Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944) Movie Script

Yes? Just a minute. Your call, Colonel.
Thank you.
Hello. Captain York, please.
You know, if this thing works out,
it might give our boys all the way
from Bataan to Singapore a big lift.
And it may pull a lot of
Japs back to their islands.
- It'll work out, General.
- I'm sure it will.
Hello. Hello, York? Doolittle.
York, I want you to get 24
B-25s with volunteer crews
down to Eglin Field as soon as you can.
The job will take them out of the
country for about three months.
Tell them it's a secret mission.
They won't know where they're
going until they get there.
That's right, volunteers.
Tell them they're not to talk
to anybody. That's an order.
I'll join you in a few days. Right.
to Eglin Tower.
Three B-25s request traffic
and landing instructions.
Go ahead.
Army four-one. The
left-hand pattern.
Wind direction north by northeast.
Land on runway number three.
There's the field all right.
Boy, did you ever see such a wide runway?
She's big all right.
You could almost close your eyes and get in.
And I'd give plenty to
know where we go from here.
Yeah, so would I.
Hey, don't do anything till I get my camera.
How does she look from the nose, Clever?
Great. Florida, palm trees,
alligators, bathing beauties.
Hey, Thatcher, have a
look at some real country.
It's not as pretty as Billings, sir.
Did you keep the cookies this trip, Thatcher?
Yes, sir. I had a little trouble coming
over the mountains, but I hung on.
- Zero-two-two-four-one to
flight. - Hey, wait a minute.
We'll go around, make an echelon right
once over the field, then break
away. Let's make it pretty.
Here's for luck.
Switch is off!
- 5:25. Not bad time.
- Yeah, we moved.
Better write that left engine
up. She sounded a little rough.
Boy, I got some swell shots, Lawson.
You really made a nice break away.
Gave me kind of an artistic angle.
Some day I'll do a crash landing
so you can get a real movie.
Thatcher says that Florida
can't compare to Billings.
Trouble with Thatcher is he thinks
that any place with more than 300 people
- is overcrowded.
- Oh, according to the last census, sir,
Billings has a population of 16,380.
16,000! Oh, no, Thatcher, you must
be thinking of Greater Billings.
No, he's right, Clever. They
count the cows up in that country.
- Sorry, sir.
- Yes.
- Cameras aren't allowed on the field.
- What?
That's right, sir.
A lot of secret work goes on here,
and they're very strict about it.
Well, I can't see anything secret from here.
Then I'll have to report you
to the Commanding Officer, sir.
Those are my orders.
Okay. Okay.
Hey, look, Brick Holstrom's still with us.
We were afraid you wouldn't get
that turkey in till tomorrow.
Why, that baby flies so pretty
we floated the last 200 miles.
- Are you guys ready?
- Yeah. Come on, Brick.
Oh, Thatcher, I'll be right back
and tell you where your quarters are.
Yes, sir.
Come on, Davey, you've got
an idea. What's the dope?
- Where do we go from here?
- I already told you.
All they said was that it'd
take us out of the country,
we'd be gone about three months
and that it'd be dangerous.
Look, I got the real dope from Joe Randall.
He says they're forming patrol
squadrons to guard the Canal.
What's dangerous about Canal patrol?
Well, what are we worrying about?
Ski will give us all the
dope when we check in anyhow.
Three ships in, sir.
Holstrom, Lawson, and myself.
- Good. Your ships okay?
- Yes, sir.
Sit down.
Where we staying, Ski?
The government's leased a hotel near here.
They call it the Officers' Club.
The men whose wives are
coming can stay there.
The other officers'
quarters are in Barracks 5.
Is Emmy coming down?
- She'll be here in a couple of days.
- Where'll I put Thatcher, Ski?
The enlisted men are assigned to Barracks 12.
- Anything else?
- Nope?
At least, not until tomorrow morning.
Well, we'll be seeing you.
Say, Ski, the guys are all
crazy to know what's up.
You know as much about it as I do.
We may be given more
information in the morning.
Well, beat me, daddy! Look who's coming!
Well, well, well, plant
me now and dig me later,
if it isn't the pride of
Randolph Field. How are you, boy?
Great, Shorty. The minute
we heard that razzmatazz,
we knew you must be somewhere around.
- You volunteer for this deal, too?
- Sure enough.
They had me stationed up in Minneapolis.
Coldest country I ever did see.
I'd have volunteered for anything
to get back in the sunshine.
- Where you been?
- Columbia, South Carolina.
- Bob!
- Hello, Ted.
You guys know each other?
Oh, we just went through
Kelly together, that's all.
- Sure. Bob was bridesmaid at my wedding.
- Wedding?
Nobody tells me anything anymore.
How long you been balled up and chained down?
Six months, in five more days.
Well, blow my foot off. Skin me again, boy.
Hey, Davey, what are you doing down here?
- Brick!
- Hi, Don.
- I thought you were hunting subs.
- Was. Got me one, too.
- You in on this deal?
- Sure. I've got a swell crew
and it looked like it was going
to be something, so why not?
- Any ideas what we might be up to?
- Oh, just a hunch.
Yeah? Well, give.
South Seas. Knock ourselves
off a few meatballs.
Honest man. Dealer takes two.
- You know, I just got an idea.
- About what?
About where we might be going.
The way it looks to... No,
that's not right. Forget it.
Says two.
- You know, I've got an idea too.
- Yeah?
I've got an idea you're pretty much of a dope
to have come in on this
deal in the first place.
What kind of a crack is that?
Oh, I don't know. You're
married. You've got a swell girl.
I never would have stuck my
neck out if I were in your boots.
Go away. You say two?
And up two.
Those guys are off again.
Hey, stand up there.
Who do you think you are?
Have you ever carried a navigator
in your ship before, Spike?
Neither have I, until I
volunteered for this job.
Oh, we're going to see some fancy stuff,
all right. I kind of got a feeling.
Shoot me for a pole cat.
Do I see two red-blooded
citizens lying on their backsides
while the Texas anthem is being rendered?
On your feet, men.
What are you beefing about,
Shorty? You're from Virginia.
That's right, sharp cat,
but my pal here, he's from
Texas, and he takes offense easy.
- Hello, Joe.
- Hello, Joyce. I've got some news.
Hey, you guys, shut up!
Quiet, fellows. Listen.
Jimmy Doolittle's down here
and he's a Lieutenant Colonel now.
Jimmy Doolittle! A southern
boy from Southern California.
Let's have Eyes of Texas for
Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy Doolittle.
Gentlemen, Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle.
As you were.
You men are here because you've volunteered.
You have been told it's a dangerous mission.
I can't tell you any more than that
now, but I want to emphasize the danger.
The most important thing
at the moment is secrecy.
I don't want you to even tell
your wives what you see down here.
And if you think you've
guessed where you're going,
you're probably wrong. But
don't even talk about your guess.
If the slightest word about
this mission gets around,
you will endanger not only your own lives,
but the lives of thousands of other men.
Now I want to ask you a question.
Has anybody tried to talk to you about this?
Good. If anybody on the
field or off the field
tries to engage you in conversation
as to why you're here,
no matter how innocently,
I want you to get his name and give it to me
and I'll turn it over to the FBI.
This is going to be the toughest
training you've ever had.
You will have the same crew all
the way through and the same ship.
And the man or the ship
that fails will be dropped.
You're going to do things with a
B-25 you thought were impossible.
Now, if any of you have any doubts,
I'd like you to drop out right now
and I promise you that no one
will ever think the worse of you.
If you have wives or children
or any other considerations
that might get on your nerves in
a crisis, it's perfectly all right.
As a matter of fact, it's
your duty to drop out.
Very well. We'll have these talks
as often as possible. That's all.
We're going up this morning
for an orientation flight.
There are four auxiliary
fields. One, two, three, four.
Line them up and locate them all.
We don't know which we're going to
use for our confidential experiments,
so familiarize yourselves with all of them.
Look over the countryside,
and we'll meet here again
at 3:30 this afternoon.
Are there any questions?
Sir, the plugs are being
changed in my engines.
To save time, may I go along in Jones' ship?
Right, Smith. All right.
You can go to your ship now.
It looks to me like it's
going to be a long time
before you swing down Main Street
of Billings again, Thatcher.
In Billings, sir, the main
street is Minnesota Avenue.
You know, that guy really means business.
- He had me sweating a little.
- Yeah, me too.
- Lieutenant Lawson?
- Yes.
Someone to see you out in front
of the PX at J Street, sir.
Thanks. I wonder who would...
I'll be right back.
- Where did you come from?
- I drove to Carolina to surprise you.
- And then they told me you're down here.
- Well, how are you?
I'm just fine, thank you.
And how are you bearing up?
Oh, great. You look just the same.
Well, of course I do. You can't
expect any change this soon.
- What's the joke?
- Nothing.
Except you're so funny.
Tell me, honey, were you surprised?
Oh, I couldn't believe my eyes.
Here, let me buy you a drink.
Gee, I'm glad to see you.
Come on, let's go around here.
Tell me, honey, how come you're so cute?
I had to be if I were going to
get such a good looking fellow.
You know, there's a lot of things
I want to talk over with you.
Go ahead. Were you really surprised?
Well, no, not exactly.
You know, you go into something
like this with your eyes open.
- Naturally you've got to take your chances.
- I see.
Isn't that kind of a
cold-blooded way to look at it?
Oh, now, don't get mad. You've
got to be cold-blooded about it.
This is the most important
thing that's ever happened to me.
- What about me?
- Well, you're in on it, too.
- That's why I want to talk it over.
- That's very generous. Go on, Ted.
Well, in the first place,
we've got to keep it a secret.
- I don't want you to tell a soul.
- You're not, I mean, you...
You don't wish it hadn't happened, do you?
Oh, no, of course not.
But it's a military
secret, I've got my orders.
Military... Say, what are you talking about?
Well, this job I volunteered
for. Didn't you get my letter?
- No. Didn't you get mine?
- No.
Well, I suppose it's very funny, but...
- Hey, Lawson! Ted Lawson!
- Here.
What are you hiding out...
- Ellen, when did you get here?
- Five minutes ago. How's my bridesmaid?
Great. Only I'm going
to have to break this up.
Doolittle came out to watch us take off.
Okay. I'll see you for dinner.
There's a hotel about a mile
and a half down the road.
I haven't seen it yet, but
they tell me you can't miss it.
- I'll find it.
- I'm sorry to have to rush off like this.
Don't forget dinner.
Say, did anybody pick up a letter for me?
Yes, sir. I did this morning.
I forgot all about it.
- Well, bring it up.
- Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, sir.
Okay. Thanks. Take over, will you, Davenport.
Hey! I'm going to have a baby!
Hey, it's from Ellen.
She's going to be... I mean,
I'm going to be a father.
Hello, flyer.
Oh, I'm sorry I woke you up.
I wasn't sleeping, really. I
was just dozing and thinking.
I'm sorry I didn't get back for
dinner. We had a lot of checking to do.
You must've thought I was
an awful dope this morning.
But I didn't get your letter
until later, so I didn't know.
I know. Sit down.
- I think it's swell about the baby.
- I knew you would. I wasn't a bit worried.
You know, it's going to seem funny.
I don't care whether it's a
boy or a girl. Not that much.
I just want you to be
okay. It's pretty serious.
- Well, what's so funny?
- I was just thinking.
Here you're getting ready to go
off on something really tough,
and you're worrying about me.
If I were in your spot,
I'd be scared to death.
- But I guess I am anyhow.
- Purely routine stuff, flyer.
The kind of job every girl takes
on once or twice in her life.
Why don't you lie down?
You know, Ellen,
I'm kind of glad I got you.
I guess that's what I was
thinking about in my sleep.
It almost frightened me.
It seemed that I was thinking,
"What if I'd never met him?"
Well, for one thing
you wouldn't be traipsing around the country
from one airfield to another
trying to catch up with me.
And for another,
you wouldn't be having a baby
right in the middle of a war.
Oh, no, it wasn't that.
I was thinking that if I hadn't met you,
I'd never have felt really close
to anybody, never in my whole life.
Married six months and
together less than two weeks.
That's not being as close as I'd figured on.
Don't you see, Ted, that's just it.
If people can be close when
they're far away from each other,
well, that's what it should be.
Yeah, yeah, I guess so.
Cuddle me.
I was thinking about last Christmas.
The tree we set up in
that Portland auto court.
- Wasn't it an awful little room?
- Yeah.
And the Christmas dinner we were planning on.
And then you ran out of gas and
landed in the mud up in lllwaco,
Christmas Eve and Christmas were
all over before I saw you again.
Yeah, that was tough. But I
got a scarf out of it, anyhow.
Well, it wasn't exactly as we'd planned it.
It was our first Christmas,
and somewhere way off,
it didn't matter where,
I knew I had you. Oh, Ted, it was
the nicest Christmas of my life.
You were born to marry a flyer, Ellen.
I knew that the minute I first saw you.
As a matter of fact that's why I married you.
- You know, I've got a confession to make.
- What?
The truth is, you didn't
marry me. I married you.
Oh, you did, eh?
The first time I saw you
in the library at LACC,
I said to myself, "Oh, oh, that's for me. "
And from then on,
clear up to the night we got the judge
out of bed in that little Idaho town,
nothing was an accident, Ted.
I planned it that way.
- You think you're pretty smart, don't you?
- I'm not sure whether I do or not.
You see, you didn't put up much of a fight.
I suppose you figured out on that baby, too?
That's something you'll never
know, flyer, you'll never know.
Boys are working late these nights.
Yes. Do you have any idea
how long you'll be gone?
But as soon as this job is over,
I'm going to ask for a leave.
Two, maybe three weeks.
We'll have that honeymoon
you're always talking about.
Yes, just the three of us.
I do hope I don't get big and
fat like that lady in Chicago.
I want each one of you to know
something about the other man's job.
The pilots will practice
every job on the plane.
Navigators will learn the work
of bombardiers and so forth.
That's in case any of you get shot up.
There's one thing more.
It is inevitable that some of your planes
are going to fall into
the hands of the enemy.
For this reason, I have ordered
your Norden bombsights removed.
Captain Greening has designed a sight
which will be perfect for our job.
If there are no questions, I'll
ask Captain York to take over.
Just like I said, we patrol off Brazil.
Yeah, but what about taking
the Norden Bombsight out?
There's no chance of falling into the
hands of the enemy if you're hunting subs.
- I hadn't thought of that.
- That Doolittle's a cheerful cuss, isn't he?
"Just in case any of us are
shot up," a bundle of sunshine.
Oh, it's Ted, it's Ted!
George used to buzz me
when we were first married.
He doesn't do it any more.
They're not supposed to.
- I wonder if he still loves me.
- I wouldn't worry about that.
Every time Ski gets a new ship he
has a terrible love affair with it,
but he always comes back to me,
especially when he's hungry.
Just think, they'll be gone three months.
I think I'll get a job in a defense factory.
I couldn't stand just sitting around
in some little apartment and waiting.
What are you going to do, Ellen?
Oh, I'm just going to sit
around and have a baby.
- A baby!
- A baby!
Ellen, why didn't you tell us?
I don't know. I guess I just
never thought of a way till now.
As it turns out, it
wasn't hard to tell at all.
Well, I'm going to have one, too.
- What?
- Really?
Gee, I think it's wonderful.
George and I have talked about it,
but, well, with him away and all,
- I guess I'm just too scared.
- I thought I would be too, but...
Well, Ted and I figured that
everything since Pearl Harbor
has just been so much velvet.
And then I guessed that if
anything should happen to him,
only I know nothing will,
I'd have the baby, and that would
be a little bit of Ted still living.
I sometimes wonder how we'll
feel when it's all over.
Just think, being able to settle
down in a little house somewhere
and raise your children and
never be in doubt about anything.
We'll probably have exactly the same doubts
that we have right now.
For example, will he or will
he not be home for dinner?
We're about to enter the most
secret part of our training.
This field is patrolled on all sides
so no one can disturb you at your work.
Gentlemen, this is
Lieutenant Miller of the Navy.
He's going to instruct you in takeoffs.
Instead of the normal B-25 takeoff
in 1,500 feet at 90 miles an hour,
he's going to show you how to do it
with a full load of bombs and gas
in 500 feet at 50 miles an hour.
You will attempt no short takeoffs
from Eglin Field, where people can see you.
Lieutenant Miller will also give you
a few short talks on naval etiquette.
Now, if this gives you any
hints as to your destination
or as to what kind of
work you're going to do,
don't even discuss it among yourselves.
I'll ask Lieutenant Miller to take over now.
those flags out there are at
100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 feet
from the starting line.
The line down the center of the
field is to guide you in your takeoff.
The kind of work you're going to
do won't permit any deviations.
Now, the whole idea is to get up full
power before you release your brakes.
Then start, at maximum r.
p. m., manifold pressure
and with your wing flaps all the way down.
You'll have to rev your motors until
you think they're going to burn up.
And then, when they reach the right pitch,
and that's a matter of sound
and feel more than instruments,
release your brakes and hunt for heaven.
I don't expect any of you
to do it the first time.
- Gray.
- Yes, sir.
Suppose you and Manch try it first?
The rest of us will stay on the ground,
mark your takeoff and check the wind.
Yes, sir.
I think at first we can learn
as much by watching trial runs
as by actually flying the ships.
So let's all line up over
here and see how he does.
- What kind of surface wind, Ski?
- Eight miles an hour.
He didn't have his engines revved up enough.
Lawson, you go next.
Now remember, for our purposes,
if you get your wheels a foot off
the ground, that's good enough.
You don't need height, but
you've got to get your wheels off
before you hit the last flag.
A little later we'll try retracting
the wheels at around 450 feet
and relying on your motors to float the ship.
- Don't try that just yet, though.
- Right, sir.
Now, grab the column and pull her until
you feel the inside of your backbone.
Yes, sir.
Did you ever take off
a B-25 at 500 feet, sir?
No. But you men will. Don't worry about it.
Watch Lawson there.
You'll have to rev your motors at
least that high and maybe higher.
About 700 feet. He burned his tailskid.
Didn't pull his wheels up soon enough.
Brother, that takeoff
was strictly on the cob.
That airplane of yours looked
exactly like a ruptured duck.
How do you like this guy?
He takes off like an old lady in a high wind,
and then he's got the nerve
to talk about a real ship.
It's lucky you didn't have a muddy
field, or you'd still be there.
If I were you I'd worry about that turkey
you and Gray are pushing around the sky.
- The ruptured duck will get along okay.
- Oh, I'm insulted. Come on, fellows.
That won't take long to fix, sir.
Ruptured duck.
Don't you think Linda's a
good name, if it's a girl?
Oh, yes, yes, it's fine.
No, maybe Nichola. Nichola?
That has a nice sound, don't you think?
What's that? Oh, yes.
Look, honey, we don't have to
decide that right now, do we?
He wasn't badly hurt, was he?
- Who?
- Johnny Adams.
- How'd you hear about Johnny?
- Those things get around.
- He wasn't hurt, was he?
- Of course not.
I don't know how those things get started.
Every time a guy does a noseover
on this field, it's a crack-up.
You've been working ever since
dinner. Come on, let's get some air.
It's a deal.
I'm sorry we haven't had
more time together, Ellen.
We can spare a little. We've
got all the rest of our lives.
That's right.
Something blooming? It
smells good, doesn't it?
- Ted.
- What?
Please, don't worry about anything.
I'm not worrying, just working, that's all.
You know, this is going to be quite a deal.
You're not worried about the deal.
You're worried because you've got a wife.
And that's wrong, Ted.
Say, Bob Gray hasn't been
trying to scare you, has he?
- Of course not.
- Okay.
Because there's nothing
to worry about, nothing.
Silly, as if I didn't know that.
Besides, if anything did happen, you've
got all that government insurance,
that'll take care of you and
the baby for a long while.
Oh, what am I talking about?
Nothing's going to happen anyhow.
Ted, look at me.
That baby and I, we won't
ever need anything but you.
We mustn't either of us
be scared about it, Ted.
Because the baby, the baby's why
I know you're coming back to us.
We'd better make this one, or Shorty'll
never let us hear the last of it.
- Hear those engines?
- Like music.
Come on, you hopped up bus drivers.
It's been 10 weeks work and
one night's fun. Let's go.
- I got my flaps up, brother.
- Heat it up there, Smitty boy.
Steam and sizzle. Where you're
going, no one's gonna hold you tight.
Hey there, Doc, don't you know how to dance?
When they start picking
flak out of your feet,
you'll wish you'd put them to better use.
I'm a doctor, not a jitterbug, Shorty.
- Hey, what gives?
- Shorty's throwing a party.
A party? What for?
Somebody said he's celebrating
Texas Constitution Day.
- Texas Constitution Day?
- Say, I'm gonna sample this.
Grab your gal, Lawson.
Don't you know it's Sam Houston's birthday?
Sam Houston?
For a guy that never saw Texas,
that Manch is really sold.
- Hi, Lawson.
- Hi. How did this riot get started?
It's Texas Admission Day.
And that ain't no riot, mister,
that's a full-fledged war.
- Seen Ellen?
- I've seen everybody.
- Hello, flyer.
- My dance?
All of them, my boy.
Every dance from now on
out, including the last one.
And I love you, Ski. I love
you, I love you, I love you.
You know, it's a funny thing. That
Lawson used to be about as graceful
as a Texas steer. Now, look at him.
Maybe the girl's got something to do with it.
Ah, you said it that time, Clever.
You know, there's something
I mean to tell you more often,
- but I never seem to get the chance.
- What is it?
Just that I love you.
I got a letter from your mother
this morning. Forgot to tell you.
She said to take good care of you.
- How am I doing?
- Better than mother ever dreamed of.
Here. Here.
Now smile and sing.
Telephone's ringing.
- Telephone, Ted.
- Oh, sure.
Yeah? Right now? Okay.
What was it?
Oh, just another night
call. But what a night.
I'm sorry.
What time is it?
- Hung-over maybe a little?
- Oh, just a headache.
- I'm not used to party life.
- Poor baby.
You go to sleep. I'll be
back by breakfast time.
I'm so sleepy. Goodnight, darling.
Or rather, good morning.
Boy, if I ever get a leave, I'm
going to sleep for six days solid.
I wonder what this is.
Well, men, your ships are all
serviced, gassed, and ready to go.
You will take off in shifts,
the first shift taking off in 45 minutes.
Captain York will give you your clearances.
Now there's one thing that
must be thoroughly understood.
After you take off this morning,
you are to see no one, speak to no one,
telephone no one, not even your wife.
There are no exceptions.
Continue your gas consumption
tests to your destination.
Now, the work you will be asked to do
will require a little low altitude flying,
so hedge-hopping on this
trip is perfectly okay.
Only bear in mind that
cowboys wear pretty tall hats,
so watch your step, men. That's all.
I think you're very well prepared
for what you volunteered to do
and I want to thank you
for a lot of good hard work.
I'll see you in a few days. Good luck.
I hope I get a chance to tell Ellen goodbye.
Yeah, you will.
Your destination is Alameda field.
Take the southern route,
refuel at San Antonio and march.
As your names are called you can
start. First flight, Holstrom,
Jones, Lawson. Second flight...
- Ted.
- Well, this is it, honey. We're off.
- How soon?
- Just got time to pack.
Where's my B-4 bag?
- In the closet. I'll get it.
- Good.
Socks, shirts.
- My ties in the closet?
- Yes, I have them.
Wow! Don't go in there in your
bare feet, I broke a glass.
All right.
- You forgot your toothbrush.
- Oh, doggone it.
- We got everything?
- I think so.
Well, be a good girl and
take good care of that baby.
- I will, Ted.
- Yourself, too.
Oh, Ted, I'm going to write you
a letter every day you're gone,
I know they won't deliver
them. I won't even mail them.
But I'm going to write just the same.
That way, we'll kind of be in touch.
That way, we'll feel close.
Bye, flyer.
Tell me, honey. How come you're so cute?
I had to be if I was gonna
get such a good looking fellow.
I'll be back.
Hey, the Bay Bridge is off to our right.
The Bay Bridge is off to our right.
The Bay Bridge? How about flying under it?
- For why?
- Well, so I can get some pictures.
You know, shooting up at the superstructure.
- Come on, Lawson.
- Do you want to?
- Sure. Go ahead, if it'll make him happy.
- Thanks.
I hope there are no cables
hanging under that span.
Here we go.
Let's take a turn and go it
again. I forgot to put film in.
We're due at the field. Forget it.
Oh, I may never get another crack at it.
Hey, look.
McClure, take a look down there.
- It's a carrier.
- Yeah. And look at her deck.
B-25's. Holy Smoke. Then this is it.
Kind of small, isn't she?
Pilot to bombardier. Pilot
to gunner. Pilot to gunner.
Thatcher. Thatcher.
It's dead again.
We'd better report it to
Doolittle when we get in.
Yeah, that left engine along with
it. Still seem a little rough to you?
I can't tell anymore.
- Is everything okay on your ship?
- Why, yes, sir, yes, sir.
Taxi over to the edge of the carrier's
wharf. They'll take care of you there.
Yes, sir.
They don't even wait until a fellow gets out.
- All Navy guys are cocky.
- Miller's a Navy guy.
Well, Miller isn't
exactly Navy. He's a pilot.
Hey, Spike.
- Spike.
- Spike, what's the matter?
Oh, I put in a beef about my fuel pump
and Doolittle told me to
take her to the hangar.
Well, then you're not going?
No, and there's nothing
really wrong with that plane.
- It's the best ship in the squad.
- Boy, that's rough.
And I nearly told him about our interphone.
You would've been a cooked goose.
I think, sir, I'll go
and watch those Navy guys.
- They might bang her up or something.
- That's a good idea.
How do you like that?
They're going to break the Duck's back sure.
How did we get in the clutches
of these Navy guys anyhow?
- Boy, that's an awful big ship.
- Yeah, let's take a look at her.
- So long, Spike.
- So long, Spike.
- Be seeing you, Spike.
- Goodbye, fellows.
Lieutenant Lawson, reporting aboard, sir.
- Bettinger, take Lieutenant Lawson to...
- 306, sir.
- 306.
- This way, sir.
See you guys later.
Lieutenant McClure, reporting aboard, sir.
These are your quarters, sir.
Mr. White and Mr. Felton are on shore leave.
Thank you.
Are you sure you'll be able to find
your way back up to the deck, sir?
Oh, sure. Thanks.
What are you doing down here?
Oh, just looking around.
What are you doing here?
Just looking around.
- Are you lost too?
- Am I lost? I'm trapped like a rat.
I've been walking for miles.
This is the biggest
cockeyed ship I've ever seen.
Yeah. And I wish the deck was twice as big.
The smoking lamp is out.
The smoking lamp is out.
Sir, "The smoking lamp is out" means
no smoking anywhere on the ship.
- Okay.
- Why is that?
Because they're refueling, sir. They'll
let us know when they're through.
Well, you guys finally got on, huh?
Yeah, we've just been looking the tub over.
- How are your quarters?
- Perfect.
Nice room with two bunks and a cot.
A cot? Follow me, brothers. I'm
gonna show you real quarters.
And I mean quarters.
Hats. Hats.
- Well, look at what's here.
- Well, we have guests.
What's the idea of bringing people
up here from the tenement district?
This is jocularly known
as the admiral's cabin.
Looks like you guys are going
to have to start bathing.
This isn't all. There's
something else. Follow me.
I'd be glad to.
Careful of the rugs, please.
Now just inside, gentlemen, is something
to really feast your peepers on.
The first guy turns in after
dinner gets this bed for the trip.
You know who that'll be. Enter.
What dirty, lowlife... Come
out of there, you boll weevil!
Well, feed me corn and watch me grow.
How did all this scum get in?
And me in an Army cot.
That's where he'll end up,
before the night's over.
- Let's get out of here.
- Oh, Lieutenant!
When you guys go down to dinner,
would you mind bringing back
a roast beef sandwich, rare,
and a piece of huckleberry pie, Lieutenant.
- Well, are you still glad you came along?
- Sure. Aren't you?
- I've got a funny feeling about this job.
- Yeah?
I think maybe it isn't going to be
as much of a cinch as we figured on.
Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing.
Well, my ship's over there. I
think I'll go take a look at it.
Well, the Duck's up ahead.
I'll see you in the morning.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Who's that?
- That you, Thatcher?
- Oh, yes, sir.
Oh, forget it, Thatcher.
Got her pretty well
lashed down, haven't they?
Yes, sir. They did a good job.
I was kind of worried about her,
so I thought I'd better
come up and have a look.
You lonesome?
I guess everybody is a little, sir.
Don't bother with the sirs,
Dave. Your quarters all right?
- Yeah. Fine.
- Grub's good, too, isn't it?
The best I've had in a long time, sir.
What are you going to do when
we get back home, Thatcher?
Oh, I have a girl in Billings, sir.
I'm going to marry her, if we get back.
Oh, we'll get back all right.
Oh, hello.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I thought I'd come up and shoot the stars for
a little while, but I guess it's too foggy.
Pretty foggy, all right.
- What are you guys doing here?
- Oh, just getting a little air.
- Yeah, it's pretty stuffy down below.
- Yeah, it sure is.
You guys worry over the ruptured
duck like a bunch of old maids.
Me, I'm going to bed.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Goodnight, Ted.
Wonderful air, isn't it?
The smoking lamp is lit.
The smoking lamp is lit.
- What's wrong? What happened?
- Just battle stations.
Around sunup and sundown the pig
boats give us a little trouble
so we always lay for them.
This is Jig White and I'm Bud Felton.
- Glad to see you.
- Glad to see you.
- How are you?
- See you later.
- Are we underway?
- For the last five hours.
Glad to have you aboard, Army.
General Quarters, man your battle stations.
Army personnel, man your planes.
Boy, the only way you're going to get
that thing off of here is with a crane.
Maybe so. But we kind of think
we can take off on our own power.
Hey, where'd they come from?
That's what's known as an escort.
They just slipped up on us during the night.
The Navy likes to do things quietly.
Looks like it's really going
to be a show, doesn't it?
Boy, did I hate to part skin from
sheet this morning. What a bed.
Oh, this is Shorty Manch.
Jig White and Bud Felton.
- Hello.
- Hi y'all.
This lucky stiff is sleeping in
the bedroom off the admiral's cabin.
Yeah. Wonderful accommodations,
but nothing much to do.
I thought there'd at least be a
poker game or something going on.
Oh, I guess they have
them every once in a while.
How about Seven-Toed Pete? Do you
ever play much of that around here?
What's Seven-Toed Pete?
Well, it's a kind of seven-card poker.
- I'd be glad to teach it to you some time.
- Never heard of it.
Attention, Army personnel!
Attention, Army personnel!
Assemble in Ward Room.
- See you later, fellows.
- Assemble in Ward Room.
Well, it's been a great pleasure, fellows.
We'll certainly have to get together soon.
Maybe we can get up that
little game of poker.
See you later.
You know, I believe that
boy wants to play poker.
I wonder if they got their
pay before they came aboard.
As you were.
For the benefit of those
who haven't already guessed,
we're going straight to Japan.
The Navy will take us within 400
miles of the Japanese mainland.
We're going to bomb Tokyo, Yokohama,
Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya.
It'll be a night job and
you will be given the opportunity
of choosing the city you prefer.
Now, this is going to be a tight squeeze.
The Chinese have prepared small fields
just outside of Japanese occupied territory
for us to land on after the raid.
They'll gas us up and we'll
take off for Chungking.
From now on we're in constant
danger of enemy attack.
If there should be a surface attack,
stand by your planes with fire extinguishers
and let the Navy handle it.
If there should be an attack by air,
take off and make for the nearest land.
The Navy will give all navigators
their bearings twice a day.
Now once more, I want to emphasize that if...
If any of you feel you're not up to this job,
it's perfectly all right for you to drop out.
We have a few spare men and I
think we can fill your place.
Get together with Captain York and
find out what to do with your planes.
We'll meet here tomorrow afternoon at 2:30.
Are there any questions?
Colonel, do you mind if we
smoke during these assemblies?
I have no objection to that if
the Navy hasn't. Anything else?
48, 49, 50.
51, 52, 53, 54,
55, 56... Oh, sorry, Manch.
- Just getting a little exercise.
- Yeah? Well, I wasn't.
I'm measuring off this cockeyed deck.
Attention, all personnel. You have been
wondering about the mission we are on.
I think you might like to know
that the Army personnel on the
Hornet are going to bomb Japan.
We of the Navy are going to take them
in as close to the enemy as possible.
This is a chance for all of us
to give the Japs a dose
of their own medicine.
It's an Army-Navy show.
Let's extend every courtesy
to the Army men on the Hornet
who are going to do the job.
Good luck, good hunting
and may God speed us on our mission.
Have some?
Thanks, buddy.
You're awfully lucky for guys who
never heard of Seven-Toed Pete.
They tell me Virginia's a
great hunting country, too.
What's that? Oh, yeah. Let's play, fellows.
- What's the bet?
- It's up to you, Manch.
Don't they call Virginia
the Mother of Presidents?
Yeah. I mean... Bet five.
Up ten.
Thomas Jefferson lived there, too, didn't he?
I drop.
A lot of guys lived there.
Are you sure you never
played Seven-Toed Pete before?
Makes it ten to you, Manch.
Have they finally gotten that hookworm
situation under control down there?
There never has been a case
of hookworm in Virginia.
- I've got a small straight.
- Mine's seven to the jack.
All pink.
Well, that beats. I think I'll turn in.
- Somebody's won a lot of dough.
- A little.
- You just had a run of bad cards, Manch.
- Yeah.
What say we get together again pretty soon?
Oh, sure. See you later.
Say, you haven't got any books
on Virginia, have you, Manch?
You Army guys are real pigeons.
I wish you were in the Navy.
You take the bunk, Lawson. I'll
sleep here, if you don't mind.
- What's the idea?
- That thing's as soft as a feather bed.
I never could sleep in it.
Yeah. It's not bad. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Lieutenant Randall is going to tell
us something about a carrier takeoff.
Mr. Randall.
From the minute you're in your
planes, I'm the man to watch.
Have your engines turning over as soon
as the man in front of you starts taxiing.
When I want you to rev
up, I'll give you this.
Now, if your engines don't sound right to me,
I may have to keep you revved up
longer than you think necessary,
I can hear your engines and tell when
they're missing better than you can.
When I want you to start
taxiing, I'll give you this.
Now you're in position.
I give you a final rev.
And when I drop it, you're off.
We'll aim you straight
for Japan. One more thing.
Once we're lined up for the takeoffs,
there can be no delays.
If your plane stalls, if it
doesn't start immediately,
if you have any trouble of any kind,
we won't have time to do anything about it.
The Navy crew has orders
to push the ship overboard
and make way for the next one.
Lieutenant Jurika has
detailed maps and pictures
of cities and specified targets.
Mr. Jurika spent a great many years in Japan.
I think it might be a good
idea if he gave you some idea
of what kind of people
you're going to run up against
in case you're forced down.
Mr. Jurika.
I was Assistant Naval Attach
at our embassy in Japan,
long enough to learn a few
things about the Orient.
Just what should we do, Mr. Jurika?
How should we conduct ourselves in
case we are forced down over Japan?
My advice is, see that you're
not forced down over Japan.
The run I've got figured
out for you starts here.
The smokestacks are bright red
brick, and you can't miss them.
One of the largest smelters in Japan.
Then, following the line of the bay
and allowing 10 seconds between bombs
you should take out this and this.
Both of them are machine
shops owned by brothers,
I forget their names but I
remember I didn't like them.
Then on out here to drop your incendiary.
How does this line up for you, Lawson?
Well, you're going to drop them, Clever.
The run seems all right
for me if it's okay for you.
- We can take them out.
- Fine.
Jones, have you got the
course laid out for this run?
Yes. Over here, fellows.
Now you'll take off about
here. You go due west to Tokyo
at minimum cruising speed,
flying at about 50 feet.
When you hit the bay, get up to about 1,500
complete your bombing run,
then down again and out to sea,
- south by southeast to Yakushima.
- Can we take the maps with us?
All you need.
Be sure there are no marks on them though,
which might show the Japs where you came from
in case you're captured.
By the way, I'm taking off
first with four incendiaries.
That should light up
Tokyo pretty well for you.
Suppose by the time we get to China, the
Japs have taken over the landing field?
The Chinese will arrange a signal
for you when you get to the field
if the Japs have captured it.
If that's the case you've got to keep
right on going until you've run out of gas
then bail out and destroy your planes.
There's just been a change in the disposition
of the barrage balloons over Tokyo.
This balloon and this one
were moved this morning to here and here.
You know, the changes in
those balloons threw me.
Just think, a bunch of guys
sweating all day in a sub
down under Tokyo bay, guys just like us
sneaking up at night to
radio balloon positions.
Just let me hear anybody
talk about the Navy again.
Boy, they're good.
Plenty. They're not bad at poker either.
Oh, you're not kidding.
I kind of figured on getting Ellen
a present in Chungking, you know,
a kimono or something.
But these Navy guys have cleaned me.
Believe it or not, I've only got 14 bucks.
Well, I got $8 or $10 I could let you have.
Oh, no. No. I've been thinking,
cigarettes sell for 60 cents
a carton on the boat here.
But in Chungking, I hear the
boys will pay seven bucks.
So I figure I may load
the duck with coffin nails.
Hey, that's an idea.
- It's a good night for subs.
- Yeah.
You know, it's funny.
When I was a kid I used to dream
about going someplace on a ship.
Well, here I am.
And out there is Japan.
My mother had a Jap gardener once.
He seemed like a nice little guy.
You know, I don't hate Japs, yet.
It's a funny thing. I don't
like them, but I don't hate them.
I guess I don't either.
You get kind of mixed up.
It's hard to figure. Yet here we are.
All I ever wanted to be was
an aeronautical engineer.
I joined the Army in '40 because I
figured it was the best way to learn.
I wasn't sore at anybody.
But here you suddenly
realize you're going to drop
a ton of high explosives on one
of the biggest cities in the world.
You're not getting squeamish, are you?
Oh, no, of course not.
I don't pretend to like the
idea of killing a bunch of people
but it's the case of drop a bomb on them
or pretty soon they'll
be dropping one on Ellen.
Yeah, that's right.
I wonder how many of us will pull through.
Oh, they figure about half.
- And everybody thinks he'll be in that half.
- Yeah.
- When are you going to get married, Bob?
- Oh, when I find somebody like Ellen.
It'd be swell, you know. The four of us.
You know, when this is over I'd
like to get me a small ranch.
Something that'd run about
40 or 50 head of cattle.
A nice well and a house.
It'd be wonderful for kids.
I've always been kind of
nuts about ranches myself.
You know, in a decent year
you can make real dough
out of 40 head of cattle, if you've got feed.
- Why don't we do something like that?
- Well, I'm game if you are.
- Okay, it's a deal.
- Good.
Of course, now if we had 80 head of
cattle we'd really have ourselves a layout.
- Yeah, and our own meat too.
- Oh, yeah, milk, butter, eggs,
the whole works.
You know, a guy who's got himself a place,
he doesn't have to worry about anything.
- And with a little hunting near.
- Oh, sure, that's easy.
Gosh, I'll be glad when this war ends.
In the event of an emergency
there will be no assembly.
No last minute instructions.
We'll just take off.
If you should develop motor trouble within
a half hour after leaving the Hornet,
fly back to the ship and land in the water.
The Navy will try to fish you out.
If trouble should develop after that
time, you'll have to keep right on going.
Because by that time the fleet will
have to fire on any craft overhead.
I don't want you to throw out the
extra cans of gas as you use them.
That would leave a perfect trail for
the Japs to follow back to the Hornet.
Save the cans and throw
them all out at one time.
Now let me repeat something
I've said previously.
You are to bomb the military targets
assigned to you and nothing else.
Of course, in an operation of this
kind you cannot avoid killing civilians.
Because war plants are manned by civilians.
If any of you have any moral
feelings about this necessary killing,
if you feel that you might think
of yourself afterward as a murderer,
I want you to drop out. We'll
find someone to take your place.
And I promise you that no one
will blame you for your feelings.
Barring any sudden switch in plans,
we'll take off tomorrow night.
There's one thing more.
When we meet in Chungking
I'm going to throw you a party
that you can tell your grandchildren about.
You're a great bunch of guys. I'm
proud to be associated with you.
Good luck.
- 12 cartons of cigarettes.
- 12 cartons?
Say, what gives with the Army?
I've never sold so many
cigarettes in my life.
- We're chain smokers.
- You must eat them. What kind will it be?
Oh, any kind.
- You just want lots of cigarettes.
- You hit it right on the head.
All right.
That'll be $7.20.
Now hear this. Our carrier task force
has been sighted by enemy surface vessels.
All Army pilots and crews, man
your planes for immediate takeoff.
There goes a Jap just three
minutes after we sighted her.
Yeah. That means she had two
minutes to tell Tokyo what she saw.
Now hear this. Get all
bombs loaded on the double.
- Are you all packed?
- Have been for five days, sir.
Good. Better watch how
those guys handle the Duck.
I will, sir.
And don't tell anybody
about that bumped turret.
I won't, sir.
- Hey, we're off, aren't we?
- Yeah!
Oh, bomb me, daddy!
I think I've got everything packed.
- Swell, thanks.
- I'm sorry we couldn't have
picked out a little better weather for you.
- We'll make it. So long, Felton.
- Give them a pasting they'll never forget.
We will. Look, thanks for everything.
You guys in the Navy, well,
you're okay. Be seeing you.
Now hear this. Clear the
flight deck to start engines.
Hey, how about my change?
They're giving us fifteen
extra cans instead of ten.
Good. At least getting off now
will put us over Tokyo in daylight.
Don't forget about the barrage
balloons in daylight too.
Oh, next you'll be telling me it's good
because you can get better
pictures in the daytime.
- You're not kidding about that, either.
- Let's give her a final check.
Hey, Bob.
- What?
- Are you up ahead?
Fourth spot.
See you in Chungking.
You said it, brother.
- How they doing?
- Doolittle will be off any second.
Then Hoover, Holstrom, Gray
and Davey Jones, we're seventh.
Seven's a lucky number.
Ted, Ted. Hey, Ted, Ted, hey.
Put these some place, will you?
- What are they?
- Sizzle platters.
I've got the phonograph in my ship.
But I haven't got room for the records.
We'll meet in Chungking
and cut a Chinese rug.
Okay, Shorty.
- Take care of these, will you, McClure?
- Right.
- Pilot to gunner.
- Gunner to pilot. Go ahead, sir.
Take a look at the turret
if you get a chance.
I've been working on that,
sir. She's still jammed.
We'll use the auxiliary power if we have to.
Right, sir.
We've got ourselves in a
fine jam, haven't we, Lawson?
Well, this is a great time to think of that.
Oh, no, I mean having to
take off ahead of schedule.
Oh, I'm sorry, Davenport. I
guess maybe I'm a little on edge.
- Bomb bay clear?
- Bomb bays clear.
- Clear on right?
- Clear on right.
- Clear on left?
- Clear on left.
He made it. He made it.
Get your flaps up.
Good luck, fellows. Hand
them a couple for the Navy.
- We sure will, Miller.
- And thanks to you.
Wish I were going with you. So long.
- So long.
- So long.
Goodbye, boys.
- Four more ahead of us.
- Let's start the engines.
Let's go.
- Clear on right?
- Clear on right?
Clear on right.
Clear on left?
Clear on left.
Those Navy guys are
moving up to push us over.
They're not gonna toss this ship overboard.
Come on, baby. Give.
Give. Give.
Check hydraulic pressure.
- Hydraulic pressure okay.
- Check brake pressure.
There goes Bob.
Two more ahead of us.
Check fuel booster.
Hey, Army. Ted!
Give them for me.
When we get to Chungking, we'll
tell them it was a Navy show too.
They'll know that when they see
how broke you are. Good hunting.
- Bomb bay doors closed.
- Bomb bays closed.
- Pilot to gunner. All set, Thatcher?
- Everything okay, sir.
- Wing flaps down.
- Wing flaps coming down.
There goes Hallmark.
We're taking off, fellows. Happy landings.
Both the flaps up.
We didn't even have them down.
How do you like that? I
wonder what else we forgot.
Coffee, sandwiches, water, plenty.
Pilot to gunner. Thatcher.
Gunner to pilot. Go ahead, sir.
- You all right, Thatcher?
- Yes, sir.
You'd better get started on those cans.
- We've burned over 40 gallons already.
- Yes, sir.
Well, we're on our way.
If anybody's carrying a rabbit's
foot, hang on to it tight.
What's our position, McClure?
I figure about an hour and
58 minutes from the coast.
Get that, Thatcher? We can expect
their fighters any time now.
- Keep your eyes open.
- Watching, sir.
There's nothing in sight. Could
we try out this turret again?
Okay. Relay switch on.
It works all right, sir,
but that emergency power's not going
to hold out long if we run into trouble.
Turning it off now.
- How far are we behind our first gang?
- About an hour.
Then we really can get set for trouble.
Yeah, but nothing like what the
guys behind us are going to run into.
I'd feel a lot better on a night job.
Did you hear that left engine miss?
No, singing like a lark.
I must be hearing things.
Navigator to pilot.
Pilot to Navigator. Go ahead.
We ought to hit the
Japanese coast any minute.
- See that flag?
- Yeah.
- Saving bombs today.
- They're waving at us.
Those guys must be nuts.
Japanese coast straight ahead.
We'll be catching buckshot any second now.
- Pilot to...
- I saw them, sir.
- Shall I turn the power on for the turret?
- No, wait a minute.
I don't know what happened to them,
sir. I guess they didn't see us.
There she is fellows. Take a good gander.
When we get back home, the
folks will want to know what
Tokyo used to look like.
That must be Davey Jones
giving them the works.
Pilot to bombardier, bomb bay doors open.
- There we are, the big red smokestack.
- Pilot to bombardier,
- approaching smelter.
- I'm on it.
They've got our altitude.
One away.
Two away.
Three away.
Four away.
- Six fighters just above and to the right.
- Have you got them, Thatcher?
Ready for them, sir.
Why don't they dive?
They're going away.
We're not going to wait for them to
come back. We're getting out of here.
Well, I guess maybe we're in that lucky half.
Not yet. Not till we get to China.
Wow. What a headache.
- Were you scared?
- I'm still scared.
- McClure, on our course?
- On our course.
A hundred and sixty gallons. I hope
it's enough to get us to Changchow.
Yeah, and I hope the Japs
don't get there first.
What's the dope, McClure?
About 200 miles to Changchow.
- And we ought to hit the coast any minute.
- We'll never find it in the dark.
Pilot to crew.
We're going up and flying on instruments.
When the gas is gone we'll bail out.
We'll buzz it. Maybe we can land.
Keep a lookout for rocks or logs.
All set for landing.
McClure, get our guns out.
Take off chutes and be sure your
life jackets are on. Carry your guns.
Wheels down. Flaps down.
Air speed 135.
I lost my ship.
I lost my ship.
- You hurt bad?
- I don't... I don't know.
I can't move my arms.
Your leg, it's all busted up, sir.
Get Davenport.
Ted, Ted, look at me.
That baby and I...
We won't ever need anything but you.
We mustn't either of us
be scared about it, Ted,
because the baby, the baby's why
I know you're coming back to us.
Shall I shoot them, Lieutenant?
No, hold it.
- But they may be Japs, sir.
- Don't shoot, Thatcher.
Hey! Hey!
He says he's Chinese. What's
that word for American?
That leg's got to be sewn up, sir.
It's split wide open.
Me, Charlie.
- We're Americans.
- American.
We need a doctor, and some help
to get to Changchow.
Chiang Kai-shek.
- We're his friends. In Chungking.
- Chungking!
- Yes.
- That's right.
We go Chungking.
Chungking many, many days. Many.
Doctor. Doctor.
Charlie, go, go doctor.
Charlie, bring doctor here.
Charlie, bring doctor or we die.
Doctor, one li.
One li, that's a Chinese mile.
One li. Go.
Bring doctor.
Doctor, Japanese man. Japanese doctor.
Maybe Japanese man, Japanese soldier,
come here.
Japanese man no come at night.
Boat, you go boat.
Let's go.
Hey, cut that out.
I think he wants to trade
bullets with you, Thatcher.
Charlie, friend.
Charlie, go. Charlie, friend.
Sure, Charlie, friend. Goodbye, Charlie.
The Japs must be all around us.
- I wonder where the rest of the gang is?
- Scattered all over the China coast,
if they're alive.
I think I'm going to pass out.
- I, Ted, take you, Ellen.
- To be my lawfully wedded wife.
To be my lawfully wedded wife.
- To have and to cherish.
- To have and to cherish.
Until death us do part.
Until death us do part.
Until death us do part.
Until death us do part.
Don't let them cut my leg off.
Please, don't let them cut my leg off.
- Don't let them cut my leg off.
- Lawson, stop it. Lawson.
- Don't.
- Lawson.
- What's the matter?
- You were yelling.
Thank you.
My name is Foo Ling.
Everything we have is yours.
We know what you have done
and we honor you for it.
Our navigator has both his shoulders broken.
Is there anybody who can set them for him?
No one.
But we hope that help
will soon arrive for you.
How are they?
We have washed them. They are bandaged.
But we have no medicines.
Not even aspirin.
What's that?
- This is Dr. Chung.
- How do you do?
We've come a long way
and we're going home now
and we've been hunting a doctor everywhere.
I understand.
Have you got anything that'll knock
them out, Doctor? They're in awful pain.
We hope to have some medical supplies by
the time we reach my father's hospital.
Hospital? Where's that?
In Lin Hai. About 60 li from here.
- I have come to take you there.
- It's a funny thing, Doctor.
There were a lot of planes
and we had to take off early.
- You see how it was.
- Of course.
They aren't in any shape to
make much of a trip, Doctor.
We'll have to move them at once.
The Japanese captured one of your
crews yesterday, not very far from here.
So many planes, and we don't
know what happened to the others.
All up and down the Chinese Coast.
My countrymen are seeking your countrymen.
We'll bring them through.
I have some money. I want to give it to you.
Please, Lieutenant, you
have given us enough already.
- What?
- The bombs you dropped on Japan.
Please, now try to rest.
The Japanese, they are in
the village we just left.
- Chan.
- Mr. Parker.
- Mrs. Parker.
- Doctor Chan.
- How are they?
- They are very, very sick.
- I'll need your help.
- How close are the Japanese?
They took Ching Ming three
hours after our departure.
One of the American crews has
already fallen into their hands.
Hadn't they better be taken
straight through to Hop Sai?
They couldn't stand the trip.
This is my father, Dr. Chung.
- The others, please, help them.
- Please, don't worry, Lieutenant.
We'll take care of everybody.
You won't have to take it off, will you, Doc?
We hope not. One cannot tell.
You've had a long journey. Now you must rest.
All we had at our Mission was a little
antiseptic fluid and some bandages.
But we've sent out runners for supplies.
Is there any way I could get a message out?
I'd like my mother to know that I'm okay.
The whole region's swarming with Japanese.
Well, do you think they've heard back
in the States what happened to us?
We've been listening in on short
wave. They know all about the raid,
but apparently they're
keeping the details secret
until the rest of your men have been saved.
Have they found any of the others?
We have word that one crew will be
coming through here pretty soon now.
I understand there's a doctor among them.
Oh, that must be Lieutenant
Smith's crew. Excuse me.
Lieutenant Smith's crew
has been rescued, sir.
They found Lieutenant Smith and
Doc White and they're coming here.
Don Smith's crew. The Doc
was flying with Don Smith.
They'll be here any minute now.
It's funny, isn't it?
I mean the way Clever's head
just keeps rocking back and forth,
back and forth.
Somebody ought to help Clever.
I think the Chinese are
a swell bunch of people
but I can't say I go for their music.
Shorty Manch would go all to
pieces if he heard a little of this.
How's Lawson?
Well, his leg looks pretty bad, sir.
Dr. Chung thinks gangrene has set in.
Looks like a Jap Zero.
You guys ought to go on and leave me.
They think I'm passed out half
the time and I hear what they say.
The Japs are coming closer all
the time. Why don't you guys go?
We're not sticking around
here because of you, Lawson.
- None of us here are able to travel yet.
- I was just thinking.
I guess Ellen and I aren't
going to ski anymore.
That's too bad.
I was going to teach her some fancy stuff.
Now don't start talking like that.
You're going to pull through all right.
What do you think a girl would do?
I mean, say Ellen and I like to ski.
Be kind of funny if they
cut my leg off, wouldn't it?
Why don't you try to go to sleep?
Yeah, it'd be kind of funny, all right.
You marry a guy, he's
got two arms and two legs.
Then he comes back and he hasn't any.
- I am Dr. Chung.
- Where are the boys?
How are you, Pop?
Did you have a good trip?
- Here they are.
- Hi, fellas.
- How are you?
- How you doing?
- Hello, Sarge.
- It's good to see you.
- Holy Joe, what happened to you guys?
- Nothing serious.
The Duck forgot to duck.
Yeah, McClure's been trying to
do his own flying ever since.
This really looks like something
left over from a massacre.
Well, you guys don't look so good yourselves.
You don't smell so good either.
Well, there's nothing wrong with
us that a good bath won't fix.
- I wish we could say the same for you.
- How's the grub around here?
I think I'd like a good thick
steak, French fried onions
and a baked potato with plenty of butter
and about three bottles of beer...
You'll take bean sprouts and like them.
- Say, where's Lawson and Davenport?
- They're upstairs.
- Lawson's in pretty bad shape.
- You better go up and see him.
He needs you bad, Doc.
Well, it's certainly good
to see you fellows again.
Hey, Pop, how's the chop suey around here?
He doesn't speak English.
I'm sorry, Pop.
Yeah, and when Shorty jumped,
he had two. 45s, a. 44 rifle,
a. 22 automatic, that Luger of
his, a hunting knife, a Bowie knife
- and an ax.
- What a guy.
He stuffed his shirt full of chocolate
bars but he forgot to button his collar.
So when he pulled the rip cord,
he just naturally molted
candy all over North China.
- What happened to his photograph?
- It went down with the ship.
Next morning Manch scared the
Chinese right out of their wits.
They didn't know anything
human grew that tall.
What about Bob Gray?
He's okay. I think they
moved on to Chungking.
Oh, yeah, and that guy "Me,
Charlie" said to tell you hello.
If it hadn't been for Charlie, the
Japs would have had us that first day.
Yeah, us too.
I'd like to come back some day
and fight alongside that guy.
Me, too.
Well, it's all over.
Let's save some of this talk for tomorrow.
A pint and a half, that's not bad.
You'd better get to bed now.
You're an old grandma, Doc.
But I'll take it slow,
just as a favor to you.
Be seeing you, Lawson.
Thanks, Doc.
How's the leg, Doc?
It's not good, Lawson.
The next forty-eight
hours will tell the story.
Well, thank you.
- Hey, Don.
- Yeah?
Tell Doolittle to hold off
that party till we get there.
Okay, Davenport. We'll wait for you.
- Where's Thatcher?
- He's in with Lawson. He'll be right out.
I wish you would let me stay here
until you're ready to go, sir.
These people will take care of us.
There's no reason for you fellows
to hang around and maybe get caught.
Yeah, I know, but I might come
in handy if the Japs show up, sir.
Thatcher, when you get back to the States,
if you should run into my wife,
just tell her I'm okay.
Don't let her know about
anything being wrong.
I understand, sir.
And say hello for me to
that girl in Billings.
That I will, sir.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Thatcher.
Good morning.
- Good morning, Lawson.
- Hi, Doc.
I'll try not to hurt you,
Lawson. I'll have a look at this.
You going to take the leg, Doc?
Yeah, I think so.
We talked it over and
there's nothing else to do.
It's pretty rough to have
to cut a man's leg off.
I guess it'll be all right.
After all, a wooden leg is just kind of
like wearing a shoe with a high instep.
When are you gonna do it?
I might as well give you a shot right now.
You mean we have something to knock me out?
Our runners arrived with
anesthetic this morning.
It'll only be a spinal, Lawson.
You won't feel anything from the
waist down, but you'll be conscious.
That's the best we can do.
Oh, swell.
I can watch you and make sure
you don't take off too much.
All right, Lawson. We'll
have to roll you over.
It'll take a little time to work.
We'll get you over to the operating room.
- Doc?
- Yes?
- How high are you going to cut?
- Oh, not too high.
- Will I have a knee, Doc?
- I'm afraid not, Lawson.
- Any feeling there?
- No. Look, Doc.
We can't waste any time, Lawson.
When that anesthetic wears off,
- we haven't got any more.
- Okay, but just one thing more.
If anything happens,
don't let Ellen know
anything about the operation.
She might just as well think
I died while all in one piece.
All right, Lawson. Now,
you're not going to feel this.
But you might get nervous
and jump or something,
so the nurses are going to hold you.
Okay, Doc.
Fire away.
Oh, when you said "no
knee," you weren't kidding.
If I cut any lower we
might have to do it again
and your system couldn't take it.
What're you stalling for, Doc?
We're doing the best we
can, Lawson. Take it easy.
Okay. Only hurry.
It seems like I'm beginning
to feel my other leg.
It seems like I can move my toes, Doc.
I think I can move my ankle.
Hurry, Doc, I'm sure I can.
Hurry, Doc, hurry.
- Hello.
- Hello. Hello, Ellen?
- Ted, where are you?
- I'm in a lumber camp.
I had to make a forced
landing in a mud puddle.
- You aren't hurt, are you?
- No, not a scratch.
- Have you got the tree all fixed?
- Oh, yes, Ted. You should just see it.
- It's so beautiful.
- Anything under it?
- Oh, yes.
- Well, let's open them up.
- Oh, we can't do that.
- Sure we can. Go ahead.
Well, if you say so.
I'm not going to be cheated out of
my Christmas by a cracked up airplane.
Oh, Ted, it's the most beautiful
box of candy I've ever seen in my whole life.
Good. Isn't there maybe
something else lying around?
- Let me see. Yes, there is.
- Well, open it.
It's a silk scarf. And it
looks like it's handmade, too.
- I'll bet it's got my initials on it.
- That's not fair.
You peeked while I was making it.
I just know my wife.
- Oh, Ted, I wish you were here.
- So do I, honey.
I'll be thinking of you tonight.
I'll sit in front of the tree and
turn the radio on to Christmas carols
and just think of you.
Thank you. And thank you, scouts.
I mean, all the fellows would
like to thank you very much,
for everything.
Lieutenant, my father has
asked me to present this to you.
It has been in our family
since the fifteenth century.
Father begs me to tell you
that beauty belongs to beauty,
and asks that you honor him
by presenting it to your wife.
Oh, thank you. Thank you.
I didn't know that you
knew about Ellen, my wife.
You spoke of her a number of times.
It says, "This is an American
hero who has bombed Japan.
"Whenever he goes among the people of China,
"let him be accorded respect and honor. "
He has just come from Kow Chai.
Another one of your crews has been captured
and the Japanese are
moving in this direction.
I think Lawson will be able
to travel in a couple of days.
There's nothing wrong with me,
Doc. I can travel right now.
I'm afraid a couple of days will be too long.
This is Wang Tsung.
He has walked all the way from
his native village of Kow Chai.
And he begs the honor of presenting
gifts to his American Allies.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
He felt a lot worse than I did.
There, I can get along pretty well already.
I should say very well for
your first day out of bed.
I guess, I'll have to
be a little more careful.
I don't ever want anybody to see me do that.
I don't want anybody to
see me till I get a new leg.
Lieutenant White, word just came.
The American plane will pick you up in
Changchow tomorrow afternoon at 5:00.
He says if we don't hurry, the
Japanese may get there first.
- When are you leaving?
- We're going to stay here.
We're quite used to it, you know.
- Here. This may come in handy.
- Thank you.
You and Mr. Parker have done so much for us,
and we'll never forget it.
- Goodbye, Lawson.
- Goodbye.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
- Goodbye. God bless you.
- Goodbye. Thank you.
My father wishes me to tell you that
you have honored us with your visit
and that he will offer prayers
for your safe return to America.
Isn't he coming along with us?
Father feels that he
must stay with his people.
They will need him here.
Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye, Doctor.
- Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye, Doc, and thanks for everything.
- I hope, sir, that we may meet again.
That goes double, Doc.
Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you.
Thank you.
If you ever come to the States,
Doctor, look me up, will you?
I'll be in the Portland telephone directory.
- With pleasure.
- Goodbye, Doctor.
I have one sorrow, Lieutenant,
that we did not have the
medicine to ease your pain.
- You saved my life, Doc.
- I hope someday you will come back to us.
We'll be back, maybe not us ourselves
but a lot of guys like us.
And I'd like to be with them.
- Because you're our kind of people.
- Thank you, sir, and goodbye.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Go ahead, sit down.
- Thank you.
I know how you feel. Take it for a while.
Smell that?
That's America. That's the USA.
Every time I make a trip back,
she smells better and better.
- I think I know what you mean.
- I'm from Pittsburgh.
I know it may seem screwy to you, but
it seems to me as if I can
smell some of that coal smoke
right off the old Monongahela
River. That sound crazy?
No. I'm from California and
I can smell orange blossoms.
Oh, it couldn't be, that's too
far. It must come from Florida.
Oh, if you want flavor, you've
got to have a California orange,
but for smelling, Florida's just as good.
Hello. Yes.
What's that?
- Just a minute. Ellen.
- Yes?
Ellen, Washington on the phone.
Yes, this is Mrs. Lawson.
Hello, Colonel. I mean General Doolittle.
Oh, yes, I'm fine, thank you.
No, not a bit excited, General.
Oh, he's back, Mother. Ted's back. He's back.
Oh yes, General, how is he?
Oh, yes.
I understand.
Of course, I do.
Yes, I'll be ready.
I know, I know.
Oh, that's so nice of you, General.
Yes, thank you. Oh, yes, thank you, General.
Thank you.
Just cry, darling.
Cry it out.
He got in this morning, Mother.
General Doolittle just saw him, so it's true.
General Doolittle's sending
a plane ticket for me.
Ted doesn't want to see me.
He doesn't want to see me
because he's lost his leg
and he doesn't even want
me to know it's happened
till he gets a new leg
and learns how to use it.
As if it would make any difference.
As if anything would make any
difference to me as long as he's alive.
Oh, I'm going to see
him, I'm going to see him.
that means we have to get
your clothes ready in a hurry.
Have my things come back
from the cleaners yet?
Let's see, I'll take this suit.
And my blue coat. He always liked it best.
I can't take any of these things. I
can't take any of my pretty clothes.
They don't fit me anymore.
Do you think Ted's going to pay any attention
to what kind of clothes
you wear or how you look?
He always did.
Oh, Mother, I'm scared.
There's nothing to be frightened about.
Lots of people lose a leg or arm
- and continue living perfectly normal lives.
- I'm not scared about Ted.
- I'm scared about me.
- About you?
Well, you see, most husbands and wives
are together while things are changing.
Husbands get used to things like
that because, well, they're around.
Ted's been gone all this time and
when he went away, I was so slim.
All the time he's been gone, he's
been thinking of me like that.
Ted loves you Ellen, and you love him.
That's why neither of you is going
to notice any change when you meet.
- Do you think so, Mother?
- I know so.
All the same, if I held my coat like this
when I walk into the room,
don't you think it would hide me,
just a little?
Hello, Lawson. How're you feeling?
- Pretty good, sir.
- You look fine.
Thank you, sir.
- Won't you sit down, sir?
- Yeah, thanks.
- Well, got any plans?
- About what, sir?
Well, about the future. Have you
decided what you're going to do?
Not particularly, sir.
I always wanted to be
an aeronautical engineer.
I suppose I'll start studying again
after they muster me out.
Who said they'd muster you out?
Well, I won't be much
use to anybody with a...
What are you talking about?
Do you think we'd let a man of
your experience get away from us?
- Well, that's fine, sir. Thank you.
- Don't thank me.
I just happened to think
of something, Lawson.
Yes, sir?
What about your wife?
Does she knew you're back?
- No, sir.
- Why not?
Well, I thought I'd wait till I get
my new leg and my scars fixed up.
It won't be so much of
a shock to her that way.
Shock? What kind of a
girl did you marry, anyway?
She's okay, sir. She's a fine girl.
Well then, she deserves to know.
She deserves to see you too.
No, no, sir. If you don't
mind, I'd rather wait.
When I see Ellen again, I'm
going to be all dressed up
and have a new leg.
And I'm going to take her
out to the best place in town
and I'm going to dance with her.
- That may be quite a while, Lawson.
- No, sir.
You see, I'm getting along
fine. And in a month or two...
In a month or two you'll
be back at work, hard work.
Well, I'll try to drop
in on you again, Lawson.
- I hope you can, sir.
- Goodbye.
Goodbye, sir.
Your wife's going to have a baby, isn't she?
Yes, sir.
I've got a couple of kids
myself, both in the service.
You know, Lawson, if my kids and all
the other kids who are in this thing
could fix it so this would
really be the last one,
your kid would get quite
a break, wouldn't he?
He sure would, sir.
I just had to come.
Ted, Ted, Ted. Let me help you.
Don't, Ellen. You'll hurt the baby.
When things were worst,
when there didn't seem
to be any chance at all,
I could see your face, your beautiful face.
I knew you were coming home, Ted.
Tell me, honey.
How come you're so cute?
I had to be if I was going to
get such a good looking fellow.