Hashtag Blessed: The Movie (2022) Movie Script

Let's pretend there's snow
Hang some mistletoe
I'll kiss ya
Like I missed ya
We don't need a fire
Cause it's plenty
warm inside here
If you're right here
You hit me like a holiday
Something good is on the way
You make me feel
like Christmas
Any time of year will do
To get all wrapped up in you
You make me feel Christmas
Why does she get to
have the perfect life?
Oh, look, another new car.
So happy for you, Brittany.
Why can't I look like her?
You do know that Insta-thingy
isn't real, right?
It's all just the best
parts of people's lives
made to look shiny and pretty.
Then why does it feel so crappy?
We're all the same age, yet
they're married and have kids.
your life feels crappy
because you allow your
life to feel crappy.
You're young and beautiful.
What makes you think you're
not gonna get married
and have a family someday?
I uh... I don't know.
I guess it just
hasn't happened yet.
I mean, I work in
a movie theater.
It's kind of hard to find
the love of your life
when they're already
there on a date.
Well, okay.
Are you doing anything other
than working all the time?
I mean, I haven't heard you
talk about Chad much lately.
Love could be right under your
nose, you wouldn't know it.
Yeah, Chad? Really?
Well, if not Chad, but...
You are still together, right?
How long's it been since
you've been in here
cooking and baking?
You used to love
to do that stuff.
Yeah, no. I can't
afford to do that.
I've got student loans
coming out of the wazoo
from that stupid business
management degree.
Microwave burritos are
about all I have time for.
You know, I heard
it on the news,
most kids in your generation
having to deal with that.
In fact, how do you know the same
girls you're comparing yourself to
isn't having the same struggles?
You think that Brittany,
who just bought a
brand new Mercedes
is struggling with
student loan debt?
It's possible.
The new way of living
is to charge everything,
get a loan, lease.
Yeah, I just I guess
I can't see Brittany
racking up a bunch
of credit card debt.
You say she got a
new Mercedes, right?
Yeah, and it's pretty gorgeous.
Something tells me she
didn't buy that outright.
I'm thinking she got
financing, don't you?
What does it even matter?
The point is that she is driving
this brand-new,
gorgeous Mercedes,
and I'm out here driving this
old, beat up piece of crap!
I guess you could say
I'm Hashtag Blessed.
You can't come in here and rain
on my sugar-free cookie parade.
There's so much worse in life
than you not having a new car.
And honestly, I
don't like your tone.
You think your mother and
father would appreciate
the way you talk to
your grandmother?
I love you, but
this isn't visiting.
I'm sorry.
I really am. I don't know
what's going on with me.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I uh, should probably
head out anyway.
I got a shift coming up
I gotta get ready for.
Come here.
Oh, such a beautiful
day today, isn't it?
About as beautiful as you.
Oh, you're so cute.
Well, hello, Miss Jessi!
I'm so sorry, Mrs.
Thompson, Mr. Thompson.
I was not looking
where I was going.
Oh, that's all right.
None of us really
know where we're going
or what we're doing anyway.
Where are you headed
in such a hurry?
I'm going to work.
I'm super late.
Don't tell me you
left Miss Maribel's
without taking some of
her cookies for the road?
I guess I didn't grab any.
Well, it's your lucky day.
I just happen to have
a few in my purse
from when she stopped
by this morning!
I can't take yours.
Oh, don't be silly.
I'm sure Harold here can
convince her to make a few more.
And that's the truth
if I ever heard it.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate it.
I should get going,
'cause I'm running late,
but it was nice to see you.
Oh! Nice to see you darling.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas
She's such a sweet girl.
Isn't she though?
Don't need happy
music killing my vibe.
This Christmas won't
be like the others
Without you here
Ugh! Come on!
Candy canes snowball
fights and Santa's sleigh
So many ways to say
Crap, I knew I should
have left earlier.
Can you go any slower?
People have places to be!
Christmas tree
Always watching over me
Like angels on
the Christmas tree
In a one horse open sleigh
Hey, Ash.
Jessi. Thank you for
coming into work today.
You're late.
I know, but- Again.
See, I'm sorry, 'cause
it wasn't my fault.
There was this car-
Save the sob story.
Accept the responsibility.
Don't let it happen again, okay?
To laugh and play a
sleighing song tonight
What a day?
Tell me about it.
I'm over all of it.
You working tomorrow?
I feel like I work every day
and still don't make
enough to live off.
You need anything else?
No, you're good. I got it.
Cool. I'm gonna head out then.
See you tomorrow.
See you.
Gonna find my Christmas
Don't know where
No I don't know
where it's gone
We're gonna find
my Christmas
Even if it takes year long
Do I walk right past
the pictures on the wall
When I drive
I turn down the songs
that used to light me up
Ooh I'm
Gonna find my Christmas
What's going on? I came
as fast as I could.
Yeah, uh...
I just really needed
to talk to you
about something important.
Wait, let's let's
take a selfie first.
Okay, no, I look terrible
in this one. Hold on.
I know, maybe with a filter.
Ah! That's so cute.
Yeah, it's really cute.
Oh my gosh.
Shoe was untied.
Can't have you tripping or
something when you run away...
Oh, yeah.
Wait, why would I run away?
I can't be with you anymore.
You're just so into your phone.
You're like never
in a good mood,
and you're just not
present with me anymore.
I thought you were
gonna propose.
No, man! I'm not ready
to get married yet!
Ah, Especially with someone
that's so unhappy with themselves.
I'm sorry.
I mean, hey, maybe we could
stay friends on social.
Why did you bring me here?
I know you like Christmas
lights and stuff.
Thanks, Chad.
Yeah, man.
Well, see you around Jessi.
Snowflakes falling
Friends are calling
It's that time of year
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
I wish you joy and peace
And I hope that
all your memories
Are forever ever green
I am so over this season.
Customers are driving me insane!
I know, right?
I'm just so done
with this uniform.
O.M.G. Jessi, I am so
sorry! Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah. Thank you.
I'm fine.
I am seriously so sorry.
I don't even know
how that happened.
No, it's totally fine.
I'm just a magnet
ridiculousness lately.
Hey, excuse me?
Sorry. How can I help you?
Well, actually I just
wanted to let you know
that you got candy cane
stuck in your hair.
Thanks. I'm gonna
go get this out.
We can never have just
a quiet day at work
with you here, can we?
Sorry. I'm going
to get cleaned up.
I would hope so.
You're covered in tree, and
you have food in your hair.
Yeah, I know. I'm going.
Tell why the magic went away
I wish I could go
back to yesterday
When the child in me
would always shine
And I still had a
twinkly in my eye
Tell me how to
bring it back today
I'm still looking
for Christmas
My heart would believe in
The joy and this love
And get all wrapped up
In the season
I'm still looking
for Christmas
Under the mistletoe
Christmas time and
it's starting to snow
Get that feeling that's-
Oh holy night
Daddy, Daddy, can I help?
I want to put the angel
on the very, very top.
Daddy, will you help me?
I don't think I can reach.
Come on over here. Let's do it.
I think it looks perfect,
baby, absolutely perfect.
But, Mama, it's crooked.
I think it looks
perfectly imperfect.
And if you tilt
your head like this,
it's not crooked at all.
Oh yeah!
Exactly Right.
It's all in how you look
at things, sweetheart.
To laugh and sing a
sleighing song tonight
I love this song!
It is a good song. Yeah.
Jingle all the way
Mommy, look! A deer!
Oh my gosh! Did
you see it, too, Jim?
I sure did. That
buck was massive.
It was so pretty.
It sure was.
Thank you so much
for showing it to us.
You really have
a gift for seeing
the beautiful little
things in life, don't you?
I wish we got a newer car
before winter this year.
Hey, think positive.
I'm sure we'll get
something in the new year.
You're right.
I just need to
drive extra careful.
The roads are really icy today.
It's true, and we gotta make it
to grandma and grandpa's house
in time for all the
Christmas magic, right?
Oh what fun it
is to ride in a
Hey Jessi!
Oh my gosh. It's been so long.
Yeah, it has.
We should get
together this week.
Yeah, we should.
Cool. I'll send
you a text, okay?
Why was that so hard?
When did life get so expensive?
Need a hand, little darling?
Let me help you with
these groceries.
And the bag is torn.
That is just my luck.
Now where is that
Christmas spirit of yours?
I think I lost that when
I lost both my parents.
I understand.
The ones that we love,
they never true leave us.
Their magic lives through us
and in the things that we do.
Now, where is your sleigh?
It's just there.
Perhaps you should take
this just in case Jack Frost
has another surprise
along the way.
Thanks, I guess.
You know, I almost forgot.
What would you like for
Christmas this year?
I'm too old for that.
Ha ha!
No one is ever too
old for Christmas.
Honestly, I think I
need something bigger
than what you can wrap or
put under a tree this year.
What do you mean?
This year...
I need a Christmas miracle.
Those easy to come by nowadays?
I sense your doubt.
I can understand.
There's always room for
a Christmas miracle.
You just need to remember to..
Bring out that Christmas
spirit of yours,
even if it is hidden
on a shelf forgotten,
just need to remember
to let it shine.
Thanks, Santa.
You're welcome.
I think you're exactly
who I needed to see today.
Merry Christmas, Jessi.
Merry Christmas, Santa.
Hey, how'd you know my...
I'm on my way! I'm on my way!
What happened? Are you sick?
Are you hurt?
I'm just tired.
What did you do?
I fell.
It happens sometimes
when you get old.
I wanted to decorate
just a little bit more.
Just lost my balance.
Doc says I was very lucky.
Extremely lucky.
I'll leave you two to visit.
Baby girl, don't cry.
You're crying too.
I know.
It's times like this I stop
and think about things.
Like how blessed
I am to have you.
Stop. You're gonna
make cry more.
I've already cried
enough for today.
Stress, the
holidays. I'm just...
Overwhelmed I guess.
Baby girl, I'm so sorry to
add stress to your world.
Oh, no.
The good news is
there's always tomorrow.
Another chance to
make it a good day.
I wish it was that easy.
Oh, but Jessi, it is.
It's not what happens to us...
It's how we handle
what happens to us.
Having a good day is a choice.
Hey, will you stay
with me just a while?
I may need you to go snag
me some jello off the cart!
Of course, of course.
I love you, baby girl.
I love you, too.
That'll be $14.25.
Sorry, I can't find my wallet.
Keep trying. I'm sure
it's in there somewhere.
Oh my...
I don't have my wallet.
Don't worry, little lady.
I'll take care of this.
Thank you.
It's you.
And who else were you expecting?
It's not like Rudolph
carries extra 20s.
He bought me breakfast
I don't know how you do it.
What, that? Magic, of course.
Speaking of which, don't
want you to be late.
Thank you.
Thank you, San...
...list and
checking it twice.
He bought me breakfast...
Jessi scoffs.
Thank you.
I figured we'd be hungry
in about 15 minutes anyway,
so I ordered us some paninis.
Uh, oh. I thought we
were just getting coffee.
Great table, by the way.
Thank you. This is really sweet.
I'm happy to do it.
Yeah, I'm just happy
to eat something
other than microwave burritos.
Wow, it's been so long.
How have things been at work?
I mean, they're going.
I work with Ashley,
so there's that.
Oh, and is she
still like she was?
Negative as all get-out?
Is she still like that?
And I know she's still
one of my best friends,
but I feel like it's
starting to rub off on me,
all her clumsiness.
I feel like the poster
child from Murphy's law.
Oh, honey, you can't let
other people bring you down.
It's important to surround
yourself with good vibes.
Here. I brought just
the thing for you.
You didn't have to.
No, but I wanted to.
This is one of my
favorite brands.
There are positive affirmations
on all of their products
to remind you of
how lovely you are.
Thank you. I don't
know what to say.
Really, though. Don't let
other people bring you down.
You're too wonderful
and too unique.
I mean, that's easier
said than done,
especially after Chad.
I'm kind of glad that's over.
It never would've worked anyway.
Remind me again how
you two got together
in the first place?
Well, we met on campus and...
I don't know, he was cute.
He was cute.
He said I was unhappy
or something like that.
Well, are you?
Uh, let's talk about
something else.
Let's talk about your work.
So, I have been writing
a lot more lately,
and I just published my
second novel last month.
Oh my gosh. Brittany,
that's amazing.
Thank you.
It feels great.
It's so validating having my
work read, seen and heard.
I love the freedom of it
and the ability to write
when the inspiration strikes.
Yeah, maybe I should have
changed my major to English.
What did you major in again?
I feel like that
was forever ago.
Earth to Jessi.
Oh, business management.
Yeah, it's going really
well, as you can see.
Kind of thought by now I'd
be running this big company.
I don't know. Pipe dream.
Don't get so discouraged.
I think you're meant to do
bigger and better things.
I don't mean to
rain on your parade,
but I'm currently
sitting on 30 grand
worth of student loans.
I totally get it.
The loans sucked the
life out of me too.
How close are you
paying them off?
I have a job, not a
career, if that's any clue.
I feel like I'll never be
able to pay 'em off, you know?
It'll get better, Jessi.
I sure hope so.
I was going to
wait for Christmas,
but I think you
could use this now.
Merry Christmas, my friend.
What's this?
This is your new bestie.
Well, in addition
to me, of course!
This is one of my favorite tools
to help support my mindset,
and it's a part of
my self-care routine.
Sounds fun.
I think it'll be a massive help.
Thanks. I don't
know what to say.
It's nothing, darling.
I have to go.
We should do this more often.
Why don't we plan a
handful of coffee dates,
and that way we can spend
some more time together.
Yeah, I'd really like that.
It's so very important
for us to connect
and socialize in person,
especially as of late.
I agree. Thanks Brittany.
See you later.
Thank you for coming
to help me today!
It's so much easier
with you here.
You're welcome.
How's your ankle feeling?
You know, still
hurts a little bit.
Much better than it was.
That's good to hear.
I know how important
Christmas is to you.
Do you, baby girl?
Do you know why?
I don't know. I hadn't
really thought about it.
What I love about it,
it's a time of year
where people seem
to slip into
kindness much easier.
They generally are
just nicer to others.
They open their hearts.
But don't you think
that Christmas
has just become this
over-commercialized holiday
that's just all about trying
to make people buy stuff
we don't really need?
Why in the world
would you say that?
Don't you think people are
kinder around Christmas?
I mean, sure, but...
I work in customer service,
and this time of year's just
kind of stressful for me,
and I'm tired of all
these customer demands,
and I hate walking
through the mall,
seeing all these people
flaunt their material items.
But baby girl, it's not
about material items.
It's about giving to, and
connecting with, others.
You know, it's like creating
special memories and moments
that we hold onto and cherish
all the days of our life.
My age, lord knows I don't have
many of those in my pocket.
What do you mean? Are you sick?
Oh, no, baby girl.
Don't worry about me. I'm super.
Just getting older.
You know?
Starting to feel it.
You scared me. Don't do that.
The important thing
is you're here.
I'm here.
Where's your Christmas
cheer, my dear?
Well, I might have
brought a little bit of it
just for you.
And I brought a little
just for you too.
I don't have a
family of my own yet.
No, not yet, but
you may someday,
and I hope you put
their picture in there.
Even if I'm not
around to see it,
it brought much comfort
when I bought it.
A reminder of what's
really important in life.
Those that love us. Family.
Daddy, I can't
wait to see Santa.
I wanna tell him about
my Christmas wish.
What's your wish?
I can't tell you. It's a secret.
Oh, I'm sure you've
got a wonderful wish,
but I think Santa looks like
he's ready to take a picture.
I think I know what it is.
Oh, me too.
The puppy.
The puppy.
You okay, baby girl?
You thinking about
your mom and dad?
I miss 'em.
Me too.
You're my family, Nana.
I love you, and I don't know
what I'd do without you.
I do.
You would be baking cookies
for the Thompsons
across the street!
Do you wanna do that?
Do you wanna bake something
and then decorate
while it's in the oven?
Absolutely. Let's do it.
That's my boss.
I have head into work.
I'm sorry.
It's okay. I'll be right here.
I'll try not to fall.
That's not funny,
and you know it.
Why are you smiling?
I love you.
I love you too.
Hey, Jessi. What
are you doing here?
Boss called me in. Do
you know where she is?
She's in the projection room.
Oh, yes.
You need me to cover
someone's shift today?
No, actually, that's not
why I called you here.
Look, if this is about
the Christmas tree thing
that happened the other day,
I promise it'll never
ever happen again.
No, I need to talk to
you about something else.
So, I'm sorry to have to
call you in on your day off,
but there really is no
other way to do this.
Despite the fact that the
holiday season proves to be busy,
we're letting you go.
You're no longer a match for us.
You can collect your
things from the locker now.
happy holidays.
If I can't even
hold a job anymore,
I don't deserve to be here.
I'm done.
Run away
Don't look back
Leave behind
Find a place
To rest my head
A place to call my own
In a world without trust
Selfish and unjust
Where am I to turn
Last night I felt
so far from home
Dear Grandma...
I'm so sorry to
leave you like this,
but I just can't see
how I can go on anymore.
I have nothing.
I am nothing.
I don't know what else to do.
I love you so much,
and I'm sorry that
you'll never get to fill
that photo ornament
with my family.
Please forgive me, Grandma.
Love, Jessi.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I need to do this.
I can't disappoint anyone else.
If I'm not enough, I
just don't want be here.
I'm sorry, Nana.
I'm sorry.
Last night I felt
so far from home
And I need to
move felt so alone
I could us someone
Now my soul has
found a place
The smile's
returned to my face
With you
Beside me I'm no
longer so far from home
Last night I felt
so far from home
I need to move
seemed so alone
I could use someone
To wrap around this heart
But now my soul
has found a place
The smile's
returned to my face
With you
Beside me I'm
no longer so far
Oh, Jessi, why didn't
you ask me for help?
I didn't want to disappoint you.
You know...
I don't ever think there's
shame in asking anyone for help.
We all need help
every now and then.
I especially could
use some right now.
It's such a shame
Miss Maribel is gone.
She was the life of the
neighborhood, wasn't she, hon?
It is a shame.
She made the best cookies too.
She certainly did.
Oh no.
This is so sad.
What do we do with it?
I suppose we throw it away.
We certainly can't give
it to Jessi, can we?
I guess you're right.
She had everything to live for.
Jessi, why?
I would have been there for you.
Why didn't you ask for help?
I wanted you to be
my child's godmother.
Hey, excuse me.
Do you know if that cute girl
with the peppermint stick
hair is working today?
You didn't hear?
She passed away.
I wanna bring
you along with me
Looking out the window
at the Christmas trees.
See all the lights
there twinkling
For you and me
for you and me
Yeah this winter's
been long and cold
The Christmas spirit
always seems to come and go
But all we need
is to believe
Is to believe you and me
If you want it it's
inside your heart
Yeah you got it
Will you feel that spark
Can't deny it
It's lighting up the dark
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh that's the magic
Oh that's the magic
Oh that's the
magic of Christmas
Jump up I've got a reason
That's right I
love the season
Christmas oh yeah
is almost here
It's hard to sleep
When you're just
counting the days
One two three
It's Christmas
It's Christmas
It's Christmas
It's Christmas
It's Christmas
Good morning.
Good morning.
I'm so glad you called me.
I was beginning to worry.
No need to worry.
I'm feeling better.
Good to hear.
Thank you for coming
over to help me decorate.
Well of course, baby
girl. I'm happy to do it.
I was hoping it wasn't too
late to decorate for Christmas.
Jessi, it's never too late
to decorate for Christmas!
Much better.
I'm so happy you
asked me to help.
Me too.
You know...
I don't ever think there's
shame in asking anyone for help.
We all need help
every now and then.
What do you say?
Let's get to it.
Let's do it.
Love me some jolly jolly
Bring back holly holly
Come on and spread
it all around
Break out that jingle jingle
Bring on Kringle Kringle
I hear he's coming
back to town
The time of year
Everything just
looks so beautiful.
It really does.
So let the joy come out
Are you up for some fresh air?
Get your coat.
What a beautiful
morning for a walk.
I just love the
dustin' of frost.
It's magical, you know.
It is.
I've been meaning to talk
to you about something.
Okay. What is it?
Well, now I have more time
on my hands, it's exciting.
I mean, I think it is.
Well, stop beating around
the bush and tell me.
I'm on the edge of my seat here.
Well, I was thinking, since
we both love to cook and bake,
why don't we make a cookbook
together, you and I?
Really, Jessi?
You would wanna do that
with this old bean?
What's got you
thinking about this?
I, uh...
I wanna leave behind something
that makes a difference
in the world.
Leaves an impact.
So, what do you say?
You wanna make a cookbook
with this rotten egg?
You're darn tootin' I do.
There's something else.
What is it?
I need help with my bills.
They've gotten out of hand.
Well, of course you do.
You lost your job.
I know you've been struggling.
I didn't wanna disappoint you.
I really need your help.
I wanna make it right.
Let's take a look
at the numbers.
But before we get started,
I want to ask you something.
Sure. What is it?
I want to ask you if
you'll come live with me,
just for a very little while.
Of course I will! I'd love to!
There, there. It's
not such big surprise.
It is though.
I felt like my whole
life was falling apart.
But maybe...
it was falling together.
That's my girl.
There's your light.
You found it again.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Oh, it's nothing.
Let's focus on
repaying these people.
I don't know how I'm
gonna pay this all back.
it's the second part of Grandma's
Magical Christmas Bonanza
coming into play.
You see, I've been setting
aside money for you
since you were a little girl.
Now's as good a time as any
just to hand it all over.
I don't know how I
could ever repay you.
Don't worry about it.
Why would you wanna
wait till Christmas
to find all of this out?
Christmas magic is my thing,
and it's not going out
of style any time soon.
You know what would be fun?
Tonight we should
go to the market
for some Christmas
shopping and shenanigans.
I would love that.
Hot chocolate with
marshmallows is a must.
And we can get all
dressed up too!
Yes. Oh, it's gonna
be so much fun.
It's been a while since
I've had a night of fun.
Why can't Christmas
be here every day
So we all can hear
the children say
Put your boots
on come let's go
Pull your sled up
through the snow
Let's fly down the
biggest hill in town
Let's take turns making
angels in the snow
And pretend our wings
can fly let's go
Christmas magic.
Oh, my!
That song.
It was your grandpa's favorite.
Yeah, it was. I remember.
Do you remember
that one Christmas,
you were a child, but
we were all together.
I just love Christmas.
Honey, would you sing
us a song, please?
Sure. Anything for you, dear.
It came upon a
midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending
near the earth
To touch their wings of gold
Peace on the earth
goodwill to men
From heaven's
all gracious king
The world in solemn
stillness lay
To hear the angels sing
I remember.
That was my favorite
Christmas ever.
Mine too, baby girl.
See? Memories are wonderful.
Why, they can even be
the source of happiness.
Where did all
this snow come from?
A reminder that a lot can happen
in a short amount of time.
Good night, Nana.
Good night, baby girl.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Why don't you pack an overnight
and come spend the
night with me tonight?
We can have Christmas together.
That's a great
idea. I'd love that.
Let me go pack my things.
Good morning.
Good morning, baby girl!
How did you sleep?
So good.
I feel...
That's exactly what
I wanted to hear.
We're gonna need that energy
for today's festivities.
Today's festivities?
It's Christmas Eve.
Did you forget?
We've got Christmas
magic to do today.
That's right. The
children's hospital.
You go get dressed.
I have another batch
of Christmas cookies
burning in my fingertips.
We're waiting
for Santa tonight
Jolly carolers
singing outside
Mom's peppermint
cookies in the air
Dad hung my stocking
with so much care
This is the season
Everyone wants to share
Candy canes and Christmas
Lots of toys from Saint Nick
Singing all my
favorite songs
Candy canes and Christmas
These are things
I can't miss
With my family tagging along
Candy canes and Christmas
That's the top of my list
Always fill me up with cheer
Candy canes and Christmas
These are things
I can't miss
It's the best
time of the year
Candy canes and Christmas
The kids are gonna
love these cookies.
Oh, they will.
Oh my! Look at the time!
We must be on our way.
Oh, look what I bought.
Oh, I'm so excited!
You're gonna be stylin'.
Are you sure you don't
want me to drive?
Oh, no. This old
bird can still drive.
Why don't you take
care of the cookies?
I hope I'm at least
half as cool as you are
when I grow up.
Give in to the spirit
'Cause you ain't
got nothin' to lose
Everybody's talkin'
Old Saint Nick is knockin'
It's time to put
away your blues
'Cause we're rockin'
into Christmas
Not too many cookies, okay?
Well, come on, Doctor.
It's Christmas Eve after all.
What do you say?
Well, deck my halls! Jessi.
How wonderful to see
you. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Santa.
I see you've dusted off
your Christmas spirit.
You have no idea.
I may have some idea.
It's so wonderful to see
you here on Christmas Eve.
I feel the same way.
But don't you have
somewhere to be tonight?
Don't you worry.
Christmas magic hasn't
gone out of style just yet.
And Christmas miracles are
definitely still a thing too.
Indeed they are.
Music to my ears.
Speaking of music.
Well, hello there.
Do you play?
The joy of Christmas can be
captured in a song, you know.
May I?
Thank you.
Gather around, children.
Perhaps you know this song.
Would you like to
sing along with me?
Jingle bells jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one horse
open sleigh hey
Jingle bells jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Thank you, children.
Thank you for sharing your
Christmas spirit with us, Avery.
You know my name?
Well, of course.
I'm Nick L. Klaus!
Santa Claus.
I love this.
We should do this more
often, not just a Christmas.
Let's do it!
We could get people
to donate books,
and we could do
like a story time.
It's like we can celebrate
Christmas all year long.
Let's do it! Yes!
Christmas all year long! Yes!
Oh my! This smells
incredible, Jessi.
Thank you.
I was just so excited,
I couldn't help myself!
I was up all night writing
these recipes for our cookbook.
I was just so excited,
and so I thought I
would get up early
and make you breakfast.
Well, you'll get no
complaints from me.
Here. Just the way you like it.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas, baby girl.
Merry Christmas, Nana.
I'm really glad I stayed
the night last night.
Me too.
Maybe we could work
on some recipes.
It's gonna be a while before
those streets are plowed.
Agreed. And maybe later we
could watch a movie together.
That would be so fun. Being
indoors on a beautiful day.
The Thompsons will
surely come over.
Mr. Thompson can't go at
Christmas without my cookies.
I don't blame him.
And speaking of cookies,
yesterday was amazing.
Yes, it was.
It was pure magic.
The kids were so
excited to see you too.
I'm really, really
glad we went together.
Me too, but I am
a little curious.
I saw you talking to Santa.
What was that all about?
I guess you could say
he's an old friend...
I reconnected with.
Why do you ask? You want
me to give him your number?
Well, Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. Jessi.
Oh, Miss Maribel,
you are just the light
of the neighborhood!
You're always so
smiley and shiny.
You bake the best cookies too.
Thank you.
Funny you should say that.
Jessi and I were
just trying to decide
which cookie recipes
to put in our book!
You guys are writing a cookbook?
Well it's about time!
Isn't that the truth?
Hard part is,
which one makes it?
It's so sad.
Why don't you put
them all in there?
You know what? Fine.
All the cookies
can go in the book.
So when are you gonna
publish this book?
Well, if I had my
way, it'd be tomorrow,
'cause I'm getting
older by the minute.
Oh, pfft!
What's in the box?
Something special?
The children at the hospital
made something for you.
These are amazing.
Miss Maribel, you have touched
the hearts of all of us.
You sure have.
Hon, we need to get going.
Let's let them get back to work.
You can't leave yet.
Not without these.
You are going to spoil him!
Come on, I'll get the jackets.
And Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Hi, love.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas!
How's your grandma?
She's good. She's
out here somewhere.
Probably talking
to the Thompsons.
How are you?
I'm doing amazing. I've
got so much to tell you.
How about you? How are you?
I'm doing okay.
Just okay?
Could we actually...
Could we get together tomorrow?
Yeah, I'd love to.
Great. I'll send
you a text, okay?
Okay. Perfect.
All right. Well I've got
to go find my other half.
Tell Mark I said hi.
I will.
All I want for Christmas
How am I?
I guess you could say
I'm Hashtag Blessed.
Dreams and wishes
To give to those
who matter most
The ones in need
This is all I
want for Christmas
All I want for Christmas
Hey, love.
Girl, I'm happy to see you.
Me too. I've been
feeling a bit off lately.
I always feel so much
better when we visit.
I feel the same way.
You want me to get you a coffee?
Oh, I've got it.
No, I've got this one.
What do you want?
Peppermint mocha?
Just a hot tea.
Just a hot tea?
Can I just get a hot tea
and a black coffee please?
Thank you.
I love what you wearing.
You look so cute.
Look at your hat.
You look adorable.
Thank you. I thought
I'd try something new.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm gonna get sugar.
I don't know if you remember
me, from the movie theater?
You had that candy
cane in your hair.
Yeah, I remember you.
Well, I've seen you
in here a few times.
Decided I better not chicken
out the next time that I do,
so now here I am.
I saw you again. It kind
of felt like fate...
Oh, really?
Yeah, really.
I'm Alexander.
You are?
It's nice to meet
you, Alexander.
Well, I know we just
met and everything,
but I'd love to meet
you here again sometime,
get to know you, if
you're open to that.
Yeah, I'd like that.
I should probably get
back to my friend,
but I can give you my number.
Your friend.
And it's Jessi with an I.
Okay. I like that.
My grandma's nickname for
me was Alexi, with an I.
But nobody else
gets to know that.
I look forward to getting
to know you, Alexander.
Me too.
What was that about?
Oh, I just gave my
number to Mr. Alexander.
That's his name!
I've been curious.
You've been curious?
Well, I mean, you stare at
him every time we come here.
I do?
Yes, you do.
Okay, well, enough about me.
Let's talk about you.
Oh, I'm actually so glad we
set up these little chats.
I don't really talk
to anyone else.
Yeah. I'll always
be there for you.
Thank you.
I'm seriously so
grateful for you.
I'm kind of dealing with
something big right now.
Good big?
Okay, well, spill it.
Come on, tell me.
I'm pregnant.
Oh my gosh!
Brittany, that's amazing!
I'm so happy for you!
What did Mark say?
He doesn't know yet.
Well, have you guys
talked about kids before?
And what did he say?
He wasn't sure.
He said he wanted to be a dad,
but he wasn't sure that he
was going to be a good one.
Well, you know what this
means though, right?
Don't make me guess.
You gotta get him excited.
Show him what a
good dad he'll be.
You really think so?
You and I both know how
amazing he's gonna be.
You're right, but I just...
I don't know how to tell him,
and I just can't figure it out.
That's what I'm here for.
Look, we can look on Pinterest,
find some cute
baby reveal ideas,
and I'll help you get
everything you need,
and then you can
set it up for him
before he gets home today.
Thank you so much.
I'm so glad you're here.
I could never do this alone.
I got you.
Okay, let's look.
Thanks for coming with
me to do all of that.
Of course.
I had so much fun, and
Mark is gonna be surprised,
and you gotta text me and
send me pictures, okay?
Oh, you know, I will.
I can't wait till he gets home.
We didn't get to talk
about what's going
on with you though.
I'm so curious.
No, honestly, it's totally okay.
We can talk about it
next time we visit.
Maybe I did wanna tell
you one thing though.
Did you get a new job?
Tell me.
No, no, no.
I kind of wanna
spend some more time
doing something creative, so...
My grandma and I are
doing a cookbook.
Oh my gosh!
That is amazing.
I can't wait to hear more.
And if you need any
help or anything,
I am a published author.
Seriously, if you have any
questions at all, I'm here.
Thank you.
Oh, I should probably go.
Oh, yes. No, go, go, go!
Go see Mark!
Pregnancy brain must
be setting in early.
Thank you for letting
me in on this.
Of course.
Okay, drive safe.
Precious cargo.
Do you cook?
You have to now.
Try those cookies on page two.
They're wonderful.
Thank you for coming.
And who am I making
this one out to?
I suspect you may
have some idea, Jessi.
Well, that is what they call me.
But you, Miss Maribel,
can call me Nick.
Okay, Nick.
Would it be too
forward for a lady
to offer to buy you
a glass of wine?
Miss Maribel!
Well, I do have
to keep my senses,
but perhaps some hot
cocoa and marshmallows.
Cocoa and marshmallows it is!
What are we waiting for?
Tell me, what do you
do in your off time?
Well, since 2020,
I'm a dog walker now.
Oh my gosh!
Still need a signature.
Okay, who was that guy?
Just an old friend.
Well, this is the last
one from your bedroom.
Thanks. Can you
take this one too?
Yeah, sure.
Are you ready?
I couldn't be more ready.
Well, I'm glad I can help.
Me too.
Can you imagine my Nana
trying to carry these boxes?
I don't underestimate
what she can do,
but I'm glad I can help.
If you need a minute, I'll
be waiting in the car, okay?
Who knew we'd make
it to this day?
I'm really grateful for you.
Thank you for...
Growing pains and all
We have to open
this one up later.
Silent night
Holy night
Hey, sweetie.
Look at this.
Oh my goodness.
You know what? This is
my favorite ornament.
Grandma gave it to me.
And I give
you... That's yours.
Yeah, you gave me this one!
Can you point to the angel?
It's crooked.
It's perfect though.
I like it like that, sweetie.
Me too.
You open it.
You know, my daddy once told me
it's all about how
you look at things,
and I think it looks
beautiful like that.
Sleep in heavenly peace
It's beautiful, baby.
Not nearly as
beautiful as you are.
But it's pretty nice.
You see?
Merry Christmas! Merry
Christmas, everybody!
Maribel, come see grandma!
It's about time you're up.
We were wondering when you
were gonna come join us.
Can't an old woman
just take a nap?
Not on Christmas Day.
Look at all these presents
Santa brought you.
Holy moly!
You did wonderful.
Hey. What do you
need Grandma for?
Cookies? Mwah!
Let's go make some cookies!
Yeah, go make cookies.
We're gonna go bake
cookies. Let's go!
Here we go! Come on.
Here we go! Let's go!
So tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Ooh, okay.
Have you had a good Christmas?
So good.
I'm so grateful for you.
So am I, babe. So am I.
And how did that get up there?
Oh, that? I didn't do that.
Christmas magic
for you, no doubt.
Mm-hm. Sure, sure.
I did it when you were
getting Maribel ready.
You're sneaky.
Oh yeah?
Not nearly as sneaky
as your present!
Stay right there.
I'll be right back.
Holy hosts
singing hallelujah
Hashtag Blessed.
babe. Come in here.
Oh my goodness! She's Adorable!
Wanna hold her?
Look! Look,
look, look, look!
Say hi.
You like her?
I try to live my life
In such a happy way
Helping other people
Brighten up their day
You can make a difference
That builds beyond Christmas
It's the love you give
that the world remembers
A gift that lasts longer
than the sun burns
Santa Claus is real
It's the goodness
that you've built
You're not too old
It's not too late
Shine your light
and celebrate
Believe in the impossible
No matter what you do
The magic lasts forever
When Santa lives in you
Holly jolly laughter
Gather round the tree
Love brings us together
One big family
The North Pole
is much closer
Closer than you think
It's inside comes alive
And makes or hearts glow
Giving joy to those
who need it most
Santa Claus is real
It's the goodness
that you've built
You're not too old
It's not too late
Shine your light
and celebrate
Believe in the impossible
No matter what you do
The magic lasts forever
When Santa lives in you
I know your
heart is troubled
Your head is full of doubt
Look around and
you will find
What Christmas is all about
Santa Claus is real
It's the goodness
that you've built
You're not too old
It's not too late
Shine your light
and celebrate
Believe in the impossible
No matter what you do
The magic lasts forever
'Cause Santa lives in you
Ho, ho, ho, ho!