Constantine (2005) Movie Script

bl think..../b
bl think l found you one./b
bLook, l called you, right?/b
bSoon as l couldn't pull it out myself,/b
bl called you, John./b
blt's okay, it's okay./b
bWe had to tie her down, okay?/b
blt's okay./b
bThis is Constantine./b
bJohn Constantine, asshole./b
bWhat the hell?/b
bl need a mirror./b
bNow. At least 3 feet high./b
bMove! Go, now!/b
bThis is Kramer./b
bChas Kramer, asshole./b
bWhat? Oh, this is Kramer./b
bChas Kramer, asshole./b
b-Move the car./b
bMove the damn car!/b
b''Chas, move the car.''/b
bThere, car's moved./b
bLift it up over the bed./b
bTie that end off./b
bHennessy, over the top./b
bClose your eyes./b
bAnd whatever happens, don't look./b
bShow yourself./b
bSmile pretty, you vain prick./b
bFor your boss./b
bPull it!/b
bMa? Ma?/b
bLike l said, l found you something,/b
bdidn't l, John? Didn't l?/b
bWhat happened in there?/b
bGoing to a lot of meetings, l see./b
bKeeps the voices out so l can sleep./b
bl have to sleep, John./b
bl need some help, Father./b
bYou do?/b
bFrom me?/b
bWhat kind of--?/b
b-Hey, listen, l--/b
b-That exorcism wasn't right./b
bListen to the ether./b
bAnything unusual, you let me know./b
bCome on, you don't need its protection./b
blt'll be like back in the day./b
bA few days./b
bOkay. For you, John./b
bJohn, why would you do that/b
bif you know it's not my car?/b
b-l told you to move it./b
b-You did tell me to move it.../b
b...but if you'd said you were dropping/b
ba 300-pound mirror with a demon.../b
b...l would've moved it further, John./b
b-Take Alvarado./b
b-Yeah, thank you. l know what to take./b
bYou ever think if you told me more now/b
bthat maybe l could help out?/b
bOf course it's a nope./b
bBless me, Father, for l have sinned./b
bIt's been.../b
b...two weeks since my last confession./b
bl killed a man today./b
bAnother one./b
bl didn't even see his face, l just.../b
b...pulled the trigger, and he went away./b
bMost cops go 20 years/b
bwithout firing their guns./b
bWhy do I always know/b
bwhere these guys are?/b
bWhere to aim, when to fire./b
bI'm wondering, is there/b
bsomething wrong with me, Father?/b
bSomething damned?/b
bGod has a plan for you./b
bHe has a plan for us all./b
bYou mustn't let your faith/b
bbe overshadowed by guilt./b
bYeah, I'm trying./b
bI'm trying real hard./b
bThings l've beaten./b
bThings most people never even heard of./b
bAnd now l'm gonna be done in by this./b
bWouldn't be the first, John./b
bCome on, Les./b
bYou saved me before,/b
byou can do it again, right?/b
bThis is aggressive./b
bTwenty years ago,/b
byou didn't wanna be here./b
bNow you don't wanna leave./b
bYeah, that's a good idea./b
bJohn, you really need to prepare./b
b-Make arrangements./b
b-No need./b
bl already know exactly where l'm going./b
b-Good morning./b
b-Good morning./b
b-No, no, no./b
b-Angela, wait./b
bYou don't need to see this, okay? No./b
bGive us the room, please./b
bShe fell from the roof?/b
bShe jumped./b
b...l know it's hard to accept./b
bShe was sick./b
b-lsabel wouldn't kill herself./b
b-She wouldn't kill herself./b
bAngie, there were security cameras./b
b-Hold the door. You going down?/b
b-Not if l can help it./b
bA new case?/b
bThe big score? The mother lode?/b
bThe one you've been waiting for?/b
b-Humor me./b
b-Don't l always?/b
bOh, yeah, that's--/b
bMuch obliged. Thank you./b
bHow you feeling, John?/b
bSo, what's new?/b
bBullet shavings from/b
bthe assassination attempt on the pope.../b
b...holy-water ampoules/b
bfrom the River Jordan.../b
b...and-- Oh, you'll love this./b
b--screech beetle from Amityville./b
bYeah, it's funny to you, but to the fallen,/b
bthat's like nails on a chalkboard./b
bWhat is it, exactly, with you and bugs?/b
bl just like them./b
bYeah. Who doesn't?/b
bYeah, easy there, hero./b
b-That's dragon's breath./b
b-l thought you couldn't get it anymore./b
bYeah, well, l know a guy/b
bwho knows a guy./b
bSo, what's the action?/b
bl just pulled a soldier demon/b
bout of a little girl./b
bLooked like it was trying/b
bto come through./b
b-Yeah, l know how it sounds./b
b-No, we're finger puppets to them, John.../b
b...not doorways./b
bThey can work us, but they can't/b
bcome through onto our plane./b
bCheck the scrolls anyway./b
bSee if there's any precedent./b
bSure thing, John./b
bAnything else?/b
bWouldn't happen to have/b
banything for a--?/b
bOn the house./b
bAll right, question. How much longer/b
bdo l have to be your slave, John?/b
bYou're not my slave, Chas./b
bYou're my very appreciated apprentice./b
bLike Tonto or Robin./b
bOr that skinny fellow/b
bwith the fat friend./b
bRight. So then why don't l apprentice/b
bsomething besides driving, then, John?/b
bJohn? John./b
bl love our little talks, John./b
b-May l take your coat, Mr. Constantine?/b
b-No, thanks, l'm not gonna be staying long./b
b-How about you, ma'am?/b
b-Oh, no, l'm not staying long either./b
bl really need to speak with him./b
blt's important./b
bFirst come, first served./b
bSo you're rude no matter where you are./b
b-You have news. Yes./b
b-Yes, l spoke with the bishop./b
bl know what you want, son./b
bStill keeping your all-seeing eye/b
bon me, Gabriel?/b
bl'm flattered./b
bWell, l could offer something.../b
b...about how a shepherd leads/b
beven the most wayward of his flock.../b
b...but it might sound disingenuous./b
bShe has to have a Catholic funeral,/b
bFather. She has to./b
b-Angela, it's still considered a mortal sin./b
b-She didn't commit suicide./b
bThe bishop believes otherwise./b
bYou know the rules./b
bOh, rules./b
bThis is lsabel./b
bGod was the only one/b
bshe ever believed loved her./b
bl'm sorry./b
bl've been seeing some unusual/b
bsoul traffic lately./b
bYou might consider/b
bgiving me an extension./b
bl could do your side some good/b
bthese days./b
bYou still trying to buy your way/b
binto heaven?/b
bWhat about the minions l've sent back?/b
b-That alone should guarantee my entry./b
b-How many times have l told you?/b
bThat's not the way this works./b
bWhy, haven't l served him enough?/b
b-What does he want from me?/b
b-Only the usual./b
bSelf-sacrifice, belief./b
b-Oh, l believe, for chrissake./b
b-No, no, you know./b
bAnd there's a difference. You've seen./b
bl never asked to see./b
bl was born with this curse./b
bA gift, John./b
bOne that you've squandered/b
bon selfish endeavors./b
bl'm pulling demons out of little girls./b
bWho's that for?/b
bEverything you've ever done,/b
byou've only ever done for yourself./b
bTo earn your way/b
bback into his good graces./b
blmpossible rules, endless regulations.../b
b...who goes up, who goes down/b
band why./b
bYou don't even understand us./b
bYou're the one who should go/b
bto hell, half-breed./b
bWhy me, Gabriel?/b
blt's personal, isn't it?/b
bl didn't go to church enough,/b
bl didn't pray enough.../b
b...l was 5 bucks short/b
bin the collection plate. Why?/b
bYou are going to die young.../b
b...because you smoked 30 cigarettes/b
ba day since you were 1 5./b
bAnd you're going to go to hell.../b
b...because of the life you took./b
bYou're fucked./b
bAt least it's nice out./b
bHe always had a rotten sense of humor./b
bAnd his punch lines are killers./b
bConstantine, it's raining! John! Hey!/b
bTwenty-two women were found buried/b
bin the assailant's back yard./b
bSo much damage had been done/b
bto the bodies, police had to match..../b
bPolice report she had been physically/b
bpenetrated over 1 00 times and buried alive./b
b--found locked in a storage freezer,/b
bhis head severed and his organs..../b
bHe stuffed Holly's body into..../b
b-The bodies ravished by the unknown..../b
b-He used a small handsaw..../b
bHad nearly decapitated..../b
bEven his eyes were gouged out./b
bl'm so sorry, lzzy./b
bHey, buddy, got a light?/b
bShould've minded/b
byour own business, exorcist./b
bl know where you're going, John./b
bYou're going to Midnite's./b
bYou're supposed to wait in the cab./b
blt's a haven for those who rise and fall./b
bl remember reading about this, John./b
b-You read too much, kid. lt's a bar./b
b-lt's a bar?/b
blt's a bar. Papa Midnite is a crusader/b
bfor good. He swore the oath of neutrality./b
b-John, the man's a legend./b
bCan you please get me into this bar, John,/b
bplease? l'm begging you, John, please?/b
b-Sure, you can get in./b
b-l can get in?/b
blf you can get in./b
blf l can get--? lt's a bear, though, right?/b
bOr two ducks in a cloud?/b
bTwo frogs on a bench./b
bTwo frogs on a bench./b
bNo, no, l'm with the guy you just--/b
bJohn! John!/b
bl'm with him, though./b
bRat in a dress./b
bOf course it is. Rat in a dress./b
bl'm just testing. l'm just testing./b
bDon't get up./b
bYou've been absent some time./b
bHave you come here with relics to sell?/b
bNo, l'm out of that now./b
bl've been too busy./b
bPerhaps peddling forgeries has ended up/b
bbeing bad for your health./b
bMidnite, Jesus.../b
b...l thought the thing was authentic./b
bl see now./b
bYour health is bad for other reasons./b
bHow long?/b
bA few months, maybe a year./b
bl thought l heard thunder last night./b
bMust have been/b
bSatan's stomach growling./b
bYou're the one soul he'd come/b
bup here himself to collect./b
bSo l've heard./b
bWell, l am most certain you did not come/b
bhere for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on./b
bA demon just attacked me,/b
bright out in the open on Figueroa./b
bThey don't like you, John./b
bHow many have you/b
bdeported back to hell?/b
bNot some angry half-breed, Midnite./b
bA full-fledged demon, here, on our plane./b
bClearly l do not have to remind you/b
bthat is impossible./b
bAnd yesterday l saw a soldier demon trying/b
bto chew its way out through a little girl./b
bListen, John, demons stay in hell,/b
bangels in heaven.../b
b...the great dtente/b
bof the original superpowers./b
bThanks for the history lesson, Midnite./b
bYou've been a tremendous help./b
b...l need to use the chair./b
bJohn, forgetting the fact that it would/b
balmost certainly kill you.../b know l am neutral./b
bAnd as long as the balance/b
bis maintained, l take no sides./b
bBefore you were a bartender.../b were one witch doctor/b
bagainst, what, 30 Ashgar?/b
b-And l--/b
b-You were Constantine./b
bThe John Constantine./b
bThis isn't the usual game, l can feel it./b
bSomething's coming./b
bThat expression alone/b
bhas made my entire night./b
bl'll make your night./b
bl'll deport your sorry ass right where/b
byou stand, you half-breed shit!/b
bYou know the rules of my house./b
bWhile here, you will abide by them./b
bJohnny boy./b
bWord is you're on your way down./b
bFresh meat./b
bFinger-licking good./b
bWe have a meeting now, John./b
bWhat? l didn't catch that./b
bWelcome to my life./b
bMr. Constantine./b
b-l saw you--/b
b-l remember./b
b-And then l saw you at the--/b
b-Regular kismet./b
bl'd like to ask you a few questions,/b
bif that would be okay./b
bl'm not really in the talking mood/b
bright now./b
bWell, maybe you could just listen then./b
bAlways a catch./b
bMy sister was murdered yesterday./b
b-Sorry to hear./b
bShe was a patient at Ravenscar./b
bShe jumped off the roof./b
bThought you said she was murdered./b
bYeah, well, lsabel wouldn't/b
bhave taken her own life./b
bYeah, what kind of mental patient/b
bkills herself?/b
bThat's just crazy./b
bLook, l've heard your name/b
baround the precinct./b
bl know the circles you travel in./b
bThe occult, demonology, exorcisms./b
bJust before my sister was committed,/b
bshe became deeply paranoid./b
bShe started talking about demons, angels./b
bNow, l think someone got to her,/b
bMr. Constantine./b
bl think they brainwashed her/b
binto stepping off that roof./b
bSome kind of legion or cult./b
bSounds like a theory, detective./b
bGood luck./b
bl thought with your background, you could/b
bat least point me in the right direction./b
bYeah, okay, sure./b
blt wasn't a suicide./b
bMy sister was a devout Catholic./b
bDo you understand that?/b
blf she took her own life--/b
bHer soul would go straight to hell.../b
b...where she'd be ripped apart over/b
band over in screaming, brutal agony.../b
b...for all eternity. That it?/b
bThat about right?/b
bGoddamn you./b
bWhat if l told you that God/b
band the devil made a wager.../b
b...a kind of standing bet/b
bfor the souls of all mankind?/b
bl'd tell you to stay on your meds./b
bHumor me. No direct contact with humans./b
bThat would be the rule./b
b-Just influence. See who would win./b
b-Okay, l'm humoring you./b
b-Who knows./b
b-Maybe just for the fun of it. No telling./b
b-Oh, so it's fun./b
blt's fun when a man beats his wife to/b
bdeath, when a mother drowns her baby./b
bAnd you think the devil is responsible?/b
bPeople are evil, Mr. Constantine. People./b
bYou're right. We're born/b
bcapable of terrible things./b
bBut then sometimes something else comes/b
balong and gives us just the right nudge./b
bWell, this has been real educational.../b
b...but l don't believe in the devil./b
bYou should. He believes in you./b
blt's a power outage./b
bNot likely./b
b-We should go. Now./b
bWhat is that?/b
bMaybe talons./b
bYou're kidding. Of what?/b
bSomething that's not/b
bsupposed to be here./b
bThat's really not going to help./b
b-Close your eyes./b
bSuit yourself./b
bDemons stay in hell, huh?/b
bTell them that./b
bDon't worry. Happens to everyone/b
bthe first time./b
blt's the sulfur./b
bWhat were those things?/b
b-Scavengers of the damned./b
b-No, no. lt's impossible./b
bYeah. And l don't think/b
bthey were after me./b
bYou really believe/b
bshe wouldn't commit suicide./b
bNever in a million years./b
bWell, let's be sure./b
bLet's see if she's in hell./b
bOh, was it supposed to be hot or cold?/b
bln front of the chair./b
bl can't believe l'm doing this./b
b-These are all lsabel's things?/b
b-How about the cat?/b
bYeah, why?/b
bOh, you think that's strange./b
bCats are good./b
bHalf in, half out anyway./b
blf this is some kind of spell/b
bor something.../b
b...don't you need candles/b
band a pentagram for it to work?/b
bWhy, do you have any?/b
b-This is crazy./b
bl need you to leave./b
b-l'm sorry?/b
b-Angela, please./b
bThe apartment./b
bBe careful with that cat./b
bGod, l hate this part./b
b-Constantine, what--?/b
bJesus. What?/b
b-You were twins./b
b-What did you say?/b
b-She killed herself./b
bAnd she's damned for it./b
bHow is this possible?/b
bl need to eat./b
bHey! Hey, what are you doing in here?/b
bRelax, man./b
bSlow down!/b
bWhat the hell kind of place is this?/b
bWhen l was a kid, l could see things./b
bThings humans aren't supposed to see./b
bThings you shouldn't have to see./b
bMy parents were normal./b
bThey did what most parents would do./b
bThey made it worse./b
bYou think you're crazy long enough.../b find a way out./b
b-You tried to kill yourself./b
b-I didn't try anything./b
bOfficially, I was dead for two minutes./b
bBut when you cross over.../b
b...time stops./b
bTake it from me,/b
btwo minutes in hell is a lifetime./b
bWhen l came back.../b
b...l knew.../b
b...all the things l could see were real./b
bHeaven and hell are right here./b
bBehind every wall, every window./b
bThe world behind the world,/b
band we're smack in the middle./b
bAngels and demons can't/b
bcross over onto our plane./b
bSo instead we get/b
bwhat l call half-breeds./b
bThe influence peddlers./b
bThey can only whisper in our ears,/b
bbut a single word can give you courage.../b
b...or turn your favorite pleasure/b
binto your worst nightmare./b
bThose with the demon's touch.../b those part angel,/b
bliving alongside us./b
bThey call it the balance./b
bl call it hypocritical bullshit./b
bSo when a half-breed breaks the rules.../b
b...l deport their sorry ass/b
bstraight back to hell./b
bl don't get them all.../b
b...but l've been hoping to get enough/b
bto ensure my.../b
b-l don't understand./b
bl'm a suicide, Angela./b
bWhen l die, the rules say/b
bl've got just one place to go./b
bYou're trying to buy your way/b
binto heaven./b
bWhat would you do/b
bif you were sentenced to a prison.../b
b...where half the inmates/b
bwere put there by you?/b
bl guess God has a plan for all of us./b
bGod's a kid with an ant farm, lady./b
bHe's not planning anything./b
bWhen we were little.../b
b...lsabel saw things too./b
bGuard spotted him groping the body,/b
bthen he ran across the street./b
bCame in here, and he had a go/b
bat the entire stock./b
bHe drowned himself in alcohol/b
bin under a minute./b
bCould've been a member of my fraternity./b
bHey, what the hell is he doing here?/b
bHe's okay./b
bWhy didn't you call me,/b
byou son of a bitch?/b
bWhat do you mean?/b
bGot it. Bye./b
bl need to see where lsabel died./b
bSances, Ouija boards, channeling./b
bOur father thought she was/b
bjust trying to get attention./b
bShe certainly did that./b
bShe'd tell everyone about the things/b
bshe said she saw./b
bShe'd scare my mother half to death./b
bAnd then she stopped talking/b
bfor almost a year./b
bSo you had her committed./b
bHow long?/b
bTwo weeks./b
bThis time./b
bShe'd get better, and then she'd get worse./b
bRecently, a lot worse./b
bThat symbol that was cut/b
bin the dead guy's hand.../b
b...does it have something to do/b
bwith this?/b
bl'm a cop, John, remember?/b
bYou don't walk off the roof of a building/b
bwithout leaving something behind./b
bAnd l showed you everything/b
bshe left behind in that box, but feel free./b
bMaybe she left something else./b
bNot something a cop would find./b
bSomething just for you./b
bYou were her twin, Angela./b
bTwins tend to think alike./b
b-l'm not like my sister./b
b-But you were once./b
bWhen you were kids./b
bWhen you'd spend every second/b
bwith each other./b
bYou'd start a sentence, she'd finish it./b
bYou'd get hurt, she'd cry./b
bThat was a long time ago./b
b-That kind of bond doesn't just disappear./b
b-There is nothing here./b
b-Hey. Come on./b
b-She planned her death in this room./b
bShe thought it up right here./b
bRight where you're standing./b
bShe knew you'd come. She counted/b
bon you to see what she saw.../b
b...feel what she felt,/b
bknow what she knew./b
b-What did she do, Angela?/b
b-How should l know?/b
b-What did she do, Angela?/b
b-l don't know./b
b-What would you do?/b
b-l don't know./b
bWhat did she do, Angela? You know/b
bwhat she did. What did she do, Angela?/b
bYou know what she did./b
bWhat are you afraid of? What did she do?/b
b-What did she do?/b
b-l don't know!/b
bWhen we were girls.../b
b...we would leave each other messages./b
bln light./b
bln breath./b
bOn the windows./b
bJohn, there is no 1 7th act/b
bin Corinthians./b
bCorinthians goes to 21 acts/b
bin the Bible in hell./b
bThey have Bibles in hell./b
bPaints a different view of Revelations./b
bSays the world will not end/b
bby God's hand.../b
b...but be reborn in the embrace/b
bof the damned./b
bThough if you ask me.../b's fire./b
b1 6:29, 1 6:30./b
bOh, my, this is certainly not good./b
b''The sins of the father would only/b
bbe exceeded by the sins of the son.''/b
b-Whose son?/b
b-But he can't cross over, B./b
b-lmpossible to cross over./b
b-Whose son? God's son?/b
bNo, the other one. Devil had a son too./b
bHere it is./b
bThis is the sign of Mammon.../b
b...the son of the devil./b
bWell, hold on, it says here--/b
bSorry, l'm--/b
bl'm sorry, no, l'm right here./b
blt says Mammon has no patience/b
bfor his father's rule.../b
b...and yearns to forge his own kingdom/b
bof fire and blood./b
bYeah. Mammon would be the last demon/b
bwe'd ever want crossing over to our plane./b
bNo, wait, wait, wait. l'm reading./b
bSeems to be a loophole./b
bAlways a catch./b
blt says first Mammon would have to/b
bpossess a very, very powerful psychic./b
b-But that wouldn't be enough./b
bTo cross over, Mammon would need/b
bdivine assistance./b
bTo cross over, Mammon would need/b
bthe help of God./b
b-The help of God?/b
b-It says--/b
b-John, look.../b
b...l know you've never had much faith,/b
byou've never had much reason to.../b
b...but that doesn't mean/b
bthat we don't have faith.../b you./b
bBeeman? Beeman?/b
bDrive. Fast./b
bWasn't just lsabel./b
bl used to see things too./b
bBut.../b already knew that, didn't you?/b
b-Go home, Angela./b
bl need to understand./b
bYou don't wanna know/b
bwhat's out there, trust me./b
bl'm stronger than lsabel./b
bYour sister embraced her gift,/b
byou denied yours. Denial is a better idea./b
blt's why you're still alive./b
bStick with me, that will change./b
b-l don't need another ghost following me./b
b-John, they killed my sister./b
bl'd trade places with her if l could./b
bl used to pretend that l didn't./b
bThat l didn't see things./b
bAnd.../b the time we were 1 0,/b
bthey started forcing her to take.../b
b...and have treatments./b
bThey would come for her.../b
b...and she'd look at me,/b
band she'd say to me, ''Tell them./b
bWhy don't you tell them, Angie,/b
bthat you can see them too?''/b
bBut l lied./b
bl said:/b
b''l don't see anything.''/b
bUntil one day.../b
b...l finally stopped seeing./b
bl abandoned her, John./b
bl left her all alone./b
bl need to see what she saw./b
bYou do this, there's no turning back./b
bYou see them.../b
b...they see you./b
bSo do l have to take the rest of my clothes/b
boff, or can l leave them on?/b
bl'm thinking./b
bOn is fine./b
b-So why water?/b
b-lt's a universal conduit./b
bLubricates the transition/b
bfrom one plane to another./b
b-Now ask me if there's water in hell./b
b-ls there water in hell?/b
bNormally, only a portion of the body/b
bhas to be suspended.../b
b...but you wanted the crash course./b
bYeah, l wanted the crash course./b
bSo, what's gonna happen?/b
bLie down./b
b-What do you mean lie down?/b
b-You have to be fully submerged./b
bFor how long?/b
bAs long as it takes./b
bTake a deep one./b
bOh, God./b
bOh, God, all those people./b
bOh, lsabel./b
bl've always known./b
bl've always known where they are./b
bl've always known where to find them.../b
b...where to aim and where to duck.../b
b...and l've always known where they were./b
bl've always known that it wasn't luck./b
bAlways known that it wasn't luck./b
bl've always known..../b
bl've always known that l could see./b
bl've always known that l could see./b
bSomeone was here./b
blt was his./b
bNot a ball./b
bSomething smaller./b
bCan you just kill him?/b
bWhat about the balance?/b
bHalf-breed tipped the scales/b
bwhen he started killing my friends./b
bl'm just adding some counterweight./b
bJohn, l really want--/b
bThink of it as a bulletproof vest./b
bl'm coming with you./b
bYou're staying in the car./b
bFire? l was born of this./b
bHow's Mammon crossing over,/b
byou half-breed piece of shit?/b
bThat's better. Au naturel./b
b''Stay in the car.''/b
b''Wait here.''/b
bDon't fight it, Johnny boy./b
bEnjoy it./b
bWe'll see you very soon./b
bNot really, no./b
bYou can't cheat it this time./b
bYou're going back to hell./b
bBut you're not./b
b-What are you doing?/b
b-l'm reading you your last rites./b
bSpare me your remedial incantations./b
bYou do know what it is/b
bto truly be forgiven?/b
bTo be welcomed/b
binto the Kingdom of God./b
bDemon in heaven./b
bl'd love to be a fly on that wall./b
bYou're not a priest. You have no power./b
bJust tell me how Mammon is crossing over,/b
band you can go back to your shithole./b
bOkay, Bally, enjoy it./b
b''May God have mercy on you/b
band grant you the pardon of all your sins./b
bWhose soever sins you remit on Earth,/b
bthey are remitted unto them in heaven.''/b
b-How? How's he doing it?/b
bNo, l can't./b
bGrant your child entry into thy kingdom.../b the name of the Father and the Son/b
band the Holy Spirit./b
bThe blood of God./b
bHe found it./b
bWhatever killed the son of God.../b
b...will give birth to the son of the devil./b
bBy the way.../b have to ask for absolution/b
bto be forgiven.../b
bMy work here is done./b
b-What are you laughing at?/b
b-She was my only mission.../b
b...and you brought her right to us./b
bSo does this walking fast/b
bmean you've found something?/b
bJesus didn't die from being nailed to a/b
bcross. He was killed by a soldier's spear./b
bThe Spear of Destiny./b
bl'm a Catholic, John./b
bl know the Crucifixion story./b
bl drew out the sister as you asked./b
bShe's been made flush and ready./b
bSo much power./b
bNow, if you grant me my resurrection,/b
bl shall serve./b
bWait. But l did as we agreed./b
bNo. Please. No!/b
bBeeman said Mammon needed/b
bdivine assistance to cross over./b
bHow's the blood of God's only son?/b
bThe stains on the spear./b
b-So he gets the spear./b
bHe still has to locate/b
ba powerful psychic./b
bNot really./b
bWhere's the amulet?/b
bl don't know,/b
bl must have left it in the--/b
bWhat's wrong?/b
bl don't know, l just feel--/b
b-Bird on a ladder./b
b-Wait here./b
bWho's a rat in a dress now, huh, bitch?/b
b-Have you lost what little mind you have?/b
bl need to use the chair./b
bl offer no aid to one side or the other./b
b-The balance./b
b-Screw the balance./b
bYou dare? ln my house?/b
bls this neutral? Bullshit./b
bYou're the only one still playing/b
bby the rules, Midnite./b
bAnd while you've been imitating/b
bSwitzerland, people are dying./b
bHennessy, Beeman, they were/b
byour friends once too, remember?/b
bl need your help!/b
bConsider it a last request./b
bYou play a dangerous game./b
bTwo-hundred-dollar shirt, by the way./b
bThat little shit has been trying to/b
bclimb out of his father's shadow for eons./b
bl'd hate to think what he would do/b
bto this world if he ever broke through./b
bForgot how big it was./b
bTwo hundred souls passed through/b
bthis wood and steel at Sing Sing./b
bWhich way's east?/b
bHow many years since you've surfed?/b
bLike riding a bike./b
bNo, not really./b
bTell me this isn't about the girl./b
bDefinitely mostly not about the girl./b
bLittle flavor?/b
b-Sure about this?/b
b-Any luck?/b
b-That's a word for it./b
bHoly shit. You're Papa Midnite,/b
baren't you?/b
bAnd how exactly do you intend/b
bon getting close enough to use these?/b
bWell, they did not leave her unguarded./b
bHalf-breeds are most vulnerable when their/b
bouter skin is breached by holy water./b
bCertain objects, most notably/b
beither of the two crosses of lsteria.../b
b...have been used by even the unordained/b
bto bless commonly occurring waters.../b
b...even rain./b
bMaybe if..../b
bThere's no use sitting on the bench/b
bif you're not ready to play, right?/b
bYou wouldn't have one of those enchanted/b
bcrosses sitting around here in a cabinet.../b
b...maybe we could take with us?/b
bLook, John, no offense, l just don't think/b
bthat it's a great idea, you know.../b going on a solo mission/b
bto save the world. That's my vote./b
bl don't know what pops thinks,/b
bbut that's--/b
bTake him, John. Kill him after./b
blf you get back, see me/b
babout membership. Maybe./b
bOkay. l will./b
b-What are you doing?/b
bPraying. Okay./b
bCome on./b
bHalf-breeds, right?/b
bA birth like this, they're definitely/b
bgonna be guarding her, right? Definitely./b
bWe can get through them. l mean,/b
bthat cross has gotta work, right?/b
blt's not always like it is in the books./b
bWhat is that?/b
bYou know what to do./b
bl'm okay./b
bOne last show./b
bMy name's John./b
bYou are in violation of the balance./b
bLeave immediately.../b
b...or l will deport you./b
bAll of you./b
bGo to hell./b
bHoly water?/b
bAngela, what is it?/b
bGet it out./b
bGet it out./b
bGet it--/b
bOh, my God./b
bNot bad, kid./b
b''Not bad.'' You hear that?/b
bYou know why that is? lt's because/b
bthis is Kramer. Chas Kramer, ass--/b
bYou're right, John./b
blt's not like the books./b
bNo.../b isn't./b
blnto the light, l command thee./b
blnto the light, l command thee./b
blnto the light, l command thee./b
blnto the light, l command thee./b
bYour ego is astounding./b
bAnd the wicked shall inherit the Earth./b
bYou judging me now, John?/b
bBetrayal, murder, genocide,/b
bcall me provincial./b
bl am simply seeking to inspire mankind/b
bto all that was intended./b
bBy handing Earth over/b
bto the son of the devil?/b
bHelp me here./b
bYou're handed this precious gift, right?/b
bEach one of you granted redemption/b
bfrom the Creator./b
bMurderers, rapists and molesters.../b
b...all of you, you just have to repent.../b
b...and God takes you into his bosom./b
bln all the worlds in all the universe.../b other creature can make/b
bsuch a boast, save man./b
blt's not fair./b
blf sweet, sweet God loves you so.../b
b...then l'll make you worthy of his love./b
bl've been watching you for a long time./b
blt's only in the face of horror/b
bthat you truly find your nobler selves./b
bAnd you can be so noble./b
b...l'll bring you pain./b
bl'll bring you horror./b
bSo that you may rise above it./b
bSo that those of you who survive/b
bthis reign of hell on Earth.../b
b...will be worthy of God's love./b
bGabriel.../b're insane./b
bThe road to salvation begins tonight./b
bRight now./b
bl know l'm not one of your favorites./b
bl'm not even welcome in your house./b
bBut l could use a little attention./b
bCome forth./b
b...son of Satan.../b
b...l unleash you unto this world./b
bWhat took you so long?/b
bHello, John./b
bJohn, hello./b
bYou're the one soul.../b
b...l would come up here/b
bto collect myself./b
bSo l've heard./b
bYou mind?/b
bOh, go-- Go right ahead. l've got stock./b
bCoffin nail./b
bVery fitting, John./b
bYou know, when you cut too deep,/b
byou cut the tendons.../b
b...finger movement goes out the window./b
bLet me help you./b
b...l've got a whole theme park/b
bfull of red delights for you./b
bWell, aren't you a peach./b
bl didn't think you would/b
bmake the same mistake twice./b
bAnd you didn't.../b
b...did you?/b
bSo how's the family?/b
bFamily's doing just fine./b
bBusy, busy, busy. Need a vacation./b
bWord is that kid of yours/b
bis a chip off the old block./b
bWell, one does what one can./b
bHe's in the other room./b
bBoys will be boys./b
bWith Gabriel./b
bNo accounting for taste, really./b
bThey have the Spear of Destiny./b
b''They have the Spear of Destiny.''/b
bOr is it another one of your cons?/b
bGo look for yourself./b
bYou've waited 20 years for me, Lu.../b
b...what's another 20 seconds?/b
b-This world is mine. ln time./b
bYou, best of all of us, Gabriel.../b
b...should understand ambition./b
bSon of perdition./b
bLittle horn./b
bMost unclean./b
bl do miss the old names./b
bTime to go home, son./b
bl will smite thee.../b his honor./b
bLooks like somebody doesn't/b
bhave your back anymore./b
bYeah, what do you want? An extension?/b
bThe sister.../b
bWhat about her?/b
bLet her go home./b
bYou're willing to give up your life/b
bso she can go to heaven?/b
bFine. lt's done./b
bTime to go, John./b
bThe sacrifice./b
bNo. This one belongs to me./b
bNo. You will live, John Constantine./b
bYou will live./b
bSo you will have.../b
b...the chance to prove.../b
b...that your soul truly belongs in hell./b
bOh, you will live./b
bYou will live./b
bThank you./b
bNo problem./b
bYou don't deserve to be human./b
bDo you want revenge?/b
bls that what you're thinking right now?/b
bDo it./b
bDo it./b
bSeek revenge./b
bEnd my life./b
bGo on./b
bBe the hand of God./b
blt's your choice./b
blt's always been your choice./b
bThat's called pain./b
bGet used to it./b
bYou could've shot me, John!/b
bYou chose a higher path!/b
bLook how well you're doing!/b
bNice spot./b
bl have something for you./b
bSomething tells me/b
byou're not a flowers kind of guy./b
bOh, how thoughtful./b
b...why are you giving me this?/b
bHide it./b
bSomewhere no one/b
bwill ever be able to find it./b
bNot even me./b
bAlways a catch./b
bl've got some cleaning up to do./b
b...see you around./b
bl'd like that./b
bI guess there's a plan for all of us./b
bI had to die.../b
b...just to figure that out./b
bLike the book says, he works his work/b
bin mysterious ways./b
bSome people like it.../b
b...some people don't./b
bYou did good, kid./b