Drums Along the Mohawk (1939) Movie Script

Wilt thou, Magdelana Borst...
take this man
to thy wedded husband...
to love, comfort, honor and
obey him, and forsaking all others...
keep thee only unto him
so long as ye both shall live?
I will.
Wilt thou, Gilbert Martin,
take this woman to thy wedded wife...
to love, comfort
and honor her...
and forsaking all others, keep thee
only unto her so long as ye both shall live?
- I will.
- Let us pray.
O Almighty God, look down upon
and bless these two young people...
as they go forth this day
into the wilderness...
to make for themselves
a new home.
Guide them,
Gracious Father...
protect and keep them through
all the trials and vicissitudes of life...
that they may never cease
to remember this hour...
and this pledge of love which
they have given, one to the other...
in thy sacred sight.
And now, in the name
of the Father...
and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost,
I pronounce you man and wife.
What God hath joined together...
let not man put asunder.
Kiss her, my son.
- Lana! Lana, throw it!
- Good-bye.
- God bless you, Gilbert.
- Good-bye, sir.
- Good-bye, son.
Good-bye, Mrs. -
- Take good care of her.
Wait till she sees this.
Good-bye. Good-bye.
- That sure was a nice weddin'.
- Wasn't it?
- The cow hitched easy?
- Cow?
- Giddyap.
- Mother, good-bye.
- Good-bye.
- Oh, no, my friends.
It's always been like this
since Bible days.
Every generation must make
its own way in one place or another.
- It's the most beautiful country I've ever seen.
- I told you so.
The Mohawk Valley is the prettiest place
in the whole country, for a fact.
Have one. Just especial,
seeing it's tonight.
- You folks come far?
- Yes. Albany.
- Where?
- Albany!
- Albany.
- Yes.
Been married long?
Oh, not so long.
How long?
Not so long!
I- I thought
that's what you said.
I knew it the minute
I laid eyes on ya.
You got it written
all over both of you.
To your health, madam, sir.
You planning on settling here
in the valley?
Yes. I have a place at Deerfield.
Deerfield? That's pretty
far out of the way, isn't it?
Yes, but it suits me.
What political party do you folks
up that way belong to?
The American.
Any Tories?
Not that I know of. Why?
Oh, nothing.
I was just wondering.
They say the Indians are going to line up
with the British, but I suppose that's just talk.
Well, good night.
That's a queer one, ain't he?
Too many questions to suit me.
And that patch over his eye-
I bet he lost it trying to see something
that wasn't none of his business.
Good night.
Good night now.
Good night.
You didn't get scared, did you,
at what that fella just said...
about the Tories and the Indians?
I wasn't even thinking
about Indians.
What were you thinking about?
I was just wondering...
if you love me
as much as I love you.
Are there always flies like this?
In the real woods there are.
It must be gonna rain, though,
the way these take hold.
You'll get used to 'em
up here, though.
Lana, we're home now! Look!
I'll get a fire going.
It's just a cabin, but-
Well, I've always thought
it would be nice living in a cabin.
It's so handy to look
after things when it's small.
It seemed so fine to me
because I built it.
I didn't realize it might
look different to a girl...
who'd been raised
in a big house like yours.
Oh, it's all right, Gil.
Beginning this way...
we'll like our things
even better when we get them.
Oh, Lana.
Just wait till I put up the mare and we get
something to eat and feel warmer. We'll-
Things will look different then.
You'd better take those wet things off, Lana.
You'll be sick.
No! Gil! Gil!
Gil! Gil!
Oh, Gil! Gil!
Gil! Gil!
- Get him! Do something!
- Why, Lana, that's only Blue Back.
- He'll murder us! He'll murder us!
- Lana, stop that!
I'm sorry, Lana.
I had to do it.
You've gotta get
a hold of yourself.
This is my wife, Blue Back.
She's kind of nervous
and tired out.
We had a long, hard trip
in the rain and everything.
Sure. Much rain.
I guess she didn't expect anybody
to drop in at a time like this.
Me go hunting.
Bring you half deer. Hang outside.
Half deer, huh? Well, that's mighty fine
of you, Blue Back. Thanks.
Sit down. I got some rum outside.
We'll have a drink together.
No. Me go now.
Come back again, maybe.
Sure, any time.
- You're a good friend, Blue Back.
- Sure, fine friends.
Good Christian!
- I'm going home.
- Home?
I can't stand it!
Mother was right.
I'm no frontier woman.
I had no idea it was like this.
I hate it!
- Lana, what are you saying?
- You had no right to bring me here!
It- It's awful! And that horrible man-
that Indian slipping in here.
Now you're acting crazy again.
Blue Back wouldn't hurt you.
- Why, he's as good a Christian
as you or me, maybe better.
- I don't care!
- I'm going home. I'm going now! Gil!
- No, you're not.
You're gonna stay right here
and do as I say from now on.
You're gonna get over this foolishness
and stop being scared. Do you understand?
Lana, I didn't wanna hit you.
I had to do it.
Lana, look at me.
I love you.
I need you.
I can't live without you now.
You know that.
Look, here's Blue Back again, see?
You got a fine woman.
But you young man.
You use this on her.
Lick her good!
Make fine woman.
What are you
thinking about now?
What are you thinking about?
Oh, I was just thinking about what this place
is gonna look like couple years from now.
Next summer we can start building a barn,
right on that slope over there.
A hillside barn,
just like I've always wanted.
Then after that, we can start thinking
about building a decent house.
I like our house
just as it is now.
Oh, sure. But I always remember
how you ladies hanker after frame houses.
Well, I suppose the place will look so beautiful
you won't care what your wife looks like.
I can get blisters all over my hands,
and my nose peeled...
and that's the thanks
I get for it.
Let's see some of those blisters
you're talking so big about.
No! No, never mind! Leave me alone.
Let it go.
Why, Lana, your hand is sore.
- Maybe you oughtn't come out here like this.
- I want to.
I know, but haying's hard work.
It's about the hardest work there is.
It's... no job for a woman.
Oh, now, there you go.
Just because a woman is raised
in a town, she has to be frail.
I'm not. I'm strong. You said yourself
you couldn't have done without me.
- I sure married myself some good hired help.
- No, no! Now stop.
Stop it yourself.
Do you like me as much
as you do your old farm?
- Good morning, ladies.
- Hello, Gil.
- Hello.
- Good morning, Gil.
- Hello, Gil! Good morning, Lana!
- Good morning.
Mighty pretty.
- Oh, General Herkimer.
- Hello, Martin.
This is my wife, Lana.
Ja. Ja. Hbsch.
She's as pretty
as the near side of a peach.
Maybe prettier.
- Reall.
- And, Lana, this is Mrs. Weaver and her husband.
I'm your nearest neighbor.
I've been meaning to call...
me and George
and John here, my boy.
- How do?
- I'm so glad to meet you.
And this is Christian's wife, Mrs. Reall,
and her daughter Martha Ellen.
- How do you do?
- Howdy. And this is my oldest girl, Mary.
- Hello, Mary.
- Hello, Mrs. Martin.
- And Mrs. Demooth.
- My husband is the captain.
How do you do?
- Oh, how do you do?
- And Dr. Petry.
How do, Mrs. Martin?
Oh, pass the lot of 'em.
Fall in! Outside.
All right, men.
Hup! Hup!
Hup! Hup! Hup!
Hup! Hup!
Hup! Hup!
Don't be afraid of these women, Mrs. Martin.
You'll find they're good neighbors...
once they get over being mad at you
for being so pretty.
- Oh, don't be so silly.
- That bonnet you got on
is giving them a lot of worry.
And they're dying
to shoo us men off...
so they can find out if you and Gil
have got a family on the way.
- Oh, Nicholas Herkimer!
- We weren't gonna tell anybody.
- Lana!
Oh, that's just fine.
- Congratulations, Martin.
- Thank you.
That's just fine. A baby.
You know, I don't believe
in young folks waiting.
- I always say a man needs help on his place...
- Stick out your tongue.
And the only way to get it
is to have children, especially boys.
- Why, Maggie Weaver, how awful.
Militia, fall in!
- Fall in what?
Dress to the right.
- That's my husband.
Call the roll.
- Amos Brock.
- Here.
- John Weaver?
- Here!
- George Weaver.
- Here.
- Gilbert Martin.
- Here.
Christian Reall.
Christian Reall!
That's me. Here.
- Adam Hartman.
- Here.
- James McNod.
James McNod!
He couldn't come today.
He had to go and buy flour.
Then I've got to fine him.
That's the law.
It don't look to me as though you had any right
to fine a man for not coming if he can't!
I thought that's what
this war was about-
making people pay taxes when
they didn't have no say-so about it.
That's right. That's what
I'm carrying Long Tom for.
Ain't up to me.
Talk to the general.
Oh, I guess we can
let that go this time.
And that's enough of the roll call too.
You can check up later.
Stand at ease, men.
ever since New York and the 12 colonies
signed the Declaration of Independence...
this revolution
has turned into a real war.
So far we've been lucky
up here in the Mohawk...
but it looks like we are going to be
dragged into it too.
Sure as shootin'.
That's why I got you here-
to get ready, no matter what happens.
I guess we all feel
the same way about it.
This is our home and our land.
And I say it's worth
fighting for...
only we got to do it
by ourselves.
Congress can't help us.
They say Washington needs
all the troops he can get...
and that the frontier
will have to look out for itself.
Maybe them regular soldiers don't like the kind
of liquor we drink up here, huh, General?
Maybe not,
but that's what they say.
Now, about the Indians,
from all I hear...
the Tories are making them
a lot of big promises.
We got our agents working too,
but there's no telling which way they'll jump.
Oh, I don't think we'll have
any trouble with the Indians.
- We've always treated them fair.
- That's right.
Maybe so, but just the same...
if you hear the bell ringing
at the fort or the cannon go off...
you drop everything
and come running.
Do you understand?
All of you, come running.
Else I have you flogged so fast
you won't know what.
Now, come on. Show the women
how good you can drill.
- Take them around the field, Captain.
- Attention!
Nice talk, Nicholas.
Carry arms!
Forward left, march!
All right!
By thunder, I'll bet we can lick
the whole world the way we march.
Ezra, help us over here!
Coming right along with you, Gil.
Put it right on top.
Look out now.
Come on! Come on!
Now she's going good.
- How is the core- pretty rotten, Adam?
- Yeah.
- Try to fall it right down in there.
- All right.
Keep working on the edge. That's the idea.
This'll make a nice patch for wheat, Gil.
You got good soil here.
I figure the loam's
close to four feet.
Yes, sir, I bet there isn't any better soil
in the whole valley.
You're just a natural-born farmer,
ain't ya?
So you'd be,
if you'd marry and settle down.
There she goes!
There she goes.
That's gonna be good firewood.
There it goes.
Start heaving, Cleave.
- Push her in, Gil.
- Push her in there.
Yeah, get on out!
- Make it straightaway.
- Heave!
Heave! Heave!
Come on! Come on.
You certainly brought a lot of pretty things
with you, Mrs. Martin.
- Heavenly.
- I told Mother there was no sense in bringing...
a lot of clothes and such things.
I'd rather have the money
spent on furniture.
- I see you've got one of these feathers.
- Yes.
Mother had five of them at home.
She said there are times
in a woman's life...
when something like that
is more important than bread.
- What in the world is it?
- A pheasant's feather.
Looks like it came out
of an angel's wing.
We had a lot of them at home, but they collected
so much dust, we threw them out.
This is a nice teapot.
What is it, Wedgwood?
I don't know.
It's just white china, I guess.
- It belonged to my grandmother.
- We always ate off Wedgwood at home.
- Eat?
- Come on out! They've started burning already.
- Great burning. Started it myself.
- Come on.
Let's go see the burning.
Come on.
Throw it on there.
Gil, it's going to be beautiful.
It's Blue Back!
Indians on the warpath.
Eight white men...
100 Indians.
Painted. Better hurry.
- Johnny Weaver, get your horse
and tell General Herkimer.
Stop it! Stop it!
- Gil!
- Take this, Gil.
- Thanks, Joe. Adam, watch out for Lana, will you?
- Come on, Lana.
- No.
- You go too. Senecas, they kill.
I can't leave my place,
the crops.
Gil, you've got to. You've got to come.
I won't leave without you.
All right, I'll get the cart.
Indians. I know. Get.
Two, three, four-
Two, three- One-
Four, five, six-
Come on, Christian.
They're all here. Get in your wagon.
- Here!
- Thanks.
Gil, the cow,
aren't we going to take her?
We can't take her.
She'll just slow us up.
Oh, Gil, I can't stand it.
It's like leaving part of ourselves.
Don't look back. Giddyap!
- Come on, Mary.
- Hurry up, Gil!
Come on, Gil!
- Mr. Martin!
- Whoa!
Come on, Mary!
- Wait a minute.
- Where's the rest of your family?
- I don't know. I lost them.
- Give her to me.
Come on. Hurry up!
- All right.
- Giddyap, Susie!
We got Mary and Martha with us.
Get 'em in, Christian.
Climb right in the wagon here.
Come on, Trudy. You help Mary.
- Trudy, where's Nancy?
- Here she is.
- Where's Martha?
- Here's Martha.
- We're gonna have to throw
some of this furniture out.
- Oh, no, Gil!
We've got to.
- We're ready, Gil.
- I told you not to look back.
Keep up there. Keep up there.
- Come on. Pull ahead there.
Mr. Martin!
- You got her?
- Yeah.
Gil! Gil, what's happened?
Oh! Mary Johnson!
- Come on! Come on!
- She was driving, and all of a sudden she fainted.
Never mind. There.
Put her down.
- Get up and get out of here!
- I won't! My husband's the captain.
- Get out before I use a strap on you.
- No!
Get some hot water,
and tell that fool doctor to hurry.
- I don't understand. It's not like Lana.
- Never mind. She'll be all right.
- What in thunder's the matter here?
- Oh, Doctor.
- More sniveling women.
- It's my wife. She fainted.
I can't say I blame her,
all this racket.
Gil. Gil Martin.
They're waiting for you, Gil.
The company's ready to go.
- What is it, Doctor?
- Nothing you can do anything about.
Go on. Get out of here.
- How is she, Gil?
- I don't know.
- Everything ready, Demooth?
- Yes, sir.
Drummer boy, play the drum.
Men, follow me!
Adam, did you see them?
Did you catch them?
No. We chased them seven, eight miles,
but they got away from us.
- What happened?
- The excitement and all that
jolting was too much for her.
Oh, but don't fret too much.
You're both young.
You'll have another baby.
Oh, she's all right now.
Just tired.
But don't let her talk too much.
Oh, Lana, darling.
Gil, our house?
They burned it.
- The crops?
- Everything. I saw it coming back.
Oh, and now-
Please don't, Lana.
- I failed you, Gil.
- No.
No, Lana,
it wasn't your fault. It-
It just happens
that way sometimes.
My poor Gil.
Oh, Lana.
You're all right.
That's all I care about.
It doesn't seem possible people
can work as hard as we did, Lana...
for nothin'.
We can build it back again, Gil.
We still have the land.
You think I'd let you come back out here and
go through that sort of thing again?
No, you were right
that first night.
You should have gone home then.
I was a fool not to see it.
- Gil.
- I never should have brought you
out here in the first place.
This is no place for you.
It's no place for any woman.
I'm not the only woman
who's gone through this, Gil.
What'll we do?
How will we live?
Well, Adam says that Mrs. McKlennar's
hired man ran off...
and she's looking for
a couple to work her place.
But, Lana, why,
you can't hire out!
A girl like you?
Do you think I'd-
It wouldn't have to be for long.
Just until we made enough
to come back here and start.
Lana, you can't do it!
Oh, Gil, it won't do any harm
just to talk it over with her.
No! Hired help.
Mrs. McKlennar.
Good morning.
- Your name Martin?
- Yes, ma'am.
Well, go on and stare.
I know how I look.
When that fool hired man of mine
got drunk and ran off...
he left me with everything to do.
Martin, I don't mind a man having his liquor,
so long as he knows how to hold it.
When it fixes him
so's he can't do his work...
then he'd better go someplace else,
and the quicker the better.
Well, don't stand there with your mouths open.
Sit down. Sit down. Sit down.
Now you're here on business,
so let's get down to it. You know how to farm?
- I had my own place.
- Yes, I heard it was burned.
Well, that's too bad,
but that's neither here nor there.
Daisy! Get my dinner ready.
I'm hungry enough to eat a horse.
I don't do much farming here.
Just take care of the meadow
and feed my stock.
But you can do what you like.
I'm a widow.
My husband was
Captain Barnabas McKlennar.
What was I saying?
Oh. I was brought up on army life...
so when I give an order,
I expect to get it obeyed.
- What?
- If I take your pay, I'll do the best I can.
Well, I just don't want you coming around
afterwards complaining. That's all.
How much do you want?
I never worked for anybody else.
What'd you expect to pay?
Forty-five pounds a year-
your house, the wood and food.
If your wife can sew, I'll pay her too.
Can you sew, you, what's your name?
- Lana.
- Well, can you sew?
- Yes.
- Speak up! Speak up! You want to sew for me?
- Yes, I'd like to.
- Well, let me see your hands.
Let me see your hands.
That's settled.
I hate sewing myself.
Hate any housework.
So I do the barn
and let Daisy do the cooking.
I took good care of my husband.
Now he's gone, I do as I like.
I've got a long face
and I poke it where I please.
- You may think I'm a nuisance.
- Yes, ma'am.
What? A nuis-
What? What'd he say?
I didn't mean it.
But I guess if you do poke, I'll think so.
Well, your thoughts are your own property,
Martin, but keep 'em to yourself.
Come on. I suppose
you want to see your new home.
I'll expect you to use the back door
if you want to ask me for anything.
I don't want mud
tracked through my house.
I track enough myself.
A mess now.
After that man.
- But it's a good house.
- It sure is, ma'am.
Nice chimney, nice bedroom upstairs.
I used to live here myself...
till Barnabas took it into his head
to build that stone place.
It's a beautiful house.
Glad you got sense enough to see it.
Now there's one more thing
I want to ask you. Got any furniture?
We have a bed and a few things.
Well, I'll help you out
with the rest.
You can consider
the job yours, Martin.
Now, any questions you want to ask?
Yes, ma'am.
It's- I just-
- Well, what? What?
- Well, do you belong to the right party?
Right party!
Martin, a woman hasn't got
any political opinions.
I run this farm to suit myself.
I'll shoot the daylights out of anybody-
British, Indian or American-
that thinks he can come around here
monkeying in my business.
- Does that satisfy you?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Well, when can you move in?
- Well, will tomorrow be too soon?
What's the matter with today?
- Oh, we'll move in today!
- Good. Good.
- Oh, Lana.
- Oh, Gil!
Oh, Gil. Oh!
Oh, Gil, it-
it's a beautiful fireplace.
Hear me, O Lord
And that anon
To help me
Make good speed
Be thou my rock
And house of stone
My fence in time
Of need
O Almighty God...
hear us, we beseech thee...
and bring succor and guidance...
to those we are about
to bring to thy divine notice.
First, we are thinking
of Mary Wollaber.
She is just 16 years old...
but she is keeping company
with a soldier from Fort Dayton.
He's a Massachusetts man,
O Lord...
and thou knowest no good
can come of that.
Now we are thinking
of the sick and infirm.
Peter Paris has the flux real bad.
His Uncle Isaacs,
who keeps the store in Dayton...
asks for our prayers.
And he says that he has
just got in a new supply...
of calicos,
French broadcloths...
- fancy handkerchiefs,
new hats and heavy boots...
- Shh.
All at bargain prices.
But most of all...
we call upon thee, Lord Jehovah...
O God of battles...
to aid thy people
against the Tories...
for I have disturbing news
for you that will sorrow this Sabbath.
General Washington has advised us...
that an enemy army of many Tories
and savage Indians...
is even now on its way
to our beloved valley.
Every man capable of bearing arms...
between the ages of 16 and 60...
will report tomorrow morning
to General Herkimer...
at which time, a regiment...
of Washington's continental army...
will arrive from Albany...
under the command
of Colonel Fischer to help us.
Any man failing to report for duty
will be promptly hanged.
You stick close to Mrs. McKlennar,
Lana, and do what she says.
Yes, Gil.
Well, I'd better go now.
Watch out for those new apple trees.
Thank you, ma'am.
It used to be Barney's,
but it's no use to me now.
Might come in handy to you.
Gil Martin, I'm gonna kiss ya,
so I better do it now...
so's you won't go off with the taste
of a widow on your mouth.
Many's the time
I've seen Barney go off...
just that same way.
Good-bye. He's off.
Sometimes he'd wave.
Ten-to-one he wasn't even seeing me.
He was thinking about
all those men, you see-
all those men
going out to fight-
to kill or be killed.
Blast his eyes, loving it.
So they sent you all the way over here
to tell us to come inside the fort, did they?
It's orders. Where women and children
shall be gathered together, it says.
Me and other men over 60
are to collect and protect 'em.
You old rooster.
Don't you think I can look after myself?
Yes, ma'am.
But it's orders.
I been saving a corner shed for you.
Shed! Do I look like
the kind of a woman...
that would start living in a shed
at my time of life, like a cow?
- Yes, ma'am.
- What?
- No, ma'am.
- Go on, spit, man. Spit and get it over with.
Hey! Not there! Outside! Go on.
Get on out of here. Go on.
The old fool.
He can't even spit by himself.
Waiting, waiting.
That's all we women do, is wait.
Well, no news is good news.
Why don't you sit down, Lana?
Mrs. McKlennar! Lana!
Here they come!
Come on out!
Here they come!
Where's John?
Have you seen Gil Martin?
Take them inside. Go in. Anyone else, go in.
Have you seen Gil Martin?
I'm Robert Johnson, ma'am. Surgeon pro tem
of the 1st Regiment, New York line.
Then don't stand there yapping about it.
Go on in and see the general.
Yes, ma'am.
Mark, where's Gil?
Gil Martin?
Gil! Gil!
I'm Captain Morgan, ma'am.
There's nobody back of me alive.
Well, General Herkimer, a fine mess
you've got yourself into this time.
I tell this fellow to go away.
Look after the young ones.
Shut up! You're not
giving orders in this house.
What about it?
It's- It's already mortified, ma'am.
I- It'll have to come off.
- Ja, bitte?
- Ja, Nicholas.
- Wait till I light my pipe.
- Yes.
Look out. John!
Tell me something first, Doctor.
Did you ever cut off a leg before?
Why-Why, no, sir. I-
Well, don't be ashamed.
A man has gotta start somewhere.
I'll never forget
the first deer I shot.
- Lana? Lana.
Gil! Gil.
Oh, thank God! Gil.
It's so cold.
Colder here than the woods.
Lying there-
I remember thinking
how hot it was...
- I'm cold.
- Yes, dear.
Wondering how long
we'd be away...
when it happened.
- I heard a crackling...
- Daisy. Daisy, some water.
Like a stick breaking...
and all of sudden, the fella
next to me stopped talking...
and fell over on his side.
Then I heard a whistle.
Shots from everywhere.
Somebody shouted
we'd been ambushed.
- I saw General Herkimer slide off his horse...
- Oh.
And grab his knee.
Peter Ten Eyck with
his head blown half-off.
Oh, darling, this is going to hurt.
- Somebody told me to lay down...
And then I saw 'em...
all smeared with paint-
yellow and red-
every color.
Oh, darling, I'm sorry.
In back of 'em,
Tories with green coats.
I got down back of a log
and aimed at a fella.
He leaped straight up
in the air.
- Darling, don't talk about it.
- He fell forward on his face.
- After that we...
Just kept shootin' as fast
as we could load...
for I don't know how long.
Adam Hartman came over beside me.
His musket was broke.
But he had a spear.
He kept grinnin'.
I remember thinkin'...
"He's havin' a good time.
He likes this."
Pretty soon he pointed off.
- I saw an Indian comin' towards us, naked.
- Darling, don't talk.
I tried to load,
but it was too late.
Adam stood up
and braced his spear...
and the Indian came down.
I never saw a fella
look so funny, so surprised.
He just... hung there...
with his mouth open...
lookin' at us
and not sayin' a word.
- I had to shoot him.
There wasn't anything else to do.
- Oh.
- I had to!
- Yes, dear.
- Brandy, Nicholas?
- Ja, ja.
Swallow. Swallow.
- Now, Nicholas?
Go ahead.
Then it started to rain...
and I was sick.
All the time General Herkimer just sat there
smoking his pipe and holding his knee.
Then he said we'd all
better go home.
Oh, darling, don't talk about it.
Out of 600 of us...
about 240 were still alive...
but we'd won.
- We licked 'em.
- Yes, darling.
- We showed 'em they couldn't take this valley.
- Yes, darling.
- Lana?
- Yes, dear.
Do you hear? We'd won.
Yes, darling. You won.
Now you've got to sleep, Gil. You-
Adam. Adam,
help me get him down.
- Get that pack there.
- Uh-huh. Yes.
- Here.
Sleep, darling.
You sleep.
- Lana?
Oh, Gil. Gil.
I feel as if I've been asleep forever.
You needed it.
I've been lyin' here
lookin' at you...
thinkin' how pretty you are.
Oh, darling.
Made me think of the first days
we had together at Deerfield.
I've been thinking
about that too-
the things we'd planned.
While I was out there...
I kept thinking about you
all the time-
about how good it'll be when everything's
over and we can go back home.
Gil, the Indians-
They won't be coming back
this way again, will they?
Oh, I don't reckon they'd have the nerve
after the lickin' we gave 'em.
We're going to have
another baby.
Are you glad, Lana?
I feel as-
I feel as though
I'd just begun to live all over again.
Are you hungry?
Doctor, how is General Herkimer?
General Herkimer is dead.
We couldn't stop the bleeding.
"'I am the resurrection,
and the life, 'saith the Lord.
- "He that believeth in me...
"though he were dead,
And whosoever liveth
and believeth-"
"I know my redeemer liveth...
"and that he shall stand
at the latter :
"And though after my skin
worms destroy this body...
yet in my flesh
I shall see God. "
Come on, Gil.
Don't stop now.
You know what Doc Petry said about havin'
plenty of hot water on hand.
I know, but the water's boiled away twice already,
and nothing's happened yet.
I don't know why we gotta have so much
hot water when babies are born anyhow.
Mr. Martin! Mr. Martin!
Miss McKlennar wants you at once!
Gil! Gil.
One of Barney's soldiers made this cradle.
Give it to me the night we were married.
Your Lana might as well have it.
- Hmm?
- That's mighty kind of you, ma'am.
Oh, nonsense!
What good is it to me?
Can't ever tell. A good lookin' widow like you.
Ah, shut up.
You make me sick.
- Great big good-for-nothing loudmouthed fool!
- Even if you are good lookin'! Ooh!
- Stop!
- Get out of my way!
- Ooh.
- Oh!
Oh! Poor Gil.
- Not yet, boys. Not yet.
- Huh?
- No.
It's the waiting around that-
Not knowing what's going on.
Why can't Dr. Petry do somethin'?
Why can't he?
I don't know, Gil.
Blue Back, you've had a lot of experience
in this business. What do you think?
Having babies,
that's woman's business.
She better go far, far by herself.
Leave husband alone!
Daisy, hurry with those things.
This is terrible.
Gil! Gil Martin!
Get some hot water, quick!
- That's all right. That's all right.
George Weaver, you keep away
from that springhouse.
Uh, I'll get some-
I'll get some more wood.
It's a boy.
Praise be to the Lord.
A boy. Gil. Gil!
It-It- It's a-
- It's a boy.
- It's a boy.
It's a boy.
Joe, we got a boy!
- Give me that.
Christian, it's a boy.
We got a baby boy.
- What?
- A baby boy!
- A boy?
- Yes!
- A baby boy?
- Sure!
And to think, at my age...
another son.
- Get some brandy.
- Yes, sir.
- Brandy? For a little-
- No. For you.
Go on in.
- Is- Is she all right?
- Fit as a fiddle.
- Well, who does he look like?
- He's gonna faint. He's-
Oh, Lana, never again.
I prayed so hard
it would be a boy.
Take him in your arms,
just for a moment.
Go ahead.
Well, I'll be doggoned.
Come on, everybody! The dance is starting.
- Come on.
- I'll bet Barney
never kissed you like that!
Barney McKlennar was a real man.
When he kissed you, you stayed kissed.
Let's see if he taught you
how to hold your liquor.
He didn't need to.
I was born knowing that.
To the greatest crop in the Mohawk Valley
and the man who's responsible for it...
Gil Martin!
To the bride and groom,
Mary and John Weaver.
May they always be as happy
as they are tonight.
Please, God.
Please let it go on
like this forever.
Come on, Gilly.
You're gonna help Mommy
find some nice wild honey.
Upsy-daisy. Come on.
There we go.
- That you, Daisy? Go away. Go away.
What do you want?
What are you doing here?
Answer me! What do you mean
coming in my house?
Burn house. Fire quick.
Don't you dare,
you filthy drunken rascal!
Ah! Get out of here quick
before I skin you alive.
Get out of here!
What are you doing?
My bed!
Ah, you crazy horse thieves!
If I could get my hands on a butcher knife!
Daisy! Daisy! Lana! Gil! Gil!
- My bed! Take your hands off that bed!
Take your- Oh!
- You go quick, old woman! You catch fire!
- Old woman!
I won't move a step without my bed.
- My husband bought this bed
the day after I was married-
Stop that! Shame on you.
Get this bed out of here quick.
- Quick! Get this out of here!
- Sure. Fine. We take bed.
- Hurry up! Hurry up!
Quick! Hurry up, you fools!
I'll have your ears lopped off for this.
- Ah! Put it out!
You fools! Upside down.
Turn it upside down.
Turn it upside down.
- Turn it up! Turn it up-
You fools!
- Mrs. McKlennar! Mrs. -
- Oh! Mrs. McKlennar! What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- Away! Away!
- You've got to get out!
- Go away! Go away!
My husband built this house. I've lived in it
all my life, and I'm not going to leave it.
- Go away. Go away.
- You've got to come!
- Listen to me! You cannot stay-
- Lana!
- Gil! Gil. Gil.
- Go away and leave me alone, Gil.
- Mrs. McKlennar!
Lana! Gil!
Gil! Lana! Andrusville
has just been wiped out.
There's over a thousand of em headed this way
under Caldwell. You've got to get to the fort!
Take him. Mrs. McKlennar,
you've got to come!
- I'm not leaving this house.
I've lived in it all my life.
- Come on, Sarah.
Go away! Hartman,
leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Oh, Almighty God...
by whose divine assistance
Samson did smite the Philistines...
hip and thigh
with great slaughter...
help thy people now gird up
their loins for the coming battle.
Put courage
in our hearts, Lord...
that we may drive our enemies
back into the wilderness.
For we all know only too well
what will happen to us...
if these sons of Belial
ever get over these walls...
or come in through that gate...
which, with
thy permission, Lord...
I now order closed.
Close the gate.
Tether all the animals
or drive 'em out!
You women and children,
go into the church.
Hallelujah, men!
- Let's go!
If you can't get
your hair under those hats, cut it off!
It won't do any good anyhow
if those greasy devils get in here.
- Daisy. Daisy.
- Now sing, children. Sing in praise of the Lord.
Brother Reall!
Put down that devil's brew.
I was only trying to get rid of it...
so- so's them heathens
wouldn't get it.
Beware of the heathen within thine
own breast. Cast it away!
- Hallelujah!
Do you think they'll attack tonight?
With Caldwell
leadin' 'em they will.
Look. What's that?
That's them.
- There goes our barn,
off to the right of those trees.
- There goes my place.
- No, that's Ritter's.
Then mine's next to it.
Hold your fire, John. Save your ammunition.
They're just trying to draw us out.
Back to your place.
Martin's right.
Trust in the Lord, and wait
until you can make every shot count.
You filthy painted heathens.
Consume them, Lord...
as thou didst thine enemies
in the days of Jeremiah.
Pastor! Gil! Adam!
- Wait till they're close, men!
- Adam! Here they come!
Ready with those rifles, women!
God have mercy on his soul.
I must be shooting
a little to the left.
Here you are, George!
Now shoot the breeches off them,
if they're wearin' breeches. Daisy, come on!
Chain shot.
Get to the gate!
Call the filthy beggars back.
We'll wait till the moon sets.
Oh, Barney! Barney,
if you were only here, we'd show 'em.
We'd show-
Hold me up.
I can't breathe... lying down.
- Ah.
Lana, come beside me.
- Give me your hand.
Now don't start tuning out.
I want you and Gil to have
my place- everything.
You've been like
my own flesh and blood.
Look under the front porch.
I buried... some gold pieces there,
just in case.
Divide it up among
the lot of you.
Good-bye, good-lookin'.
- Oh!
For thine is the kingdom...
the power and the glory...
- Amen.
How's the ammunition, Parson?
Mighty low.
Ammunition's mighty low, Lord.
- I go Fort Dayton for help.
- That's a job for me.
- No, I'll go.
I know every foot of the way.
Anybody can make it, I can.
Parson, do you mind?
He'll need it.
Oneida Trail, huh, Joe?
Good luck, Joe.
He got away.
That's shooting, Adam!
You filthy murderers!
Just leave him-
God, our merciful father...
forgive me for what
I am about to-
Get away. I'm all right.
What about-
I'm going, Parson.
Good luck, Gil.
- Joe, did he-
- He did not.
- I'm gonna try it myself, Lana.
- Gil.
If I can make the woods,
I can outrun 'em.
They'll kill you.
You're not going to be afraid, you hear?
You're not going to.
- They'll kill you.
- No, they won't.
If I can get in the clear, there isn't
an Indian living that can catch me.
Say you're not afraid
and you want me to go.
I'm not afraid.
I want you to go.
Lana, he got away.
Let 'em start.
Any sign of them yet?
Blue Back says it's quiet-
too quiet out there.
He left before sunrise.
It's almost 12:00 now.
If he had reached Fort Dayton,
help would be here by now.
Parson! They're over the wall!
- Every man to his post!
Have you seen Lana?
No, I ain't, Gil.
Parson, have you seen Lana?
I killed a man.
- Lana. Lana.
It's me. It's Gil.
Where's Caldwell?
- Where's Caldwell?
Where's Caldwell?
- Come on! Hey!
Squad left!
Company halt!
- Order arms!
- At ease.
- Where are you men going?
- Home.
- Home?
The war's over. Cornwallis surrendered
to Washington at Yorktown last week.
So that's our new flag,
the thing we've been fighting for.
Thirteen stripes for the colonies...
and 13 stars in a circle
for the union.
It's a pretty flag, isn't it?
Hey, soldier,
let me take that flag a minute.
- We did a little fightin' around here ourselves.
- Way up high.
- Put it up there!
- Way up to the top!
- Take it up!
- Put it up there!
Well, I reckon we better
be gettin' back to work.
There's gonna be a heap
to do from now on.