Long Nights Short Mornings (2016) Movie Script

Hey, Katie.
How you been? Sorry,
it's been a while,
I've been really busy.
Oh, yeah. That's okay.
I've been busy too.
I'm good.
How's the new job?
It's good.
I mean, it's moma. So...
You know, but I'm really
just tearing tickets and...
Pointing directions,
it's not exactly curating.
You think you'll stay?
Yeah, maybe, we'll see.
How have you been?
Good. I was kind of
all over the place.
I was out of town for a while.
Then just really busy trying to
keep up with everything.
Well, that's good, right?
Listen, Katie...
The reason I wanted to meet
with you...
Oh, I just I felt like
I needed to tell you...
And I'm sorry I haven't been around a
lot, I haven't been avoiding you.,
or anything, I promise.
It's just...
I don't think
we should see each other,
or whatever, any more.
You know it's just...
And I'm just
in such a weird place right now,
in my life, and I feel like
things are going a certain way
that I need to nip it in the bud
before it gets too serious, you know?
And listen, honestly,
this has nothing to do with you.
Or, wait, I mean.
That isn't what I mean.
What I mean is...
This isn't because there's something wrong
with you or something I don't like.
All right, there isn't.
I mean, I like you.
I really do.
And you're smart, and fun,
and funny. Beautiful.
And I'm basically being a selfish idiot
right now and if you told me that
I'll regret this
and I'm making a mistake,
I probably wouldn't argue
with you.
Yeah, but that's part of
what I'm saying.
You know,
since we get along really well,
and haven't been any problems or anything,
I just think it's going in a certain way.
In a certain, more serious way.
And that's the natural thing
to happen, it's just not...
Where I want to be going
with my life right now.
More coffee?
We're fine, thanks.
I'm sorry.
What were you saying?
I just, uh...
I didn't say anything.
I didn't ask you to be
in a relationship with me.
I didn't put
any pressure on you even.
I know. And you weren't clingy
or possessive.
Or anything bad. I know.
You know, but that doesn't mean the
seriousness wasn't there, it was creeping up.
I don't think you can deny that. It just
creeps up after a certain amount of time.
Yeah, but I don't understand. Can't
we just keep the status quo?
I don't think
there is any such thing.
Things are changing all the time
and I can just see...
Our trajectment in this
is not where I want to be going.
I don't want to be
in a relationship.
I'm not asking you to be.
But you want to.
Says who?
I'm sorry.
I don't mean to... Put feelings
on you I just think...
That we've gotten really close really
fast over the past few weeks so...
I don't want to be close.
With me.
No, with anyone.
But how can you say that?
You can't just remove me
from this like that.
You, you don't want to be
with me.
You don't know everybody.
You haven't met everybody.
If you meet someone tomorrow,
fall head over heels with her,
and want to be with her.
I guess.
I doubt it.
I'm looking for a very specific
thing, I know what it is, or...
You know...
Gonna know when I see it and...
I don't see it.
A thing?
Come on, you know what I mean.
No, I don't, James.
I really don't. I...
Is it love?
Are you looking for love?
Do you know that word?
Now, that's what I'm trying
to avoid.
Somebody being in it
with me, anywhere.
But if you were...
If you were, like,
in love with me...
You wouldn't stop yourself.
You couldn't.
- I guess that's true.
- Yeah.
- What do you want me to say?
- I want you to shut the fuck up.
I want this conversation
to never have happened.
But since it has happened, since we
can't go back in fucking time, I...
I want you to talk to me
like a man.
Throw me in the garbage
like you want to, instead of...
Talking around it, and acting
like you're doing me a favor.
I want you to tell me
that you don't love me,
or like me all that much really.
And that you never will.
I don't. I never will.
Katie, wait.
I need to go to the bathroom.
Go, bro. Go, bro. Go, bro.
Oh, shit.
You found me.
Thank, god. I was so scared.
It's okay.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Goddamn it.
There should be sign that says,
"no fuckin'."
- You guys need to get off my fucking
bus right now. -Whoa, sorry.
I'm sorry. Okay, really,
I apologize.
- But, we're newlyweds.
- What?
Look, please don't kick us out. We're in the
middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.
It's dangerous.
All right? Please.
You can't fuck.
We're not... we're not fucking.
Okay? We're...
Look. Hey, look,
I'll sit over here.
Okay? I'm sitting over here.
Okay? Is that okay?
All right, I guess so.
- Come on.
- I'm fine.
Hold on.
- Are you serious?
- I must have left them upstairs.
Damn it.
I'm sorry.
Not out here.
- It's not lady-like.
James, no!
We're not fucking outside
on the street, okay?
Fine, I'll climb
the fire escape.
James, no. You're crazy.
Where's your place?
It's far.
Well, can't you call someone?
Who, it's four in the morning.
Hold on, I got a missed call.
- Yeah, it's from me.
- No.
It's me. Sorry, I was out.
I'm locked out.
Are you home?
I'll be right there.
Sorry, dude.
Gotta go to bed.
I can't go adventuring with you for
another hour to find your place.
So my friend lives
around the block.
Call me, seriously. Please.
You're adorable.
Oh, fuck.
So do I know this guy?
No, I just met him.
He's really hot though,
and smart.
I mean, he looks smart. I haven't
talked to him that much.
But he invited you.
Yeah, true.
Enough. He told me
where he was going.
That's why you're here.
We're stopping by.
So I don't look so desperate.
But you are desperate.
But I don't have to look it.
Just act like
you're my guy friend.
Don't let him think
you could be my boyfriend.
Could you, like,
act gay or something?
How, you want me
to suck his dick?
No, that dick is mine.
Here's my dick. And I'm gonna
take a dick for you.
- How's work?
Will is such an asshole.
- He showed me a picture of his
dick the other day. -What?
- Yeah. -What, like, he
sent you a dick pic?
No, he said, "hey, come here,
I want to show you something...
On the computer," and I go
over there, and it's his dick.
He starts laughing.
I was horrified.
That's sexual harassment,
you know?
Yeah, I know.
Oh, really who has the time?
Anyway, it's just a dick.
If he tries to rape me
or something,
I'll stab him.
Right in the neck.
- I've been practicing.
- Oh, okay.
Whatever, he's so gross.
- Who you fuckin'?
- Come on, I don't kiss and tell.
But, do you fuck and tell?
Or that.
That reminds, guess who I
ran into the other day.
- Who?
- Guess.
Just tell me.
Oh. How is she?
She seemed good.
She wasn't too happy to see
me though, I don't think.
Yeah, why not?
- You two were always friends.
- Yeah.
It was fine
until I mentioned you.
That sour.
Sorry, I didn't...
No, it's fine.
Just every time
I think about her...
Reminds me of
how much of an asshole I am.
You're not an asshole.
Oh, okay. Hey.
Let's go mingle.
- I'm okay here.
- No, come on.
No, it's okay.
Just go find your boy.
Come with me.
I'm not sure how familiar
you are with these artists,
but basically,
their whole concept is that...
Basically, I want to take
the idea of two become one,
and just like see how far they
can take that where two humans
became as similar as possible.
And they were husband and wife,
and so what that meant is that
they got breast implants
that looked alike.
They dress alike.
- They, hey...
- -Hey.
Um, they have very similar,
well, they have
exactly the same haircut,
which is kinda funny to watch,
if they said, like,
"here's what we're going
to do today," and I was, like,
"why?" And they're like,
"no." Like that was when they
kind of would get excited, right?
My entire dynamic with them went
from being just like,
a guy that got to work with his
heroes to a guy who just had to
constantly fight his heroes.
And like,
everything that they would do
I would challenge, right?
And I'm not a
very combative person, like,
sort of, like depending on the situation
where I need to be I can like step up.
I think what you're recognizing
is that
this friendship
was getting a little...
Toxic, and...
You know, it's not really a
two-way street in terms of like,
you know, the way
that she's relying on you, and
you know, what you get in return...
I just...
Excuse me, do you have the time?
Sorry, my phone just died.
Nine thirty.
Anyway, so I think I need
to just, sort of,
put a little distance.
- I don't know.
- I'm gonna get a drink.
- Do you want anything?
- No.
I'm fine. Thank you.
You took my seat.
Oh, um...
- I'm sorry.
- No, don't, I'm kidding.
Well, you did. But don't get up.
- You might tear it.
- Okay.
Thank you.
So, who do you know here?
I'm a stranger here myself.
I, uh...
I'm here with him.
- This one?
- Yeah.
He know someone here.
That mustache guy.
And so now, I'm like sort of,
thinking like,
what could I possibly do next.
And I haven't
figured it out yet, but I'm
I don't know, pretty confident
that I'll figure out something.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So thanks for inviting me.
Yeah, I'm glad you could come.
Listen, I...
I have something
I want to show you.
Can you take me
into another room?
- I'll think of it.
- Okay.
Just watch your head, okay?
Okay, thanks.
Well, my friend
just went up with him, so...
Um... she likes him.
- She likes who?
- She likes that.
Looks like I'm stuck with you.
Oh, sorry.
- Any word?
- No.
Feel like, maybe we should go
after this drink.
Yeah, I just had sort of a long
day, and I either need to...
Go home now,
or get totally hammered.
It's so early.
I know, but I'm just...
I can feel... oh, wow.
Look who's phone
magically came back to life.
Why would you, like...
Tell someone
your phone died and...
I just want to stay. Can we stay,
like, a little bit longer, please?
- Just getting to know some people.
- Okay.
All right. Great. Yeah, let's stay at the
weird party we're having a good time, so...
I am, yeah.
Hey, I'm really sorry,
I have to go.
I'd love to hang out sometime,
can I get your number?
He thought I had coke
or weed or something.
He didn't want to make out
with me.
I hate boys.
I know.
They're terrible.
Cheer up. All right?
Who cares?
I mean, he's an asshole, right?
Yeah, he is.
You're not, though.
I know that, deep down.
Even though you think you are.
I hope would do one
or the other.
All right. Here we are.
Here's you.
Where's the cat?
I don't know. He's hiding
around here somewhere.
All right.
This is a sheet for you.
Thank you.
Oh, fuck.
- Gross.
- What?
Fuck, he pissed on...
- No.
- Oh, shit.
Look, I'll just go home.
No, it's okay.
Just sleep in my bed.
But stay on your side.
Oh, come on, Jesus.
What, I thought you liked
that sort of thing.
What is that?
Is that your boner?
Quit it, all right?
I just had no idea
you had such a big dick.
- I thought we were supposed to tell each
other these things. -It's not that big.
Maybe it's just cause
it's so hard.
Get over here already.
Hold on.
Oh, boy.
Stop looking at me like that.
Sorry. It's just...
- It's weird.
- Shut up.
No, it's not.
That felt good.
- But...
- It was probably a mistake.
But Jesus...
There we go.
I'm sorry again, I'm always on
I know you are. I was worried.
That I'd blow you off?
I don't know, that you were,
like, hit by a bus or something.
Yeah, you hoped it was that.
So what are you doing
with your days in Hollywood
besides playing with bands
from New York?
- Ha!
- Ah.
I'm working on
some of my own stuff.
Thinking about turning it, like, into
an opera or something. I don't know.
I've also been doing
some acting.
Believe it or not.
Mostly I'm just,
you know, serving hamburgers.
Well, you do look like
a movie star.
It's only a matter of time.
What about you?
How many exciting things
you have going on?
Exciting? I don't know, been...
Getting some work, you know, doing
videos and photos and stuff.
Working with some cool people.
Like who?
What, you want me to name drop?
Sounds like you want to.
Anyway, mostly I've just been living
like a transient, drinking too much.
As usual.
Waking up
in other people's beds.
I like my own bed just fine.
I'm kidding. I don't care.
You are so pretty.
Hey, everybody.
Threesomes suck.
You think
they're gonna be awesome,
and you get excited
'cause there are two chicks.
But it's more like
running a party as a host
and you got your clipboard and you're
like, "how we doing over here?
You had your tits rubbed? Okay, lets
do some pussy-eating down here and
why don't you,"
and you can't talk like that.
You can't be like, "why don't
you?" You get to be like...
Get over here.
Sit on her fucking face.
And, so
while you're doing this...
You're doing it, because you're
gonna beat off to that night
when you're 72.
You're essentially working
for your old dick.
What are you gonna do
when you get back?
Go back to work.
I don't know.
No, I mean your real work.
Well, I don't really
have any plans.
Guess I'll just wait to see
what comes to me.
Well, some days it's hard,
like, if I have a day off
I just won't leave the house,
'cause I don't know what to do.
I don't get that.
I mean, I'm constantly obsessing
over all my plans.
I can't stand it when things
don't go accordingly.
No, what if something good
comes from it?
I don't know.
Even then, it just bothers me.
I thought you loved spontaneity.
- Yeah, in other people.
Why do you put tobacco
in your joints?
I don't know.
I went to Europe once, and they
do it there. Just kind of stuck.
You got addicted?
- Maybe.
- Yeah.
That's how
I started smoking cigarettes.
Just... burns better.
So what about you, Mr. planner?
What are your plans anyway?
Oh, I can't.
Too embarrassed.
Please, when are you shy?
When asked to talk about myself.
Come on.
- It's nothing.
- Oh, pl... you're so full of it.
- I know.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
Tell me...
What do you wanna do?
I won't tell anyone, I promise.
It's not just one thing.
What do you mean?
I'm gonna do a lot.
You know, a lot of a lot.
I'm tired.
That was so beautiful.
You wrote that?
It's Beethoven, stupid.
When she cuts that piece off,
feel the loss, it looked like
you were smirking over it.
When we get to the end of this, and
it's welcome to mustache heaven
and you reunite with that
piece of the mustache,
if you don't feel bad about losing
it here, we have nowhere to go.
Those mustaches are hilarious, and everything
else about it is completely humorless.
We go again, please.
Before I start crying.
Okay, everyone.
We are going again.
Can we get this...
What's your name?
- James.
- Anna.
Yeah, I know who you are.
You get a date with that girl?
Which girl?
Oh, come on, you know
who I'm talking about.
I got her number.
You gonna call her?
I don't know, maybe.
Then why'd you ask for it?
To see if she'd give it to me.
You know, you really broke
my concentration in there.
I'm not kidding.
That wasn't okay.
You should know better.
- Seriously?
- Yeah, seriously.
I'm trying to listen and
you're making faces at me.
- I wasn't making faces... -you know,
you could've gotten me fired.
You owe me big time.
Owe you what?
What are you talking about?
Thought you were a gentleman.
Guess I was wrong.
What would a gentleman do?
I'm unpracticed.
Find out what she likes
and bring it to her.
I like bourbon, for example.
Where would I bring it?
Not that clever either, huh?
I don't know
what she sees in you.
Hey. What's up?
Hey, I'm James.
Hi, James. I'm Dean.
Can I help you?
Yeah, I brought this for Anna.
- Okay. Thanks, man.
- Uh...
Is she home?
She's in the bathroom.
- Most delivery guys...
- Oh, she was...
Kind of expecting me,
I thought maybe I could say hi.
We work together.
I said I'm almost done.
Who cares if we're late?
- Baby, you have a guest.
- Who?
Some kid.
- Honey, what do you...
- Tell him...
I'll be out in a minute.
She'll be out in a minute.
Do you want me to wait for you?
I will.
No, baby. Don't worry about it.
You know how long I take.
I'll meet you over there though,
after the surprise.
Apologize for me, okay?
- Thanks, man.
- All right.
What do you think?
I prefer the mustache.
I can go put it on.
Would you like that?
It's a nice place.
You lived here long?
You mean, have I lived
here with him long?
I wasn't gonna
bring him up actually.
He's maybe serious.
- I don't know.
- So hard to tell.
It is.
So, you have
a girlfriend, James?
No, not really.
I see.
That's what I thought.
Man, oh, man.
I used to be like that.
Well, I always had a boyfriend.
But they never meant anything to me,
I always just did whatever I wanted.
What are you doing?
- What does it look like?
- I have a boyfriend.
- But you just said...
- That was...
- Then. Wow, you're a horny
little bastard. -Yeah.
- Aren't you?
- I'm impulsive.
Be impulsive
with girls your own age.
What is wrong with you?
- You wouldn't get me off anyway.
- Whoa, stop it!
All right?
What are you gonna do about it?
Fucking child!
You fucking chum!
You're a towel piece of shit!
You can't just come here
and fuck me 'cause you want to.
You fucking mediocre...
You're a five at best, you're not handsome.
You're not anything. Fuck you.
You ruined my shirt.
I'm sorry.
I get a little crazy sometimes.
My first girlfriend gave me
this shirt.
Fuck that bitch!
Holy shit. What the fuck?
What are you doing?
Without a condom?
Are you kidding?
Get the hell out of here,
will you?
Are you acting right now?
I'm always acting.
Oh, fuck you too then.
I'm leaving now.
You do as you're told.
I don't get you, man.
Who says you're supposed to?
I thought we liked each other.
We don't even know each other.
Well, then why'd you
invite me here?
I don't know.
I thought you
might be interesting.
I'm not?
Not to me.
I know you too well.
I thought we didn't know
each other.
The type.
I'm not a type.
I don't even have
a shirt any more.
You'll survive.
Oh, and by the way,
Jameson isn't bourbon.
It's Irish whiskey.
You should learn the difference.
Hey, it's me. I'm here.
When we said right on time,
are you...
Listen, I really need it back
right now.
You're kinda fucking up my plans
right now, sorry, but...
Fuck! Call me back, okay?
Hey, uh, hi.
Thanks for calling me back.
Sorry to bother you.
I have that book you lent me.
You know, women.
Just thought I'd give it
back to you.
Oh, come on, of course you care.
I mean, it's signed.
Look, I have it.
I'm in your neighborhood.
What do you mean?
I have it with me.
I know. I know you're busy.
I know, I just thought...
I don't know. I'm trying to be a nice guy.
Do you have a few minutes?
Right now?
Yeah, okay. I'll...
Yeah, I'll meet you in the park
by the...
By the... yeah, okay, cool.
Thanks. All right.
Come on. Pick up, pick up. Shit.
- Hey.
- -Hey.
Did you bring the book?
Like I said, I'm in a hurry.
- What is that?
- It's my dress for tonight.
What's tonight?
I have a show tonight.
That's great.
- Where is it?
- Odds and ends.
I love that place.
What time?
All right.
Oh, you have plenty of time.
Wanna walk around a bit?
- Uh...
- It's beautiful out.
- Can I see the dress?
- No.
You didn't even bring the book,
did you?
It's up there.
Jesus, you gotta be kidding me.
Come on, it's right there.
We'll go grab it
in a second, okay?
This has got to be
the biggest venue you played at.
You nervous?
I am now, thanks.
Come on, you'll do great.
You always used to say that,
it doesn't mean anything.
What am I supposed to say?
I don't know,
the truth, I guess.
I'm not lying, I do actually
think you'll do great.
Just because you think you suck
doesn't mean...
I don't think I suck.
Glad I got you
to finally admit that.
Just my throat's
been bothering me, but...
I'll just have to power through.
How's the band?
Still working stuff out?
No, that's over. We couldn't even
agree on the color of the sky.
Even we can do that.
When did you move here?
I just have to run upstairs
real quick.
Did you forget your keys
or something? I don't...
Hold on one second.
Hey, it's me again.
Look you're really supposed
to be home right now.
Where are you? Look, I know I'm not your
favorite person right now but if...
I just need the book back,
all right?
Then I'll get out of your hair. If you don't
give it back to me I'm just gonna keep calling.
Okay? Call me back.
I can't believe you.
Seriously, you lent it
to another girl?
- You said it was... -your bullshit
doesn't work on me any more.
This is great.
I wasted my entire afternoon.
Look, I'm gonna go, um...
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Come on, Jesus. Hold on.
I'll call back.
Hey, yeah, I'm sorry.
I just need it back.
It somebody else's
and they need it back right now.
An hour or two?
Okay, but for real this time?
Yeah, I'm gonna be waiting
around here.
Yeah, okay.
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Okay.
- An hour?
- Or two.
You want to wait?
If I don't,
I'll never get it back.
If it's only an hour,
you won't be late for your show.
If it's two, I will.
Come on, I know a good place.
They have great tea.
All right?
It'll help your throat.
It's good, huh?
So, are you...
Like, happy...
With your life right now?
I'm pretty lonely.
I'm bored.
Feel empty...
Most of the time.
Are you surprised?
No, of course not.
And of course, you were right.
About how things
would turn out for me.
Am I supposed to be happy
about this?
Just thought you'd wanna know.
Some sorta...
Vindication, I guess.
That is so stupid.
I can't even believe it.
Oh, hey, I'm sorry.
Hey, you asked.
What do you want from me?
I want my fucking book back.
Thank you all
for coming tonight.
I'm Lorraine,
this is Charlie on the piano.
I'll be playing some new songs
tonight, and some old ones.
Thank you.
Hey. You were great.
How can you say that?
I fucked up.
No one noticed.
You're right,
no one was here to notice.
- Well, there were some people here.
- Don't patronize me, okay?
I'm not.
You were great.
- All right? You had one bad moment...
- why did you come here anyway?
I wanted to see the dress.
I brought you your book back.
You weren't supposed
to see that.
See what?
See me fall
on my face like that.
You're not supposed to see me...
- Until when?
- Until I...
- Till you're rich and famous?
- Until I can at least draw a crowd.
God, you make me sound
so fucking stupid.
- Lorraine...
- You make me sound so stupid.
Lorraine, I don't know
what you...
Just shut up, James.
Just shut the fuck up.
Can't you just
take a compliment?
Can I see you again?
James, I don't...
I did love you.
I loved you, too.
You're early.
So are you.
You're never early.
I am tonight.
Eh, I'm diggin on fashion.
Welcome back.
Unless you're weird.
It does.
It's like I went from one planet
to another.
Can't even process it all.
Got Louise back, yeah?
I missed you.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
So how was it?
Tell me everything.
I don't know if I can.
Still contemplating it all.
It's hard to articulate.
I was in Paris first.
And I stayed
with Paul's parents.
Which was weird,
but it was fine.
Because I get along
with his mom.
She didn't ask
about me and him, so...
And I had a lot of fun
being there.
You know,
I know so many people there now,
all these French society types.
So I went to all these, like,
balls or whatever.
Like a debutante.
And I wore a fancy dress
and pearls.
It was all borrowed, of course.
Yeah, I bet you looked great.
There might've been
really cool people there.
And practice your French?
And a bunch of people were
taking a road trip to Berlin.
So, I went with them.
But they were so unorganized, and we had
to pile up into this shitty little hostel,
without enough beds.
And there was this boy,
back in Paris.
He told me he loved me, there.
It was so weird.
So, he wanted to come with us
on the trip, but we said no,
because we thought
it would be too awkward.
A couple of days into our trip,
he showed up.
Claiming that he had mutual friends
or whatever the excuse was.
It was so creepy.
So, I kinda ran away from him.
And fled to Prague.
Anyway, it was great.
It was so much craziness,
I can't even process it all.
Yeah, you said that.
Listen, James...
I met someone.
Yeah, I thought that was comin'.
- But I met someone. -Yeah, I heard you.
What does that mean?
Means that I met someone
that I like.
And I want to give it a chance, and I
can't do that if I'm still seeing you.
Since when?
- James... -You know, you
could've opened with that.
You know, save me the trouble of parsing
through your story for fucking clues.
James, please don't be cruel.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
what are you saying?
I mean, who'd you meet?
This guy. He's French.
Met him through friends.
All right. The one
that followed you.
No. Not him.
Of course, you had more than
one guy fall in love with you.
Not surprised. That always is the
gist of your fucking stories.
What are you saying?
What, are you gonna do, some long
distance thing? That's so stupid.
No. He's moving here.
In two months.
Well, that's great.
When nothing happens in two months, I'm
sure you guys will feel the exact same way
about each other.
You were only gone for three
weeks for Christ's sake.
I know.
I mean, how do you even know
this is anything?
I don't.
But you're willing to throw away
what we have?
What do we have?
I don't know.
We've been seeing each other
a long time.
Maybe not seriously
or anything, but...
We're close, aren't we?
- Yeah.
- So what the fuck?
I mean, you're gonna throw that
away without giving me a chance?
I had no idea
you even wanted a chance.
I didn't know I wanted one
either till about a minute ago.
Look, this isn't going anywhere.
You know, if it was,
it would have by now.
Not without either of us
saying something.
You're right.
But did you?
I mean, did you say anything?
Well, maybe I am now.
It's too late.
You know, he's coming here,
and I miss him already.
You didn't miss me?
No you didn't.
You didn't want me to.
Says who?
Look, there might've
been a time, okay?
Sometime, where we could've
made a real go of it, but,
you didn't ask and I didn't know and
all we ever do is get drunk and fuck.
- Jesus.
- Be honest.
Have we ever
slept together sober?
Have we ever
even spent the day together
apart from a brunch
the morning afterwards?
It's not a relationship.
You can't just put this
on me right now.
We could've had it.
And I really think that.
Then why did you never say it?
James, you were seeing
other people.
So were you.
Not really.
You were enough for me.
You're killing me.
We can both
take the blame, okay?
Doesn't that make you sad?
A little.
We do so many stupid things.
I don't know why.
It's okay.
Lily, please.
All right, now that's it out in the
open, why don't we give this a shot?
Give it two months.
Look, if we try,
maybe you can forget him.
It's not fair.
This isn't fair.
Look, you had your chance.
He hasn't.
You're making a mistake.
It's mine to make.
Well, leave.
Jesus, forget everything.
Come home with me.
I can't.
Let me just walk you home then.
I don't think you should.
Come on, it's late,
and I've made you see me.
Let me just try once
for our love.
What you got going on this week?
Just working.
I don't know.
Sarah has that thing.
Yeah. I was gonna go to that.
Maybe I'll see you there.
Okay then.
Good night.
Could I use the bathroom?
My mom's staying with me. She's sleeping
in my bed, I don't want to wake her.
I'm sorry,
I just really have to go.
I'll be quiet. I promise.
I don't know.
It's a long way home for me.
Can I bum a smoke?
Yeah, of course you can.
You old enough for that?
You old enough
to be in that bar?
I'm 21.
What? I am.
Okay. Okay.
Okay, fine.
I'm 18, I have a fake ID.
Happy now?
Why don't you
buy your own cigarettes then?
I don't
buy my own drinks either.
age doesn't
really mean anything.
It does to some people.
Well, it doesn't to me.
Whatever you say.
You don't agree?
I bet you don't hear
a lot of disagreement.
Almost out of precedent.
I'm gonna go back inside, okay?
Buy us drinks?
Oh, this is Sade.
- Hi, Sade.
- Hi.
- Two shots Tequila.
- -From the top shelf.
Yeah, my pleasure.
We'll be back.
It's a 20.
Just a minute.
What? Just hold on.
I can't believe such a fuck up.
Where's that bitch?
Did you see a crazy, psycho
bitch banging down the door?
- She freaked me out.
- Yeah, you scared her off.
Jesus, fuck!
Hey, can I get some?
Come on, please.
I could really use a bump.
Why, sir, what f do you mean?
I'm an idiot.
All right, calm. Come on.
- We're not gonna fuck you.
- -You're old.
- You're too fucking old. -You're
a fucking fucked up old man.
You're embarrassing.
Buy us some more drinks faggot,
and maybe you can lick my shoes.
I'm in here. I'm just putting
some make-up on.
You're up here very fast.
There's coke on the,
um, you know.
And there's a beer in the...
How are you doing?
- You wouldn't believe my night...
- Oh, my god.
Oh, I love this song.
God, I love your cock.
Wait, wait, wait.
All right? Hold on.
What, darling?
I forgot a condom.
- Are you kidding?
- No, no. I'm sorry.
- I'll just go get one.
- What the fuck?
Yeah, go get one then.
Don't you remember?
I don't buy them.
I know.
You'll still come
on my face though, right?
Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Because you didn't last time, and I
had to pour it out of the condom.
I remember.
It's not as good.
- Okay.
- Hurry back, beautiful.
My friend Molly's coming over.
I told her all about you.
She wants to meet your cock.