Stepmom (1998) Movie Script

Hey, good morning, New York
Scott Zoe here... 1027, WNEW-FM,
where rock lives
Beautiful autumn day in the city...
...and a great record
coming your way too
Get up, get up, get up!
Late, late, late!
Ben! Come on, honey.
Get up! We're seriously late
You may think this is
funny, but this is so not...
I'm not kidding anymore, Ben
You make yourself
appear... right this instant
The clock is ticking, Ben!
Come on now!
Oh good, you're already up
You forgot to wash my shirt.
I told you hundred times
Today is purple shirt day at school
I didn't forget
Actually, I was up half
the night thinking about it
Yeah, right
And I concluded that you are...
too special to look
like everyone else
So, orangey-red. That's your
colour. Few can carry it off
Would you help me find your brother?
You lost Ben?
I didn't lose Ben
All right, Ben, fine
You explain to your
teacher why you're late
Your daddy said he had an
important case this morning...
and had to go to work early
And he left us here to
be responsible and we...
You're so not funny... Not funny!
And you're also late, and that
means get dressed right now!
Stay. No, stay. Ben! Ben!
This is not funny!
We've got to get you dressed.
We're running so late
This is not a game!
Come on. Help me out. Ben!
Come on! Really, we're so late
But I don't want to go to school
Hi, sweetie!
Ben, you look like you're
having such a good time
But we're running a little late
Sweete, I thought you're
supposed to wear purple today
She forgot to wash it
What a hug!
I'll handle it from here, Isabel
I'm sure you will, Jackie
Oh, my gosh! She made you a lunch?
Okay, come on
Mom, why do we have to listen
to this classical stuff?
Because I like it, and I'm driving
And when you get get your own
car, you can pick the music
Why does Isabel wear
Daddy's underpants?
Doesn't she have
underpants of her own?
Oh, well... I saw a
whopping pile of laundry
sitting on the washing machine
Perhaps Isabel's
underpants are there
Yeah, right next
to my purple shirt
I'm never speaking to her again
Never say never.
Here's your vitamins
She's always messing up my life
It's not fair to say "always"!
I hate her. She's such a witch
Hey! No name-calling.
Use your words
I hate when you say that
Now, that's a beginning. "Hate"
is a totally acceptable word...
and just be careful to use it only
when you truly detest something
Like what?
Well, like...
...the planet Uranus. I hate that.
It's a terrible name for a planet
- Uranus!
- Yeah
- And the hokey-pokey
- Hokey-pokey?
The hokey-pokey.
I hate the hokey-pokey
Putting your foot in and out
at weddings. It's terrible
Oh, Ben!
I hate when you do that!
I can smell your breakfast
Point well-taken!
Ladies, let's just calm
down. She'll be here
Isabel, where are
you? Come on. Any word?
Yes. She's on her way
- She's on her way. I promise
- Oh, really?
- Si
- How do you know?
- I have... a sixth sens. Voil!
I'm here! I'm sorry. I'm late
What a crisis! White pants, black
top? And the white or black bra?
And then I just... picked this
- All righty
- I'm here. I'm lame...
- You got a Froot Loop in your hair
- Gracias
Get me a digital camera right now
Russell, get this
out of here, please
Quikly. Come on, boys!
Why is she shooting this?
Isabel, we have been
waiting for an hour...
I know. I'm sorry.
It won't happen again
Why are you shooting this?
Because I'm brilliant...
and I see something you don't
So stand back and
trust me, why don't you?
Oh, I trust you.
I just don't understand
...why are you shooting
the craft service guy...
...when I've got 5 male models
in very expensive suits over here?
Thank you, ladies. That's lovely.
That's a wrap, everybody!
No!... No, no, it's not a wrap!
She's kidding. You are
kidding, aren't you, Isabel?
I'm not kidding actually. And
if you meet me here in an hour...
...I will prove to
you why you hired me...
...even though I
wouldn't sleep with you
She's got such a
great sense of humor
Let's see...
...if I can save... both our jobs
- Interesting
- Look at that
It's the little guy in the suit...
- What do you think?
- I like it
I like it. Good work
I like it too. Very creative
Thank you
Congratulations, Duncan
That suit takes pounds off of him...
While change is
exhilarating for an adult... can be quite a
challenge for a child
I won't get that
It's fine
You were talking about change
Well, the fact that you
two are remarrying...
obviously has Anna overjoyed
And she's very excited
about the move to Switzerland
She said we are remarrying?
And my concern is that Anna...
...seems apathetic towards her work...
knowing she's leaving, uh,
before this semester
Mrs Franklin, we are not...
No plans on getting...
...remarried. There's no move...
- ... to Switzerland
- No
- Really?
- Really
Well, then, my concern
for Anna is that she...
- Are you here?
- I'm here
- You don't seem like you're here
- I'm here
The judge is about
to rule on a motion...
that could make or break this case
after working up the 8 monts...
but have I answered my beeper?
So turn it off!
I'm wondering if there's
anything going at home...
that could possibly be intensifying
Anna's need to create this fantasy
I've been seeing another
woman through the past year
Since we're divorced he's
seen a number of women, and...
Saw a few women when
we first split up...
But I've been seeing one
woman for the past year
After a lot of thought and
carefull discussion with her...
and the kids - I might add
- she moved in last month
He's living with a
woman half his age...
Isabel's not half my age
- We're not discussing your age
- Then why bring it up?
When they go to your house,
they wanna be with you
They want to be with their father...
When they come to my house,
they want to be a part of my life
Isabel's part of my life
Mr Harrison, I hear you talking
about your life, your needs but...
...are you really in
touch with what Anna needs?
Anna needs a home where
she feels safe and loved...
What I'm trying to give her
I thought that's
what she already had
I'd walk through fire for Anna...
Gladly... Any day of the week
Except Thursday, when
Isabel forgot to pick them up
Jackie, she was 5 minutes
late, for chrissakes!
She was 5 minutes late!
I'm wondering if Anna could be
responding to the underline hostility
that exists between your
girlfriend and Mrs Harrison
Well, of course
she's responding to it!
Mrs. Franklin, do you think
any of this is easy for us?
Do you think it's
easy for Jackie to...
watch her kids been looked
after by another woman?
Not to mention, a woman who really
has no experience being a mother
Of course, Jackie's
going to be irrational...
Thank you, Luke
I didn't say that.
Why would I say that... and daddy you're
getting back together?
Sometimes people make up stories...
...about things they
wish would happen
I don't want that to happen.
Why would I want that to happen?
Okay, pick a card. Any card
Because you're upset...
You know, because
Isabel moved in and...
I'm not upset. I won't
get myself upset over her
- Ok. Tear it in half
- Look, sweetie...
- if it means...
- Again
- if you really...
- Again
- if you want...
- And again
Time out
If you don't want to
talk about this now...
it's ok. Really. you don't have to
But don't look me in
the eye and lie to me
It hurts my feelings,
I get angry, and...
Anyway, you're only
allowed so many lies...
before it starts showing in yourface
and you wind up looking like...
Like who?
He's not President
anymore, so why be petty?
I'm sorry I said it...
I guess sometimes I just...
You know, sometimes I do
wish you and Daddy would...
- Well, you know...
- Yeah...
I figured if I said it out
loud, it just... might come true
Yeah, I know
It's not that I can't cook.
It's that I choose not to cook
- There's a big difference
- You don't have to cook
Could we save some of the wine?
- I need it for the sauce
- Too late
- Hi
- Hi
You better get it
- Who's there?
- Nobody there!...
I missed you today
I missed you too.
I miss you every day
How was your day, baby?
It was pretty good, except I
got to go back to Pittsburgh
- No... -Yeah, I got to go
tomorrow till Sunday
But I'll have to order in
Well, we got the kids for
the weekend, so I figured...
...that you.. and the kids...
...and me... could all go... Pittsburgh together
Never going to happen
No? Come on! We could
get a great hotel room...
We could take in a baseball
game or something...
- What do you think?
- Pass
All right. Then I'll
call the babysitter
What for?
Well, I don't expect you
to handle them yourself
Can't handle them myself.
That's what you mean, isn't it?
You don't trust me to
be alone with your kids
- Yes, I do
- No
Of course I do.
It's just that...
- What?
- They're a handful
Luke, keeping me apart
from them is like saying...
" Hey, kids, this is
fun. Keep on hating her"
I don't say that.
They don't hate you
Look in their eyes, honey.
Look in your ex-wife's eyes
Jackie's just protecting
her kids. What do you expect?
It's hard for her. It's complicated
You don't understand.
You don't have kids
So... it's just complicated
for you and Jackie
For me, it's pretty simple
because I don't have kids
Look, I'm just trying to
make things work here and...
trying to give you guys time
to get used to living together
All right, then...
...back off just a little bit
and give me a chance, okay?
What is your problem, asshole?
You are my problem!
You're absolutely right, baby
Your kids don't hate me. I'm just...
I'm just paranoid. Call your daughter
I trust you
I'll give you a chance
if you still want it
- I do
- Are you sure?
- Thank you
- You're welcome
Don't fight with me when I'm hungry
So, how long will
you be out of town?
Till Sunday morning
I'm worried
About what?
About being alone
with her all weekend
I mean... What if she
burns the place down?
Well, just keep an eye on her and...
make sure you boys got the
fire extinguisher's handy
- You ready to launch her?
- Yeah
Let's give her a good push
So, why did she move
in with you anyways?
Because we love each other and...
because we want to
share our life together
You already had a life with Mommy
But Mommy and I weren't
getting along very well
And it wasn't fair to you
guys, us fighting all the time
I fight with Anna all the time
Can I move out?
No. But you guys are
brother and sister
You were husband and wife.
Doesn't that mean something?
Yes. It does
When you get older...
your relationships get
a lot more complicated
And there's all kinds
of feelings flying around
And sometimes...
some of those feelings change
But did you fall out
of love with Mommy?
I guess I did
I still love your mom
It's just...
...became a different
kind of love, that's all
We're still really good
friends, and we always will be
Can you ever fall out
of love with your kids?
That is impossible
Like Mission: Impossible
Yeah. Exactly... like Mission:
Impossible. Get over here
Powdered lizard brains...
crushed werewolf ears...
and vampire eyes...
Check it out. Magic potion
It's cocoa
I put a spell on it. Whoever drinks
it will go to sleep for 1.000 years
Whatever who spill any on my drawing
I'll put you to sleep for 1000 years
You guys... I have a surprise
for you. Come over to the sofa
With a little... enthusiasm...
Sit down
All right
And close your eyes... please
Okay, now
Don't open them until
I tell you to, okay?
And open
What do you think?
- Will he eat my bunny?
- No. Puppies don't eat bunnies
Anna, what do you think?
Well, I'm allergic to dogs
Your daddy didn't tell me that
He doesn't know much
about me. He's never around
Why don't we name the
puppy? Puppy needs a name
I know. Isabel
I beg your pardon?
Well, he kinda
smells like you and...
I'm allergic to you
too. It fits perfectly
Ben, why don't you name that
puppy? I'll be right back
Listen, young lady,
let's get one thing straight!
Don't touch my things!
Look. I would really like
it if we could get along
- I don't have to listen to you
- Yes, you do
No, I don't. You're not my mother
Thank God for that!
What I meant, and perhaps
I didn't say it well...
is that you have a great mom.
You don't need another one but...
...I would like to be
treated with some respect...
when you are in this house
- Look, this is my dad's house
- Well, it's my house too
This is my room. Treat it
with respect and get out
All right
" Run, run, run as fast as you can
You can't catch me, I'm
the Stinky Cheese Man"
Aren't you going to drink your
cocoa? I made it especially for you
Yes, of course
The special cocoa...
"A little boy looked up and
sniffed the air and said... "
No, now you're cheating. You
skipped the part about the cow
It's bedtime. Can't we
finish in the morning?
No. We have to start
from the beginning...
...and you have to read the whole
thing. I can't sleep otherwise
"Once upon a time...
...there was a little old
woman and a little old man'...
Who lived together
in a little old house"
You're onto something. Why don't
you read to me a little bit?
"They were lonely..., the little old lady
decided to make a man...
...out of stinky cheese
She gave him a piece of bacon for
a mouth and two olives for eyes"
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
What's the matter?
I... killed her
Killed her! Killed her!
Killed her!
- Good morning
- It is 7:23
You were supposed to be here at 6:30
She missed her morning riding lesson
It's Monday. Her riding
lesson's on Tuesday
Except for the third Tuesday of
the month, which switches to Monday
And in November, when she rides on
Thursdays. It's not that difficult
Don't you have some kind
of little black agenda book
that you can write all this down in?
May I have a cup of coffee, please?
We don't have coffee
Good morning, Betty Ford
Hey, monkey man. Hi, sweetie.
How are you doing... Anna!?
Sweetie, go change your shirt
What happened to Anna?
What did you do?
Maybe could you just
back off me a little bit?
- What happened?
- Nothing happened
Luke was in the shower
this morning and...
...Anna sort of...
walked in without even knocking
I don't see why that would upset her
I mean, there have been
people in our family
that have taken showers before
Well, I was in there with him...
And did either of you... talk
to her about it afterwards?
I thought it would be
uncomfortable for her
You mean for you
A 12-year-old girl is trying
to cope with the fact...
...that her father is never
moving back in here with his family
She sees her father
naked, in the shower
with another woman
for the first time
and you think it
would be better for her
if everyone pretends
nothing happened?
I am so unbelievably sick
of your imperious bullshit
I never said I'm not
June fucking Cleaver
You don't use that kind
of language in this house
If every time life hits her hard... want to have a
every third Tuesday of the month... go right ahead,
lady. I have a life
Oh, and I don't?
Because I have children?
You know what is your problem?
You are so self-involved...
you couldn't be a mother
Maybe the problem
here is your daughter
And that she is a spoiled,
wiseass little brat
Get out of my house
Get out
Are you sure? I didn't
see that on the schedule
Honey, I've got your
Halloween costume
Let's see if it's
the right size, ok?
A hippie?
Didn't you say you
wanted to be a hippie?
That was last month
Oh, well... okay. What do
you want to be this month?
Elvis. What kind of Elvis?
You mean, like, black
leather jacket Elvis?
- Gold lam Elvis
- Gold lam Elvis
That's pre-drugs, pre-chubby,
pre-army, pre-bad movie...
- All of that Elvis?
- Yeah
when Daddy was... washing Isabel... the shower, what did
you think that was about?
Well, sex, of course...
- Why does Isabel scream?
- Scream?
During sex
How do you know she
screams during sex?
Well, I live in the same country
- why are you asking me?
- Just checking
I like to talk to you about stuff
I like talking to
you about stuff too
So, since Daddy's
gonna be working... want to do something
on Saturday, just you and me?
Sure, but it'll have
to be in the evening
cause' I'm helping Bonnie Lyons
move into her apartment and...
So you're going to be with...
Again? That really sucks!
Well, you'll be at a professional
photo shoot in Central Park...
You guys are going
to have a lot of fun
Switch your hands.
Top hand down, bottom hand up
Dylan, can you take one step up
for me, please? Just one big step
Rapunzel, would you reach
your hand out there again?
Wouldn't it be cool if her
hair came out of her armpits?
Oh, sick!
- I think we can get this
finished before lunch - Ok
Folks, we like this light. We'll try
and get this in before lunch
Come on! It's been
Yeah, we're starving
Get yourself another ice cream,
ok? And I'll be done... soon
I promise
We're rich!
Sleeping Beauty, wake up
Where's your brother?
I don't know
- What if he's kidnapped?
- He's not kidnapped!
He's hiding! Ben!
- Maybe he's in the castle
- Good idea!
Don't touch me! You bring bad luck
Okay, watch very carefully...
- Mommy!
- Hi, sweetie!
- Are you all right?
- I knew where I was all the time
- We found him in the zoo
- In the zoo? My God!
Hold his hand. Don't let
him out of your sight
Jackie, I am so sorry
I'm going to say this one
time, so listen carefully
That woman is to have nothing
more to do with my children
Our children
Do you realize what could've
happened to tour son?
How lucky we are the police found
him, instead of some lunatic?
Jackie, don't make it any worse.
Isabel is sorry. She feels terrible
- It could've happened to anyone
- Not to me!
You've made mistakes.
People make mistakes
Well, I am not gonna sit
here and wait for the next one
I'm not gonna watch our children
fall through the cracks
of this arrangement
Just calm down
I won't calm down!
I'm going to a lawyer!
Don't do that.
We promised we'd never do that
We've broken a lot of
promises, haven't we, Luke?
Don't take this out on him
It's my fault... Honey
I'm so sorry
But you're not making
this easier on anybody
It is not my job to
make it easier for you
It is my job to care of those children,
and they don't want to be with you!
I'm getting a court
order, and you are never...
...going to be with
these children again alone
Do you understand? Ever!
- Mommy
- What, sweetie?
It's not Isabel's
fault that I ran away
No, you're right.
That was your fault
But it's her fault for not
taking care of my precious son
as if it was her priority
Which means, her most important job
Isabel's job is she works
Ben, Mommies work too.
They work very hard
In fact, I work harder as a mommy
than I ever did when
I had an outside job
I just don't get paid!
Does Isabel make a lot of money?
People like Isabel who
think only about themselves
often do make a great deal of money
I think she's pretty
Yeah!... If you like big teeth...
- Mommy...
- What, sweetie?
If you want me to hate her, I will
What do you want?
Anna left her soccer
stuff at the loft
I figured she might
need it this week
Did you talk to the lawyer?
Yes. I have an appointment
for the day after tomorrow
Don't do this
You'll tell me not to put the
kids in the middle of a war
Luke, I'm doing this
for their own well-being
And partly you're doing
it because you're mad
You know the kids
aren't in any real danger
This is about Isabel...
and you know it
She made one mistake, but
she's trying. She's learning
Slugs have a faster learning
curve, ok? Trees, clams...
Give her some time, will
you? Don't drive her away
I'm supposed to care about her?
You're supposed to care about
me, like I care about you
Like you cared about
me two years ago...
- ... when you walked out...
- You kicked me out!
Oh, wait a minute... You were gone
long before I asked you to leave
Don't give me this shit! I
was working, for God's sake!
I'm sorry. Look, wait
a second. Don't...
Please don't do this
thing with the lawyers...
The kids will be okay...
if we're okay
I'd do it for you
Okay. I'm going to
give you one last chance
Good night
This is the one. This is
the one I really like the best
She's got a really longing look
- She's great in that
- He couldn't be more flexed
Yeah. He's holding his breath. C-14
Don't you think this one is? The
way he's leaning back and is more...
Bill, kill that music, please
That's passive. This is dynamic.
He's going to get that girl
You're the photographer...
You're the genius
Isabel... Isabel, it's Anna's
school. They're looking for Luke
No, he's not here. This is...
Are you sure you
have the right kids?
Because Jackie Harrison would
never forget to pick up her kids
Are you absolutely sure it's them?
Of course. I'll be right there
I will pick them up. Thank you
Isabel, may I remind you that
the clients will be here at 4:30?
I know, so I have to hurry.
Everything is gonna be fine
Don't worry. I'll be back
And I will dazzle you with
my punctuality. To the button
Isabel, don't do this!
Hi, guys
Barbecue. I know they're your fave
How could she... just
forget us? I mean...
Yeah. That's something you would do
To tell you the truth...
I did
Your mother had to help
a friend with this...
emergency... and so she
called me to switch days but...
I got caught up at work and...
just forgot all about you
My little chick!
How are you, sweetie? I'm sorry
you got stuck. Were you scared?
- You must be starving
- Yeah
Yeah? You hungry?
You want a good meal?
How'd you do on your
math? Was it hard?
Who is it?
It's Jackie. May I come in?
I have another appointment
this afternoon, and I...
...I need somebody... to
take the children to the park
And have federal agents
jump from the bushes
and serve me with a court order?
How many years do
you get in the state
for giving second-rate
care to minors?
Whatever it is, it's not enough
Well. Look. I'm on thin ice
already with my boss, alright?
- Fine
- When I ran out yesterday...
...I actually thought
he was gonna fire me
I can get somebody else
Wait. God!
I'll figure something out.
I'll do it
After-school snack.
Refrigerate, if possible
Band-Aids, Neosporin,
hand-wipes, Kleenex, Tylenol...
Why not just bring
the whole pharmacy?
Ben likes to be read
to. You know Dr Seuss?
Not personally
Do you have a word limit
you have to hit every day...
...or may I finish?
Here's their schedule,
my beeper number...
In case of emergency
If not, I'll see you
at 5 o'clock at the park
All I'm asking is that my children
still be alive when I get there
Jackie, I wanted to
ask you... something
There's a Pearl Jam
concert on the 5th...
and I would like like to take Anna
Is that a weekday?
I think it's a Thursday
So you wanna take
a 12-year-old girl
to a Pearl Jam concert
on a school night?
I just thought it
would be something nice
that she and I could do together
It's ridiculous...
She's too young
It spread? But, I did...
I did everything right.
Everything I was supposed to do
We found some cells in your
lymph nodes... In three of them
But you said last time
that you got it all
So, if you were wrong last time
than there's a good chance
you're wrong this time...
- ... because the last time...
- ... was a year ago
We found a tiny lump, we treated
it. We thought we got it all
We were hopeful, but
there were no guarantees
But people...
...we can beat it, I mean...
People beat it all the time, right?
- Every day, more and more
- Ok, so, what's the plan?
What do we do? Another
round of radiation?
That's necessary?
Let's give it our best shot
Right. Okay
Excuse me. I got to get the kids
We'll discuss this at
your next appointment
And you should share this
with your kids and ex-husband
How would his worrying or my
kids worrying make any difference?
Sooner than later... need to
- Jackie...
- Ok...
- Think about it
- Ok
I see her
- Hi
- Hi
- Thanks for coming
- You're welcome
- You look pretty
- Thanks
I'm glad you called...
'cause there's something I
wanna tell you something too
Oh! Ok. Well, you go first
Let me have a drink here
I'm going to ask
Isabel... to marry me
I know you don't think much of her
She's a special person...
She really is, Jackie
Why are you telling me this?
I want you to tell me that it's ok
- You don't need my approval
- The kids do
Good evening. Would you and your
wife care to look at the menu?
I'm not his wife
No, thank you
Give me a drink though,
please. Whatever this is
I think it's going to
be... hard for the kids
And I... was hoping we
could tell them together
And that'd make it easier
for the kids? Or for you?
Because you know, you can't just
decide to be a "we" and "us"...
...whenever it's convenient for you
- We are...
- We're over. We are over
We are still their parents
for the next 100 years
Just tell me why you
think this marriage... going to work and ours didn't
- What did you want to talk
to me about? -Nothing. It's...
I think we have...
quite enough to deal with
just... with your news
Good morning
Good morning, baby
I've got something for you
- You do?
- Yeah
But you have to wake up to get it
- Hi
- Hi
I'm awake
You shouldn't have?
The first time I got married...
...we'd been together
since college...
...and marriage...
just seemed like the next step
It was just something that happened
But I think for two people
to really love each other...
to really... commit to each other... has to be... has to be an act of will
Or a decision
And I think two people have to...
live that decision every day
Even when things are hard
and you feel like giving up... have to...
...hang on to that decision...
...that choice to... love each other
Even if it's only by a thread
I... let that thread break once
This time, it won't
Will you marry me?
Yes, I will
Sweetheart, don't get upset
I'm not upset. Why would I be upset?
I mean... No one asked
me when you got a divorce
No one asked if I
wanted a new mother
No one even asked me if I liked her
If you guys don't care
about keeping our family
together, then why should I?
Anna, daddy and I tried
very hard. Really, we did
No, you didn't! All you did
was name-call I heard you
You didn't even try
to use real words
Ok, buddy...
Baby, Isabel's not going
to take my place as your mom
No!... It's just that... Isabel's
going to be in your life and...
...hopefully, you can
learn to accept her
You know, life is
full of hard things...
And sometimes it isn't fair and...
But you know you have a choice...
You can either take the hard things
and make your life better or...
...or you can make it worse
Like how?
...trying to see the good
side of Isabel and...
...what she brings to
your father's life and... yours
You know, there comes
a time in every family
when you've got to be
there for each other
I'll be there for you
How about you, buddy?
- You'll be there?
- Yeah
Damn it!
What's the problem?
It looks good!
I can't get the trees to look real
Mind if I try?
I already messed it up anyway
Let's see
First a little brush smooshing
Very technical term
Cool! Where'd you
learn how to do that?
I took an art class
when I was at NYU
Why don't you give it a try?
It helps if you make that little...
You're welcome
I was thinking about what
you said about Isabel...
You know, seeing
the good side of her...
You know, you're right!
She knows all about
clothes and stuff, and...
...she knows every rock
and roll song ever written
I mean... She's kind
like a kid herself
- Like a big sister?
- Yeah
She knows all the cool
junk food places to eat at
I'll bet!
- Once you get to know
her, she's kind of cool - Yeah?
But don't tell her I told you, I...
- I just...
- It's our secret
Ben, wait up!
Listen, baby
ain't no mountain high
ain't no vally low
ain't no river wide enough, baby
If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
no matter how far
Don't worry, baby
Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry
'Cause baby now
ain't no mountain high enough
ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, babe
- Did you have a good day?
- Yeah
You're one lucky boy
because... guess what?
You get to watch a tape tonight.
I'm going out. Colleen's baby-sitting
Yeah! Cool!
And you... are wearing makeup!
Well, no. Isabel gave it to me
No, she put a little on
in the car, playing around
You don't usually see
that color in the afternoon...
...except on working girls
Anyway... wash your face, because... and I are going
out in 10 minutes
On a school night?
- Pearl Jam?!
- Yeah!
- Oh, mom, you are the coolest!
- You only live once, right?
Isn't my mom the coolest?
It was a great idea. Thanks
Have fun
Chemotherapy. There's
a day's dose stored here
This is a portable IV. Feel it...
It's pretty light
Yeah, nice and slim. You
can wear it everywhere...
Play tennis, jogging...
- You can hide it under your clothes
- That's cool...
Side effects?
Some days you'll experience
drowsiness, nausea...
...and other days you'll
feel perfectly fine
Am I going to lose my hair?
Maybe... Maybe not. It
varies with each person
Let's do it!
I'm available tomorrow... evening
Oh, tomorrow evening is bad...
It's spaghetti and meatball
night. Ben really looks forward...
Okay, tomorrow's good. Fine
Hi, honey. How you doing?
Mom, I've been
waiting for your call!
- You won't believe it
- What?
- I'm telepathetic
- You mean telepathic
That's what I said
I just discovered it today.
I can read minds
No way...
Yeah... I just tried it with
Dad and Isabel, and guess what?
I always knew exactly
what they were thinking
That is incredible
- Want me to read yours?
- Absolutely
- Think real hard about something
- I'm thinking
- Close your eyes...
- Ok
I am concentrating
You're thinking about... me!
That is amazing!
What else?
And you're wishing you were
here instead of where you are
That's for sure
Where are you, anyway?
I'm in bed, with the flu...
and I'm green and barfing...
I knew that
And you're wishing you were
here making me spaghetti... I wouldn't have to eat
Daddy's sucky lamb chop
You're right about that...
- See? I'm pathatelic!
- Telepathic!
That's what I said
- Mommy...
- Yeah...
- When am I going to see you?
- Tomorrow after school
Oh... I was wishing
I'd see you tonight
Well, just gonna have...
to have one of our dream dates
and meet somewhere
special... In our dreams
Where haven't we been in a
while? How about Disneyland?
No... Last time, the
lines were too long
The beach...
On a hot summer day...
With gigantic waves...
And boogie boards...
- And corn dogs
- Yeah...
Cool... All right, don't forget
to put on your sunblock, okay?
It's a dream, mom.
You don't need sunblock
That's right. I forgot
- Mommy, you still there?
- Yeah
Ben? Time for dinner
I got to go. See you tonight, okay?
All right
- I'll see you in my dreams
- Bye, mom
- Bye
- I love you
She doesn't have that
killer instinct, does she?
Defense, fall back!
You feeling all right?
Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great
You look a little tired
I hate when people say that
It's a polite way of
telling you look like shit
I didn't mean it like that
I just have... some
things on my mind
You've been really busy lately
Are you...
...seeing somebody?
No. I wish that was the
reason I was tired. I...
I've been spending a
little time with my old boss
...trying... to decide whether or
not I'll go back to Random House
Really? That would be great!
Oh, Ben. Easy, easy, easy
Ben, Ben, be careful, sweetie
You're a dead man, Captain Blood!
Oh, Ben, that was really cool
- Sweetie, can you move your leg?
- Yeah
- Does it hurt?
- No
Are you okay?
Yeah, but can I still go
to Tucker's party tomorrow?
Probably. But we
gotta get it cleaned up...
...and have somebody
to look at it, ok?
We'll go to the emergency room
- Five stitches
- Is he okay?
- Yeah, he's doing fine
- He's not crying?
- Can I see my son now, please?
- I need your insurance information
I'll do this... He's in 152
- I don't see any broken bones
- 'Cause you don't have any
I'm very proud of you.
You were awfully brave today
It didn't hurt that bad
Besides, it'll be pretty
cool to show my friends
Hey, would you do me a favor?
Maybe... Depends what it is
Will you ask Dad to give me
a white dove for Christmas?
We'll see...
Come on!
Every magician needs a white
dove. A real one. They do
Well, you know,
that's a long way off...
and I think we should talk to
your mom and just see, okay?
- Does it hurt again?
- Yeah
Lay back
Take a deep breath
Will you sing me a song?
My mom always sings
to me when I get hurt
Ok... Hmm...
Hard to think of a song on the spot
# If I needed you #
# would you come to me #
# would you come to me #
# and ease my pain? #
# If you needed me #
# I would come to you #
# I would swim the sea #
# for to ease your pain #
- Feel better?
- Yeah
A little bit?
It puts a girl on the spot
Hi. It's Jackie
Look, I just got a
call from Random House...
and they want me to go meet
an editor this afternoon...
...but I'm afraid I
won't get back in time... pick up Ben at
Tucker's birthday party
Good! Great!
Ben will be happy too
That you'll pick him up, yeah
It's 4:30
At 22 Williams Road
How hard can this be?
It's going to be okay
- Directory assistance. What city?
- Manhattan
- Yeah. What listing?
- The number for Random House, please
Hi. May I speak with
Jackie Harrison, please?
I'm sorry. Mrs Harrison's not here
No. She has a meeting
with the editor today...
I'm picking up Benjamin
from a birthday party
and I lost the address
I just need to speak to
her for one quick second
Miss, I'm the senior editor
I haven't seen Mrs Harrison
since she left Random House...
...eleven years ago
Okay. Thanks anyway
I beg your pardon?
Just look for a house with
balloons. It never fails
The kids will be there
Thanks very much
Hey, look at you!
Come here
Can you see me?
- Hi. You had a good time, eh?
- Hola
- Hello
- Hi
Let's clean your shirt.
How was Tucker's party?
- Good
- Yeah?
- Did he like the present?
- Yeah
Did they have the snake
guy or the magician?
- Snake guy
- Snake guy...
It bit Tucker
It bit Tucker? Did it eat him?
Did you have any trouble finding
the place with my directions?
Well, thanks
I know your secret
I saw airline tickets and
note from your new boss
You're not working at Random
House in New York. I talked to them
You're taking the kids
and moving to Los Angeles!
What the hell are you
doing, reading my mail?
Snooping around my back
like some little... dishonest
I wouldn't have to snoop around
if you were honest with Luke!
I'd have thought this was
the answer to your prayers...
You lose the witch and her
two little brats in one swoop
Simplifies everything.
You get your life back
Come on. There's plenty of
publishing houses in New York
Surely you can get a job here
Oh, so I'm supposed to rearrange my
life to accommodate your schedules?
If you're so damned concerned,
why don't you get a new career?
Why don't you and Luke
move to Los Angeles?
Oh, you can make plans
to rearrange everyone else's
life without consulting us
Bi-coastal parenting.
People do it all the time
Luke gets the kids one
month during the summer...
and every other holidays. It's
not ideal but people make it work
No, you can't do that
You can't take Luke's
kids away from him!
- Yes I can
- No. We can't live like that!
Look, if Luke has a problem
with this, tell him to talk to me
This is not about you.
This is not your problem...
- It is my problem
- Why's that?
Because I'm gonna marry this man...
and we're going to share
our life together. I love him!
His kids are everything to him...
and he would be devastated
not to be near them
You guessed the wrong secret...
Charlie Drummond, she's a...
is a colleague of mine from
Random House in New York, and she...
she moved to the West Coast office
and I'm gonna be crashing with her...
while I get protein injections
that are recommended
by my oncologist
You can only get them in Los Angeles
Yeah... Life's a tradeoff!
It's finally legal to smoke
dope, but you got to have cancer
Are you dying?
Not today
We'll beat it
- It's a walk in the park
- Yeah
Thanks for the "we"
You're not alone in this, you know
You don't have to go
through this by yourself
You know that
You understand what I'm saying?
What will we tell the kids?
I think we should
tell them the truth
They can handle it...
It should've been me instead of you
I'll go along with that
Look out...
You didn't see...
Did he beat you?
Here, look, 35 marshmallows
So... what's going on?
Who's marrying who this time?
- Mommy's marrying Isabel
- Oh, so cute
Oh, no...
- Guys, Mommy's sick
- You still have the flu?
No. I have... cancer.
Do you know what that is?
It's what Aunt Mary died from
Aunt Mary had a different kind
There's lots of different kinds.
And hers was very... very bad
Is yours bad?
Well, I've been working with a
doctor to get better for a while now
...and she says we have
every reason to hope...
that I'm going to be fine
Check this out, Anna.
Look at this... This is so cool
No. It's okay
Look at this. I don't have to go
to the hospital to get my medicine
- It just come right in this
- It just looks like Game Boy
Yeah, it kind of is, uh?
It's going to make me strong,
so I can fight the disease
Cool, uh?
Can I catch cancer?
No, sweetie. It's not contagious
So you've known about
this for a long time...
And you never told me
...your mom wanted to wait
until the right time to tell you
Oh, guys, I'm sorry...
Look, I just...
I know how scared I
get when you're sick...
...and I thought it would be best...
to wait for a while
until it got smaller!
So you lied. You lied
when you never told me
If you lied then,
maybe you're lying now
I can never believe you again!
I made a mistake...
Anna, people make mistakes!
- Where's Isabel?
- What?
It's Thursday. We're
supposed to be with Isabel
- She should've picked us up by now
- I'd rather be with Mommy
Well, she's dying...
Isabel's your mother now
Anna, don't say that!
You do not run out on your mother!
No, that's your job
- I'm sorry you're sick
- What?
I said I'm sorry you're sick
I can't hear you
Then turn down the music!
I said...
...I'm sorry you're sick
That's what I thought you said
So what are you guys doing?
Oh! Marvin and I are getting
our act together, right Marvin?
- Right, Tammi
- Yeah...
But that's one of Isabel's songs...
Oh, look. Isabel might
know the words, babe, but...
...I invented the moves!
Right, Marvin?
Right, Tammi
In fact...
we're looking for somebody
to do... backup with us
- Right, Marvin?
- Yeah, Tammi!
Listen, baby
ain't no mountain high
ain't no vally low
ain't no river wide enough, baby
If you need me, call me
No matter where you are
no matter how far
Don't worry, baby
Just call my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have to worry
'Cause baby now
ain't no mountain high enough
ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you, babe
Oh, no valley
no wind, no rain
Oh, my God!
# Or winters cold #
# Can't stop me, baby #
No, no, baby
Cause you are my goal
If you are ever in trouble
I'll be there on the double
Just send for me, oh, baby
My love is alive
# way down in my heart #
Sing it!
Although we are miles apart
If you ever need a helping hand
I'll be there on the double
just as fast as I can
Don't you know that
ain't no mountain high enough
ain't no valley low enough
ain't no river wide enough
to keep me from getting to you, babe
Don't you know that
ain't no mountain high enough
ain't no valley low enough
This land is your land
This land is my land
From California
to the New York islands
From the redwood forests
to the Gulf Stream waters
this land was made
for you and me
As I was walking
that ribbon of highway
I saw above me
that endless skyway
I saw below me
that golden valley
This land was made
for you and me
This land is your land
This land is my land
From California
to the New York islands
From the redwood forests
- You look great!
- Hi
Your dad's meeting's running
late so I came to watch you
I have to tell you
something in confidence
You're having Michael Jackson's baby
That, and Anna is over her head
for Brad "The Flame" Kovitsky
No way! I can't believe she would...
After the way how he was
with all the girls in class!
Oh... how... I didn't
know anything about this
She was afraid you'd
make a big deal about it
They've been going out for 2 weeks
Which, of course, in the 6th grade,
as you know, doesn't mean anything
They don't "go" anywhere.
They don't have lunch together
It's just their declaration...
Yeah. I know, I know.
I had kids of my own once
Anyway, today, in the lunchyard...
he announces publicly,
in front of her friends...
...that he's breaking up with her
In front of everybody?
That little shit!
Not you. Just go
Anyway. That's the point
of going out, right?
So one of them can
dump the other one...
and they can act out this passionate
adult... soap opera tragedy
She must be devastated
She's been one hour in
the girls' room crying
You mean, you think you've got
problems. This is serious...
Oh, so, my point...
Anyway. I pick her
up from school today
She tells me the whole
story and asks me what to do
What did you tell her?
I said "Beats me. Ask your mom!"
So she's going to... Tomorrow
- Be ready
- I'm ready. I'm ready
What the hell is this?
It's Thanksgiving dinner. These are
the Clintons. We're having dinner
That is my son...
...the turkey!
Did they...?
Yeah. They killed him.
But he does it so great!
But sweety, did you
really think, at 12...
that you'd meet someone you'd want
to spend the rest of your life with?
It's just every time
I'm on the lunchyard...
and he's with 10 of his
butt-kissing little weasels...
You don't like his friends!
...they all yell, "There goes the
Virgin Queen" or "The Ice Princess"
...or some clever cut like that.
Like it hurts my feelings
You didn't let him kiss you
Not with my mouth open
That's my girl! Good for you
Does that mean now that you let
him kiss you with your mouth shut?
- Mom...
- Oh! Sorry... Okay. Right
What do you say to him when
he says something like that?
I call him a fart-face or a
pervert or something equally lame
Sweetheart, you have
to just ignore him!
He doesn't exist. You don't
see him, you don't hear him...
He's just nothing. He's not there
You are too much of a woman...
to even... bother
with such a little...
...boy as him
You're kidding, right?
No, no, no. I mean, all
he wants is the attention
Once he doesn't get it, he might
try a little harder for a while...
...but then he'll get
frustrated and give up
So I just ignore him.
Keep my mouth shut
You think Isabel would do that?
Oh, it's just, she's younger.
Maybe she remembers how to do this
So this will work, uh?
Hi, sweetie...
- What's wrong?
- Nothing
Is it time for you to go to LA?
No, it's still nighttime.
And it's snowing...
I got a babysitter for Ben...
Do you want to go
someplace special with me?
Right now?
Okay. Just you and me
I'm never, never
going to forget this
Never say never
Well... there's a loophole.
You can say " never, never"...
...if you mean it
enough to say it twice
I'll remember always, always
Promise, promise?
Move that carriage from back to the
end of the street and start again
Everybody keep moving!
Go back to the starting point...
It's 1:45
Want a lens?
Thanks, everybody! That's a wrap!
Thank you for a great day, folks
It's 1:45. I told you, I have
to pick up Anna and Benjamin
Thanks guys!
You're not... You have to finish!
No. I've got it in the can!
Coop can wrap the equipment
This is my star account
These clients need choices.
They need variety
I shot it 20 different angles
They'll have plenty of variety.
Trust me
I don't
What are you saying?
I'm saying that you're
the best I've got
Probably the best
I've ever worked with
But these last couple of
months... your work is slipping
It's still fine, but
you've lost your edge
Your focus...
Your dedication
And your attitude...
is very disappointing
You're making a career decision here
If you walk now,
I'll have to let you go
I'm sorry you feel that way
It's okay. Don't worry.
It's going to be fine
Hey, guys
Sorry. I'm late
- Hey Benjamin...
- Yeah?
- Why don't you go sit
in the car, buddy? -Ok
- Don't drive away
- I won't
What happened?
Do you know that boy I was
telling you about, Brad Kovitsky?
Well.. he's been a real jerk lately,
and my mom told me to ignore him
So today...
...I did
And you know what he called me?
He called me "Frosty the
Snow-bitch". In front of everyone
Men can be scum
Yes, they can...
Is that little bastard
here? I'll kick his ass
No, his mother's always on time
I have an idea
No, thanks. I don't need
advice from a stepmother
Ok. Yeah...
I can see how sitting out here
in the... cold and snow, crying...
seems like a far superior
idea to listening to...
...a stepmother
But for kicks, let's lose the title
Seems to me you have a choice. You
can either pretend to be an adult...
...or you can actually be one
sit here in the cold, crying yourself...
...or... something about it...
Do something...
What's it going to be?
Do something
- Yeah?
- Yeah
Ok. Can we start by like covering
up my hairy stepmother wart?
Because it must be showing!
It's cold! Come on, let's go!
Benjamin will drive us home
Okay, come on! Come on! Come on!
Ok. Next week, after school... walk up to him...
...attitude. You hear me?
And you say:
"Listen up, limp-dick...
...'cause I'm only in to say
this once: As far as your...
...knowledge of what a
woman really wants goes...
...I am not going to waste
my time with some... loser...
...who doesn't even
know what snowblowing is"
What is it?
It's... an incredibly disgusting
and not even remotely sexy thing..
...that I once I heard described in
a movie I'd never take you to go see
But it is real. Now...
...the clincher:
You walk away...
...then you...
...whip around...
...and say:
"The guy I see is in high school...
...and, it has to be said...
...he laughs his ass off
whenever we talk about you"
I don't know anyone in high school
There will be... a suitable boy...
...outside your school
on Monday at 2:30 with...
...a very expensive bike
And he will be a stone fox... even
if I have to call an escort service
I've had the worst day...
...until now
Me too
United Airlines announces
the arrival of Flight 86...
...service from Los Angeles
Deplaning passengers may
be met at gate number 12
Ok, so I'm gonna get your bags...
- .. and the taxis are just over there
- Thanks
Why is she in a wheelchair?
Sweetie, she's traveled a
long way and she's just tired
So go give her a hug
and be gentle, ok?
Look at this guy... Hi!
Let's go home
- Welcome back
- Thanks. What a great surprise
Hey, let me out!
- Come on! Let me out!
- Your brother's got to get out
- Hey!
- Sorry
I'm in the family too, you know
- What's up?
- We have a surprise for you
- No way
- Yes
- What is it?
- We can't tell you. It's a surprise
- Come on, tell me
- No
- Ben, tell me
- No way!
- Come on. Tell me
- No way...
Close your eyes
Almost! You're almost there
Don't open your eyes
- Please, just a little peek
- No... no...
Come in! Come in!
All right, ready? One, two, three...!
Isn't it great?
Isabel did it
I'm working on a Christmas
project for Ben and Anna and...
and there aren't any recent photos
of... me with the kids, and I was...
...I was just wondering if...
...if you'd take some
Sure... Love to
Hey, guys, wait up. Wait up for me!
Can you stop right there
for a second? Oh, great!
Benjamin, that's a dazzling
display of horsemanship
Come on, you lazy horse, get up!
"One day, five men
came in funny hats...
to pick the biggest, fastest,
roughest bull to fight... the bullfights in Madrid"
Hi, Mom!
Are you okay?
There we go
Well, almost not falling.
That was the first time he fell
Awesome fall...
Are you going to try it again?
One over here. Everybody!
- Are you going back?
- Si
- More?
- Yeah
All right! Go for it. I'm watching!
You know, Ben was born in 2
hours, went strait to the breast...
...and camped there
for the next four days
Always with this...
...his mischievous look on his face.
Like he had a secret or something
And his...
...always looked like a cape.
Even the nurses said so
He loves hearing that
story over and over
About how he was born a magician
And her?
Twenty-eight hours...
The doctors wanted to
go in and get her but...
...I knew she'd come in her own
time. That's just the way she is
Can't let anybody rush her
I'll keep that in mind
It didn't work, did it?
I'm sorry
Hey... You did everything you could
But there's still
some options available
There's a... treatment in
Paris, one in Switzerland...
...and they come highly recommended
Thanks, but...
I think I want to spend... time at home...
...with my family
Christmas will be
here before you know it
I thought you might
need one of these
I do. It looks great
A little more
A little more...
I think that's fine. Stop
Oh, perfect
Smells great too
What are we supposed
to do without you?
You'll be fine
You're a great father!
I just never really...
...I didn't give you
the chance to realize it
Thank you
Merry Christmas
As for your pitiful knowledge
of what a woman really wants...
...I'm not wasting my time
on some pathetic loser...
...who doesn't even
know what snowblowing is
Good one
Oh, and the guy I see... in high school,
and it has to be said that...
every time we talk about
you, he laughs his ass off
Yeah, right
You don't believe me? He's
standing right over there
No way...
Well, believe it
You rule, Anna! You rule!
You blew it!
What are you doing here?
I'm here picking up
my kids from school
Who... is that?
He looks familiar. He
looks like that guy... his underwear on the
side of the bus for Calvin Klein
No. Fully dressed for Ralph Lauren
- What?
- What?
- Uh?
- No. Oh...
He's such a loser!
It worked, it worked, it worked!
Did you see the look on
Brad's face? Thank you so much!
Okay... "Limp-dick" I know
What exactly is "snowblowing"?
It doesn't matter.
I didn't explain it to her
But you're gonna have to
explain to me because...
...I'm gonna have to explain it
to about 20 or 30 parents...
...that are going to call
in the next half-hour or so
Give them my number
No. I think they'll want to
talk to Anna's mother, thank you
What are you worried about?
Looking bad at the PTA?
Are you defending what you did?
Right to the ground!
You put filth in my child's mouth
- Oh, please...
- You had her lie about that model
And it worked... like a charm
And you became a hero,
and I became I schmuck
Basically, you taught my child...
...that I am a loser...
who doesn't really
care about her pain
- That's not what I tried to do
- That's what you did
Did you think I didn't have some
dirty words for that little putz?
That I couldn't figure
out some low blows?
You weren't passing them out
I believe, in a crisis, you have
an opportunity to learn something
That's deep
It was a lie
Winning without dignity
or grace is not winning
She has to figure out who she is... she can stand up to
peer pressure, so that... that she can
steer her own course
She wasn't steering her own course
She was steering yours
That's what parenting
is all about, little girl
They are pleading for you to tell
them how to do the right thing
Sure as hell, that's
what you've done
And the next time something happens,
and the stakes are really high...
...she's gonna look back on this...
...and she's gonna remember how
easy it was and how good it felt
And she's going stand up for
herself. Dear God, what have I done?
You have turned her into you
That's what this is about...
That's all it's about
How would you know
what this is about?
You haven't been here
from the beginning...
worrying every minute of every day
that the decisions you're making...
...are going to shape the
people they're going to be
And you are not what I
want my children to be
I don't want that, either
This isn't about me
or you. It's about them
And believe it or not, I am trying
And I do have their very...
best interests at heart
- Would you like a drink?
- Patrn, please Double
What's up?
Last year, I lost Ben
- What?
- In the supermarket
- You're lying
- It's true
That's impossible. You could
never lose that kid for one second
I did
Ben never mentioned it
He just remembers I found him
Why didn't you tell me?
You know why
I never wanted to be a mom
Well, sharing it
with you is one thing
Carrying it alone
the rest of my life...
...always being compared to you...
You're perfect!
They worship you
I just don't want to be
looking over my shoulder...
...every day for 20 years...
...that someone else
would've done it right
Done it better
The way that I can't
What do I have that you don't?
You're Mother Earth incarnate
...hip and fresh
You ride with Anna
You'll learn
You know every story
Every wound...
Every memory...
Their whole life's happiness
is wrapped up in you...
every single moment
Don't you get it?
Look down the road to her wedding...
I'm in a room...
...alone with her...
...fitting her veil...
...fluffing her dress...
...telling her...
"no woman has ever
looked that beautiful"
And my fear is...
...that she'll be thinking:
" I wish my mom was here"
And mine is...
...she won't
But the truth is...
...she doesn't have to choose
She can have us both
Love us both
And she will be a better
person because of me...
...and because of you
I have their past...
and you can have their future
Hey, guys, it's Christmas!
Wake up!
I hope there's a white dove
There has to be a white dove
Hark, I hear the gentle
sounds of Benjamin
We better get out there before
he opens all the presents
Have a little patience
Can I open my presents now?
Actually, your mom
wants you to go upstairs
and open presents with her first
Then we'll open
presents down here, okay?
Okay. Me first
Merry Christmas
Sweetie, I think this
has your name on it
A real magician's cape
Come here, I'll help you with it
What does it have all
over it? Could you see?
Pictures of me and you
And this one right here?
See that one?
That's our first official
photo of you and me as a couple
See that?
Did you know I was
good-looking right away?
Everybody in the hole hospital
talked about it. Are you kidding?
But this good-looking
was beyond my imagination
Are you dying?
What do you think?
Then I won't see you anymore
Well, you won't see my body, but...
You know how a caterpillar
becomes something else?
- A butterfly
- Yeah!
You just have to think of me as a... off flying somewhere, mhm?
And, of course, the magician...
...he knows the secret...
...that just because you
don't see something...
...doesn't mean it's not there
So even though it might
...seem like I'm gone...
...the magician knows better
So where will you be?
Right here. Right here,
inside the magician
Can I talk to you when you're there?
Always. Always, always!...
You won't hear my voice but...
...but deep inside...'ll know what I'm saying
It's not good enough
Of course it isn't,
because it isn't everything
And we want everything,
don't we? Yeah
But we still have one thing
One of our greatest
things we'll always have
You know what that is?
Our dreams!
We can still meet in our dreams!
We can talk to each
other there and...
...go for walks together
in the summer...
...and in the winter,
and in the rain...
...and in the sun, and...
...I can come and pick
you up and we can go flying
Nobody's loved you like I do
Nobody ever will
- Hi. I brought you some tea
- Merry Christmas, baby
Merry Christmas
- Look what Mom made me!
- Uau!
I'll go show Dad and Isabel
- Here
- Thank you, sweetheart
Oh, mom...
Will you make sure Dad
knows how to double-knot
my sneakers... the way you
do for school in the morning?
That's yours
It's a quilt!
- And it has our pictures on it
- Put it here
It's kinda like a scrapbook
you can... keep warm with
It's... It's so beautiful.
I've never seen anything like it
See the horse here?
And the medals that you got?
Remember this? That was the dress... wouldn't take off
in Pre-K for 3 weeks?
- Remember that?
- Yeah
Your first step. Look at your foot
Look at that little
chubby-cheeked thing. Look at you
Are you scared?
A little
Mostly, I was
scared... for you but...
...I'm not anymore because I
know you're gonna be okay
I don't want to say goodbye.
I'm going to miss you so much
It's okay... Oh, sweety...
Oh, my sweetie. It's okay
It's okay to miss me. It's okay!
You can miss me and...
...and you can take me with you
You can!
And when you're in trouble...
...I'll be there, and...
...when you fall in
love, I'll be there
You can!
I mean, that's how... people
go on forever, you know...
...because somebody takes them along
On your graduation and...
...your wedding and...
...when you have your babies
Take me along, will you?
Always, always and always
You have made my life... wonderful
Take that with you too, okay?
Wow, Mom! It's so cool!
See what you got there, Ben
What's the matter?
You look disappointed
No, everything is great, Mom
I love my presents
Hey, guys!
Looks like we forgot one
It's got your name on it, buddy
- What a beautiful cage!
- Si
It's empty
Let's try it again
I think maybe this time... should say the magic words
Abracadabra! Allakazam!
Allakazoom... Boom!
It worked!
Why doesn't everybody get on
the sofa for a picture, eh?
Baby, can you put that
birdcage on the floor for me?
And I'll set up here
On the count of 3... I want
to see big Christmas smiles
Good one. Ok, now let's get
one with the whole family
Okay. Let me just...
...reset this
Get ready!