Speed Racer (2008) Movie Script

All drivers to your cars, please.
All drivers to your cars.
WOMAN: No, that's not exactIy right.
Your son seems to be interested
in onIy one thing.
AII he taIks about, aII he seems
capabIe of thinking about...
...is automobiIe racing.
WeII, you know,
his father designs racing cars.
And where is your husband?
Working. He couIdn't be here.
Perhaps the appIe hasn't faIIen
very far from the tree.
Is your husband's name Rex?
No, that's his oIder brother, Rex. Why?
This is the test he turned in Iast week.
AII right, penciIs down.
Take your answer sheets, pIace it
into the first part of your bookIet...
...pack up your things
and bring your...to my desk.
Speed Racer, sIow down!
Take it you're ready to go?
-How was schooI?
Are you going to the track?
Mom said you were.
You don't have to drop me off.
I couId just go with you.
-No way.
-Oh, come on.
Take me with you. Come on, pIease.
I can't, Speed.
-Pops wouId kiII me.
-He doesn't have to know.
I won't say anything. Nobody wiII know.
Come on, pIease, Rex.
PIease, pIease, pIease.
Are you wearing the socks?
Hm? Hm?
Okay. But if you roII us again,
this'II be the Iast time.
Oh, yeah!
Come on!
You feeI that shimmy? It's your hind Iegs
trying to outrun your front.
What do I do?
You stop steering and you start driving.
This ain't no dead piece of metaI.
A car is a Iiving, breathing thing, aII right?
She's aIive.
You can feeI her taIking to you, teIIing you
what she wants, what she needs. Listen.
CIose your eyes and Iisten.
They say that Ben Burns drove the finaI Iap
of the VanderbiIt Cup with his eyes cIosed.
-No way!
Maybe you just can't hear it, then.
Ought to start hitting those books.
-No, I hear it!
-Oh, is that so, Mr. Burns?
AII right.
TeII me when to punch it for the jump.
LocaI fan favorite Speed Racer
is gobbIing up this track.
Let us hope he does not make
the same mistakes that his brother made.
Heads up, Speed. Seven o'cIock.
I got Snake drafting Pitter-Pat.
I got him.
I figure he'II sIingshot after you
in the next turn.
I'm ready.
Great move, Speed!
SPARKY: AII right, watch out
for the dog baIIs coming up.
You may wanna ease off a IittIe.
Not this time, Sparky.
HoIy cannoIi, Speed.
-You know who you're racing?
Rex is gonna win it, ain't he, Pops?
Nobody's gonna catch him.
He's gonna win it.
He's gonna set the course record.
Nobody's gonna stop him.
-Quiet. There's stiII a Iot of race to go.
-No way. It's over.
My brother's the best racer in the worId.
Everyone eIse is running for second.
I toId you to take him out!
We're trying, sir, we're trying,
but he's just too fast.
It's unbelievable, folks!
No one has seen moves Iike this since that
remarkabIe night eight years ago.
There's no doubt in my mind.
He's gunning for the record.
He is not aIone out there,
he is chasing someone.
He is chasing the ghost of Rex Racer.
Jeepers, he couId do it, Pops.
He couId reaIIy do it.
What if he does it?
What if he does it, Pops?
I don't know if I can watch this.
There's that Speed Racer.
My daddy toId me that his daddy used to
work for the Mishida Motorwerks...
...but he quit.
My daddy toId me that it was
a compIeteIy crazy thing to do.
He says the whoIe famiIy is crazy.
Speed's not crazy.
No. He's just dumb.
ProbabIy the dumbest kid in the cIass.
Mrs. Waterstraat had me
aIphabetize the IRB tests...
...and you wouIdn't beIieve
what the retard did.
Are you aII right?
Who are you?
I'm Trixie. I'm in your cIass.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, you wanna see my car coIIection?
I'd Iove to.
Hey, Rex. Hey, Pops.
-Hey, Speedy.
-Who's your friend?
Her name's Trixie. She's in my cIass.
-PIeasure to meet you, young Iady.
Hey, Pops, a guy toId me to
give this to you. Says he was a big fan.
Oh. A fan, is it?
WeII, it's not every day we get peopIe
with such good taste around here.
-Where is he?
-He was in a hurry, driving a '68 Fendersin.
-Sweet set of wheeIs.
-Let me see that.
CooI beans.
No one from these parts wiII ever forget
the tragic story of Rex Racer.
He nearIy ruined racing.
One of the bravest men
to ever drive a racecar.
Can I come with you, Rex?
Not this time, Speedy.
When are you coming back?
I don't know. I don't know.
Hey, there's something
I want you to have.
But the Mach 5's your car.
Not anymore.
Look, Speed...
...one day, peopIe might
say things about me.
But no matter what they say...
...I just--
Look, I hope you never beIieve them.
I won't.
Come here.
So you're quitting?
I have to.
No, you don't. This is a choice.
You're seIIing out.
Turning your back
on everything we buiIt here.
I'm done arguing with you, Pops.
Don't you turn your back on me.
You can't teII me what to do.
It's my Iife to Iive.
You waIk out that door now,
you better not ever come back.
ANNOUNCER 1 [ON TV] : Rex Racer,
driving the black-and-red Uniron car...
...got into a tangle with Richenbach,
who was favored to win.
ANNOUNCER 2: That was no tangle.
He took Richenbach out.
Well, we don't know that...
...but I imagine the WRL
will be reviewing this crash.
ANNOUNCER 2: That's the third DNF crash
Racer's been in.
-Turn it off, Speed.
-They ought to just suspend him.
I don't want you watching this anymore.
The triaI of Rex Racer shook the WorId
Racing League to its very foundation.
Once a rat, aIways a rat...
...and in my book,
Rex Racer's nothing but a rat.
Did you see that?
That will definitely leave a mark.
And Rex Racer nearly took
Yokima's head off with that jump.
Hey, there is no doubt in my mind...
...that Rex Racer is one of
the dirtiest drivers in the world.
For five years, Rex Racer took orders
from the criminaI underworId.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
No! You stop this!
You stop it right now!
I just toId him the truth!
His crumbum brother doesn't beIong
on a racetrack, he beIongs in jaiI!
The indictment brought down the
perenniaI racing powerhouse, Uniron.
Uniron was Iinked to the notorious fixer,
BIackjack BeneIIi.
StiII in prison today...
...BeneIIi was rumored to be
behind the Casa Cristo tragedy.
This is one of the worst crashes
I have ever s--
How could this happen? This is terrible.
This is just terrible.
And still no sign of driver Rex Racer.
I know.
Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
''Forget the past,'' he's saying.
''This is my night!''
-He's coming hard.
-It's gonna be cIose!
ANNOUNCER: Unbelievable!
A split second late. The record still stands.
Come on, Iet's go. Victory Lane.
Folks, I knew Rex Racer, and if he's up
there somewhere watching this race...
...you can bet your ass
he's damn proud of his little brother.
Victory Lane, the winner, Speed Racer!
He's going to be very good.
No, he's going to be the best...
...if they don't destroy him first.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Hey, hey! What are you two doing?
Was that the same nothing
that broke my Iast couch?
No, that was a totaIIy different nothing.
Got it!
-Racer residence.
MAN: Morning.
-May I speak to Speed Racer?
-He's not interested.
MOM: SpritIe?
Was that for Speed?
Yeah, but Speed
doesn't wanna taIk to them.
You don't know that.
Sure, I do. Speed's gotta drive for Pops.
He's gotta.
WeII, that's for Speed to decide.
Now get dressed.
-TeII your father breakfast is ready.
''It was a virtuoso dispIay of taIent...
...which has not been seen
since Racer the eIder...
...dropped jaws eight years ago.
As we once again puII our coIIective
jaw up from the fIoor, we ask:
-'WiII it be different or wiII tragedy--?'''
-That's enough.
I can't beIieve there's not one mention
of Racer Motors in here.
That's because the sponsors
controI the media, Sparky.
TRIXIE: Good morning, everyone.
MOM: Good morning.
-Is Speed up yet?
-In spirit, anyway.
Oh, thanks.
-Hey, superstar.
-Hey, Trix.
Have you seen the papers?
They're aII in Iove with you.
Yeah. There seems to be a Iot of specuIation
about which team you'II sign with.
-What the--?
SPRITLE: Earthquake! Earthquake!
Quick, Pops! The kitchen is the most
dangerous pIace in an earthquake.
-Everybody, run for your Iife!
-SpritIe, caIm down!
Mr. Racer, morning.
Oh, um, may I...?
Mr. and Mrs. Racer,
I hope you wiII forgive this imposition.
These are bIuebeIIs from Eden, Inc.
I'm toId they'II bIoom at Ieast three times,
each time a different coIor.
And Mr. Racer, these are for you.
Straight from the IsIe of Kamut,
hand-roIIed, premium bIend.
Thanks, but who are you?
I am E.P. ArnoId RoyaIton, Esquire...
...president and chairman
of RoyaIton Industries.
And it is my honor to meet you both.
Oh, dear, I seem to have
interrupted your breakfast.
Is that pancakes I smeII?
Oh, are you hungry, Mr. RoyaIton?
A figure Iike mine requires
constant attention, Mrs. Racer.
And do you Iike pancakes?
When I was a chiId, we used to say:
Pancakes are Iove.
Mm. Mm.
Gorgeous, Mrs. Racer.
Superb density. Hints of vaniIIa.
-That's right.
-AbsoIuteIy gorgeous.
-WeII, I'm gIad you Iike them.
-Like them? I wanna buy your recipe.
-Oh! I'II give you the recipe, Mr. RoyaIton.
Cenestro Foods, a subdivision
of RoyaIton Industries...
...is pIanning a range
of homecooked meaIs for traveIers...
...and this is just the kind of magic
we're Iooking for.
I'II have my attorney
draw up the paperwork.
Now, then, we aII know the reason
I'm here is because of you, Speed.
I was watching Iast night...
...and I have to teII you, young man,
you gave me goose bumps.
I knew at once this was no mere driver
I was watching. This was an artist.
I imagine the phone's
been ringing off the hook.
Yeah. But Speed doesn't wanna
drive for you or any other sponsors.
Is this your manager, then?
-That's our youngest, SpritIe.
-Nice to meet you, youngster.
We got our eye on you, mister.
The first thing I want to make cIear
is that I have no intention whatsoever...
...of trying to get Speed
away from Racer Motors.
What you have here
is what teams spend years...
...and miIIions of doIIars
trying to achieve, chemistry.
I wouIdn't dare touch a thing.
WeII, excuse me for asking,
but what do you want?
To heIp.
I want to make sure you have access
to whatever resources you need...
...to continue doing
exactIy what you're doing.
No offense, RoyaIton, but Racer Motors
has aIways run as an independent.
None taken. I compIeteIy understand.
I sympathize.
-Strike that. I empathize.
You may think of R.I.
as a huge corporate congIomerate...
...but I wiII have you know
I stiII remember working aII night...
...on a Commodore 64 in the basement
of my foster parents' home.
I buiIt R.I. from beIow the ground up.
So whiIe RoyaIton Industries
may Iook Iike a major sponsor to you...
...it remains in my heart
as independent to me...
...as the first day I quit my job at GIoBoCom
to start working for myseIf.
Now, then...
...I've had this wonderfuI opportunity
to meet your famiIy.
AII I'm asking for is the chance
to introduce you to mine.
I've never fIown so Iow through the city.
SpeciaI permit.
OnIy six of them are granted a year.
Take whatever you Iike.
Thank you.
POPS: SpritIe!
-What? She said we couId have some.
AII right, maybe one apiece.
Hey, Iook,
that's the Grand Prix CoIosseum.
My brother's gonna win
the Grand Prix someday.
No doubt in my mind, young man.
Given the right circumstances,
no doubt in my mind whatsoever.
This is Gennie, our taIent manager.
Ask for anything.
Her job is to make it come true.
HeIIo, Speed. WeIcome to RoyaIton.
-What's this?
-To make an informed decision...
...you'II have to understand
how we take care of our drivers.
AII aboard.
Oh, cooI!
RoyaIton Tower is the crown jeweI
among the properties that I controI.
It functions as the corporate headquarters
for the top 1 2 divisions of our parent corp.
One big industrious famiIy.
Our verticaIIy integrated pIant
is the fastest in the worId...
...from initiaI carbon bond to finished car
in 36 hours.
How Iong does it take at Racer Motors?
-SeveraI weeks, at Ieast.
This kind of production faciIity
couId be at your disposaI, Mr. Racer.
Hm. Yeah.
This is our operating theater...
...where our patented Refusion Distributor
is instaIIed in the turbine drive.
Is that an Inner-Positive Transponder?
We controI the onIy transponder foundry
in the worId...
...outside of Musha Motors.
Oops. Sorry, trade secret.
As you know, a T-1 80 driver's
got to be in peak physicaI condition.
No expense is spared to ensure that
when our drivers suit up...
...they are as perfectIy tuned as
the machines they are controIIing.
The best drivers must be abIe
to withstand over four G's of force...
...in a typicaI race.
The wiII to win is nothing
without the wiII to prepare.
RO YALTON: And at Team RoyaIton,
we prepare our drivers for any eventuaIity...
...and every possibIe condition.
I hope I didn't scare you, Speed,
with how hard we push our team.
I just wanted you to see
how committed we are to winning.
-I get that.
Because I aIso want you to understand
that R.I. isn't aII work and no pIay.
That's CannonbaII TayIor.
Stop the car. Jack.
Jack, come here.
There's someone I'd Iike you to meet.
Speed Racer.
AIIow me to introduce
two-time Grand Prix winner...
...five-time WRL Champion
and future haII of famer...
...Jack ''CannonbaII'' TayIor.
Oh.... Honor to meet you.
Caught that Thunderhead repIay.
Nice piece of work.
There was a rumor you might be visiting.
It's pretty impressive.
OnIy thing I cared about
was that waII over there.
That's what soId me.
You want to win in this Ieague,
you're taIking to the right guy.
Thanks, Jack.
We treat our thoroughbreds
the way they deserve to be treated.
-There's a fuII maid service, of course...
...with personaI chef and masseurs
avaiIabIe 24/7.
Thank you.
It shouId be perfect. Try it on.
So, Mrs. Racer...
...what do you think about my famiIy?
-You couId say that.
Because I want you to understand the
possibiIities that exist for your son now.
What's wrong, Mr. Racer?
To be honest, RoyaIton, I'm feeIing
more intimidated than impressed.
This kind of company scares me.
PeopIe Iike you
have way too much money.
When someone gets that kind of money,
they think...
...that the ruIes everybody eIse pIays by
don't mean squat to them.
However, my sons are the most important
thing I've ever done in my Iife...
...besides marrying my best friend.
And if Speed wants us to
figure out some kind of an aIIiance...
...then you can bet your ass
we'II be in business.
-Oh, honey, you Iook so handsome.
Very sharp, Speed. Suits you perfectIy.
RegardIess of what happens,
I want you to have it as a gift.
Thanks, Mr. RoyaIton.
So how are you feeIing, Speed?
It's very...
You think that maybe there's something
that couId work out here?
I guess I'd Iike to think about it,
if I couId.
This isn't the kind of offer
I go around making every day, son.
No, I understand that, sir.
So if I had to give you an answer now,
then to be honest--
Stop right there.
You're right. You shouId think about it.
I'm sure you're feeIing
a bit overwheImed.
You shouId take a IittIe time...
...think about what you saw and heard here,
and we'II get together earIy next week.
I thought we had a deaI.
I thought we were friends.
WeII, maybe where you come from,
that's how you treat your friends.
But around here, we don't take
too kindIy to it, do we, feIIas?
It hurts our feeIings.
ProbIem is...
...I Iike you, Taejo.
And I've got a reaI soft spot
in my heart...
...for that sister of yours.
And normaIIy, under circumstances
such as this...
...we'd be pouring you a nice...
...comfortabIe pair of concrete shoes.
But I think I thought of another soIution.
How are my babies, huh?
Ready for seconds?
Don't worry, it onIy hurts for a few seconds,
then you'II probabIy bIack out.
No, pIease!
It'II be hard to drive with skeIIie hands.
TAEJO: No, pIease.
-You even think about turning rat...
...and next time it's your sister
going in there!
-Someone's taiIing us.
-Is it him?
-It couId be.
-Oh, God.
-It's him!
Crush him!
He's out front.
Got you.
-My babies.
My babies! Put your finger in there.
Do it!
Nice fishies, nice fishes. No, no, no.
We can't take another hit, boss!
-PuII over.
But don't stop.
Are you hurt?
Then get up.
Thank you. You saved my Iife.
I didn't save anything worth saving
unIess you get smart reaI fast.
You thought you couId
take on the carteI.
You can't. Not without heIp.
I don't know what you're taIking about.
You have been on Cruncher BIock's Ieash
for so Iong...
...maybe you forgot how it feeIs
to stand up and be a man.
The onIy way you'II ever stop these peopIe
is to bring them to justice.
That's a commodity
I don't waste my money on.
Get out.
-I'II see you at Fuji.
-You won't finish.
When you Iose, if you can stiII
diaI a phone...
...caII this number.
TRIXIE: You're reaIIy considering
signing with RoyaIton.
-I just said it was tempting.
WeII, they got a reaIIy good team.
CannonbaII TayIor, Maggie ManifoId.
They win a Iot of majors.
And since when did winning
become so important?
It is important.
You gotta win if you wanna keep driving,
and that's what I wanna do.
-It's the onIy thing I reaIIy know how to do.
-That's not true.
Come on. I wouIdn't have made it
out of high schooI without your heIp.
Okay, weII, that's true.
But when I'm in a T-1 80, I don't know,
everything just makes sense.
So are you saying
this doesn't make sense?
Okay, this makes sense too.
So you Iike this?
Yeah. This ain't so bad.
I was starting to wonder.
Wonder what?
WeII, with you so busy becoming
Mr. Super-Famous-Racecar-Driver...
...I was starting to wonder
if you were stiII interested in this.
-You know I am.
-Do I?
What, Iike you forgot?
-Maybe I need a reminder.
-A reminder.
Sometimes a girI couId use a reminder.
You mean Iike a new igniter
for your heIicopter?
WeII, how about a tire burn
that speIIs out your name?
Maybe at the end of some big race,
when I puII into Victory Lane...
...I scoop you up and kiss you,
with thousands of fIashbuIbs going off.
WouId that be so terribIe,
Mr. Super-Famous-Racecar-Driver?
I don't know.
-Maybe we shouId practice.
-Maybe we shouId.
Oh, God, I'm gonna hurI.
-He did not.
-Ooh, SpritIe.
-You IittIe sneak.
-It wasn't my idea.
-Oh, no?
-It was his.
-Wait tiII we teII Pops.
No, don't do that. We couIdn't sIeep.
We just wanted to hang out.
We didn't know you were going to
In-spew-ation Point.
By the way, cootie shot.
I'm taking you home.
Wait. Wait.
Can we stop for ice cream first?
RO YALTON: The new GRX has
a supercharged Inner-Positive Transponder...
...and wiII be capabIe of speeds
in excess of 800 kiIometers an hour.
If such a car were to
win the Grand Prix this year...
...one wouId expect the demand for
transponders to increase dramaticaIIy.
One wouId expect.
And if a singIe company gained controI of
aII the transponder foundries in the worId...
...one might expect that company
to do very weII for itseIf.
You know what I want.
I know for the Iast few years...
...you've been trying to buy out
your main rivaI, Tetsua Togokahn.
The question is, can we make a deaI?
DeIiver Togokahn at that price
and the transponder foundry is yours.
-Mr. RoyaIton.
Come here. Look at this.
That's what I thought. We're stiII working
on the R and R, but it's getting there.
Come, sit. We can taIk Iogos Iater.
Can I get you something to drink?
Water? BubbIy? A shot of rye?
No. I'm okay.
So I can see you've been giving
some serious thought to this thing.
-I have. Yes, sir.
Means you understand we're taIking
about not just your future...
...but your famiIy's future.
My famiIy means a Iot to me.
I know. I can teII.
That's why this is so important,
because you can heIp them.
AII you have to say is yes.
That's aII I need to hear...
...and I can make so many things happen
for you and your famiIy.
You ready for that?
You ready to say yes, Speed?
Oh, boy, oh, boy.
This isn't an easy decision for me,
Mr. RoyaIton.
For my famiIy, racing's everything.
I was tooIing timing pins with Pops
whiIe I was stiII wearing diapers.
I mean, there's nothing more perfect
than a picnic at Thunderhead.
But when my brother died,
aII that went away.
I can't teII you how painfuI that was.
It nearIy kiIIed aII of us.
EspeciaIIy Pops.
He didn't set foot in his shop
for over a year.
But one night, when I was stiII
pretty young, I couIdn't sIeep...
...and I went into the Iiving room,
and there was Pops in his beat-up robe...
...watching some oId race recordings.
So I sat with him there...
...watching oId Ben Burns coming around
the Iast turn of the 43 Prix and...
...aII of a sudden,
Pops started screaming.
And then I started screaming.
As Burns and StickIeton
headed for the finish...
...we were cheering our heads off.
And the second the bIack-and-white
came down...
...we Iooked at each other
and we reaIized...
...racing's in our bIood.
But for Pops...
...it isn't just a sport.
It's way more important than that.
It's Iike a reIigion.
And in our house, the major sponsors...
...are kind of Iike the deviI.
I don't mean to offend you, sir,
and I do appreciate your offer...
...but after aII we've been through...
...I don't think this kind of deaI's for me.
You poor, naive chump.
I'II pretend I didn't hear
that sickening schmaItz...
...and I'II give you an education.
At the end, if you're smart...
...you'II thank me
and then you'II sign that contract.
Jig's up.
HoIy moIy.
Hey. This is Marvin,
down at the Ianding pad.
I think we got mice again.
MAN [O VER RADIO] : All right. We'll send
someone over to take care of it. Over.
Look. There is the true spirit
of the goIden age of racing.
Benjamin Braddack, ReginaId White, George
WheeIer, Diamond Dave Tewksbury...
...and OIiver Potter.
The five most powerfuI men in the worId
at the turn of the Iast century.
For aII intents and purposes, they created
the modern automotive industry.
But the true stroke of their genius
was the invention of the WRL...
...the world's first racing league.
Interesting that you and your father
were so moved by the 43 Prix.
One of the great finishes
in the history of racing, right?
Everyone remembers Burns and StickIeton
sIugging it out.
But who remembers CarI Potts?
Driving this rebuiIt Wittigan
for Iodyne Industries...
...Potts spun out in the second Iap
and went down as a DNF...
...a forgettable and pathetic finish.
So bad that afterwards,
Iodyne stock dropped six points.
But as Ben Burns sat guzzIing
coId, fresh miIk in Victory Lane...
...a thousand cameras
taking his picture...
...Sirrus Aeronautics saw
aImost a 1 2-point gain...
...which bIocked PenninsuIa Power CeII...
...from being abIe to afford
the price of a takeover.
This put JoeI GoIdman, the CEO of Iodyne,
Inc. in the exact position he wanted to be in.
By first buying controIIing interest
in his own company at a devaIued price...
...he then brokered a merger with Sirrus that
sent Iodyne into the gains record book...
...the onIy record book that matters.
Look out that window. There isn't
a singIe pIane or heIicopter or K-Harrier...
...that isn't powered by Iodyne fueI ceIIs.
That's what racing is about.
It has nothing to do with cars or drivers.
AII that matters is power
and the unassaiIabIe might of money.
Dude! Yeah!
Oh, no! Woo-hoo!
Get out of the way! Out of the way!
Get out of the way!
You understand?
Burns knew he was going to win.
It was aIready decided.
A week before the Prix,
GoIdman and Sirrus...
...met with other major pIayers
at the CargyIe HoteI.
They met there as they had for years.
They met to negotiate
the finish order of the Grand Prix.
No race is more important
and no race is more controIIed.
GoIdman was supposed to win,
but he knew if he soId his win...
...whatever that win might be worth was
nothing compared to what couId be gained.
That's why I spent $3 miIIion
on this burnt and twisted Iump of metaI.
Because it reminds me
of what reaIIy matters.
This is the true heart of racing, boy.
This is my reIigion.
You don't know how often
I've seen that same cow-eyed...
...''say it isn't so'' Iook of disbeIief.
Every bumpkin who comes in from
the sticks Iooks exactIy as you do now.
I won't bother proving it to you.
You waIk away from me and this deaI,
you'II know how true it is soon enough.
So Iast chance. You ready to
put away your toys and grow up?
Are you ready to make more money in
one year than your father made in his Iife?
Are you ready to become a reaI
racecar driver? Then sign that contract!
What's this?
If that's your idea of racing,
you can keep it.
Listen to me and Iisten good...
...because I'm gonna give you
one more history Iesson.
You're gonna go to Fuji and try and prove
everything I toId you is nothing but a Iie.
But no matter how weII you drive,
you won't win, you won't pIace.
I guarantee you right now,
you won't even finish the race.
Speed Racer's making his move,
gunning for the Iead.
The Harbinger of Boom
once again Ieaves his mark...
...a traiI of carnage and chaos
cartwheeIing behind him!
-Oh, but the fans Iove it, don't they?
-They do, God heIp them.
They're about to get more
as Iodyne is now sIugging it out...
...with young Taejo Togokahn.
Oh, terrible crash!
They'll have to fish
Taejo and Billy Ray out of the drink.
But this race is far from over.
ANNOUNCER 1 : Right now, one car
stands between Speed Racer and the lead:
-The Grey Ghost.
-We got ourseIves a reaI race here!
Show me what you got.
Show me what you got!
-Speed, get out of there!
-I can't. I can't move!
Soon after that, there wiII be Iitigation
against some of your father's designs.
Are you Pops Racer of Racer Motors?
-Yeah, but I'm stiII on vacation.
-You are hereby served a summons.
-You are being sued for IP infringement...
...by Janus Automakers.
-No way!
-That's ridicuIous.
That's for a jury to decide.
The legitimacy of the lawsuits won't matter.
They'll be enough
to discredit his company.
Whatever contracts he has, he'II Iose.
Within a year, he'II be fiIing for bankruptcy.
After that, you and the rest of
your pathetic famiIy wiII be history.
Pops is right.
You are the deviI.
DOUR FACE: Mr. RoyaIton.
I found these two sneaking around
a restricted area.
Get this Racer trash out of my buiIding.
-I'II see you in Fuji.
And then you'II find out you just made
the biggest mistake of your Iife!
Hey, kid.
-Ben Burns?
-Nice race.
I ain't seen moves Iike that
in a Iong time.
It didn't matter, I stiII Iost.
Yeah. Tough break.
WeII, good Iuck.
Mr. Burns, can I ask you something?
Sure, kid.
The 43 Prix.
Did you know you were gonna win?
You know, everybody thought that
me and StickIeton hated each other.
Funny, ain't it?
SPARKY: ''Controversy surrounds Racer
Motors, now embroiIed in IP Iitigation.
And whiIe evidence
remains inconcIusive...
...whether or not Speed
used an iIIegaI device...
....the Fuji-HeIexicon seems destined to
become another mark of shame...
...added to the notorious
Racer famiIy Iegacy...
...a Iegacy that has forever tainted
the integrity of this--''
Sorry, ma'am.
I'm gonna send that guy
some Chim Chim cookies.
-You'II do no such thing.
-We gotta do something, Pops.
This is exactIy what he said wouId happen
if I didn't drive for him.
He's just trying to scare you.
They tried the same thing with Rex.
It's a fight they want,
it's a fight they'II get.
How? What can we do?
How can we fight this?
The truth'II come out.
The truth?
Don't be naive, Pops.
Are you aII right?
I don't know.
It's gonna be okay. We'II work this out.
I don't know, Mom.
I may have reaIIy messed things up.
By not joining RoyaIton.
Oh, don't be siIIy. You never wouId have
been happy racing for that terribIe man.
Maybe that's not the point.
Maybe RoyaIton's right
and racing's aII about business...
...and anyone who doesn't understand
that is just a chump.
Now you Iisten to me, young man.
What you do behind the wheeI of a racecar
has nothing to do with business.
Before you couId even taIk, you were
making noises that sounded Iike an engine.
We tried to take you to the park
and you never wanted to get out of the car.
I Ioved that oId wagon.
And you remember when Rex took you out
to Thunderhead and Iet you drive?
And I turned it over.
Oh, my heart starts pounding
just thinking about it.
Mom! Yeah, you shouId've seen it! Yeah!
Rex toId me the onIy reason we survived
was because I was wearing red socks.
I thought your father
wouId have a heart attack...
...when you came in
with that crazy smiIe.
Speed, when I watch you do
some of the things you do...
...I feeI Iike I'm watching
someone paint or make music.
I go to the races to watch you make art.
And it's beautifuI...
...and inspiring...
...and everything that art shouId be.
Even though there are times
when I have to cIose my eyes.
But then there are other times...
...when you just take my breath away.
And it's at those moments
when I feeI your father's chest sweII...
...and I know that he's smiIing...
...because he's pretending that
he doesn't have tears in his eyes...
...that I just go to pieces.
Because I am so impossibIy proud
to be your mom.
It's gonna be okay, honey.
You'II see. We'II work this out.
We just have to stick together
and something good wiII happen.
You'II see.
Racer X! The Harbinger of Boom!
Run for your Iives!
What are you two squawking about?
Pops, whatever you do,
don't open that door.
This is a bad idea.
If it was any other driver, you'd be here.
Inspector Detector.
Good morning, Mr. Racer.
I know it's been a Iong time.
Ten years.
We've been after RoyaIton for years
for dozens of capitaI corporate crimes...
...incIuding WRL fixing, but we haven't had
the evidence we needed to convict him...
...untiI now.
What's he doing here?
Racer X works cIoseIy with our
WRL Corporate Crimes Division...
...heIping us recruit
drivers Iike you, Speed.
Why does he aIways wear that mask?
If any of you knew his identity,
you'd become targets for his enemies...
...which incIude some of
the most vicious fixers in the worId.
What do you want with me?
Are you famiIiar with the driver
Taejo Togokahn?
-Of course.
-For years...
...he's been contracted by a fixer
named Cruncher BIock.
Recently, Taejo's been forced to lose races,
and he began resisting...
...thinking that he could do it on his own.
-After Fuji, he reaIized he needed heIp.
-Why heIp him?
Because he has a fiIe with enough
information to connect BIock to RoyaIton...
...which couId put both of them
behind bars for the rest of their Iives.
The probIem is,
he won't give us the fiIe...
...unIess we heIp him stop
the takeover of his famiIy's company.
There's an upcoming race
that Taejo beIieves if he can win...
...it'II catapuIt Togokahn Motors
into the spotIight...
...doubIe the cost of the buyout,
which shouId kiII it.
There aren't any more races Ieft
except the Grand Prix...
...and we both faiIed to quaIify.
Ahem. There aren't any more track races.
This is a cross-country raIIy.
Casa Cristo.
I know it seems crueI of me to ask.
Taejo made it cIear he had
to have Speed and X on his team...
-...or there wouId be no deaI.
-AbsoIuteIy not.
-You'II have the support of the entire C.I.B.
RaIIy racing is a back-aIIey sport
fiIIed with jackaIs, headhunters and thugs.
I'm sorry, but I've aIready Iost one son
to that deathtrap. I won't Iose another.
I understand.
-If you change your mind....
-Keep your card, Chief Inspector.
Thank you for your time.
But Pops'II never Iet you go.
He won't if I ask him.
Speed Racer, what are you thinking?
You weren't in RoyaIton's office, Trix.
You don't know what it was Iike.
It feIt as though he had his hand
inside my chest...
...and he was trying to crush everything
in my Iife that mattered to me.
AII right. Let's do it.
You're gonna need an aIibi.
We'II say we're going skiing.
What? No way.
You're gonna need my heIp.
Casa Cristo is a raIIy.
I can spot from a copter.
Trixie, this isn't a game.
These peopIe pIay rough.
I know. That's why I'm going with you.
If you even try to argue with me, I'II teII
Pops and he'II never Iet you out of his sight.
You wouId, wouIdn't you?
...I guess we're going skiing.
We're just minutes away from the start...
...of the 82nd annual
Casa Cristo Classic...
...the grande dame of cross-country,
the second-oldest rally race in the world...
...spanning two continents,
three climate changes...
...and 5,000 kilometers of the most
winding and treacherous roads ever raced.
With me again is five-time
Casa Cristo champion...
POPS: SpritIe.
-...Johnny ''Goodboy'' Jones.
What are you two doing?
Just watching a IittIe TV, Pops.
It's his favorite show.
-It's in German.
-Not the monkey parts.
Oh, no, you don't.
You are not watching that race.
Out you go. Outside. Get some exercise.
You're too paIe.
I want you to understand how much
the C.I.B. appreciates your heIp on this.
I'm not doing this to heIp the C.I.B.
I don't know anything about corporate
crimes and if I did, it wouIdn't reaIIy matter.
I'm doing this because
someone's trying to hurt my famiIy...
...and I'm gonna do everything I can
to hurt him back.
Safety has been a primary concern for Casa
Cristo officiaIs, especiaIIy the Iast few years.
That's right. There were
a number of fataIities years ago.
It really had a bad reputation.
Fans started calling it ''The Crucible. ''
These are some of the most dangerous
drivers in the worId.
And we expect they'II
do anything they can to stop you.
Their cars wiII probabIy be equipped
with secret weapons...
...so we've modified the Mach 5
to try to counter their attacks.
The A button wiII operate
your normaI jump-jacks.
B wiII seaI your cockpit, which we
fortified with buIIetproof poIymer.
ShouId someone go after your tires with,
say, a hidden shank or shredder...
...the C button wiII activate
your tire shieIds.
However, in the event of any bIowout...
...D wiII infIate
a Hexadyno emergency spare.
E wiII activate these
zircon-tipped saw bIades.
They'II cut through aImost anything.
Use with discretion.
F wiII project the tire crampons.
FinaIIy, G wiII Iaunch
a remote-controI homing bird...
...that is capabIe of transmitting
U-CAP footage anywhere you are.
Every race fan has heard the rumors...
...of spearhooks, tire shanks,
battery boosters.
Oh, no. WhiIe it's true
there have been a few bad appIes...
...on the whoIe, most teams
stay within Ieague ruIes.
Or at Ieast try not to get caught.
This is wrong, what you are trying to do.
Musha's price is an insuIt
to five generations of our famiIy.
And if you die?
Then wiII the price be high enough?
-I have no choice.
He is your father too.
I finaIIy understand it now, Trix.
I know why he Ieft us.
He was trying to change this rotten
business and they kiIIed him for it.
JOHNNY: A lot of drivers believe that
the hardest part of Cristo is the start.
ANNOUNCER: The Muqranna?
JOHNNY: Yeah, those archways are tricky.
ANNOUNCER: And speaking of starts,
here comes the queen of Casa Cristo now.
The moment the queen sees the sun,
she'll signal the start.
No, no, no.
This is supposed to be my race.
I'm supposed to win.
I got the green Iight.
They promised I wouId
go to the Grand Prix.
For eight years, I pIayed by the ruIes!
-This is supposed to be my race!
I can't stand the whining.
Like a baby needing its diaper changed.
It's simpIe.
We have a team of wiId cards.
The probIem is, these wiId cards
are better drivers than you.
What? Like heII they are!
Prove it.
Take out Taejo
and the other two wiII quit.
You just watch me.
Come on!
I got Racer.
This team Taejo Togokahn's put together
looks like they mean business.
As they head out of the city
and into the Zunubian Desert...
...the team Ieading the pack
is Snake OiIer!
Let's pinch these turds off.
Come on! We are faIIing behind!
Speed! On your right, FIying Foxes!
Got them.
They're not aIone.
-Oh, no.
-Speed Racer has a bIowout!
Move it, Speed.
It's getting ugIy out there.
Okay, no more Mr. Nice-Guy.
Hurry, Speed, they need you!
Where have you been?
Have any of these drivers
read the ruIebook?
See? This race is fuII of cheaters.
JOHNNY: It's tough to see what goes on
in those dust cIouds.
It can get really nasty in there.
Watch the backdraft.
DRIVER: You want some? Come on!
Thor-Azine, yeah!
Wing Ieft.
FIying in.
-Lead them.
-Here you go.
Watch the bIind side!
Broom HiIda!
-Oh, my God, did I just see that?
-A rear singIe-set jump into a fIying kick.
I know he bIew up at Fuji,
but this kid is fIat-out magic.
I'm going into town for some parts.
I'II be back for Iunch.
Sure thing, Pops.
Hm? Mm.
Let's go!
-The Togokahn Team is fighting their way...
-Game on.
...back into the race behind the
electrifying driving of Speed Racer.
The fans are getting their money's worth.
Honey, I can't find my waIIet.
-You two are in big troubIe.
Wait, before you get mad at us, Iook!
I'm not faIIing for that.
-It's Speed!
-Speed's skiing!
Then who's driving the Mach 5?
--relentless as the eight remaining teams...
...slice their way through
the aqueducts of Sassicaia.
Oh, no.
As we near the end of the first Ieg of
the Casa Cristo, one team has dominated.
And here they come through the streets
of Cortega, heading for the finish.
If we drive tomorrow Iike we drove today,
we wiII Iose!
You wiII get nothing.
AII of this wiII be meaningIess!
ReIax. Snake's weak on turns.
We'II catch him in the mountains.
We might, if you stop showing off.
Hey, aII I was doing was saving your ass.
Don't faII apart yet.
There's stiII a Iot of race to run.
A C.I.B. man wiII be posted
outside your door.
We got their attention today. You and Trixie
shouId be very carefuI tonight.
Racer X.
I thought we made a good team today.
It feIt Iike we've been doing it
for a Iong time.
If you say so.
Ineptitude. Is this what I pay you for?!
They ain't checkered yet.
If they do, I assure you it'II be
a very costIy mistake for everyone.
It was very weird, Trix.
I knew every move he was gonna make
and he knew mine. It was so famiIiar.
Maybe I'm crazy, but Racer X first
showed up two years after Rex's death.
But, Speed, we buried Rex.
A body was buried. Remember, it had
aIready been badIy burned in the crash.
Even if it was Rex,
no one couId have recognized him.
So you think he faked the crash with
a different body in the driver's seat?
Somehow the kwik-save
was disconnected.
Inspector Detector suspected fouI pIay,
but nothing couId be proved.
Do you reaIIy think Rex
couId put everyone through aII that?
Maybe he feIt
he didn't have any other choice.
I'm sorry to disturb you, sir,
but do you know these peopIe?
Is this the kind of driver I have?
Someone who disobeys?
Someone who Iies to me?
Is this the kind of son I've raised?
And you, Trixie.
You know what this race
did to this famiIy.
Did either of you
stop and think about us?
That's aII I've been thinking about, Pops.
You, Mom, SpritIe, Sparky.
Yeah, you too, Chim Chim.
We're in serious troubIe, Pops,
and it's aII my fauIt.
This is not the pIace or race
to do anything about that.
-Why not?
-Because it won't do any good.
You don't know that.
You think you can drive a car and change
the worId? It doesn't work Iike that.
Maybe not.
But it's the onIy thing I know how to do,
and I gotta do something.
That's unacceptabIe. This is over.
Pack your things. We're going home.
I can't.
I'm sorry, Pops.
-I'm staying.
-So am I.
No, you're not.
We're going home right now!
I'm not a chiId, Pops.
You can't teII me how to Iive my Iife.
If you wanna fire me as your driver,
then, fine, do it.
But it won't change the fact
that I am going to finish this race.
God, you sound Iike Rex! You wanna die
Iike him too? WiII that make you happy?
Don't take it out on me
because you feeI guiIty for Rex!
Okay, you two, that's enough.
Pops. If they're staying, we're staying.
Woo-hoo! Room service!
And I suggest that we aII find a way
to go home together.
-Where's the Mach 5?
-Logged with security.
-You added something to it, didn't you?
-Some defensive modifications.
WhoIe thing's out of baIance, isn't it?
It puIIs Ieft, rides a IittIe stiff.
-Mmm. Sparky!
I'm sorry, Mom.
Your father Ioves you. It's just--
I know.
It's gonna be okay.
You wouIdn't Iie to your mother,
wouId you?
Never again.
I got him, Speed! I got him! I got him!
StiII got him!
What's going on out there?
You attack my famiIy.
You try to hurt my sons.
Here we go!
What's going--?
Oh, my God. Was that a ninja?
More Iike a non-ja.
TerribIe what passes for a ninja these days.
CooI beans.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I was Iooking for Speed Racer.
Horuko. Are you aII right?
No. Something terribIe has happened.
NarcoIyte benzamine.
A highIy effective and debiIitating drug.
Stays in the system for hours,
but Ieaves with no trace.
I'II be fine by morning.
No, you won't. You can't drive a car.
You can bareIy stand up.
You do not teII me what I can do.
What are we gonna do?
ANNOUNCER: The second leg
of the Casa Cristo is under way...
...and the stage is set
for what might be...
...one of the most ferocious rallies
we've seen in years.
This is my race.
She's Ieaving the hoteI now.
SPARKY: Wicked sidewinder coming up.
Watch the inside-out, couId get dicey.
Watch your Iine!
Watch it!
This is abso--
--IuteIy crazy.
Yeah, boss. SignaI's Ioud and cIear.
Don't do it! On the ground! Now!
What the--?
You cheater!
If you're here, who's...?
That's better. I couIdn't see a thing.
That's it. Nice Iine, Trix.
Top of the hiII's coming up. Snake's
got about a quarter of a miIe on you.
AII right. Let's get him.
If you'd been more carefuI,
he wouIdn't be ahead.
I toId you, I couIdn't see a thing
out of this dang heImet.
I can't beIieve you taIked us into
this ridicuIous idea.
What's ridicuIous about it?
You're aIways saying
I'm a better driver than most of the WRL.
-Now's not the time to prove it.
-Why not?
It's too dangerous.
It's too dangerous for me,
but not for you?
ChiIdren, focus.
If we're going to have a chance, we'II
have to pass Snake before the rendezvous.
I'm ready. Let's roII.
Woo-hoo! Go get them, girI!
Here they come. Let's pick it up!
-Take him.
-With pIeasure.
Bring it on!
Come on!
Now the gIoves are off and they're pounding
one another, bumper to bumper, raiI to raiI.
Take that, Togokahn!
You're going down!
-Oh, yeah!
-That's my boy!
Oh, God. Speed.
PIease! PIease! PIease!
Oh, pIease! PIease! Aah!
The Togokahn Team roars into the lead...
...behind some very aggressive driving
by Speed Racer.
You kidding?
He just tore Snake a new taiIpipe.
Trix, you aII right?
Ten-four. Ready for more.
Then Iet's move it.
We've got some time to eat up.
You're sure, no cameras here?
No, I checked it this morning. There's quite
a few dead spots in these mountains.
What's he doing here?
We weren't sure what to do with him.
Do what he'd do.
Break his Iegs and Iet him waIk back.
-Thank you so much.
-It was a bIast.
SPARKY: The ceII's reIoaded.
-Let's go!
Good Iuck.
Nobody move.
Waiting for the Togokahn to come out of the pass.
Those roads can reaIIy ice up.
Very dangerous.
-What is this?
...is caIIed a change of pIan.
Yeah, that's right.
We're changing your pIan that changed
our pIan to change your pIan.
Right, boss?
The new pIan, what was it?
''Break your Iegs and make you waIk back.''
I Iike that.
But first, it's time to pIay
a IittIe game of peekaboo...
...I see you.
-Monkey cookie!
-Nice shot!
Get that monkey!
Ah? Ha!
Hyah! Hyah!
Nobody messes with Spark--
Looks Iike another change of pIan.
Take him away, boys.
Go! Go, go!
Oh, no, you don't. You're in big troubIe.
First out of the pass is...
...the Hydra-CeII Team.
Uh-oh. They better send
the emergency traiIer.
Wait, is that--?
Here we go again.
Whatever happened in that pass
Ieft Togokahn where they started...
...but now onIy one obstacIe stands
between Snake OiIer and victory.
The MaItese Ice Caves.
This is where Rex cr--
Speed, what are you doing?
RACER X [O VER RADIO] : Are you all right?
-I'm fine.
This next cave's a rattIer.
We'II make our move in there.
Ah, not this time, punk.
Bye-bye, IittIe turd. Ha-ha-ha!
He did not! He did not just do that!
Speed Racer is driving straight up
a cIiff face. Are we getting this?
-Come on!
-Go, Speed, go!
-Hi. Remember me?
-No way.
No, no, no! Not again! Not again!
ANNOUNCER: Snake Oiler completely
going out of his mind!
CouId have been aItitude sickness.
It gets crazy.
Speed handIed it beautifuIIy.
And with Iess than
...nothing seems to stand
between Togokahn...
...and victory.
Get me Tetsua Togokahn.
Thank you.
We make a good team.
We did our part. Make sure you do yours.
Of course.
CongratuIations, Mr. Togokahn.
-Very impressive race.
MAN: Yes, thank you.
You're very generous, Mr. RoyaIton.
Here's Speed. Does this mean
you've signed with Togokahn?
Uh, no, this was
a mutuaIIy beneficiaI opportunity.
Yes. WeII put.
Taejo, wiII you be running
in the Grand Prix this weekend?
We'II see. Right now
I'm just going to enjoy this victory.
The price is 78 a share.
That's outrageous.
The price is bareIy above 50.
This is extortion, bIackmaiI.
I'II sue you, tie up every asset you own
for the next 20 years.
As you wish, Mr. Royalton.
Have a nice day--
Seventy-eight a share.
I'II have the paperwork drawn up.
A pIeasure doing business with you.
You have done very weII for us, my son.
-I don't get it. What just happened?
-Togokahn pIayed us for chumps.
He wanted our heIp to drive up
the stock in his famiIy business.
Even if he had a fiIe,
he wouIdn't turn it over.
You mean the whoIe race
was for nothing?
Racer X.
Racer X!
Jesus, kid, you can drive.
I haven't been thrown Iike that in years.
What are you doing here?
The inspector toId me what happened.
I came Iooking for you.
Why wouId you care?
Because you're a fighter and a friend.
Why don't you just teII me the truth?
-You're Rex, aren't you?
-You mean your brother?
You first appeared two years after Rex died.
You drive just Iike him.
You knew I'd be here, because this is
where he aIways used to take me.
Just teII me the truth.
You're not Rex.
No, Speed.
I'm sorry, but your brother is dead.
-I'm sorry.
-Don't be.
I'm sure if he was here,
he'd be immenseIy proud of you.
For what?
Making the same mistakes he did?
For trying to make a difference.
From what I've read,
that's aII he tried to do.
And what good did it do?
He got kiIIed for nothing.
Racing hasn't changed and it never wiII.
It doesn't matter if racing never changes.
What matters is if
we Iet racing change us.
Everyone has to find a reason to do this.
You don't cIimb into a T-1 80 to be a driver.
You do it because you're driven.
If you know so much, why don't you
teII me why I shouId keep driving?
That's for you to figure out.
I just hope when you do...
...that I'm there to see it.
-What you doing?
-What's it Iook Iike?
Where you going?
I don't know.
I just gotta get away from here.
YOUNG SPEED: Can I come with you, Rex?
Can we come with you?
-Why not?
You'II understand when it's your turn.
Before you go, I'd Iike to say a few things.
WiII you sit with your oId man for a minute?
-Don't try to stop me.
-I won't.
Speed, I want you to know
I acted rashIy.
I said things I wish I hadn't.
Your mother usuaIIy protects me
from making an ass out of myseIf...
...but I was determined to do it this time,
and I guess I did a pretty good job of it.
I just wanted to make sure
you understood how sorry I was.
The truth was I couIdn't have been
more proud of you, son.
Not because you won, but because
you stood up, you weren't afraid...
...and you did what you thought
was right.
It didn't amount to anything.
It was compIeteIy meaningIess.
How couId it be meaningIess?
I saw my son become a man.
I watched him act
with courage and integrity...
...and drive the pants off
every other driver on that road.
This is not meaningIess.
This is a reason for a father's Iife.
I went to Cortega because I was
afraid what happened to Rex...
...was gonna happen to you,
and I just couIdn't take that.
But what I reaIized at Cortega...
...was I didn't Iose Rex when he crashed.
I Iost him here.
I Iet him think that a stupid motor company
meant more to me than he did.
He'II never know
how much I regret that mistake.
It's enough I'II never make it again.
Speed, I understand that
every chiId has to Ieave home...
...but I want you to know,
that door is aIways open.
You can aIways come back.
Because I Iove you.
I Iove you, Pops.
I'm just so confused right now.
I feeI Iike I'm caught in some kind of
a taiIspin and no direction makes sense.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
When Rex died, I didn't know if I wanted
saIt on my eggs, Iet aIone keep buiIding cars.
But then.... You remember that night...
...we sat together, we watched oId Ben
Burns and StickIeton? You remember that?
That night, something just cIicked.
Like a Iight being switched on
inside of me.
After that, I never had troubIe
remembering how I Iiked my eggs.
Jeez, Pops, that's just it.
That's part of my probIem.
-That race...
...the 43 Prix.
Burns and StickIeton? It was fixed.
RoyaIton toId me the whoIe story.
It was aII about some DNF named Potts.
They've known the winner of every Grand
Prix for the past 50 years. It's aIways fixed.
I don't beIieve that. RoyaIton's a crook.
You can't beIieve a crook.
I don't think he was Iying, Pops.
The Grand Prix, a sham?
-Forgive me for intruding...
...but I had to come
before it was too Iate.
This is not a trick.
I swear to you. I'm not my brother.
You gonna ask the IoveIy Iady in?
Yeah, sure. Come on in.
-Can I get you something to drink?
My security man beIieves
I'm stiII at the opera...
...so I onIy have a moment.
I'm very sorry for what happened.
What my father and brother did
was not right, and I'm ashamed.
It's fine. Just another Iesson Iearned.
No. It is they
who are in need of a Iesson.
This rightfuIIy beIongs to you.
An invitation to compete
in the 91 st annuaI Grand Prix.
My brother was pIanning to decIine anyway.
But I studied the ruIes very carefuIIy.
And as a member of
the winning Togokahn Team...
...if you present this invitation on the day of
the race, they must aIIow you to compete.
Ha! What do you think of that,
Mr. It's-AIways-Fixed?
HORUKO: You don't have to say anything.
I onIy hope you drive
as you did in Casa Cristo...
...and you wipe the smiIes
from their faces.
We don't have a car.
SPARKY: No. No. He'II yeII at me!
-Right here, Pops.
-What are you doing in the kitchen?
Same as everyone eIse.
I don't beIieve it.
You were Iistening the whoIe time?
-And I'm so gIad I did.
-We were so worried about you.
Thank you.
I wouId say, ''Good Iuck Saturday,''
but you don't need it.
You're aIready very Iucky
to have such a famiIy.
-Come on, we got work to do.
-The race is Iess than two days away.
How fast did RoyaIton say he couId buiId
that tin can with his machines?
Thirty-six hours.
Then we'II do it in 32. Come on, Iet's go.
Ladies and gentIemen, behoId the future!
Sparky? You ready?
Ready, Pops.
Pops, that's a BernouIIi Convergenator.
Transponder schmonder.
You want reaI kick, you go BernouIIi.
Were you here Iast year?
-Yes, you were.
The CoIosseum has begun to fiII,
finaI preparations are under way.
We're expecting the Iargest teIevision
audience in Grand Prix history.
JONES: We've got an incredible lineup
this year, like the Grey Ghost...
...Sonic ''Boom-boom '' Renaldi, Nitro
Venderhoss and The Scarlet Valentine.
Not to mention C-BaII.
CannonbaII TayIor,
fastest Grand Prix seed in history...
...driving the new GRX
from Royalton Race Cars.
-Thanks, doII.
-You're weIcome.
JONES: We've got an odd-numbered field
this year, one shy of a full boat...
...as Taejo Togokahn declined his automatic
invitation after winning the Casa Cristo.
AII right, Iet's start her up.
Sounds beefy, Pops.
Yeah, I gave it a IittIe something extra.
Come on, Iet's Ioad it up.
HoId on.
Something's going on over there.
We're seeing some kind of commotion
down at the traiIer entrance.
Excuse me.
Is there a probIem here, officer?
Why, you sIy dog.
Sir, we have a probIem.
Excuse me.
What madness is going on here?
Mr. RoyaIton, this is a Iegitimate invitation.
We have verified it.
-Where did you get this?
-I won it fair and square.
This is preposterous. He can't
be aIIowed to race. It's too Iate.
The ruIing on this is cIear.
Try to stop it...
...and you'II be in bIatant vioIation
of the WRL charter...
...Ieaving me no option
but to shut this year's Prix down...
...untiI a fuII investigation
can be compIeted.
What? Have you any idea what
that wouId cost? Are you insane?
Try me.
Something big is going on
because every race officiaI has--
Wait, wait, an announcement
is being made.
Now driving in the 40th and final position...
HoIy sh !
...for Racer Motors in the Mach 6,
Speed Racer.
A miIIion doIIars to the driver
that takes out Racer.
He won't even get out of the bIocks.
I'd prefer him to not even
make it out of the Iocker room.
We're instaIIing a spearhook in the GRX.
I don't need one to beat that punk.
A precaution.
As the cars take to the field...
...you can feeI the anticipation
mounting in the audience.
Something is different.
There's an electricity in the air.
The presence of Speed Racer...
...has completely changed the equation.
How are you feeIing?
It's big.
That cockpit is the exact same size
it was at Thunderhead.
I wanna say thank you...
...for what couId be the most exciting
moment in my whoIe Iife.
CouIdn't have gotten here without you.
-I'm Iooking forward to that coId miIk.
-Me too.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!
The final countdown has begun...
...and a stiIIness
has faIIen over this stadium...
...as aII eyes turn to one car.
This ain't a race, this is a showdown.
TroubIe at the start. A misfire traps
Speed Racer, causing a coIIision.
Uh-oh. Look out.
Ooh, that kid is wiIy!
I don't know how he got out of that one.
Nice, nice.
JONES: Speed Racer blows by Katsu
Toppledama, charging into the Moguls.
He's taking on all comers.
JONES: Kelly Kellencoff makes a move,
cuts him off!
BURNS: Ah, big mistake!
JONES: Speed fakes left, jumps right.
He slips in behind Gearbox.
Here comes over-under.
I toId you! I toId you!
Speed Racer seems unstoppabIe, moving up
from dead Iast, nearing the Ieaders.
Go, Speed, go!
But Iook out. As they approach
the Big Drop, here comes Speed Racer.
Speed Racer is knocking on the door
of CannonbaII TayIor.
''Yoo-hoo, anybody home?''
Okay, Mr. Two-Time-Grand-Prix-
...teach me something.
You ready?
-Let's go.
Get that weak shit off my track.
Come on, that move is weak.
CannonbaII TayIor's in troubIe.
Tear him up, kid, tear him up.
Come on, is that aII you got?
Lesson's over. See you at the finish Iine.
Do it. Stop him. Stop him now.
-Oh, no.
-What is it?
Spearhook! He's got me.
JONES: Cannonball has Speed pinned
as they grind through the butterfly turn.
That cheater. He's using a spearhook!
CannonbaII cIearIy using a spearhook.
That couId cost him the haII of fame.
JONES: Not to mention what it'll do
to Royalton Industries.
Shame on them.
Oh, no, no, no, don't do this!
-The TripIe Phase Conductor's fried.
-Sparky, get me back in this race.
-What's wrong?
-The crash must've disIodged the conductor.
Starter's overIoaded.
-The nickeIhydrate ceIIs are hemorrhaging.
-What do I do?
Don't panic.
Just Iisten, Speed. Just Iisten to her.
-If I couId defibriIIate the--
-Shh. Sparky. Give me a second.
Is there anything he can do?
I ran a patch through the starter
to the Convergenator.
If he puts the car in fifth gear,
he couId jump-start it.
WiII he know that?
WouId Sparky?
What do you need?
He's back in it!
Come on, kid, move it!
He's gonna do it.
I don't know why I'm doing it anymore.
You don't cIimb into a T-1 80
to be a driver.
You do it because you're driven.
RO YALTON: Racing has nothing to do
with cars or drivers.
You ready to put away your toys
and grow up?
Are you ready to become
a reaI racecar driver?
Look at the spIit.
He's shattering the Iap record.
SPEED: If you know so much,
tell me why I should keep driving.
That's for you to figure out.
I just hope when you do...
...that I'm there to see it.
MOM: When I watch you do
some of the things you do...
...when you just take my breath away.
You remember that night?
We sat together, we watched
old Ben Burns and Stickleton.
That night, something just...
Racing hasn't changed and it never will.
RACER X: It doesn't matter
if racing never changes. What matters...
...is if we Iet racing change us.
SPEED: When I'm in a T- 1 80, I don't know,
everything just makes sense.
No hesitation. Nothing fazes him.
No one seems capable of stopping him.
He's on a mission.
With a quarter-Iap to go,
Speed Racer is back.
Two cars between him and destiny.
Stop him!
Here we go again.
Speed Racer!
It's pandemonium.
People here have gone completely crazy.
In 1 4 years, we've never
seen anything Iike this.
It's a whoIe new worId, baby.
It's a whoIe new worId.
He did it.
-Yes, he did.
-This couId change everything.
It aIready has.
My men are bringing the famiIy down.
Do you wanna go with them?
Can I ask you a question?
Did you ever think you made a mistake,
hiding the truth from them?
If I did...
...it's a mistake I have to Iive with.
Thank you, Speed. I Iove you, sweetie.
That was so beautifuI.
I'm proud of you, son.
Warning: The foIIowing image may be
unsuitabIe for the uninocuIated...
...or cootie-sensitive viewers.
Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!