Marie Antoinette (1938) Movie Script

What can Mama want
at this time of night?
I was nearly asleep.
Is it something I've done, do you think?
- What did she say? Did she look cross?
- Solemn, I thought.
Oh, dear, what can it be?
What have I done?
She can't say much to me anyway.
I'm a grown woman.
- Feldy, you know.
- Your lmperial Highness.
Feldy, tell me. Feldy, stop.
- The empress is waiting.
- I don't care.
- Oh, I must not. I dare not.
- I command you.
- Am I to be scolded?
- No.
- Is it important?
- Yes.
I won't let you take another step,
not a step.
Tell me, Feldy. Whisper it.
I won't breathe a word. I promise.
Feldy. Sweet Feldy. Dear Feldy.
You're to be married.
Feldy, how thrilling. How marvelous.
To whom? To whom?
- Come on.
- Feldy, wait a minute.
Feldy, how can you be
so aggravating?
Your Majesty, her lmperial Highness.
Enter, my dear.
Your Highness.
Mama, you sent for me?
- Toni, I have great news for you.
- Yes, Mama?
I have just signed
your marriage contract.
Married? I'm to be married?
Oh, Mama, how thrilling.
How marvelous.
Who is it? What's he like?
This alliance will be very advantageous
for our country.
I'm sure it will.
Is he attractive?
Do you think he'll like me?
You must see to it
that he does, my child.
You must learn to be worthy
of your destiny.
I want you to be a good wife,
a good queen.
A queen.
I'm to be a queen?
Oh, Mama. Why, Feldy.
You didn't tell me that I'm...
I didn't know that...
Mama, Feldy didn't tell me
I was to be a queen.
Well, I'm glad Feldy
left me something to tell.
You're to be married
to the dauphin of France.
- France?
- The future king.
I'm to be queen of France.
One day.
You are pleased?
Oh, Mama. Oh, think of it.
Queen of France.
Toni, France is not Austria.
You must accustom yourself
to new people and new ways.
Count Mercey is my ambassador
at Versailles.
He will guide you when he can.
The rest, you must trust
to your husband.
I will. Of course I will.
Is he handsome?
There's time for that later.
You go to bed now.
They say Versailles is too marvelous.
- I said, to bed.
- Yes, Mama.
Versailles is no more marvelous
than Vienna.
- No, Mama.
- Good night.
Oh, good night, Mama.
And thank you, thank you, thank you.
Mama. Oh, Mama, think of it.
I shall be queen.
I shall be queen of France.
We're the brothers of the bridegroom.
He's Provence, I'm Artois,
and much the nicer.
Oh, you both look very nice.
But proceed, madame.
You are most welcome,
Marie Antoinette of Austria.
Marie Antoinette of France,
Your Majesty.
France is indeed fortunate.
And so is my grandson, Louis.
No, no, no.
This is your cousin,
the duke of Orlans.
What a pity.
We present to you Louis-Auguste,
dauphin of France.
...your bride.
It is with the deepest emotion
that I tell you...
...that this is the happiest day
of my life.
I am very glad...
...and I am only too happy
to reply to you...
- There's some more.
- More?
To my speech.
It is with the deepest...
For some time I have been
looking forward to this meeting.
I have long been awaiting
this happy event...
...and now, after my pleasant journey
through the happy domains of France...
For some time I have been
looking forward to this meeting.
- I thank you with all my heart.
- Bravo!
And now, don't you think,
my dear grandson...
...that this auspicious meeting
might be celebrated by something...
...even more convincing
than your delightful speech?
With this ring I thee wed,
and I plight unto thee my troth.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Louis, I cast this pearl before you.
Madame Lamballe.
Oh, dear.
- I'm so sorry, madame.
- Not at all.
Thank you, thank you, madame.
Don't you think we should sit down?
Have you ever been away from home?
I'm a bit homesick, of course,
but I'm...
I'm not afraid.
- Aren't you?
- No.
Most girls would be,
with a strange man.
Oh, not that you're strange,
I know a lot about you.
What? Who told you?
- Your brothers.
- What did they say?
Why, that... That you like to hunt.
I've never hunted, but I'll learn
if you'll take me with you.
I ride a horse, you know.
- Do you?
- What do you like to do besides hunt?
I work with Gamin.
Gamin? Who's Gamin?
He's a smith. He and I
make things in my workshop.
I like to make locks.
Gamin says if I didn't have to be king,
I might make a good locksmith.
- He says...
- Yes?
- You're not interested.
- Oh, but I am.
What else do you do?
I mend clocks.
I've got 20 clocks in my workshop.
They all strike at the same time.
Do they?
Well, mostly.
We have a wonderful clock in Vienna.
When the hour strikes, the 12 apostles
come out, the whole 12.
I've heard of it.
Do you like to dance?
...but I wrestle with Gamin.
He's strong,
but he's not as strong as I am.
You're not as strong as my brothers.
Probably not.
I love fireworks. Come on, let's look.
Oh, look, how wonderful.
Won't you come?
What's the matter?
Have I said anything?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it
about my brothers.
Oh, I'm sorry,
I'm afraid I've offended you.
No, it's not that.
It's just that I don't talk much
to ladies.
They like to make fun of me.
Even that woman.
- What woman?
- Du Barry.
- You saw her at the wedding.
- The one who talked so loud?
- Yes, she hates me.
- Does she? Why?
Because I'll be king someday.
She hates you too. You'll be queen.
I don't care. I'll choose your friends.
I haven't any friends.
Haven't you?
I'm not clever like my brothers.
I can't think of things to say.
Now you have me.
You're my friend, aren't you?
- I'd like to be.
- I'd like to be yours.
My mother says that a happy marriage
depends upon the wife.
I suppose so.
A good wife is also a good mother.
My mother had 16 children.
Of course, I don't think we need
to have quite so many, do you?
Perhaps I'm talking too much
about myself.
Don't you want to talk
about yourself?
I have nothing to say about myself.
- I'm sorry.
- I like to be alone.
- So do I, at times.
- I like to be alone all the time.
- Do you?
- All the time. I'll see you in the morning.
Please, please, don't go.
Is anything the matter?
My mother will be dreadfully cross
with me if I can't make you like me.
- Are you in love with someone else?
- No.
Well, then, can't you...
Oh, be quiet.
Go back where you came from.
Leave me alone. Leave me alone.
All right, I will. I will.
I was only trying to obey my mother.
She asked me to be a good wife.
But she didn't tell me how rude you are.
Your mother. It's all her doing.
She wanted an alliance.
I didn't ask to have you for a wife.
Oh, didn't you? I didn't know that.
I tried to tell the king,
but he wouldn't listen.
All he wants is an heir to the throne.
Well, there'll never be an heir
because of me.
There. Now you know.
I'm glad. Glad it's over.
Well, why don't you laugh?
It's funny, isn't it?
Anyone would laugh.
I laugh myself.
Please, please don't.
Don't be unhappy.
I'm terribly sorry.
You won't say anything, will you?
To the king or that woman?
- I won't say a word to anyone.
- You promise?
I promise faithfully,
whatever happens.
Thank you. You're very good.
I'm afraid I was rude.
I always say the wrong thing.
I'm sorry.
It doesn't matter.
You can be happy here, can't you?
I suppose so.
People will like you.
You could have anything you want.
...will you go?
I'm very tired.
Please go.
Yes, of course.
I'm sorry.
- I am doing it.
- Isn't he dainty?
Positively breathtaking!
Sire, have you ever had a gallant
more decorous or more obedient?
Not you, or you, or you.
Not even him.
Quiet. Quiet. Listen.
The bells.
Do you know why they're ringing?
It's a wedding anniversary.
Oh, not mine. The Austrian's.
So it is. Still,
one would think it was yours.
Wouldn't one?
Oh, I must laugh.
And how different when she came.
You were all around her,
flies at a honey pot.
And I was left out of sight,
like an egg in a duck's belly.
- But no, madame, no...
- We protest. We protest.
If la France had the spine
of a jellyfish, she'd be in Austria.
It's her business to give us an heir.
- Give her time, my dear. Give her time.
- For more hysterics?
The creature's nothing more
than a sob in a wig.
My dear,
I like to do that myself.
I flatter myself
that I do it rather neatly.
Booby, we all know
you can crack an egg.
It would be something new
if you could lay one.
Bravo. Witty and beautiful.
Oh, most rare lady. Sire.
His grace of Orlans.
I've been waiting.
- Oh, I'm desolate.
- His grace is late.
The loss is mine, madame.
Flatterer. I believe
you want something.
Let's see. Why, of course I do, madame.
I want to be grand admiral of France.
And can we resist him?
He has all the charm of a sailor.
- You're too kind.
- Oh, but you have.
And I've known lots of sailors.
All fancy lads and all liars.
What? What?
Read this little sea ballad.
It's about me.
And this couch, my couch, the one
you gave me, it was pinned there.
Oh, I'll read it.
Is this the couch of a princess?
Is this the couch of a duchess?
Oh, no, indeed
Tra la, tra la
It is only the couch of a laundress
- Who wrote this?
- Ask his grace of Orlans.
I? Why, I deny it, sire.
He had it written. He paid for it.
He has writers by the dozen, riff-raff.
Against the state,
against you, against me.
Blast your eyes, I never was a laundress.
I was a milliner.
If madame will kindly permit me
to assure her that l...
You fool. I could have made you
the biggest man in France.
But you weren't smart enough.
I found you out.
That has its pleasant side, madame.
For to be frank,
as these gentlemen would like to be...
...I am as weary of paying homage
to the somewhat overblown charms...
...of the ladies who rule our ruler
as the people are of paying their bills.
- Why, you royal lout!
- This is enough.
You can't forget, cousin...
...that your great-grandfather
was regent of France.
You have his ambition,
but without his talent.
No, I'm not afraid of you,
nor of the nobles...
...nor of the people, nor of ideas.
The state will last my time.
After me...
...the deluge.
With your permission, Majesty.
And take care, cousin.
The liberals you encourage
for your ends...
...may destroy you for theirs.
Good morning.
I wouldn't have missed this
for the world.
His face when he saw the pamphlet.
His Royal Highness,
the duke of Orlans.
A visitor.
- Will madame receive?
- But of course, of course.
- Oh, how do I look?
- Oh, you look beautiful.
- Oh, this is so thrilling.
- He's so distinguished.
And so wicked.
...this is kind.
We were just enjoying
a game of checkers.
Quite exciting.
Forgive my interruption.
I seldom venture to intrude.
I know you prefer your solitude.
It's true.
I don't care a great deal
for balls and banquets.
There's a certain futility to court life,
don't you think?
Oh, quite, quite.
My husband, as you know,
has simple tastes...
...and I am content
with my books and music.
Oh, and here I come blundering
into your little oasis.
Well, the least I can do
is to take myself away quickly.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, no, no, no, please don't go.
- Do sit down.
- Too kind.
You know perfectly well how things are.
No one ever comes to see me.
- Except my husband, of course.
- Oh, of course.
No one dares.
Why does she hate me so?
Why? Perfectly simple.
Because in motion you are grace itself
and in repose, a statue of beauty.
You know, my little cousin,
you should become alive.
How quickly you would depose
that milliner.
- Rebel?
- Rebel.
Oh, my.
Don't you dare?
No. Du Barry has every advantage.
Why, she can make men
or degrade them.
Who would dare to offend her
to be my friend?
Who but you?
Will you permit me to give a ball
in honor of the dauphine of France?
- But, cousin...
- Paris is waiting for you.
Lights, music, dancing, the opera.
A new world is waiting for you.
Conquer Paris, and you'll conquer
Madame du Barry.
Louis, how kind of you to come.
Our wedding anniversary.
Yes, I'd thought you'd forgotten it.
What on earth is that?
It's a spinning wheel.
It's a beautiful spinning wheel.
- Did you make it yourself?
- Yes.
- Is it for me?
- Well, l...
Hardly a suitable offering, isn't it?
With your permission, Monseigneur.
- You must go?
- You'll think of what I've said?
I dare not.
- I don't like that fellow.
- Philippe?
He smiles too much.
Oh, but I like people to smile.
But do sit down,
or I'll think you want to hurry away.
I was wondering whether...
- Did you hunt this morning?
- No.
It would be fun to go
with you sometimes.
I thought you'd like to see this.
Yes, I would.
It's wonderful.
- Yes, it works, you know.
- Does it?
- lf you'd like to...
- Monseigneur...
...the Prince de Rohan
requests an audience.
Have him come in.
Monseigneur, madame...
...I have the honor
to deliver this charming box.
A present? Yes, I'm sure it is.
Our anniversary, you know.
From whom?
Oh, that, madame,
I am not at liberty to say.
- Shall we unfasten the ribbon?
- No, I shall do it myself.
Will you help? It's for you too,
you know. What do you suppose it is?
- From the king perhaps.
- Oh, I do hope so. Is it from the king?
Madame positively must not ask,
or I shall break my vow.
But madame is warm,
if I may say so express myself.
Madame is very warm.
A cradle.
An empty cradle.
Since at last it is quite beyond doubt
That this cot you're unable to fill
Go back to your
Schnitzel and kraut
Leave the job
To some baggage who will
Madame, I assure you, I had no idea.
The countess du Barry...
- Will you go, monsieur?
- I assure you, madame, I knew nothing.
You may leave us, monsieur.
Go back to the person who sent you.
Let her have the satisfaction of knowing
that her barb went home.
- Madame.
- Will you go, please?
Oh, this is deplorable. Deplorable.
I'll go to the king.
I'll have her punished.
I'll have her flogged.
I'll have her branded.
Oh, go, Louis.
It would be no use.
Louis, this woman
only dares to insult me...
...because you seem to despise me.
- But l...
- Help me, Louis. Please, I need you.
I know you don't love me, but couldn't
you pretend to like me a little?
- Why, l...
- lf only you would, before everybody.
I'd feel so secure, so proud.
I could even be happy here.
- I could even ignore du Barry.
- It would only make trouble.
What if it does?
We have been brushed aside
as though we were of no account.
And we've been cowardly enough
to submit.
We should live as becomes the heirs
to the throne of France.
I want life to be rich
and full and beautiful.
It could be if we'd only
stand together.
I tell you I can't. I can't try
to be anything but what I am.
Why do you plague me?
The king is the king.
And I am a princess
of the House of Hapsburg.
I'm an archduchess of Austria...
...and a daughter
of the Empress Maria Theresa.
I'm sorry you don't see it
my way, Louis.
Because I mean
to be the dauphine of France.
Not in the way I might have been
if we'd stood together.
But at least, I'll be the brightest,
highest figure in this court.
Warm, warm, warm.
Now, I wonder who this can be?
You'll have to guess, monsieur.
Soft silken hair...
...long eyelashes...
...soft flush cheeks.
There's something familiar.
Still I don't know.
I think I'll have to go farther.
Shell-like ears...
...alabaster neck, lovely shoulders.
Someday the Count Artois
will go too far.
Undoubtedly. Undoubtedly.
The dauphine. Behind that mask.
The dauphine.
Here? At this artists' ball?
Here or at any other
such affair in Paris.
I said, no.
Why not?
Perhaps you haven't
enough allure, Philippe.
On the contrary, I have too much.
That's why I'm the only man about you
to whom you refuse your kisses.
Thank you.
Then you've seen but little of Paris,
my dear count.
Why, I've been visiting the museums.
One doesn't come all the way
from Sweden to visit museums.
Monsieur, the young monsieur. Wait!
Are you by any chance a Russian?
I, a Russian?
Unfortunately, no, madame.
Oh, don't say that.
I need one so badly.
- Sorry.
- Wait.
- Madame?
- You must help me. You simply must.
You might very well be Russian.
I don't suppose you could use
a native of Sweden?
- Careful.
- Perhaps. Wait.
I'll have them open the door.
- I like your Paris.
- You know to whom you were speaking?
- No.
- Madame la Dauphine of France.
- What is this place?
- A gaming house.
If you're wise,
you'll walk on with me.
Oh, no, I'm not as wise as that.
Now, you really must excuse me.
A royal command, you know.
Besides, I'm a little tired of museums.
Make haste, monsieur. This way.
Come quickly!
But how perfect!
Why do you stare so?
I'm sorry.
Why, you're trembling.
Are you afraid?
- Perhaps, madame.
- Who are you?
I'm Count Axel Fersen of Sweden,
madame. And you?
- Can't you speak Russian?
- Alas, madame.
Talk Swedish.
They won't know the difference.
- But, madame...
- You must help me.
We were playing forfeits,
and I had the most appalling luck.
I lost every cent I had.
My allowance, my coach and horses.
And I shall lose this necklace
if I can't produce a Russian.
I'm glad I arrived in time
to save something, madame.
- My time's up. Come quickly.
- Madame...
No, no, no. I insist. Come, now.
Please, for my sake.
- Russian it is, then.
- That's it. Marvelous!
Come on.
What shall I call you?
Something Russian, let me see.
Ivan, lvan lvanovitch.
Charles, Philippe. Victory, victory!
Here is my forfeit.
Ivan lvanovitch, a genuine Russian.
Where did you find him?
Is he really a Russian?
Oh, and a handsome one too.
Don't you think so, Philippe?
Not bad.
- Did you ever see anything more Russian?
- Of course not.
I can almost smell the steppes of Russia.
I can also almost smell a rat.
Why, Charles.
Oh, he doubts me, doubts me.
Monsieur, my lvanovitch,
my Cossack hero, speak.
You see, Artois. The fob.
Bravo! Bravo!
Long live Russia!
What is the Russian for "kiss me"?
No, no, no, Gabrielle, he's mine.
I forbid you to touch him.
Oh, isn't he divine?
Look at his big shiny boots
and his black buttons. Oh, I adore him.
Have them bring wine.
I must drink to my Russian.
Permit me, madame.
To Russia, my lvanovitch,
and your naughty empress.
- Tell us about her.
- The intimate details.
Your personal experience.
My dear, is it necessary
to detain this gentleman further?
- He amuses me.
- He has served his purpose.
Why, Philippe, you're jealous.
I'm tremendously flattered.
We're all jealous.
Dare me, sir,
you've cost me my favorite fob...
...and I don't like your manner.
But I bear no malice.
I didn't catch your barbaric name.
- Nor I yours, sir.
- Hear him.
He didn't catch my name.
Permit me to present myself, sir,
and the company.
The troupe from the Opra Comique.
His Most Christian Majesty's
own favorite mummers.
He's the clown.
And this is our most bright
and glorious star...
...the toast of Paris,
Mademoiselle Gabrielle Ducros.
- Honored, mademoiselle.
- A pleasure, monsieur.
I'm astonished you do not know me.
- I've heard much of Mademoiselle Ducros.
- Oh, really?
- All Paris talks of no one else.
- The devil they do.
- What do they say of her?
- She is not unkind.
That a man may ask her to take supper
with him in a place not too discreet.
You presume, monsieur.
One may speak of supper
with a little actress, sir.
Artois, your joke is sour.
Cousin, inform this man who I am.
Her Royal Highness,
the dauphine of France.
The joke is sour.
Mademoiselle is charming and,
I've no doubt, talented.
I'm sure mademoiselle excels
in the role of soubrette.
She has the appearance,
the manners, and the temperament.
Count Axel Fersen of Sweden.
You'll find me at the Swedish Embassy.
Messieurs, if you must, there's a time
for such things and a place.
Monsieur, my apologies.
- My lord, as your word.
- Madame.
...the dauphine of France
is unable to accept...
...Count Fersen's kind invitation
to supper tonight.
But she's entertaining a few friends
at the house of Madame de Polignac.
And she begs that he will attend.
Count Fersen regrets, madame.
He's expected elsewhere.
A new sensation.
Why, sister, you're flouted.
Be quiet! All of you.
Wait. A wager.
The necklace, it belongs to me now.
Bring your Swede back to supper,
then I'll waive all claim to it.
I accept the wager.
Monsieur, wait. I insist.
I beg of you.
I deserve the snub.
It was a snub, wasn't it?
- You knew me from the beginning?
- I thought so, madame.
If I forgive you for treating me
so disrespectfully...
...will you forgive me for dragging you
into our game?
- That would only be fair, madame.
- And you'll come?
An invitation from me is not only
an honor. It is a command.
You wish to carry me back in triumph,
a tribute to your caprice?
Will you come?
I doubt your motives, madame.
I have my vanity too.
I won't urge you.
But if we must part,
at least let us part as friends.
For a moment you had me fooled.
The words were the words
of Madame la Dauphine...
...but the lips were the lips
of Mademoiselle Ducros.
Many thanks, little soubrette,
and good evening.
You've been scorned.
Oh, most definitely.
- The necklace.
- Silence!
My cloak. We are leaving.
- What a night.
- Don't remind me of it.
You'll feel better
when you get your beauty rest.
Good night. Good night.
- Good morning.
- Count Mercey, you're back from Vienna.
As you see, madame.
May I ask for a private audience?
- Must it be now?
- With your permission.
Make it a brief one.
I'm tired.
Was it madame's intention that
I should follow her into her bedchamber?
Since you insist.
You are excused, mesdames.
- How did you find my mother?
- As well as I expected.
Her Majesty has many cares.
Including, I suppose, her daughter.
Well, let me hear it.
But briefly, please.
My mother's admonitions
have lost their novelty.
I've been told of a necklace
costing 200,000 livres.
Which I lost tonight on a wager.
You must be out
of your senses, madame.
What on earth is driving you
to this extravagance?
This mad pursuit of pleasure
which can end only in...
But not in boredom.
At least, not yet.
In these times, madame, your excuses
will not fail to impress the people.
Why, they adore me.
I've conquered Paris.
No, madame. Paris has conquered you.
Do you realize that you're the first
dauphine of France...
...ever to be spoken of openly
as a wanton?
Oh, I know it's a lie, madame,
but such lies are dangerous.
You have enemies,
not only among the people...
...but here, in your own court.
I would have them in any case,
no matter what I did.
You don't really believe that, madame.
But let me come to the point.
There is a point.
You're giving a ball on the 15th.
Another lecture on my expenditures.
I have heard enough.
His Majesty will attend,
accompanied by Madame du Barry.
Do you think His Majesty would like me
with my hair dressed low?
Did you say accompanied
by Madame du Barry?
His Majesty insists that you recognize
Madame du Barry in public.
Do I understand you correctly,
Count Mercey?
Meet that... That...
I, whom you reproach for mere trifles.
I would rather die
than be so humiliated.
Then, I have failed
in the most important mission of my life.
I must place my resignation
in Her Majesty's hands.
With Your Royal Highness' permission.
Count Mercey...
You make it very difficult for me.
My friends will despise me.
I shall despise myself.
- But I'll speak to her.
- Thank you, madame.
I can just see her smirking there...
...and I shall try not
to box her ears, but...
But I'll speak to her.
If I dared say how much
I'd like to see you box her ears.
His Majesty, the king.
- Please don't humiliate yourself.
- But I must, I must. I promised.
- Don't...
- Please don't make it harder for me.
Egad, what a triumph for the milliner.
I'm so nervous I could faint.
My dear, you look charming.
Your Majesty is too kind.
Your ambassador assures me that
we may rely upon your good intentions.
I shall not disappoint an old friend.
You'll not find me ungrateful.
Your Majesty
is too gracious to threaten.
Madame la Comtesse du Barry.
I'm late, madame.
But with His Majesty's permission,
a slight headache.
I'm so sorry, madame.
It was a pleasure delayed.
For me too, madame.
I might say a triumph.
You're very kind.
I presume I shall not have the honor
of meeting His Royal Highness?
My husband doesn't care
for dancing, madame.
Quite the family man, isn't he?
The fireside, the nursery, and all that.
Well, here is my old friend.
And how well
he takes a husband's place.
I'm sorry you feel your triumph
incomplete, madame.
My husband has better sense than I.
He knows where to draw the line.
Will you dance, madame?
So that's it? I'm dirt, eh?
Not good enough
for your high and mightiness.
But no, madame.
Royalty loves an occasional roll
in the gutter.
- Don't they, Grandpapa?
- Madame.
I enjoy nothing more than meeting
people of broad experience.
Recollect yourself.
You see, I've never walked
the streets of Paris.
But I'm sure you could tell me
something about that.
You will prefer to leave, madame.
As I do.
Continue the dance.
Shall we dance?
I'm afraid not.
With madame's permission...
...His Majesty requests that madame
attend him in his apartments... her pleasure.
- Will you wait?
- Naturally.
- It may be an eternity.
- Then I shall wait an eternity.
- Your Royal Highness.
- Order my carriage.
I'd given you up.
What's happened?
Antoinette, what's happened?
Do forgive me.
I just thought of something funny.
Something I'd quite forgotten.
Antoinette, stop.
Stop it. What is it?
It's my wedding anniversary, Philippe.
My fourth wedding anniversary.
And my marriage is to be annulled.
I'm to be sent back to Austria...
...and it's my fourth
wedding anniversary.
It's funny, isn't it?
Your marriage is to be annulled?
Oh, in the nicest way, of course.
In the interest of the dynasty.
That's funny too.
Well, what about
the Austrian alliance?
The Austrian alliance will be preserved,
providing I go quietly.
- It's amazing.
- Isn't it?
I'm dumbfounded.
I never dreamed that he should dare.
I must find Mercey.
I must tell him what has happened.
- The Austrian ambassador?
- Yes. Will you take me to him?
- Take me to him. A moment, do you mind?
- Wait.
I think not.
Oh, you're not...
Philippe, you don't mean that you...
I would be ruined
if I were to accompany you tonight.
That's right.
You would, wouldn't you?
Forgive me for staring.
I seem to be seeing you
for the first time.
I've never known you.
That's why I've always hesitated.
I'm glad now...
...because you've never
really loved me, have you?
Oh, do be frank. It's sometimes
so amusing to be quite frank.
You were only interested
in the future queen, weren't you?
The future queen of France.
Thank you, Philippe.
And now go, will you.
Do go or I shall laugh again.
I shall laugh.
To the Austrian embassy.
What's the meaning of this?
Why are you here?
I don't want her to be sent back.
His Majesty is not well.
But it isn't her fault.
Don't you understand?
- What's he talking about?
- Will you go, please?
No. You get out.
Listen, Grandfather.
It's going to be different now.
Get up, you fool.
Your argument is as unimpressive
as your appearance.
Your wife goes back to Austria.
Your marriage will be annulled.
I'll hear no more of it.
Get out.
Get out. Get out.
I'll get out.
But I'll come back.
I'll come back when you're dead.
- I'll be king then.
- Silence.
And you, you know what will happen
to you when I'm king?
There are places for women like you
in the Bastille.
- Stop it. Make him stop!
- Silence!
I'm going to have my wife back.
I'm going to have children.
I know.
But you, you're old, you're weak.
You're not going to live long.
I'll be sitting there and you'll be dead.
- Be silent!
- Sit down!
Forgive me, sire.
I didn't mean to touch you.
Forgive me.
His Excellency had friends to dinner...
...the Swedish ambassador
and other gentlemen.
Dinner was barely over
when the king's messenger arrived.
His Excellency was obliged
to leave immediately.
How unfortunate.
Will Your Royal Highness wait?
No, thank you, Franz.
Will you see that my carriage
is prepared for my return?
Yes, Your Royal Highness.
I'm sorry, I had no idea.
I thought the room was empty.
Excuse me, I left some papers.
May I?
Thank you. And pardon me.
I know I'm making a nuisance of myself,
but if there's anything I can do...
Thank you. There's nothing.
It's hard to be helpless when...
May I get you a glass of sherry?
I'm trying to tell you that my life
is at your service, you know.
Haven't you heard the news?
You know why the king
has sent for Count Mercey.
And still I can't get rid of you.
You want to be my friend
in my disgrace?
I'm not impressed, Count Fresen.
I've lived at court too long,
I've seen too much tonight.
Confess, I attract you.
I saw it in your eyes that night.
You want to profit by the occasion.
You'd like to make love to me,
wouldn't you?
Yes, I would like to make love to you.
You think that would be
a simple matter, I suppose?
From my point of view, yes.
Then you risk nothing
in offering me your attentions.
You're not French, you need
no favors from the king of France.
I wouldn't cry.
He isn't worth it.
Oh, be quiet. Must you preach too?
What have you to offer in his place?
I don't know what his place was.
I offer you myself.
How generous of you. How adroit.
How comforting
to a discarded woman.
Oh, surely you must have heard.
They said he and I were...
I know that isn't true.
You don't know anything about me.
I've known you all your life.
You saw me for the first time
at the gaming house in Paris.
You're mistaken, madame.
At 13 you could neither write German
nor French correctly.
You knew nothing of history.
You liked music, but you trifled with it,
as with everything else.
Gluck was your music master. He brought
you apples and you threw them at him.
You were inattentive, spoiled
and adorable.
You've been talking
of me to Count Mercey.
You came to breakfast every day and said
something wonderful was about to happen.
On rainy days,
you sat at a small gilded table...
...and pressed rose leaves
and screamed.
You had a blue Noah's Ark
with Monsieur and Madame Noah...
...and 24 pairs of animals.
You had a little farm
with woolly sheep...
...and a little red cow named Plop.
Why, it's true, monsieur.
How do you know it?
Do you remember a governess,
Madame Cordat?
A sort of little flopping person,
like a respectable magpie?
Pecky. Not Pecky?
Pecky. She became
my sister's governess.
And chattered all this?
Oh, how dreadful.
When she left, she left you with me.
And l... I fell in love with you.
I dreamed of daring feats
in your defense.
The world rocked
in some tremendous upset...
...and I rode through seas of blood
to your side.
How very foolish of you.
I was jealous too.
Insanely jealous.
It maddened me to think that
paid menials could hear your voice...
...see your hair unbound.
And when you were married,
I was in despair.
I begin to understand, monsieur,
why you were so angry that night.
You thought of me as something
quite wonderful, didn't you?
But instead, you found an empty-headed,
ill-mannered little fool.
You see, monsieur,
how sadly I am changed.
Oh, no. No, madame.
You have made pleasure a shield
against loneliness and slander...
...but you could never change
so deep a heart, so eager to be loved.
Everyone, even the highest,
has some dream of love in his heart.
And unless he achieve it...
...he must fill that emptiness with noise,
fame, excitement, pleasure.
Where did you learn this, monsieur?
In museums, mostly.
They're very dull, most of them,
and neglected...
...but you'll always find
someone there...
...gazing over the relics of queens
who were true lovers.
There isn't much to see.
A ring, a glove, a fan, perhaps.
But we preserve them
as we do our laws.
And we have
much more faith in them.
Do you think,
a hundred years hence...
...some Swedish gentleman,
wandering in Paris...
...might smile over a relic
of Marie Antoinette?
A miniature, perhaps, or a ring?
This very ring, for instance.
It's centuries old.
It has an inscription on it.
"Everything leads me to thee."
Can you see it...
...lying on a velvet cushion
in its little glass case?
I don't know.
I don't know.
You might make a present of it,
perhaps, to some man who had loved you.
And it would be worn on his hand
for as long as he lived...
...and buried with him when he died,
because he loved you reverently...
...and as was fitting,
from a respectful distance...
...but with all his heart,
for all his life.
I must go.
- But Count Mercey...
- It doesn't matter. My cloak.
- Madame...
- Let me alone. Let me go.
You're only upsetting me,
you always do.
- I?
- Yes, yes.
Last time, and now,
the things you say.
You hurt me. No one has hurt me so.
I hurt you?
Oh, I'm tired, tired,
I don't know what I'm saying.
You bewilder me.
I can't think. So many words,
such wonderful words.
What were you telling me?
That I love you.
What else have I been saying
with every word, and with no right?
That you love me.
Let me be still a moment
and understand.
When we first met,
my heart stood still.
I knew then, really.
I knew something had happened.
Something glorious
and terrible and everlasting.
...I thought love came more happily.
What are you saying?
Perhaps the great loves
come with tears.
The dawn is breaking.
How beautiful it is.
I knew it would be beautiful.
I must go.
- You're not afraid?
- No.
Stay a moment.
When the door closes upon you,
I shall doubt that all this really happened.
You're here beside me.
If I bend my head
I can feel your cheek against my lips.
I can hear your voice
saying incredible things.
Will it always be like this?
Shall we never lose the wonder of it?
For me it will never change.
I have a stubborn streak in me.
I may pray to forget,
but it will never be granted me.
How grave you are.
Have you ever thought that people
to whom miracles happen must be dazed?
The blind man to whom his sight
was suddenly given...
...must be startled
by the strange new world.
So it is with me.
I came here hoping to catch
a glimpse of you at court.
You might have flung me a word,
gracious and indifferent, as you passed.
The village is waking.
I must let you go.
Good night...
...or if you wish, good morning.
I shall never say goodbye.
- Antoinette, where have you been?
- Threse.
The most wonderful thing has happened.
Come with me and I'll tell you...
- Haven't you heard?
- Heard what?
The king. He's dying.
- Dying?
- Yes. Smallpox.
He's lost consciousness.
Think what it means.
You'll be queen.
The queen of France.
Queen of France.
They say he's dying.
That candle.
When it's put out
I shall be king of France.
All these papers...
So much to think
of even before he's dead.
I suppose I shouldn't have spoken
to him as I did.
He must have been ill then.
Do you suppose what I said
made him worse?
But of course not.
Oh, I forgot...
...I haven't told you.
Would you like to hear what I said?
Not now, do you mind?
Very well.
I told him I'd be king someday.
Now it's going to happen.
I don't want to be king.
People expect so much of a king.
Nothing comes easily to me.
At least they can't send you back
to Austria.
I'm sorry, Louis.
I'm afraid I wasn't listening.
I say, they can't send you back
to Austria.
Well, it's kind of you to think of that.
It can hardly matter to you, can it?
I suppose you've always
thought of me as a...
Well, a symbol, the dauphine of France,
never as a person, a woman.
I didn't think of you at all, at first.
I didn't like the marriage...
...but I grew to like you.
To like me, yes.
There's something I should tell you.
I couldn't speak until I was sure.
We can be one, indeed, now.
Not only as king and queen,
but as husband and wife.
That's what I was trying
to tell the king.
I'm not much good at talking,
but I care very much.
I really don't know
how I should get on without you.
...something has happened.
I must tell you.
The drums have stopped.
You are king of France.
Sire, may I be the first to say it.
The king is dead, long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Long live the king.
Your Majesty.
How solemn you are.
Do I shock you?
I should be awed or sad,
I know, but I'm not.
I'm happy. Happy.
You see, I've thought it all out
very carefully.
If I must be queen,
I shall be able to do anything I want.
I shall never let you go. Never.
- But, my dear...
- Do you know little Trianon?
It's a quite small little palace,
very secluded and very beautiful.
It's to be my very own.
And every day I shall come there
and wait for you.
But you must promise never
to let anything keep you from me.
Never to be late.
Because every single moment
will be precious...
...and there will be so few
even as it is.
Dearest, oh, you are grave.
Oh, I love you so.
But you are queen of France.
- What could I possible bring you but...?
- Happiness.
Even a queen wants that,
more than anything in the world.
Oh, my dear, my dear,
because of you I am strong...
...and certain and radiant.
And beautiful.
So beautiful it shames praise.
Then you can never leave me,
of course.
With you, I'll be everything
I meant to be.
Serious and helpful,
and a good queen.
Oh, my darling.
My mad, reckless,
adored little darling.
You know I'd give my life
to serve you.
But you must live openly, without fear,
without reproach, in sight of all.
I once thought if I were queen
I'd be so happy.
To be applauded
and adored and obeyed.
I don't want it now.
I just want to be free
to be with you... love you.
I cannot wear my crown
upon my heart.
Oh, my dear.
You'll find your happiness
in the love of your people.
And nothing, nothing must stand
between you and their love.
Neither your heart, nor mine.
And if I stayed...
Oh, Marie.
Marie, I couldn't share your destiny
except to your own hurt.
And that, I cannot do.
My darling...
...what are you trying to say?
Where would you go?
To America.
No, no.
Not tonight.
Not tonight.
...I hardly know you.
You see, I thought
I would discover you day by day.
Your childhood, your youth,
all the little things...
...that would be so important to me.
- I couldn't live.
- Oh, my love, my darling.
It can't end like this.
Surely I might see you sometimes,
not often.
- I'd ask so little, so very little.
- Marie, Marie.
When I'm gone you'll be glad...
...that I didn't stand in the path
of your destiny...
...making you less
than you were meant to be.
And that other kingdom, the love
and the youth and the happiness...
...we might have had, what of that?
We shall dream of it more tenderly
because we didn't destroy it.
Shall I never see you again?
If you need me, I shall come to you.
I shall always need you.
And if I should ask you,
"Was it well done?"
You'll tell me, "It was well done."
Take me in your arms again.
Let me have that memory.
When I lose heart to go on...
...I shall close my eyes...
...feel your arms about me.
I shall know that I'm in your thoughts,
that you're loving me.
Always, my dear.
Giving me strength to live.
Goodbye, my love.
One hundred and one guns will announce
the birth of a son and heir...
...21 guns,
the birth of a daughter.
Why, this is barbarous.
Must the queen's child be born
in public?
Dr. Franklin, a French monarch
belongs to the public.
He must be born, he must live,
and he must die in public.
I was right here, in this very chair...
...when her first child,
the little Princess Threse, was born.
- Let's hope this one will be a boy.
- Oh, yes.
We present to you Louis Charles,
dauphin of France and of Bourbon...
...duke of Normandy...
...most Christian prince of Navarre,
count of Burgundy...
...lord of the Dauphin,
of Montmorency...
And to what is your child heir?
To oppression and slavery.
He will toil as you have toiled,
in famine and fear.
He will plow the field in the sweat
of his brow...
... and bring its food to those
who neither toil nor reap.
You furrow the soil in the heat of the day
but it isn't yours. It's never been yours.
Why, you work like rats
in the bowels of the earth.
For whom? A king, this one a drone.
And a queen, oh, a dazzling queen
who came from afar...
... hating the people of France.
Throwing its gold away,
the minted drops of your blood.
Will you not listen?
Will you not rise?
Will you not demand the abolition
of the aristocracy and its privileges?
Is there no fire in your hearts?
No fight in your fists?
Liberty. Equality. Fraternity.
People of France, demand it.
The foreigner! The foreigner!
They're throwing stones.
Why are they angry with you?
They're unhappy, dear.
But it's not your fault.
Perhaps not, darling.
But there are things
they don't understand...
...and things they don't forget.
- My dear, did you have a nice ride?
- Louis.
I've been looking through
some old papers.
Louis, people threw stones
at the carriage.
- They threw stones?
- Yes.
And shouted insults.
I'm trembling still.
Those pale faces, full of hatred...
...shouting what's being shouted
all over France.
"Foreigner, Austrian, leech."
Words put into their mouths
by our noble cousin, Orlans.
That scamp, he wants to be king.
Everything serves him.
The deficit, the hard winter,
the failure of the crops.
Why are things so difficult for us?
I'm afraid we're just
little people, Louis.
Little people with a terribly big task.
What an excellent smith
you would have made.
Think of it, with a cottage in the country
and a little garden.
And far happier.
But you're clever.
Thank you.
Three o'clock,
I must get down to the council.
Here are your glasses.
Now, where's that speech
you wrote for me?
Here it is.
Now, you'll speak firmly, won't you?
- Emphatically.
- Yes, my dear, of course.
There now, off you go.
Oh, I meant to give you this.
I very nearly forgot.
It's an account
of the Battle of Yorktown.
It seems that Rochembeau's
aide-de-camp, Count Fersen... remember, acted as interpreter
at the surrender of Cornwallis.
This document is in his handwriting.
I thought perhaps
you might like to have it.
Thank you.
Yes, my dear?
Have you...?
Have you always known?
Ah, Boehmer.
But, Your Majesty...
If Her Majesty would condescend...
It's that wonderful necklace,
Your Majesty.
Oh, please, not now.
How lovely.
A masterpiece, Your Majesty.
Yet I'm asking Your Majesty
only what it cost me.
One million,
six hundred thousand francs.
My dear Monsieur Boehmer.
With people starving?
You waste your time, monsieur,
and mine.
I don't understand.
The Duke of Orlans led me to believe
that she was interested.
Oh, but such a price,
and in times like these.
Speak to her again.
- We'll raise your commission.
- No, it's hopeless.
She wouldn't dare.
The purchase might be made
secretly... the name of a friend.
- My husband?
- No, no, no.
Pardon me.
A responsible person.
A person of wealth and standing.
Suggest it.
I repeat, Your Highness...
...Her Majesty will be responsible
for the payments.
But have you a document authorizing me
to make the purchase in her name?
Here is Her Majesty's signature.
Yes. Yes, I see.
- Have you the necklace?
- What? Oh, yes, yes.
- You must be prudent.
- Yes, yes.
- Careful. The queen.
- Where?
- Your Majesty.
- Rise, monsieur.
The commission
with which you honored me, madame.
I thank you, monsieur.
Your Majesty,
dare I hope the past will be forgiven?
- You may hope.
- Your Majesty.
Someone is coming.
Good heavens.
Go quickly, monsieur.
This way.
Did you get it? Here.
Go easy, you.
No need to break my wrist.
Close your fool mouth.
- Do you want to bring the guard on us?
- Shut up, both of you. Shut up.
Take your filthy hand off me,
you swine.
You couldn't have got it without me.
You'll get your share.
A million and a half francs
in flawless stones.
Go on. Start moving.
Both of you.
But I have creditors, obligations.
If I don't get the money,
it means ruin.
The first payment was due
June the 2nd.
It's now August the 15th.
First payment on what?
On the necklace, sire.
The diamond necklace.
The diamond necklace?
I have the contract, Your Majesty,
signed by you.
If you have any document... which I agreed to buy
your necklace, it is a forgery.
But the necklace...
- I handed over the necklace.
- To whom?
To whom, Boehmer?
To the Prince de Rohan, Your Majesty.
But this is insane, incredible.
You say you received instructions?
Written instructions
from Your Majesty.
- As I believed.
- Have you the necklace?
I was under the impression...
...that I placed it
in Her Majesty's hands.
Monsieur, for eight years
I have not addressed a word to you.
How could you believe I'd employ you
as a go-between to buy a necklace...
...behind my husband's back?
Your presumption is criminal.
Will Your Majesty command this man
to await your pleasure?
It's all very confusing.
Louis, I don't think you realize
how serious this is.
The necklace has fallen into the hands
of thieves and forgers.
The jewelers believe
it was delivered to me.
De Rohan says
he put it into my hands.
The whole wretched mystery
must be dragged into the light.
De La Motte and her accomplices arrested,
de Rohan sent to the Bastille.
A trial?
If you should lose it...
If the court should believe
this amazing story...
It could destroy me.
It could destroy
the monarchy, madame.
You sent for me?
You have great influence, cousin.
You're using it against me
in the trial of the prince de Rohan.
You're using your money
to bribe the judges.
We appeal to you
to support the throne.
I find that very satisfying, madame.
And the inducement?
The king is without
a minister of state.
Oh, really?
I'm afraid
the bribe is not high enough.
- Not high enough?
- No.
Louis, will you allow me to propose
my solution for the troubles of the state?
I should be grateful.
- Abdicate?
- Abdicate.
No one can be a monarch
who wears his crown without pride...
...without pleasure
and without dignity.
Oh, the country would accept
the Dauphin with enthusiasm...
...under a regency.
Under the regency
of the duke de Orlans, I suppose?
Why not, madame?
I am a power in Paris.
I have the confidence, yes, even
the disgusting affection, of the mob.
Monsieur, this is treason.
Madame, it is the truth.
Louis, will you permit me to request
the duke de Orlans to withdraw?
Then our truce fails?
Very well, madame.
You will lose your case.
The high court of parliament
will brand the queen of France...
...a loose and extravagant woman
who stoops to midnight rendezvous...
Get out!
Get out or I'll knock you down.
Get out.
Au revoir, Louis.
Take care that famous necklace
doesn't twist around your fat neck...
...and jerk you from the throne.
Madame, au revoir.
When a throne falls...
...princes are apt
to tumble with it, cousin.
I have just come from Paris,
Your Majesty.
There are vast crowds around
the courthouse. Intense excitement.
The trial of the prince de Rohan
may close at any moment...
...and the verdict give rise
to public demonstrations.
The lieutenant of police advises...
...against Your Majesty's appearance
at the opera tonight.
But the performance is for charity,
under my patronage.
- But, Your Majesty, there...
- Monsieur de Cosse.
I have given my word to attend,
and I must do so.
I wonder she dare show her face.
Justice! Justice is done!
The verdict! The verdict!
The prince de Rohan
is honorably acquitted!
Justice! De Rohan acquitted! Justice!
De Rohan acquitted!
One million, two hundred thousand francs
cost the necklace.
She plunders us. She robs.
She hangs our money
around her neck.
She should have a millstone
around her neck.
- And then into the water with her.
- Yes!
The queen hates the people.
Foreign soldiers are at Versailles.
Austrian soldiers to shoot us down.
Before that happens
we'll tear the Bastille down.
Have you proof?
If not, keep silent.
Hear the spy. "Proof."
He who asks for proof is a spy.
Friends, keep cool.
The law has prevailed today.
But this is only the beginning.
I am pleading your cause
in the assembly.
France will be freed.
"By order of the king.
We, Louis, by the grace of God,
King of France...
...hereby decree as follows:
The assembly is to close
its session at once...
...and is adjourned indefinitely."
- No.
- No!
Monsieur President!
Monsieur President!
Monsieur Mirabeau.
We are here
by the will of the people...
...and we shall stay here
until bayonets will drive us away!
- No, I tell you, no.
- But these are the dregs of Paris, sire.
The scum of the gutters,
10,000 strong.
Beasts that have tasted blood, sire.
I am not going to run.
What do you say, brother?
- Run and you'll lose your crown.
- Stay and you'll lose your head.
- You're on the wing.
- Your trunks are packed.
Liar. I don't turn tail before swine.
Be quiet. Be quiet, both of you.
It was a grave mistake
to dissolve the assembly.
It was not your wish, Louis.
Your ministers advised you to do so.
They thought it was for the best.
My dear, what should we do?
Haven't we troops to protect us?
No, no.
No bloodshed.
I won't have any bloodshed.
I can't answer for my men.
Their sympathies are with the mob.
If the king would review the troops, say
a few words. They're children, easily swayed.
- It's worth trying.
- You want me to talk?
Just a few simple words.
Say that you trust your children
to them.
That if there must be fighting
you'll be amongst them.
Won't you try? It's so important.
If we save today,
we may save everything.
- Will they listen?
- To you, yes.
You're their king.
The love and loyalty of centuries
can't be dead in them.
Try for our son's sake.
I'll try.
Present arms!
Men of the French army...
...we are told that...
We are told that they are coming.
I mean, naturally, the people.
My cause is that of us all...
...that of all good citizens.
We should make a good fight.
Don't you think?
Well, I thought...
That is, the queen thought...
...that I should speak a few words.
So I've spoken few words.
Back to your sty, pig!
Fight your own battles, fatty!
- Men...
- Your Majesty, I beg of you.
Go on back to the queen
where you belong!
They're fleeing! They're fleeing!
Here we are!
Ah, brother, traveling?
If they should be killed,
I should be king.
If you should be killed,
I should be king.
In these days, who knows?
Adieu, brother.
What, not gone yet?
I shan't be much help to you,
I know, but...
You have my permission to leave.
Your Majesty was good enough
to trust me...
...with the care of these children.
My place is here.
Threse, I want you to go.
I command you.
Please don't ask me to go.
I can't.
Oh, I know I'm helpless and stupid...
...but I can't go.
I'm sorry I'm such a coward.
It's a pity you're such a coward.
Affix bayonets!
Save yourself, sire.
The children.
Well, what's the matter with you?
There they are.
The fat pig himself.
And the foreigner.
Are you afraid of them?
- No!
- Well then, come on.
What are we waiting for?
Remember what Marat said.
They're starving us.
And hiring foreign troops
to shoot us down.
Come on!
Quiet, please, I'm going to talk!
I'm going to talk!
Is it sane for us to sit here...
...while the king and his family are torn
to pieces by maniacs?
What are they paying you?
Sit down!
Sit down!
We don't want to hear you!
Well, you shall hear me!
Do you think that I, Danton,
am pleading for the life of this clod...
...who has sat blind and deaf
to the agony of his people?
- Let him die!
- For shame!
When the time comes...
...l'll fling his head to you
with these hands.
Austria is arming,
and France is not ready.
The king and queen
are invaluable hostages.
And I say...
...we should send the National Guard
to protect them until such time.
The cap of liberty, Louis.
Put it on!
- Put it on!
- Louis.
Or I'll stick you
like I would any other pig.
You brutes.
You cowards!
Is this your liberty?
You'll be punished for this,
I promise you.
You'll be whipped
like the beasts that you are!
- Shut up!
- You mustn't do that.
It's not right.
You mustn't strike a woman.
It's cowardly.
Oh, you mustn't do that.
It isn't right.
People declare
the Tuileries Palace a prison.
The king and queen are held here.
Nobody gets out, nobody gets in.
No questions asked. Shoot to kill.
Would you follow me, madame?
A few steps only.
Someone is waiting.
Someone is waiting?
I was to give you this.
Is it...?
Is it he?
I'll come.
Down there, madame.
I must get back to my post.
Thank you.
I can...
I can hardly believe it.
It's been such a long time.
Such a long time.
But you haven't forgotten us?
No, madame.
But you're risking your life.
We're prisoners here.
We're not permitted friends.
You have friends who would be glad
to risk their lives, madame.
Why did you come?
To beg you to lay a plan of escape
before the king.
Escape? Is that possible?
There are risks, of course.
But you're in certain danger
if you remain.
The king must leave Paris.
He must escape to the border.
He'll be met
with the support of loyal troops.
- But how can this be done?
- I haven't time to explain now.
I've written complete details
of all the plans.
When you've mastered them,
burn the paper.
Here are passports made
for Madame de Korff...
A Russian... . her children, and servants.
But every exit of the palace is guarded.
How are we to leave?
For that we must depend
upon a friend outside.
He's stationed at one of the few exits
that has only a single guard.
That leads to the square,
where I shall be waiting with a coach.
And all this is planned for when?
For the night of June 20th.
- June the 20th.
- Time is vital, though.
A troop of hussars will wait
outside Varennes... escort you safely to the border.
But the delay, even of an hour,
might dislocate the entire plan.
If we failed, if we were taken...
We must not fail.
Must you go?
I must leave before the guard is changed
at midnight or I'll endanger our friend.
- You can trust this man?
- Yes, madame.
He is loyal?
Loyal and brave.
Loyal and brave.
A man of the people.
But one who would be proud... carry out a boast that many make
but few have the chance to fulfill.
- And that?
- To die gladly for the woman...
For the queen he worships.
Thank you.
I've changed, haven't I?
One must suffer to be so beautiful.
You're very kind.
May I have the ring?
You gave it to me, you know.
You've been so much in my thoughts
these last weeks.
I think I've known you would come.
- You promised to, you know.
- lf you needed me, I said.
Yes. You said that.
And I said I would ask you:
"Was it well done?"
It was well done.
My husband has needed me.
I am thankful not to have failed him.
I understand.
I even love him.
But the love I have for him
takes nothing from my friend.
Of all there was between us
the night you went away...
...nothing has changed.
For me nothing has changed,
or ever will.
Forgive me for telling you this
without asking you...
...if you have the right to hear it.
I have the right.
We knew each other
only for a few hours...
...and have been parted
for long years.
But the memory of you has always...
...will always, stand in the path
of any living woman.
Good night, madame.
- I want my sword.
- Hush, darling. Later.
But Mama said I could have my sword.
Hurry, sire, hurry. The gate to the alley.
- That is all, Louise.
- Good night, madame.
The drums again.
Something must have happened.
Will you go, please.
I'm so sorry, madame.
Madame seems nervous tonight.
Madame, hurry, something has happened.
- In a moment it may be too late.
- Have my children gone?
Yes, and the king.
Please, hurry, madame.
I won't be a moment.
What is it? What has happened?
I don't know,
but there may be rumors.
The guard is doubled,
we can't take chances.
Help me, please. My clothes,
in that wardrobe.
- Which wardrobe?
- Over in the corner of the room.
A grey wool dress and cloak,
and a small hat.
- I don't see them.
- Oh, but do look. Hurry.
A plain gray dress and a cloak
and hat to match.
- It must be there.
- There's nothing like it.
- A wrap with fur.
- I must look myself.
I'm sure I put them there.
Oh, where's my head?
I changed the place.
That woman, she was suspicious.
She's been watching me all day.
There they are.
Hat, there's the cloak.
Toulan, help me please.
I shall never be able
to get into this by myself.
I'm afraid it does up at the back.
Do you think
you could fasten it for me?
Oh, dear, oh, dear.
- I shall never be ready.
- With your permission, madame.
Just a hook here and there will do.
- Just stand still, madame.
- I'm sorry, Toulan.
I shall never forget your loyalty
and your kindness.
- Someday perhaps I shall be able...
- Your cloak, madame.
They're doubling the guard, madame.
In a moment
I shall have a companion.
- Do hurry, madame.
- I'm coming, Toulan.
Wait, madame.
Guard halt.
Private Dupres.
Forward march.
- Evening, comrade.
- Evening.
What's in the air, doubling the guard?
I don't know, unless...
Don't move. Don't speak.
All right, madame.
Thank you, Toulan.
The Austrian.
You know that I shall have to talk.
You will have no chance to talk
till the guard is changed.
- And that'll give them six hours' start.
- You know what this will mean for you?
I know, I know.
But it was worth it.
Your passports.
Party of five, bound for Montmedy.
Madame, her two children
and servants.
"Madame de Korff,
a Russian subject of...
For the border."
- Madame de Korff?
- I am Madame de Korff.
And these are your children?
Yes, monsieur.
Sophie Rochet?
Governess to my children.
Pass on.
I rely on you.
Yes, monsieur.
- We're at the crossroads, sire.
- Already?
I was to leave you here.
But I beg you
to exercise the greatest caution.
We shall drive with all speed.
Thank you, Count Fersen.
We shall not forget.
Goodbye, my friend.
We shall meet again.
God be with Your Majesties.
Louis, be careful,
don't show yourself.
- Oh, look, a smithy.
- Hush, dear.
Madame may like to have
some refreshment?
- I have a roast on the spit.
- Thank you, no.
- We should be on our way.
- Your horses are ready.
It will be 20 francs.
Twenty francs for the horses.
Oh, yes, I have to pay, don't I?
I'd like to be a smith.
Would you, young gentleman?
My father's a locksmith.
Hush, dear, hush.
Will you have them hurry, please?
Look alive there.
What's that? What does it mean?
It means,
"To live in freedom or to die."
You're on your way, citizens.
That man.
There was something sinister
about him.
Tell them to make speed.
I shan't rest until we reach the escort.
Ten o'clock and no sign of them.
A louis d'or.
One doesn't come by
a gold piece every day.
From the folks in the big carriage?
The boy said
his father was a locksmith.
A locksmith, that's a good one.
That little aristocrat.
A locksmith...
Guillaume, may I be hanged for a fool.
I let him get away.
The king, it was the king.
- I knew his face.
- King?
He was here, in the big carriage.
By heaven, the queen too,
and the children.
Are you mad?
Those hussars
who rode through here at dusk.
- I said they meant no good.
- An escort.
He is flying to the border
to come back with foreign troops.
And I let him go.
- We must follow him.
- But he has an hour's start.
- And which road has he taken?
- To Varennes.
The escort took the road to Varennes.
A postillion told me.
What could have delayed them?
Look. No, right over here
to the right.
Through the woods there.
A message, perhaps.
- We must be ready.
- Right.
- To horse.
- To horse!
Look, the escort.
Now I know it was the tyrant.
- What shall we do?
- Follow me, I'll show you.
- Colonel, the king.
- Your message, quick.
He is detained at Sainte-Menehould.
Three leagues back.
- Who are you?
- Drouet, postmaster.
Late of the king's dragoons.
Guillaume, my friend, I vouch for him.
The great coach stopped
to change horses.
- The king was seen.
- Go on, man.
Someone started to cry,
"It's the king!"
- The coach was surrounded...
- Attention! Force, right!
Go through the woods,
you cut three miles.
- Guillaume will lead you. Guillaume.
- Forward!
We're nearly there.
Are you sure? Let me see.
Here are the hills we've just left
and there are the woods...
...where they wait
to take us through Varennes.
Once we reach them, we're free.
How about a little kiss, young man.
Steady, I said a little one.
We must be there.
It's very still.
I see no escort.
What could have happened?
They have gone back
through the woods.
Their tracks are plain.
We can't go through the town
without them.
At this hour of the night,
it will be safe enough.
Drive on.
Please clear the way, we're in a hurry.
Yes, we know you are.
I'm Sauce, mayor of the town.
Let me see their passports.
Your passports?
Passports, Dupont.
I hope we shall not
be delayed, monsieur.
If the passports are in order,
you can proceed immediately.
- They say it's the king.
- It is the king.
- There's someone who'd know.
- Here?
Our priest was in the Versailles chapel.
Fetch him, bring him here.
Hurry, my friend, you can save France.
Your name, monsieur?
His name is Dupont, my steward.
He's got a tongue of his own,
hasn't he?
And you, madame?
Sophie Rochet,
governess to madame's children.
I see no reason
to detain these people.
Their papers are in order.
Papers can be forged.
- He's right.
- How are we to know?
I tell you, this is the king.
If you let him escape
to a foreign country...'ll be guilty of treason,
and you'll die for it.
Citizens, listen to me.
I've good reason to believe
the king is in this coach...
...bound for the border
and over the border, and why?
To join our enemies.
To lead foreign troops against France.
To take from us by force
the liberty we've fought for.
I say he shall not pass.
- But this man Dupont...
- Let the people see this man Dupont.
Let them see him.
If he's not the king, why should he
be afraid to show his face?
Ask him to get out of the coach.
He can't object to that.
Please step down a moment.
I regret, madame.
It will quiet the people.
Make way.
Back up, back up.
That fellow's the king? He's crazy.
Let me get a look at him.
Where's the man who said he was king?
That sweating pig is the king?
Then I'm Cleopatra.
Way, please, way.
Drouet has asked to see the father.
This way, Father, this way.
The priest will know.
Ask him to step down again,
your Dupont.
Monsieur, I regret.
Over there.
Wait a minute.
Why are we here?
This is a prison.
Take off your hat.
Louis Capet, wife and two children.
- Who is this woman?
- The so-called princess de Lamballe.
You will conduct her
to the prison of La Force.
My children.
Go to your mother.
Monsieur, it's not safe.
Won't you protect her?
Take them away.
Goodbye, Antoinette.
Follow me.
All right, go on, go on.
Are we gonna stay here?
Just for a little while, darling.
- What is it?
- Don't go, I'll look.
What is it, Louis?
- It's only the palace guards, don't look.
- Threse! Threse!
What are they doing to you, Threse?
My dear, I beg you not to look.
Let me go!
If the tree of liberty
must be watered by blood...
...then I say
blood must flow generously.
You tell me that enemies of liberty
perish in scores upon the scaffold.
But the symbol of monarchy
remains alive.
The symbol of restoration.
Citizens, in the name
of the republic...
...I demand the life
of that symbol, Louis Capet.
Citizen Marat.
Your vote.
Citizen LaRue.
Eternal justice forbids us
to condemn Louis Capet to death.
I vote for imprisonment.
Citizen Robespierre.
Citizen Orlans.
Citizen president...
...fellow citizens, I...
I can but ask myself why,
of all men in this convention... must be I who am placed
in this agonizing situation.
If I cast my vote
for the supreme penalty, why...
...I shall be responsible
for the death of my kinsman.
But if I vote for imprisonment...
...I shall be unfaithful
and shall betray the cause... which I am prepared
to sacrifice my own life... readily as the lives of others.
Citizen president...
...fellow citizens...
...I have searched my soul
and my conscience...
...and it is with anguish in my heart
that I must vote...
You're laying for four.
I was told to set a place
for your husband.
Will he have supper with us?
My dear.
Oh, it's so good to be together again.
Oh, the children will be so happy.
Why did they let you come?
Are you going to stay with us?
My dear, I thought they'd told you.
Come, we don't want any fuss,
do we?
The children.
Tomorrow, early.
My dear, you mustn't.
I'm not afraid, you know.
This is the hardest part.
Oh, no, no, no.
I can't believe it.
We've been together
quite a few years, haven't we?
You've been very good to me.
It's easy to be good to those we love.
I think you have loved me a little.
There's more than one way of love.
I have loved you, truly, deeply.
Believe me, dear.
Thank you.
I've been brought very low.
But I've had the love
of the finest woman in the world.
And tomorrow, I shan't be humbled.
- Papa. Sister, sister, Papa is here.
- Papa.
My son.
And my little mouse.
What, crying?
That's a nice way
to greet your father.
She's a silly, isn't she?
You're gonna stay with us,
aren't you, Father?
The whole evening.
- And play with us after supper?
- Yes, my son.
- That'll be fun.
- Darlings, come and sit down.
Supper is being served.
And I'm hungry.
I'm so glad you're going
to stay with us, Papa.
Look, my father has come
to have supper with us.
A chair for my father.
That's all right, son.
Onion soup.
Oh, I like that.
Did you hurt your little self?
Oh, Papa, wait till I show you.
Look, the general's lost his arm.
Poor old General Pulverschmecken.
What? What did you call him?
General Pulverschmecken.
Mama, did you hear that?
This is General Pulverschmecken.
Sister, that's
General Pulverschmecken.
- Can you mend him?
- Yes, I think so, son.
I shall need a bit of wire.
Let me take the old general
away with me...
...and I'll send him back
to you in the morning.
Can't you bring him back yourself?
Maybe, son.
Who knows?
Now, I'll put the old general
in my pocket.
There, you see?
He's as snug as you please.
Come along,
we're letting the soup get cold.
Oh, Lord, our heavenly father,
we thank thee for the blessings...
...that thou, in thy infinite
goodness and mercy...
...have seen fit to bestow upon us,
thy humble servants.
We ask thee to guard
and keep us steadfast... the ways of righteousness
until the end of our days...
...and then to receive us
into the eternal glory of thy grace.
- Mama.
- Mama.
- Mama.
- What is it?
These things belonged
to your husband.
He asked me to bring them to you.
Not that it's any of my business.
General Pulverschmecken.
Papa mended him.
Look, sister, Papa mended him.
Old General Pulverschmecken.
Old General Pulverschmecken.
I have here an order of the house...
...authorizing me to remove
the late Capet's son...
...from the custody of his mother.
What did you say?
The convention's voted
to take your son away from you.
We've come to fetch him.
You mean you're going to take
my little boy away from me?
You can't mean that.
Not today,
when you've taken his father.
You have children yourselves.
Perhaps you have hearts,
you're not merciless.
Mama, don't let them take me,
I don't wanna go.
No, darling, no.
You shan't go. They shan't take you.
- Mama, please.
- Charles, don't be frightened.
It's all right, mother won't let you go.
Sorry, but the assembly
gave us orders.
- . We must carry them out.
- Let them go!
- Let go!
- Mama!
Mama, mama!
Don't think I'd let you have my son!
Go back to the fiends that sent you.
Tell them I won't give up my child!
Never, never, never
while I have breath in my body!
Come, madame, all this is useless.
We won't harm the child.
Why won't you be sensible
and let him go quietly, since he must go?
But not today.
Surely you won't take him today.
Have pity, there's no one else to help.
Plead for me.
Surely you can make them understand.
Just not today.
Give me a little time,
I'll be braver then.
Just a little time, but not today,
not now.
Madame, we have our orders.
The child will be well enough.
Let him go,
or the guards will take him.
Don't let me go...
Let him go, madame.
You're distressing him uselessly.
Calm yourself for his sake.
Don't cry, darling.
Don't cry.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
Mother's a great crybaby,
isn't she?
But you are a man.
You have to be very brave.
Sister will get your coat and hat.
And these gentlemen
will be very kind to you, I'm sure.
Won't you?
And soon we'll all...
Soon we'll be together again.
Stand up, dear.
Okay, darling.
Say goodbye to your sister.
May God take care of you, my baby.
Yes, yes.
We're ready, aren't we, dear?
Goodbye, Mama.
Mama, mama!
You are Jean Laporte,
journalist from Marseille?
Passport in order. Pass on.
And these, Your Excellency?
Stay where you are.
There's someone on the terrace.
Fersen, in heaven's name.
Why did you come? It's death.
There's a warrant out for your arrest.
Were you seen? Watch the door.
If you were found,
you'd be torn to pieces.
Here, in this room, I told her
how as a boy I'd dreamed...
Why are you here?
There's no hope abroad,
no help from Austria, none from Europe.
But here. Here there must be a way,
with money, with audacity.
Audacity? Man, people are crazed
with fear.
- The scum.
- No one is safe.
Your enemy drops a slip of paper
into a box tonight...
...and tomorrow you're on your way
to the guillotine.
The leaders
are at each other's throats.
Yesterday, the citizen Orlans
was arrested.
Adored Philippe galit.
He'll go to the scaffold.
That is good to hear.
Tomorrow, Danton will follow him.
It's chaos.
All that is good, I tell you.
In a mad world, one can do a mad act
and win with it.
But you must help me.
You, her friend, her countryman.
We must act, rally our friends, bribe.
I have money. Devise a plan.
Fersen, the woman in the Conciergerie
is not the woman you remember.
I've loved her since she was a child.
But if it were in my power
to save her life, I wouldn't lift my hand.
Nothing has been spared her, nothing.
- Her own son...
- The child?
They brought him into court today.
She seemed to live again
at the sight of him.
Into court?
They put into his mouth
the foulest charge...
...a child could bring
against his mother.
I saw her heart break.
You saw her? Where?
She was brought to trial three days ago,
convicted less than an hour since.
She'll be executed in the morning.
I am Count Fersen, who planned
the escape of the royal family.
I came to Paris with a plan
to rescue the queen.
I was too late. I am here to surrender.
Why? Why do you tell me this?
Isn't there blood enough shed,
that I should want yours?
I'm asking a kindness of you...
...for which I'll exchange
everything I posses. My life.
- Let me speak to the queen.
- Are you insane?
For months she has waited
in darkness and silence...
...without a sign
that any friend remembered.
And now she is alone, waiting to die,
without a friendly hand, a word of pity.
You have my sympathy, monsieur.
I have forgotten your name.
Give me 10 minutes
to tell her she's not forgotten.
- Impossible.
- Ten minutes, five, a moment.
Is there no mercy for the dying?
A word, a look,
in exchange for my life.
Is it time?
I hardly knew you.
My eyes, you know.
It's been so dark here.
It isn't that I've forgotten, you know.
I just feel so little now.
So little.
He looked so small in that big chair...
...whispering the lies they'd told him.
When he's older... you think
he'll know I understood?
If he remembers, he will know.
You mustn't feel badly, I...
I don't think I'll be afraid.
It's quick, they say.
Don't be sad.
Don't be sad, my darling. We...
We will never say goodbye.
- Oh, Marie.
- We...
We just have to leave each other
for a little while, that's all.
- Austrian!
- Shut up!
Oh, Mama, think of it.
I shall be queen.
I shall be queen of France.