Yu shi shang tong ju (Sleepless Fashion) (2011) Movie Script

In fashion industry,
never tell others where you are from,
never share your dream with strangers.
A big man is fashioned by fashion.
A person who fails to be shaped
has little status.
To become a noble person, first step,
foster a sense of class consciousness.
Know whom you should make friends with.
Become confidants with
the most popular stars.
When you are seeing top-ranked show,
you must sit in the front row,
and learn to appreciate arts.
Fashion is
making people envy you.
Zhou Xiaohui
Do you like the name Patrick?
Change your hairstyle.
Come to work tomorrow.
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton
You are not suited to the job.
Hey, you. Wait a minute.
Me? I'm Ying Hong.
The magazine to which
we subscribed for Patrick.
Be careful not to stain the papers.
The importance of fashion in modern society
is similar as poem's in Tang Dynasty.
Every interviewer
can recite some quotes from me.
You have been here for two years,
but you are still making silly mistakes.
Celine, I'm Ying Hong.
Bring this proposal to Patrick.
Tell him he needs
to walk "red carpet" at 7:30 pm.
His dress suit is coming this afternoon.
I get it.
Be smart. Don't learn from the girl
who has been here for three years,
but is still an assistant editor.
Where is Patrick's tea, come on.
You are gifted,
but you are fat,
not to mention the thermal pant
you are wearing.
How do you know that?
From texture
and shape.
Don't dunk the teabag over three seconds.
And this.
It smells like spring onion.
It's my bums.
I haven't finished. You want some?
They taste great!
If you are really fond of bum,
don't choose the pork
with spring onion stuffing.
If you are really fond of this stuffing,
wash hands and chew gum after you finish.
The level of fashion
is way higher
than the average level of adults.
Readers will comply with our behaviors
to define "elegant"
and "vulgar".
What's your name?
Ying Hong, my name is Ying Hong.
How long have you been here?
Three years for Editorial Department.
Three years?
Being an assistant editor?
Oh, here are your MAG
and proposal from Celine.
The "red carpet" show is at 7:30 pm.
The dress suit will arrive this afternoon.
My assistant is taking a maternity leave.
If you have any problem
you can call her for consulting.
I am a very direct person.
If you don't make any progress in one week,
I will ask the HR
Department for another sub.
What progress?
Wilde said
only the superficial one...
...don't judge by appearance.
Never forget that you work for CELEBRITY.
Who is Wilde?
Mr. Zhou, what should I do?
I cannot tell you anything.
I'm not your assistant.
And, call me Patrick.
Wilde, Patrick.
The interpretation of Costa Diva
perfectly demonstrates
Callas's singing ability.
With a gentle tone
and infinite timbre,
she is unsurpassable.
I don't think so.
Joan Sutherland has equivalent talent.
I asked my friend in London to buy this.
For you.
She learned to sing mezzo-soprano
and has a wide range
and strong articulation.
Her voice can reach very high notes
and very low notes.
I don't have time to get to know everything.
Never lose your curiosity
as a fashion person.
Tina, long time no see.
How are you?
It was left at my home last night.
You wanna take another one back tonight?
Hi, I'm the journalist
of Gossip Fashion Weekly.
Rumor has it that
CELEBRITY will go public soon.
But there are rumors that
the company is facing a top-level reshuffle.
I wanna interview your proprietor.
He is not available at the moment.
When he will be free?
We have told you he was not available.
That's impossible.
Just two days ago,
he was interviewed by Business Insights.
Please make an exception for me this time.
That's impossible.
He was on vacation.
How could he receive an interview?
It's VIP passageway.
Don't give yourself airs.
Alex, Patrick, Celine.
Its an honor to have you here.
We have arranged the seats for you.
As usual, the best ones.
You can avoid the disliked persons.
My super star!
The feature article
you did for us is brilliant!
Head office is very satisfied.
Tell you what,
you must show up
at our Milan Show next year.
I cannot promise you now.
I don't care. I have made an appointment.
Alex, help me.
Your favorite student is hot stuff.
Isn't he, honey?
This way, please.
Patrick, hold on.
Head office asked me to
arrange the best seat for you.
This way, please.
Head office wanted me to arrange a speech.
Can you improvise one?
Thank you, Thank you.
Thank you, everyone.
Now please let me introduce
the representative of our best partner,
CELEBRITY, to give a speech.
No one told me there was a speech.
Not only is CELEBRITY
a wind vane of fashion wind,
but also it leads the
fashion trend in China.
Now, let's welcome the representative
my old friend, the superstar-
Can you give Shasha a cover-shoot chance?
Look at these hot legs.
Can you find a girl who has better presence?
Come on.
"Presence" sometimes implies "bad-looking".
My answer is no.
Hey, Zhou Xiaohui.
You are still so airy
as you were in University.
I like it.
Let's get to the point.
I thought you had finished.
Wanna do some serious things?
We have left university for four years.
How many times have you told me so?
I'm not kidding this time.
Model company.
Strong taste, but suit you.
I invest money, you invest talent.
You mess with me again.
Let's gear up for entering fashion industry.
I don't believe.
You chap is a good for nothing.
Don't you wanna start your own business?
Starting own business is a fairy tale
made up by losers in a mainstream society
for people who are in worse situations.
Everyone knows Bill Gate
and Mark Zuckerburg.
But who knows
the cannon fodders behind success.
It took me three years,
three years,
finally in the Fashion Building,
to have my own office
and a two-bedroom apartment.
But it is located outside the 5th ring road.
So what?
It's still within Beijing's territory...
...even it's at 7th ring.
Next year,
I will ask my parents to move here.
This is my business.
We are different.
Right, right.
Continue to be the associate editor
and Alex's follower.
He is the only one I admire.
I accompanied him on
his birthday every year.
As to the company,
he delegated powers to me long time ago.
Your idea is brilliant.
We are discussing the cover of next issue.
Join us.
I have something to tell you.
What's up?
Please don't go.
He said you had two days to pack up.
He'll tell people you quit the job.
That's impossible.
I gotta ask him.
You won't benefit from being against him.
Against him?
What do you mean?
You know something, don't you?
It explains why you
refused to see me on weekend.
Excuse me for a moment.
What's wrong?
What the hell do "spread slanderous rumors"
and "ruin the company image" mean?
You seriously believe all that hoo-ha?
Similar things
happened before.
But this time is different.
For the company reshuffle,
proprietor went to meet our new investor.
Now media reported the event,
saying that he went to hospital overseas.
For a company which plans to go public,
it is totally a disaster.
But I didn't say.
I said he was on a vacation.
You were there.
You heard that. You could prove it.
I did. But he was not satisfied.
Someone should take the responsibility.
I call him.
You must bear witness to my innocence.
You need to pay for your mistake.
I do if it is my fault.
Don't presume too far.
You didn't tell the truth, right?
And it's you who made me
a scapegoat.
You have crossed the line.
It's the decision of board.
The record you gave me
was fragile.
By the way...
I still like Callas more.
Because I'm in your way.
You want me to disappear.
I gave you this name,
the title of associate editor,
If you didn't do wrong,
How can I let you go?
I have a meeting.
To save face,
you'd better resign yourself.
Go with me.
I wont treat you like
what Alex has done to me.
I just got promoted to
Clothing Chief Editor.
We can start our own business.
Create a brand new magazine.
We are young.
We work together to surpass CELEBRITY.
I need to pay house mortgage each month.
I gotta answer the call.
Your team must be loyal to you.
Wish you luck.
I'm with you.
Then you are the associate
editor of new MAG.
See you, everyone.
I will be back.
Why you go with us?
I thought you worked for Celine.
You know how Celine treated me.
I have read every article you wrote.
They were all excellent ideas.
Call me William.
You are
the Clothing & Cosmetic Chief Supervisor.
What about you?
I'm your assistant.
Idiot, no more assistant now.
We have left CELEBRITY.
But I'm still your assistant.
You are my associate editor.
Patrick, I...
Don't call me Patrick.
From now on, my name is Zhou Xiaohui.
I'm not going to quit.
I tell everyone that
you fired me.
Ying Hong, Fatty.
Don't tell others about
what's happened today.
Not a single word!
I will. I will make you envy me.
Have you really made up your mind?
We go with you and fight with you.
Let's go.
Model company.
Fashion magazine.
Film and TV company.
Fashion magazine.
Fashion magazine.
I'm serious
about your suggestion
of starting a business.
I quit
and bring my elite team.
I has burnt the boats behind me.
It is just a suggestion.
It's not. I take it seriously.
And I agree with you.
Working for others
won't reach my fully potential
and fulfill my dream.
Wu Yang
Without you,
I would still get stuck
in my tiny little world
and be satisfied with small achievements.
Without you,
I would continue to live
a life without dream.
You have given me nerve
and confidence.
Let's build our own business.
Just like what you said that day,
Gear up for entering fashion industry.
Are you alright?
At the time of studying in university,
I knew you would be a made man.
You just need
a chance like this.
Are you sure?
Sure, I have brought my team.
But only on one condition.
I wont hire Shasha for photo shoot.
My answer is "failure
will not be tolerated".
Absolutely, we must make it.
Of course no Shasha.
You really think my dad is a coal-master?
I asked you to open up a mine
as your brother and sister did.
You wanna leave
such a big family business behind
and work for a MAG?
The domestic MAG revenue
is less than coal-masters' in our village.
I know what the so-called culture...
...undertaking means.
Some people make a fortune
by opening coal mine,
then invest money in other industries,
like making film.
National box office is no more than...
...two corn mills' income.
Otherwise, I would invest other industry.
Enough, enough.
You help me or not?
I cannot blow my hard-earned money
on this mess.
Look at yourself.
Dress like a Mickey Mouse.
I doubt you can.
You just wanna fool around.
If you really mean it, start from scratch.
Yangyang, Yangyang.
He is always critical of the things I do.
So are you.
He never trusts me.
I will make it this time.
This is Art Designer Zheng.
He has been working here for 22 years,
majoring in
landscape, flower-and-bird
painting, paper-cut
and baby book,
also called comic strip.
Photographer Wang
was from countryside.
He took photography-institute entrance...
...once a year,
and ended up in failure for six times.
he became a self-educated photographer
and got a job at wedding
photography gallery,
taking pictures for 118
new -married couples,
and then was introduced here by
his younger cousin, our former photographer.
During five years, his took photos of food,
and city news, etc.
To be honest,
working for a fashion
MAG is always my dream.
Comparing with others,
this is the cheapest option.
Some even wanna keep
their own editor-in-chief.
Fashion MAG normally
hires external photographers.
But he is a wedding photographer!
Hiring a full-time one
will save not only labor
but also money.
I know, you are a businessman.
What's the most important thing
of creating MAG?
Money investment.
But it's what we lack right now.
So what can I do?
What can I do?
I am very good at
this kind of photo shoot.
You can count on me.
I promise.
Absolutely okay.
Get out the way.
Bob Dylan, he's Bob Dylan.
I know you have a good taste.
But the premise is that
you worked for CELEBRITY, the top MAG.
Don't mention the name.
Listen, we must put plenty of money
into distribution.
Hire the most professional distributor.
It's nothing to do with money.
It is kind of manner.
As a top brand,
we only cooperate with the top MAG.
MODERN will become the superlative one.
You are investing for your future.
As an associate editor of fashion MAG,
you cannot dress gym suit wondering around.
Not to mention an inferior brand...
...from night market.
That, is my bottom-line.
I never wear skirts before.
Not Barberry.
You don't have to buy Burberry.
But you cannot show up
in fake-brand clothing.
Kill me if you really want me to
wear a skirt.
Creating the initial issue
is a big deal.
Don't talk about money
when we discuss dream.
But you talk about dream
when we discuss money.
Kidding, you want me to borrow clothes?
You know that.
Big brands only open the doors to big MAGs.
We are not.
Maybe it is easier
if you take up it in person.
It is sad.
I went out drinking...
...with their general agency in the past.
Now I got embarrassed
in front of shop assistants.
You are not the one you used to be.
Now what?
We will shoot Bai Jingjing tomorrow.
She was the cover girl
in the September issue two years ago.
I picked her clothes in person.
Pinky Queen series of Versace
with silk and fur.
yet gentle.
When will her new movie be released?
I will talk to her agent.
Why everyone refused to
do the cover-shoot for us?
He is so vicious.
What about Shasha?
We have paid to the printing house.
Now just need a cover girl.
Shasha was Miss SSHH online-football-game.
Come on.
Give me five.
Pull over.
Give me five.
You seriously think...
...it's an avocation of coal-master?
I don't believe
no celebrity does me this favor.
Zhou Xiaohui.
Take photos of me to practice your skill.
Thanks for giving me this chance.
I have no other option.
You can rest assured.
I have analyzed
the photography masters on the list
you gave me.
I guarantee I can shoot the best picture.
Think out of the box.
Catch the most lively body parts
and the best posture of a model.
What is the priority?
Facial expression.
Seize the emotion
that is not shown on an image.
I have never seen you smoking.
You said
I wasnt the one I used to be.
Wang works really hard.
Thanks for giving him this chance.
Some people lack talent,
and gift.
They won't succeed even given a chance.
Not everyone is as intelligent as you are.
But they endeavor to do their best,
waiting for an opportunity.
That feeling
is something you cannot understand.
Why did you work in CELEBRITY?
CELEBRITY's HR manager
is a childhood playmate of my coach.
I was a long-distance runner...
...at a sports school,
but retired long time ago.
Am I talking with the national champion?
I didn't win any medal.
Coach gave me a chance to run a marathon
with over 200 runners
in University Students Game.
I was ranked tenth from the bottom.
And never got the second chance.
I'm okay with that.
I never reached bottom tenth in my class.
I have a meeting.
There was a long-distance runner
from Tanzania,
named Akhwari.
In the 1968 Olympic marathon in Mexico City,
he got injured after
finishing 19kms distance,
One hour after race completion,
people saw him running with a limp
and finally crossing the finish line.
At the end,
he spoke out the most touching words-
"The strongest muscle is my heart."
It's moving,
but inspiring stories like this
is for losers.
Another cheap cop y of CELEBRITY.
Seems Zhou Xiaohui has got a worse taste.
It's so cheap.
Too many magazines are the same type.
It cannot get by on circulation.
Without advertisers,
they are definitely dead meat.
I'm sorry, honey,
but this is the client's decision.
Give me some time.
I will improve it.
The client has made the final decision.
I think the photo is great.
Shasha looks much better on the cover.
Hey, watch your mouth!
But seems you are right.
She looks great on picture.
The book is enriched with
excellent pictures and wonderful articles.
These readers are so tasteless.
Definitely the first-class work.
One more, please.
Each attendance at the show...
...was given a leather belt.
It costs over 3000 yuan.
Limited edition.
Why I did not see?
Because the client's extremely strict.
Only ten belts were given out.
And each receiver's name was double checked.
He is not Patrick any more.
Now the Editor-in-Chief Zhou of MODERN MAG.
No one in fashion field believes
it's created by CELEBRITY's...
...former editor-in-chief.
Let's go.
Private room.
Catch you later.
Don't try to be tough.
Making a fresh start is not that easy.
Once you lower yourself,
it will be hard to get back.
I'm happy with what I'm doing.
You are no match for Alex.
You cannot declare war on him
until time is ripe.
For Alex.
For our previous friendship.
I thought you knew me well.
Mr. Zhou, come here, try some of these.
I introspected last night.
I do need to improve a lot.
And I would appreciate your comments.
Well, don't pull a long face.
I'm the investor. I am not worry yet.
won't be our cover girl next time.
We shoot Sharon Stone.
Mr. Zhou
You wanna be successful,
fill your stomach first.
At least take one tea flavored egg.
I'm afraid you have
forgotten the experiences
of losing 40kg within 10 months,
and the effort of maintaining...
...your new lower weight.
I don't usually eat this kind of food.
You know how much cholesterol
and fat does fried food contain?
Not to mention now...
Qi Xi is having a concert.
She is my idol.
Do you think we can get press ticket?
She never gives a damn about media.
Then I pay at my own expense.
For Qi Xi.
Use the money for IPhone.
She will be our cover girl of next issue.
Mr. Zhou
Two years ago,
she refused to do the photo shoot
That's why we must convince her to join us.
Qi Xi likes exaggerated modeling.
Feather-makeup is the
most popular one in show
which has not been used
by domestic female stars.
Our theme is the beauty of Qi Xi.
I'm good at this.
Stand on the Great Wall,
wearing gauze kerchief.
The wind blows gently,
brushing through the kerchief.
She must be gorgeous.
Too perfect. We need more.
Perfect is not enough?
No, it isn't.
She won't agree
because it's a CELEBRITY project.
She wants to be extraordinary.
Stand out?
I get it, pal.
What about borrowing a tiger from the zoo?
Very impressive.
The concert is held on Christmas evening.
Feathers with blood.
She won't appreciate ordinary,
but uniqueness that only belongs to her.
She prefers uniqueness
that only belongs to her.
You can be different,
but better have a bottom-line.
Don't be too tacky.
Being different but not over exaggerated.
Ride a tiger and wear kerchief
at Forbidden City?
You opinion might be controversial.
But when you say it firmly,
people will regard it as a truth.
Mare sure every of your proposal
is different from others'.
Once you jump out of the box,
you win.
Without make-up!
Without make-up.
Without make-up.
What is that?
Like what you look like now.
Qi Xi was noted for
weird dressing and makeup.
But now in music field,
everyone dresses like Lady Gaga.
It's not rare to see
a without-make-up cover girl.
But we can use continuous shooting mode
to show every countenance of Qi Xi.
The laughing Qi Xi that we have never seen.
The quiet Qi Xi.
The sad Qi Xi.
She is real,
so she is strong.
Without any decoration,
she is totally transparent.
There are proposals from over 100 companies,
But only these two are barely pass.
Which one?
You pick.
What about you?
I know you want me to pick CELEBRITY.
You chose another one purposely,
because you know
I always pick the opposite side.
Sure I do.
You like MODERN's idea.
The returning show
must surprise everyone,
otherwise we fail.
I don't care the fame of the magazine.
No, we don't.
But we do care if the
magazine is high-class.
I'm the guarantee of "high-class".
However, if you still have fears,
to hire Qin Feng to shoot.
Sorry I cannot let you do this project.
But you will have more chances later.
We must hire Qin Feng.
Why not me?
Your idol named him the photographer.
Who's that guy? A master?
I don't think so.
I never heard about him in this industry.
Qin Feng
Don't tell me you don't know who he is.
Qin Feng is called the
"Michael Angelo Batio of southern Beijing",
who is famous for human figures
and street show photography.
After finishing taking pictures...
...for 1000 human faces
he retired.
He is a master.
A legend.
Drink some water.
What's up?
You are the...
What do you want?
We hope you can be our photographer.
Sorry, I quite enjoy the retired life.
I don't wanna pick up the old skill.
The model is music queen Qi Xi.
She named you the photographer.
You know many people
wanna cooperate with her.
Named me?
She really thinks she is a queen?
Excuse me.
The sun is rising behind the mountain.
He is the one, the legend?
Typical Beijing sharper.
Qin Feng was the vice-chairman
of photographic society for three years.
After all he was your subordinate.
I believe he will listen to you.
Right? He threw you out?
Mr. Zhou
Where is Ying Hong?
She has stayed with Qin Feng for two days.
I'm afraid she has become his maidservant.
Let me brush the cup for you.
You know how to sweep the floor?
What are you doing there?
My bird is choked by the dust!
Go and mop the floor.
Remember to mop twice.
Until the floor is not stained...
...with a particle of dust.
We are not his babysitters.
That is too much.
Piss off?
What you wanna do?
I bet you had a hard ordeal
when you were young.
I bet you had turned to others for help.
Starting a business is not easy
with no money and social relationship.
We happen to have a good chance,
you know how much we...
Let's go.
How many times I have told you...
...to take care of the company image.
See what you did.
You like being ordered about?
What makes you so angry?
You got nothing
but humiliation.
At least I try,
otherwise we are doomed to fail.
Thank you for being a good example of
person with well-developed limbs
but stupid head.
My quote is 200 thousand yuan.
Do it for Ying Hong's sake.
Clean your face.
At bottom,
he just wants to increase his quote.
Such a tricky man.
Mr. Zhou
Come here, look at this.
After you criticized me,
I pondered for a while
and made up my mind
to improve professional skills,
especially about no-make-up photo shoot.
Everyone, look at this.
Ying Hong, come here.
Mr. Zhou, come here.
This is water-delivery guy.
He is Grandpa Wang...
...of next-door Senior Activity Center.
Don't just focus on their faces.
Look at the lighting
and feeling.
Ordinary people. Close to life.
Not bad.
Look at this.
Even the boss says yes.
Wu Yang
These are two different things.
Mr. Wang did a great job.
We can just tell Qi Xi that
Qin Feng is retired.
You miss me?
I'm having a meeting. What's up?
Tell you what,
I have arranged everything.
As long as you convince
Qi Xi to take the job,
I buy ad spaces of inside front cover...
...and inside back.
That's it, don't worry, bye.
Did you hear that?
We are doing the cover page.
Shooting the music queen.
Fight to win or die.
MODERN doesn't have the second chance.
It sucks.
Can I have a word with you?
No, it has little to do with money.
My brother and sister have done well.
But that is nothing to do with me.
I'm not going to turn to them for help.
Neither to dad.
Is it clear?
That's all, bye.
You'd better decide what to do now, pal.
Spit it out.
What to do?
Ao Liang, you still wanna buy my car?
How much you can pay?
Qin Feng signed the agreement.
Have no denial.
Do you miss me?
I miss you so much.
Yes, miss you badly.
Basically, it's done.
I always trust you.
Now I can strike a bargain with the client.
But our Ad Dept. received...
...a dozen of clients' calls
who asked for advertising space.
I cannot answer you until I talk to my men.
I don't care.
I ordered first.
It's settled. Deal!
I'm preparing the contract later
and having a meeting
with the client on Tuesday.
See you on Tuesday.
Everything has been put right.
One last mission is signing contract
with Qi Xi.
Rare to see you smile.
Seems like a good time
to put forth a proposal-
Can I have two liang of...
...pork-with-spring onion bums?
Hey, you changed the topic too fast.
I'm starving.
Me too.
I haven't had my breakfast.
That's pork-with-spring onion stuffing!
Tastes great.
I know what your proposal is about.
You want Wang to shoot
local designers' shows.
Bingo, my dear editor-in-chief.
Editor-in-chief always goes with Ying Hong.
Don't worry.
I will give him the chance.
In fact, my idea was inspired
by your pictures he took.
Thank you, Ying Hong.
I cannot stop. I wanna eat more.
Buddy, give me half jin.
Are you
a photographer?
He didn't pay!
It is on the sponsor.
Wine is gratis.
Then give me double.
Hi, Sophy.
Come here. Let me introduce.
Soaby is from QIYI. COM.
QIYI is Baidu's
high-definition online video platform.
Hi, Lao Xue.
What's up?
Who is this?
The background depicts
a winter scene on a street.
Create a sense of massiveness.
Plus gentle silk linen.
Hi, you are...
Was it you just now?
Are you a designer?
I'm from the media.
I took pictures for you.
Thank you.
But sorry,
it's VIP room.
Can we talk outside?
Don't worry.
We can talk here, sit down.
We'd better get out of here.
Come on.
I took pictures for you guys.
I'm a photographer.
I'm the first cameraman of MODERN.
Never heard about the name.
I call the security.
Are you a designer too?
Let me shoot your show!
I'm really sorry.
We have brought the photographer you want.
You chose CELEBRITY?
So be it, then.
Now you know what is called "too much"?
Okay, I'm out of the picture.
I thought Qi Xi preferred our proposal.
I know CELEBRITY has a better reputation
and execution capability.
But we are younger and more creative.
The reputation is not our first concern.
But given that these are similar proposals
and CELEBRITY will hire
Madonna's personal photographer,
that's different.
Similar idea? No way.
CELEBRITY's theme is always about luxury.
But we MODERN...
I'm really sorry, Mr. Zhou.
I'm not interested in industry disputes.
Let me talk to Qi Xi!
I will offer a greater idea
as long as you give me a chance.
I promise.
My friend
sold his car
to pay Qin Feng's remuneration.
Mr. Zhou
Hardship is something
you should not share with others.
Grow up.
A mature man won't blame others
for unfairness.
Here is CELEBRITY's contract.
Take a look and sign it.
You have the final say, at last.
New singers emerge one after another,
We cannot take any risk.
You think
you are still the queen of music?
Why you are staring at me?
How do you know him?
You said hello. I guessed you knew him.
The men wearing sunglass.
Alex, the editor-in-chief of CELEBRITY.
Oh, he is Alex.
I thought he was a designer.
Stop pretending.
You said you met him two days ago.
I don't understand what you mean.
Ying Hong asked me to shoot the show.
That man happened to be there.
What did you say?
Told him you worked for us?
Don't remember.
Drank too much?
No, just a bit.
Told him our proposal?
No, definitely not.
I'm not stupid!
Actually, I don't remember.
Don't remember?
Remember nothing!
They brought our proposal
and signed the contract minutes
before we came.
Now that explains everything.
You know what you did?
Advertisers came to us.
Nobody in this field
would look down upon us.
We were so close to the success.
Don't put Wang in the wrong.
You are the one who told me to trust him.
Gave the idiot wedding cameraman
who knows nothing about
industry rule a shot.
Get off your high horse!
I'm a rustic wedding photographer. And you?
You think you can kid us?
Fatty told us everything.
You were cleaned out by CELEBRITY!
Xiaohui, I thought you quit the job.
He was thrown out.
He is using us to redeem his reputation.
What right do you have to criticize me?
What else do you keep from me?
Yes, you are good!
Good for nothing!
Only blame others for failure.
It's not your fault.
I have only myself to blame.
Beat Alex?
With you guys, I'm doomed to failure.
An assistant became the chief supervisor.
What else are you good at
besides nodding?
And a boorish wedding photographer.
Don't trip over your tongue.
Correct your English pronunciation.
Otherwise, don't get involved with fashion.
You, a rich man's son.
Look at your outfit.
Which one did you buy
with the money you earned?
You enterer this filed
with only one purpose - shoot Shasha,
that wild girl.
Thanks to you, I exposed myself to ridicule.
And this one.
Talk about spiritual civilization all day.
I am wondering
if you ever bought one modern magazine,
and studied modern aesthetics?
What qualifications have you got
to be a magazine art designer?
No wonder
During your three years at CELEBRITY,
you fetched and carried all the time.
Because you are totally a loser.
I cannot believe I listened to a loser!
Zhou Xiaohui
When you said you trusted me
I thought you were different.
I thought you regarded me as a friend.
After all, you are no better than others.
What you trust is my money.
I sold my car.
Had 300 thousand yuan left over.
You take it.
Wish your dream come true.
Boorish guy is leaving.
Get out of your way.
Patrick, I...
Why do you stay?
Get out.
I'm the loser.
I wanna...
How are you doing?
Call me Zhou Xiaohui.
What do you want?
I told you before
didn't let personal emotion
influence your work
and only a loser confounded these two.
Why you didn't listen to my advice?
I don't get it.
I want my person back.
Ying Hong
She is the chief editor of CELEBRITY.
She always works for me.
It's you.
You gave away our proposal.
Yes, it was me.
Remember you said
during my three years at CELEBRITY,
I served as a charlady?
In fact,
since the first day I became your assistant,
Alex told me
I could be the independent editor
if I told him what you did every day.
Zhou Xiaohui
I never won when I was a runner.
But I want a medal.
Let me introduce
our fashion field opinion leader.
Thanks, every one.
Thank you to award me this Demeanor Prize.
Everyone is equal in the fashion world.
It is the fairest place.
Oh right, you are hiding in here to drink.
How dared you not answer my phone!
They are actors.
You know how many times...
...I said sorry to the client?
I was totally fooled.
Come on, drink with me.
Don't touch me! Damn it!
Why I was so stupid to have backed you up!
I didn't expect that you were so useless!
You are useless!
You are toast.
What the hell!
Isn't this Patrick?
Associate editor.
Don't give yourself airs.
Follow me.
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton! Go to hell!
You wanna give up?
I will pay your wages
within two days.
I wont keep Wu Yang's money.
We are sharing a common lot.
You fail, we are defeated.
Do you know Liang Desuo?
Da Zhong Pictorial?
You should know Liang You Pictorial.
At the early stage of the Republic of China,
The society was mired in tumult;
talent emerged.
Liang Desuo took the
editor-in-chief position
of Liang You at the age of 22 years old.
Within six years,
he published 67 issues.
things changed; fate was fickle.
Due to personnel reasons,
Mr. Liang left Liang You.
After only three months,
he founded Da Zhong.
Liang You hired female
stars to shoot covers;
Da Zhong invited painters to draw covers.
At that time,
Liang You had occupied Shanghai market,
but to compete with Da Zhong,
it changed from a monthly...
...to a semi-monthly publication.
What was it afraid of?
The dream of Mr. Liang
who devoted himself to one thing for life...
making magazines.
Making magazines is working with one heart
to spread an idea
At least I try;
otherwise we are doomed to fail.
To become a noble person, first step,
foster a sense of class consciousness.
Working for a fashion
MAG is always my dream.
My father was a typesetter of Da Zhong.
We must win.
Never show strangers your dream.
What they were afraid of was his dream.
The strongest muscle is my heart.
Yangyang, come out, meal time.
Let him be.
You have spoiled him.
I don't know what he can do.
He is good for nothing.
On what ground he thinks...
...he is qualified for the job?
All he does is get drunk
and flirt with women.
I think the women you hook up...
...are no less than his.
Who are you looking for, Sir?
Wu Yang is capable.
He is loyal to friends.
When his friend was frustrated,
he was willing to sell his car
to back him up.
But I could not do that.
I believe
Wu Yang has more potential.
Who are you?
His business partner.
Zhou Xiaohui
I come to apologize today.
And I wanna take him away.
I cannot make it without him.
We will stage a comeback.
Let's go.
A businessman
should arm himself with a good car.
What took you so long?
We use this card.
You robbed a bank?
I sold my house.
Are you mad?
You said you wanted parents to move here.
I have explained to them.
They understand.
No way.
Wu Yang.
You must listen to me this time.
Trust me.
What is going on?
You have agreed to shoot based
on the magazine.
A good photographer
doesn't shoot after the same pattern.
He catches the most
lively body parts of a model.
And shoots the best pose of a model.
Look at her strong arms.
Doing the MAG way will
expose her shortcoming.
What the hell are you talking about?
Don't bother yourself arguing with him.
I like your strong arms.
No, I mean you look good.
It is already quite lucky you get a job.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Master Wang
We finally catch you.
It's really hard to find you, man.
We are from MODERN Magazine.
Yes, the biggest MAG in China.
Our proprietor
insists that we should hire you
to shoot the cover.
Come with us.
Rumor has it that your editor-in-chief,
is quite stuck up.
I apologize to you
on behalf of him.
I have criticized him sharply.
I hear that your team thinks
my works are featureless.
We have absolutely no such comment.
Your works are beyond comparison.
There is a rumor that...
You wanna stop?
Or you wanna stay here
and shoot the strong arms?
Mr. Zhou
Why do you bring us here?
Tell me why people come here?
Buy clothes.
Buy clothes which they are fitted with
and stuff they favor.
You inspired me.
You can shoot whoever you want.
You can shoot auntie or uncle,
and whoever you favor.
Guys, are you avoiding me?
What can I help you today?
Step on it. I'm waiting for the assignment.
I don't want people to misunderstand me,
thinking I wangle your money.
Fashion involves
popular culture and a life style.
We have forgotten the basic of fashion.
Fashion encourages people to pursue beauty
The high-end fashion is a door
which is charming,
and costly.
But this is real,
and vivid.
They have food they can afford.
They buy clothes they can pay for.
And we are one member of them.
We are creating a magazine for them.
No need to care about trend...
...and so-called good taste.
No the so-called level and class.
Because in front of beauty,
we are equal.
You go too far!
Thinking to devote yourself to arts?
What are you waiting for?
The light.
I didn't expect that
you were such a good actress.
We are colleague now.
I hope we can get along well.
We work together.
The person who is childish and ridiculous
is Zhou Xiaohui.
He even gave up GF MAG for you people.
After you reported Bai Jingjing event,
and published the humiliating initial issue.
For Alex.
For our previous friendship.
I thought you knew me well.
I have fixed you up with a job-
the associate editor of GF MAG.
Trust me this time.
Thank you, my nice former fellow.
Although my people suck,
but we are all in the same boat.
I will win.
The strongest muscle is my heart.
Funny, right?
You are much wiser than him.
This is your project.
Qi Xi doesn't like people being late.
What are you waiting for?
The world you are after is right inside.
Thanks for telling me this.
CELEBRITY has printed.
The covergirl is music queen QiXi.
Look at this.
Let me see.
that one is too expensive.
You should read ours.
MODERN. 100 yuan for a
three-piece collection.
Grassroot spirit impresses common people.
Ordinary people cannot access upper class.
So they learn celebrities from our magazine.
What ordinary people are interested in
is noble.
Only a few dozen
were sold out within three days.
Many vendors said they would remove them
from shelves
if there was no significant upturn.
Just like selling food,
the vendors know the market...
...better than farmers do.
Am I wrong again?
I make a wrong judgment.
I'm incapable. I bring you trouble.
I'm a dumbass photographer.
Mr. Zhou
Fire me.
I wont blame you.
Cheer up, guys.
We are not splitting up yet.
I tell you,
We are far from done.
What's up man?
Don't give up.
We fucking just do it.
You got it?
Calm down.
Is here MODERN MAG office?
What can I help you?
Is this magazine yours?
You gave out magazines...
...in the university yesterday.
My daughter brought one back.
It turned out like this after just one day.
I don't think our magazine
has quality problems.
What's wrong?
You know what.
Because it's too popular.
Right, it's brilliant.
I'm from Macally,
the biggest fashion costume e-Mall.
We wanna promote our latest products
via your magazine.
a US-listed company!
I'm in.
Who are you?
I'm from Women's Friend Magazine.
defines a new dress code
for our female staff.
Please wait.
Congratulations, Mr. Zhou.
Annual New Magazine.
Our proprietor kept praising you,
holding your MAG.
Congratulation to you too.
You are still the Annual Best Magazine.
I have seen many of your works.
Very impressive.
If you wanna come back,
C& C editor-in-chief position
is available for you.
Sorry, I don't like
poaching talent behind backs.
I like to be straightforward.
What about him?
Celine is our new editor-in-chief.
Man, you surprise us.
Now is the Annual Fashion Magazine Award.
Please let me introduce Miss Celine.
Thank you, everyone.
Thank you for your support.
I believe we will always do a great job.
We won't fail you.
Thank you.
The subscriber you're dialing is power off.
The winner of the Annual New Magazine Award
Mr. Zhou Xiaohui. Please.
Wuyang, you go.
You go.
Go ahead.
Come on.
On behalf of us.
Thanks for my parents.
Thanks for my friends Zhou Xiaohui,
my girlfriend Shasha,
Photographer Wang,
Art Designer Zheng,
and thanks for my rivals.
Thanks for encouraging us.
Thanks for everyone.
What I wanna say at last is
Ying Hong,
please come back.
We miss you.
Someone misses you more than we do.
Can I sit down?
There is no VIP seat here.
Do you mind giving me one?
Five yuan each packet.
I once smoked 20-cent cigarettes.
They wanted to award me...
...Life-long Reputation Prize.
It meant I was eliminated.
CELEBRITY is facing a drop in sales.
Celine told proprietor that
I was jealous of your talent and set you up.
I had been CELEBRITY for 20 years,
being the editor-in-chief for 10 years.
Do you know why I hired you?
Since I first met you,
I knew you were the same as me,
and ambitious.
The ambition
drove you to work hard
and absorb knowledge in the field.
From that day on,
I often dreamt about being replaced by you.
But I never thought that way.
I always regard you as my teacher.
Do you hate me?
It's all gone.
You should have hated me.
I hired someone to write the article.
It seemed that you really hated me.
No, I was afraid of you.
The world is only obsesses with
young, sex and authority.
Do you remember your original intention?
You always say
the world is dirty,
only beauty deserves to be chased.
Am I wrong?
I don't know.
You are not going to take the award?
I has been hesitating.
Maybe I'm just here to see you.
Thank you. For everything
in all these years.
Seems I should say thank-you to Celine.
In fact, she has her own difficulties.
I know.
So does Ying Hong.
Where do you plan to go?
I'm going home. Take a rest.
Just as you,
I was once a county boy.
You win.
Zhou Xiaohui.
The world is dirty.
But it cannot stop me from going home
carrying my limited-edition bag,
although it is out of season.
In my heart,
You are always the legend of fashion.
Nobody can defeat time,
but the legend will last forever.
I don't know what's happened,
But I stole the show.
I wanted to
leave Beijing and didn't see you again.
But I felt myself unable to do it.
You are way more important than a medal.
Than everything.
Scold me! Say something!
Buy me two jin of new tea.
Confiscate bonus of first two months.
Treat on you.
I wanna watch Qi Xi's concert.
Zhou Xiaohui.
I'm sorry.
I think
I prefer to die
if you wear a skirt.
Zhou Xiaohui.
You win!
No, we win!