No Way Out (1987) Movie Script

No more.
Is that supposed
to scare me?
- Don't be a wiseass!
- Just take it easy.
Commander Farrell's trying
to lay it out for us.
Why don't you two guys
just knock it off.
How did you actually meet
the Secretary of Defense?
I was introduced to him by Pritchard.
I met him when I was in college.
- Pritchard?
- Yeah, Scott Pritchard!
General Counsel for
the Secretary of Defense.
You got it? Is that good enough?
Look, you know this already.
When's he gonna come
out from behind here?
- Yes, sir.
- Got it.
Good evening, sir.
Get that limo out of here.
- Hi.
- Move that car.
Thank you.
Lucky it's not a bullshit detector
or else none of us would get in.
- How are you, Scott?
- Hi, Tom. How are you?
- Fine.
- You look great.
Thank you. Thank you.
And thank you for the invitation.
I'm not used to hanging
out in places like this.
But I suspect you'd like to.
I take it you'd like to join our staff.
That was the purpose
of the note, wasn't it?
Well it wasn't a note,
it was a Christmas card.
And as I recall, the message was:
"Merry Christmas. "
Yes, thank you very much.
David, Scott is here.
Come on. I want to introduce
you to someone.
- Hello.
- Scott, how nice to see you.
- Nice to see you.
- Thank you.
- Scott, how are you?
- Hello.
Secretary Bryce, this is Commander
Farrell, the officer I mentioned.
You'll recall he's had experience on
the joint staff and naval intelligence.
Pleased to meet you, sir.
Everyone I know is looking forward to
serving under you for another term.
You must have a very
limited acquaintanceship.
- Tom and I were in college together.
- Good.
He has great warmth.
- He's a genius.
- Oh?
The normal rules don't apply.
You know, some people think
you're really the brains.
Do they?
Is that supposed to flatter me?
He's the most extraordinary
person I've ever met in my life.
If it came to it,
I'd lay down my life for him.
Is that a job requirement?
Ladies and gentlemen,
it certainly was fantastic having
the President here this evening.
And I'm sure you'll all agree we can
look forward to a fine four years.
So let's continue to keep our inaugural
hair down with some more music.
Let's do it right now.
All right? Come on.
All right.
If you want to look down my dress,
you should grow a few inches.
- Wanna dance?
- The twist? No, thank you.
Well, we don't
have to twist.
- No meant no.
- "No" wasn't a figure of speech?
- You're pretty impressed with me.
- No.
Yes, you are.
Stoli, straight up.
So I was impressed.
- Yeah. Want a drink?
- Same.
Make it two.
You one of them?
- One of who?
- These hypocrites, all fat and shiny
gearing up for another four years
of ramming it to the rest of us.
- Are you one of them?
- No.
I'll bet you are.
You're pretty cynical.
Adequate to the occasion.
We have a potential nausea
situation building here.
- Let's get out of here.
- My date's not gonna like that much.
But what the hell.
His wife will be delighted.
Is this something
we should talk about?
- Where would you like to go?
- Show us the monuments.
- What's your name?
- Bill.
How you doing, Bill?
You wanna shut the slide?
- Sure.
- Sorry, Bill.
My name's Tom.
I'm Susan.
We're here.
- Is this your apartment?
- No, no.
I have a key to my apartment.
- It better be good.
- We need your bed.
Nina, Tom. Tom, Nina.
There's a limousine downstairs, okay.
There's booze in my pantry,
the refrigerator's full of food.
Susan, why don't you
go to your own place?
Because it's just one of those things.
Be a friend, alright?
If anybody calls, then just tell them
I died or that I'm asleep, all right?
- He won't call.
- I'll think of something.
- Here are the keys to my apartment.
- I gotta change.
Everything you need is in the
back seat of the car, okay?
- You didn't do it.
- Hey, now, you better beat it
before I get arrested.
- Bye, Nina.
- Oh, nice meeting you, Tom.
Nice to meet you, Nina.
Move it.
- Get it out of here.
- Okay, asshole.
Hey, come on folks.
Hey, come on, break it up.
I gotta make a living.
Can we move it along?
The white zone is for loading
and unloading passengers only.
No parking.
Take care of yourself.
Send postcards from
exotic ports of call.
That's what you call them, isn't it?
Exotic ports of call?
A port's a port.
You're exotic.
Morning, Tommy. A little bit
early to be relieving me.
Well, I felt our motion change.
- Have we set a forward lookout in this?
- Yeah. Standing orders.
Maybe you should inform the captain
that the foredeck's shipping water.
Right. Do you wanna be the
one to wake him up?
The fleet radioed,
we got a Russian sub out there.
We're supposed to catch
up and stay with it.
Great. Give us a chance to
try out the depth charges.
Yeah, that'll be the day.
The last one.
Forward watch is down!
Forward watch is down, sir!
Forward watch is down!
He's gonna be swept over, sir!
- Get the spot on him.
- Aye, sir.
- Where is he?
- There he is, there!
Hold on!
Has he got a safety line on?
Sound the rescue party!
Sound the rescue party now!
Send the special rescue detail.
Forward lookout down.
Tommy, come back,
wait for the rescue party!
Send the special rescue detail.
Forward lookout down.
Help me!
Tommy, you don't have
a safety line on!
- Keep the light on him.
- I'm trying, sir!
Keep the light on him!
- It's too windy, sir!
- Hold on!
Don't let him out of your sight.
Help me.
He's got him.
He's got him!
- We got him!
- Great!
You've seen the leak
on the budget cuts?
I've read the papers.
You're late.
- I was caught in traffic.
- You should allow for that. I do.
I've redlined the relevant sections
and my synopsis is at the end.
Order breakfast. It's the most
important meal of the day.
You should take
better care of yourself.
- Menu, sir.
- Five years, 2 billion dollars.
Gulf maritime can't even
get the prototype to float.
The phantom sub is a sinkhole.
I'm not putting another dime into it.
You're right, of course.
But what about the Armed
Services Committee? Duvall?
One thing I'm looking forward
to in this next four years
is putting that fraud
Duvall in his place.
He's right back there.
I know.
Let's go.
Oh, hi.
Mr. Secretary Brice.
Good morning.
- Senator, how are you?
- Mr. Secretary.
We've just been having a little
discussion here about that piece
on the budget in the paper.
- Did you read it, sir?
- No, I haven't read the papers.
- Scott was mentioning it.
- Mr. Pritchard.
Where in heaven's name
do they get their information?
And that idea about cutting
back on the phantom sub?
It's essentially groundless.
As a matter of fact, we were just
going over our options on that.
Talking to Mr. Marshall here,
he tells me those Soviets
are doing things with submarines
that will turn your hair white.
Senator, you can rest assured I have
no intention of making a decision
on this without consulting
you first. Good day.
Good day, senator.
You believe that?
The car, please.
That business with Marshall,
he was telling us that if we fight him,
he'll have the CIA on his side.
Of course. He pushed
Marshall for the directorship.
Scott, I'm sorry. Sometimes I'm
short with you, I apologize.
- That's not necessary.
- Several months ago you introduced
me to a friend of yours.
An officer. Uh...
- Commander Farrell?
- Right.
I understand he has a
background in intelligence?
He has two tours
with naval intelligence.
We could use a hero.
Get him here, will you?
- His ship's in Manila.
- Just do it, please.
No, no, no. You want...
Come here. You want a real hero.
- You know you want to do it!
- Come on.
- Try to remember you're an officer.
- You're making it hard on me.
You're making it hard on me.
They're gonna be there all day.
- You know what I'm talking about, man.
- What's that?
- You deserve the damn medal.
- I carry?
If you jump me for promotion,
I'll kill you.
I'll kill your family,
I'll kill your pig.
- I carry.
- What? You carry me?
- No, I speak Filipino. Beat it, kid.
- He's gotta make a living. Don't run.
He's gonna run.
If you run, I knock dog
doo doo out of you.
He's running!
John, forget it!
No, let him go.
Let him go.
So what? He's got a toothbrush,
a pair of skivvies. So what?
So, what do we do now?
I don't know. I thought
I'd go buy some ashtrays
and take in some of
the local folk dancing.
- Folk dancing?
- Yeah, folk dancing.
No, person-to-person.
You know, when you only pay
if you talk to the person?
Shut up! Just shut up!
No, not you.
- Groovy!
- No, I will pay.
- First, I have to know if she's there.
- One, two, three, yeah!
If I'm going to count out a million pesos,
I need to know if she's there.
That's my money. That's my money.
Go get it. Go get it.
No, no, I'm not joking.
I'm an American.
Yes. Connect. I'll take it.
I'm putting my money in now.
Hello, Susan?
Was I just...?
Was I just disconnected?
Why? Why?
I'm gonna show them
how an American
plants the flag in a
foreign fucking land!
Can I get a beer, please?
I'd like another beer.
Wild thing!
You're beautiful.
- Hey, thanks.
- Keep it. Thank you.
Hello, Tom!
Welcome back.
I have some mail for you.
Come in. Come in.
The Philippines a romantic place, huh?
I painted a new painting.
Christmas in New England.
It's beautiful.
You really like it?
Well, it's unfinished.
Will you be with
us for a while?
Yes, I'll be working in the
Pentagon again. Thank you.
Great, wonderful. It's always
a pleasure to have you back.
Oh, my God!
The Ancient Mariner.
Not so ancient.
I'm wasted!
I can see.
Wow, I'm so happy
to see you!
When did you get back?
Why didn't you call me?
- I did call you.
- I wrote you.
You did?
Yeah, but I'm semiliterate,
so it was wastebasket time.
If you caught gonorrhea,
I'll kill you.
I'm wearing too
many clothes.
It doesn't feel like you're
wearing anything.
Talk about feeling like
it's not wearing anything.
- Oh. Oh, you're gonna blush.
- You are a very bad girl.
Hold it.
I mean the blush.
God, I'm so embarrassed.
What are you doing?
- I want to get a picture of this.
- No, no pictures!
Naval hero blushes.
Come on, Farrell. You're proud.
No, I'm not proud.
I'm serious.
- Don't take a picture of me, please.
- Come on.
- Give me that.
- You jiggled the camera.
You pervert.
I think I did this
way too early.
It looks like a baboon
in a closet at midnight.
Good morning, Mr. Pritchard.
Go right in.
- May I take your hat, sir?
- Thank you.
- Glad to have you with us.
- It's nice to be here. Thank you, sir.
Scott has a very
high opinion of you.
- Are you familiar with
your new duties? - No, sir.
Well then, this meeting
is premature, isn't it?
Tom only arrived in
Washington yesterday, sir.
Well, since you're here.
As my assistant, you'll function
as liaison, under Scott's supervision
between this office and
the intelligence community.
Calling that collection of piranhas a
"community" is one of life's ironies.
You'll meet regularly with a
representative from each of the agencies.
For now, I am primarily
concerned with the CIA.
- Sir? - Are you aware of
the phantom submarine?
- Yes, sir.
- Have a seat.
Thank you.
The phantom submarine is
supposed to be invisible to sonar.
Naturally the builder's
first instinct...
I should say his second instinct.
His first being to get his snout
as deeply as possible
into the public trough.
They want to build a submarine roughly
the size of an aircraft carrier.
The Russians won't
need sonar to find it,
they'll just see this huge
bulge out in the ocean.
It's my plan to
terminate this program.
There's gonna be considerable
congressional resistance
principally from Senator Duvall.
Excuse me. Scott.
What's worrying is
his connection to the CIA.
We can expect them to feed
him with inflated estimates
of Soviet research in the field.
In order to counter him,
we'll have to have access
to the same information.
Not some self-serving gloss,
but the raw data that they
base their conclusions on.
- Your job is to get it.
- Yes, sir.
But raw data from the CIA.
My experience...
They'll either give
it to us or they won't.
If they do,
it will prove I'm correct.
If they do not, I will use that fact
against them with the President.
You realize, of course,
I'm speaking in complete candor.
Yes, sir.
Senator Duvall.
Senator Duvall is motivated
by this absurd lust... Sit down.
This absurd lust for power.
This would be comic if it wasn't
so damn dangerous.
Marshall at the CIA is his...
You, as a career officer, are above
this kind of political unpleasantness.
- That's why I chose you.
- Yes, sir.
Now you go with Scott and acquaint
yourself with the background material.
Yes, sir.
let's cut the protocol.
In the absence of a demurral,
I'll assume all your responses
are in the affirmative.
Lorraine, get my wife
on the phone, please.
I think he likes you.
this is the situation room.
And right this way, sir,
is the computer center.
Did I mention, sir, I am very
pleased to be working for you?
This is a Sperry 90/80, and all
the terminals in this room are for it.
It interfaces with the IBM 370s
at NSA headquarters in Fort Meade.
Principally it works programs
for Comsec, SIGIN the personnel command,
the Bureau of Alcohol and Fire...
I get your gist.
That's Dr. Hesselman,
the systems analyst.
- Let me introduce you...
- I know who it is. Sam Hesselman.
It's good to see you.
Why didn't you call me
when you got into town?
- I don't know. Why didn't we call?
- Sir?
It's good to see you, Tom.
You look great.
Come on in the office.
- Mr. Fox, take a break.
- Yes, sir.
Are you back for good?
I don't know about "for good,"
but I'm stationed here again.
How the hell are you?
Can't complain.
- Helen and the kids asked
about you. - Good.
The kids loved the ashtray.
They didn't know
a donkey could do that.
Come on.
Tom, this is Kevin O'Brien.
CIA. I've explained that
you're taking over liaison.
Kevin will be your contact.
It's good to meet you, Farrell.
If there's anything I can do to
help you settle in, let me know.
Right now I'm just getting my
feet wet, trying to catch up.
I assumed that
because you didn't
want to wait until
the regular meeting...
I'm certain there are questions
that Commander Farrell must have.
No, I'm not sufficiently
prepared to ask anything.
I wouldn't want to
waste your time.
Well then, gentlemen,
if you'll excuse me.
You know, maybe there
is one thing, Kevin.
The Secretary asked me to help
him prepare for the NATO meeting
and I'd like to familiarize myself
with Russian intelligence estimates.
We submit a report on
the first of the month.
It'd be a big help if you could
send what you have as of now.
Sure, I'll have them put
something together for you.
- Thanks. I'd appreciate it very much.
- Don't mention it.
That was deftly handled.
For a moment there, I thought...
Just trying to be subtle.
That's my job, isn't it?
- What is this, a present?
- Yeah.
- He gave it to me.
- He did?
He has expensive taste,
this guy.
Didn't cost anything.
Some foreign minister
gave it to him.
So in other words,
we're dealing here with a guy
foreign ministers
give presents to?
Don't start that stuff.
I didn't say anything.
You don't have
to say anything.
You never say a word.
Well, I thought
I wasn't supposed to.
You know what I mean.
You get that wounded,
disapproving look on your face.
Ask me a question,
I'll answer it.
It's David Brice,
Secretary of Defense. Satisfied?
You know I work for Brice?
Then that makes two of us.
- Did you take care of everything?
- Yes.
I'm supposed to pick Miss Atwell
up at 8:00, if she remembers.
- You don't approve of Susan, do you?
- Sir?
She's a very bright
and exciting woman.
Can't you understand that?
Not exactly, I guess.
All right.
I'm a pain in the ass.
But this one can do things for me
like no other woman I've ever met.
It's the only other
thing worth living for.
Goddamn, what is the
big deal about tonight?
He likes to see me in public.
So, what does he get,
a secret hard-on?
Try and understand.
- I'll call you later tonight.
- I'll wait by the phone.
- Hello, Scott.
- Hello, Miss Atwell.
- Two white wines, please.
- Mr. Brice.
Mr. Marshall and I have been having
a little debate on government service.
Now, I claim that the fellow
with the appointed job
well, he sort of comes
and he goes at the pleasure
of this or that administration.
He sort of blows in the wind.
Whereas, the elected official,
well, he serves the people directly.
He has to be more responsible.
What do you think,
Mr. Secretary?
Senator Duvall,
I think it's getting very late.
- Oh, yes. Thanks.
- Thank you.
Who's that man licking Duvall's ear?
I recognize him.
I would hope so. That's Marshall.
He's the director of the CIA.
You would hope so.
No, thank you.
- So nice you could make it.
- Thank you, sir.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen.
It's very good of you to come and
help us celebrate our national day.
After all, we're a small country,
far away.
We've got a little entertainment
for you this evening
which I'm sure you're
going to enjoy.
I'll be right back.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You're going away?
- Just for the weekend.
- Perhaps a romantic interlude, yes?
If I intrude on your privacy,
for this I am sorry.
It's not just a job,
it's an adventure.
What are you eating?
- You're eating bugs?
- I gotta have another one.
- Here you go.
- That is really disgusting.
I love Tom Farrell!
Yes, I do! Yes, I do!
Yes, I do!
Hold on!
Thank you.
Thank you very much, sir.
I want you to take
care of us, okay?
I will.
You guys newlyweds?
- You can go.
- Thank you.
You're beautiful.
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith?
- A romantic gesture.
How very original.
I spelled it with a Y.
- Hi.
- Hey, there.
We want to rent a boat.
Twenty bucks an hour.
Take your pick.
That's all right, but we don't
want a plastic toy.
We want something like this.
- No, no.
- Why not?
That's my boss's boat.
It ain't for rent.
Well, I want it.
Don't do this.
You're bad. Listen, do you really
know what you're doing?
I mean, it's gusting like a son
of a bitch out there. One more.
God, I wish the Navy
were still like this.
Let's get ready,
we'll come about.
- Give me a kiss.
- Okay, hold the fort.
We're gonna come over here.
Let me get it off.
- Ready?
- No, not yet.
- Okay, whenever you are.
- Okay, I'm ready.
- Say, "Helms alee. "
- Helms alee!
Very tight.
Oh, hi, Nina.
Tom and I just got
back this minute.
Can I call you later?
Well, it didn't take
him long, did it?
That was Nina, so don't.
Don't what?
Oh, no.
Tom, David's here.
Oh, my God.
I'm begging you, please.
Just go now, out the back door.
I'm sorry.
When I go, it'll be
through the front door.
As a favor to me,
just this one time.
Please go!
I promise I'll work everything out.
All right?
Tom, please!
Why don't you fucking go down
and beg him not to come in?
You want me to say it?
I'll say it.
Tom. I'll leave him.
I promise, I will.
I'll leave him.
I love you.
You've been out of town.
And you have
a pleasant flush.
- I got some sun.
- Oh, how nice.
- With whom did you get this sun?
- What?
What? I said, who were
you with this weekend?
I find that hard to believe,
that you'd go away completely alone.
I didn't say I was
completely alone.
I think you said you
weren't with anybody.
I mean, nobody you know.
I know a great many people.
How can you be certain
it's somebody I don't know?
You want a drink?
He's a man I know.
It's of no importance.
I'm sure it's of no importance
to you whom you sleep with
but it's of considerable
importance to me!
Why worry?
There's plenty left.
Get out of here, you bastard! Get out!
I'm calling the police. Get out!
I wanna know who it was.
Listen, goddamn it!
I pay the rent here.
Get out of here!
All right, wait.
Wait a minute.
I'm sorry I slapped you,
all right?
- No! Damn it!
- Listen!
- You tell me...
- No!
- You tell me who it is!
- He's not a pig like you!
David, what's the matter?
I think I killed Susan.
- What happened?
- I killed her.
I needed somebody to talk
to before I go to the police.
Sit down.
Sit down.
It was an accident.
I didn't mean to.
She was with some man,
and I just must've gone crazy.
The man was there?
He saw you?
He saw me go in, yeah.
Who is he?
It was dark.
Then maybe he
didn't see you.
I parked my car.
I stood under the light.
He saw me.
He saw me.
Hi. I can't come to
the phone right now
but when you hear the beep,
tell me everything.
- Did she ever photograph you?
- No.
This is the negative
side of a Polaroid.
I found it under the bed.
Are you absolutely certain?
I'm certain.
I'm not that big a fool.
Then we have to find
the man who saw you.
What if the search for this man
was of vital national security?
A secret operation
that we could control.
It won't hold up to scrutiny.
We'll invent an excuse for the
search that can be justified.
The important thing is to abort
an investigation of Susan's death
before it ever gets to you.
No. It's a house of cards.
There is no Yuri.
It doesn't matter.
All the intelligence agencies
believe that there's a mole
in the defense department.
You know the theory.
That Yuri was sent here by
the KGB while he was in his teens
and for all intents and purposes,
he can pass as an American.
Scott, they've been talking
about that for four years.
It's the CIA's wet dream.
There's never been
a shred of evidence.
But now there is.
He was the man who spent
the weekend with Susan.
He was the man
who killed her.
Lorraine, will you ask CID
to get all the material on Yuri
and bring it in to the Secretary
as soon as possible? Thank you.
- I don't think we can bring this off.
- You can.
Excuse me.
- Good morning, Major.
- Morning.
Thank you.
If military intelligence can catch this
KGB agent without outside assistance
it will measurably strengthen
us against the CIA. Thank you.
You understand that this
has to move like lightning.
We have to finish before anyone
gets on to what we're doing.
I want you to assume
control of the investigation.
Responsibility is consonant
with your office.
I have implicit trust in you
to keep this under wraps.
You're to report to me or
to Secretary Brice only.
- I plan to remain here around the clock.
- What do the Washington police know?
They haven't been informed. CID
has taken the body to Fort Meade.
If we go looking for a
Russian spy without
the FBI or the CIA in on it,
it's gonna raise hell.
That's my problem.
Well what do we have
on the dead woman?
It's through Yuri's
association with
this woman that we'll
be able to find him.
Here's everything we know
about her for the moment.
It looks like he spent the
weekend with her somewhere.
Then he brought her home and killed
her sometime around midnight.
I'm counting on it
not being too hard
to find out
where they'd been.
I'm certain the investigation
will develop more material
Will you excuse me?
Commander Farrell,
are we boring you?
No, sir.
May I?
We can't even convince our
own people for Christ sake.
It's all right.
Get Donovan in here.
Commander, if you please!
This is Major Donovan of the
Criminal Investigation Division.
His men will be conducting the
investigation subject to your orders.
We're set up down in the
situation room, commander.
We have to have
a front man.
- They're autopsying the body now.
- I wanna see her apartment.
I don't think that
will be necessary.
You may not think it's necessary,
but I want to see it.
- They're autopsying the body now.
- Good.
- Scott, I wanna see her apartment.
- Mr. Pritchard...
The CID men
will do a better job.
It's more important
that you remain here.
I've got half a dozen men checking
for physical evidence right now.
- The print people are just back.
- What did they find?
Fragments of smudge.
The place was clean.
You don't mind my asking,
what's going on?
A matter of the
utmost importance.
What is this?
We're checking phone calls
made over the past week,
to see if the Atwell woman's
number comes up.
There's gotta be millions.
We interface with the
phone company's computers.
We're monitoring every call
made in a 50-mile radius.
We're checking gas station,
restaurant and hotel credit card receipts.
- Who is this bimbo anyway?
- She's dead.
One billfold.
This is the evidence
from her house?
Yes, sir.
One box of candy mints.
Got one brown hairbrush.
Commander Farrell
is on his way in,
and we should have a report on
the house-to-house pretty soon.
- What's this?
- Polaroid negatives.
- I can't make anything out.
- Excuse me.
If there's still any
silver on the emulsion,
we may be able to
bring out the picture.
Excuse me. Sergeant, get this
right over to the photo lab, huh?
- Sir. Commander.
- Yes?
Mr. O'Brien's waiting for
you in your office.
That's right, we made an appointment
to go over the CIA report.
- Just cancel it.
- If we do, he'll go away suspicious.
That's true.
Hello. I'll be in
Commander Farrell's office
could you call me
in five minutes?
Sorry it took so long.
- This is the official estimate.
- It's an advance copy.
I thought that was
what you wanted.
Pritchard here.
Yes, of course. I'm sorry,
I'm wanted in the Secretary's office.
I suggest that we
reschedule this meeting.
Perhaps Commander Farrell
and I could continue.
- Commander Farrell...
- That would be satisfactory.
We're both requested at
the Secretary's meeting.
I'm afraid we really must stop.
Kevin, I was wondering if you might
help me in the counterespionage area.
Tom, we'd better
get to that meeting.
Commander, when you get
more time, you give me a call.
I can be reached
24 hours a day.
What was that supposed to be?
I thought I might get something
out of him about Yuri.
What we have will be
quite sufficient.
I want you to arrange that all
outgoing calls are monitored.
All calls?
Don't worry,
Brice's lines are safe.
- I'll see to it.
- Do it now.
- What's that?
- Autopsy report.
She died of a broken neck.
Here's a list of her stomach contents.
What the hell for?
There are different chemical
pollutants in food.
There's a chance we might pin
down where she ate her last day.
I want you to stay close
to the center of things,
but you're to do nothing
until you're instructed by me.
- Who are these goons?
- They're associated with Special Forces.
I don't understand what that means.
What's that mean, "Associated"?
That means exactly what I said.
They were formerly in Special Forces
and now that are associated.
Honduras? El Salvador?
- Somewhere down there.
- Were you with the death squads?
They were with the
death squads there.
- It's possible.
- In other words they're assassins.
You needn't concern yourself.
They work for me now.
Leave us, please!
You haven't told
me everything.
The Atwell woman knew Brice.
She was his mistress.
Naturally, Brice had no idea of her
connection with a Soviet agent.
We only found out last night,
after the murder.
Well then Brice is in
an impossible situation.
We should just call in the FBI.
Don't be an idiot.
Do you realize the magnitude
of the scandal?
The Secretary of Defense
and a Soviet agent
sharing the favors
of a murdered whore.
David might even be
a suspect in the killing.
Yeah, well I think that's
something to consider.
It isn't speculation, Tom.
Brice was with me in my apartment
at the time of the murder.
He couldn't possibly
have done it.
Fine, fine, then let's call in the FBI
and let Brice take his chances.
That decision is not yours to make.
What we will do is catch this Yuri
ourselves before anyone
knows what's happened.
After we've got him,
we'll handle the rest of it.
You mean the
gentlemen in the next room.
The man we're after is
a spy and a murderer.
Would anyone deny
that justice had been done?
Yeah, I would.
Well we shall have that discussion
at the appropriate time, but for now
I expect you to
follow direct orders
and I expect you to
demonstrate the personal loyalty
to which both the Secretary
and I have every right.
- You expect a lot.
- I depend on you. We're friends.
And, Tom, if it were
your intention to do
anything to bring
down David Brice
then I'd have no choice but to make
sure that you didn't get away with it.
- Thank you for the warning.
- I'm quite certain it's unnecessary.
When you calm down,
you'll see that we're following
the only possible course.
I gave them the estimates.
They couldn't have cared less.
Get me Senator Duvall.
What's all this
top-secret business
I've been hearing about
over at the Pentagon?
Here's what we do have.
CID is running a phone check.
They're looking for all calls
placed to a Susan Atwell.
Who is she?
She's in the morgue at Fort Meade.
She was murdered last night.
- We know anything about it?
- Get ready for this.
We think she's either David Brice's
or Scott Pritchard's mistress.
She was seen
with both of them.
It didn't seem a
high-priority matter
so my people have been
a little lax in following it up.
Well, spilt milk, and you can forget
about Pritchard. He's homosexual.
I'll be damned.
So will he, if you believe the
Old Testament. Who killed her?
We don't know. They got CID
believing they're searching for Yuri.
Don't tell me anybody
swallowed that.
That poor son of a bitch Brice.
You know,
I almost feel sorry for him.
- Who's running this at the Pentagon?
- The new boy, Farrell.
So he can take the fall in
case anything goes wrong.
This morning, he looked like a man
who'd like to have a heart-to-heart.
Senator Duvall.
Listen Billy, I've been hearing
some very disturbing news
about the phantom sub.
I tried to talk to the
President about NATO.
All he wanted to talk about
was the phantom submarine.
Why the crunch on that has come now,
of all times, is beyond me.
We'll just have to handle it.
You got me handling a
hell of a lot, haven't you?
line two, the other phone.
I'll call you back.
I'll be right down.
They want me in
the computer center.
I'll go with you.
Oh, yeah, by all means,
go with him.
What is it, Sam?
Photo lab said there's
no more image
they can get out
of this Polaroid.
Damn, too much to hope for.
We'll just have to forget it.
Maybe not. There's something
I want to show you.
Now, this is as bad
as your Polaroid, right?
Now watch. This is a training tape.
I'm speeding it up.
The original picture is
broken down into pixels.
That's the smallest element
on the emulsion.
Sort of an atom
of the picture.
This is the good part.
The computer just asks itself:
What would be next to what
if we played with the pixels?
That's all there is to it?
We have to keep on top of the computer.
Computers don't think.
For example, if we had
programmed this to
come out a car
instead of a monkey
well, right now, you'd be
looking at a hairy Buick.
All right, then we'll just
get started on it.
Wait a minute.
It takes billions of calculations.
The whole process may take 12
hours or it may take a week.
Well, that's too long.
Perhaps you can get what you
need from the work in progress.
We'll be watching it
right on this screen.
We've got our first phone number,
it's listed to a Nina Beka.
She called last night about
the time of the murder.
- I better see her.
- I was just about to send my men.
Are you Miss Nina Beka?
I'm Commander Farrell,
Miss Beka.
This is Mr. Scott Pritchard,
general counsel to the
Secretary of Defense.
May we come in?
Please, do come in.
I'm afraid that we have
some bad news for you.
A woman named
Susan Atwell is dead.
She was a friend of yours?
Yes, she is.
In what way were
you acquainted?
You see, I work at Shalini's
Boutique in the pavilion.
She used to come
in there sometimes.
We'd like you to tell us as
much about her as possible.
We think she was killed by
a man she'd been seeing.
You needn't concern
yourself with why.
We just need to know the names
of the men that she consorted with.
- Consorted with?
- Yes.
I don't know anything
about Susan's personal life.
I'll ask you again,
who were the men she saw?
Well you can ask me
a thousand times
and the answer will still
be the same: I don't know it.
You're South African.
- That's right.
- I don't see a U.S. visa.
You're an illegal alien.
Do you know who I am?
I can pick up that phone
and I can have you
on the first plane
to Johannesburg.
I'm assuming you have a reason
for not wanting to be there.
You guessed right.
I know who you are.
I know who Brice is.
David Brice.
Is that the name
you're looking for?
We're not interested in him.
It's another man that we want.
Well, in that case,
why don't we make a deal?
We'll talk about it.
Who is the other man?
Who is the other man?
It's someone at the Pentagon.
- Does he have a name?
- I suppose so, but I don't know it.
all I know is that Susan used
to see him, and he reappeared.
- How recently?
- I don't know.
- Three months? Two?
- I don't know!
A month, three weeks. Who cares?
I don't know it.
Listen, she never discussed
these things with me.
All right,
that will do for now.
We're going to close the part of
the investigation that concerns you.
Will that be satisfactory?
- Tom.
- Thank you, Miss Beka.
You've been very helpful.
I want the names of all
civilian and military personnel
who have been assigned to the
Pentagon during the past two months.
Can you do it?
It's all in the computer.
I'll just have to set up
a program to find it.
Mr. Pritchard.
Tom, I've got a suggestion.
We're doing this
credit card search
but it's extremely unlikely
that anything charged
over the weekend would
be turned in so soon.
We're wasting valuable computer
time that we could use better.
- I know. I want you to keep on with it.
- What's all this about, Tom?
We'll talk later.
What've you got here, what is this?
I have to see Secretary Brice.
Get started on that list of
new employees, would you?
Yeah, we isolated three pollutants
in the dead girl's stomach contents.
They're the red, green and
blue lines on the graph.
If we can get the overlays to match,
we might pinpoint where she was.
So far, it looks like somewhere
near upper Chesapeake Bay.
Come in.
Excuse me, sir, have you
seen Major Donovan?
Well, it's important
that I get this to him.
- What do you have here?
- We missed it the first time around.
It must have fallen
under the seat of her car.
I'll take care of this.
Very well, sir.
Was this a present?
- Yeah, he gave it to me.
- He has expensive taste.
It didn't cost him anything.
Some foreign minister gave it to him.
I pride myself on being a man
of forbearance and conciliation
but if you fuck me on this,
I'll crucify you!
I am not your rubber stamp.
You have run roughshod over
this office for twenty years.
And that's over.
Sir, you may disparage
your predecessors all you like
but I don't recall in the past
any secret investigation
that required the entire
Department of Defense
circumvented CIA and the FBI
and the Washington police.
Senator, we're not locked into
any position on the phantom sub.
- What are you saying?
- I'm just trying to allay
Senator Duvall's fears that
we might act peremptorily.
We will act the way
I decide on this matter.
Gentlemen, I don't see any point
in squabbling like children.
Mr. Pritchard, I'm encouraged by your
attitude. I'm sure your investigation
whatever it is,
is perfectly proper.
I must apologize for my
unseemly outburst.
It's just that I've been
sorely troubled.
That's perfectly
understandable, senator.
I'm certain that we can
reach an accommodation.
I'm deeply gratified.
Deeply gratified, and I hope
you'll forgive my imposition
on such a busy day.
- He's got us.
- This is insane. It's out of control.
Your cover story's
not gonna hold water.
Yes, it will, but you have to
have more moral courage.
Have you ever heard of a
woman named Nina Beka?
- No.
- Well, she's heard of you.
Instruct the CIA to get in
touch with you at your home.
I want you to remain there
and wait for the information.
You're not to call me.
I'll check in with you periodically.
Yes, sir.
- As quickly as possible.
- Okay.
You two!
Scott, where are they going?
Laurel and Hardy,
where are they going?
Who's that, Tom?
- You know who I mean, the bookends.
- I sent them on an errand.
Tom. Tom. Tom!
Yes, sir, I'll...
I need a car,
it's an emergency.
I'm sorry commander,
CID's got everything.
This one.
Bring this one down.
You can't take that,
the lift is busted.
- The man's gonna fix it.
- Watch your toes.
Come on! Get out of there!
Get outta there right now!
- Shit.
- Hi.
- Goddamn it, get him!
- Come on, hurry up!
Hey, what are you doing?
Are you crazy?
Hey, you okay?
- I'm sorry.
- Hey, slow down!
Look out!
Hey, you almost
killed a guy here!
I'm gonna get you,
- Nina, come with me.
- Tom.
We can't talk here. Is there a
back way out of this place?
What happened to Susan?
Listen, we cannot talk here,
you're in danger, all right?
- What's going on?
- It doesn't...
- Can I go to my place?
- No, don't go there, they'll kill you.
Oh, my God!
You have to get lost,
and I mean really, really lost.
Thank you for before.
- Go.
- There he is!
Look out, he's got a gun!
I think we should go back
to the Pentagon, sir.
That was a stupid,
stupid thing you did.
I think you're crazy.
I'm going to save Brice,
no matter what it takes.
- I thought I already told you that.
- I don't believe there is a Yuri.
He's real enough, all right.
Yeah, but has nothing to do with
the murder of that girl, does he?
We'll find that out
when we catch him.
Not if those two get
to him first you won't.
Damn it!
I am tired of weakness.
I am faced with a grave problem,
and I intend to resolve
it quickly and cleanly.
You really are crazy.
You're fucking cuckoo.
I won't be insulted by you,
and you're not to attempt to interfere
with this investigation again.
Do I make myself clear?
I quit.
Your resignation is not accepted.
Tom, be reasonable.
I'm deliberately shielding
you from full knowledge.
Just follow your orders and
everything will be all right.
Let him go!
Will you excuse me, please?
I hope you're not
calling your girlfriend.
Big Brother's listening.
- I don't give a shit.
- Hello?
- Fox!
- Hello, sir.
The writing on the box is Arabic,
but it's in the Maghrebi dialect.
What they speak in Morocco.
What it says is kind of flowery,
but it boils down to:
"A gift to a true friend. "
Good boy,
you can come back now.
Oh, jeez.
The Polaroid just came online.
Not much to look at, is it?
No, it's not.
Don't gifts from
foreign governments
have to be registered with
the Office of Protocol?
- That's what they tell us.
- Are their files computerized?
Yes, of course
they would be in
the Department of State's
computer bank.
Can we access those files?
They're closed. You'll have to get
in touch with them tomorrow.
I can't get in touch with them.
- We can interface.
- Can you do it now?
There'll be hell to pay.
Tom, does it matter
to you that much?
I'll be back in five minutes.
Come in.
What is it now?
I've been thinking it over
and maybe you're right.
Let's just get this
whole business over with,
and I'm sorry I
blew up at you.
We're all very tired.
when this is out of the way,
we can do great things here.
Well, first things first.
How we doing, Sam?
I'm into the State Department computer.
It was easy.
- Can you print that out for me?
- You got it.
A lot of paper. You were right
about the credit card receipts.
We found one from a gas
station in Annapolis.
These the new people
at the Pentagon?
Yeah, there are 4700
possibles so far.
But we've had a real break.
The CID has pinned down
your man's blood type.
- How'd they get that?
- Autopsy specimen.
There was a residue of
semen in the woman's body.
Blood type is A-positive.
That's pretty common,
but it'll help narrow the list.
You're a genius, Sam.
I am. I am. I am.
You should get some sleep.
You must be exhausted.
I know if I'm exhausted or not.
As you say.
You look like you just
stepped out of a bandbox.
You're actually enjoying this,
aren't you?
I'm just trying to do my job.
It would be a lot easier
if you'd stop attacking me.
I'm sorry, I'm just tired.
I've got a lot on my mind.
If it doesn't keep moving
towards a coherent image,
we just adjust the program.
You mean, you could stop it and
make it go in another direction?
We've been doing that all along,
but it looks like it's doing fine now.
I'm not so sure.
I think it's time
we had a talk.
I'm the one in
the picture, Sam.
Susan Atwell was the
woman I've been seeing.
I had nothing to do
with her death.
I was in love with her.
you must feel terrible.
You're the only one I can tell that
this spy-hunt thing's a phony.
Yuri doesn't have anything
to do with the murder?
This, it's a cover-up.
That's all I can tell you.
- Come on.
- Goddamn it, Sam, this is...
This is for your own
protection, all right?
These people have already tried
to kill one person who knew.
What do you want me to do?
Will you slow up the
resolution on that picture?
I need more time, Sam.
I need more time to get
this straightened out.
That's what I need.
I'm not satisfied with
the way this is coming up.
The Eigenvalue is off.
Looks all right to me.
We're pulling away from
our reference information.
Advise them to program
a Fourier Transform.
I don't know, that seems
like a waste of time.
Just do what I want, okay?
Take it easy, Sam, we're all working
the same amount of time.
I'm sorry, David.
Just do it, please, okay?
What are you looking for?
Fuck off.
Where are you going?
I would rather do this myself.
You can listen if you want to.
- Display that badge. Hi.
- Hi.
- This goes here?
- Yeah.
Where are we going?
We're gonna go down to
Major Donovan's office.
You can give a full description
of this guy to him.
Who the hell's Donovan?
He's our commanding officer.
You know who this is?
I have to talk to you,
but I can't leave here now.
I'm on the damn pay phone now.
It's probably not even safe.
All right, I'll come there
as soon as I can get away.
I'll be damned! That's him, the son
of a bitch who rented the boat!
Right there, he just went
around the corner!
Do you see him?
He's gone.
I'll get back to you.
Where have you been?
Yuri's in the building.
Would you buzz
the Secretary, please.
They were bringing in a
witness and he spotted him.
I know!
Can I go in?
- Go right in.
- Well, what are my orders, sir?
Close all the exits, Major.
Hold your witness while
we decide what to do.
Yes, sir.
- Is Yuri in the building?
- So it would seem.
- This is splendid work, Tom.
- I've had all the exits closed.
Why don't we empty the building and
have everybody file past this man?
Then in five minutes the
place will be swarming
with television cameramen.
We'll just have to take the
witness through the building,
room by room.
It's the largest building
in the world.
It's the only way
we'll get any privacy.
I'll see to it.
Major Donovan, I suggest
that all officers carry side arms.
The man we're after has killed
at least one person already.
Don't worry, Tom.
I don't expect you to carry one.
Tall or short? Thin or fat?
Light or dark?
- That's right.
- You think this is some kind of joke?
What I'm trying to tell you is
the son of a bitch is average.
All right, let's go find this
"average" son of a bitch.
I'm positive I remember this guy.
I always remember the good tippers.
CID has brought in
another witness.
A bellboy from a
hotel in Annapolis.
Now you can have
two search parties.
That's great news.
We can move twice as fast.
I'll see to it.
You see, David?
It's all coming together.
Dear God,
I hope you're right.
All right, down this corridor.
Make it quick.
Let's go.
That ain't him. I just rented the
guy a sailboat, give me a break.
I'm getting sick of this shit.
How much longer?
Scott, it's impossible to
search this entire building.
It would take all night.
We have a shift finishing
at 5 and one at 6.
What do you suggest
we do then?
Let them out through
the mall entrance.
- We'll have both witnesses there.
- What do you think?
We haven't been
allowed inside, Mark,
but we're told there's
a bottleneck of hundreds
perhaps thousands of people,
waiting to go home.
Those who have been
allowed to leave say
they were first cleared by
members of the CID.
That's The Criminal Investigation
Division of Army intelligence.
Apparently, there's a search on
for a person who may be a spy
trapped, right now,
inside the Pentagon itself.
We will stay here and follow
these events as they develop
and we'll get back to you with
updates as the story continues.
Melissa Donaldson, WCDM,
at the Pentagon.
He must have
gotten out past us.
No way. He's hiding
somewhere in the building.
We'll have to go back
to the room-to-room.
We'll go down to
the basement level,
search the situation room
computer complex.
We'll start at the bottom
and work our way up.
Let's do it.
- You're to initial this, sir.
- What?
- You're to initial this.
- What is it?
It's authorization to release the
Atwell woman's body for burial.
We're down to about 50
persons with A-positive blood.
- How many are men?
- Aw, come on.
Nobody told me we had
to sort them out by sex.
Look, I gotta take a break, man.
Sam, I need to talk to you.
- I have to have your help.
- I slowed it up as much as I could.
I know, but they're going to be
able to recognize this picture soon.
There's nothing
more I can do.
They mean to kill me, Sam.
Tom, you haven't slept
for two days.
I'm telling you the truth,
I don't stand a chance in hell.
For God sakes, why?
If you didn't have anything to do
with the girl's murder, why would...
Brice killed her.
- Brice?
- She was his mistress.
- I thought she was your girl.
- Look, here. See this?
- See this?
- "Antique gold box"...
This is a present to Brice from
the Moroccan government.
He gave it to Susan.
It's the only way
I can prove he knew her.
He'll call off the search,
Sam, I know he will.
- I see.
- Do you believe me?
Well, then can you insert that into
the State Department's computer?
- I can do that.
- I know you can, Sam, but will you?
- I'll do whatever I have to do to help.
- Then let's do it.
I'm standing there,
there's nothing there, Sam.
If you just want a piece of paper,
you can type it yourself.
I thought we'd just print...
The computer is searching the protocol
to find the right place to insert it
and then it'll print it out.
- All right, how long?
- Soon.
First two on the right,
second two on the left.
Last man in the doorway.
Nobody in or out.
What's going on here?
We're getting ready
to search in here.
I can see that, who told you
to bring them in here?
Nobody, this is the only major area
that hasn't been covered yet.
All right ladies and gentlemen,
we'll be conducting a search in here
and I ask you all, please...
- Sir, wait.
- Oh, Jesus.
I have to change.
- Okay, let's get going.
- Don't let anyone pass.
Sam Hesselman.
Look, I'm sorry to bother you,
but this is over my head.
It's about Commander Farrell.
I'm not sure...
I'm not sure he knows
what he's doing.
All right, I'll meet you.
Please, don't mention
this to anybody else.
I mean, the reason I called you was
because I know you're his friend.
You did the right thing.
This door's locked.
Anybody have an
extra key out here?
This is Commander
Farrell's office, isn't it?
Yeah, we better have
a look in here.
Well, tell you what, fellas.
Here we go, maybe this will work.
Nobody here.
Let's get on up the
hall here, gentlemen,
and see what else we
can come up with.
What's this all about,
Dr. Hesselman?
You have to promise
me that what I
tell you won't
go any further.
- I feel disloyal enough as it is.
- Of course.
You understand that Tom
is under great strain.
He knew the girl
who was murdered.
They were very close.
And he thinks that
Secretary Brice killed her.
Look, I know him.
He's much more high-strung
than he appears.
And this girl, uh...
I guess he was in
love with her.
Anyway, now he thinks that
somebody wants to kill him
and he asked me to reprogram
the computers, and I did it.
But now I don't know.
I just don't know.
I see. Where is
Commander Farrell now?
I suppose he's in his office
or in the computer room.
Thank you.
Son of a bitch.
- Come back here!
- Hold it right there!
- Hold it!
- Sergeant, arrest that man.
I'm your superior officer
and I'm giving you
a direct order to
arrest this man!
- I have my orders from Mr. Pritchard!
- Do it!
- I have my orders...
- Shut up!
- And if he resists, shoot him!
- Yes, sir.
Where are you going, Commander?
You can't go in there.
You can't go in there!
I said you can't go in there!
by what right do you...
- Call off the search now.
- Lorraine, thank you.
You're not looking for
a Russian spy.
You're looking for somebody who
knows Susan Atwell was your mistress.
What are you talking about?
You gave her a gold box that a Moroccan
foreign minister gave to you.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Well you declared it to the
Office of Protocol.
I never declared anything
to the Office of Protocol.
- You tell it to the State's computer.
- What?
You tell it to the computer
at the State Department.
Now pick up the phone,
and call off the search now!
Do it, or I swear to God
I'll nail you to the wall.
Calm down,
I'll get Scott in here, we'll...
Come in, for God sakes.
I'm sorry Mr. Secretary,
I had to make sure you were all right.
Yuri must be close.
There's been a murder.
- He shot Dr. Hesselman.
- Oh, goddamn it.
What's happened, Major?
I think we got
Yuri cornered.
He's somewhere between here,
communications and
the officers' gymnasium.
That's very good, Major.
Just continue the search.
You had those apes
kill him, didn't you?
You lying sack of shit.
Tom is the man who
saw you at Susan's.
He's known about you all along.
Isn't that right?
You know what that means, David.
If Commander Farrell is the
man who was with Miss Atwell
then Commander Farrell is the
man who killed Miss Atwell.
And we know that the man
who killed Miss Atwell is Yuri.
Therefore, Commander Farrell is Yuri,
quod erat demonstrandum.
You murdered Sam, didn't you?
You're a fucking asshole.
You have no idea what
men of power can do!
- You sick fuck.
- Wait a second.
Scott has been a loyal
and valuable friend.
I let that friendship
cloud my judgment.
My actions have
been inexcusable.
Give me the gun.
This is the hardest thing
I've ever had to do in my life.
But I swear, I'll do everything
I can to help you out.
I'll get you the best lawyers.
David? He doesn't have
a shred of proof.
Wait. Wait. Wait.
He was fiercely
jealous of Susan.
A man like that...
Do you understand?
Suppose we had planned on
working late Sunday night.
I didn't arrive, he assumed
I was with Susan.
- David?
- Don't touch me.
He went there looking for me.
They argued.
Well, you can
assume the rest, right?
- Just save your breath.
- Help me out.
Help me out.
Help me out.
Listen, I'll give you
anything you want.
I swear, I'll give you
anything you want.
Listen to me.
Listen to me!
Help me out.
I will give you anything you want.
Just help me out of this.
You can have
anything you want.
If you go against me on this,
it'll be your word
against mine, and I'll win.
- Scott!
- No!
- What's going on in there?
- Stand back, Mr. Secretary.
Your search is over, Major.
- Is this...?
- He shot himself.
do I have your answer?
Commander? Sir?
Sir, are you all right, sir?
- Give me your pen, ensign.
- Sir?
- You got a pen?
- Oh, yes sir.
Well, give it to me.
I want you to deliver this.
And I want you to wake
him if you have to.
Aye, aye, sir.
come look at this.
- Somebody get Donovan down here.
- It's Commander Farrell.
A lot of people
are looking for you.
Then aren't you
the clever ones.
When is he coming
out from behind there?
Perhaps when you've made
certain things clearer to us.
- Well, then, let's just get...
- We want to know what is...
You would've known before!
I told you when I called that I
could not get out of the Pentagon!
All right, but at least you'll admit
that your relationship with
the woman was
poorly handled!
I did what I was told.
You wanted me to be her lover,
I was her lover.
I don't see any point
in going on with this!
Yeah, well, neither do I!
It's been very long for me.
Evgeni Alekseevich, wouldn't you
love to hear Russian again?
Imagine Pushkin,
Lermontov, Tolstoy.
Solzhenitsyn, Aksenov.
Even them.
Always the sense of humor.
In the Philippines
when you passed the
bag of underwear,
Moscow wasn't amused.
I should have acted then.
In any case, it's not possible for
you to remain in the United States.
This bizarre incident has
given them their Yuri.
Evgeni, think.
- You're a hero of the Soviet Union.
- I'm not a hero.
Be that as it may,
you must return.
I came here.
I thought I owed you that.
But you can't
make me go back.
Let him go.
He will return.
Where else does he have to go?