Amour & turbulences (2013) Movie Script

The film stars
It is five o'clock . / i
"Check for a card ! "
" Vile flowers ! "
" Feed the fish. "
Music .
"Impact ! "
" Thank you! "
" Ventilate . "
Damn !
Love and turbulence
I'll ask at the airport.
" Give the hamster to drink . "
Damn !
Hi there .
- Hi . Hello, Tracy .
- Mary .
Hello, Mary .
Sorry ...
You have from the keys?
They are there.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, Mary ,
I have to go . And you too .
Come on , now!
And the what?
Class !
- not forgetting anything / i
- Do not . Ponaklejaam card.
I want to go back .
I miss you terribly .
I also miss . I kiss you . / I
- How many times?
- Three thousand . / i
Only ?
Say: four million .
Four million . / i
- Great. You come after me?
- I'll try to . / i
- Do not . Say, " I'll come , baby. "
- I'll come , baby. / i
French shower .
Okay, Babe . I'm leaving
from New York. Come on !
- I'm sorry.
- It is very rude !
French lover .
No good. Goodbye!
Good afternoon.
I have good news .
You will fly in business class.
- Really? Really?
- Yes.
Thank you !
Thank you very much !
What are you looking at?
The skirt .
What is this stuff ?
Jerk with me !
Do not close !
Wait ! Not me! Do not close .
- There are no seats.
- What do you mean no ? I have a boarding pass .
- You're too late.
- I know . I know, but ...
Look here ...
Georges .
My mother is sick.
Dying .
- I guess I can say goodbye to her ?
- You speak the truth?
- Do not .
- I knew that.
I have to go . It's about the work .
Now, I am not lying .
Sorry ...
- Still have time to use the toilet ?
- Yes , of course.
Good morning .
I'm very pleased .
- This way?
- Yes.
- Here .
- I know , I'm not a child.
Hello you !
Oh, man . Bored to .
I'm sorry! I think it's you .
Thank you.
I think it goes too fast ...
- We'll be offended by the whole trip ?
- Do not . We do not know .
We do not know ?
Change your hairstyle .
You look serious , but nice.
Very well.
All right. Long it will last .
Good morning , / i
says Captain Bertrand Loisy . / i
flight will be slightly longer , / i
than anticipated , / i
due to the air mass ,
affecting the speed of the aircraft ... / i
- Long time no see ... How much? Three ?
- I did not count .
There are still places available ?
Even in the economy ?
I'm sorry, all occupied.
- Congratulations !
- What ?
Hey , man ! Wait !
You'd have a gin and tonic ?
Thank you.
- Partied last night?
- Do not .
- Partied .
- A little bit.
- You will be sick ?
- Do not throw up .
Sure. Like all alcoholic .
Stop it! I'm not an alcoholic
only sybarite .
You should drink more often ,
'd be nicer .
- What orders you have for breakfast?
- I'll take ... Sandwiches and green tea ...
or maybe ... Is scrambled eggs ?
Yes. Continental breakfast .
With bacon .
I enjoy a continental breakfast .
- And you and scrambled eggs and sandwiches ?
- Yes.
- Do not know if the bacon ...
- You have not changed .
Do not worry.
Give her anything ,
and so will be disappointed .
- Slept with him ?
- Do not .
So we are not "you" .
I'm a bartender in a disco .
I'll just have a cup of coffee .
- And you ?
- Continental Breakfast .
With bacon ?
- You smile .
- Do not .
- Umiechna up .
- Do not smile .
- You smile !
- Not at all.
- And besides that ?
- What?
I do not know ... Where are you going , where?
How's sculptures, like a mother ...
I'm flying from New York to Paris.
Sculptures are doing well ,
mother has you out .
Sell ??your sculptures ? No ...
And why not? I'm flying business class !
I had an exhibition in Manhattan. Success!
- Come on, boys ! How do you like it ?
- Cool .
Way to go !
- Have a nice day .
- Thank you.
- Well, hats off . / i
- Thank you.
You were right . Just to show .
Three years ago I was lost,
I met the same bastards
- And today is great. Strange .
- Yes, strange.
And you still hook up everything ,
anything that moves ?
No. Location . You know ...
Sometimes I wanted to, but ...
I met someone.
- Yes ? Is it serious ?
- Probably something wonderful .
What's his name ?
Pearl .
It's an American .
Actress .
Playing in porn ?
I do not understand ... I'm sorry , I ...
No, I know why ...
- So it's true ?
- What ?
- Stephanie told me , Naomi, too ...
- What ?
- Damn ! I thought it was a joke.
- But what?
That one woman attracted to you
for two weeks.
No, no! Me ?
Stephanie told you so ?
It's nothing. You are beautiful.
Hi , Mr. Two Weeks .
Wait a minute! That's not true ! Not true!
You little fagot ! You're a fag .
It promises to be good.
- Living together ?
- Yes.
That's great .
What does your horoscope ?
You'll meet a great guy ?
No. Already met him .
On Saturday the charge .
And , on Saturday. Soon .
- His name is Franck .
- Cool.
- It is love.
- Super .
We complement each other .
Where is the pink striped shirt ?
Damn !
Do not be upset , dear. Take a look ...
the second shelf on the left.
I look .
- Oh , it is.
- That's right.
It can tell where my narrow,
dark jeans ?
Narrow , dark jeans ...
In other pants . Top shelf .
Oh, they are!
Thank you.
You should be better organized.
Zyskaaby time.
I do not have . I've got you .
- I will always be yours.
- Great!
Even when you die .
- Congratulations .
- Thank you.
- And what is the Franck ?
- He's a lawyer.
You monothematic .
Do you like lawyers .
Others like firefighters,
and you - lawyers .
It is a tax adviser .
That's different .
Tax Advisor ! This is only an adventure!
Normally Copacabana .
- I just want to say ...
- Quiet.
Why keep quiet?
Shut up.
I do not want to talk to you .
I want to explain ...
And what is there to explain ? All ruined ,
that's your problem .
Stop it. I did not want to spoil ...
I do not care . All right.
In any case for me .
But I want you to know !
Sorry ... A little quieter ...
No good.
Hugo ? What is it?
- Antoine ?
- Yes.
- You're on a plane ?
- I am .
- Damn ! Break it up ?
- Do not .
Damn ! Hey, Sylviane .
It's not the race track , there are cars .
Upload reverse gear !
Retire !
Yes ?
- Guess who's sitting next to me .
- I do not know ... Angelina Jolie ?
- Do not .
- Anne Sinclair ?
- Julie .
- What Julie ? This Julie ?
This Julie .
- Oh no! About whore ! Sitting next to you ?
- Right next .
- You're on a plane ?
- I am .
- Guess who's sitting next to me .
- Wait a minute.
- Antoine .
- How do you know ?
I can feel it . I'm your mother .
You have a voice " from Antoine ."
- " The voice of Antoine ? " What is a vote ?
- It's not safe . Be careful , honey.
For what? That was ages ago.
It's fun and that's all.
- I do not play . How do you look ?
- Not really . I slept five hours .
Hang up the phone , go to the toilet
and do her makeup .
For what?
Let them turn to grief ,
that you said .
That I threw it .
And you were right ,
I'm proud of you.
Now finish it .
Let him stand in thy sight .
- What ? Well / i
- Wait ...
There is no need to wait . / i
Take toothpaste, wet tissue ,
wash the armpits and eggs ...
For what?
airplanes smell vodka. / i
I feel it all the way here . / i
- She 's getting married .
- Ah, yes ...
And what do we care ?
Not yet married .
- How many hours have you ?
- Six . / i
Six hours ! Relax , you've got the time.
Everything can be explained in five minutes .
- I do not want to talk .
- Force it . Okay ?
You must be tamed .
Take the lasso and the calf.
Slate and caress , alternately .
Start with caresses .
Remind her of something nice .
Eiffel Tower !
And he starts kicking -
crack the murder .
And then caress . And again, after the murder .
Only it works for women .
- What do you know?
- I watched you for 15 years.
Sylviane because these cause it
Tire air !
She loves you . She's crazy about you.
Discover your card in front of her .
- Move it! I call for an hour .
- Wait a minute!
Damn .
This is not your place .
Are you from the brigade sofas ?
- This is my place .
- Sits you on his site .
Not always. It depends.
Book always two places ,
for obvious reasons.
- Do you have something to obese people?
- Not at all . Where there.
Greatly respect all people.
Thank you . Please sit down .
- This is your beloved ?
- Who ?
- This gentleman , who is sitting next to it.
- Do not . Not at all .
And why ?
My mom painted
before meeting with my dad .
Ah, yes ...
- But I do not . I do not paint for him .
- And for whom?
For themselves.
When you grow up , you must learn
do something for yourself . This is important.
Not only love counts .
Love is short .
Sometimes .
I warn you if you turn out the light ,
I will knock your eye out .
- What ?
- Nothing.
- What?
- Do you remember the Eiffel Tower ?
Madness !
I thought about it now and then ..
- I think I was moving ...
- Who ?
Child .
The fourth month .
It really is something that you ...
I'm going to stretch my legs . Calm down .
Oh, whore ...
- Are you sick ?
- Do not .
It's okay .
It's good. Strange , huh?
Strange it.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Something beautiful !
- It is ? What have you .
No, I'm talking about the blonde .
This small with wings .
- She has twelve years.
- So what .
For days I wash my old pussy
I need freshness.
Pervert .
Damn ! She goes to me !
He goes to me .
He goes to you ...
Antoine ? Do not you remember me?
I am a sister Virginie .
- Well, Virginie . You know, this ...
- Quiet.
've Grown . Meet Hugo .
Hold this.
Thank you. I'm going to the toilet.
Go ahead .
It's fun .
A. .. you're ... adult ?
Sorry. I ...
- The men's room .
- The women's line is too long .
- Am I disturbing you ?
- What?
It's nice , but ... Please leave.
Thank you.
This is definitely your place ?
- You're sitting in my seat .
- But ...
Oh yeah? Sorry.
You ! I was looking for you. Let me introduce you
the one an important guy .
- Who is it?
- Claude Talesh .
The head of the three largest
Parisian gallery. Power and money.
Claude .
Nina ! Nice to see you .
To Julie , the artist ,
I told you about .
Nice to meet you .
- Apparently, you have talent .
- Great .
- That's my mom .
- Do not look , do you?
You have to see the works of Julie .
We are happy . Where can I see it ?
That's right ... talk about it .
We think of two places ...
Top ... give me your contact details ,
your schedule, and we ...
No. Just
that I uprzedzisz .
I will come when I will know where.
- He goes from the cash register .
- And goes out of his mouth . Abomination .
- He's good .
- What ?
Not that old . The man in a tuxedo.
Antoine ? Forget it.
Do not come near me .
- It's your ex ?
- It was the middle of Paris.
Fuck everything ,
that moves and does not move .
These should be castrated
in kindergarten .
Too bad , it looks nice.
- Mom!
- Yes ?
I'm going . I'm bored .
Here are the same assholes .
But you're stiff. As my mother .
You should get drunk .
You'd be nicer .
I love you too .
- We'll have strzemiennego ?
- Oh, yes ! Sure !
I 'm still in shape.
- Hugo ? - Yes ?
- Przynisby my coat .
- So what ? We're going ?
- What ?
- I want to have sex .
- Stop it. I've known you since childhood .
That's it.
I loved you as a kid .
- You are my sister Virginie !
- So what ?
Like what ? I'm not one ever
two girls from the same family.
You're a liar ! I know you want to.
Right. I'll go get a condom .
Hold this. Be right back.
- Continue along . Please do.
- What are you doing ?
Can we go?
- We did not like you ?
- Excuse me, ma'am .
'll Get out a little further .
Too bad. Nice was .
Pretty girls are everywhere.
You too are good.
- Not the most beautiful , but good.
- Please stop.
- Do get off .
- Excuse me .
Sometimes I say stupid things .
I did not think so .
Now I look at you i ..
I see that you are wonderful.
You have beautiful eyes .
It will take you away from me a drink?
Dinner ? Watch?
What ?
Sorry. It's your method ?
No such 'm used .
I've never spent
all hours of ass .
You have one hour . Where are we going ?
Very well. At the Eiffel Tower , please.
We go into the Tower.
- But sneezes !
- Sneezing ? What sneezes ?
Once you entered the Eiffel Tower ?
On the way to the top ?
You see ? Everyone criticizes
and no one knows .
- What is it? Do not bother ?
- Do not .
Thank you.
- Hello you. You have two hours .
- Yes , I know.
There you go .
- It does you with any ?
- Yes. But that's okay , right?
Glass ...
- Do not believe it! Champagne !
- Yes.
- Where did you get it from?
- That's the magic .
Magic ?
Julie - Paris , Paris -Julie .
I can go even further.
Shall we dance ?
- Closer to please. It's filthy .
- It's a fact .
Attention . Now, I'm not kidding .
You have to close your eyes . Please.
Please count to five .
One ... two ...
- Nice , huh?
- Fair .
It cost me a fortune.
And now I have a great desire
Mrs. kiss .
Okay, enough.
It's nice , but it was cold .
- Shall we?
- Good. Let it be .
I'm sorry.
The next will definitely like it .
It is because of the champagne.
Style of the eighties . Obsolete .
Vodka would be better , faster drunk .
- You're funny .
- Yes.
That's it. And today she is
pregnant with another .
It's smart!
There you can enter even at night ?
I think so.
I think it's still ... possible.
I have an idea . It is a plan
Night ride to the Eiffel Tower .
We can not do this , you have a fear of heights .
I allergic to anything that I like.
Can I touch it?
Probably not.
It will be a boy or a girl?
Girl . We'll call her Camille .
It pisses me off .
Take it easy. You will not be godfather.
Thank you.
Shitty life.
- Okay . Come have a drink.
- Why?
- I had enough.
- For what ? Throw me?
Say ... You still have contact
this guy from the Tower ?
- You told them about the Eiffel Tower ?
- Not at all .
And then you kissed ?
Nothing happened .
It was innocent .
Just , innocently.
Do not you touch them the first night,
the better to fly next .
When they become , they can not think .
Brain and dick do not work at the same time .
I do not even kissed .
It was quite annoying .
And the Eiffel Tower is the case ?
Tower ! He thought about his dick !
Mom! How do you give up ?
Do not be so suspicious.
Not all were my dad .
This is true. But those attracted to you .
Come on, you grown ass .
You know what? I'll go with him to dinner.
I did not want ,
but I want to make you angry.
All right.
At least he makes me laugh .
And I feel good about it .
- Want to know what's the type ?
- Yes.
- Make a test order.
- What is it?
When choosing dishes hesitate to
between the two starters .
I go to the toilet .
If you choose for you,
This means that it is selfish.
If you wait ,
This means that a guest without eggs.
Well , great.
Come on, you belly has grown .
Throughout the night I was looking for
in googlach information about this small .
She is a model breast . This sexpot !
I have to meet her .
You gone from that event ?
Wsiade into a taxi and drove off .
You know , it was nice to ,
if you went back to her sister.
We will go into quarters for dinner.
Sure to get along , so I also
for this would use ,
because for some time
I had a woman.
For you it's nothing ,
and for me - a matter of life and death.
What do you think ?
She is not so young .
In half a year over 18 years .
I could marry her .
Wkurzyby be if I did ?
Hello !
Sorry. What do you say ?
You're getting married ?
You do not care.
I listen to you for life !
About all these Swietanach ,
Juliach and I do not know who yet .
My life is boring!
For days wiping old ladies .
It prepares me to pick-up ,
and you've got it somewhere .
I met someone.
- Who? How ? Where? When?
- Then , in the gallery. In the toilet.
Do not believe it! That's impossible!
You go five minutes down the toilet
and now you meet someone .
You're too amorous .
It was cool ? Something so serious ?
Yes, I'm serious.
She's just affecting me .
All godmother , is fast.
Looks cute when he laughs .
- You're in love , as usual.
- Why " as usual " ?
Because you fall in love , but for a short time .
First epilepsy : " I'm in love " -
and then you forget .
You're just like your Bernier .
She is passionate about different things -
for two minutes.
Ms. Bernier !
Ms. Bernier !
Already forgotten .
Say goodbye to me ?
I'm going to be prepared.
I eat dinner with her today . I love it.
- It sixteenth .
- I know .
I like it .
I immediately say ,
do not go to bed.
Good evening.
And besides, all right?
I do not know if you can see,
but here they are ...
Yes. That's it. it is a traditional
French restaurant .
It's in the guidebooks . That is why they are here
Japanese and Chinese people themselves .
And you specialize
in stereotypes .
Yes. I come from a province i ..
I still can not believe that I live
in Paris , the capital of ... France !
- Please.
- Thank you!
- What is it?
- Spritz .
- Give you an aperitif ?
- No, thank you.
- Provide a menu ?
- Yes.
I suggest gaspacho
of Provencal Pesto
lobster roasted whole,
or duck in citrus
and saffron risotto ...
Julie ?
Yes ?
- You know each other ?
- What?
- No, why?
- So I'm asking.
I hesitate between lobster and duck.
I'll go to the toilet. You ordered ?
You know what? We'll take both courses .
Duck and lobster . And even risotto .
- Great.
- Thank you.
We'll try everything.
I make flyers and websites .
But I am interested in collages,
dekupae and photography. It's just that ...
Do not consider myself a Warhol ...
I do not know whether he Warhol
immediately thought of himself as Warhol.
- Maybe a little wine ?
- No, thank you.
- Can drop ?
- Do not .
I pour myself .
I also try for a scholarship
at the Academy of Art in Tokyo.
- Where?
- In Tokyo . In Japan .
- Yes, I know , but ... this far.
- Yes.
- Hey, Antoine .
- Hi .
But drink it .
Half a glass ? He will tell you "stop " .
When you want .
Do you like to drink.
Thank you.
That's better .
Thank you!
- What's that again ?
- This " Vieille Prune " .
- So you never drinks water?
- I stopped in '82 years .
Shit on him , you know?
- Dreadful . As my father .
- Really? I'm sorry.
Go home
I will come to you, it's nothing.
- Oh, no !
- Then stay here.
What a bastard !
- Are you still hungry?
- Do not .
- Wait. Are you ready to go jogging ?
- Yes.
Oh, sorry. I'm so sorry .
Silly me, please forgive me .
Damn !
- Clumsy of me. Sorry.
- I'm sorry.
You are very beautiful. Hi there !
What kind of idiot ?
Please wait !
- That this was your father ?
- Do not talk about her father .
Why is that?
Because he was nasty .
He cheated on my mother with my teacher
mathematics and her best friend .
- But at the same time ... Sorry.
- It's known the truth.
Men have big hearts ,
can love a lot of women at a time.
- Not all .
- All of them.
And you are no longer at all ...
We are the "you" ?
Stay away
from such as you.
Asked around here and there .
You're the worst product on the market.
- Then why are you here?
- To let you go creases .
Apparently the woman
ceases to pull you in a week.
After two . It's a long time. Fifteen days.
During this time you can make a difference .
- I will not kiss you.
- I do not .
I feel like I have ...
paranoia . And you're jealous.
Worse than you think.
Get out.
- Get out .
- You first.
See , little mouse , do it green nose .
I am not a mouse;
I'm a princess. I have a crown.
De breadcrumbs for you ...
I fillet for this here .
Ugh ... What's this? It is not even
either tomato or pepper .
Do something to eat , you drank too much .
Well, you're here , George .
- Enjoy.
- Thank you.
You sure you eat anything ?
The pregnant woman is like a vacuum cleaner .
Elegant comparison.
- And so it is generally better?
- What's that?
Well, you know ... These are all yours
you know, fears ...
Allow time out
your guy , you still afraid?
I'm not afraid .
Normal people treat normally.
You too early
so I treated .
Can you repeat that ?
Who is it?
- I've had enough .
- What?
- These women.
- What women ?
Twitterw , facebook , text messages sent ,
MMS , Skype,
- All former and almost - ex ...
- Honey, I 'm not hiding anything !
Then delete it.
Or you delete them , or the end of us.
What should I do?
- Eliminate Facebook account.
- Why?
Do not be silly . Your table
is an intimate diary !
Barbara Courcel , Sophie Minc ,
Justine Caminos . She's a bitch .
- You read my messages?
- Unplug them when they leave.
Please. After all . What's next?
Contacts in your phone.
I'm tired of these text messages sent .
- What ?
- Johanna - blonde, tells you something ?
Poor Englishwoman ,
that does not have a place to sleep in Paris.
What do we care ?
And Juliette - nice tits?
Do you think it would be fun to have a guy
which esemesuj " nice tits " ?
There are also some " deep pussy " ?
Is not it?
You have class !
With Juliette was for one year.
Now we're friends .
- Forget it . - She's a friend .
- One dog ! Delete !
See ! Well take a look !
- What is it?
- I'm afraid .
- I act like a crazy person .
- Do not . You're right.
What I'm doing is unhealthy .
Stand up! We're leaving.
Disguise yourself as a whore , just like I like it.
We'll go somewhere .
- I will choose the place .
- Well, you are.
- The total or partial whore ?
- The total !
What are you doing ?
- Welcome to the stage of Antoine .
- Oh, no ! I do not want .
Go on, please.
Hello, gentlemen .
I do not know ...
If you were not jealous?
Did you see that smile ?
You looked like Jean -Pierre Foucault .
I never said
I'm normal.
Well, tell me honestly ...
Do you like piano,
because it's like the whores !
- I play five.
- So what ?
Besides, the day before good
zakpie me .
Yes, yes .
I'm afraid . This is the most important art dealer
in Paris. He will not like .
You're doing great things .
If you have good taste , appeal to him .
When will you be?
I need your opinion.
As soon as you end up meeting
come .
- Be quick ! / i
- I promise .
Thanks for coming .
- Hurry .
- Come on , sit down.
What 's going on?
I have an appointment with a cane . He wants
want you , too, was and gave her encouragement.
- What kind of stick ?
- What do you think ?
Come on !
Oh, no !
Hi there .
- I'm glad to see you.
- I am also very happy.
- I'm thirsty . You bring the wine?
- Sure. White , red ?
- Any .
- Okay . Any .
Chateau Any ?
What's the play ?
You know , he's my best friend?
Do not make fun of him .
And you do not zakpie the
with my sister ? We are the same .
I do not think . I do not think .
- If you go ...
- So what ?
It will break his heart.
- You're up ?
- Do not .
It is a white wine ... Have a drink.
Ordering what you want ,
I invite you .
Grilled prime rib on both sides ...
I always wonder ,
looks like a barbecue .
Both sides at once, first one ,
then another , and how ...
Well i .. It ... Always ...
You know that Antoine is in love ?
- Is it true?
- Yes. After the ears .
- Anyway - she's waiting for me.
- Yes. But you eat something with us ?
- Probably not.
- Although the dessert .
You know what? Select something for me.
I'm going to the toilet.
- Where is it?
- Right next to the toilet .
No ... Right ... near ...
Circle of stairs. On the right .
You are in form.
This is some hell !
Do not behave naturally .
It's a disaster . I'm talking nonsense .
Shit flows out of my mouth ...
- Hugo ?
- What ?
- She ran away .
- Who ?
Small . She just left .
- Are you kidding?
- I'm sorry. Really .
- Hopelessly I feel.
- I get it.
And so I 'm cursed.
Yes, yes , I am.
Someone celebrated the magic of my zdcia .
What's going on ? Well, what is it?
I'm sorry!
You bring us two whiskey ?
I am so hopeless ?
I used to think that I have advantages ,
I'm a nice guy .
I was honest , that's fine .
But no ... does not give me a chance .
- I'll die alone, watching porn .
- Stop it.
This is ridiculous.
Go to the your pindy .
Karine ! We'll take the whole bottle .
- Do you know her name ?
- It was a long time ago.
Stop drinking .
He's coming . I was a little late,
but it will come.
What does your guy ?
- Then I 'll go .
- Good.
Kiss your man .
If you ever meet him .
Good night, Mom.
I love you .
Women have me somewhere .
I look like a kebab . Yes, it's true!
- Put my suit .
- I do not want .
Next , insert .
You have class !
Do not fall ! I'm too fat .
Creole pie !
I'll buy you the same in your size .
My brother!
Wait ! Do not stop now .
Tell continues!
- What follow-up?
- What do you mean " what " ? Forgot ?
It does not make sense .
He sleeps and does not want to see you .
Please let me .
It smells like you vodka.
If I were you I would have killed him.
- How could you ?
- I'm calling the police.
All right. Please, for five minutes .
Only five minutes .
Sorry. I was with Hugo ,
This my friend ...
I do not want to know where you were.
I do not feel like it.
- It will not work , Antoine .
- Are you ?
- What are you doing ?
- I'm packing you.
I want you to trust me .
And this is only one way :
we live together .
I want to show that I have balls.
It's about time !
You think I'm sex life ?
You're right. You were .
He made a lot of women.
But everywhere I was looking for this distinguished .
You know what I want.
Plain luck.
Three children , a house in the suburbs ,
dogs , roadster in the garage.
I mountain bike . I want to.
- Do you like bikes ?
- Do not .
And it is good .
What is he doing ?
- Julie 's moving out .
- Where to?
To me .
You do not dwell ...
with this type ?
And this shirt ? Do not take it ?
Indeed. Yes.
Please come . There you are at home.
And here , too. This is your refrigerator .
And here . Here, too, you are at home.
It's your shelf .
And this , too.
Your toothbrush ...
And perfume .
Come on.
This is your bedside table .
Do you prefer this to the window ?
Here is your territory.
Lie down here what you want.
- Where have you been ?
- I've been waiting for you .
Now you are . I'm glad . We sleep ?
We are / i
in the zone of turbulence . / i
stretch the back / i
and fasten your seatbelts . / i
I do not like it.
It's nothing , it will pass .
It will pass , it will pass .
staff , please fasten your seat belts . / i
It will pass . It will pass . I'm afraid !
Oh, shit !
- We all die !
- Oh , not at all. Not yet.
- Look at me . I love you .
- Me too .
- But I love you very much.
- Me too . Me too .
Ladies and gentlemen , the worst is behind us. / i
will have some impact, / i
but soon leave the zone of turbulence. / i
- I'll never forgive you.
- Why ?
- Because it's too difficult.
- You do not know what happened.
Besides, it's too late .
Champagne .
We celebrate the return of good weather .
Thank you.
Thanks, George .
Do not drink . Sorry.
- A child all right?
- Yes. A what?
- You're not pregnant.
- I am .
No, you're not. You drink like a cow .
You're not .
Not bad of me zakpia .
Oh, shit , I do not believe .
- Why did you do that ?
- Why are you picking on me ?
Damn !
- Do not marry husband .
- What are you talking about .
Are you happy with him ?
This tax- ... No.
- I'm telling you that I am .
- Stop it.
Are you sure you're bored .
What time are you doing?
Jadacie in the restaurant on Fridays ?
It tells you about the holiday.
"Oh , we were not even in Switzerland ",
" In Italy, it is not ."
Compares food:
" a little too scorched the salmon ."
And then - the car , garage,
pajamas and sleep . There is so ?
Not at all.
No ? So what do you do? Tell .
Switzerland ?
Mountains, chocolate .
Apparently there very clean.
Well , why not.
- How was your day ?
- Great.
I'm almost done rhinoceros.
Ah, yes ! That's great .
You've got to show it.
This is fine .
Will you try ? That's it?
Salmon is too scorched .
No beautifully ! / i
You this your Pearl / i
What are you talking about? / i
presents its fixed number / i
Haunted womanizer , dreaming / i
house , kids , dog ... / i
Not at all . / i
A job as a model ? What are you doing?
Sessions , photo , shows ?
- Fair boring , huh?
- Are you afraid of silence?
Can not you hear ?
These cries . Cows Cry
on each plate.
You can see that the forcing .
You have sad eyes.
Worsens my mood .
I can not believe you invited them there .
It is after all our restaurant .
You also took away there
your tax specialist .
- So you're lonely?
- Honestly?
For three years, I feel lonely .
I missed you .
I wanted to call your mother ,
ask where you are.
Too much to drink .
- Where are you going ?
- I'll be back .
- Kiss her when he gets back .
- What ?
The long and the tongue .
It's a good time .
It shocked and a little inserted.
Gnaws at her .
Control yourself , honey!
Damn .
Damn ! Recall whore !
Do not you remember?
- What is it?
- What do you think ?
- You are beautiful .
- Nice words . But I feel cold .
- I see .
- What were you thinking , here is cold.
She no longer inspire ?
- Thank you.
- For what?
That believe in me . That's nice.
I'm not nice. I think so .
Hurry, because I catch a cold !
You know ... I think I finished .
Show ?
Stop it.
Well, yes ... Until now, I believed in you ...
Just kidding .
- That's disgusting . Pay dearly for it !
- Stop it!
You'll see what I'll do !
I'm going to shower. Will you join ?
Answer !
You want me to ...
Can I talk / i
with Julie Rambaud / i
It can ... approaches. Who is this?
Loic from the university , the department scholarships. / i
It's about staying in Tokyo. / i
Ah , Tokyo. And what about Tokyo ?
awarded her a scholarship. / i
Halo / i
- But ... you do not know?
- About what? / i
O. .. her mother. It has ovarian cancer .
Advanced stage .
I'm coming . I'm going . She's dying !
It's a matter of a few days ,
So you understand yourself ...
Tokyo, scholarship ...
It's not a good time .
sorry. / i
And who are you exactly? / i
I'm her brother.
understand . Well ... / i
I cancel the agreement ? / i
- Are you coming?
- Yes.
- Yes. Please cancel.
- Good. / i
- Who was that?
- You know , some there ...
I do not understand . Some telemarketing .
You go into the shower ?
Damn ! Jerk with me .
- Are you crazy / i
- I know , I know. / i
- She dreamed of this school in Tokyo.
- I know . She waited three years .
- Call them .
- I'm going back to college .
I begged on his knees,
I offered the money !
So what ?
Awarded her a scholarship
disabled .
This is the case.
- Could not you go with her?
- Do you know Tokyo ? Could you live there ?
Well, of course . I love Asian girls .
They have such a small pussy.
But I understand . Do not like Japan,
So you prefer to break her life.
But I do not throw !
Damn !
Oh no!
I do not believe .
I was a little nervous . Nothing more .
Damn .
You sleep with me today ?
Do not answer .
- Hello.
- Julie !
I can not talk .
We heal the ovaries .
Wait ! Do not hang up .
Do not leave me unless
because of the scholarship?
No. It's just my job , my passion ,
my future . Nothing.
This is not your future.
Your future is our business ,
our lives.
Ah , yes.
Japanese do not teach you ,
how to be brilliant .
Who do you think you are?
Why are you meddling ?
Pry up, because I was also involved.
She no longer applicable.
Wait a minute!
Damn ! This sucks !
This chocolate .
Shut up.
- I would do the same.
- Pokpiem aware of this scholarship.
Do not bother you ?
No. Was told that Tokyo ...
This is ugly.
If only that was it ...
Forget about it !
- You bought a dog .
- On the first day the dog peeing on you .
What are you doing ? A: rebuke him;
but forgive me , because it's a nice boy.
B: maybe nice, but you give it anyway ,
because you're not the terrain ,
which means to pee .
This is not funny test.
Do not worry, honey.
It will pass . It's just chemistry .
Month forget about it .
You only need to hold out , then yes,
as with smoking cessation .
Me and Jean -Pierre ...
At first I wanted to die.
But clenched teeth . For a year and a half ...
- Three years .
- What's the difference .
Now, life is beautiful .
- Ah , yes ... Do you like your life?
- Yes.
Jean -Pierre was cool .
He had flaws, but everyone has them .
You too .
It was oppressive , rigid ,
conservative ...
But he was educated and polite .
Rozmiesza you.
There were those of the well,
and I was happy with that .
If you go back to him ,
most stupid thing you do in life.
How do you know ?
I know that. I can feel it .
You will not regret it .
You probably will not regret it?
Do you have a quiet life .
But I do not want your life.
- Who's there?
- It's me, Julie .
Damn ! Gather your things !
Come on! Come on!
That's me!
- Go here and do not move.
- You must be joking .
I'm sorry.
- Hi .
- Good morning .
- Can I come in ?
- For what? So ... Of course , go .
Well, what ?
So ... My mother told me that ...
No ...
I realized that ...
I do not want you to die .
Well ... Thanks, it's nice .
- Sorry for the curtains.
- Well, yes ...
Sorry for Tokyo.
- Antoine ... That's it .
- I know .
No, not us.
Jealousy , doubt ...
That's it .
I want to live with you .
Your former , your event ,
your buddies ...
I do not care , I accept that.
If you want to change the curtains,
be up to us a new table
and we all do different things.
I do not want to walk away from you .
I swear on the head of his mother .
Well, I guess that in the closet
sitting some slut .
What ?
What ? No, nothing. I am moved .
- Do not open it?
- Yes ... I'll get it ... I'm going .
- We need to talk .
- Wait ...
- I really thought it was a pile .
- And yet tried .
Yes. Pushed the boat out .
You were right . It's great .
No good. Hugo ,
Why are you here?
- I saw her .
- Who?
Stephanie .
She came to the hospital yesterday .
- I think I liked it !
- I do not think ...
Yes ! God rewards me
Now all these shitty year !
She had eyes like that ...
Be careful.
Invite her to dinner tonight .
- If I were you ...
- Where would you be invited ?
- Nowhere.
- The Eiffel Tower. This original .
- Yes. I'll call her .
- No , do not call ! Not so fast !
There is a restaurant ? Road ?
Do not call her!
Let it wait two or three days .
Are you nuts ?
This phone cost 400 euros!
I'll give you . Okay, are we going?
I'm tired of sitting at home, hot here .
- Come on. I think I understand .
- What ? Where ?
Let me through . Graciously !
Where is she? Hot or cold ?
- It's not like ...
- Hot or cold ?
- What's the game? What are you looking for?
- Do not open .
- Chocolate eggs?
- I think hot ...
- Hugo , open the door.
- Okay . I like chocolate.
- Hi .
- Stephanie ?
Wait a minute!
Nothing happened ...
This is crazy !
I'm crazy about you. Believe me .
Look me in the eye. I see you
the last time. And the last time I cry .
- Mom!
- Honey ...
If you tell it from this perspective ,
I leave it on the villain .
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Do you want to add something?
- For three years, I want to add something.
- But will not let me .
- Go ahead.
moment we land / i
in Paris , please fasten your seat belts . / i
Hear me out now .
I do not interrupt.
Yes ?
- Who's there?
- Stephanie . / i
What do you want ?
I have a problem with Hugo . We'll talk / i
- What 's going on?
- I'll explain .
Make it fast . What's the problem?
Nothing you can not be combined with Hugo .
What is this nonsense?
I wanted to apologize .
Poorly done .
Used a friend of yours ,
to get you to pick up , like a slut .
That's it.
- You know what love is
at first sight? - Yes.
When I met you , you went
with my sister . You were so nice.
I thought :
" when I grow up, I want it like that."
Where did you get my address?
Yesterday I met Hugo accident.
I asked him about your address , because I want to
invite you to my next ... session.
All right.
Next , Antoine . Although once.
What are you doing ? Drank too much .
And I 'm in love .
- I'm not talking about love ?
- I see . Oh shit !
Do not do it , please! Stop it.
I want you to fuck me
as a laborer .
What kind of vocabulary ?
- Who's there?
- It's me, Julie .
Damn ! Gather your things !
Come on! Come on!
That's me!
- Go here and do not move.
- Are you kidding?
I'm sorry.
- I do not believe you .
- I know .
Why not pobiege me ?
This is proof that you have something
to complain about.
- I could not run for you .
- Why?
- Banging "my" woman!
- Let go of me !
- Did you have to do this?
- I'll explain later .
Oh, shit !
Antoine ! Sorry ...
Do not go! Hurry up !
- And what is this nonsense ?
- Bullshit ?
And this is nonsense ? Broken femur ,
head injury ... Nonsense ?
preparation for landing. / i
I left after ten days .
On the way home I went to you.
But you were gone.
Ask the mother !
I wanted you came to me , / i
but not understood . / i
Mad About You . / i
And I love Renaud . / i
But a pig!
Oh, Antoine . Mauled to you ?
No. This is my new style.
I need to talk to her.
- She's not .
- Sure.
I'm not lying . You could look for.
She's gone .
- Where to?
- I do not know . I swear.
She would like to know . She said ,
that is far away and that her well .
Please be seated .
- I'm sorry.
- She is your purpose?
No. I'm not a sadist .
Give me your hand.
No, not that !
- Tell me you're not helping.
- Good.
Offended me.
Not bad you messed up . I am , moreover, too .
I was too harsh for you .
We all make mistakes .
- Here you hurt?
- Do not . But ...
All right ...
- Do not approach me .
- Good.
If you call me
and something I'll find out ...
- I give it to you ?
- She would you ?
I never called .
And I was looking for you everywhere .
I called the Nina ,
at the Academy of Fine Arts.
I went up to a girl
of the same name and surname .
It turned out , that is twelve .
I was looking for you everywhere .
- As I 'm gone , it's for good.
- Where have you been ?
In Berlin .
The private school .
Very expensive . I took the credit.
- It makes no sense .
- Yes.
Kiss the fuck up !
I'm getting married on Saturday. Really .
I'm sorry. This is a bad time .
It was nice to meet you.
Your story was better than the movie.
Remain friends .
Hurry up .
In an hour, we have a flight to Sydney .
Well, yes . Silver anniversary is not just that .
Thank you for using
our services.
Goodbye Mrs .
Thank you for your shared journey .
- I recommend stubbornness .
- What ?
Nothing. Do you want my number? Just kidding .
- Hi Georges .
- Goodbye.
So ...
The famous " let's ... "
- Hello.
- Hi . Wyldowaa / i
- Yes , dear. A moment ago .
- I'm sorry, but I will not go . / i
I last meeting , / i
I can not recall. / i
Bertrand when you come / i
and bring you to the office. Well / i
All right. See you later.
- Good morning . How was your trip ?
- Good.
- I'll take your luggage. Right this way .
- Thank you.
- Yes ...
- What ? / i
- Nothing.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll see you tonight. / i
- Yes.
- Good morning .
- Good morning . How was your trip ?
- Fine, thank you.
- He has an appointment.
- Please wait in the conference room.
- Good. Thank you.
How 's that, honey ? I'm sorry,
another ten minutes.
Do not you blame me ?
I love you .
It will not take long. Let me ask you
a few questions to see if ...
to be on the same wavelength .
Please give one reason why / i
would you entrust the job. / i
The reason? I do not know .
Please read my CV .
I read .
Please read it again.
I'm sorry.
Just yesterday strzelibym you saying / i
winner , maybe even dance . / i
But today ... I have no strength . / i
I spent seven hours on a plane
with a woman that I still love
and who does not care .
So to prove that I'm the best ...
I'm sorry , now I'm not able to ...
It is unfortunate that you have such an approach ...
If you do not get the job ,
it will be one more win .
Currently, I have no luck.
In your place, I do not zatrudniabym .
- Are you serious?
- Yes. And what , I do not look ?
That's weird.
One day a man thinks
it was a dream job ,
Miracle meets the woman of his life ...
Then hop !
Oh, yeah ... Everything is falling apart .
Well ... / i
- I smoke?
- Do not .
Thank you.
- Do you have a wife?
- Yes.
I mean ... law.
Very well. Not that I'm in a hurry ...
- Loved it?
- Nice .
- Funny ?
- Yes. Sometimes . Thank you .
Take care of it , man. Take care of her,
really . Make raged ...
with joy. On your point.
At breakfast , the dinner ...
Make dreamed .
Be strong . You ! I watch her ??.
I'll try to .
I'll call you ... Or not.
Anyway, thank you for meeting me.
Do not mention it. Thanks , bye.
Please. I called a cab.
Waiting at the bottom.
A nice gesture .
You see, it did not last long.
- What's wrong, honey?
- No, no . I'm tired .
I tell you,
with which the visitor spoke .
Shred man.
Another week ,
and quite a collapse .
I suggest to him a great salary,
and a cobble of heartbreak .
Fool .
Where to eat dinner ,
to celebrate your return ?
Oh yeah . They called
the pellets to the wedding.
I'd like to white . Classic .
Your mom agrees with me .
But you choose .
- I do not care .
- What ?
Color coated tablets . Leave ...
Baked salmon ... I do not care .
What are you talking about, dear?
I think I will be afraid with him ,
than to have peace with you.
With who?
Forgive me, Franck .
You're a great guy.
But this is not enough . I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Hello !
Good morning .
He now hangs .
Call for four - five years .
Thank you.
- No . Now we can go.
- Where to?
Where do you want . I have never thought marriage
with a real asshole .
You better fall into conversation.
Were hopeless .
How do you know ?
I'll explain . I find a job,
because I will not go back to my mother .
- You know what I wish ?
- No ?
House in the suburbs ,
garage, garden and mountain bikes.
- Do you like bikes ? - Do not .
- Great. Excellent.
Polish Version : Monolith Video
Text : Magdalena Kaminska - Maurugeon .