Violon rouge, Le (The Red Violin) (1998) Movie Script

No. Do it again.
Very good.
Exquisitely worked.
You've crafted a jewel, my boy.
Perfect for a courtesan or priest...
to pluck after supper
In other words...
this violin will never bear my name.
Put your anger into your work, my boy.
Stay with me and learn.
US$ 1 million. US$ 1,600 million.
US$ 1,600 million.
Bid to you all now.
US$ 1,650 million.
US$ 1,650 million.
US$ 1,675 million.
Is that a bid, Sir? Don't be shy.
All right, then I'll take it.
US$ 1,700 million.
US$ 1,725 million. 1,725.
US$ 1,750 million. Thank you.
The bid is US$ 1,750 million.
- US$ 1,775 million on my left.
- Mr. Morritz.
- Please don't let me forget this.
- Was that a bid, Sir? No?
US$ 1,775 million on my left.
Against the telephone now.
Against you, Sir.
US$ 1,775 million.
US$ 1,810? US$ 1,810 million.
US$ 1,850. US$ 1,875 on my left.
In the room. US$ 1,900.
US$ 1,920. In the room.
Yes, I got you, Sir. US$ 1,940.
Not yours, ma'am. Neither of yours.
US$ 1,940 million.
I'll take ten. Do you want back in, Sir?
Is that a yes? No?
The Stradivarius now
at US$ 1,940 million.
US$ 1,950 on my left.
Down to you two. US$ 1,950.
Not yours, Sir? Not yours?
US$ 1,950 million.
All done, then?
Fair warning.
I'm selling now at US$ 1,950 million.
And... sold to the lady on my left.
The last sale of the evening,
lot number 72 on the turntable there.
The star of the night, and...
Where is she?
The last violin
of Nicolo Bussotti, 1681.
A masterpiece of the Golden Age.
And if she will give us the pleasure...
Here she is now, lot 72...
the so-called "Red Violin".
And this time, the last order bid
is at US$ 250,000.
A lot of interest here, of course. Now
let's open, and who will start us off?
US$ 260,000.
Good evening, Mr. Ruselsky.
- Cesca, can you still see the future?
- Are you all right? Sit down.
Did you call me?
I was in the garden.
- I can come here, can't I?
- Of course.
- This is part of my house.
- Of course, Madame.
I have some new amulets
and bones for you.
If your husband spits on them,
it will help.
Are you hungry?
- Don't eat that, it's fish.
- So?
Your child will be slow to learn.
There it is.
I also have some stones for you,
and a key... wear around your neck.
- My husband is tired of spitting.
Spitting's what men are good for.
A father's saliva is
the best thing he can give.
Cesca, tell me my child's future.
- I can't do that.
- Don't worry about my husband.
No, it's not your husband...
I'm simply not able to do it.
I see.
Until the baby is born,
your humors are one.
...I can read your future.
- No, I told you, I'm scared.
Come on, Madame.
Five cards.
It's only the future.
What if it's bad?
I'll pretend not to see it.
Tell me everything.
The Moon.
You'll live a long life, full and rich.
There's... a travel ahead.
I see a long journey.
Leave us.
Close the door.
What is it? Why do you come here
in your condition?
- I know I'll find you here.
- What is it?
- I talked to Cesca.
- And?
- She read my future.
- Cesca! Dear God!
And the birth, she said,
will be very difficult and painful.
They always are.
This is no prediction!
- We are talking about me!
- Why do you listen to Cesca?
She is our servant. I have an excellent
midwife, an astrologer, a doctor.
They'll all be there.
It will be perfect. I know.
- How do you know?
- I know.
I'm so old to be having a baby.
This is a violin.
- It's different.
- I still have to varnish it.
- But there's something...
- It's perfect.
Everything else is just junk,
worthy of a peddler or the trash heap.
But this is my masterpiece.
I made it for our son, Anna.
Our son will be a musician.
He'll live for music.
He'll bring us pride...
and beauty to the world, my love.
- Nicolo...
- I wanted to...
to surprise you, but you see,
I can also make predictions.
It's too big for a baby.
He'll grow.
- My child will come in the full moon.
- Come to bed.
You're jealous of our relationship.
Me and the moon.
No, I'm not jealous.
I know you'll come back.
Master, a boy is asking for you.
- Tell him to go away.
- The doctor sent him.
I think you'd better come.
- Your wife, Sir... The doctor...
- What is it?
She's not well.
She's having the baby.
Get out.
Get out! Leave me alone,
for God's sake!
US$ 1,650 million.
US$ 1,675 million.
Is that a bid, Sir? Don't be shy.
Alright, then I'll take it.
- US$ 1,700 million.
- Excuse me, Mr. Ruselsky.
The Stradivarius now
at US$ 1,725 million.
Paul? US$ 1,750.
US$ 1,775 on the left.
Against the telephone now.
Against you, Sir.
US$ 1,775 million. US$ 1,810.
US$ 1,810 million.
US$ 1,850. US$ 1,850.
US$ 1,875.
- US$ 1,900.
- Son of a bitch!
US$ 1,920 in the room.
Yes, Sir, I got you.
- He knows nothing!
- Who?
- Morritz!
- US$ 1,940 million.
- US$ 1,950 on the left.
- He's cheated me.
All done, then?
I'm selling now at US$ 1,950 million.
Sold to the lady on my left.
Now, ladies and gentleman, the last
sale of the evening, lot number 72.
The star of the night.
Where is she?
The last violin
of Nicolo Bussotti, 1681.
A masterpiece of the Golden Age.
If she will give us the pleasure.
And there she is. Now, lot number 72,
the so-called "Red Violin".
The last order bid is
at US$ 250,000.
Who will start us off? US$ 260,000.
Good evening, Mr. Ruselsky.
You must clean the violin every day.
Care for it well.
This is your violin for as long as
you're with us at the orphanage.
a curse hangs over you, Madame.
Danger to those who come
under your thrall.
And there will be many...
It is a powerful card, the Hanged Man.
I see danger...
infirmity and disease.
I'm sorry, but what kind I can't say.
There are many kinds of sickness.
These roads, Brother Christoph!
You've no idea what I've endured.
And why such haste?
What is so urgent that it couldn't
wait until my next visit?
- We have a boy, Sir.
- You have many boys!
This boy is a miracle. You'll see.
Vienna swarms with miracles.
Not like him. We felt
you should see him at once.
- Does he speak French?
- No, Sir. Unfortunately.
All your students should learn French.
It's the language of music.
It hones the ear and elevates the mind!
Monsieur Poussin,
this is Kaspar Weiss.
What violin is this?
I haven't seen it before.
- We've had it for 100 years.
- Far too big for him.
Look at his hands.
He should play on a child's violin.
Even Mozart... God rest his soul...
played in Versailles
on a child's violin.
No shame in that.
Wouldn't you like
a smaller instrument?
He seems to manage.
Let him try.
Play, my boy. Play.
I see.
Monsieur Poussin?
We're prepared
to offer a small sum...
to help him in his study.
They say you're a good boy...
well-mannered and clean.
Glad to hear it.
But you don't like vegetables.
Is that so?
- Yes, Sir.
- What don't you like?
Carrots, Sir. And beans
and cabbage and...
These monks can't cook.
They also write you've got
a weak heart. Is that so?
You must have a strong heart
to play violin.
Believe me. And stronger
still to live in Vienna.
You shall see.
Vienna is an infuriating city.
Infuriating, but magnificent.
this city!
May I present to you...
Kaspar Weiss.
One of the most gifted
children on Earth.
But Georges, we can't...
My wife, Antoinette Poussin.
Good afternoon, Kaspar.
How nice to meet you.
Go on in. I'll show you
your room in a minute.
Georges, please!
We can't afford to keep him!
We can't afford not to.
There's something about
your playing that eludes me.
I've decided to analyze it,
logically, with a scientific method.
First, your bowing...
and your left hand phrasing.
Your dtach, ornamentation
and your taste.
And theory!
Theory, too, is important.
You need a lot more than inspiration
to play the violin.
You need method.
You must think...
...and work!
- Won't you eat?
- You must eat!
- Do you want something else?
Try this cheese. I think you'll
like it. It's French.
- Try some.
- Taste it.
You'll see, a little different
from the monk's crumbly cheese!
Go on.
Kaspar, if you play well,
you'll enjoy the finest fare.
We can't afford coal,
let alone food!
Sell your jewelry! Sell your David! He
voted to behead the king, the monster!
My boy...
play well, and there will be cheese.
Violin... cheese.
- May I go to my room now?
- Go ahead. And sleep well.
Madame Poussin will assist
you in your prayers.
Why speak French?
He doesn't understand.
So he'll learn!
I want them to know who taught him.
Good morning, Poussin.
I pride myself on visiting the Taufer
Orphanage three times a year...
to offer my services as a teacher,
as a gesture of support...
for those good men of the cloth.
This year, they called early.
I was skeptical, but...
when this child raised his bow...
when he played his first note,
well, Baron von Spielmann...
I knew my prayers
had been answered.
You've unearthed another
I've got no money for you, Poussin.
I have no concerts to offer you.
- It isn't for the money.
- I suggest you find another patron.
- Must I beg?
- Isn't that what you're doing?
I am.
In three weeks...
I'm holding a private audition
at my salon.
Prince Mannsfeld is leaving
for Prussia...
and seeks a prodigy
to accompany him.
He must hear this boy.
Three weeks. Can you be ready?
- I could be ready tomorrow.
- Be very certain, Poussin.
- If you embarrass me again...
- I've charmed the crowned heads...
Where are those heads now? Rolling
in the gutters of the new Republic!
No, no, no!
The first phrase, the entire section,
must be played staccato.
A modern style, well and good,
but let's not be crude.
- You liked it, didn't you?
- Yes.
I'm delighted.
You're going to play it again.
You're going to play it
again and again and again.
See this? It's a clockwork
chronometer, of my invention.
It's called the Poussin-meter.
You will heed it with
the same deference you would me.
What you just played
corresponds to a tempo like this.
Each day, as we progress...
we shall push down
this little ball notch.
Until finally, in three weeks,
you'll be playing like this.
The world will be yours!
You see, Antoinette, there's something
I still don't understand.
His violin has a wonderful sound,
and a lovely form.
- Of course, it's Italian.
- Is it very valuable?
- Why do you ask?
- Well, it could pay the rent, if ever...
He will play divinely, my dear.
- Can't you trust me?
- Of course I can.
But must he sleep with it?
He could roll over on it.
He sleeps with it?
Straight, proud.
Lift your chin. There.
Perfect, your bow. You're clutching.
Your body's stiff, your elbow locked.
I knew something
was holding you back.
Something, but I didn't know what.
Now it's totally clear.
You're oppressed by your violin.
It has you completely enslaved.
Look at you.
There, very good.
If you want to advance,
Kaspar Weiss, you must let go.
What do you mean, Sir?
I don't understand.
Antoinette tells me
you sleep with your violin.
Tonight you'll sleep by yourself.
Without the violin.
Without your violin!
Thank you for coming so quickly.
Thank you so much, Doctor.
Good night.
- Feeling better?
- Yes, thank you.
The doctor says your heart
must have stopped for a minute.
I'm sorry.
It's all right, but we don't
want it to happen again.
Were you worried?
Were you nervous about the audition?
It will be just fine.
You know that, don't you?
- Georges!
- I know, I know.
Kaspar, we want to tell you...
you don't have to do it
if you don't want to.
- You don't have to play.
- I don't?
We can cancel the audition.
We'll manage, somehow.
It's better than making you sick, see?
You don't have to be famous.
No? Yes... Oui.
Sorry... malade.
I want to be famous.
Sir, I really do.
That's my boy!
I'm very proud of you.
I want you to rest, relax.
Madame Poussin will bring
a visitor you like very much.
Merci, Madame.
One, two, three, four!
One, two, three, four! Good!
One, two, three, four!
One, two, three, four! Go on!
There you go.
We better sleep now.
Tomorrow's going to be a busy day.
Perfect. And now, backwards.
Are you ready?
Rejected! The shame!
Kaspar Weiss.
Kaspar Weiss, violin!
Play the best you can, Kaspar.
Play your best.
Master Poussin
and his protg, Kaspar Weiss.
Closer. Come closer.
So you're the wild child
I've heard all about.
An orphan raised by monks.
If you prefer,
we can call in the next.
- There's the son of...
- No, no.
How charming to think a monastery
has actually produced something...
something worthwhile.
That's a lovely instrument you have.
May I see it?
May I see it, my boy?
Is it for sale?
I'd give you a good price for it.
- He's very attached to his instrument.
- So I see.
- Perhaps after he's played...
- Of course, let him play.
I might take him too.
Come, play for me.
Won't you play something for me?
Just play for him, son.
Monsieur Poussin?
On behalf of the brothers
I thank you...
for the generosity
you showed Kaspar.
He takes with him
the many gifts you gave him.
I did what I could.
Would you honor us
by sharing our modest supper?
It's very kind of you, but...
my wife awaits me,
all of Vienna awaits me.
Of course, we understand.
- I do have one question.
- Yes?
- The violin.
- Yes?
What will become of it?
I'm sorry, I thought you knew.
Naturally you were
foremost in our thoughts.
After all the time and energy
you invested...
it would be wrong
to give it to another child.
- Yes, of course.
- So we buried it with the boy.
He can play it in heaven.
Yes, quite right.
and then I see a time of life...
a time of lust and energy...
loosed across mountains
and oceans, and time.
Confusing, Madame, I know.
But I see it. I'm certain.
Yours is a Lazarus soul.
Yes, I see.
Well, put her through
when you can.
We're on hold.
You should tell her our story.
Explain its past.
Brother, please, she doesn't care.
She's doing her job.
But if you convince her...
- Father Viktor, good morning.
- Good morning.
This is Suzanne. They're just closing
lot 71. Can you hear the auctioneer?
Sold to the lady on my left.
Yes, I can hear him.
Suzanne, how do I tell you
when I want to...
Leave it to me, Sir.
Just tell me when you want to stop.
...a masterpiece of the Golden Age.
If she would give us the pleasure.
I feel helpless.
Isn't there something we can do?
Yes. We can pray.
This time the last order bid is at
US$ 250,000. Let's open the floor.
Who will start us off? US$ 260,000.
Good evening, Mr. Ruselsky.
US$ 270,000.
Suzanne, on the telephone.
US$ 280,000. Back to you, Sir.
US$ 300,000. I see you, Suzanne.
And then...
a man comes into your life.
A handsome man...
and intelligent. He'll seduce you
with his talent...
and worse. In short...
he's the Devil.
What a marvelous violin!
- What do you want?
- I was lured by the music by the heath.
Oh, yes? Maybe you can
go back the same way.
I'm your host.
This is my land.
Now I see. My mistake.
We will not be a trouble.
We'll be leaving here by nightfall.
That won't be necessary. I'm sure
we can come to some arrangement.
Excuse me, Sir.
I must ask you to leave.
We have an invitation.
You can read?
Personal invitation.
Come on in.
- Evening, Percy.
- Good evening, ma'am.
- In the dressing room, warming up.
- Not without me, I hope.
I need you.
I feel a composition coming on.
So do I.
Ladies and gentlemen,
if I can have your attention.
Mr. Pope has asked me to announce
he'll be performing this afternoon...
on an antique instrument
of the Italian school...
which has revitalized
his affections for the violin.
I hope that...
whets your appetite somewhat.
Mr. Pope, Sir, whenever you're...
- Darling!
- ... ready.
I'd like to play for you
a new composition...
which came to me recently...
in a moment of...
"How did it come to this?
Saints in heaven.
How did it happen to him?
An artist who could not be denied.
A poet, in fact. But a murderer?
Yet the looking-glass image
was hard to refute.
His fingers and cuffs were still
ruddy ith gore, and as he watched...
in horror...
the speckles of blood seemed
to multiply before his eyes...
like maggots on a fetid corpse.
What would become of him now?
Where would he run to...
and where would he hide?
The options then
were depressingly few.
Indeed, his mind was
already racing...
east across the frozen continent... "
- Darling.
- "... and over the frozen steppes...
back to the refuge
of his childhood estate. "
- I have a theme I want to work out.
- "To Russia, the Cossack call... "
- That needs to be addressed.
- Can't you see I'm trying to work?
- You're so selfish.
- I had mutual inspiration in mind.
- Can't you see I don't need it? I was...
- My love, don't be angry.
- Oh, please.
- You've only yourself to blame.
It's your beauty that
summons the music.
And when it comes...
I must play.
Damn you.
Is this what you wanted?
Is this what you wanted?
"East, east, across
the frozen continent...
and over the frozen steppes back to
the refuge of his childhood estate.
To Russia, to Russia,
he heard the Cossack call. "
- Frederick.
- My darling.
My one inspiration.
- I have something terrible to tell you.
- Terrible?
- The worst.
- It must be most terrible...
for you to tell me now
and ruin this perfect moment.
Jack has killed the minister.
- It was an accident.
- I see.
He's now fled to Russia.
Self-imposed exile.
I see. You're leaving me.
I've never been there. I wouldn't know
what to write. I have to follow him.
- I can't go. I have concerts.
- I know, darling.
- Are you very angry?
- Why should I be?
Dearest Frederick, I havejust passed
the church where Jeffrey was baptized.
and I'm quickly approaching the
Rutherford Bridge. In other words...
darling, we have parted for under
ten minutes and already I'm lost.
I return to my writing in the hope
that these few honest words...
...might rejoin our lips...
- "Darling Victoria... "
"... Bring back your hands
to my shivering skin. "
"You trust in words and comfort of
letters in a way that I simply do not.
And no matter what, no words can
convince me that you are not gone. "
"Finally, my love,
it's Moscow at last...
and my very first night
was unspeakably dreary.
- Can one nation be so abysmal?"
- "What is this nonsense?"
- "Or is it because you are not here?"
- "I won't sigh for your woes.
If everything truly is as dismal as you
say, then heed my simple remedy. "
- "Frederick... "
- "Return at once, betrothed love. "
"... darling, I long for your touch. I
still seek your scent on my clothes. "
"I should have pinned you to the
mattress when last I had the chance.
Like you were the butterfly,
I was the pin. "
"Embroidered together,
heart against heart. "
"Victoria, listen.
Our moment is dying.
What is this nonsense? The music is
gone. Like you were the butterfly.
This impression
is passing, my love.
Where everything I said to you...
and everything I might ever say could
be contained in these two words.:
Come back, Victoria.
Come back. "
Do not write to me any more, love.
Ladies and gentlemen...
thank you for your patience
and understanding.
Unfortunately, I have
just received notice...
that Mr. Pope has been afflicted
by an illness...
and unfortunately cannot
be with us today.
Of course, we will refund
those who desire...
but for those who do stay, we are
pleased to play my arrangement...
of favorite English madrigals.
"Darling Frederick,
I have seen the truth at last.
Eternity has passed since we parted.
One full week without your letters...
and I am shriveling here
like a flower in the desert.
I will not suffer more. Are you not
reading as well as not writing?
Then you'll miss this crucial report.
I'm coming back, my love...
by any means I can,
tomorrow morning if I'm able.
Will you then forgive me, my love?
The wasted time, my selfish folly.
Will you take me
in your arms again...
and with one kiss eradicate each
hour apart from your embrace?
I long for your love.
I long for your touch.
We can't stay apart.
Victoria. "
Savage. Extreme, rude...
...cruel, not to trust!
- Victoria...
...Your sluttish muse.
- Who is she?
- Quiet!
- Victoria, please.
Don't try to explain.
It's not your fault.
Or yours.
Victoria, listen...
"Do not despair, Victoria.
This is the last page
of our correspondence.
I am only writing to let you know
of my plans for suicide...
by poison or drowning,
I've yet to decide.
All my estate I'm leaving to you.
I have some personal debts to honor,
but everything else will be yours.
Do with it what you will.
It matters little to me.
Regretfully yours, Frederick. "
I'm dying.
Do you know anything about music?
Have you heard of Frederick Pope?
Composer, genius.
The only virtuoso...
the nation of England
ever came up with.
In a few minutes, his violin
is going to be sold...
and if I don't get there because of
your driving or this goddamned traffic...
I'm going to lose my precious testicles.
I'm going to be castrated.
- Please hurry.
- It's there. Duval's.
- That's it?
- Yeah.
Why didn't you tell me?
I need a receipt.
Hello. Nicholas Olsberg.
I'm late.
- Yes, you are.
- Please don't let me forget this.
Olsberg, Nicholas.
I registered by telephone.
- Check again under "Pope Foundation".
- Pope?
- Last violin of Nicolo Bussotti...
- There we are. Please sign.
There you are.
...72, the so-called "Red Violin".
Last order bid is at US$ 250,000.
So we'll open the floor.
And who will start us off?
US$ 260,000.
Good evening, Mr. Ruselsky.
US$ 270,000. Suzanne, on the phone.
US$ 280,000. Back to you, Sir.
Here. US$ 300,000 at the back
of the room. Thank you.
US$ 320,000.
Suzanne, I see you.
US$ 400,000 at the back of the hall.
US$ 400,000.
Darling, come here.
Do you like it?
There will be a trial,
a great trial...
before a powerful magistrate.
And you, you will be guilty.
Beware of the heat of the fire!
Comrade Chan Gong
has come from Beijing.
Welcome her, please.
Comrades, students,
revolutionary companions-in-arms...
I give you my proletarian salute!
I congratulate you
on today's grand festival...
for which you have worked so hard.
Your cultural unit has
done exceptional work.
I would also like to commend you
on the children's presentation.
It made my heart rejoice.
The story of "The Three Heroic Girls"
was a vivid lesson.
It galvanized our historic crusade!
But some efforts are less successful...
Sometimes the teacher must learn
from his students.
Give it to me.
Capitalist exploitation
survived for centuries...
yet its "classics" are pitiful!
Foreign music is
meaningless and empty.
What do they mean by "symphony",
"concerto No. 1, No. 2, No. 3"?
This is empty formalism.
It speaks nothing to the people.
What good is making music...
except to teach
and inspire the people?
- Long live Chairman Mao!
- Long live Chairman Mao!
- Overthrow the cultural establishment!
- Overthrow the cultural establishment!
- Chou Yuan!
- Present.
Why do you teach this instrument?
Comrade Chan Gong,
what you say is true...
Louder, please.
Comrade Chan Gong, you are right.
Much of western music
is unrefined, worthless.
This is a fact.
Everything you said is true,
but the music I teach...
Go on!
The music I teach
is revolutionary music.
- Beethoven, Prokofiev...
- Do you think so?
In his speech, Comrade Li said...
Comrade Li was purged
and humiliated.
Do you still want to quote him?
I didn't know.
- I have taught for many years...
- That is apparent.
We believe in the rule
of many voices.
- What should we do here?
- Throw away that old junk!
Chou Yuan, just admit your guilt!
Let's challenge
degenerate Western art!
Comrade, may I say a few words?
Of course.
Students, comrades,
revolutionary Red Guards...
I'm not an authority
on foreign music.
I have not studied
like Comrade Chan Gong.
But in my opinion...
there's nothing as beautiful
as our traditional music.
Chou Yuan also teaches
the hu chin.
Could he not focus on that?
Comrade Xiang
has shown her wisdom.
Put this down with
the other "great olds"!
To every problem
there is a solution!
I'm sure you can
discover the problems.
And I'm sure you can solve them.
Who is it?
Who's there?
Ming! You scared me.
I didn't hear you.
It's a mess. I was tidying up.
What's that?
This is a violin...
a musical instrument from Europe.
From Europe? Is it a bad thing?
No. A violin itself is a good thing.
Here. Take a look.
We have to study foreign music
so we can move on... Chairman Mao said.
- Dad asked if you're coming.
- He's waiting.
- Yes, tell him I'll come right away.
As soon as I finish my work.
- Ming?
- Yes?
What you see here...
don't tell anyone.
I want you to listen.
This will be our secret, all right?
Ming? Ming!
- Was she home?
- Yes.
- Is she coming?
- No. She said she'd meet you.
- What? Is she coming or not?
- I can't say.
- Why not?
- I promised her to keep it secret.
What are you saying? I'm your father.
You must tell me everything.
Papa, wait!
- Xiang Pei?
- Papa, don't!
Xiang Pei, open up! It's me!
Where is the key?
Where is she?
Water! Water!
She's gone!
Is this her?
Look at the date: 1937.
It must be her mother.
Chou Yuan!
- What do you want?
- Please let me in.
- I've done nothing.
- Let me inside.
- This is for you.
- I don't want it.
It's for you. Take it.
It's a violin.
- A violin.
- I remember.
Do you want it or not?
I'm an old man, but I'm not a fool.
Where are your comrades?
- Are they waiting outside?
- This isn't a trap.
I've changed.
I don't need it now.
- I speak from my heart.
- Enough!
And I don't need this.
It's from another time.
If you want it, you can have it...
or else no one will.
Do you want it or not?
I've no time!
No more arguments!
Take it.
I am a cadre in the Party,
do you understand? I can't keep it.
I love the people.
Do you understand?
Xiang Pei!
I will keep it safe.
- Let's go eat. I'm starving.
- Go ahead. I'll wait here.
- I'm sure she'll be back.
- Let's go, you all!
US$ 1,950 million.
And... sold to the lady
on the left.
The last sale of the evening, lot
number 72 on the turntable there...
and star of the night...
Where is she?
The last violin
of Nicolo Bussotti, 1681.
- A masterpiece of the Golden Age.
- Do you see it?
- No, not yet.
- If she will give us the pleasure.
And here she is now, lot number 72,
the so-called "Red Violin".
- It's not how I remember it.
- They've cleaned it up. It's better.
US$ 260,000.
Good evening, Mr. Ruselsky.
- US$ 270,000. Suzanne on the phone.
- Maybe if I heard it again.
US$ 280,000. Back to you, Sir.
US$ 300,000 at the back of the hall.
US$ 320,000. Suzanne, I see you.
The last card.
The last card.
- Oh my God!
- Courage, Madame. Upside down.
At this point in the spread,
it might be good news.
I feel...
I feel the fast air
sweeping around you...
carrying you, furious wind...
and then stopping.
Your journey will end.
No question. I see it.
One way or another,
your travels are over.
And there is trouble in this,
like always.
But you... you are strong by now...
strong like a tree in the forest.
Where is he?
You are not alone.
A crowd of faces...
friends and family,
enemies, lovers.
You will attract many admirers...
fighting to win your hand.
And money! Lots of money!
No, Madame.
Don't be afraid.
In this card I see...
a rebirth.
- And how was your flight?
- Very good. On time.
- Sorry to cut your holiday short, but...
- It's all right. I'm excited, actually.
- Like Christmas.
- Won't take too long.
- We've already assessed them.
- Right. Ballpark.
- And I only want you to confirm it.
- I got it.
- A second opinion.
- I've done this sort of thing before.
Can't wait to see it, actually.
- This is Mr. Morritz, you know...
- Bon jour.
- So, you're the expert?
- From New York.
- You know what you're doing?
- Yes, New York.
- You know what you're doing?
- Why, yes. I certainly hope so.
These people from Duval's
have given us some figures...
as the government of China.
- So, what we need now is...
- A professional opinion.
- No, a signed affidavit.
- That's what I'm here for.
- Show me to the Strad.
- They all look the same to me.
Ah, but they're not.
Please don't let me forget this.
Over there.
Ah, here she is.
It's a beautiful specimen.
I'd say about... 1683.
- Reminds me of the Cobbitt.
- These are the best quality pieces.
Over here, if you'd like
to take a look...
are the less promising entries,
some of them are pretty bad.
- So I see.
- So, I guess I'll leave it to you then.
I've taken care of the luggage.
I have a driver waiting.
All right. I shouldn't be long.
- Bon jour.
- Bon jour, Monsieur Morritz.
- Everything is ready as you asked for.
- Same room as always?
- Same room, but one story down.
- Then it's not the same room, is it?
No, Sir, but it's the same
as the other one.
- Sir, I have a message from your wife.
- Merci.
Room 2.703.
New York City, please.
Carrie? Charles Morritz here.
I have a little gumshoe work for you.
Cremona. Bussotti.
Get a pen.
Made a cast of this
after we set the table.
So, here we are.
Here's the before picture.
Take a look at the corners. Not so bad.
I don't think we have to touch them.
Some really nice perfling here.
Lot of work to get it this far.
Turn-of-the-century hackjob
with some horse glue and a patch...
so I had to reset the neck.
That was the big job.
Sound post, tail piece.
New bridge, of course.
But the body itself is remarkably good,
so I'll strip back some varnish here...
- No, no, no.
- No what?
I told you before.
Don't touch the varnish.
- Well, that's not gonna be easy.
- If there's a problem, I'll do it.
Look, the auction's in two weeks.
I have 16 other instruments.
Leroux is all over my ass. I still have
a Stein I haven't even touched...
I want complete L.I.G.'s,
a resonance test, mass specs...
and let's get some varnish samples
off to the lab, okay?
This instrument is not a priority.
Every minute of my day is full.
That's fine. We'll do this
after hours, all right?
- These are the estimates?
- No, the reserves.
- That we proposed to the Chinese?
- Right.
And what about these?
Those are some contentious items
you might not want to put on the block.
They're badly preserved
and hard to attribute.
- What about that red one?
- Red one?
Leroux seemed to think
it might be a Bussotti.
It might be, but the label's obscured
and the varnish is odd...
it's slightly opaque. And I'm afraid
as it stands, with no documentation...
That's all you expect?
"With all my heart".
You ever heard of the Red Violin?
Sure. The Frederick Pope Bussotti?
Sure, I have, stories.
- How about copies?
- One in London, the only one I know of.
Supposed to be a copy
commissioned by Pope.
- You know who has it?
- Some private collection.
You think I could buy it
without tipping them off?
Tipping them off to what?
Well, we know for sure we have a
Bussotti. I can date it within the year.
We still have this varnish
that doesn't configure, but...
but we can run comparison tests and
see if this is the source of the copy.
You know I should probably
tell my employer.
If what you're saying is any way true,
people could get a little... excited.
- I could lose my job over this.
- Yes, I know.
You can go if you want to.
I can finish this myself.
Madame Leroux says that she has
to have the catalog proofs for today.
- Are you finished?
- Yes, they're back at my hotel.
I've been working at night.
Is there something else?
Your wife called again.
Close the door, please.
Yes, is this the University of Montreal?
Well, may I have the
Archaeology department, please?
Hi. This is Charles Morritz
over at Duval's.
I sent you some varnish samples
on Tuesday.
Yeah, I wanted you to
isolate an organic compound.
I'm sorry.
Can I have the manager, please?
Yes, the manager.
Well, fine, put him on.
Yes, this is Mr. Morritz in 2.703.
Listen, I want to make
something absolutely clear.
I don't want anyone coming
to my room. You understand?
Not the maid, not to check the minibar,
no chocolates on the pillow.
I'm giving the staff sort of a break.
No one is to come in my room
unless I request it.
Thank you.
- Yes?
- I got it.
It's coming.
I just talked to London.
Well, a little bit of smooth talking,
a little bit more money. Your money.
You better make those phone calls.
Yeah, yeah. Me too.
Well, actually, I had some ideas.
- Wonderful.
- Yes.
I have the recording.
Pretty good Strad, don't you think?
I feel it is a bit tight on the top.
A little bit strangled over the break.
To me it's very clean and precise.
Of course, it would have
to be played by a master.
- What do you guess?
- US$ 1,7... 1,8 million.
- Not bad.
- Trust me on this.
- What else do you have?
- That's about it. Thanks for coming.
I hope you don't have
an orchestra waiting.
Well, they can wait. No problem.
What about this here?
No, not that one.
- Nice little piece.
- But not for you.
- I will try it.
- No, no, no. Don't play it.
- Why not?
- Yes, why not?
I just repaired it. It's still fragile.
I don't even know why it's here.
I'll be very gentle.
Don't worry.
Yes, I see what you mean.
Nothing special.
How's it going?
What do you want me to do
with that one... the Pope copy?
I'll take it back to the hotel with me.
Well, you got your money's worth.
That is a very good copy. Nice violin.
But nothing like this one.
This is the single most perfect
acoustic machine...
I have ever seen.
Guess I never thought I'd find it.
The ultimate... thing, as I see it.
The perfect marriage of
science and beauty.
Impossible thing.
Now what?
What do you do when the thing
you've most wanted, so... perfect...
just comes?
- Do you have children?
- What?
- Children. Do you have any?
- No, but I know what you mean.
I would love to have
this baby for myself.
Really? What would you do?
Take it apart, find out how it works.
Take some Eigenbaud readings
on the individual plates...
- I don't think you get it.
- Yes, I do. Take a look at this.
This is mode 1.06 kHz.
Watch the response curve here.
I'll ease it up slowly for you.
Mode 2...
Stop it!
- Bon jour, Monsieur Morritz.
- Bon jour.
Oh, and I have an envelope for you
from University of Montreal.
This says this arrived at 7 o'clock.
I was in my room.
- Yes, Sir.
- Well, why wasn't I notified?
- Sir, you told us not to disturb you.
- Not for a courier.
- I didn't know, Sir.
- If a courier comes, you call me.
- If a fax comes, you call me.
- Yes.
It's important. You get it? You knock
on my door and you put it in my hand!
- I need you to acknowledge.
- Yes.
This is my business!
Mr. Morritz, I'm sorry. You'd better
come up. They're waiting for you.
All right.
So nice of you to join us. I hope you
don't mind us starting without you...
but there was the question of unusual
expenses, both here in the office...
and at the hotel.
- Did you check my mini-bar too?
- It is our card. We are paying.
You made me wonder, so we decided
to come down and have a look.
And my... you have been busy.
With the courier bills and DNA tests...
Very curious procedures.
Leroux has a theory.
Tell me if she's wrong.
Is our little red violin
the Red Violin?
Yes. I just wanted to be
sure before I told you.
- This is very good news.
- I'll send off the press release.
Good work. Thank you.
Why don't you take these last
few days off... before you go home?
No. I won't forget!
He lied!
He lied to me!
And I knew it as soon as I saw it.
And I said it.
This instrument should be mine.
Son of a bitch!
Ladies and gentlemen, Duval's...
would like to welcome
you to this awaited evening.
Our thanks
to the government of China...
for entrusting us with this
marvelous collection.
Thanks too to Madame Leroux...
who organized and made
possible this auction.
Let me remind you that
the conditions of sale...
are listed in the catalog.
Before we begin, it is my duty to
direct you to the conditions of sale...
that you'll find at the front
of the catalog.
I will not read them out loud at this
point but consider yourselves warned.
Now, we'll begin with lot number one,
showing on the turntable on my right...
a fine French cello.
And we'll start with US$ 10,000.
US$ 10,000.
- Anything else?
- No.
- Which airport, Sir?
- Dorval.
There is one stop we have to make.
US$ 400,000 at the back of the room.
The Stradivarius now at US$ 400,000.
Against the telephone US$ 420.
US$ 450,000.
Against you, Sir,
US$ 500 back to the front. US$ 500.
- Wait here. I'll just be a minute.
- I might have to go around the block.
All right, if you have to.
US$ 1,100 million. US$ 1,100...
US$ 1,200 million.
Is that a bid, Sir? Don't be shy.
All right, then I'll take it.
US$ 1,300 million.
US$ 1,400...
US$ 1,600 million.
US$ 1,600 million.
Not you, Sir? US$ 1,650 million.
US$ 1,675 million.
- M. Morritz.
- Please don't let me forget this.
Against the telephone now.
Against you, Sir.
US$ 1,810 million.
US$ 1,850.
US$ 1,875 million in the room.
US$ 1,900?
US$ 1,900 million.
US$ 1,900 million on the telephone.
US$ 1,920 in the room.
I've got you, Sir. Thank you.
US$ 1,940 million.
Not yours, ma'am.
Neither of yours.
US$ 1,940 million.
- Son of a bitch.
- I'll take ten.
Do you want back in, Sir?
Is that a yes? No?
The Stradivarius now
at US$ 1,940 million.
Not yours, ma'am.
Neither of yours.
US$ 1,940 million.
Against you all in the room.
Is that all, then?
Fair warning.
US$ 1,950 million on my left.
Down to you two now.
US$ 1,950 million.
Not yours, Sir. Not yours, Paul.
- The bid is US$ 1,950 million...
- Did you clean this?
Who's responsible for...?
Excuse me,
I have to get the last lot now.
- What's going on?
- Sorry, but we're going to have to...
And... sold to the lady on my left.
- The last sale of the evening...
- Turn it on.
- Where is she?
- The tag!
...Nicolo Bussotti, 1681.
- I put the tag on myself!
- If she would give us the pleasure.
- Too late.
And here she is now, lot 72,
the so-called "Red Violin".
- Here we go now.
- Call security.
So we'll open the floor,
and who'll start us off?
US$ 260,000! Good evening,
Mr. Ruselsky.
US$ 270,000.
Suzanne on the telephone.
US$ 280,000. Back to you, Sir.
US$ 300,000 at the back of the hall.
US$ 320,000.
I see you, Suzanne.
US$ 340. US$ 340 now in the front.
US$ 400 at the back of the hall. 420...
Against the telephone now.
- Stop it.
No? Against you, Sir?
US$ 600,000. US$ 700,000.
US$ 800,000.
US$ 900,000!
One million dollars, Mr. Ruselsky!
US$ 1,100 million.
US$ 1,200 million.
Not you, Sir? Ma'am?
- Are you sure?
- US$ 1,300 million. 1,400.
US$ 1,400 million.
- Mr. Morritz?
- Down to you two now.
US$ 2 million, Mr. Ruselsky!
Mr. Morritz?
Mr. Morritz!
US$ 2,100 million.
US$ 2,200 million.
Mr. Morritz!
Excuse me.
Is this what you're looking for?
- Down to you two. US$ 2,200 million.
- Yes.
- Your coat.
- US$ 2,200 million.
US$ 2,300 million!
US$ 2,400 million.
US$ 2,400 million.
Is that all, then?
US$ 2,400 million.
- You may have it.
- All done, then.
- Are you okay, Sir?
- Yes. Take me home.
Right away.
Fair warning. I'm selling now
at US$ 2,400 million.
And... sold to Mr. Ruselsky!
Hey, baby, it's me.
Yeah. I'm sorry.
Yes. Yes, I wanted to,
every day, but...
Well, something came up, but it's
over now, and I'm coming home.
Oh, yeah. May I speak to her?
Hi, honey. It's Daddy.
How are you?
I miss you too.
I'm coming home.
And honey? I'm bringing you
something very special.
Are you all right?
Is everything all right?
Yes, I'm sorry.
You have the visions.
No. I'd better go now.
My husband.
Of course. Go to your husband.
Thanks, Cesca.