The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines (2006) Movie Script

After all these years of searching,
the skull is mine.
Looks like we're too late.
What is that thing?
That is the Crystal Skull. One
of the lost treasures of Atlantis.
Thought to be the most powerful
precognitive medium in the known universe.
It can show you the future
and be incredibly deadly
in the wrong hands.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Where are you going?
I'm going to go down
there. Get that skull.
But there's at least six of
them and there's only two of us.
And they got guns.
This kind of stuff
happens to me all the time.
Let's seal this place off.
Get the hell out of here.
Put the dynamite down there.
You. In the corner. Set it down.
Let's go. Come on.
Let's get out of here, boys. Let's go.
You. Enough.
In the corner. That's it.
Block off the path.
All right, we got it. Now can we go?
Flynn. I don't believe it.
Let's move. Do you know what this is?
It's an authentic Sioux arrowhead.
This means that the Sioux migrated
further west than previously thought.
That's great. I got
five of those back home.
Now can we get out of here?
Just gonna see if I can pry it loose.
Set the charge so we
can blow this place up.
Come on down.
We were-- We were
just... Arrowhead.
They've got the skull. Kill them.
Run, Yellow Hawk.
Come on!
Does this kind of stuff happen
to you all the time, too?
You get used to it.
Easy. Easy. Easy.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
After them. Get the skull.
I think we lost them.
These rocks.
Don't let them get away.
There's no way out.
We have to turn around.
That's a tamarisk shrub.
Wherever there's a tamarisk,
there's got to be...
What month is it? It's
March, right? What?
Okay. When I say jump, we jump.
Jump? Are you out of your mind?
Let's go.
How did you know?
Tamarisk shrub.
It only grows near rivers.
And Utah's average water level
for March is 5 feet,
three-quarter inches.
So I figured that would be
enough to break our fall.
But it's April.
We should have been
smashed like pancakes.
I guess we got really lucky...
Boy. Boy. Come here. Come here.
I want you to take this
to the post office for me.
Do you understand?
Hurry. Hurry. It's very important.
Now, go. Hurry. Here.
Here. Yeah. Now go. Go.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
The secret shall be passed.
Whatever you've done
with it, I will find it.
Flynn, you're 1.2 minutes late.
I'll be sure to deduct
that from your pay.
Judson is looking for you downstairs.
Oh, I hope you remembered to
save your receipts this time.
What, did we acquire a new statue?
No, Steve, the guard, accidentally
looked at Medusa's head.
Turned to stone.
Who covers that? Is that health
insurance or Workman's Comp?
This is a place of
business, not your home.
I would appreciate it
if you did not have your
personal correspondence sent here.
Don't you have an apartment?
I have an apartment.
I'm never there. I'm always working.
Well, your landlord called,
and you're late on your rent.
Your mother wants you
to stop by after work.
Oh. And this came for you.
Well, now that I'm done playing
secretary, I have work to do.
And so do you.
Good morning. Lou.
I was sorry to hear about Steve.
Hello? Judson? I'm home.
Not now, okay? I'm not in the mood.
Can you not see that I'm
just a little bit preoccupied?
You want to play? I'll play with you.
Here we go.
Ah! Now I've got you.
You're all washed up.
That's enough for today.
It's best not to use water
analogies with Poseidon's trident.
Judson, I know you've instructed
Excalibur to attack me at will,
but this is a little ridiculous.
It's all part of the plan.
I'm just coming off a mission.
It's part of your training. I
haven't even had a cup of coffee.
And I've been wearing the same
clothes for the last four days,
and I'm wet again. Keeps you sharp.
Besides, you almost had him that time.
Uh, you're using the Shroud of Turin.
Leo, I thought I told you
to put the Shroud away.
Sorry, Judson.
Follow me, Flynn.
Come on. There's something
I want to show you.
Oh, wow.
I don't believe it.
This is a completely
different part of the library.
I'm honored that you'd show it to me.
This is the service entrance.
So, how did, uh, how did Utah go?
One Crystal Skull, as promised.
Well, I think the library's
going to be a much safer home.
Looks like I saved the world. Again.
Barely? What's that supposed to mean?
I heard about the incident
at the burial cave.
You risked your life and almost...
And almost lost the skull.
All because of some artifact.
Oh, that was no ordinary artifact.
That was an authentic Sioux
arrowhead. In Utah, of all places.
And--and where is
the arrowhead now?
Um, well, I lost it, jumping off
a cliff into the Colorado River.
But you should have seen it. It was...
Yeah, your little escapade could have
jeopardized the--the--the whole mission.
Okay, you know, Judson, I've been a
librarian here for over a year now.
And in that time, I have saved
the world from--from magic spears
and time-traveling ninjas
and--and--and everything
else that you can think of.
I think I'm doing a pretty good job.
You have.
Well, then when are you
going to... When are you...
Can you stop playing
for one second, please?
When are you going to start to trust me?
Flynn, I--I--I
trust you.
I mean, we--we send you
out on missions alone.
It's just... You have a lot to learn.
I mean, sometimes you have to give up
what you want for--for
the greater good.
See, that's the difference
between a good librarian
and--and a great librarian.
Are you all right?
I mean, is something else bothering you?
No. I've-- I've
got work to do.
Hello? Mom?
I got a message that
you wanted me to stop by.
Oh, my God. I've died and gone to hell.
Oh. 32 years old. I don't believe it.
My baby boy is all grown up.
Mom, you know I hate these things.
What things? Birthdays? Nonsense.
Who doesn't like birthdays?
Who are these people?
Oh, friends, relatives.
The girls from my mahjong club.
What? You keep your life so
secret, I don't know who to invite.
Oh, there's someone I want you to meet.
No, Mom. I don't want...
No more matchmaking.
I know. I know. But this
one's perfect. Perfect.
Rose? Rose?
Rose, Flynn. Flynn, Rose.
I'm getting goosebumps just
looking at the two of you.
Hello, Flynn. Happy birthday. Thank you.
You're Rose Edwards. Yes.
Isn't she charming?
Would you excuse us for one second?
What's wrong? Too skinny?
She's my third cousin. So?
So, I don't even think that's
legal in certain states.
Well, what's the big
deal? She's your cousin.
You'll have plenty to talk about.
Honey. Honey, it's your birthday.
Relax. Relax. Have a good time.
Oh, I've got to set up the karaoke.
Oh, no, no!
So how's Aunt Laura? Good.
She's having a new hip put in next week.
I need a drink. I need a big drink.
Can I get you anything else? No.
You're good? Okay. Yeah.
Excuse me one second.
I hope you're old enough to drink that.
Uncle Jerry! What are you doing here?
Oh. I thought you were in South America.
Nepal. And I came back early.
I couldn't miss the opportunity
to see your mother embarrass you.
Oh. You have no idea.
She's out there trying to
fix me up with my own cousin.
Better make that a double.
Coming up. So Nepal?
That sounds exciting.
I'm telling you, Flynn, there's
a lot of money to be made
in the import-export business.
If you ever want a job,
you can get out of that
stuffy library job of yours,
go out and see the world.
Jerry, I think I'm okay.
All right.
Mmm. Anyway. Excuse me.
Furniture wasn't the only
thing I picked up in Nepal.
Happy birthday, kiddo. Wow.
This is amazing. It's
a Tibetan shadow box.
From the Qing Dynasty,
judging from the woodwork.
I figured you'd know more about
the darn thing than I would.
Open it up.
That picture was taken
shortly after I met your dad.
That was, what, 38 years ago.
The two of us.
We were best friends right off the bat.
After the war, your dad met your mother.
Well, we both met her,
but he swept her off her feet.
Lucky bastard.
You know, in the hospital,
right after you were born,
your dad made me swear
that I would take care of you
if anything ever happened to him.
Now, I know I've said it before,
but I just want to remind you I'm
there for you if you ever need me.
Yeah, I know. Thank you.
Flynn, it's your turn to sing.
Jerry, oh, I didn't think
you would be able to come.
Margie, you know, what is it?
You get younger and more
beautiful every time I see you.
Come on, now. Let's join the party.
The three of us can
do a number together.
We're gonna need this.
There you are.
Well, finally everyone left, thank God.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm just looking at some
old pictures of me and Dad.
I bet this day was really hard for you.
I've been thinking about him all day.
He was 32 when he died. I'm 32 now.
And I feel like I didn't
even know who he was.
You know who he was.
He was a dress salesman from
Brooklyn and he loved his family.
Now, what more did you need to know?
I hardly ever saw him.
I mean, he was always traveling.
He was gone all the time.
I mean, I've got 22 degrees.
I've got all this useless
information at the tip of my fingers.
I can't tell you one
thing about my own father.
I want to show you something.
What? What do you got?
It was very special.
He bought this at a secondhand store.
He would joke about it and say
this was the Carson family seal,
that we were descended from kings.
He would put that on
and tell you the most
extraordinary bedtime stories
about magical kingdoms
and upside-down valleys.
Yeah, and the laughing rocks.
See, I remember.
I remember.
I used to draw pictures of it for
him, waiting for him to come home.
What? You did not. You saved these?
Well, I thought you would want
them someday. To remember him.
Yeah. I remember the stories.
I remember the silly little fantasies.
But nothing about him.
Well, I'm not so sure about that.
Maybe these pictures say
more than you realize.
Oh, my God.
Hello? Judson, it's me.
I think you'd better
get over here right away.
What is it?
Well, somebody sent me
something in the mail today
and I think...
Flynn, are you--
are you still there?
There's somebody in my apartment.
Okay, I know you're in there.
I have a weapon.
Let's see if I can
find some food for you.
Flynn, are, are you all right?
Yeah. Yeah.
Although, I think my head
might disagree with me.
You have a pretty nasty bump there.
Who--who did
this to you?
Some guy was waiting
for me when I came home.
He was probably looking for...
The scroll. It's gone. He took it.
Somebody sent it to me in the mail.
It was an ancient parchment.
Vellum or papyrus.
Probably at least 3,000 years old.
It had a little symbol in the
corner. Star of David and...
A crescent moon at the bottom.
How did you know that?
King Solomon's seal.
King Solomon.
It's been a while since I was
in Sunday school. Let me see.
Solomon ruled Israel during
the 10th century, B.C.
Regarded as being one of the
Bible's wisest and richest kings.
He stored his immense
wealth in a golden temple
built by 24 masons,
hand-picked by Solomon himself.
Correct. Only he didn't keep
everything in the temple.
For fear of looting, his
personal prized possessions
were secretly stored somewhere else.
Wait a minute.
Are you talking about
King Solomon's Mines?
That's just a legend, isn't it?
Flynn, how long have you
been working here? Right.
For centuries, men have
sought Solomon's treasures.
Only the location of the
Mines has never been found.
It was rumored only the 24 masons
knew and they devised a map.
What you received in
the mail was that map.
That was a map? No, no, no, no.
Just like a bunch of
random symbols and markings.
Sometimes looks can be deceiving.
Okay, so if that was the map,
then the guys that were in my apartment
were actually looking for
King Solomon's treasure.
And you're just figuring that out now?
I got hit on the head.
Well, I'm afraid there's more.
Key of Solomon.
An ancient tome with incredible powers.
It's believed that Solomon used
those powers to rule his people.
Yeah, I've heard of this before.
It could summon the
powers of the underworld.
And it could bend space and time.
If the Key of Solomon were ever
to fall into the wrong hands...
The fate of the world, right?
Fortunately for us, the map is useless
without the legend piece to decipher it.
The map legend is located in Volubilis,
near the Roman
ruins in--in Morocco.
Roman ruins. Check.
Flynn, retrieve the map
and the legend, if you can.
The location of King Solomon's
Mines must never be found.
Boy. That whole "I'm off on a mission
"where there's a good chance
I'll probably die" feeling,
that never really goes away, does it?
Look, don't worry.
Just do what I've taught you
to do, and--and you'll be fine.
Your plane leaves in two hours.
You're going to Casablanca.
You mean like the movie Casablanca?
Oh, I love that movie.
"I think this is the beginning
of a beautiful friendship."
No, it's not.
Be safe. Don't get killed.
Save your receipts.
Did you tell him?
You should have told him.
He'll find out soon enough.
Rick's American Cafe,
and make it snappy, pal.
From the movie Casablanca.
How delightfully original of you.
The Volubilis ruins, please.
Volubilis ruins, Bogey.
Sorry, sorry.
You're not digging deep enough.
We haven't even broken
through the sedimentary layer.
Miss Emily, we've been
digging for weeks and weeks
and we have found nothing.
Well, then, we widen the grid.
We've done that already. Twice.
Do it again. Till we find something.
Who's that?
Keep digging.
Excuse me? Can I help you?
Well, I hope you know how rare this is.
Emblema mosaic, Roman, circa 40 A.D.
50 A.D., not 40.
50 A.D. Right. That's what I meant.
I get confused. I was
recently hit on the head.
Hmm. Who are you? What do you want?
My name is Flynn Carson. I'm
with the Geological Institute.
We're doing a soil survey in the region.
You seem awfully familiar with
Roman artifacts for a geologist.
It's a hobby of mine.
This is a private dig, Mr. Carson.
I'm afraid your survey
will have to wait.
That's okay.
I don't mind waiting.
Okay. I do mind waiting.
Computer imaging.
High-resolution digital photography.
This is a very impressive
setup you have here, Miss...
Davenport. Emily Davenport.
What exactly are you looking for?
If you don't mind me asking.
Evidence to prove that this area
was once ruled by the Queen of Sheba.
Queen of Sheba?
As in King Solomon's wife
from the Old Testament.
That's the one.
But I thought that
her reign only extended
to parts of southern Arabia.
Well, I'm going to prove otherwise.
Excuse me.
Have you found anything?
A Roman antechamber
in the southwest grid.
What about something unusual?
Like, say, for example, something
that could be used to read a map.
You're the second person
to ask me that today.
Somebody else was here? Yes.
And they were snooping
around rather like you are.
Wow. Two people in the same
day. That's quite a coincidence.
Where did you say you were from again?
I'm from the Geological Institute.
So you must know John Binder over there.
Tell me, how's old
John doing these days?
Very good. It's a trick question.
There is no John Binder.
He's the Head of the Institute. Damn.
I knew it. You're here to steal my dig.
Uh, no.
Who sent you?
Was it Pierre Buboul from the Sorbonne?
Yes. Yes.
You tell Pierre and his vultures...
Now get off my site
before I call security.
If I could just have
a minute of your time...
Turito. Yes?
Turito, it's okay. I'm going. I'm going.
You don't give up, do you?
You scared the hell out of me.
What, do you sleep in here?
This is a permit with my name on it.
It means I can have you
arrested for trespassing.
And, believe me, you don't want to
spend the night in a Moroccan jail.
Look, Miss Davenport.
Professor Davenport.
I'm sorry I lied to you.
But I'm not here to steal your dig.
Then what are you here to do?
It's a little hard to explain.
Try me.
I'm looking for a map legend
that will help me decipher a
map to King Solomon's Mines.
You should have stuck
with your geologist story.
It was much more believable.
I'm telling you the truth.
And the map also tells you the location
of Atlantis and Never-Never Land, too?
What are you doing?
I'm looking for a secret lever.
You see, the Romans often
built secret chambers
into their architecture
to hide their valuables.
I know all about Roman
architecture, thank you very much.
There are no secret chambers here.
There's always a secret chamber.
Big words coming from a guy who thought
the mosaic piece was from 40 A.D.
Oh, look. A secret chamber.
Do you know where you're standing?
Claudius Ptolemy's tomb.
The father of geometry and astronomy.
Makes sense, really. If
you want to find a map,
find a mapmaker.
Look at this.
That is a reproduction
of Ptolemy's famous atlas.
You see, Ptolemy was
among the first to theorize
that the Earth was actually spherical.
Look at the top and bottom of the globe.
The alignment of the
continents is all wrong.
Just as I suspected.
Oh, look at these symbols.
Is that Hebrew? No, it's not Hebrew.
Early Sumerian, maybe.
It easily predates
Ptolemy by 1,000 years.
It's odd. I've never
seen that symbol before.
I have.
The map legend must not leave the tomb.
Well, can we talk about this?
The legend is not yours to keep.
We weren't-- we
weren't gonna keep it.
Speak for yourself. This
is my dig. I have a permit.
Now you die.
A little help. Emily.
The Order.
What just happened?
The Order of the Cryptic Masons.
You are one of us. Brother.
Long have the descendants
of the original 24
protected the secrets of Solomon.
From Mason to Mason, the
secret shall be passed.
The map legend is yours.
God be with you.
I think we'd better be going.
We got to go. We got to go.
That way.
The other half of the map legend
is in Kenya near the Gedi Province.
Journey between the Breasts of Sheba
and you will find it
with the All-seeing Eye.
Now, go.
Do you know where this leads?
I thought you knew.
Hey, look, an aqueduct.
You see, the Romans often built...
Enough with the history
lessons. I know what it is.
It's all dried out.
There's moss growing inside.
It's probably slippery enough,
and I think gravity will take us.
I knew I was going
to regret meeting you.
Can you give us a ride into town?
The American got away.
With the map piece.
Find them.
Those men back there are looking
for King Solomon's Mines also?
Yeah. And a book called
the Key of Solomon.
Well, if we want to get a jump on them,
we'd better get going to Kenya.
The other piece of the map legend
is somewhere in the Gedi in Kenya.
You don't even believe
in King Solomon's Mines.
That map legend is over 3,000 years old.
The university will fund my dig
for another 10 years if I
bring them more of the same.
I'm coming with you,
Flynn. I don't need you.
You need me to decipher
the markings on the legend.
I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty
good at deciphering dead languages.
They're not written in a dead language.
They're written in Akon,
an ancient form of Hebrew cryptography.
Go ahead. Take a peek.
I can figure this out.
If you know the 312-digit polyalphabetic
cipher needed to decode it.
Do you know the cipher? No.
Wake me up when we get to the airport.
Are you still trying to figure that out?
I don't understand. I
should be able to do this.
I deciphered the language
of the birds in seven hours.
Give me a clue. Give me
a little clue. No, no.
Give me just the first
three letters of the cipher.
Gedi Province is about
a day's drive from here.
I've found us a ride. But
you're not going to like it.
Welcome, honeymooners, to the safari.
We will have a short
five-and-a-half hour drive.
Flynn Carson? Is that you?
It's me. Debra Markham.
Well, Debra Potter now.
Remember, our mothers set
us up on that date once.
Yes. Yes, Debra.
Social worker. Works
with convicted felons.
Right. Well, this is my husband, Carl.
We met at work.
And who is this sitting beside you?
Is this your new wife?
Yes. Yes. Yes. This is Emily.
My beautiful, beautiful
bride. What are you doing?
I don't want my mother to
know why I'm really here,
so just play along, okay?
Everyone, this is my
friend, Flynn Carson,
and his new wife, Emily.
Let's give them both a
big honeymooner welcome.
Send us a postcard!
This is as far as they take us.
Gedi's a two-day hike on foot.
Anything to get off that bus.
Look at that. You know what that is?
That's the Enkerendi.
That's their mating dance.
It's called Oloipiri, and
it's their hunting dance.
Enkerendi. Oloipiri.
Why do you keep doing that,
correcting me like that?
You know, I'm not as
dumb as you think I am.
I don't think you're dumb.
Just not as smart as I am.
Well, I'll have you know I hold
12 bachelor's degrees, six master's
and four PhDs, which is 22
total, which is almost a record.
How many degrees do you have?
Twenty-five, and I'll be starting
my twenty-sixth next June.
But who's counting? Excuse me.
What, are we walking too fast now?
Are you all right?
I've been better.
Who did this to you?
I was caught stealing
crops on Bantu land.
What, they just left
you out here to die?
I am Nulu. I would have done the same.
Grab his hand. Here we go.
I am Jomo.
You have saved my life.
Oh, hey, I don't know about all that.
I'm indebted to you. You'll
come with me to my village.
There, you will be showered with food
and women and treated like a king.
Well, I saved you, too.
Can't you see the man is talking?
I'm sorry. You were saying
something about a king?
And how many women are we talking about?
It's really very sweet of
you, but we should be going
because we're on our way to Gedi.
Gedi? Well, I know the
place. I will take you there.
Where you go, Jomo will go.
Oh, that's really not necessary.
I will not rest until I
have paid my debt to you.
Jomo will get these for you.
"How many women?"
You heard the man. It's his custom.
Want a chocolate bar? Not for me.
Oh, look, a hoopoe bird.
Two thousand years ago, King
Solomon used to send birds
to fly messages across
to the Queen of Sheba.
And now, here it is, all those
years later, flying over our heads.
You've always been interested
in the Queen of Sheba?
Ever since I was a little girl.
I used to stay awake all night long,
reading the same old stories about her.
So much power, mystery.
She could have been
the queen of all Africa.
Sounds good to me.
Well, the trick is proving it.
And I haven't had much luck with that.
Well, just 'cause you haven't found any
evidence yet doesn't mean that you won't.
One has to have a little faith.
What's going on?
Hippos, the deadliest animal in Africa.
They're highly territorial.
They'll tear us to shreds.
Hippos have incredible
auditory faculties.
If we remain quiet and try not to
breathe, they might leave us alone.
All right, actually, I'm
going to disagree with you.
Maybe, if we sound a threatening call,
we might be able to drive them off.
Shut up, you idiot. We have to be quiet.
No, we have to try and scare them off.
We have to make noise. Be quiet!
Stop, you moron. They're attacking us.
It's a defensive action.
We're making progress.
Hippos like chocolate.
Thank you.
Get out of the way.
Hey, Jomo.
You think maybe we could
take a little break?
Just for an hour? Three, tops.
We rest here for five
minutes, we eat and then we go.
Yes. Anything.
Come. Eat.
Oh. Wow.
Do you have any of
those little chocolates?
Yeah. I'm way ahead of you.
My drawings.
I don't believe it.
My mom.
She must have snuck them in
my bag when I wasn't looking.
You still live with your mother.
What? Who, me? No.
No, no. Not anymore.
I mean, I moved out.
No, I got my own apartment now.
Yeah, I know. It's a
little embarrassing.
Don't worry. I slept at
home all through grad school.
May I?
Well, you're no
Picasso, that's for sure.
Give me a break. I was 8 years old.
Time to go.
So what are those drawings of, anyway?
Bedtime stories.
My dad used to tell me
these silly bedtime stories,
and I would draw them for him.
I bet he appreciated that.
I guess. I never really knew my dad.
He died when I was young.
He got mugged coming home from work,
and the coward shot him.
Never even caught who did it.
Oh, I'm sorry, Flynn.
Unfortunately, those silly bedtime
stories are all I have left.
My father never read me bedtime stories.
He was always too busy working
or fighting with my mother.
I never talked to him growing up.
And he's still alive, and
I still don't talk to him.
Seems to me, you had a good father.
You see? Gedi Province.
Now what?
Now we have to look for something
called the Breasts of Sheba
or the All-seeing Eye.
Whatever that means.
I think I found the Breasts of Sheba.
See the two mountains there?
See how they kind of resemble the...
Well, the...
I get it, Flynn.
They told me there's a mystic
shop in the next village
run by a fortune teller.
There we will find the All-seeing Eye.
Thank you for everything.
You were a huge help.
It is over?
Yeah, we're just gonna go into
town and grab that map legend piece,
head on home, so, I think
we can take it from here.
I have not yet repaid my debt to you.
Sure you have. You brought us here.
You saved us from the hippos and
didn't make us eat the termites.
I think we're even.
Go well.
We will.
The All-seeing Eye.
The All-seeing Eye.
May I help you?
Are you the owner of this shop?
Yes. Come in, please.
It's okay. Go ahead.
The store belonged to my father.
It was his pride and joy.
Where is your father now?
He died.
Not too long ago.
It was my father's dying wish
that I continue his legacy.
So, I inherited the store from him.
Well, they say the
secrets shall be passed.
Indeed, they shall.
Among other things.
I received this from a
Cryptic Mason in Morocco.
He told me I could find
the other half to it here.
Finally, the key to King Solomon Mines.
The other half?
Yes. It's here.
Unfortunately, my
father, God rest his soul,
he passed away before he could
reveal its hidden location.
But, perhaps, you could
help me search for it?
Thank you.
What do we have in here?
What the... It's my drawing.
You found something?
Well, there's something
hidden inside this wall.
What the...
It's the other half of the map legend.
What are you doing?
He's one of them. A bad guy.
Run, run, run. Go, go, go, go.
No. We'll have to jump.
Are you nuts? No, no,
no, that store awning
should slow our freefall
velocity by at least 47%.
34. 47%.
34. Would you stop arguing with me?
They have the legend. Go! Get them!
They have the map!
Uncle Jerry? What are you doing here?
I'm on my way to Mombasa
to pick up some exports.
What are you doing here?
Uh, we're in a little bit of trouble.
We gotta get out of
here. Can you help us?
I've got some cabins
on the train, get on.
Go. Find them! Now!
They're on the train!
Those look like General Samir's men.
You're lucky you ran
into me when you did.
General Samir?
He the head of a militia around
these parts. Very dangerous.
Look, Flynn, these are
very unstable lands.
It's no time to be caught
in the middle of a war.
Too late.
Come in.
Hey, you about
ready for--for...
That's a native Masai dress, I believe.
Yes, it is.
Your uncle Jerry gave it to me.
Do you like it?
Yeah, it's not bad.
Shall we, before it gets cold?
Yep, so, we had this book
signing packed with people,
and Flynn, this little
9-year-old in short pants,
walks up to the author and
starts arguing with him,
telling him his book is all wrong.
The man's thesis was unsound,
I was just pointing it out.
It was Stephen Hawking. A 9-year-old
does not argue with Stephen Hawking.
The man's a genius. Well, now...
One moment, sir.
Not for me. This has
gone straight to my head.
And I shall be retiring to my cabin.
Thank you for my dress.
So, what are you gonna do next?
You going after this
King Solomon's treasure,
whatever you said it was?
I don't know yet.
I think you should
come to Mombasa with me.
Your mother would have a heart attack
if she knew what you were up to.
Flynn, are you all right? Sir, your tej.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, I was just thinking about Dad.
You guys knew each other
pretty well, didn't you?
Well, he was my best
friend. I'd like to think so.
Is it possible that he
could've had a secret life?
Secret? You mean like you?
Well, we all have our secrets, Flynn.
I guess your dad was no different.
Take this amulet.
He was wearing this
when I first met him.
And I don't think I
ever saw him take it off.
He told Mom he got that
at a secondhand shop.
Your dad did tell me that he
was given this by his father,
who got it from his father
before him and on down the line.
This amulet is part of your legacy.
Passed on from generation to generation.
The secret shall be passed.
Flynn, what are you mixed up in?
Thank you for everything, Uncle Jerry.
Oh. Hey.
I was, uh, just going over
the map and legend pieces.
Trying to figure them out.
Any luck?
Well, I connected the two
pieces of the map legend.
And I deciphered the markings.
They reference the Old
Testament. Specifically the...
Song of Solomon.
How do you know?
I cracked the Akon cipher last night.
You did?
It wasn't that hard, actually.
It just the Egyptian lined equation,
with a multi-varied calculus thrown in.
Don't know what I was thinking.
Why didn't you tell
me you figured it out?
If you know the cipher, then
you don't need me anymore.
Well, I guess I just
liked having you around.
So, the Song of Solomon.
What does a series of love poems
from the Bible have to do with this map?
May I?
Maybe this holds the answer.
Maybe we're supposed to use
this somehow to read the map.
It has a purpose. I
don't know what it is.
You can let go now.
The Song of Solomon
mentions kissing, doesn't it?
I think so.
"Let him kiss me with his mouth
"for thy kisses are sweeter than gold."
"Thy kisses are sweeter
than wine." You said gold.
That's because I'm
pretty sure it is gold.
And I'm pretty sure
it's wine. No, it's gold.
Wine. It's gold.
And to think that I came that
close to falling for somebody
who can't stop correcting
me every second of the day.
I only correct you
every second of the day
because you're wrong
every second of the day!
I was reciting poetry! I
was trying to be romantic.
Romance isn't about being shot at,
being bloody dragged across Africa.
It's about music
and chocolates and flowers and...
Say that again.
It's about music and chocolates and...
Music. That's it!
I can't believe I
didn't see that before.
It's so easy, it's so obvious.
Don't you get it?
The Song of Solomon is
literally the song of Solomon.
This isn't a map.
This is sheet music.
That legend... an instrument
used to play the notes.
Thank God for clarinet lessons.
Nope. Sorry. One more time.
Did you see that? Uh-huh.
Three Witches Mountain.
The mines are inside that mountain.
You do have your moments, Flynn Carson.
Uh, Flynn, are you
there? Come in, Flynn.
Okay, this is too much.
Is there something I can help you with?
Did you retrieve the map legend?
Yes. And the map also.
The location of King
Solomon's Mines is safe?
All right. Grab the first plane
out and return to the library.
I'm not coming home right away,
Judson. I'm going to the Mines.
It's dangerous, Flynn.
I mean, if the Key of Solomon
should fall into the wrong hands...
It won't, okay?
Listen, why don't you
just trust me one time?
I don't have any choice. I have to go.
Just remember that sometimes
you have to give up what you want
for the greater good.
Okay, I gotta go. Take care.
I just wish you'd reconsider
and come back to Mombasa with me.
Leave this treasure hunting
to the professionals.
I'll be fine, Uncle Jerry.
Morning. Hello.
What do you have there?
Oh, just some stuff
that I picked up in town.
And I thought that you didn't
believe in King Solomon's Mines.
I don't. It's just standard
hiking gear in case we need it.
I guess you better be going.
Hey, thank you for everything.
You be careful, kiddo.
You too, gorgeous. Goodbye.
Now I know why this
place seems so familiar.
I've been here before.
You have?
My father's bedtime stories.
This is the place he was talking about.
The laughing rocks.
He was here.
And he knew that one
day I would be here, too.
He was preparing me for it.
Well, I guess these
aren't useless after all.
Timber, wood, tree. The baobab tree.
The oldest tree in Africa.
Over 3,000 years old.
That would put it around
the time of Solomon.
That's hollow.
We must, uh, we must be
underneath the mountain now.
Watch your step going through here.
This ground is very, very...
Flynn, you all right?
I was going to say the
ground is very slippery.
Where are we?
Turn off the flashlight.
Desmodus rotundus. Vampire bats.
Filthy, disgusting vampire bats.
Yeah, they're sensitive to light.
We don't want to disturb them.
Hello. What is this?
I think I'm gonna hurl.
Oh, please. Come on.
We have to cross that?
If I remember the map correctly,
that should be the entrance
to King Solomon's treasure chamber.
So, yes.
Piece of cake.
Okay. Okay.
This is it?
Where's the book?
Where's the treasure?
What kind of treasure chamber
doesn't have any treasure?
Wasting so much time
chasing myths and legends.
I actually believed that
I might find something.
Thanks, Dad.
Instead, I've been
practically killed by a madman.
And hippos.
You had the key with you all this time.
Okay, just go, just go. Just go.
Now do you believe that?
Oh, my.
The Book of Genesis.
I'm holding the Book of Genesis.
Dead Sea Scrolls, every
single one of them.
The Book of Solomon.
I think we should be going.
Give me the book. Give it to me.
Look who it is.
Stop. Stop. I'll give you the book.
Just don't hurt him anymore.
Sorry, Flynn,
but I told you not to
come here, didn't I?
You bastard. You work for them.
Oh, you've got it backwards,
darling. They work for me.
Jerry! What did I say?
"Leave the treasure hunting
to the professionals."
But, no, you had to come here.
How'd you find out about the Mines?
I begged your father to tell
me where it was, but he refused.
He was so stubborn.
He kept refusing, right up
until the moment I shot him.
You shot my father?
He was your best friend.
I hated him for taking
your mother away from me.
I hated him for having
the family I never had.
Your father had everything
and I had nothing!
The power of this book
will change all that.
With it I can bend space and time
and take back all
that's rightfully mine.
I can rewrite my own history.
No, you can't use that book.
You know how dangerous it is.
The incantation must be
read in a special chamber
here in the Mines.
What a shame. You're gonna miss it.
What, are you going
to kill us, too, Jerry?
You're like a son to me,
Flynn. I could never kill you.
I've got General Samir
to do that for me.
Oh, you better hope he does.
Just make sure they don't suffer...
It would be so easy to shoot you both,
but this would be so much more fun.
Here, try this.
We're going to drown!
What are you doing?
I'm looking for a secret chamber!
Enough with the secret chambers already!
We are going to die!
Why don't you think of something?
You're the one with 25 PhDs!
Help! Help!
"By all the other names of God
Almighty, we powerfully command ye..."
We'll be crushed to death!
I'd say we're probably
going to drown first.
The water level's rising
much faster than...
Shut up!
Save your oxygen.
I'm going to try the grate again.
Flynn! Flynn! Flynn!
I was, uh, I was never
very good at this.
Am I dead?
Do you-- do
you want to be?
Good, good. Then you're not.
Oh. Oh, there we go. That's better.
Only you, Flynn, can
protect Solomon's secrets.
It's your legacy.
You must follow in
your father's footsteps.
I don't understand.
You will.
Now, I need you to do
one more thing for me.
What's that? Open your eyes.
Jomo. Jomo.
Now we are even.
"By all the other names of God
Almighty, we powerfully command ye."
Where are we?
We're in the Chamber of the Dead Kings.
What's he doing?
He's reading the Grimorian Incantation
that will allow the dead to rise.
Is that bad?
Well, it's not good.
If the spirits enter the Altar of
the Flame, it's not gonna be pretty.
Here's the plan.
We're going to draw
them out one at a time
and concentrate all
their power in the center.
Then we go right, we go
left, then we take the front.
Brilliant. Thank you.
Have you considered the Boris
Spassky defense could be simpler?
Don't you...
"Ye who by your own..."
That works, too.
"...before His throne by Him who had
"cast ye down unto the most profound..."
I should have shot you
when I had the chance.
Get the book.
"Open the portal, and ye...
"Let the gateway appear...
"O Great One, strong and powerful,
"rise from your sleep so that
you may aid me in my work.
"Come ye. Come ye, angels of darkness.
"Come hither before this
circle without fear and terror."
"Long before the
constitution of the world,
"by the names of the true
princes of the universe,
"by the rod of Moses,
by the staff of Jacob,
"by the ring and seal of David,
"wherein are writ the
names of sovereign God,
"I conjure thee, O creatures of fire,
"open the portal.
"Go to the light and grant my desire."
Ghosts. I hate ghosts.
I can hear you breathing.
I'm going to kill you.
"...and before the tribunal
of the judgment of His Majesty,
"and before the holy angels of darkness
"hear the sentence of your condemnation.
"Come ye then."
It's working. It's working.
"Which the very spirit of God hath
moved, by the sun and by the stars,
"by the waters, by the sea
and all which they contain,
"by the whirlwinds and the tempests,
"O demons, aid me in my work.
"I conjure ye anew by
these other names of God.
"Both holy and unknown.
"Now grant me the power of Solomon!"
You should be back at your
stuffy job, stacking books.
You'd be surprised what you
can learn at the library.
Give me the book.
Don't come any closer
or I'll destroy it.
You wouldn't dare. Flynn, don't.
Imagine the power, Flynn.
You could control all space and time,
make your wildest dreams come true.
I don't care about any of that.
You could see your father again!
Use the book, Flynn.
Finish reading the incantations,
and bring your father back to you.
He would put that on and tell you
the most extraordinary bedtime stories
about magical kingdoms and
with upside-down valleys.
Read the words.
Read it.
"Bless O Lord, all-powerful
and all-merciful..."
Bring him back to you. That's it.
Read the words.
"This creature of fire, so
that, being blessed by thee,
"it may be for the honor and
glory of thy most holy name.
"I conjure thee, O creature of fire,
"by Him who removeth the
Earth and maketh it tremble
"and now burn and torment these spirits
"so that they may feel it intensely,
"that they may be
burned eternally by thee,
"I exorcize thee, O creature of fire."
Flynn? Stop!
Don't you see what you're doing?
"That they may work no hindrance
or evil unto those who use it.
"Through thee, O eternal
and almighty Lord,
"through thy most holy name, bring
back those I've loved and lost."
"Bring my father to me."
Don't do it. No.
What are you doing?
No, no! No! Don't do it. Stop! Read it!
Don't you want to be
with your father again?
My father has been
with me the whole time.
Flynn, get out of there!
You can let go now.
Jomo, I don't know how to thank you.
I couldn't have done it without you.
I have been your guide, but
it was you who led the way.
I have a little something for you.
No. No, no, no. That belongs to you.
No, this belongs to you.
I can't think of anybody
I would rather have
protect King Solomon's secret than you.
I have something for you.
In case of hippos. In case of hippos.
Next time I'm in Kenya, I'll be
sure to stop by the Nulu tribe.
I will treat you like a queen.
A queen? Did you hear that?
Finally some respect.
Flight 382 now boarding to New York.
You want to be treated like a queen,
wait till my mother meets you.
This is our plane right over here.
I'm not going.
I booked a flight to Tunisia instead.
You did?
There's a dig there.
They found some
first-century pottery shards
that could be linked to Sheba.
It's a shot in the dark.
Thought you were all done
chasing myths and legends.
Yeah, well, let's just say
I got a little inspiration.
So, this is it?
I guess so.
Well, I'm not very good at goodbyes.
Neither am I. I'm really
not very good at goodbyes.
I'm really not good, either. Well,
I think I'm a little worse at them...
Will I see you again?
One has to have a little faith.
"Of all the gin joints in all the world
she had to walk into mine."
$500 to the Magical Honeymoon Tour?
Oh, which reminds me.
Your mother called.
She sounded furious.
Something about you getting
married and not telling her?
Don't ask.
Itemize these next time, will you?
I'm glad you're home.
Oh. Oh, Flynn, I--I
didn't know you were back.
So, how did your trip go?
Oh, not so well.
Destroyed the book, which
wasn't very librarian of me.
You sacrificed what you really
wanted for the greater good.
Only a great librarian would do that.
What about your father? Did you
find all the answers you wanted?
But I think you knew that already.
I didn't say anything
about flying kites.
You have got to tell
me how you did that.