Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) Movie Script

There you are, lady.
- Is this seat occupied?
- Yes, please.
Well, that's too bad.
Would you mind
removing your purse?
I'm sorry, but this place
is taken.
I don't see anybody
sitting here.
- You will in a minute.
- The nerve of some people.
- Is this chair taken, Miss?
- Yes, it is.
Oh, it's you.
- Then, it's not taken?
- Stop clowning, Michael.
- Sit down.
- Thank you, Miss.
- You're late. What held you up?
- Something very important.
Drink your orange juice.
We haven't much time.
Oh, so you don't think
it was important.
Alright, wait till
you see the kitchen.
What kitchen?
What are you talking about?
Electric stove, refrigerator,
washing machine, everything.
Even a special hole
to dump garbage in.
Guess what else?
Whole wheat toast
and orange marmalade, right?
Right, it's a table.
A real table on four legs
with two chairs
so that two people can sit,
really see each other
without wrenching their necks
trying to catch a glimpse
in the mirror behind
the lunch counter.
That's what you were
doing this morning?
Whole works is 60 a month.
What happened?
Did you win the sweepstakes?
Better than that.
I got a $12 raise.
Michael, but how come?
If the girl I marry
were interested in my career
she'd have bought
the New York Star and found out.
Let me see.
- "By Michael Ward."
- A byline.
See what it says?
"Star Reporter." That's me.
Think you can get
a day off tomorrow?
- Why?
- To get married.
I think I can manage.
Michael Ward, the key witness.
Two and a half columns.
Not bad, eh?
I didn't know he was so young.
He looks like a kid.
'Some of them start young.'
Do you really think
he killed Nick?
I don't know, but... I have
a funny feeling.
Somehow, I wish you'd never been
near Nick's place that night.
What you talking about? That's
the break I've been waiting for.
If I hadn't, there'd be no story
and we wouldn't
be getting married.
- I know but..
- 'But what?'
Nothing, I... I guess
I'm just being silly.
It's becoming.
'Mmm, pass.'
Ah, why can't I get
a decent hand?
- Buy?
- Spades trump.
You think he'll get the chair?
- Who?
- Oh, these public defenders.
He should have
pleaded him guilty.
At least, he'd have saved
his life.
- Suppose he isn't guilty?
- What's the difference?
- He hasn't got a chance anyway.
- That's it, fellas.
Well, I'll be..
- Well. Well, look who's here?
- Hello, boys.
As I live and breathe
Michael Ward, the shining
light of journalism
the boy who made good.
You wanna look neat. Makes
a good impression on the jury.
Cut out the humor.
- Hiya, Tom.
- Tell me, Mr. Ward.
How does it feel to hold center
stage in this eternal drama?
- Shut up.
- You don't like it?
- 'Bet he likes the raise.'
- You good for a fiver?
Never mind.
Have they started yet?
They'll wait for you.
You're the star of this show.
Kill that stuff, will you?
Don't mind them. We're all
excited you got a break.
Thanks, Martin.
Aren't you guys going in?
What for? We know
how it's coming out.
- What makes you sure?
- What would they do?
Take a mug's word against
a gentleman of the press?
What the devil
are you talking about?
It isn't a question
of my word against his.
It's what I saw
with my own eyes.
I was going home.
I looked into Nick's lunchroom
to see if anyone
I knew was there.
- Well, did you see anyone?
- Yes, sir.
- Who was it?
- Briggs.
- You mean, the defendant?
- 'Yes, sir.'
'What was he doing?'
'Standing behind the counter near Nick'
'who was slumped
over the register.'
'What did you do?'
I ran into the place.
As I went inside,
I... saw Briggs look around
and dashed towards the kitchen
in the back.
- Did you follow him at once?
- No, I looked at Nick first.
- Go on.
- It wasn't very nice.
His throat was cut.
Blood was still dripping
into the open drawer
of the cash register.
Well, what did you do then?
I ran into the kitchen,
the back door was open
I looked into the alley,
but Briggs was gone.
I went back
and called the police.
You said you recognized
the defendant.
- Where had you met him before?
- At Nick's.
- When?
- Few days before he was killed.
Was at Nick's place when Briggs
came and ordered some food.
'When Nick brought it..'
'Go on.'
'Well, when Nick brought it'
'Briggs said he didn't
have any money.'
'Nick told him to get out'
'he wasn't in business
to feed deadbeats in New York.'
'What did the defendant do?'
He grabbed Nick and shouted
something like
"You wouldn't call me that
if I had a gun in your ribs."
'Then what happened?'
'Nick threatened to call the police.'
'I told Nick to leave him alone,
I'd pay for his food.'
- You're a reporter, Mr. Ward?
- Yes, sir.
As a newspaper reporter, you're
a trained observer of men...
'I object.'
Eh, what?
I object to this line
of questioning, Your Honor.
Oh... sustained.
'Very well, one thing more.'
You have stated
that you're absolutely certain
this is the man you saw
in Nick's on both occasions.
Now, be careful
because on your answer
may depend a man's life.
Are you absolutely positive
he is the same man?
- I am.
- That's all.
Your witness.
You said you saw the defendant
standing beside the body
of the lunchroom proprietor?
Yes, sir.
But did you see him actually
commit the murder?
- No, I didn't.
- That's all.
I wouldn't let him defend me
if it was for stealing an apple.
Thanks for that cup of coffee.
'Your next witness.'
'Dr... Dr. Charles Evans.'
Jane, what are you doing here?
I felt a little upset.
The boss let me go home.
- I came here instead.
- You shouldn't have.
'Do you swear to tell the truth,
the whole truth..'
Do you think
they will convict him?
- I don't know. They might.
- Shh! Quiet, please.
- 'You are a police surgeon?'
- 'Yes, sir.'
- You examined Nick Narbajan?
- Yes, sir.
How long would you say
he had been dead
when you arrived there?
About a half an hour.
And what in your opinion
was the cause of death?
A sharp instrument,
either a knife or a razor
wielded I'd say
with a great deal of violence.
The head was almost
severed from the body.
So you want this jury to believe
that you went back to Nick's
just to repay
a debt of thirty cents?
Yes sir, that's the truth.
Mr. Ward was nice to me,
and I wanted to pay him back.
That's all I went there for.
How did you know
you'd find him there?
Well, I took a chance.
That's where I'd met him.
He wasn't there when you
went in, was he?
What did Nick say to you
as you entered?
Well, he didn't say nothin'.
He was dead.
What did you do then?
Open the cash register?
- No, I didn't. It was open.
- How much money did you take?
I didn't take no money.
I didn't need any.
I worked that day,
and I made almost five dollars.
Well, why then..
- Your Honor.
- Eh? Yes, yes.
'Jury number two.'
The jury will pay strict
attention to the evidence.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
I was up all night
with a terrible toothache.
Well, that's too bad.
'But it's your duty
to stay awake.'
And try and follow the evidence
with as much intelligence
as you've got.
All they want is to get it
over with, go home.
You said you didn't
go there to rob.
Why didn't you call the police
instead of running away?
I was scared. I didn't want
to get mixed up in it.
So scared that you ran back
to your room to pack your bag.
You were packing your bag
when you were arrested, right?
- Yes, sir.
- Why?
Well, I-I don't know.
- I-I was panicky.
- I'll tell you why.
This is not the first time
you committed a crime, is it?
No, sir.
Why did you lie
about that previous conviction?
That was a mistake.
'You forgot that fingerprints
will always give you away.'
'You served three years
in the Ohio State Reformatory'
'for the holdup of a gasoline
station at Lima, didn't you?'
Yes, sir... but I was a kid.
I-I was desperate.
I only took five dollars.
There must have been
at least 50 there.
If that man at the filling
station had fought
you'd have killed him
as you killed Nick.
No, sir, and I didn't kill Nick.
I swear I didn't.
I didn't kill him.
What's the matter, Jane?
I just couldn't stand
listening to him.
I know, it's always
pretty awful.
But suppose, for just one minute
that he's telling the truth.
You're just upset. Everybody is
at their first trial.
No, it isn't that. It's you.
If they convict him,
it'll be on your testimony.
What should I do, lie?
I had to tell them what I saw.
Oh, Michael, why did you have
to be there that night?
Pull yourself together, darling.
I've got to call the office
then we'll look
at the apartment.
- No, not today.
- But they might rent it.
- We'll find another place.
- Okay.
Wait right here, and we'll
go out and get a cup of coffee.
- Hello, Jane.
- Hello, Martin.
Will you tell Michael
that I've gone home?
- Alright, sure.
- Thanks.
I'll wait for the verdict.
Sure, I'll call right away.
- Where are you going?
- To the drug store with Jane.
- She said, she had to go home.
- Oh.
What's the matter? A little
family row?
No. She got upset by the trial.
Well, that happens.
Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
Funny part is, she acts as if
I were responsible
for the whole thing.
Well, maybe you are.
If you hadn't seen him,
he'd never be caught.
But I did. What was I to do?
Take it easy,
you did the right thing.
What if she's right? He didn't
do it and he gets the chair?
Suppose they do?
What difference will it make?
Too many people
in the world anyway.
What's the use
of talking to you?
- You think everything's a joke.
- My son, it is.
If it weren't,
life wouldn't be worth living.
Mine host, two more of the same.
'Two more. Yes, sir.'
No, thanks. Not for me.
Got to get back
to the courtroom.
That's a good boy. Go in there
and earn your raise.
'All rise,
the Justice of the court.'
Be seated.
The defendant will rise
and face the jury.
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury.
Have you reached a verdict?
Yes, Your Honor.
We find the defendant guilty
of murder in the first degree.
- Come on, son.
- NO!
I didn't do it.
I-I didn't do it. I..
Let me go. Let me go!
Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward.
I didn't do it.
You know I didn't do it.
- 'Come on.'
- 'Nick was dead, Ward.'
What's the matter, Mike?
Didn't you like the verdict?
That's what you wanted,
wasn't it? Well, so long.
Yes, Michael.
I don't know.
I-I got awfully tired.
What was the verdict?
They have? I knew it.
Well, it's over, anyway.
What say we go to Tony's?
No, Michael, I don't feel like
going out tonight.
Can't you understand?
I-I want to be alone.
I'm tired.
Oh, I can't. I can't forget it.
Please, Jane. What do you know
about law and trials
and all those things.
Odds are million to one
that boy's guilty.
It doesn't make
any difference, Michael.
He'll be with us
the rest of our lives.
'I'll always hear his voice.'
Jane. Jane.
Oh, excuse me, I thought
you all had gone already.
Oh, that's alright.
I'm going now.
I didn't do it. I didn't.
What's the matter with me?
I'm getting soft.
He did it. Of course, he did.
'Suppose for just one minute
that he's telling the truth?'
What if she's right?
After all, I didn't see
Briggs actually kill Nick.
All the rest of the evidence
was circumstantial too.
So what? That doesn't
make it less reliable.
If the courts had to have
an eyewitness for everything
nobody would ever be convicted.
But sometimes they do
get the wrong man.
Why did he have to have
a criminal record?
Now, they'll have
to give him the chair.
He'll die, and I'll
never know for sure.
Business as usual.
All you have to do
is repaint the sign.
Put Jack instead of Nick
and they'll drink their coffee
as though nothing had happened.
Paper, Mr. Ward?
Why did I have
to live across the street?
Lot of people live in Brooklyn.
Why couldn't I?
Then I wouldn't be
mixed up in it.
What a gloomy dump.
Why can't they put in
a bigger lamp?
Listen to him snore.
It'll be a big day in
my life when I move out of here.
Poor kid.
She'll forget all about it
in a couple of days.
How I hate doing this
every night?
Two years, I don't know
how I stood it.
With that snoring animal
next door.
He was certainly easy to spot.
I'll never forget
the way we met.
- What do you want?
- Mr. Ward.
What's the idea of breaking in?
Mr. Meng can't sleep, with you
pounding on that machine.
I have some work. It's only ten.
People who don't loaf all day
don't have to work nights.
This isn't an office building.
That's right.
It's a rooming house.
Exactly! I've paid my rent,
and I'll do as I please.
Now, if you don't mind.
You ought to be
ashamed of yourself.
Mr. Meng's been living here
nearly 14 years
and always paid
his rent promptly.
- Every week.
- So do I.
Yes, but you won't
live here 14 years.
Heaven forbid.
But as long as you do live here,
stop using that thing.
Come, Mr. Meng.
If you have to write,
write with a pencil.
I am tired.
Who's that?
It isn't Meng.
Looking for somebody?
What do you want?
Who are you?
Hey, wait a minute.
Where the devil did he go?
Why do I care?
What was he doing in here?
Was he trying to rob the place?
Can't be very bright.
There isn't anything worth
stealing in the whole block.
What an evil face.
He and Meng
would make a swell team.
Meng, he isn't snoring.
He must be awake.
Maybe he heard
that man in the hall.
But why is he so quiet?
I can't hear a sound.
Is he..
Is there something wrong?
That man..
...maybe he did something
to him, maybe he killed him.
What's the matter with me?
I'm acting like an old woman.
'You forgot that fingerprints
will always give you away.'
Why is it so quiet in there?
He didn't hear me.
Shall I knock again?
I'll wake the whole house.
What if I do?
Why should they think I had
anything to do with it?
And why did I believe
Briggs was guilty?
But that was different.
He said himself he'd kill Nick
if he only had a gun.
I've never said anything
like that.
Oh, yes, I have.
That time in Nick's..
Everything very special,
just as you like it, Mr. Ward.
Thanks, Nick. How's tricks?
Oh, everything is fine,
thanks. Thanks.
How is the newspaper business?
- Fine, fine, thanks.
- That's good.
- Another cup of java, Nick.
- Coming up.
- Great character.
- An artist.
You know, it isn't every dope
can make a cup of coffee
like this.
It's a big secret.
But I like you girls so much,
I tell you how.
You see, I put a raisin
in each cup of coffee
to make it sweet like you.
- Good evening, Mr. Meng.
- Good evening. Good evening.
Well. One of my best customers.
I'll have a bottle
of milk, my friend.
- Milk?
- A bottle of milk, please.
- Shall I wrap it up?
- No, thank you.
- Oh, look, a runner.
- Oh.
- Who is that citizen?
- It's my next door neighbor.
He looks as though his mind
would stand a little laundering.
Hello, neighbor.
Uh-ha, shouldn't drink coffee
before going to bed.
Milk's the thing.
Makes you sleep like
an innocent babe.
Did you ever want to kill a man?
My son, there's murder in every
intelligent man's heart.
He's no man. He's a worm.
Kind you ought to jump on
with heavy boots.
You'll have to do
an awful lot of jumping.
The Earth is covered with them.
It would be a real pleasure
to cut his throat.
Say, you're not kidding.
Put down that knife.
But it was just talk,
just something you say.
You can't convict a man on that.
In every crime,
there has to be a motive.
I hadn't any.
Wait a minute.
How about last month,
the night it rained?
Are you sure it's alright
for me to come up here?
Certainly, I was never told
not to have friends in my room.
I like your room.
It's very nice.
Oh, I've read this one.
I-I liked it, didn't you?
You're face is wet.
Thank you.
I'm glad I came up.
I have the rain
to thank for that.
- I've always liked the rain.
- I do too.
The park was wet
and damp tonight.
It's snug and warm here.
- I'm tired of the park.
- Me too.
I'm tired of the movies.
They're so dark I can never
see your face.
I'm tired of the bus tops
even in spring.
- I hate Riverside Drive.
- So do I.
I hate every place..
...where I can't take you
in my arms.
I've always wanted
to see your room.
To know where you sit
when you're tired
and where you sleep.
- Do you talk in your sleep?
- I don't know.
I've always lived alone.
Telling your secrets
to the walls.
Darling... your shoes
are soaking wet.
You'll catch cold.
Your stockings too.
You better take them off.
I'll get you something
to dry them with.
- Who's that?
- I don't know.
Go and see.
- Who is it?
- 'Me, Mrs. Kane.'
What do you want?
Mr. Meng says
you've got a woman.
What if I have?
It's against the rules
of the house.
'You oughta know better.'
There she is. Look at her legs.
I'm surprised at you, Mr. Ward.
I made it quite clear
that ladies aren't allowed.
- You said nothing.
- I did.
'I tell all my tenants.
Get her out of here.'
Yes, this is
a respectable house.
Get out of here.
Both of you,
before I throw you out.
Don't you dare.
I'll call the police.
Please, Michael,
don't argue with them.
Don't worry, I'll go at once.
Oh, no, you won't.
You won't leave because
of this obscene, old fool.
- I ought to wring your neck.
- Take your hands off me.
- Mrs. Kane.
- Michael.
- Mr. Ward!
- Let him go please.
Get him out of here
before I kill him.
You heard him, you heard him.
You saw him assault me.
- You're my witness.
- Alright, alright.
I'm sorry, darling.
Terribly sorry.
I don't care. I really don't.
They can't hurt me.
I should've known
this would happen.
He's always spying on me.
He had his ear glued to the wall
the minute we came up.
Forget it darling, please.
You must believe me. She never
told me I wasn't to have you up.
Of course, she didn't.
Look, it stopped raining.
I love the smell of the park
after the rain.
Don't you?
I love the park anyway
and the movies
and Riverside Drive.
- Michael, stop it.
- Jane, why do you love me?
- What makes you think I do?
- Just a hunch.
Let's go, Michael,
before they come back again.
You're right, let's.
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
I'm moving outta here tomorrow.
- Why bother?
- What do you mean?
Hmm, nothing I just thought that
in a few weeks,
we both might move.
What's the matter?
Don't you like the idea?
Why didn't I think of that?
- Why didn't you think of what?
- Of getting married.
Michael, you really never did?
Not because I'm bashful.
I just could never figure out
what we'd live on.
That doesn't matter.
I can wait.
- You will?
- Forever..
- ...if necessary.
- It won't be that long.
One of these days,
I'll get a break.
I got mine tonight.
Poor, Jane,
they'll drag her into it.
But Meng isn't dead.
What's the matter with me?
I'm just tired.
I can't think straight anymore.
If I could only drive it
outta my mind..
...and get some... sleep.
Wake up.
Why did you do it?
Speak up. Why did you kill him?
Come on. Come clean.
Confess, and we'll go
easy on you.
- I didn't.
- Stop lying.
- You know you killed him.
- I didn't.
The stranger did it.
The man in the hall.
- Where'd ya hide the gun?
- I never had a gun.
Where did you put the knife?
- What knife?
- This one.
'You thought
we wouldn't find it, eh?'
I didn't kill him.
I didn't. I didn't.
Extra, extra. Read all about it.
Extra, extra, read about it.
Extra, extra, read all about it.
'Wow! Has he got a byline now?'
'How'd you know he did it?'
Who cares. What a story!
What a story!
Oh, Michael, why did you do it?
I didn't do it, Jane.
I didn't.
It was that man I saw.
Nobody believes me.
But you do, don't you?
Do you? Do you?
- Do you?
- Michael, you're hurting me.
I'm your lawyer.
I'm to defend you at your trial,
but I must know the truth.
I didn't do it.
That's what they all say.
Now, here is my advice.
Plead guilty and throw yourself
on the mercy of the court.
- I won't do it.
- Don't be a fool.
You want to get
the chair like Briggs?
I won't admit something
I didn't do.
Somebody on that jury
will believe me.
Oh, yeah?
Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury.
The state will prove that
the defendant, Michael Ward
deliberately, willfully,
and with malice of forethought
murdered Albert Meng
on the night of May 17.
- But I didn't.
- The defendant will refrain.
He has a vicious temper.
Always picking fights.
Once, he almost struck me.
But it isn't true.
- I object.
- The defendant will refrain.
Sit down.
I heard with my own ears
what he told Mr. Meng
when he asked him to get his
lady friend out of his room.
And what did he tell Mr. Meng?
He told him,
"You'll be sorry for this.
I'm going to kill you."
'But I didn't. She is lying.'
The defendant will refrain.
Keep your mouth shut.
'Do you realize you're
under oath to tell the truth'
'the whole truth
and nothing but the truth?'
I do.
Did he say it before,
"I'll kill him?"
I-I don't remember.
Would you swear
he didn't say it?
Would you? Would you?!
No. No, I wouldn't.
I'm sorry, Michael.
I had to tell the truth.
You hated Meng, didn't you?
Yes, but I didn't kill him.
Did you ever think
of killing him?
I don't know. I might have.
That's all.
No, it isn't.
I'm telling you I didn't do it.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you're the jury.
Please believe me, I'm innocent.
There was a man in the hall.
A stranger, he..
Why aren't you listening to me?
Please, Your Honor.
They are not listening.
Make them hear me,
they've got to.
The defendant will refrain.
I didn't kill him, I didn't.
- I didn't, I didn't.
- Order in the court.
'You can't convict me.
I didn't kill him, I didn't.'
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
have you reached a verdict?
I'm not guilty.
The stranger killed him.
There. There he is.
Why don't you do something?
He'll get away. Arrest him.
Michael Ward... face the court.
It is the judgment of this court
that you be taken
to the state prison
'and be there... put to death'
'in the manner
prescribed by law.'
And may God... have mercy
on your soul.
I'm not afraid to die.
Even though I don't know
why I have to.
But before I do
I've got to know
there's someone on this earth
who does believe I'm innocent.
You're the last man
I'll ever talk to.
Please say you don't believe
I killed him.
Now, you're looking
for somebody to believe you.
To say you ain't done it.
Why should they?
Did you believe me?
Would you tell me
you didn't think I done it?
No. Ha ha!
Okay, kid, go and die.
'...thy name, thy kingdom come.'
'Thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.'
'Give us this day
our daily bread'
'and forgive us our trespasses'
'as we forgive those
who trespass against us.'
'And lead us not
into temptation'
'but deliver us from evil.'
'For thine is the kingdom'
the power and the glory
My, my, quite an occasion,
isn't it?
Look, look, he's alive.
I told you not to drink coffee
before going to bed.
That proves I didn't kill him!
Let me go! Let me go!
Can't you see he's alive?
Let me go! He's alive!
He's alive! He's alive!
He's alive. He's alive.
He's alive. He's alive.
He's alive. He's alive.
He's alive.
Of course, he's alive.
But why don't I hear him?
I'll go in there
and wake him up.
- Hello.
- Jane, listen.
Get dressed
and meet me in the park.
I can't now. I'll tell you
when I see you.
It's terribly important.
Bring all the money
you have with you.
Yes, hurry.
Please, Jane. I've got
to leave town at once.
The minute they find the body,
I'll be arrested.
But, Michael,
pull yourself together.
Nobody's going to arrest you.
- Why should they?
- I've told you why.
Doesn't make sense.
Besides, where will you go?
They'll find you no matter
where you hide.
It's only chance I've got.
Did you bring any money?
don't you realize it'll only
make things worse for you?
Why don't you try
to figure it out first?
Are you even sure
that Meng's dead?
Of course, I'm sure.
Nobody can live with his throat
slashed open like..
- His throat.
- What is it, Michael?
- It was cut just like Nick's.
- What are you talking about?
Nick on the corner,
don't you remember?
He was killed the same way.
The same way.
The same man killed
them both, I tell ya.
- The same man?
- It must be.
Couldn't have been anybody else.
Then you think
that boy is innocent?
Of course, he is.
Ah, but what's the use?
I can't prove it.
They'll convict me
just like they did him.
Can't you see, Jane,
I've gotta get away.
And let Briggs die
when you know he's innocent?
What can I do? I can't help him.
Yes, you can. You can help
the police find the man you saw.
A lot you know about cops!
They won't even listen to me.
They will, they've got to.
If that's what
you want me to do.
- Where are you going?
- I live here.
You can't go in now.
There's been a guy killed.
I know I called the police.
Well, that's different. Come on,
the lieutenant wants to see you.
- What do you say, doc?
- Death was instantaneous.
- The jugular vein was cut.
- How long ago?
Oh, I'd say about six hours.
This guy here says
he sent in the call.
- Hello, lieutenant.
- Hello, Ward.
- You found the body?
- Yeah.
Do you live in there?
Yeah, that's my room.
Any leads so far?
Nothing much. They're checking
for fingerprints now.
- What do you know about it?
- Not much.
But I've got a slant
that might help you.
A man was hanging around
last night when I came home.
Yeah? Maybe he was
visiting somebody.
Maybe. But when I spoke
to him, he ran.
He did, huh? Well, thanks, Ward.
It's a lead anyway.
Here's another one.
- Remember Nick?
- Sure.
His throat was cut the same way.
- That's right.
- Yeah?
I don't think
it was a coincidence.
- You don't, huh?
- What do you think?
Well, I think...
Don't you think we'd better
let the DA know?
A fellow was convicted
for the other murder yesterday.
I guess so... if we can
get him outta bed.
...almost incredibly so.
Have you men out to pick up
this fellow he saw?
Yes, sir, I have.
- No sign of him yet, I suppose?
- No, sir. Not so far.
I see. Well, sit down
while I shave.
In the meantime, something's
got to be done about Briggs.
Oh, yes, yes, of course.
Now, uh, let me get
this straight.
You said that, uh,
you had a... premonition..
...that Meng was dead
right after you ran
into that queer-looking
customer in the hall.
Yes, sir.
Hmm, extraordinary.
We could use a few men
with a gift like that
on the police force,
eh, lieutenant?
Why didn't you do
something about it?
It was only
a vague feeling I had.
I see. What made it
less vague later on?
I had a nightmare, I told you.
Mm-hmm, you must be psychic.
Do you, uh, often have
such nightmares?
No, I don't.
I didn't get you outta bed
to talk about my dreams.
What's gonna be done
about Briggs?
Why are you
so worried about him?
Because I helped you
convict him.
Yes, that's true.
You were the only witness.
So now you believe both murders
were committed
by the same man, eh?
Yes, I do.
Um... maybe you're right.
As you pointed out,
there are certain similarities
between the two crimes.
But you missed one.
Perhaps, the most important.
Both murders were discovered
by the same man. You.
What are you driving at?
Tell me... has there ever been
any insanity in your family?
Listen, I'm as sane as you are
and if you think I had anything
to do with it, you're crazy.
'I tell you, it was
that man I saw.'
Might be... but
for your sake, Ward.
I hope you didn't
dream him up too.
What do you mean?
Better take him down
to headquarters with you.
- Material witness.
- Come along.
You'll be governor yet.
And thanks for your order of..
'Uh, where was I?'
"And thanks for your order of.."
Ah, you better make that
thank you instead of thanks.
Say, what's the matter
with you this morning?
'You look like you wasn't here.'
Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. McClain.
Hello, Michael.
But why? Can't they find
that man?
Well, why aren't they looking?
Oh, I see.
Yes, I do.
More than ever.
I-I'll come up as soon as
they'll let me see you. Goodbye.
Please, Mr. McClain. Can I have
the rest of the day off?
Ha ha. What, again?
I'm sorry, Mr. McClain, but
something terrible has happened.
- Won't you let me go, please.
- Well, what can I do?
- 'Thanks, Mr. McClain.'
- Alright.
Thank you very much.
Yes, ma'am.
What can I do for you?
I got some very nice,
fresh bananas today.
No, thanks. Uh, tell me.
You must know nearly everybody
around this neighborhood.
Oh, sure. And they all know me.
Honest waiter Giuseppe,
that's what they call me.
Well, maybe you can help me
find this man I'm looking for.
- A man. What's his name?
- I-I don't know.
You don't know?
What does he look like?
I don't know that either.
I-I never saw him.
All I know is
he-he has big protruding eyes
and he wears a funny-looking
long white scarf.
And you never saw him?
- I never did either.
- Thanks.
- Thick lips.
- 'Yes.'
- Bulgy eyes.
- 'Yes.'
- Long scarf.
- 'Yes.'
No. Never saw a guy like that.
How about you, Tony?
- Me neither.
- Uh-uh.
Thank you.
- Please.
- Yes, ma'am.
Do you know
a-a strange-looking man.
He has big bulgy eyes
and... thick lips
and-and he wears
a long white scarf.
- What's his name?
- Oh, I don't know.
Sorry, lady, but people
are just names to me.
Sometimes, I think what this
or that name looks like
but I never thought of anybody
that looked like that.
- I'm sorry, dear.
- Thank you.
Sorry, lady.
- A cup of coffee please.
- Yes, Miss.
Have you seen a man who..
Oh, I'm sorry.
I-I asked you that before.
Here you are, Miss.
- Catch up with that fellow yet?
- No.
That's too bad.
Yes, sir. What's it gonna be?
I want a couple of hamburgers,
and I'd like them raw.
Two hamburgers raw. Right away.
Out of style. Ha ha ha.
'Kinda like the taste of blood,
No, thank you. I don't care
for the buns.
Just put them
in some paper please, I..
I want to take them with me.
Okay, 20 cents.
Now, here you are,
you poor little devil.
Now, don't eat too fast.
You'll get a tummy ache, you.
He followed me for two blocks.
'I had to give him
something to eat.'
Why are you looking
at me like that?
Oh, I'm sorry. I-I'm afraid
I made a mistake.
For a minute, I-I thought
you were someone I knew.
Oh, that's alright.
He's awfully cute.
You ought to keep him.
Yes. I-I wish I could
but... I have no home
to give him.
Goodnight, you.
What do you want?
Why are you following me?
Oh, I-I was going in-in
the same direction
and I-I thought maybe
I could walk with you.
- Why?
- Well, uh..
It's so late an-and so dark I..
Yes, it is dark.
Come along.
I'll see that
nothing happens to you.
Thank you.
It's this neighborhood
that frightens me.
So many terrible things
have happened here.
What things?
Oh, don't-don't you live
around here?
Haven't you..
Haven't you heard what happened
up there in number 39?
- They send you to take me back?
- No. Who?
Don't you know?
The people who lock you up.
Oh, no. Of course, not.
- How do I know I can trust you?
- Well, they..
They-they wouldn't send
a woman, would they?
No. Ha ha ha.
No, they-they wouldn't
send a woman. Ha ha.
The only person who ever was
kind to me was a woman.
- She's dead now.
- Oh.
Why? Why do they
wanna lock you up?
Oh, so they can hurt me. They..
They put you in a shirt
with, uh..
...long sleeves and..
...they pour ice water on you.
Oh, that's terrible.
Did-did Nick wanna send you
back to them?
Yes, he did. How do you know?
- Did Meng try to do it too?
- Meng?
Who is Meng?
You know, the man up there
in the house.
Oh, that man.
Oh, he said he was going
to report me.
I-I had to kill him.
What's the matter?
I-I live in here.
It was very nice.
Don't go. I-I haven't got my
key. I have to ring the bell.
Please, wait till I get in.
Ha, they must be all asleep.
I guess so.
- What do you want?
- Please let me in.
- I've got to call the police.
- You're drunk.
Waking up people
this hour of the night.
Get out of here,
or I'll call the police.
- Why did you lie?
- I didn't. I..
I just made a mistake.
The houses are all alike around
here. Mine must be next door.
No. You don't live next door.
You don't live here at all.
- You live there with them.
- No. No, I don't.
I'm your friend.
- Why are you afraid of me?
- I'm not.
I'm not afraid.
They sent you becau-because
they know I would trust a woman.
Help! Please let me in!
Let me go! Help! Help..
I'll not go back there.
It's not my fault, Miss.
I couldn't help it.
I honked. You can't stop one
of these things in five feet.
You'll be a witness for me,
won't you?
- Say..
- What happened?
- It wasn't my fault.
- Call an ambulance.
- Sure.
- He went right in front of it.
- She saw him.
- Is that right?
Yes. He-he was chasing me.
He was going to kill me.
He looks like the guy we were
looking for this morning.
Yes, he is, and-and
he admitted everything.
He killed 'em both.
- Did you?
- Yes.
But I'm not going back.
- Is this place taken, Miss?
- Yes, it is.
- I beg your pardon.
- Sit down.
- Thank you, Miss.
- Where were you?
- You're late again.
- Oh, I...
Whole wheat toast
and orange marmalade, right?
Wrong? It's what I serve you
every morning.
- That isn't what I want.
- That's what you always have.
Never again. From now on,
I'm switching to eggs.
Cooked by my own wife.
In her own kitchen.
Phil, you've lost two customers.
- Is that so? Congratulations.
- Thanks, Phil.
- Right.
- Right.
Come on.
Where are we going?
The judge and the DA
are waiting for us.
Michael, is something
wrong again?
Not if this
marriage license is okay.
- City hall.
- Oh, no.
We aren't going to start
our life together like that.
From now on, we stay.
That's alright, lady.
This one's on the house.
- Hello, how are you?
- Fine.