Ohm Shanthi Oshaana (2014) Movie Script

Tobacco use leads to cancer.
Heart attacks. Lung disorders.
And other deadly diseases.
the characters shown in this...
...film or program...
Do not support the use of any...
...type of tobacco products.
Such as beedi, cigarette...
Skeini, zarda etc.
Or their promotions in any manner.
It's a bad habit that makes you sick.
Cigarette smoking
is injurious to health.
No one smokes in this film.
I am also with you.
'It was those years when Mammooty...
...and Mohanlal ruled Malayalam films.
'Kunjacko Boban was
only 7 years old'
'Studying in 2nd grade'
'Dr Mathai like other doctors, entrusted...
...his wife's delivery to another doctor'
'And paced the corridors
fully tensed like this'
Aiyo! My mother!
Razak'kka, where are you?
Indecent buffalo! Didn't I keep...!
...protesting, you just didn't listen?
Did you come from Gulf for this?
Oh my mother!
Which one of you is Mathai?
- Me
- You have a baby boy.
That's awesome!
A girl baby would
have been problematic
As they grow in years
you burn with anxiety.
Until you get them married.
you don't know what sleep is.
Worse is when she
elopes with someone
When you are old and tottering...
None to give you even a glass of water!
You won't have
such problems now
Praise be to the Lord
Sorry, there was a mistake.
Your baby is a girl child.
Praise be to
the lord, once more!
'This is her story'
'The story where she swam...
...and splashed in a river of tears'
'The story of the wicks
of pain she burnt away'
'Is this a mega-serial announcement?'
'It is my story
I will narrate it'
'Go ahead'
'This story is a little old.
It begins in the last century'
'Not so far back 1999. I meant that.
'Yes, this is where it starts'
'My name is Pooja Mathew'
'This is how I was in 10th std.'
'See this photo?'
'The house you saw
just now is mine'
'This is my room'
'This is my papa
Mathew Devasya'
'Mathai doctor to the townsfolk'
'Papa's world revolves
around my mom and me'
'Recording his songs and
listening, is his hobby'
'He believes, if one is a doctor...
one must discover at least 1 drug
'So he has a lab within his
consulting room at home'
'Yes, Annie
She is my mom'
'She is a college lecturer
But poor mom'
'She loves to cook
while I hate the very word'
'Trying new recipes and
eating it blissfully is her hobby'
Sit with your feet together, girl
'I'd have been born a boy
is what mom always says'
Girls should not
whistle, my dear
'Papa says I am
a girl just like a boy'
Where is it?
Can't find it
Look here, dude
'Mom! Foods!'
Why don't you take it
from the kitchen?
Sorry, kitchen is
a place for women.
Oh! Look at this tom boy, eh?
See you later, doctor!
'My school principal
has great regard for me.'
Can I find you a house
close to school?
Why, teacher?
Then you won't have to drive that old car...
...all the way here to solve her problems
'The local vicar too'
- Do you know who this is?
- My daughter
No! She is anti-Christ
'It was during those days of tomfoolery...
Kunjacko Boban's film Niram was released'
'When everyone was looking
at his handsome face...'
'I was looking at
his 'down under'!'
'I swore on St Anthony as...
I'd not ride on public roads...'
'...and persuaded papa...
...to buy me a super CBZ bike'
"Blue sky spread green
leave of coconut trees"
"White milk of brown cow-"
What, man?
Haven't you seen
a girl ride a bike?
I will ride a bike, change gears.
and even ride with free hands...aiyo!
Why don't you do according to capacity?
'The fall that day
was a pain in face!'
'My face sported a strip of band-aid...
in all the photos in Julie's function'
My turn
We'll go there
and click...come
'I came face to face
with reality that day'
I wish this proposal
clicks, dear lord
This will click
very good family
Moreover, dowry is 200 sovereigns...
...of gold and Rs 2500000 in cash.
'200 sovereigns of gold
and 25 lakhs in cash?'
'God! Who is this 'item'...
...these people are buying up?'
'After seeing Julie's guy.
I was very sure of one thing'
'Girls don't have any say
in marriage matters'
'When you hear me say this
you must think I'm a good girl'
'But I have a secret'
'This is my aunt's house'
'Rachel aunty
I call her wine-aunty'
'Aunty is an expert wine maker'
'Not wine made in
just 10-20 days'
'If you order now, it'll be delivered...
...in 4 or 5 years, special wines'
Grapes, pineapples. All are there.
'I always get to taste first...
every wine she brews'
'I am her official wine taster'
'She likes me very much
And I like her too'
'She can tell me anything
and vice versa'
'Best friends'
This is the fate of all women.
No matter how educated
or how beautiful...
...she has to finally marry...
...the man her family chooses.
No one in our family liked...
your uncle when I selected him.
But now, see how
happy everyone is?
It's always best to
marry the guy we like
Or we have to force
ourselves to like him
'I decided that day
I'd find my own guy'
'Boys at school
were not my kind'
'Either book worms'
'Or incorrigible flirts'
Hi Pooja
'But there was one boy'
'In B-division, Yardley'
'His surname is a bit old fashioned.
Avaran...Yardley Avaran'.
'But he's really a dish'
'Soon after deciding
Yardley is my Mr Right...'
'...Kochouseph Chittilapilly
walked in my life'
'He built veegaland water theme park.
...and our school arranged an excursion'
'Usually during school tours some boys...'
...sit next to girls with 'other' intentions.
'When Yardley sat next to me...'
I thought he had
mischievous intentions'
'But his behavior
actually stunned me'
Hi Pooja!
Nice song, isn't it?
Hmmmm, huhm
You know my family, don't you?
My father is a doctor
and so is yours.
I will grow up to
become a doctor too.
You too will become one.
I like you.
You don't have to say anything now.
Think over it and tell me tomorrow.
Okay, see you.
Hey guys, look at all the fish.
Just watch me now.
- Shambu brother no 1
- Get lost.
Shambu brother,
you're really a tiger.
What is your problem, man?
How dare you accost me?!
Do you play with us?
- Now slap her butt
- No, bro
- Come on, slap her
- No, bro
Run off.
Sambhu bro's face is broken.
Take me with you, guys.
What have you decided?
You know, when we meet
the person we like....'
'...kind of cool feeling
spreads in your tummy'
What did you say
your name was?
Ah yes! Yardley
When I see you
I don't get that feeling.
Sorry, okay?
'For the 1st time I met a deadly guy.
I wondered who he was the whole night'
'Next day I met him again'
- Sweetie, come
- Get lost, man!
Step up, man. Go.
Hey! -What? -Go.
- Go home, dude
- Sure, we will
Fill fuel in it
and bring it home
'For the 1st time
I missed the school bus'
'I had no idea when
the school bus came or left'
'I just kept thinking of that guy'
'Something else happened today'
Papa bought me a mobile phone'
'Nokia 3310
Superb phone'
'I had told him
I didn't want one'
'But it was useful to someone else!'
Okay, I'll give it
This is my friend, Neethu
Hello, sweetie
1 minute
'This is my other friend, Donna'
'They are my best pals'
Neethu loves 3-4
guys at same time
Donna can eat 3-4 pancakes in one go!
'Even while I sat with them
my thoughts were on 'that' guy'
Why are you sitting
and mooning so?
I'm hungry again
Yes! Kanjyani!
David Kanjyani
'I forgot to tell you this'
'He is my cousin
David Kanjyani'
'Mischief maker, flirt and someone.
you'll never let into your house'
'born to bring
disrepute to the family'
He is such an item.
'He's an expert in
the vanishing act'
'When in trouble
he'll disappear'
'He will appear when
everyone has forgotten'
'1st time he vanished
was when...ah! I remember!
'He was once an altar boy'
Pray with all your heart
'This is something
all altar boys usually do'
'But this was not
why he vanished'
'Once the High Priest visited our parish
for the first and also for the last time'
'Kanjyani who vanished that day
reappeared 3 years later'
'He went to the Bishop's house...
fell at his feet, only then...'
'...was allowed into
church and house again'
I don't understand. Come quickly'
'Come here all of you'
Adept at taking
It's on Sunday. -Yes. -Don't forget
You'd say you are
from Jose brother's house
You'd say.
Do you follow?
Okay, sir. Will you say that?
Okay. Here.
Now go.
New business
Religious labor supply
- What?
- Religious labor supply
The day before Sunday church festival.
our Reverend has ordered...
...1 member from each house to
take part in the circumambulation
Where is the time for our people?
So I have arranged a proxy
They will happily go
for the circumambulation
Our people will
sleep at home, drunk
How's that?
You don't have to carry the cross
Muthuraj will go instead of you
Just have a few pegs
and sleep at home
Why are you here?
The other day when a guy came to bus stop...
all of you ran away scared
Who is that guy?
Giri! -Giri!
I wasn't scared
He is not a good guy
Typical thug
Used to be a communist with...
...an arrogance that accompanies it.
He is an enemy to us.
Don't even look him in his face
A thug?
Who told you this?
He is late comrade Madhavan's son.
Graduated from St Thomas
Now he is an agriculturist
He likes that
The other day, fed up with those boys...
I asked him to come to the bus stop
Why are you asking me all this?
See you, okay?
Giri? Great guy.
Gives blows for blows
And respect for respect.
I can go anywhere with him
He is a tiger cub
We must change
the brake lining.
It'll be hundred. No. Thousand bucks
That much?
Of course. I have to
change everything
Lord, may this kid never sell her bike.
...and may she always bash it up!
Doctor, what shall we do...
regarding the committee meeting?
No need to worry
Just tell Giri
He'll see to it.
Okay then
Let me go
I've informed my mother
I don't talk much to girls
I know, Pooja has told me
I found out everyone here
knew Giri except me'
You mean our Giri?
You too know him?
He is a Kung fu master. right?
He is master at the academy
where my brothers learn Kung-fu
Which academy?
Where is it?
2 stuffed pancakes.
And a milk shake. I'll take you
How can you go
for the tournament?
If you do so, they'll bash you.
Go and practice well.
Okay, master.
- What is it?
- I came with her
I mean...I came
to see my brothers
Why do you send them here?
They are asleep full time.
They don't have the energy
to do even a push-up
No wonder! It's all because of
the fast foods...
... you buy for them.
1st reducetheir fast giving
only porridge and pulses
Then they can learn Kung-fu.
'Porridge and pulses'
For that people
at home must know to cook
Go...get going quickly
Don't look back
He is in a bad mood.
And with a stick in his hands too!
Come. Let's go.
My dear most Tomycha!
Instead of struggling in
an alien land.
Come to Kerala
Will you get this greenery,
breeze and sunshine there?
Just mint money in a desert
Have you come?
Go and shower
If you want warmth
you must come to Kerala.
How long will you
keep postponing it?
Mom, how do you
make pulse-curry?
Forget it
I'll make it
Okay, I'll shower
and freshen up
Don't you dare to touch it? -No.
Cooking must never
be a ritual, my dear
Bear in mind
folks must eat it!
Whatever you do,
you'd have an aim.
You must
"Did the breeze hum love's tune?
To its melody did the heart awaken?"
"Did someone cares your body, parakeet.
with feathers of dew drops soft and sweet?"
"Did the breeze hum love's tune?
To its melody did the heart awaken?"
"Did someone caress your body, parakeet.
with feathers of dew drops soft and sweet?"
"My dearest bird!"
'What is it?'
"My dear bird! "
"Whom are you searching on paths winding
with silver beam of moonlit eyes shining?"
"Girl, do your eyelids flutte in shyness?"
"Soft words of sweet nothings
dear! did the night bird whisper in your ear?"
"On your lips did dawn arise
tuned as a song?"
"Do tears gently flow
when you don't know?"
"Within you many a nectarine drop
moist and misty will sprinkle nonstop"
'Stop there!'
'7th Community wedding'
"Did the breeze hum love's tune?
To its melody did the heart awaken?"
"Did someone caress your body, parakeet,
with feathers of dew drops soft and sweet?"
'I have reserved it for you'
'Enter The Dragon'
Let me go.
Get lost, girl!
"With letters of your life, name you etched
With your fingertips the truth you searched"
"Like a cloud of illusion
did someone appear"
"Listening eagerly for those love-ly words
you eavesdropped from behind doors closed"
"Did the breeze hum love's tune?
To its melody did the heart awaken?"
"Did someone caress your body, parakeet,
with feathers of dew drops soft and sweet?"
Dad told us about my sister.
'If Giri had not helped...
she'd have joined in the convent'
"Did someone caress your body, parakeet,
with feathers of dew drops soft and sweet?"
What are you doing?
Wash it. Let me see who it is.
'Giri, you?'
'Greetings, aunty
Were you busy?'
'Come...why so late?'
'They delayed it'
'I've told them I'll dump it over
their heads if the grapes were spoilt'
'Shall we find someone else?'
'Do you know any?'
'I'll find out, aunty.
I do know a few others'
'That will be better'
'Good grapes must be
used in wine making'
'If it's someone you know
I can trust him all the more'
'I'll let you know'
How is Sumitra?
- She's fine'
Shall I take leave?
Sit, have some tea
No, I have class
at the academy
Okay. Okay, then.
Who was it?
- That was Giri
Haven't you met him?
- No
He has come here so often
Giri is the most favorite student
of my husband, Kung fu Tomyachan
He used to come here
with him long ago.
very helpful
His mom Sumitra and
I're class mates
Poor thing
After her husband died,
she has only Giri
And he...his mother
He could have
continued his studies
But he likes being a farmer
and this village life.
I liked his decision
Doctors and engineers are
not enough.
Don't we need
someone for agriculture?
Sumitra used to write poetry
That time she fell for
Madhavan and married him
Her family threw her out
And stopped
her writings and education
And then?
She does not write now
Giri is very upset about that
He says in her efforts to bring him up
...her dreams took a back seat.
I have seen him crying only once
Feeling for his mom. He's pity.
He's a nice guy, eh?
If my daughter in Dubai, Helen
If she had been younger than Giri...
I'd have made her marry him.
I was just joking!
Our Kanjyani and Giri
were classmates
He knows him very well
What? Were they class-mates?
He never told me.
What? -Nothing.
Hi Sreelakshmi!
Look, how is my new business?
Internet is the future
The person who first
brought it here
David Kanjyani
Yuck! This is immoral traffic.
What traffic?
Poor kids! This is the only
...they can sit together
They can use internet
and enjoy privacy
And I make money
- Yuck!
- Why yuck?
Why are you here?
Want to browse?
I don't want to browse
I came to ask you something.
About what?
Were you and Giri classmates?
You ask about him from some days.
I refuse to talk
Go away! Go!
You had better tell me.
Or I'll tell your people about this.
I was just joking. Don't get angry.
I'll tell you everything
I know him from
when I reached puberty.
Did you think only girls
undergo that...
Can girls alone come to that stage?
We boys too face it
in life, my girl
We 3 were thick friends
'Giri, that girl and me'
'They both were madly in love'
In love?'
Great love.
Like all girls, she married a well placed
guy from USA arranged by her family
From then he stopped talking to me
But what was your fault?
I didn't do anything.
It was my father's fault.
That girl was your American cousin.
my twin, Julie Kanjyani.
Hey! That cheat!
Julie sister.
Lord! I also ate 2 plates...
...of biriyani on her wedding.
That day he removed
...the pillion seat of his bike
Enough of chatting
Now go away
Let's meet later on.
I loved 5 to 6 guys. I say you.
A guy will hate all girls...
...if he has been ditched by 1.
That too by a rich girl
Your family also including that rich girl.
All that doesn't matter
I will tell him I like him
Will he recognize you? Big doubt.
Telling him. How will you tell him?
I will tell him
My favorite saint
will show me a way
Won't you, Lord?
Do you know to repair cars?
Of course I don't.
When it stops, we open the bonnet
Do we have to know how to repair?
Go out in a rickety old car.
...Ieaving the fine one at home.
You can come after repairing it.
I'll walk home.
What happened, doctor?
Did the car let you down?
A small problem.
I need to call a taxi.
It's only a short drive.
Come, I'll drop you.
Thank you.
Let me bring my key.
What? Aren't you walking home?
Where are you coming from?
On our way back from Francis
daughter's wedding.
I heard about it.
A record dowry
was given, right?
Sure! 200 gold sovereigns.
If wealthy people keep
hiking dowry...
Where will it reach?
You ought to be ashamed.
Poor families are
the ones affected.
Our Gopal brother has 3 daughters.
What will people like him do?
I hate people giving
as well as receiving dowry.
As long as people like
you still exist...
...to help poor and
conduct community weddings.
Stop, I say
Park this way.
Now stop.
What are you carrying?
Cow dung.
Cow dung?
Take your documents
and show it there.
You refuse to get out, eh?
Are your legs paralyzed?
Who is the sub inspector?
Is it George?
You dare address him by name?
What is it?
Some chap called Giri.
He finds it tough to step out.
Why do you force them?
Ask him to go.
Can I give you
some cow dung?
No, I don't want.
Do you know
that sub-inspector?
Yes, during a mild clash...
...when I was once part of
revolutionary activities.
After that both of us
were put inside.
He was in ICU
I was in jail.
How much will you give him,
whom I marry?
What sort of question is that?
All our assets belong
to you, isn't it?
I will give him everything
You mustn't give
a single rupee.
And if anyone insists,
get him married to mom!
Welcome to 'replies'
Switch off the Tv
and go to bed.
Come, dear.
A letter from Suma of Athani.
How will this work out?
Pooja is rich
and Giri a poor farmer.
Have you heard
a doctor marrying a farmer?
Fathima from Payyanad has replied.
That girl likes him,
isn't that priority?
Sundaran from Tirur
explains explicitly.
What is the use of
Pooja liking him?
Does she even know
where he lives?
If Pooja remains quiet...
Someone else will fall in love with him.
The song telecast last week
from film 'Spadikam'...
...starring Mohan Lal and
Silk smitha was incomplete.
Please telecast the full song...
...in your next episode requests.
- Who was it?
- Sugunan from Kundra.
In such situations-
'I was a person
who slept like a log'
'But from that day onwards...
Slumber-Goddess totally ignored me'.
'I decided to find Giri's house'.
Tommy'cha, how many times
I'd tell you?
Why do you struggle
in some alien land?
Come back here.
Will you get Kerala's greenery
and warmth there?
Come back here.
Tommy'cha! 1 minute.
Where are you off to?
Going out to see someone.
It is about to rain
Don't go now.
That's okay, Papa.
I'll be back before it rains.
Listen to me
Don't go now.
I want to go.
Don't go now.
Why shouldn't I go now?
Didn't I tell you this morning?
- Tata.
Where is Giri's house?
Beyond that field.
Beyond, eh?
You! Why are you here?
I came to see the rain.
Are you a bull frog?
Go home, girl.
Wait a minute.
Go home.
Come to see the rain, my foot!
Annie, who has
gone in?
Your daughter. Then it's okay
"Oh pristine bauhinia, sweet red lotus."
'Today, are you decked in loveliness?"
"Caresses softly...a song."
"Within the heart a tune hums along"
"Deep within stars shining bright."
"Did you gather them from the sky at night?"
"Did you utter words never spoken earlier?"
"Did you sing a song never heard before,
"Oh bauhinia, as red lotus you are born."
"Did you swing as dew drops this dawn?"
"Has no one gifted a kiss
in your honey lips?"
"Parasol, woven with leaves, hides the face..."
"...of a moonbeam where shyness sways"
"White doves flutter here and there."
"Dreams born in their soul's center"
"Rain drops falling pitter patter, like music..."
"...to the ears from anklets which tinkle
"Loving words of moonlight milky
melt anyone."
"Oh bauhinia, as red lotus you are born."
"Did you swing as dew drops this dawn?"
"Has no one gifted a kiss
in your honey lips?"
"As a gift..."
"Oh pristine bauhinia, sweet red lotus."
'Today, are you decked in loveliness?"
"Caresses softly...a song..."
"Within the heart a tune hums along"
"Deep within stars shining bright."
"Did you gather them from the sky?"
"Did you utter words never spoken earlier?
"Did you sing a song never heard before,
"Oh bauhinia, as red lotus you are born."
Did you swing as dew drops this dawn?"
"Has no one gifted a kiss
in honey lips?"
"Oh bauhinia, as red lotus you are born"
"Oh bauhinia, as red lotus you are born"
"Oh bauhinia, as red lotus you are born"
I'll go see.
very intoxicating.
Any other stuff
gives such a kick?
Love also is intoxicating.
Right, my child?
I don't know.
Pooja, don't think I'm advising.
Giri is a great guy.
But you...?
At this age, it's natural
to get attracted.
But you may find out, too late...
...your feelings aren't the lasting kind.
Immature feelings-
Forgetting the man she loved...
...and accepting a strange bald guy...
...whom she shared tea for just 2 minutes.
Even Julie sister is
elder than me.
Is that what
you call maturity?
I don't know.
But I know my parents
like Giri a lot.
You also like him, don't you?
You told me once to
find the person I liked.
And now?
Does Giri know this?
Have you told him?
But I will,
when I get a chance.
Do you know what is
special this Sunday?
It's Oshana Sunday.
That is for us Christians.
Hindus and don't celebrate Oshana.
It is his birthday.
He will go by himself
to a special place.
'It was a month after Hrithik Roshan's film
Lord...ooops! Sorry.
Lord Shiva!
I can't figure out the deity.
Whoever it is.
This is my 1st visit to a temple.
Please don't think ill of me.
Om Shanti!
Isn't that how it is said?
Give him, what he wants.
And then give him to me.
Why are you here?
Why do you come here on your birthday?
This was a place to worship my forefathers.
When it was converted as a forest reserve...
...thick bushes covered up the entire area.
Dad used to come secretly, when
he was in party.
He used to bring me here as a kid.
It gives me pleasure to
be here on my birthday.
Have you brought an umbrella?
It always rains 1st on hill.
Did you know?
Look here. No.
Don't say anything.
I can guess what
you are about to say.
A young girl's emotion
towards an older man.
You want to blow it.
One day you'll find it is not
... and that could be upsetting.
Now is the time to study.
To become a great doctor than your dad.
Or destined to reach
greater heights.
Rid your mind
of other thoughts.
The rain has stopped.
I'll drop you back at home.
No need.
I have my bike.
'When he said that
I was upset'.
'He called me a kid'.
'He doesn't know the time...'
'I spent to take a decision'
'I don't like him'
'Small kid, eh?!'
'When I turn 18,
I'll tell him again'
'That was when the medical...'
'...entrance exams came up'
'And entrance coaching guru...'
' A terror called KC Thomas'
Entrance is war.
Get out.
I don't want 'entrance'.
Wait. -Leave me.
I'll be a good girl.
Let me go home.
Leave me.
'5-6 months of torture ended.'
'I wrote my exams splendidly'
'To recover from it.'
'I slept like
a buffalo a whole day and night'
'My result came after a month.'
'I got admission in the Kozhikode
medical college'
'... and I turned 18 too.'
'A phase, when my whole
life will turn over'
'But one thing
remained unchanged'
'Giri, my first love'
'Before I left for Kozhikode
I wanted to meet him'
'Wherever I went...'
'how great doctor I may become...'
'I'll come to him only finally.'
Hello, who is this?
The little doctor, eh?
Rachel told you got through
your entrance.
When are you leaving?
Classes begin
day after tomorrow.
I must leave tomorrow.
- Where is Giri?
- He went to the temple.
'You've gone, without me...'
'...to get wet in the rain, eh?!'
When will he return?
Oh! He didn't go to a local temple.
He has gone to
a temple in China
'Lord! Is he turning
to communism again?'
'He went to a temple in China.'
Which temple in China?
It isn't a temple for prayers.
It's a place for learning Kung fu.
Kung fu temple?
You mean Shaolin Temple?
Yes! Exactly.
He has been wanting
to go for long.
He did get some scholarship.
But did not want to
leave me alone here.
Recently he went to conduct...
...a marriage for his friend.
That turned out
into a world war!
It became a big issue.
The bride's family
got mad at him.
They threatened to kill him.
When thugs started coming here.
I told him to be away for some days.
When will he come back?
I don't know, my dear.
Anyway not in the near future.
Even if he is far
I will be at peace.
Why did you come?
Nothing. Just like that.
Sit, my dear.
Let me get you a drink.
No, it's okay.
I'll take leave.
Then it is okay.
'So it ended like that'
'Mr Giri exited my life
without a word'.
'I cried a lot that day'
'My efforts to learn to cook and...'
'...keep up with world events...all wasted'
- Give it to him
- Okay.
'I sold my bike'
'I packed my bags and
left for Kozhikode'
'Wine aunty was brewing...'
'a new recipe of wine when I left'
We can sell it as junk.
'Neethu's dad replaced
cassettes with CDs in his shop'
March, I say
Get him in.
'David was arrested for immoral activities'
- Kanjyani Brothers' Internet Caffi.
- It's not caffi...cafe.
Where is your accomplice Kanjyani?
I'm the only one doing this.
The name was just for a punch.
Punch, eh?
A few punches and
you'll know...get in.
Looks like a shriveled shrimp.
Wants a punch to his name!
Did you lock it up
and take the key?
'1 person was sad
about my departure'
Not that we need it.
Come back quickly.
Sorry, Koyikode'
'Basheer saab's land.
Samoodri's Koyikode'
'The place vasco da Gama
first landed in India'
'With best beaches
and lake Mananchira...'
'...Kozhikode had
the best auto drivers'
Breeze carries the scent
of 'halwa' and 'biriyani'.
'Ice-cream that
was exclusive to Kozhikode'
'4 years just flew passed'
'I was interning
as a house surgeon'
'Which meant...'
'...in another year
I'd be a doctor'.
Wake up, girl.
'Neethu is still with me
MBA at university'
'I got a new friend too'
'Anna Maria'
'A-class Christian
from Kodanchery'
'We rented a house'
'My culinary skills learnt to
impress Giri...'
'...came of good use now'
'My life had changed a lot
Except 1 aspect...Giri'
'Such a lot happened
in the last 4 years'
'Madhu Mohan stopped
making Tv serials'
'veerapan the bandit
was shot dead'.
'Muraleedharan was
thrown out of Congress'
'What more do you want?'
'Even a tsunami ravaged our shores!'
'But only he didn't come'
Enough of reading.
Come with me.
What happened?
- Again he's not talking to me.
- We'll set that right. Come.
'That was the time
Orkut became popular'
'Thinking he would be on Orkut.'
I created an account and searched'.
'When I typed Giri...'
'...many other Giris popped out!'
'When they found
I'd visited their profile...'
'...they started sending me
scraps and messages'
'Finally I had to even
delete my account'
'Life was totally boring'
'I slogged like a machine...
...between classes and house'
'We were just thinking life was a waste...'
'...and sitting bored, when it happened'
Let us discuss about different kinds...
...of cardiac arrests or heart attacks.
For example.
'We at first thought
he showed us a demo'
'But it turned out he had actually...'
'...suffered a heart attack and conked off'
'After that was condolence...
'...wreaths, funeral and a holiday'
The film 'Classmates' was released.
'And a fantastic new lecturer arrived'
"You are the moonlight of my heart!"
"Musician who stands apart"
"Don't you want this perfume?"
"...new made from jasmine specially for you?"
"You are the moonlight of my heart."
"Musician who stands apart"
"Don't you want this perfume?"
"...new made from jasmine specially for you?"
"Don't you want this perfume?"
'Dr Prasad varkey!'
'Taught us so well'
'Simple soul and
we all loved him'
'Especially the girls'
We can discuss this in detail.
But before that, any doubts?
Sir, are you married?
Hmmm...any other doubts?
'After 2 weeks...'
'Our viva exams also got started. '
Oh mother!
Take one.
What is it?
Bone marrow
Aspiration needle.
Sir, you want to
ask her something?
Yeah. What do you know about...
- Thank you, sir
- Good luck.
Most of them
are quite studious.
Good afternoon, sir.
Good afternoon.
Take one.
No, it's okay, sir.
Take one. Or
how do we proceed?
No, sir
No, thank you.
If you don't take it,
vlvA can't continue.
Take one.
Take it.
I asked you to pick
one of the instruments.
Why did you
take the biscuit?!
I misunderstood, sorry.
'From then on
we became great friends'
Going by her words
it can only be that.
Dr Prasad varkey!
She thinks he is
in love with you.
Get lost, girl.
He and I are good friends.
Only good friends
become good lovers.
His glances, conversation and smiles.
Rewind those
and see in a close up.
Throbbing with love, isn't he?
Lord! What a mess!
What's so messy?
Isn't it a good thing?
From America, a fantastic...
...well qualified young doctor...
Moreover a Christian.
I would have blindly
nodded my head.
Still thinking of
your Kung fu guy in China?
The rarest love-affair in the world!
Imagine! A girl goes to him...
...and he says she's still a kid.
You were old enough to have...
...a kid if he had set his mind on it.
Foolish fellow!
An umbrella made of leaves as gift.
And that too, nothing
to show off about.
He must have a wife and
4 kids in China by now.
"A girl waiting only for you."
"For a long, long time"
'Come to bed, my dear man'
'I am working ideas for new Kung fu steps'
'You always wanted a daughter.
I can't make that happen by myself'
'Oh! Okay
I'll come'
What is it, my girl?!
Did you have a heart attack?
- No! A revelation.
Spoilt my sleep as well!
'Next day was Diwali'
'I was walking with a heavy heart...'
'...thinking Giri was married, when...'
'I saw Prasad varkey
walking towards me'
'Was he coming to
propose me?'
'St Antony! Please save me'
'I prayed and
just then I saw-'
Why are you here?
I study here
House surgeon.
Why are you here?
I came to meet someone.
Which is Dr varma's room?
Okay, see you.
Who was that?
Doctor, I must
tell you something.
He was the 1st person
in my life I liked.
I liked him immensely.
I'm still in love with him.
Then, what's your problem?
He doesn't like me.
Did he say so?
Not exactly.
But when I professed my feelings...
...he told me I was still a kid.
But that was then.
Now you are grown.
Tell him now.
- It is of no use.
- Why?
He was jilted
by a girl once.
I think he loves her even now.
Look, I am not
able to eat this.
Why don't we sit and talk?
Lost love.
Have you ever
smoked dope?
I haven't either.
But lost love is
described in 3 stages.
The 1st stage is like dope.
Every puff warns you.
That it's not good.
Stop, since it's bad for health.
Lost love is also like that.
One wants to forget.
But its kick won't allow you to.
I'd have got
the unshelled ones.
The next stage is
like a house rented.
We go looking in Orkut for her.
...and her latest lover's details.
Just like a house owner.
...keeps tabs on his house.
The last stage is
like the mustache.
You can either grow it
Or shave it off.
He does not have one now.
Probably forgotten his old love.
Pick up courage
Go and tell him.
I am telling you.
Just go.
'I found out all men
are not the same'
'There were some who...
...treated you like a friend'
'I had not asked Giri...
why he came that day'
'I went looking for Dr varma'
'And was a regular
visitor to B-wing'
'That was when #106
got a new patient'.
'A jolly good fellow'
Tharakan, my friend?!
Here comes
chatterbox Mariam.
Why so thoughtful?
I was thinking of writing...
...a story based on diseases.
What story can diseases have?
Diseases are like siblings.
If one sulks,
others come to enquire.
I just got over gas trouble.
...and his brother comes enquiring.
Kidney stone.
You'd think
it was a diamond.
Jacob sir.
I've been discharged today.
If I say we'll meet again...
...hopefully not as patients!
So I'm not saying so.
Live well. -Okay, sir.
Let's leave.
Come. Let's go.
3 sons, but when illness struck him...
...only this daughter took care of him.
His sons are very busy.
'He was just like my papa.'
'And we became friends quickly'
You minx!
'It became my habit to
visit him often.'
Once when I visited 106...
I saw this sight in 107.
Oh Lord!
Were you in this wing?
I didn't know at all.
Rachel told me you were here.
But he insisted
not to trouble anyone.
Lord! Bilirubin is 10...?
Jaundice is quite severe.
Why did you come so late?
I didn't realize it at all, dear.
He had a friend here, Dr. varma.
I wanted to be nearer home.
People walk away
to China and Ethiopia!
Don't worry.
I'll come and see you everyday.
I think you can
go home in a week.
I'll tell the duty doctor.
As I know you very well.
Okay, see you.
'When I saw Giri's mom in hospital...
...frankly, I was very happy'
'Weakness for men
is usually their mom'
'That bed contained the googly...
Giri could be clean bowled with'
Chief Doctor says
just 4 days more.
You can take rest
at home after that.
Okay, little doctor.
Have you eaten?
No, we don't get time
in between rounds.
He was just going out.
Take her with you.
Bring me back something.
How come you are here?
I am in Providence college.
As a guest lecturer.
I am here
for past 1 year.
This idiot didn't
tell me you're here.
Enough of eating outside food.
I cook at home.
Let me bring you food.
Come with me now.
Are you leaving?
They'll be right back.
You can go
after eating.
No, I must complete my rounds.
'And thus Pooja Mathew's googly...
...went for a sixer by Thennal Warrier'
'That was a exciting moment'.
I found out about her
Thennal K Warrier.
She was my sister's classmate.
Nice name
Giri means mountain.
She is a lecturer in Providence.
And a young-gen budding writer.
Look mountain...I mean Giri.
That thing has come here also.
We can't blame her.
Anyone can wait
5 years for her.
He is smarty.
Not at all.
He's a shorty!
Look at his silly smile.
His shirt is half opened in public.
Leave it alone, kid.
What more do you want?
Mother is an old writer.
...and lover budding writer.
He can we read their volumes?
Why are you feeling jealous?
They make quite a pair!
Here! Go boil and eat it.
What a mean thing!
'What can I say?'
'He slipped out of my hands'
'I went quite mad.'
'Everything I did was a blunder'
The wound was in this hand.
'It was a boulder upon my heart'
'Every time I saw them together'
'I even thought of finishing her off.'
'And be behind bars in Kannur jail'.
'When I knew it was not working out.'
'I took a break and went home'
'Lord! She's here also'
I too have a book!
Aren't you Pooja?
I'm Thennal.
We met a couple of times.
At the medical college.
Giri's friend
You want tea?
You want tea
Are you going home?
Me too.
My husband comes
from Kuwait on leave.
Are you married?
I was forced to marry.
Giri himself made me.
He came with Robin
to my house.
It became a big issue.
Finally Robin
and I came here.
Giri was forced to
leave his village.
If he had not
done this for us...!
Why are you laughing?
I knew you both were thick friends.
2 tea please.
- Fritters?
- No.
"Blue sky spread with green
"...of coconut trees"
This is a nursery rhyme, isn't it?
When people become older...
...they start behaving like kids.
People say so.
I've heard when girls grow up...
...parents' hearts burn with anxiety...
Do you realize
how old you are?
Sunny was waiting
for you to return.
I'm into a new venture.
I am a marriage broker now.
I want to begin my business
with you.
There's a nice groom.
Shall I ask him to meet you?
Asking her
to bride-viewing ritual?
She'll probably go
and 'see the boy'
Thank you.
What is your name?
- Huh?
- Giri!
What have you studied?
Masters in Malayalam.
I didn't hear you.
His voice is too soft.
Say it loudly.
M.A in Malayalam.
She may practice
archery and ride a bike.
Marriage proposal
will make all girls feel shy.
Did you see her run
shy and demure?
Sunny said you ran in shyness.
I know my girl
is not like that.
That's why I ask you.
Why do you always
avoid marriage topic?
No reason, papa.
I'm waiting
for something.
If it does not happen...
I'll let you know.
Then I shall agree
to the boy you suggest.
Is it some exam?
Yes, a tough exam.
I wrote my MBBS too.
What exam is this
I'm unaware of?
Syllabus has changed.
Times have changed.
She's a little tigress.
We'll have to try once more.
'Next day I attended
an entire sermon Mass'
'I heard through
Father's boring sermon...'
'...and was offering
prayers to forefathers'
Hey! Sukumara Kurup?
When did you re-appear?
2 weeks back.
Give it to me
I'll light it.
I am not vanishing
because I want to.
I tried many ventures.
Nothing was successful.
Now something new has come up.
Okay, now tell me.
I try to arrange
a Kung fu tournament.
Jeweler Paul promised to
sponsor it a good amount.
He's interested
in such things.
Go ahead.
What's my role in this?
He has only 1 condition.
Giri and his boys must take part.
I know you and
Giri are close.
Ask him to come with his boys.
He has trained in China.
Only if he enters the ring...
There will be a storm in our village.
I won't ask him.
You can ask him directly.
I can't, he's still angry
with me.
You think he's still thinking Julie's betrayal?
He must have
forgotten it by now.
Go and ask him.
Sure! So that he can
chop me to pieces.
So it's not only
Julie's cheating.
There's something else.
How will I explain it to you?
Think that
Giri and I were in the Army.
- Captain!
- Give me a hand.
- Captain, help me
- Careful.
What about you?
You drink it, Lt. Kanjyani
You are so kind.
Let's move, captain.
- Step carefully
- Yes, captain.
Enemies have buried mines.
Country fellows!
Save me please...please
Lt. Kanjyani!
Save me, Captain.
Don't move.
Stay still.
Don't be panic.
Take your foot off.
Now for the boulder.
Lt. Kanjyani
Did you do that?
Not like that.
Much worse than that.
Too shameful to be told.
It's no use
blaming Giri then.
Let me try talking to him.
It's not because you requested.
Not to help him.
I want my boys to
utilize this chance.
Bring the sack.
I will come.
I'll be meeting you regarding...
...donations for the mass wedding scheme.
Papa doctor and little doctor...
...had better contribute generously.
Sure, I'll help in
any way I can.
I will come for
the next meeting too.
Where are you off to?
Community wedding this time will...
...witness my presence there too.
Oh! Good!
It is good to take part...
...in such social activities.
I am proud of you.
Please sign on this cheque.
I'll write the amount later.
Isn't this from my account?
- Yes
- I see.
Thank you.
Don't interfere too much, okay?
"Greenish garden! Lotus flower!"
"Greenish garden! Lotus flower! "
"Greenish garden! Lotus flower! "
'That meeting helped me
get closer to Giri'
'So when I asked him to come...
...with me to meet a special person...'
'...he agreed without
much persuasion'
Whose house is this?
Come, I'll tell you.
Hello! Chatterbox.
Had a good drive?
Giri, eh?
I know you.
You don't have to know me.
But if you read a lot, maybe...
...you'd have heard of me.
Jacob Tharakan
Akshara publications.
Yes, I have heard.
I know Pooja for long.
From her medical college days.
Don't worry, not as classmates.
When I get fed up of sleeping here...
I go sleep there...for treatment.
Akshara publications will...
...Iaunch this book this week.
You can have
the first copy.
Have a look.
'In memory of a red flower'
When I was in hospital...
She gave me the manuscript.
When I read it I felt...
...it was worth publishing.
She has not influenced me.
It is really worth it.
Your mom is a writer to be encouraged.
Give the first copy to your mom.
This was her big wish.
Sumitra will be happy, won't she?
Or will she put me
in jail for stealing?
We'll see you.
This girl is amazing.
It isn't easy to work towards...
...realizing someone else's dream.
The heart must be
full of love for that.
You are lucky.
To get a good friend like her.
Good luck.
Shall we leave?
"What's happened to me?
I lost my heart indeed"
"Moments when silence flowed."
"your eyes I searched, followed "
"Love entered into my heart you showered"
"Oh you!"
"Moments when silence flowed."
"your eyes I searched, followed "
"Love entered into my heart you showered"
"Oh you!"
"You are the song my eyes seek."
"My fingers yearn to strum forever favor"
"You are the song filling my ear."
"As my lips sing them dear and clear"
"When you turn into a shadow"
"And your eyes like honey mellow"
'No range'
"You may be far away"
"But apple of my eye you stay"
"Moments when silence flowed."
"your eyes I searched, followed "
"Love entered into my heart you showered"
"Oh you!"
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
"Lord! I have lost my heart indeed "
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
"Lord! I have lost my heart indeed "
I am fed up of
telling you again and again.
Greenery and warmth in Kerala.
Come and take a look, dude.
Okay then, get lost.
Listen dear, Ravi had come.
Something to do with that list...
...for the community wedding.
That is tomorrow's work.
Tomorrow is another day.
Today's joys to
be enjoyed today.
We'd make this
better than last time.
25 couples this time.
We must get the minister to...
...confirm the jewelry sponsorship.
We'll do that.
Did you check that list?
Who is Sreelakshmi's groom?
That has not been entered.
I informed the secretary.
Sreelakshmi will marry my son Giri.
That is good, Sumithra sister.
You have a generous heart.
Please don't say such things...
...and convert this into charity.
Sreelakshmi is a good girl and...
I've known her since she was a kid.
Giri also.
She will be perfect for him.
And you know Giri.
He hates a wedding
with pomp.
He will also like this.
"Oh loved one"
"Oh loved one"
"Oh loved one"
"Oh loved one"
"There are rainy clouds in the sky."
"My love song has missed its tune."
"You didn't hear my call."
"You didn't feel touching my fingers."
"You're going away from me."
"I've become alone here."
"Am I alone in this rain?"
"Oh loved one"
"Oh loved one"
I'll speak to Sumithra.
Don't be upset.
No, aunty.
Giri's mom was right.
Giri also might
prefer it that way.
Sreelakshmi is a sweet girl.
I will never hurt her.
Once I expressed my feelings.
I can't go and get rejected again.
If we are to ever unite...
...he must propose me.
Frankly I am quite fed up.
'I was sure that I'd get Giri...'
'...only through a miracle now'
'Lord's miracles were my only options'
'I decided to latch
on to him firmly'
Can you come out
for a minute?
Yes, Pooja.
Forget all the old theories I fed you.
Everything is fair in war and love.
Don't consider
anything else.
We'll cross the bridge.
Best of luck.
Take one.
Now, take one.
- What happened?
- Listen!
Shall we ask
Giri to help us?
How foolish can you be?
That will not work out.
Nothing doing!
You don't have to do anything.
I'll talk to him, just stand by me.
This is the only way out.
Trust me.
Rahim Rawther's daughter?
So many Christian girls around and...
...you chose Rahim Rawther's daughter?
To fall in love and elope?
Bro! Help me this time.
I conducted the tournament and...
...saved money to marry Naseema.
Now her marriage takes...
...place in community wedding.
We have no option.
but to elope now.
You must help us.
Help us.
No, this will
not work out.
Don't expect me
to help you in this.
Talk to him.
We thought you'd help
2 people in love.
You put your own life at stake once...
...to get 2 of your friends married.
This is not as bad as that...
...and I thought you'd help.
Sorry for asking.
Naseema was Pooja's classmate.
She can easily bring her out of house.
But from there
Giri you must help me.
Where the heck were you?
How long to wait!
Come, get in.
Let's go.
Just stop there.
Get down.
Bro, thanks a lot.
I'll never forget this favor.
If fate allows
we'll meet again.
All I have to say
is in this letter.
I take leave.
'Giri, you rogue, shameless fellow!'
'I used to stand
in bus stops to meet her'
'You used to chase me away
saying I was a flirt'
'When I set up the internet cafe..."
"To meet her alone...'
'...you showed me to police for immoral
'I struggled, made some money...
...and decided to marry her'
'Under the community marriages...'
'...you decided to marry her'
'Do you think
you are a do-gooder?'
'Like emperor Ashoka?'
'I won't allow it'
'I won't give up
my girl for you'
Get lost, man.
You vagabond!
Start the vehicle quickly.
Get lost, dude!
'Don't come after us please'
'Allow us to live'.
'That was last time
Kanjyani brother disappeared'
'But from then on, he who had...
...cheated and harassed people...'
'...occupied the place
of a saint in our lives'
'I was sure Giri would
now propose me'.
'I was sure, the sun
would rise that midnight'
Come, I'll drop you in home.
Why so late to
get your exam results?
What happened?
Didn't you get through?
It's okay, dear
Don't worry.
Why don't we proceed Sunny's proposal?
Let's ask Sunny to come.
'In the end, just like Julie sister.
I felt I was destined to marry some idiot'
'Next day was
an Oshana Sunday'
Papa, please hold this.
Pooja, don't forget
what I told you.
Hear him out fully
and then decide.
Your parents
have never hurt you.
Think of them too
before you decide.
I am with you.
Go, my dear.
'Same old place'
'Only the rainfall is missing'
You know Pooja.
I'm an ordinary person.
A farmer.
'He has started'
Now he'll say...
Pooja you belong
to an affluent family.
Pooja you belong
to an affluent family.
You have great heights to reach.
You have great heights to reach.
We belong to different worlds.
We belong to different worlds.
...they don't matter to me.
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
Lord! I have lost my heart indeed"
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
Lord! I have lost my heart indeed"
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
Lord! I have lost my heart indeed"
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
Lord! I have lost my heart indeed"
"Into my heart whispering
in this lovable moment."
"You're my sacred symbol of love, gilded
"Oh you!"
"You're the rainbow colors in me."
"You're like my honey rain."
"Oh sweet heart!"
"I'll come as your shadow."
"I'll be your nectarine like eyes."
"You'll never go away from my eyes."
"But apple of my eyes."
"I am a man in love"
"I'm a mad in your love unknowingly."
"I am a man in love"
"I've got crazy in your love.."
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
Lord! I have lost my heart indeed"
"Oh God! What's happened to me?
Lord! I have lost my heart indeed"
Allowing her to practice archery...
...ride a bike and what not!
I've seen her now.
She goes hugging a Hindu boy in public.
Dude, there must be
a limit to pampering.
Otherwise this is what you get.
Has cat delivered
kittens in your mouth?
Is this why you asked me to come...
...to Kerala's greenery and warmth?
I am leaving.
You sit alone and enjoy this greenery.
Warmth, my foot!
Don't worry.
I am not at all worried.
I knew long back she wouldn't...
...agree to an arranged marriage.
She is Pooja, my daughter.
Destined for a love marriage.
And Giri
He will never elope.
He is very decent.
Just watch, they will be here soon.
What do you say now?
Doctor, I want
to speak to you.
You want to marry
my daughter, right?
Go ahead.
Don't bungle it
with explanations.
How is that possible?
He is a Hindu.
Did Jesus bear the cross
only for Christians?
Did he not?
Which century are you still living in?
Come in, both of you.
'Giri, who rejected me
on one Oshana Sunday...'
'...was given a proper task
by the Lord 6 Oshanas later'
'He got me married to him'
'Thus everything
ended beautifully'
'Papa was discovering a new drug'
'But just then mother...!'
'Donna married a guy who ate...'
'...8 stuffed dosas at one go'
'Neethu decided on 1 guy finally.'
'She married Yardley!'
'Now awaiting a fair baby
who play the guitar'
'Tommy'chan uncle settled in our village.
With plenty of greenery and fresh air'
'Wine aunty got
an official wine taster.'
'Papa's dialog, the other day changed.
Sunny's view about religion totally'
'Now he's a successful broker dealing...
...with only inter-caste marriages'
'Mother's book clicked'
'Now she's working on
her next for Jacob sir'
'I too help her'
'Giri started his own
Kung fu academy'
'This is my story'
I found my man.
'Now I am on my way...
...to meet my best friend'
'The guy who spoke
to Giri on my behalf'
'Who gave me idea to
publish Giri's mom's book'
'Who supported me in Kanjyani-Sreelakshmi
This friend only.
'But that was
actually not to help me'
'With a face like a cat
and brains like a fox'
'My best friend
Prasad varkey'
"Greenish garden! Red Lotus flower! "
"Greenish garden! Red Lotus flower! "
"Greenish garden! "
'Life turned out to
be full of happiness'
'These men have a habit'
'They never forget
their first love'
What is her name?
Julie, my dear
Pooja named her Julie!