
- He lived there?
I don't know about this.
It doesn't feel right.
I mean, he must've chosen you
for a reason.
Maybe it's a fresh start for us.
Lionel's gift to you.
I just wish I could talk to him.
Thank him for changing
our lives.
Yeah. Yeah, me too.
Maybe the only way
we can thank him is by making
the most of the situation.
- Yeah.
- Think of all we could do.
I mean, Finn could go to
the best schools.
Heather, she could pick
any college she wants.
You can get back
into photography,
maybe open up your own gallery
like you always talked about.
I mean, this is a chance
at a better life.
A new life.
All thanks to Lionel.
You're right.
All thanks to my dad.
Should we do this?
So... what do you guys
Should we do it?
Should we move to Blanca Bay?
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Are you kidding? Who wouldn't wanna
live there? Looks like paradise!
I know. Ooh, I'm so excited!
It's huge!
Oh, my God!
Is there a pool?
- Race to you the top!
- No fair! You got a head start.
- This...
- Okay.
Is amazing!
- Come on.
- Oh.
All right. Okay.
You must be the Nolans.
- Hey!
- Hi!
It is so nice to meet you
I'm Rebecca Jones.
I'm Molly, and this is
my husband, Charlie.
And the two blurs that ran past
you were Finn and Heather.
You must be the realtor the
lawyer mentioned over the phone.
If you need help with a house
in Blanca Bay, I'm your woman.
Now, you must be keen to take
a look around.
But first, these are for you.
Welcome to your new home.
Right this way.
Oh, my gosh.
Here we are!
- Dibs on the biggest room!
- No fair, we said flip a coin!
Would you look at that.
It's breathtaking, isn't it?
We kept all the furnishings
just as Lionel had them.
The flooring here is a custom
imported marble.
And all of the fittings are
And if you will look over here,
I took the liberty of adding
a little personal touch.
- Where did you get this?
- Oh, my God.
This is so sweet!
I just thought
you should feel at home.
Thank you. We'll have to find
a special place for it.
I'm sorry. I didn't realize
anyone else was here.
Molly, Charlie, this is Grace,
the housekeeper.
Housekeeper, I'm... not sure
that we need...
Or did you already have staff
you wanted to keep on?
- No. No.
- Uh-uh.
I... I don't think we need
anyone picking up after us or...
Whoa, whoa, hold on, Molly.
This place is huge.
And Grace is already here.
And it's totally normal.
Everyone here has help.
Trust me, after a few days,
you won't know how
you lived without it.
I can help with the cooking
and the cleaning.
You won't have to worry
about a thing.
I guess...
okay, then.
We'll just see how it goes.
Perfect! Well, how about
I show you around?
I can take this
from you, Mrs. Nolan.
Thank you.
Right this way.
And right through here is
Lionel's study.
What's all this?
Oh, I'm sorry,
I thought
the lawyer said you wanted
his possessions left behind.
Isn't that right?
Yeah. No, it's fine.
I asked them to leave his things
so I could look through it all.
I hoped I could, I don't know,
get a sense of who he was.
Did you not know him?
Lionel and my mom split
when I was a baby, and then,
she died shortly after,
so I never got to ask about him.
I never even knew his name until
a few days ago.
Well, I'm so sorry to hear that.
One thing I can tell you is that
this was his favourite room.
He designed it himself.
So, you knew him?
I only met him once.
He had a bit of a reputation.
What kind of reputation?
He was quite a private person.
Didn't get out much.
But he wrote a lot of letters.
Do you have any of them?
They should be here
in these boxes.
You might find them a bit dry,
though, I'm afraid.
Lionel was on the local chamber
of commerce
and I think he spent most
of his time
complaining to the board about
everything they had planned.
Do you know if he left behind
any other important documents?
Well, everything should be here,
but I can check with the lawyer.
Hey. What are you looking for?
If he wrote letters, then
maybe there's something in there
that explains why he left.
Why I never knew him.
I just have a few more papers
for you to sign.
Why don't we finish up the tour, and
then, I can get out of your hair.
Shall we?
Now, I think you're really
gonna love this space.
The kitchen is my
personal favourite. Yes!
- I can't believe we get to live here.
- Wow.
What is this?
I don't know.
"You don't belong here."
What the hell?
- Who would wanna...
- Mom? What's wrong?
What's going on?
Take your brother outside,
Heather. Please.
Finn, come on.
Someone was in here.
I am so sorry. I don't know
how this could've happened.
Someone clearly is
threatening us.
I-I will fix it.
I'll have Grace clean this up.
You... you don't need
to worry about anything.
Do you know who would've
written that?
No! N-no, of course not.
What is it?
Well, um...
I don't wanna start rumours,
and I can't say for sure,
but I will say that
not everyone was pleased
about you being here. About Lionel
leaving you his house and his money.
What do you mean?
I thought he didn't have
anyone else.
They told me I was
his only family.
I suppose, technically,
that is true.
But Lionel did have a fiance,
a woman named Darla Weaver.
When she found out that Lionel
cut her out of his will
and didn't leave her a penny,
well, she was furious.
Do you think this Darla Weaver
could've written that message?
Maybe. All I know is that
she has quite a temper.
Why did someone write that?
I don't know.
So creepy.
Why don't you take
your brother and walk into town?
Get us some snacks.
I'm not hungry.
I think it would be good to get
him out of the house for a bit.
Maybe it'd do you
both some good?
I'm fine.
I could really use your help.
All right.
Do you think they have donuts?
I mean, it's a coffee shop,
Of course they have donuts.
Thank you.
Come on, let's get some drinks.
Did you see that?
He just walked right out.
That's so brave.
It's not brave to steal.
Hey, I made you some...
Grace beat you to it.
And she's already cooking
She's great. I thought
I smelled something good.
Do you think it's weird
leaving her to do everything?
I'm not complaining.
How's it going?
Well, like Rebecca said,
these are all just angry letters
to the Chamber of Commerce.
He must've had a lot of enemies.
Do you think someone from the board
could've written that message on the wall?
I think they'd be
happy he's gone.
Angry people don't think
straight sometimes.
Yeah, that's true.
I don't know,
I just wish I could find something
that tells me who he was.
What he liked, disliked.
Or anything about my mom.
- Your mom?
- Yeah.
I've always wondered why
they broke up.
Was it because of me?
So, that's what
this is all about.
I just wanna know where
I come from.
Lionel was the last chance
I had to find any answers,
and now he's gone, too.
I don't even know anything
about him.
You know what?
You can learn a lot
about a person
from the books on their shelves.
Let's check it out.
He obviously was a big reader.
Recipe book. Let's see,
we've got history.
Hey, "Through a Camera's Eye."
I wonder if he was
a photographer?
Like father, like daughter.
"To Lionel, I will love you
always. From S."
I wonder who S was?
My mom's name was Sarah.
Do you think it's from her?
Well, if he's kept it this long,
she must've meant a lot to him.
Then where was he all this time?
If he had such an amazing life,
why didn't he want me
to be a part of it?
It's weird to think
that someone was in here,
leaving us that message.
Who would wanna scare us?
I'm sure it's just some rich
kids playing a prank on us.
We're getting the locks changed,
so don't worry.
It's gonna be okay.
Come here.
I don't know. I just can't
get it outta my head.
Well, we're not going anywhere.
They're gonna have
to deal with us.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Hey, babe. You okay?
Yeah, it's nothing. I'm gonna
lock up. I'll be right there.
- Ooh, what are you making?
- Ah, ah, ah, ah,
breakfast first.
Since when do you bake?
Well, I found a recipe book
in Lionel's study.
I thought it'd be nice to try
one of his recipes
and take some cookies
around the neighbourhood.
Say hello to some folks.
Well, where's Grace?
Couldn't she make them?
I wanted to do these myself.
No need to bother her with it.
But it's her job, Mom.
Heather, if you wanna make
a good impression,
it is all about
the personal touch.
You'll see.
Okay, these are all ready to go.
Have a good day
at school. Love you.
Thank you.
I love an unexpected guest.
Hi, I'm Molly Nolan,
your new neighbour.
Oh? How nice to meet you.
I'm Justine Spencer, yes,
of the New Hampshire Spencers.
Right. Hmm.
I just thought I'd come by
and introduce myself
and bring you
some of the cookies I made.
Aren't you quaint.
I'm sorry?
Making your own cookies.
My chef would have a fit
if I stepped foot
in the kitchen.
I always make such a mess.
I thought people might
appreciate the personal touch.
I couldn't possibly.
You know, all fat gluten.
Nasty stuff.
Oh. I'm sorry.
Tell me about yourselves.
What does your husband do?
He's a professor.
How charming!
Where does he teach?
Clarkstown Community College.
Community college?
He's taking a break right now.
We're both having
a bit of a career rethink.
I quit my job when we moved here
and well,
it's a bit silly maybe, but I've always
wanted to have my own photography gallery.
Not just for my work, of course,
but just to showcase
local artists.
You're a photographer?
Would I have seen you
exhibited anywhere?
Oh, gosh no, I wish.
I once had a feature
in a catalogue,
but that was before the kids.
A catalogue.
I see.
Well, uh... it was nice
to meet you.
I'd better get going while
the cookies are still warm.
Got lots of houses to get to.
I imagine this is all quite
overwhelming. All this.
Total culture shock,
you could say.
Well, Blanca Bay isn't
for everyone,
and there's no shame
in admitting that.
It's a quite exclusive
Well, I'm sure
I'll see you around.
I guess I'll just
take these back home.
So, what do you think?
Well, I think it's perfect.
When Charlie told me you were
looking for a gallery space,
this is the first place
that came to mind.
I think you're gonna
fall in love with it.
Shall we take a look inside?
Come on!
The space is quite a find.
Now, it is a little stripped
down after the previous tenant,
but just imagine how amazing
this wall would look
with a few pieces on it.
And you could use the space
in the back for an office,
whatever you like.
What is it?
You don't like the space?
No, it's not that.
I feel like I made a fool of
myself this morning.
What do you mean?
What's wrong?
Our neighbours,
they're just so...
I have no idea
what to say to them.
Molly, I'm sure you were fine.
They just need to get
to know us, that's all.
And besides, look at this.
This is ridiculous!
I know.
I mean, this could be
your new art gallery.
And it's all thanks to Lionel.
He made this possible.
I know, you're right.
Just scary. I feel like
the new kid at school again.
So, what do you think?
It's what I've always
dreamed of. Better, even.
I knew you would love it.
I can't believe it.
My own gallery?
You were right, Charlie.
It's all thanks to Lionel.
He left you that money
for a reason.
Rebecca, can you call the
landlord and set up a meeting?
My pleasure.
Oh! Oh, hello. I didn't expect
to see you here.
Yeah, the idiots you hired to move
my things left some stuff behind.
Oh, I am so sorry.
I could've arranged for them
to come back and...
Who are you?
Do we know each other?
Don't tell me.
Did we meet at the Alton's
last 4th of July party?
No, I'm Molly Nolan
and this is my husband, Charlie.
We just moved here.
You're Lionel's daughter?
That's right.
And who are you?
Molly, this is Darla Weaver.
- Oh.
- You've heard of me?
I'm so sorry for your loss.
What are you sorry for?
You never even knew him.
I was his fiance.
I was the one he actually chose
to have in his life.
Wow, oh... okay.
Well, um,
I know Molly would love to hear
about Lionel, what he was like.
Would she?
Well, he's gone now.
He made his choice.
So, why are you here?
The Nolans are interested
in leasing the building.
Molly has plans for a gallery.
A gallery.
Good luck. No one's lasted
in this building very long.
Did you hear about his house?
Lionel's house?
Someone was in there
and they wrote a message,
"You don't belong here."
Someone broke in.
Are you accusing me?
In Blanca Bay, it matters what
the community thinks of you.
I would be very careful and
watch what you say around here.
Great meeting you.
What does that mean?
Darla used to run a yoga
studio in the building.
After Lionel died, she lost
the lease. She's just bitter.
Let's just give her a little space.
She did just lose her fianc.
She'll come around.
Uh, come around?
Did you just hear her?
Maybe she was the one that broke
into our house
and left that message.
Who knows what else
she's capable of.
Thank you.
You're her, aren't you?
Excuse me?
You still have that deer
in headlights look about you.
I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm Theresa Diaz.
The whole town has done nothing
but talk about you all week.
We don't get too many newcomers
here in Blanca Bay.
Never mind the newcomers who move
into one of the hottest properties.
Come, sit with me.
So, has anyone tried to buy
the house from you yet?
I didn't realize
it was so special.
Justine has had her eyes on it
for years.
Of course, Lionel flat-out
refused to discuss selling it,
but I know she... Justine!
How are you?
Oh, my God, Theresa.
You look beautiful.
- I love your suit.
- Oh, thank you. It's Calvetti.
I was just saying hi
to your new neighbour.
Yes, we met earlier today.
I thought I saw
your station wagon outside.
Everyone is so excited
to meet you and your family
at the club later.
What do you mean?
What club?
The country club, of course!
There'll be a tour
for new members this afternoon,
and then, tomorrow, is
the annual gala.
Oh! It's always so much fun.
You are coming, aren't you?
I uh...
Haven't you been invited?
I'm afraid
it's too short notice.
You can't be serious.
Surely you can get
Molly and her family in.
Oh no, I wouldn't
wanna be a problem.
Isn't your husband, Richard,
on the board?
Get him to pull a few strings.
I suppose I could ask.
It really is aimed
for new members, though.
Then Molly and her family
are perfect!
Really, I don't wanna
be any trouble.
Oh, nonsense!
Everyone is going to be there.
Now they will be.
It's settled then.
Thank you.
It... sounds great.
Hi there, I'm here for
the new members tour.
Molly Nolan.
Thank you.
Do you remember the last time
you wanted a new shop?
You must be the famous Molly
we've all been hearing about.
Are you thinking of
becoming a member?
- Well...
- If your husband golfs, he won't find anywhere better
for a round in the country.
We hadn't really thought
about it until now.
- Hmm.
- So, how much did Lionel leave you with in the end?
Yeah, I heard it was
all tied up in stocks.
Is that true?
I suppose Justine's already
made you an offer on the house.
She's been dying to get
her hands on it for years.
I'll just go ahead and say it.
I don't miss Lionel one bit.
He was such a pain for
all of us, on the chamber board.
And I bet you're just a little
happy that he's gone too,
now that all this is yours.
He was my dad.
Of course! But...
it's not like you knew him.
Excuse me.
Molly, hi!
What a surprise!
Come join me!
What are you doing here?
I mean, I just didn't think that
this would be your crowd.
Yeah, I wouldn't make it far in my
business without a bit of schmoozing.
I have been trying to get my
foot in the door here for years.
But I see it didn't
take you long.
I'm not sure this is really
my kinda place.
Yeah, they're all vultures,
really, aren't they?
I find the wine helps.
Hmm. Besides, I just remind
myself that it's all an act.
Sure, they might pretend
to be perfect,
but everybody has their secrets.
What do you mean?
Well, okay, you see her?
I guarantee you, she has a dozen of
those mini liquor bottles in her purse.
You know the kind
you find on planes?
She thinks no one realizes
she's an alcoholic,
but I don't know what else you call someone
who has a vodka on the rocks for breakfast.
And that couple there,
they have slept in separate
bedrooms for years.
Don't even speak to each other
unless they're in public.
How do you know all this?
Perks of the job.
Being a realtor, I get to see what
really goes on behind closed doors.
And let me tell you,
nobody lives a perfect life.
Hmm. Oh, and surely someone's
warned you about Justine.
Warned me about what?
Hmm, Justine
and her husband, Richard,
well, let's just say to keep
an eye on them.
They had a big falling out
with Lionel.
Something about the boundary
between their land.
I don't really know all
the details,
but I know Justine will always
try to come out on top.
So, what are you wearing
to the party tomorrow?
I'm not sure.
You don't have a dress?
I mean, I have dresses.
Oh, not a Blanca Bay Country
Club gala worthy dress.
What are you doing?
Oh, lucky for you,
I have a personal stylist.
I'll see if I can get you
an emergency appointment.
Oh. Thank you.
You have no idea. Okay,
Justine is hosting tomorrow,
and if everything is
not perfect, well,
it might just be enough
to push her over the edge.
Did you use the stove?
Sorry, did I wake you up?
You left the gas on.
- No, I didn't.
- It's lucky we didn't all choke in our sleep.
It wasn't me.
Maybe it was Grace.
She left hours ago and Finn
doesn't know how to cook.
But I said it wasn't me.
Wait, do you not believe me?
All right, all I'm saying is to
make sure you turn the gas off.
Now you're not even listening.
Well, can you please
just be more careful next time?
Fine. Whatever.
I thought I heard voices.
Everything okay?
Heather left the stove on
in the kitchen.
She could've killed us.
It's not like her
to be so careless.
What are you wearing?
Something wrong with it?
Wine is my colour,
and everyone knows it.
I'm sorry. I didn't know.
This is also a formal event,
not a cocktail party.
Is my dress not long enough?
There's a dress code.
This isn't some neighbourhood
barbecue like you're used to.
This is the Blanca Bay
Country Club.
Have you never been to a gala?
Well, no, actually.
Well, let me remind you,
there's a certain set
of standards to uphold.
We'll let it slide this time
just because
everyone's expecting you.
Come on. I can't be stuck standing
here chatting with you all day.
I don't know if I can do this.
Don't let her get to you.
Thank you. Here.
Let's go have
some fun and mingle.
Come on.
So, Heather, uh,
have you skied in Europe?
It's like another level and they're
so laid-back about drinking there.
I've never been skiing before.
What? Why not?
I mean, it's not like it's
that's expensive of a hobby.
Not once you have
your own skis anyway.
You just do it
while you're on vacation.
Yeah, our vacation's more like
going up to the lake, so...
Oh, my God. Were you poor
or something?
Like, actually poor?!
That's hilarious.
No, Natasha,
what's hilarious is that
your dad couldn't be here today
'cause he's in... where is it,
Cabo, with your cello teacher.
Or is it your tennis coach?
I'm sorry,
I can't really keep up.
I'm Paul.
Thanks for the rescue.
Any chance to put Natasha
in her place.
I wanna go home.
Do you need a ride?
No, I mean my real home,
back in the city.
I wish.
I just miss my friends
and my old life, so...
I get it.
I'm surprised to see you here.
Didn't think you're one of them.
You didn't think
I had money, you mean.
Well, if you're rich, then why did you
steal the candy from the coffee shop?
Well, why not?
It's fun, I guess.
Speaking of...
Here you go, sir.
Suit yourself.
That must be Justine's
husband, Richard.
- Yeah.
- Maybe I should go say hello.
Make amends?
Yeah, it's a good idea.
- Hold my champagne.
- Okay.
You must be Richard,
Justine's husband.
Thank you so much for getting us
in today.
I didn't get a chance
to introduce myself before.
Uh, no, I'm not... um...
My name's Warren.
Oh, I thought
that was your husband.
Well, you're mistaken.
I saw you at the house
with Justine when I stopped by.
I didn't get a chance
to say hello.
No, you didn't.
I knew she was having an affair.
Oh, my...
Uh... I'm sorry.
My mistake.
Molly! Hello again.
Hi. Theresa, right?
Yes, yes. Look,
don't worry about Justine.
Everyone gets on the wrong side
of her at some point.
I really put my foot in it.
In about five minutes,
she'll have already found
someone else to be angry with,
and then, it'll blow over.
I hope so.
I wanted to talk to you,
I didn't mention this before,
but I was
Lionel Fitzpatrick's...
His lawyer? Why didn't
you tell me anything?
My husband must have
spoken with you.
To be honest, I didn't know
what to make of you.
Last time I spoke to Lionel,
he was scared.
He left me a message
and he said,
"She's dangerous
and she only wants my money."
Do you know who
he could have meant?
You know, I...
I should've pressed more,
but I didn't get a chance.
And then he...
What are you doing here?
Darla, lower your voice.
I will not!
Darla, listen...
No! You don't get to tell me
what to do!
It should all be mine,
not yours!
Lionel's house! His money!
I was his fiance.
He loved me, not you!
I'm sorry, I...
You bring trouble
everywhere you go.
You will never be good enough
for Blanca Bay.
Molly, wait!
Hey, you okay?
Yeah. No.
Just everything.
This town is a lot.
I need to talk to Theresa
about Lionel some more.
She said that
he was scared of someone.
Someone who was after his money.
Do you think he meant Darla?
Maybe. Who else could it be?
Oh, my God!
She's dead!
Excuse us. Excuse us.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God!
I can catch a ride back with
one of the new girls I met.
I don't want you here
any longer than you have to be.
I can't believe it.
I know, I... I had just
talked to her.
She said that she had something
to tell me about Lionel,
that he was scared of someone.
Do you know who it could be?
No, no, but like I said,
I never really knew him.
Theresa was trying to warn me
and... now she's dead.
I mean, what if it was Darla?
What if she got to Theresa?
Molly. They're saying that she
might've just choked on something.
She said she was gonna
come find me.
I just don't understand...
Hey, no, it's terrible,
but accidents happen.
You can't dwell on it.
Are you okay?
I can't stop thinking
about Theresa.
I shouldn't have left her.
Molly, it was
a terrible accident.
There's nothing
you could've done.
What if it wasn't an accident?
What if Theresa was trying
to warn me about Darla?
And maybe Darla wanted
to shut her up.
We don't know enough to make
an accusation like that.
You're right.
this is what you do for fun?
This is.
But what if... what if
someone calls the cops?
The cops here do
what we pay them to do.
Don't let me drink alone.
Hmm. Mm.
Um, do you have a charger?
Um... check the glove box.
Oh, my God.
Look at your hair!
Paul Weaver.
Wait, are...
are you related to Darla?
Uh, yeah. She is my mom.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because I thought
you'd hate me if you found out.
Well, how could you
keep it a secret?
'Cause it's embarrassing.
My mom, she's obsessed,
and when she found out
Lionel cut her out of the will,
she... she kinda hit the roof.
I mean, they were only together
for a year and...
he was a jerk to her.
I would've done anything to
stop them from getting married,
so I...
I was happy when he died.
Do you hate me for saying that?
No. No, I get it.
My mom acts like a psycho,
so I...
I didn't wanna scare you off
'cause I like you.
I like you, too.
Hey, babe.
Whatcha looking for?
Anything that might explain
what happened.
Or who Lionel was afraid of.
There has to be something
in here.
He's gone, Molly.
Sometimes, there's questions
we don't get answers to.
No. No, no, no.
There's always answers, Charlie.
Has to be here somewhere.
Right here is perfect.
I had a really good
time tonight.
Me too.
Um, I'll see you later then.
- Good night.
- Night.
you forgot something.
W... what?
- Hi.
- You look different.
I went shopping.
What do you think?
I love it. How could
anyone say no to you?
So, I have a question for you.
Just relax. The landlord is
going to love you.
I found an empty box
in Lionel's things.
It said "Sarah" on it.
That was my mom's name.
Sarah was your mother?
Does that mean something to you?
When Lionel first leased
the building,
he had plans for a restaurant.
He was going to call it Sarah's.
Rumour had it,
she was his one true love.
And then, Darla came on to the scene
and scrapped the whole restaurant idea.
Made him open her yoga
studio instead.
He was gonna name it
after my mom?
'Til Darla wouldn't stand
for it.
Do you know what Darla and
Lionel's relationship was like?
You must have heard things.
Oh, I heard the odd thing here
and there.
They fought a lot, apparently.
Lionel must have found out that
she was only after his money.
- Showtime.
- Hey, Rebecca.
- Thanks for meeting us.
- Hi. I didn't realize
this was your building.
Wait, you are
the potential lessee?
But not. No way.
- But...
- No, I am not leasing anything to you.
I am so sorry.
I didn't think.
Is that it? Like, he won't
even see my proposal
because I embarrassed him?
Molly, you humiliated him
in front of the entire town.
This is Blanca Bay.
People hold grudges.
Oh, I'm...
I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Hey, honey.
Hey, have you heard
from Heather?
School just called.
She didn't show up for class.
- What? Where could she be?
- I don't know!
Okay, you just stay put at
the house in case she turns up.
I'm already out, so I'll see
if I can track her down. Okay?
I'm sorry, Rebecca.
I've gotta go.
Why aren't you in school?
Take it easy.
We're only missing algebra.
I'm speaking with
my daughter, thank you.
It's not a big deal.
Yes, it is.
You can't just skip school.
It's important.
Important to you, maybe.
I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm Paul... Weaver.
Darla's son?
What are you doing with him?
It's okay, Mom. Relax!
Heather, we're leaving.
Right now.
Heather? Heather!
I can't believe that
you're hanging out with him
when you know who his mom is!
You cannot trust him!
You don't know
the first thing about him!
Oh, I know that family is
bad news.
I don't want you going anywhere
near him again.
You can't do that!
Are you seeing him?
Just tell me the truth.
See, you never believe me.
We're just friends. In fact,
he's my only friend
in this stupid town.
Well, he is a bad influence.
Since when did you start
skipping school?
Do you even care about
your education anymore?
Or college?
Of course I do!
But it's not a big deal.
Everyone skips.
Kids at my school do far worse
and it's not a problem
because their parents sort
it out for them.
That is not a way to go
through life.
You have to take accountability
for your own actions.
You just don't get it!
I don't want you to see Paul
again. Do you understand?
- Excuse me.
- Not now, Grace. Thank you.
Yes, Ma'am.
- What is it?
- I think someone was trying to start a fire.
Oh, my God.
I'll call the police.
Somebody definitely broke in.
Sir, there's so sign
of forced entry.
You're sure? What?
How is that possible?
Thank you, officers.
Hey, the police said
there's no sign of forced entry.
There has to be.
Someone broke in.
I don't know. Maybe
we left the door unlocked?
We didn't.
I know that we didn't.
Do you mind explaining why
you're causing
so much commotion?
Calling the police over here
at this hour?
Someone was in our house.
I'm just trying to protect
our family.
Then maybe you should care about
what your daughter's doing.
What? Heather? What does
she have to do with this?
Her and that Weaver boy
hanging around all night.
I wouldn't let a criminal
like that near my family.
Paul was here?
Paul Weaver?
You didn't know?
What's going on?
Well, once I saw him creeping
in the middle of the night
like some prowler,
I felt like it was my duty
to warn the others.
How considerate.
You know we never had
any trouble like this
in Blanca Bay until you arrived.
Very classy, Justine.
Heather, you lied to me?
What happened to knocking?
You told me you were
with Natasha the other night,
but you were sneaking
around with Paul?
After everything I've said?
You don't even know him.
You're making all
these judgments
and you don't know anything.
I know enough, Heather.
I know his mom is out to get us!
Out to get us? Do you know
how crazy that sounds?
I don't want you to see him
anymore. Understood?
Get out.
Get out of my room!
I wish we never moved here!
I wish we never moved here in
the first place! I hate it here!
Feels like everything is
falling apart.
Heather will come around.
It's not just her.
It's this place.
There's so many questions
about Lionel, about his life.
No one could've known
what was gonna happen.
Yeah, well, Theresa was
the only connection I had.
If I could just ask her...
What is it, Molly?
Theresa was Lionel's lawyer.
She must have all sorts of
information on him, or a file.
Yeah, but a file would be
locked away somewhere.
It must be in her office.
I need to get in.
Careful, Molly.
I have to.
We have so many questions
and we need answers.
I will not let anyone
hurt our family.
- Good morning.
- Hi.
I'm early for my meeting
with Mr. Hawthorne.
Can you direct me
to the restroom?
Uh, of course. It's just down
the hall and to the left.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Oh, my God.
I think I found the medical
examiner's report on Lionel's death.
But he said he had
a heart attack.
What is it?
It says that possible foul
play may have been suspected.
Foul play?
So, someone deliberately wanted
to hurt him. But how?
Okay, look here.
It says that...
that Lionel was on medication
for his heart,
but when the police searched
the property after he died,
they couldn't find
the pills anywhere,
except for a single pill
that was in the kitchen sink.
As if someone just
poured them out.
He was murdered.
But who'd wanna hurt him?
And why didn't
the police investigate?
I just don't understand.
Something like this,
it doesn't just get brushed
under the carpet.
It was murder!
Someone has to know what happened,
or why the police let it go.
And I think I know who may know.
Who knows all the secrets
of Blanca Bay?
Hi. Thank you.
Molly, hi!
How can I help?
You're not looking to sell
already, are you?
Because if you are, I know
a fantastic listing agent.
No. But there is something
that I wanna talk to you about,
if you'd like to take a seat.
It's about Lionel.
I found the medical
examiner's report
and the police say that
they suspect someone might have
played a part in his death.
What? Where did you get that?
Oh, it doesn't matter.
But if they think he had
been killed,
why didn't they investigate?
The police in this town don't
like to ruffle any feathers.
But I'm sure questions
were asked.
Of course. They looked into
Darla, but she had an alibi.
She was with her son,
Paul, apparently.
Thanks, Grace.
But that doesn't make any sense.
Someone poured Lionel's pills
down the drain.
She had to have been here.
Thank you.
Wait, unless...
what if Paul lied to help
his mom?
Or maybe they planned it
thinking they'd get their hands
on Lionel's fortune
when he died,
and they didn't know
that he had cut them
from his will.
Huh, that's a very serious
accusation, Molly.
Well, it's possible,
though, isn't it?
I suppose.
Who knows how far someone would go to get
their hands on a fortune like Lionel's.
Hey, honey, how was...
How was school?
Did you take that math test?
I'm talking to you, Heather.
No, you're snooping.
You wanna know if I saw Paul.
I'm just trying
to keep you safe.
Don't you trust me?
It's not about trust.
I know I...
I haven't told you about my mom,
have I?
I mean, there's not a lot
to say, really. She...
she died when I was little
and I don't really remember her.
But I wish I did.
You know, I used to...
imagine what she would be like.
Like, what she might've said
to me in a certain situation.
You know, like, if I was having
a bad day at school or...
if I was upset.
I used to imagine what the...
perfect mom would do
in that moment.
And as I grew up, I...
I just thought about what
it would be like
to have a family of my own.
You know, I always dreamed
of it.
And I was determined that if
I had a family, that I would...
I would be there for them,
and I would try to be
the best mom that I could be.
And I would do it all for my mom
because she didn't get
that chance.
Everything that I do is
for my family.
And I'm sorry if
I upset you. I...
But I will never let anything
or anyone hurt you.
I'm gonna make some tea.
Can I have some, too?
Of course.
Thank you!
Thank you, my love.
No, no, no, no, no!
Charlie, stop! Ooh!
- What the hell?
- Oh, my God.
I think it was poisoned.
There's detergent
in the trash can
and it wasn't there
a minute ago.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
I'm calling the cops.
Thank you, officer.
Appreciate you taking the time.
Let me guess.
No sign anyone was in here.
Well, he took a sample
of the water,
but who knows how long
that's gonna take to test.
Someone was in here.
Someone tried to hurt me.
Why does no one believe me?
I know. I believe you.
Come here.
Excuse me, what is all this?
It's street art.
You wanna draw, too?
Clean it up, immediately.
It's just some fun.
It'll wash off in the rain.
It is disgusting graffiti.
Clean it up now or I will be
forced to call the HOA.
What's your problem?
- Excuse me?
- You heard me.
Ever since we've moved here,
you've been rude and condescending
to me and my family.
How dare you suggest.
Do you think that we're not
good enough to live here?
You think that just because we
come from a different background
that we don't belong?
You don't belong here.
You're right.
The whole lot of you.
Blanca Bay is... well,
it's a question of class.
You wanna speak about class?
Well, you know what?
You are not a nice person.
Excuse me?
You judged us before
even getting to know us.
You didn't even give us
a chance.
And you did the same thing
to Lionel.
What on earth are you
talking about?
I've heard all about
the argument you had with him.
You and your husband,
some dispute over your land.
And you wanted the house,
didn't you?
Who told you that?
Doesn't matter where I heard it.
You wouldn't be here
if it wasn't for me.
I don't know who told you that
Lionel and I had a disagreement,
but that's not true.
I actually liked Lionel.
We got along fine.
But you are so ungrateful!
Ungrateful? I have no idea
what you're talking about.
You should be thanking me.
I'm the one who encouraged
Lionel to meet you.
Wait... what...
Your mother was Sarah,
wasn't she?
Lionel would talk about her
Of course, never while Darla was
around, but every now and then,
he would mention her.
The great love of his life
that got away.
By the time he went looking
for her, she was already dead.
But he heard that she had a kid
who was adopted.
I'm the one who encouraged him
to find you and reach out.
And he was so excited to
meet you after all these years.
But you were only after
one thing.
"She's only after my money."
That's what he said to me.
He was heartbroken.
But I never met him.
Well, you got exactly
what you wanted, didn't you?
Hey, what's going on?
I'm just so confused.
Justine said that she encouraged
Lionel to meet me,
and I never did.
I never heard from him.
Did he try and get in contact?
And what if he found me
and he didn't like what he saw?
I've been looking through
his desk hoping for...
I don't know, hoping to find
a letter, something,
anything to help me understand.
Okay, okay, let...
let me help. All right?
I've already looked
through all the drawers.
Oh, God.
I don't even know where else
to look.
Wait a minute.
Lionel had a gun?
If he told Theresa
he was scared, makes sense.
I don't want a gun
in the house with the kids.
Someone's messing with us.
It wouldn't hurt
to have protection.
Charlie, it worries me.
Okay, okay.
No, you're right.
I'll take it to the police
station tomorrow.
Until then,
we'll leave it in there.
what's this?
It's from St. Luke's
Adoption Agency.
It's about a baby girl.
But weren't you adopted
from the Tulip House Agency?
Did they change their name?
I don't think so.
what if there's been
some sort of mix up?
What do you mean?
What if the lawyers or the
adoption agency got it wrong?
What if I was never
Lionel's daughter?
But what about the box
we found with your mom's name?
Maybe they were together.
At least for a while.
What if he was never
my father and...
and all of this...
what if all of this belongs
to someone else?
Hello, Tulip House Adoption
Agency. This is Bill Porter.
Hi, Bill, this is Molly.
Molly Nolan.
You came to my house
to discuss my father.
His name was Lionel Fitzpatrick.
Of course, Molly.
How can I help?
Well, some new information
has come to light about Lionel
and I...
I just wanna make sure
that he was my father.
Like, if there's any way that
there could've been a mix-up.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
His lawyer ran some pretty
extensive checks on you.
They didn't want all that money
going to the wrong person.
No, exactly.
But is there any way?
Absolutely not.
It may not be
what you wanna hear,
but Lionel Fitzpatrick was
your father.
Okay, thanks.
It's real.
Lionel was my dad.
So, what was the letter about?
It said that a baby girl was adopted
through the St. Luke's agency.
It wasn't me.
But what if Lionel had
another daughter?
Well, then, that would mean...
you would have a...
A sister.
Oh, my God!
Charlie! Charlie!
- What?
- Someone's been in the house.
- What?!
- Where are the kids?
- I just put Finn to bed.
- The living room is destroyed!
Did you not hear anything? No!
We were playing video games!
Oh. Where's Heather?
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Where is she?
Paul. She's with Paul.
Oh, my God!
- Where is she?
- I don't know!
Her location is somewhere
across town.
Stay here with Finn.
I'll go get her.
What are you doing here?
Heather, are you here, honey?
What do you think you're doing?
I'm getting my daughter.
Why on earth would she be here?
Her and Paul.
Wait, you didn't know?
No, I don't.
I don't believe you.
I don't care
if you believe me or not.
What are you doing here?
What's going on?
Come here.
I want the two of you
off of my property
or I'm calling the police.
That's rich coming from you.
I know that you've been
trying to run us out of town,
sneaking into our house,
wrecking the place.
That is ridiculous.
All because Lionel left
everything to me.
You can't stand it.
He was my fianc.
Of course, I can't.
But to think that I would be
breaking into your house?
I'm not crazy. Besides,
how would I even get in?
You must have a key
from when Lionel was alive.
No, Rebecca made very sure
to take back my keys,
and she enjoyed it, too.
Rebecca took your keys?
Exactly. So, tell me,
how on earth would I be
sneaking into your house?
Hey, Rebecca.
Um, I'm sorry,
now's not a good time.
Oh no. Is there something
I can help with?
Heather, we have to go, now!
- Paul!
- I don't understand what's going on.
Heather, please,
just get in the car.
Here you go.
Yeah. Oh.
Molly, hey!
Did you find Heather?
Heather's okay. I've got her here with me.
But listen, it's Rebecca.
She's behind everything!
It was never Darla!
It's Rebecca!
Charlie? Get away!
- What's happening?
- We have to go!
Heather, come on!
Heather, go get your brother.
But Mom...
Charlie? Charlie?
Charlie? Charlie?
Charlie?! Oh, Charlie! Honey!
It's Rebecca.
Oh, no, I know.
I know. Are you okay?
Yeah. The kids.
Get the... get the kids.
The kids.
Get the kids!
Mom? Mom?
Shh! We're okay.
We're okay.
Where's Dad?
He's gonna be all right.
But right now,
I need you to take care of Finn.
I don't know if I can.
You are braver than you know.
I need your help right now,
When I say the coast is clear,
I need you and Finn to go
to a neighbour's and call 911.
You can... you can do it.
I know you can.
But Mom, I'm scared!
It's okay. I'm not gonna
let anyone hurt you.
Your sister's got you right now.
I love you both. So much.
Ah! Ah!
Kids! Run!
- Mom?
- Go!
Let's go!
I just wanna talk!
You ruined everything!
Don't even think about it.
Just put the gun down.
And we can talk about it.
Please, Rebecca.
It's too late.
You know Lionel looked at me
just like that, too.
Right at the end.
You killed him?
But why?
Why do you keep defending him?
After everything he did.
He abandoned you!
He abandoned us!
The letter from St. Luke's
Adoption Agency.
The baby girl. It was you.
He was your father, too.
He was the reason I moved
to this stupid town
in the first place!
I came looking for family.
But he decided all I cared
about was his money.
As if that's so bad!
I struggled my whole life
and he had all of this.
But no...
he didn't want anything
to do with me.
All I ever wanted was a family
and he wouldn't even talk to me!
So, you killed him.
What have you done?
You did all of this.
Oh, you too.
This dress is amazing.
Good to see you!
- Are you enjoying yourself this evening?
- Oh, it's a beautiful event.
Oh, wonderful. I just wanted
to say hi.
Oh, I need to go say hi
to that man over there.
But he left everything to you.
I didn't ask for any of this.
Why did he choose you over me?
What's so wrong with me?!
Don't move.
We're gonna be all right.