Hello Tomorrow! (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Hit me again, Nat.
[NAT] Hey there, fella.
My eyes are up here.
- [NAT] Bottoms up.
How's that soup there, boss?
It's probably cold. [SIGHS]
Well, at least the oyster
crackers are still shipshape.
So, is the wife dying?
- [SIGHS] What? Pfft.
- Or Or did she pass away already?
Is that what you're
over here drinking at?
I'm just after some peace and quiet.
Well, that's good news
about the wife. [CHUCKLES]
[CHUCKLES] Family. Man's top treasure.
Your house didn't burn down, did it?
[SIGHS] Look, mister, I got
enough problems of my own.
I don't need you coming in here
and making up more for me, okay?
Wait, wait, I got it. It just
hit me. You're just a good man.
You worked hard your whole life
to give this family the
life that they deserve,
and it adds up to
you're drowning in debt.
And all the latest-greatest,
useless junk.
And your ulcer and hemorrhoids.
Of course, not heartburn, like you
guzzled jet fuel and lit a cigar,
makes laying down to sleep
every night a torture.
But who needs sleep?
When they gave your job of 30
years to some floating tin can
- and your dignity along with it, right?
So, it's no surprise, no shame.
But you're over here daydreaming
the getaway of a lifetime,
straight down, right
off the nearest bridge.
I'll tell you, the fact that
you haven't slugged me yet,
it means that you've got
enough hope left in you
to hear the one word that
is gonna save your life.
[CLICKS TONGUE] You get hit a lot?
Well, every time I'm wrong. But
it's been a while. [CHUCKLES]
You left out the part I got a daughter
who don't pick up the
phone when I call. [SIGHS]
You got a magic word
that fixes that one?
First, I just wanna
show you something, okay?
What's that?
That is from the Sea of Serenity.
It's 243,000 miles above us,
on the bright side of the moon.
My son picked that out for me.
That's That's my prized possession.
[SIGHS] Wow.
Ah, well, there you go.
You said it yourself.
- What?
- "Wow."
That's the one word none
of us can live without.
And I will promise you
this, hand on heart,
hundreds of happy folks
to vouch. You'll be saying,
"Wow, I love living on the moon."
- That's another thing I can't afford.
- Where'd you see a price tag?
I'm not stupid, mister.
No. No, you're just so beat down,
you see something you like,
you think it's out of reach.
[NAT] Hey there, fella.
My eyes are up here.
- Is this the one here with the pool? Or
- That's the same model that I'm in.
I'll tell you what, it's big enough
that you can invite the mother-in-law
and not see her for days. [CHUCKLES]
[CHUCKLES] You have that?
Yep. Me and my family,
right there in the C-Plex.
Why don't I, uh, take it
home? I'll give it a think.
Oh, right. Right, the pros and cons.
You know who does pros and
cons? Hunks of metal like her.
Which is why she'll never fall in
love or drive too fast or have kids
or do any of the crazy things
that make life worth the price.
And it's why she's stuck
in the same day, every day.
While fools like me and you,
we get to dream on a better tomorrow.
- Ah, shit. You're smiling.
- You know that?
- Jesus Christ. This is nuts. [CHUCKLES]
How's it feel to be
back among the living?
This time, don't let it slip away.
- What's that?
- That's just what we said.
Zero down, 150 a month, and
it's yours for a scribble.
Hey. You wake up tomorrow, you
don't like it, we rip it right up.
But, you know what?
There is a catch, though.
You've got to promise me that
you're gonna call your daughter.
And you tell her life is
too short and you love her.
And her room is ready
whenever she wants to fly up
and spend some time with Dad.
Morning, friend.
[STORK] Hello, neighbor.
Have a bright, smiling day.
All right, honey. I'll see you tonight.
Bye, sweetie.
Hi, there. I'm out delivering smiles.
Such a nice bird.
Here's my next stop.
- Oops. After you.
Hi, there. I'm out delivering smiles.
No one here is not a
dreamer, am I right?
Not in a world like this,
where you can have it all.
And that's what I want
for you and your families.
You wake up to the earthrise
[CHUCKLES] out your bedroom window.
Your wife out on her lunar garden.
Your boy shagging flies
on the zero-G diamond.
That's the dream you all
deserve. I mean, come on.
Why should the rich and the famous
get our moon all to themselves? No, sir.
The Brightside,
that's a place for real people
to start fresh, unwind, retire.
Not to mention, you own an asset
your kids will be grateful for.
So, please, take a
minute. Just a minute.
And sit down with our
top-notch sales associates.
And start living your brighter
tomorrow, today. [CHUCKLES]
[CHUCKLES] All right. Thanks
for listening. Thank you.
Warm room, Jack. Nice work.
I'm gonna have cramping from
all the closing shakes in here.
I think I may have enjoyed
your speech the most of anyone.
[JACK] Good. Okay.
Ed, you take the new parents up front.
Remind them life is still fun sometimes.
Oh, easy money. God,
how babies adore me.
Herb, you take Granny and
Gramps. Golf, golf, and no taxes.
Got it, got it, and got it.
No excuses for not cleaning up in here.
I can close in here with
multiple seeping cold sores, okay?
And I'm going to have an
excellent sales performance.
- I think I just said that.
- [JACK] Hey, guys.
Remember, we're not just selling.
- We're changing lives.
- [BOTH] Changing lives.
- Got it. Got it.
- Done.
[CHUCKLES] Oh, you see that
gentleman over there and his daughter?
They're ready to go.
Take care of him, okay?
Upgrades, perks, everything we got.
Oh, usually I run those by HQ.
Oh, Shirl, we're gonna make them
so much goddamn money tonight,
we can afford to be good people.
[BELLBOT] Mr. Jack Billings,
please. Mr. Jack Billings, please.
- Damn it.
- What?
It's, uh, from the moon. Stan Jenkins.
He wants us pushing through
to Vistaville tomorrow.
- Well, he's an idiot.
There's good money here, and
that's an all-night drive.
Easy, Shirl. He did build
this company from scratch.
And now he's sitting on the moon
thinking he knows our
turf better than we do.
- Yeah, so maybe he's an idiot too.
- Mm-hmm.
But don't the folks of Vistaville
deserve to live their
dreams like everybody else?
Whizzing out to second.
Leaving fliers flying in all six zones.
[SHIRLEY] I've been thinking
about what you said, Ed.
About moving up there.
The moon might be nice.
Yeah, not for your husband.
So everybody gets what they deserve.
- No. Yeah? Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah? Well then, here
I come, Vistaville,
'cause my baby and me [KISSES]
- are going to the moon. Really?
You ever worked Vistaville? Just
any tips from past experience.
Yeah. Yeah, but it was,
uh It was forever ago.
You sound almost worried, Jack.
up, and what a whiz that is.
Boy, I thought that was it.
- Yes. Come on, come on, come on.
What's this fun time about to cost you?
A medium amount, Shirley. We
never assume defeat. Come on.
throw's in, and he's out.
- No, he's not!
Oh, you cross-eyed
half-wit limp-noodle bums!
[SHIRLEY] Was that your
big plan to get us up there?
I got some family there, is all.
That's great. I mean, family
is a top source of inspiration.
- [JACK] Mmm.
- And motivation.
Like, I think I told you
my Betty is expecting.
Which they say is two
and a half times the cost.
I keep telling her, I've been working
with Brightside two months now.
- Well, nine weeks, almost.
- [JACK] Yeah, we're here, Herb.
Oh. Of course. Perfect.
[CHUCKLES] Yeah. Why don't you
head in? I got a stop to make.
Whatever it is, I'd love to help.
Ah, you just start ringing those
doorbells and fill the seats for me.
Which I can do. Of course. You know?
[CLICKS TONGUE] Got it. Thanks.
[VALETBOT] Good morning, guest.
Can I help with your bags?
[BINGOBOT] You win again.
- Oh, Ma.
- Jacky. Come, come.
Your note said you were dying. Come on.
Well, you wish it were true.
- No, no, no, no.
- One of these days it will be,
and you'll regret every minute
you left me alone in this gulag.
It's been a busy
couple of months for me.
I'm with a new outfit, Regional
Manager. I think I told you.
Doesn't matter, Jacky.
Nothing matters anymore.
It's all too sad in too many ways.
I know, I know. But whatever it
is, we always get through it, right?
Not this time.
Marie, Jack. Your Marie.
She's in the hospital.
Run down outside her house by one
of those vans with the goddamn bird.
And poor Joey.
Your baby boy's mother in a
coma. How can anyone stand it?
Yeah. Yeah, I know. I know.
You know what?
[STAMMERS] I don't know I don't know.
He's, you know He's
almost 20 now. [CHUCKLES]
[STAMMERING] He wouldn't
even recognize me.
Don't try to fool me, Jack.
I can tell, you're heartbroken.
Ma, she hasn't been
my Marie for 18 years.
And, sure, we all wish
it worked out better.
But I think everybody has
moved on except for you.
It's not too late. Go see them.
They don't need me
screwing things up for them
more than they already are.
What a wiz you are,
for talking yourself out
of every hard part of life!
I'm here, aren't I? [SNORTS, GROANS]
[SIGHS] Hey, how is the
new room working out?
This garden view is nice, huh?
You were the same with your father.
You know, I got people
to meet. Gotta go.
Oh, don't leave yet,
Jacky. Five more minutes.
Mmm. Love you, Ma. Next time, okay?
Go see them! Your boy needs you.
Three, two, one, blastoff.
To a new beginning beyond the stars.
Luna, mother of dreams.
First, she was Earth's most
critical mining resource,
then the play-place of the upper crust.
But now, thanks to visionary
entrepreneur Mr. Stanley Jenkins
and the Brightside Corporation,
she is host to the moon-based
community all of us deserve.
Our collection of fully-furnished
and value-priced units
fit the family budget.
Good morning, son. Big sales
conference tonight. [CHUCKLES]
is where the happiness is,
not the headaches.
Where you're free and
easy to be your best.
To live, love, and laugh,
and leave the strains and stresses
of yesterday's world behind.
So join Buck Manzell,
star of television's Space Sheriff,
and the rest of our exclusive club
of daring pioneers and happy families.
And start living your
brighter tomorrow, today.
Jacky, boy! You read me?
Still caught up in that goddamn
terrestrial rat race? [LAUGHS]
[LAUGHS] Loud and clear, Buck!
That's the fellow from Space
Sheriff, Leann. That's him!
Imagine he came by for a cup of sugar.
Ah. Then let me tell these
good folks. True as Texas toast,
ain't nothing but ice teas
and real-deal living up here.
- Mm-hmm. No neckties, tax men.
No mosquitoes or traffic jams.
So, who's the goddamn genius now, Jack?
Well, you said it, Buck.
Thanks for calling in.
Oh, and don't none of you forget,
ain't no law in the stars but me.
- Pa-ha! Hoo-ha!
[JACK] Well, you heard it straight
from Buck, so, I won't, uh,
waste your good time telling you twice.
But, when I think of the Brightside,
my wife out in our lunar garden
and my boy shagging flies on
our zero-G [SNIFFS] diamond
My beautiful family
You know what? Explain this to me.
We live with miracles at our fingertips.
We fly to the stars, we split atoms.
We got robots taking out the trash.
are we all still
waiting to live our dreams?
Well, there's a technical term,
uh, for that in my business.
That's called a shit deal.
Our best days are piling
up in the rearview,
and and that hope
that keeps us going,
it's wearing down to
the bone. [SNIFFLES]
Some of us are losing people we love.
And just like that
any day now, that
turns into too late.
Gone forever.
Because every day that
we're not living for now
right now, we're waiting around dying.
One empty promise at a time.
I'm not waiting around
anymore, goddamn it.
And neither should you.
The time is now
and regret's a killer worse than death.
There's still a lot they
haven't heard about yet.
Uh, can we agree that
hopelessness is not a top-seller?
Tha Thanks for coming out, folks.
Congratulations, Joey, on
your new home in the stars.
Oh, th thanks, Herb.
Uh, you know, to be honest,
this is actually coming
at a pretty great time.
And that speech [CHUCKLES]
you know, I felt like
he was talking right to me.
Uh, any anyway, uh, thanks again.
You look like a man who
likes his personal space.
Um [CHUCKLES] have
a look at Kepler Crater.
Big lots, very quiet, beautiful views.
What about all them aliens?
Well, uh, not to put
too fine a point on it,
but, um, there's no such thing.
Yeah, says you.
You don't know me, but I know you.
And we both know the same other person.
And he said you've been losing
too many bets to stay healthy.
Well, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What do you think I'm doing here?
Besides getting that person their money.
Come on, here, okay? Here.
C-Come back in the morning, I
will definitely have more, okay?
[NURSEBOT] Nurse Grayton to the
holographic operating theater, please.
[JOEY] Mr. Billings?
I bought a D-Plex today,
at the sales conference.
A-all thanks to you.
[STAMMERS] Joey Shorter.
Oh, hey, kid. Nice to meet you.
I think I I must
be on the wrong floor.
Oh, yeah. I mean, this this
floor has got the pretty tough cases.
Oh. Is that your m-mom in there?
- Very sorry, kid.
- It's okay.
- Well, wish I knew what to say.
- Well, what you said this morning
really made all the difference in
the world, Mr. Billings. You know?
I haven't let myself
look forward to anything,
uh, since all this happened.
Well, that means the world to
hear you say that, kid. Uh
- Can I tell you something, Joey?
- Sure.
I'm gonna upgrade you to a, uh
- a nicer unit, on me.
That way, if your your
dad or your girlfriend
- wants to come up and visit
- [CHUCKLES] That's That's amazing.
mean, I I don't, uh,
really have a girlfriend
or a dad, but
Well, hey, you you're
doing great without them.
And y-your mom is a real
lucky lady to have you.
Thanks, mister.
"Congratulations. A fantastic
new world awaits you.
Welcome to the Brightside
Lunar Residences "
Another round of the good stuff.
Anybody tells you that the flush
mechanism on the men's urinal
is an accident-free device is
a liar and a liability, okay?
You mean the thing you just push down?
Oh, that's very funny, Shirley.
I may never shake your hand again.
Then it's good you didn't
have any sales to close today.
Oh, Herb.
You know, somehow your closing
one is sadder than my zero.
Technically, i-it's better.
Yeah, shut up, Herb See,
this is the true tragedy
of Jack fucking us and
leaving us to die in a ditch.
I-It sets brother against brother.
Don't blame Jack you
got beat up by a urinal,
if you're really
sticking with that story.
Oh, urinal all the way,
Shirley. And why stop at Jack?
It's every boss who ever shat the bed
and made his loyal troops lie in it.
Like Stan freaking Jenkins
up there on the goddamn moon.
Thanks a lot, Stan. He doesn't
even know we exist down here,
let alone sweat and
bleed and need money,
and get unjustly fucking crippled.
If Jack is really gone,
do we still have a job?
We have until someone says we don't.
'Cause I'll probably need to
inform Betty if I'm, uh, unemployed.
All right, nobody get more
hysterical. Jack's coming back.
I will give you
five-to-fucking-one on that.
There would have to
be a really good reason
for Jack to just leave us
to die alone in a ditch.
And while he did look pretty upset,
he definitely would have
told us if he actually was,
because our team is like
our family, except at work.
So, probably everything is
just fine. [BREATHES DEEPLY]
- Thanks a lot, Herb. I feel a lot better.
- Good.
Yeah, come in.
[BELLBOT] Here to make
your stay more pleasant.
[BELLBOT] Have a wonderful evening.
[VALETBOT] Hello, guest. May I
help you with your transportation?
- [JOEY] Mr. Billings?
- M Mr. Billings!
- Hey, morning, kid. Sorry, I can't chat.
Hey. Yeah, I hate to trouble you,
but I think there's been a
mix-up with my application.
See, I I got this this
morning from the moon.
[PANTS] I guess I must have
gotten rejected or something.
Ah. Yeah. These
It's the damn finance guys,
they're not even half-human.
Do you think I could talk to them?
They gave me back too much money.
Don't waste your breath. You're
gonna find a great way to use it.
Right, but I don't want it back.
I got nothing for me down here.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay,
Your problems will be
waiting for you up there too.
Y-You don't know that.
I do. Better than anyone.
[SIGHS] I like to see
my customers happy,
not playing themselves for a fool. Okay?
So you canceled my sale then, huh?
You know, you're
You talked a big game about
me grabbing hold of my life,
but then you know my life
better than me, right?
You're full of shit, mister. [SIGHS]
That was nice, kid. That's nicely done.
Oh, screw you.
The one thing I had
to look forward to
Well, you know, there are other things.
You're a great kid, you're, uh,
not afraid to stick up for yourself.
Not too bad at thinking
on your feet either.
- That's the makings of something.
- Oh, yeah, wow, thanks.
Well, I know what I just
saw. And I'd start you at 10%.
It's not curing diseases
or stopping wars,
but sometimes, giving
folks a new dream to dream
can make all the difference.
And you'd be good at it.
I could teach you a few
things along the way.
Are you lying to me again?
[GROANS, SIGHS] Sorry about that, kid.
Here's an honest deal.
You come work for me,
and pretty soon you'll have so
much going on for you down here,
you'll forget all about
running away to the moon.
I I don't have any
nice clothes.
[CHUCKLES] Well, we
better get you a suit then.
All right, hop in.
Here we go. We got lives
to change. [CHUCKLES]
- Is that
- Yeah. Joey.
Gonna shape up into quite a young man.
Oh, wow, Jack.
He's beautiful. The both of you.
Well, thanks for kicking my ass
about it. He needed somebody.
This is better than a dream.
Love you, Ma.
- [BUCK] Moon river, wider than a mile ♪
- Whoo!
- I'm crossing you in style ♪
- The voice of the law!
Hope I'm not in trouble.
Ha! [LAUGHS] Whoo!
I'm loving life, Jack. Living
on the Brightside, thanks to you!
Oh, thank you, Buck.
You know it means the world
to see our customers happy.
Oh, Lord, Jack.
Don't tell me you've been out
there without your suit and helmet.
No need to worry. They got a
bubble, covers this whole place,
keeps us safe and sound.
Right. Right. [LAUGHS]
I forget sometimes,
but y'all thought of everything.
Well, couldn't have done
any of it without you.
- Mmm.
- I'm gonna head back down
to Earth now, okay?
All right, don't you think of leaving
without paying your
respects to Mr. Jenkins.
[CHUCKLES] I'd never.
Well, I'll see you around, Sheriff.
The galaxy is in your hands.
- Pa-jow! [LAUGHING]
Moon River, wider than a mile ♪
I'm crossing you in style some day ♪
Guys! Hey, hey. Hey, hey.
We got Joey Shorter here.
Eddie, Herb. Joey
Shorter, Shirley Stedman.
The Sea of Serenity.
Next Episode