Taking Chance (2009) Movie Script

Blue one to blue two, checkpoint
alpha bravo has been reached.
Copy, leader one.
Blue two, we have a suspicious
vehicle on the right,
moving pretty fast.
Army corps four, is he slowing down?
Blue one,
why are you driving so slow?
- You worried about a ticket? Over.
- Sorry, guys. Just rubbing one out.
Phelps is down!
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
Once we're quartered,
we'll give you a rundown on battalion
and squadron-level readiness and
today's brief will focus
on first marine division.
The slide indicates that
personnel readiness 1st mardiv
is not as bad as they are reporting.
However, sir, as you are aware,
last Friday they made a request
for 300 additional augments.
Given the insurgency in Al-Anbar
and the recent spike in casualties,
it's not surprising that
they made this request.
Sir, it's my recommendation to just
send enough augments
to cover their casualties
of last month.
How many of you have
been in Iraq since 9 /11?
I know you've spent a lot of time
on these reports, but I cannot have
a bunch of analysts contradict
the commanders on the ground.
I don't know. With all
this administrative crap,
it makes you wonder if we're losing
focus on what really matters.
Sometimes I wish I was over there.
I don't know, sir.
Be careful what you wish for, right?
Hey, dad.
- Hello, everybody.
- Hi.
Guess who came in first
in her swim meet.
Let me guess.
You? High-five. That's great!
Listen, guys, how about we get some
homework done before dinner?
I think that sounds
like a great idea.
What are you cooking here?
White chicken chili
with a balsamic reduction.
- You're getting creative.
- Shut up.
Let us pray.
Ready. Down.
- Ready, two.
- Present arms!
Forward march.
Bearers, halt.
That is not nice.
Dad, I think I got all of
the words right, but I'm not sure.
I'll throw a quick one
at you right now. ''Tortellini.''
I don't know.
Sir, last night I read the DOD
Announcement about PFC Phelps.
He is from my home town,
Clifton, Colorado.
I don't know if this falls to us
or to the Pentagon, but,
sir, if the duty does fall to us.
I would be honored
to escort him home.
It's a little unusual
for an officer to escort a PFC.
Yes, sir, I know that, but...
I would very much
like to do it, sir.
I'm going out of town for a few days.
I'm being picked up at 6:00.
- Tomorrow morning?
- Yeah.
I volunteered for escort duty.
There was this private first class,
killed in Iraq. Young kid.
He's from Clifton.
I volunteered to take him home.
What is this about, Mike?
It's not about anything.
He's from Clifton, that's all.
It's gonna be a quick trip, Stace.
I'll be back next week.
Please tell the family I'm so
sorry for their loss.
I will.
I love you.
The remains are to travel feet first
when being transported
from one point to another.
At every stop,
you must ensure that the remains
have been correctly loaded.
At each transfer point,
regardless of the mode of transport,
you will render honors.
Your duty, is not complete
until you have delivered
the remains to the funeral director.
Escorts are not required
to stay for the funeral.
However, should you decide to stay,
there are specific guidelines
for meeting the family.
At no point are you to discuss
the nature of the deceased's death,
no are you to speculate
on the activities surrounding the death.
You may deliver the personal effects
directly to the next of kin.
These effects must stay
on your person
at all times until delivery.
Gentlemen, we have
our first departure of the day.
We form about in the drive and
render honors as all remains depart.
Present arms!
Order arms!
Present arms!
I'm afraid we've taken
a lot of casualties this week.
He's not ready for departure today.
... but not what he
completes in his lifetime.
Imagine an evolution
occurring over eons...
... the attack tonight comes
amid rising violence
between insurgents and
coalition troops throughout Iraq.
Marines in Fallujah today pushed
into the chaotic city
from several directions.
They met with heavy fire from assault
rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.
I bet you didn't know
marines could sew.
He was quite impresse, your PFC.
He's so decorated
for such a young man.
I didn't know him.
You can be sure that
his uniform will be perfect.
Appreciate it, Colonel.
You know, whether it's now
or later, it doesn't matter.
But just in case...
He's a military shrink.
It's all confidential.
I'm good, thanks.
It's just an FYI.
Colonel Strobl, sir,
you'll be leaving in about 15 minutes.
Transport will deliver you
to Philadelphia airport
with your final destination,
Dubois, Wyoming.
I thought I was on my way
to Colorado, Clifton.
He joined up out in Colorado,
but his parents lived in Wyoming.
That's where his family
wants him buried.
- That all right?
- Of course.
I have PFC Phelps's
personal effects.
We'll now do our
inventory and turnover.
Sir, Phelps's parents are divorced,
so you'll have an extra
flag to present to them.
That way, the mother
and the father will each get one.
If you could make sure everything's
here, then sign the inventory.
I also have a...
letter Phelps's platoon commander
wrote to the family.
Colonel, the mortuary specialist
did the best that he could.
However, these remains
are not recommended for viewing.
It's been my privilege
to care for him, sir.
That's everything, we'll need to make
a final identification before departure.
Sir, I need you to verify that
this is PFC Chance Phelps,
and that you are
ready for departure.
Present arms!
- Feeling okay?
- Yeah yeah. I'm good.
We're almost there.
Do you always do these routes?
I just started six months ago.
Nobody in my family's in the military
and none of my friends.
But I thought about joining up.
Yeah, but I was too chickenshit.
Sorry. I mean too chicken.
You can say shit.
And plus the whole haircut thing.
I'm in a band and...
you know, you got to keep it long
to keep the ladies happy.
What about you?
What's your deal?
My deal? My deal is complicated.
When did you join up?
When I was 17.
My parents had to sign something
because I was underage.
Yeah, that's young.
I know,
but I couldn't bear
the thought of waiting another year.
All I wanted was to be a marine
and I joined up.
You graduate from boot camp,
you think you're on top and you travel
and you see these things
you never thought you'd see.
It's hard, of course, but...
it's fun.
- It's fun?
- Yeah.
I'm serious.
I've got to be honest.
No offense, but...
I don't really get what
we're doing over there.
last summer these two guys
from my high school went,
and one of them ended up
hurt really bad.
And last time I heard, he was
at something Reed hospital.
- Walter Reed.
- Yeah.
The other one,
he didn't make it back.
I just wanted to do something.
Hey, Henry.
How you doin'?
whenever you're ready.
- Will you do me a favor?
- Sure.
- Let the family know
we're thinking of them.
- Will do.
You're a good man, Rich.
- Thanks.
- Be safe.
All right. See ya.
Attention, passengers.
Increased security measures...
Welcome to Northwest Airlines.
ID, please.
I have a voucher.
He's the military escort.
I'll check him in.
I've booked you through to Billings,
but you can get your bags off
in Minneapolis tonight.
I upgraded you to first class
all the way to Billings.
Appreciate that.
Thank you for your service.
Thanks again.
Belt, shoes,
laptop in a separate bin.
All metal out of your pockets.
Sir, your bag needs to go through.
Yeah, you can wand this bag, but
it can't go through the x-ray machine.
Please don't tell me
how to do my job.
The bag can't go through.
Well, it's your call.
It's gonna take you longer.
Bag check, male.
Sir, I need you to remove your jacket
and place it in the bin.
I can't remove the jacket.
You can hand-check me.
- Is there a supervisor around?
- Not right here.
Remove your jacket.
It needs to go through the machine.
I will not remove this jacket
and denigrate this uniform.
You have a lot of metal on your jacket.
It needs to go through the machine.
Take me to a private room
and wand me there.
Turn around, please.
- Excuse me, sir. Are you the escort?
- Yes.
- How you doing?
- All right.
- I need to get down
to the tarmac to watch loading.
- Sure.
- So where you from?
- Colorado originally.
It's a long time
since I've been there.
- You?
- All over.
My old man was career air force,
so we moved around a lot.
- How was that?
- It was all right.
I actually kind of miss it
now that I'm settled here.
We're gonna wait right here.
He's coming around.
Yeah, the moving around is kind of cool
when you're single, and then...
you get married, have kids,
it's a other deal.
You do this escort stuff, mostly?
Me? No, I...
I work in a cubicle.
- I volunteered for this one.
- It must be hard.
- I need to verify.
- Yeah, go ahead.
- You can stand right here if you want.
- Thanks.
- 2A?
- It's right down on your right, sir.
Excuse me. Thank you.
Can I get you something to drink?
Jack daniels rocks, please.
- And for you, sir?
- Water, thank you.
What's the matter?
You on duty or something?
Yes, I am.
Excuse me, sir?
I want you to have this.
It'll be a couple of minutes.
Sorry about the delay.
We're waiting on a conveyor.
But we're gonna get
all the luggage off first,
then we'll remove the remains.
I'd like to keep him separate
from the baggage, if that's possible.
That's the plan. We're not gonna
move him with the rest of the luggage.
All right.
Sounds good.
You know, there's another escort
here from dover.
- I've seen a lot of you guys lately.
- Excuse me.
Evening, sir. I wasn't expecting
to see you here.
I got a connecting flight.
How's your trip going so far?
It's been fine.
It's weird though, sir.
They all know,
like, without me telling anyone.
Both at Philadelphia
and so far here in Minneapolis.
I guess they figured it out
by the uniforms.
Yeah, you know,
I've had the same thing,
which is...
okay, because I'm not
really interested in explaining it.
It looks like yours
is coming out now.
Present... Arms!
Order... Arms!
When you're ready, we'll go over to the
cargo warehouse and get everything set.
Yeah, okay. Just give me a minute.
I still need to verify.
So what's your
destination, sergeant?
I'm headed to rochester.
It's about 90 miles from here.
My family is meeting us there.
Are you related to
the deceased, son?
Yes, sir.
He's my brother.
Present... Arms!
Order... Arms!
Well, you... Take care of
yourself, son.
Thank you, sir.
You too.
So he can just, stay here all night?
- Yeah.
- There's no need to move him?
Don't worry.
No one's going near him.
When you're ready, we have a taxi
waiting to take you to your hotel.
Actually, I tell you, if I could
just get a chair, i'm all set.
I really don't want
to leave him here alone.
You want to sleep in here?
I need to check with my supervisor.
I'm not sure we're allowed to do that.
Could you?
I know it's late,
but I'd really appreciate it.
I had this in my jeep.
It should be a little
more comfortable than that chair.
- Thanks, I appreciate that.
- Take care.
Good night.
I heard we were
carrying remains today.
- You must be the escort.
- Mike Strobl.
- Tom garrett.
- How you doing, Tom?
Where'd you get that
combat action ribbon?
Desert Storm.
I was flying an A-10
in Desert Storm.
Man, we tore it up over there.
You guys were good.
I was a lieutenant, artillery battalion,
first marine division.
You've been...
back this time around?
No, I'm a numbers cruncher now.
I analyze manpower at Quantico.
Well, I guess you saw
enough action in Kuwait?
No, not so much.
I tell you,
I really miss it some days.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Annie.
- Mike.
I guess we're travel mates
for the next few hours.
I have tons of magazines.
I'm happy to share.
Thank you.
It's marine, actually.
How embarrassing.
It's okay.
Trust me,
you're a breath of fresh air.
I can't believe how fast you get
with your thumbs on those things.
I have a lot to say.
Welcome to Billings, folks.
I'm going to ask that you
remain seated for a moment.
During this flight,
I've had the honor of carrying
the remains of a fallen marine.
I'm going to inconvenience you
for a few moments
while the escort
disembarks the plane.
- I didn't know. I'm so sorry.
- As you go about your day,
- keep the family in your thoughts.
- It's okay.
Thanks for the company.
Well, I'm off to Cheyenne.
- Thanks for the smooth flying.
- You bet.
What was his name, your marine?
PFC Chance Phelps.
Chance Phelps.
I know the name of every KIA
I've ever carried.
You take care of yourself.
Thanks. You too.
I'm Gary
- from Rafferty's funeral home.
- Gary, Mike Strobl.
It's a real honor to meet you, sir.
I've got a hearse.
It's ready to go.
We should get started as soon as we can.
We've got a long drive ahead of us.
Took me over five hours
to get up here this morning.
I didn't know Chance real well.
I've known his dad for years.
I'm glad he's finally home.
- You must be Major Thompson.
- Yes, sir. Mike Thompson
from I&I 223 down in Salt Lake City.
- Good to meet you, Major.
- Sir.
- I guess you've had a hell of a week?
- Yes, sir.
Sergeant Burton and I drove
all night to get up here on Saturday.
We notified the mother
at zero-two on saturday morning.
I tell you, sir,
I hope to never go through that again.
- So how's the family doing?
- Well, sir, it's kind of hard to say.
Sometimes I think
they're doing OK, but then...
You know. It's hard to say.
- How are you doing?
- I'm okay.
It's just been a long week, sir.
The VFW Post up in Dubois
is having a get-together tonight
in honor of Chance.
- You might want to come up for that.
- Okay. Sounds good.
- I'm glad you're here, sir.
- Yeah, me too.
Your hotel is up in Dubois,
where the ceremony's gonna be.
You'll want to head out
of here and get settled.
- I'm sorry about all the driving.
- Not a problem, Gary.
If I can get you to sign off
on the paperwork,
then we can call it a day.
That sounds fine.
I have some items the family would like
to have inserted into the casket.
They said they'd prefer
not to view the remains,
so I guess now would be
a good time to do that.
Yeah, that would be good,
and I need to check on his uniform.
You know it's gonna be
a closed-casket funeral?
I understand, but...
just want to make sure
he's squared away.
Okay, go ahead.
Look at that.
He's got six ribbons.
- And he's a PFC, it's amazing.
- Yeah.
The folks at Dover did a great job.
They knew he wasn't gonna be
viewed and his uniform is...
I'm gonna...
take care of the paperwork.
If you're ready.
Excuse me, sir.
Are you the marine
who brought Chance home?
Yes, sir.
Mike Strobl.
Semper Fi, colonel.
I'm Charlie Fitts.
Listen, this whole town
is grateful to you.
It was my honor.
It's a privilege to meet
an old first marine division warrior.
There's some fellows here
been waiting all night to meet you.
This is Chance's escort,
Colonel Strobl.
Larry Hertzog. Welcome.
- Robert Rouse.
- How are you?
A.V. Scott.
Here we have Gunny Mulcahy,
Chance's recruiter.
And Sergeant Michael Arenz.
He was with Chance when he died.
Jenny, let's get
this man a cold beer.
He's been on a long and lonely trip.
Did you know Chance?
No, I didn't know him.
You missed out.
Sure did.
You know, a lot of recruits,
myself included,
lose a big part of their personality
when they go through boot camp.
Sort of the point.
But, Chance,
he comes back from boot camp,
he sure as hell was a marine,
but he was still Chance.
Same old wise-ass smile.
He could get away with anything
just by flashing that grin.
Our first mortar attack in Ramadi,
everybody's yelling,
''Grab your kevlars! Grab your flaks!''
We were all scared, you know?
Like, ''welcome to Iraq.''
Everybody's running,
trying to get to the bunker.
he's got his shower shoes on,
grabs his rifle, runs outside,
he's like, ''where they at?''
Everybody's yelling, ''Phelps, get
your ass back in here, man! Take cover!''
He's still standing outside
in his shower shoes.
If you guys would excuse us,
we need to head out.
We're building something special
to take him up to the cemetery tomorrow.
- Anything I can do?
- I think you've done enough.
- Colonel, good night. Thank you.
- Good night.
The convoy's moving along,
doing a routine patrol
south of Baghdad, and...
Chance wasn't even supposed
to be there that day.
It was his rest day.
And knowing we were going out,
he just had to come.
Chance was up in the turret
looking out for trouble.
That was his spot.
The most dangerous job
a marine can have.
Yeah, you're totally
exposed up there.
He loved it though.
It always made me feel safe
seeing those shoes there.
In Iraq, Chance was just a big old pair
of size-12 shoes looking out for us.
Anyhow, we were driving along.
Suddenly there's this huge boom.
Out of nowhere, an IED had gone off
in the front of the convoy, so...
I jump out, check on the rest
of the vehicles, and...
It was madness.
There was bullets flying everywhere.
It was chaos,
just total chaos, but...
I could hear behind me
Chance's 240 opening up,
just unleashing an ungodly
amount of fire on the mujahideen.
So I thought, ''okay,
that part of the convoy's okay.''
He attracted all the fire to himself
so that the rest of us
could take cover,
get organized and get out.
So after I checked on
the first two vehicles,
I run back towards
our vehicle, and...
I could see Chance was
shooting all over the place.
He was up in the air, everywhere.
Just erratic, you know?
I yelled at him.
I was like, ''Jesus, Phelps,
don't shoot the birds, man.''
I thought he was trying
to scare them or something.
His finger was still
on the trigger, shooting,
but his head was slumped over.
I got a little bit closer, I could see
some blood coming down of his head.
Inside the vehicle,
Doc checked his vitals, and...
he was gone.
Six of us...
held him in our hands
all the way back to the base.
I just keep running it,
you know, in my mind, like,
''What could I have done better?
What could I have done different?''
What do you say to somebody's mom
when they tell you,
''it's not your fault.
You couldn't have done anything.''
I owed it to him to save him.
I'm the one who trained him.
I just can't believe
that I'm here and he's not.
I'm glad you're here, Sergeant.
Thank you, sir.
It means a lot coming from you.
He'd be so honored knowing
such a senior officer brought him home.
- Sir.
- Sergeant.
What that kid has to live with.
I should've been over there.
- It wasn't your time, Colonel.
- It was exactly my time.
I knew the clock was ticking,
knew my time was coming up.
But I just...
kept ignoring it, you know?
Except for the middle
of the night, when I...
would check
those casualty lists, just...
praying that I didn't recognize
any of the names.
I don't know, you know, I just...
I just got...
used to seeing my wife and kids
every day, and...
So I put in a request
for another office tour,
and it was granted.
They must've needed you here.
My friends went.
Guys I was in
Desert Storm with went.
I stayed home.
I was trained to fight.
If I'm not over there, what am I?
Those guys,
guys like Chance...
They're marines.
And you think you're not?
Want to be with
your family every night.
You think you have to justify that?
You'd better stop right there, sir.
You've brought Chance home.
You're his witness now.
Without a witness,
they just disappear.
You're Chance's escort?
- Mike Strobl.
- John Phelps, Chance's dad.
This is my wife, Chris,
Chance's step-mom.
- And Chance's step-dad Jeff.
- Colonel.
And this is Chance's sister Kelley,
- and her fiance Rob.
- Hello, sir.
I'm Chance's mother.
Thank you for your service.
It's my honor, ma'am.
I'm just so sorry for your loss.
Please come and sit.
A chair.
- Thank you.
- Come on, dear.
First, I...
want you all to know that...
all along the way,
Chance was treated with dignity
and respect
and honor.
I have here a letter from...
Chance's platoon commander.
Thank you.
I also have here
some of Chance's things.
It's still set on Baghdad time.
This is the medal
that grandma gave him.
I want you to know
you do not mourn alone today.
All across America,
from Virginia
to Delaware,
Pennsylvania, Minnesota,
Montana, Wyoming,
people are thinking of you
and praying for you.
You should know that
Chance has touched
many people.
There's one more thing
that I'd like you to have.
A flight attendant in Philadelphia
handed this to me, and...
it seemed like it was
very special to her. I was...
going to keep it as
a reminder of the trip,
but then I realized that...
she wasn't giving it to me.
She was giving it to you.
''April 9th, 2004...
To the family of PFC Chance Phelps.
Dear Mr. And Mrs. Phelps,
I'm sure by now you have
learned of Chance's death.
I don't have the words to tell you
how sorry I am for your loss.
Chance meant the world to me
and to all of us here
in the second platoon.
I know parents aren't supposed
to have favorites, but...
trust me, platoon commanders do.
Chance was a unique character.
Where most marines would
put in shows of false bravado,
Chance would quietly attend
to his business,
and he led to get people
to underestimate him.
His quick smile and friendly manner
were always disarming and warming,
but there was no mistaking.
He was as fierce in battle
as he was gentle in friendship.''
Please be seated.
We are here to honor the life
of Private First Class
Chance Russell Phelps.
''... please know
that he died a hero,
but more importantly,
he lived a hero.
It's ironic,
but I am certain that if the world
had more men like Chance Phelps
there wouldn't be a need
for a marine corps.''
From the president of the US
and commandant of the marine corps
and a grateful nation,
please accept this flag
as a token of your son's faithful
service to his country. Semper Fidelis.
From the president of the US,
the commandant of the marine corps
and a grateful nation,
please accept this flag
for your son's honorable
and faithful service to his country.
Semper Fidelis.
Thank you.
Put your cell phones
in the tray, please.
Can I ask you to step up?
Remove your shoes.
Chance Phelps was
wearing his St. Christopher medal
when he was killed on good friday.
Eight days later,
I handed the medallion
to his mother.
I watched them carry him
the final 15 yards.
I felt that...
as long as he was still moving,
he was somehow still alive.
When they put him down in his grave,
he'd stopped moving.
I didn't know Chance Phelps
before he died.
But today...
I miss him.
Come here. Group hug.
How you guys doing?