Nobel (2016) s01e01 Episode Script

Episodes 1 and 2

-Hi, buddy.
Lovely to see you.
How's it going? I'm good.
How are you? I'm good.
What've you been up to today? Nothing special, really.
How about you? We went to the market, and then We were buying a goat, for food.
Then Jon Petter found a place where we could buy cold cokes.
So we stood there for a while.
Then we came back here, and I slept for a while.
-And then we played a game of cards.
-Who won? Sigurd, who's really good at cards.
Jon Petter tried to cheat, without any success.
Then I exercised a bit, and I've had dinner.
And now I'll sleep a little more.
-A bit slack.
-Yes, it's a bit slack.
-What have you done? -We had a math test.
-How did it go? -I fell asleep.
You didn't fall asleep during the test? No, I'm only joking.
When are you coming home? It'll be a little while longer until I'll be home.
People keep asking if I'm worried.
Worried about me? -Yes.
-What do you say? No, I just say -Everyone thinks it's so dangerous -Who's asking? My teachers and classmates.
You know that it's a bit dangerous, but that dad's careful, right? That's the difference.
What happens when you're careful? -Then everything will be fine.
-Do you want to talk with mummy? -Alright.
Sleep tight.
Mum's coming soon.
Sleep tight.
9-8, we've received reliable info of a possible suicide attack.
The hospital is the target and the adjacent market is under threat.
From the roofs we have a view of the market and the roads.
3-2-Charlie and 3-2-Delta on the hospital roof.
3-2-Alpha, 3-2-Bravo: Eastern roof.
3-2-Echo, 3-2-Golf: Southern roof.
My position is by the cars with 3-2-Fox and 3-4-Lima.
Notify me when you're in position.
-All good? -Yes.
3-Alpha, 3-2-Charlie.
-3-Alpha reading you.
-3-2-Charlie and 3-2-Delta are in position on the hospital roof.
-Calling 3-Alpha.
This is 3-2-Echo.
-3-Alpha reading you.
3-2-Echo and 3-2-Golf are in position on the southern roof.
-3-Alpha, this is 3-2-Alpha.
-3-Alpha reading you.
3-2-Alpha and 3-2-Bravo in position on the eastern roof.
Man under the eaves.
9-8, we've spotted a threat.
In the north-eastern part of the market.
By the pillar.
Man, 50 years old or older, speaks in a mobile.
He's moving into the square.
Grey clothes, dark waistcoat.
Chequered dark headgear.
White top.
-3-2-Echo, 3-2-Alpha.
-Is he wearing a suicide vest? 3-2-Echo reading you: It's difficult to confirm.
He's wearing loose garments.
I only see him from the side.
-Do you see him? -He's moving to the south-east.
He's stopping by a yellow vehicle.
-3-2-Delta ought to see him now.
-3-2-Delta and 3-2-Alpha.
-3-2-Delta reading you.
Can you see the one in question? -Eyes on.
9-8, update us on the situation.
Is he wearing a suicide vest? Can you see a vest? -Erling? -Situation report? Is he wearing a suicide vest? He's moving towards the hospital.
He's not a threat.
9-8, no threat.
I repeat, no threat.
It was nothing.
He should be happy we're not American.
Then he would've been dead as a dodo.
How could you tell? He rolled up his sleeves.
No visible detonators or cables.
I wouldn't have seen it that fast.
-Did you like the food yesterday? -Speaking of dodo? -Yours or the chef's? -Mine.
Why are you even here? You should be running a restaurant.
Two o'clock.
Boy in dark green.
South-eastern corner of the square.
Really? 9-8, we've spotted a threat in the square.
A boy in green.
-3-2-Charlie, this is 3-2-Alpha.
-3-2-Charlie reading you.
Can you confirm that the boy is wearing a black waistcoat? -Affirmative.
-I have visual.
It looks as if he's on his way to the hospital.
We see him.
-Have you got him, Johansen? -He's behind the car.
3-2-Charlie and 3-2-Alpha, is the boy wearing suicide vest? 9-8.
Suicide bomber killed on the square.
9-8, pull the cordon out farther.
Get back.
Get back.
-Yunes! -Stop.
Mum! Mum! -3-Alpha, 3-2-Fox.
-3-Alpha responding.
The vest is disarmed.
Ready to withdraw.
Yunes! You stay here! Come here! I don't think we'll be seeing her again.
ANP are on their way.
They'll collect the boy.
We'll load up.
Erling, are you alright? -What's in that parcel? -What this is? Are you curious? Who do you think it's for? Me.
-What do you think it is? -I don't know.
Alright, now I'll find out what's inside there.
-A -A? -It's a kite! -That's right.
-Do you remember how to do it? -Through here.
Tighten this one.
No, not there.
Oh, that one.
Around that one.
Perfect! No problem! Let's move away from the car.
You need a longer line, and you need to keep it taut.
-Ready? -Yes.
One, two, three.
Hey, look at it go! Beautiful! Run, run, run! That's it! -How is it going down there? -With me or the country? Let's start with the country.
A bit better, but far from a Western democracy.
That's true.
How are you? I have missed you.
A lot.
You smell so nice.
That smell can't be found in Afghanistan.
-I've taught Rikard to change tires.
-On the car? -Are you kidding? By himself? -Not yet, but soon.
-Do you know how long you'll stay? -A couple of months.
Long enough so that we'll miss you when you leave again.
You know, the event at the Concert Hall.
-Could you maybe? -Would you like me to come? -Okay.
What are we listening to? -Mahler's fifth symphony.
I'm so lucky.
I love Gustav Mahler.
Daddy! What happened? Are you alright? -Did they beat you up? -They wanted the kite.
-Where is it? -Over there.
-What happened? Are you hurt? -They wanted the kite.
-They wanted the kite.
-Are you okay? -I told them that you'll shoot them.
-What? -What? -I said that you'll shoot them.
-You can't say that.
-What if they tried to shoot me? We're on a football field.
No one is shooting anyone here.
-Would you shoot in Afghanistan? -Not for a kite.
-For something else? -No.
-Will you catch it? -Yes.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Did you have a nice evening? -Are there any news? There's been a landslide in Cambodia.
1000 people dead.
Climate talks in Japan, possible change of government in Mongolia.
A fishing boat is missing in Honningsvåg.
You've got a meeting with "Oil for development".
Rolf Inherad is here.
The minister is delayed.
-Kristoffer is waiting.
-Did you read up on Inherad? Yes, I read up on him last night.
Rolf Inherad is one of the most influential men in the world.
There you go.
You didn't know that yesterday.
Now he works for NORAD's "Oil for development" in Afghanistan.
He's trying to introduce Norwegian oil legislation, so the values can stay with the Afghan people.
-Education? -Inherad is a geologist.
He could've made a fortune in the oil industry.
But instead he chose politics.
He's narrow and specific.
Conflict-ridden areas with hidden wealth.
Like diamonds in Botswana.
Mining in the Amazon.
Oil in East Timor.
Minerals in Kosovo.
You've used him a couple of times at peace talks.
Yes, he solves things.
I don't know how, but NORAD's lucky to have him.
You're a quick learner.
Could you get some coffee? Morning.
Is Inherad already here? Mother Teresa, Mandela and Gorbachev are all here.
-Speaking of the devil.
-Good morning! Ready? -He's waiting.
Do we know where he's at with the agreement? If I know him, which I do, he's got far.
If China overbids for the Afghan oil, the whole agreement will go to pot.
-All right.
And? -Are you meeting the Chinese later? -Yes.
The Chinese Minister of Energy is in Oslo.
You can put pressure on them.
So I should ask the Chinese to cancel an oil agreement in Afghanistan? -You can try.
-We're trying to reach a bilateral trade agreement, without EFTA and EEA.
All alone.
Our export potential is at NOK 30 billion.
So I can't ask China to cancel a private oil agreement in Afghanistan and ask for 30 billion.
-Do you know what I find hard? -No.
Seeing kids dying of pleurisy and pneumonia because they lack fuel for heating.
Why can't you convince the Afghans that "Oil for development" is the right path? I've said it before.
The landowner.
Sharif Zamani.
He wants to make money.
His uncle and advisor is in favour of our oil agreement.
So are the Minister of Energy, the governor and the Prime Minister.
He's the problem.
And the Taliban? -The Taliban is the Taliban.
-What do they say? That the land belongs to the opium farmers, who want to diversify.
-But a process is in motion.
-Locally or nationally? We need local support, but now China is a greater challenge than Taliban.
I'm sorry that I can't help you with China.
Everyone's scared, and nothing happens.
Let me think about it.
Anyhow, I'll see you at tonight's concert, right? -Let me think about it.
-Always a pleasure.
-See you later.
-Is he cheeky, or am I getting old? -You've always been old.
-What are you thinking? -That Rolf's right.
If we want peace in Afghanistan, we can't be afraid of stepping on toes.
Hi, dad.
Are you home? Dad? Hi! Come here.
-Hi, dad.
-It's good to see you.
-You phoned.
-Do you want coffee? -No, did Johanne say I was back? I'm glad you're alive.
I don't understand your business down there.
We've discussed this before.
Not everyone can be as neutral as Sweden.
I just thought you were free and independent.
-Instead of acting for the Americans.
-Two million German soldiers travelled through neutral Sweden.
Was that noble? That's one of your old arguments.
It must be a good one then, since it's used repeatedly.
Will you come to the medal ceremony tomorrow? -Erling, you don't want me there.
-I do.
That's why I'm asking.
-Is it important to you? -Yes, and to Rikard.
Of course.
Of course, I'll be there.
I promise.
Listen Erling.
Have you got anything? Nice suit.
You ought to wear it more often.
Nice dress.
You ought to only wear it at home.
-Coat check? -Later.
Are you in control? Yes, full house.
200 are our guests.
Do you want a drink? -Is it free? -It's on the state.
-When's your boss arriving? -In 3 minutes.
And the Chinese in 7.
Then we've got all the time in the world.
-Thank you for last night.
-What have you done today? -I went to see dad.
-Was he OK? Your boss isn't arriving in three, he's arriving now.
Audi A8.
2 litre.
He parked it roughly 42 seconds ago.
Do you want to count down? Five, four Are we there? -Three -You've got to be kidding me.
-Have you met my husband, Erling? -No.
I've heard a lot about you.
Are you on leave? -Charlotte.
It's good that you also get a break.
Thank you so much for your efforts.
-Are the Chinese here? -A few minutes away.
-The Minister of Energy is prompt.
-He's addressed as State Councillor of Land and Resources.
I'll have to try and remember.
What the! Are you seeing what I'm seeing? -I can't believe it.
-Who is it? We've got a situation on our hands.
An unofficial Chinese with the chair of the Nobel Committee.
An Chan.
An activist and a critic of the regime.
Nora is on our guest list.
Plus one.
I didn't know she'd bring Chan.
She probably wants him to meet you.
Then a trade agreement worth 30 billion goes to pot.
Any solutions? I saw journalists outside.
I'll try and detain them.
-Are you versed in classical music? -Yes, I've studied piano and viola.
Go and mingle with the chair of the Nobel Committee.
-When is the Minister arriving? -Now.
Let's smile and pretend all's well.
If he notices Chan, we need a plan B.
-Hi, Hektor.
-Can I steal you for a second? -Yes, you may.
-What's happening? Would you like to meet China's Minister of Energy? -Yes, what should we to talk about? -Smalltalk.
-Perfect timing, Nora! -Okay? You're ruining the agreement of the century.
Where are your seats? -In the stalls.
-Charlotte, get them balcony seats.
You want us to move? -The balcony.
Now, Nora.
-Johanne? I'm not quite sure what happened just now, but it was impressive.
-Are you alright? -Yes.
Are you ready for the concert? I've never been more ready.
Gustav Mahler.
I'll just leave my coat.
-Hi, Erling! -Hi! -Erling Riiser.
-How's the threat level? -Like the security.
-Are you a fan of Mahler? -I prefer contemporary music.
-Shakira? -Johnny Cash.
-See you later! -See you.
I've just received a text from you.
What's that about? Can you call me back when you get this message? Ekeberg, please call me.
Just call me when you get this message.
Let me go! You whore! No, don't! I'll teach you to run away from your husband.
I'll see you outside.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
There you are.
That went well.
-Is everything OK? -Yes, and you? -Never felt better.
-Ready for dinner? Yes, are you coming? Do you want to go home? You saved a 30 billion deal with that vase story.
You're dismissed.
-Thank you.
-I'll see you later.
-What happened? -Careful with this side.
Wasima? Wasima? Wasima? Can you hear me? Look at me.
Look at me.
Are you in pain, Wasima? -What happened? -He found her.
-Sharif? -No idea.
He was at the hotel.
-How could this happen? -I don't know.
Did he see you coming here? Does he know? -No.
-Are you sure? Yes.
I have to get this.
-Hello? -This is Ekeberg.
-You called me? -Where are you? -At the office.
I'll be right over.
Give me 20 minutes.
-How did you find her? -Not now.
Wasima? We're going to help you.
Wasima? Don't worry, we'll take care of you.
You called me? -You said I texted you? -Yes.
-You didn't send an SMS? -No.
Why do you ask? Because I got one from you.
-From my private phone number? -Yes.
-What did it say? -Nothing.
-Nothing? -It was incomplete.
You're briefing me on an incomplete SMS from my phone that I didn't send? That's why I called.
I just wanted to be sure.
At least about the text.
-May I see it? -The text? I deleted it.
I didn't send anything.
Not from my private or any other phone.
So if anyone sent you a text from me, get rid of the phone.
-Alright? -Yes.
-Was there anything else? -No.
Has a psychiatrist debriefed you? Yes, the whole patrol.
It was all good.
I know you've been through a lot.
We're fine.
So Where've you been? -At the Concert Hall with Johanne.
-Wearing that? Well, you're on leave.
Relax for a few weeks.
Alright? -Yes.
-Thank you.
Where are you? -Where were you? -I'm sorry.
I've called you a thousand times! Didn't you have your phone on you? -Why did you just leave? -Something came up.
-What? -It's been sorted now.
-What happened? -I should have called.
-Where've you been? -I know you were worried.
-Tell me what happened.
-I can't argue Hey! I'm not arguing! I just want to know what happened! -Where've you been? -I can't tell you.
You can't tell me? Just listen to me.
-You have to tell me where you were.
-I can't tell you! Why have you changed your clothes? Where's your jacket? Why did you change? Have you been with someone else? Why would I be with someone else? I have you.
Come on, please.
Don't leave me waiting a whole night without telling me where you were.
-You might as well leave.
Come on! I've been waiting the entire fucking night! Where have you been? Lower your voice.
I received an order.
An order? In Oslo? What kind of order? You know I can't talk about that.
-Do you usually change clothes? -I haven't been with another woman! I followed an order and had to change my shirt because it had blood on it! I killed a man.
You killed a man in Oslo tonight? Yes.
Three men tried to kill a girl.
When did you start saving girls at night in Oslo? -You're not lying, are you? -No.
But have you told the police? No.
-Why not? -Because it was an order.
Who gave you that order? Erling? Who? -Dad? -Hey.
-Are you awake? -Yes.
I could hear you.
And I heard you and mum talking.
You have to go to sleep.
-Did you have a dream? -Yes.
Another nightmare? What did you dream about? I don't want to talk about it.
If you tell someone about your dream, you won't have it again.
That's not true.
I still have it.
I've tried it before.
Do you want to tell daddy anyway? They're cutting you up until there's nothing left.
You know that's not going to happen, right? Go to sleep now.
You need your energy tomorrow.
-Can you stay until I fall asleep? -Sure.
-Dad? -Yes? Did you see any dead people in Afghanistan? Yes.
What was it like? It was quiet.
-How long has the meat been in? -23 hours and 48 minutes.
-Do you want to take it out? -Yes, sure.
-Meat boiled in a bag -Don't you eat ready meals? -Of course, but that's different.
-It's the same thing.
We take it out of the bag and brown it.
It'll be lukewarm.
The perfect temperature Great, but move it along.
My blood sugar is low.
Let them be At this rate we'll have dinner for breakfast.
-It's been tasty so far.
-That's not it.
-What are we having? -Guess.
-Do you want me to guess? -Yes.
-What's that? -A goat? -Yes! -You speak goat? -Yes.
Fluent in six languages and in goat, but no Norwegian -Half your life in Norway -Eight years.
-Isn't your mum Norwegian? -I can't be bothered.
You can't be bothered because.
? Because Norwegian sounds like this.
Where's Jon Petter? He's trying desperately to bulk up his scrawny upper body.
149! Come on, 147 to go.
You're doing great.
Come on.
Don't do that! What's up? I brought you liquid food.
Did you like the book? -Yes, the book -Did you read it? -Haven't you started? -I'm not done yet.
It's a little slow, but it's It's really interesting.
-What's interesting? -Well, it's got A lot of -But it's just -Do you like it or not? -Like I said, it's interesting.
-You haven't read it.
Damn -Adella? Master Chef Junior is wondering where the rice is.
I'll make some.
How's the arm? That's going to be one great family holiday.
Adella and Johanne sitting outside.
Adella and Johanne drinking G&Ts while we're cooking, doing the dishes, vacuuming And your father turning up with withdrawal symptoms, forcing everyone to go horse riding and eat pike How's he doing? So, so.
-I'll visit him when I'm home.
He misses you more than me.
-You always say that.
-Because it's true.
-Don't cry.
Do want me to spot? Jon Petter? Erling? Come here.
-This is Sven Rasch, photojournalist.
-You're joking.
He already knows you hate journalists and have reason to, so he's prepared.
Your Armed Forces administration has asked my editor to send me, so I'm not here to try to be your friend or anything.
I'm here to do my job.
-Perhaps demystifying some things -What do you mean? Just showing that you are normal people too.
Jesus Christ Rasch has been given the usual instructions.
No military operations are covered or leaked.
All faces are censored.
Or just use your buffs.
Say hello to the boys.
-Jon Petter Hals, patrol leader.
-Sven Rasch, hello.
-Daniel Richardsen.
Put some more in there I was wondering if I could join you? -In the shower? -Yes.
Yeah, well That's a good question.
-I like the ponytail.
How's the dressage coming along? -The dressage? -Of the horses.
I do races, not dressage.
-I'm going to cook rice.
-Rice? I'm taking a shower.
-So, yeah -We'll have to get a move on.
If you're heading out? -It's an order.
-An order! You too.
There's gender equality in the Armed Forces.
-It's good, isn't it? -Yes, it is.
So tell him.
Is it good, HÃ¥vard? Is it good? Tell Sigurd! -It's really good, Sigurd.
-It's great.
-It is.
-Be serious.
He's spent ages Say it so he believes it and gets it.
The food is fantastic.
He's the cook, it's his job.
Are we hugging him over some rice? -Hugs are good.
-Hugs are good.
That's an order.
Sigurd Sønsteby.
Thank you very much for this amazing meal.
It's great.
Sigurd! Sigurd! Spending so much time cooking for this lot Having food to look forward to, is fantastic.
Thank you very much.
And because you're so talented This is hard for me, but I'll give you a hug.
Hug! Hug! Hug! Come here.
Briefing! Wasima Zamani is to be extracted from a Taliban safe house in Nimlik.
Our sources confirm her presence for at least another 24 hours.
Heydar Zamani is considered a reliable source.
Wasima is his niece.
Extract her as low-key as possible.
Questions? -What kind of mission is this? -It comes from the top.
-Go ahead.
Situational update on target? No activity.
We'll keep you posted.
Keep going! She's here! Okay Erling and Johansen, you stay here.
Daniel, go and get Adella.
3-2-4-Lima, move to the entrance.
9-8, jackpot.
Platoon Three is ready for extraction.
-Erling, one minute.
-Is she unconscious? -She's breathing.
Can you hear me? Can you hear me? -She's that woman from the market.
-The vehicle is here! Shit.
It's because I touched her.
You didn't have a choice.
Ready? One, two, three! I'm going first.
Magne! Here.
-Go ahead.
-Ready for extraction.
Update? -Copy.
Still no activity.
Open the doors! -Easy, easy.
-Okay, come here.
What are you doing? Who is she? Easy.
Step back.
Erling in Vehicle Two and Sigurd in Vehicle One with me.
We're switching.
What are you doing? Closing in! Ready! Erling.
How are you? -Alright.
You? -Yeah.
-She's still here, right? -Yes.
She's resting.
-They'll be here soon.
Intelligence wanted me to guard her for a few days.
But why didn't you tell me Sharif is dead? -I didn't? -No.
I guess I was in a rush.
-Is this water? -Help yourself.
Do you know who gave the order to send her here? Well, it's usually the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
-The Foreign Minister, right? -Usually, yes.
What do you know? Her uncle asked to get her out.
He feared for her life.
A kind uncle isn't enough.
There must be something else.
I don't know.
-Has she mentioned her husband? -No.
But I just don't understand why he was here and how he could find her.
Me neither.
-I need to talk to her.
Wait here.
Wasima? Erling is here.
He's the one who brought you here.
He wants to ask you a few questions.
Is that okay? It's okay.
She wants to know where her husband is.
Just Tell her.
-She'll find out soon anyway.
Wasima Your husband tried to kill you.
He is dead now.
His body has to be sent home.
We'll do everything we can.
I have to speak with Heydar.
She needs to speak to her uncle, Heydar.
We have to know what her husband did.
Does she know? Do you know why your husband was here? He came after me To bring me back with him.
-Did someone invite him? -I'm sorry, I have to talk to Heydar.
Yunes can't be told about this by a stranger.
We'll do whatever we can.
She wants her son to know today.
Thank you.
-Good morning.
-How was your evening out? Johanne? The Foreign Minister wants us.
Good morning.
As you all know, yesterday we had an unexpected guest from Afghanistan.
-Okay? -I was supposed to meet him at ten, but he's dead.
He was stabbed to death yesterday evening.
I've asked the police to withhold the deceased's name.
Besides, Sharif Zamani was not on the official agenda.
-The victim is Sharif Zamani? -Yes.
I didn't know he was in Norway.
We decided that as few as possible were to know about the meeting.
I made Fruit for Life possible in the Balkh Province.
Zamani is the landowner in the area.
Did Stolt-Hansen know? They've worked together for years.
-Yes, they were to meet later today.
-I wasn't to know about that either? -Yes, you were.
-I apologize.
Make sure my Secretariat Leader is involved in everything from now on.
Why were you meeting him in secret? Because many people believe he is in the Taliban.
I was supposed to meet him outside the house.
We didn't invite him.
We just knew he was coming.
So who invited him? We don't know.
Perhaps Hektor Stolt-Hansen.
Does he know Zamani is dead? I know you've worked hard with Fruit for Life and with building trust.
It's tragic.
You've worked together for many years.
But Fruit for Life is so entrenched in the local community now that I know you will find a solution.
-Would you like some coffee? -A glass of water will do fine.
I've traced the text you received just before 1900 hours.
They say you were at the Concert Hall.
But interestingly, a man was killed in a car park a few minutes later.
It looked like an execution.
Two men were taken out.
The police have them now.
They will have acquired the CCTV footage soon.
But we already know that the deceased is Sharif Zamani.
May I see the text you received? I assume it's not as incomplete and deleted as you claimed yesterday.
-So, who sent it? -We don't know yet, but Someone has classified information.
So this is a problem, Erling.
Neither we nor Intelligence can take responsibility.
But someone wanted to get rid of him, and they chose you.
Why didn't you tell me? Because you taught me not to say too much without knowing everything.
And? I received the text with classified information and intelligence about Wasima.
I just made A choice.
I followed My gut When I got there, the situation was so precarious that I intervened.
The police didn't find Zamani's phone at the scene.
Do you know why? No.
You'll receive your medal tonight.
Stay low until then.
And I mean low.
You can do that.
Just for a few hours.
Remember, he was a true arsehole.
The world is better off without him.
I'll see you later.
Can you hear me? Can you hear me? We will take you to a safe place.
-What's up, Johansen? -This is no good.
-It was fast and efficient.
-This is going to backfire.
They're going to attack the FOB.
What's so special about this mission? Sharif Zamani is powerful.
He is a direct link to the Taliban.
And we probably have his wife in the other vehicle.
When Burås says "from the top," it doesn't mean Armed Forces.
It means the Embassy in Kabul or a ministry in Norway.
Maybe both.
But she was there all alone.
There wasn't a guard or anyone else in sight.
But we did fine.
Mission accomplished.
-Let's make some food.
-That's what's on your mind? Food? I wanted to make chicken.
Doesn't that sound nice? That chicken guy at the market gave me a recipe.
Johansen, you get the beer.
Daniel, you're doing the marinade.
-I'm on it.
I'll chop some onion.
Jon Petter Fuck.
9-8, we've hit an IED.
3-2-Alpha, 3-2-Echo.
Status? Anyone in Vehicle One, status? 3-2-Alpha, 3-2-Echo.
Status? 3-2-Alpha, 3-2-Echo.
Status? -Okay? -Okay! Jon! Going right! Hey! Can you hear me? Hey! Sigurd? -Daniel? -Come on out.
Daniel, are you awake? Jon Petter! Jon Petter! Mate! Come on, let's get back to the vehicles! Hey.
Back to the vehicles.
-Come on.
I knew it.
I knew he wasn't going to make it.
Come on, let's go back.
I knew it.
God damn it.
Go back.
What is it? You look good in that uniform.
There was a picture in the paper of Sigurd wearing his uniform.
It used to make me happy when I saw you wearing it, but now I'm not going back if you don't want me to.
I didn't say that.
Are you ready? Let's go.
Rikard? We're leaving.
-Is grandpa coming? -I hope so.
Soldiers, more than 8,200 Norwegians have since 2001 lived in close quarters with an Afghan reality far removed from our own.
These soldiers, who are receiving the Armed Forces Medal for Heroic Deeds, are our absolutely finest soldiers.
The Armed Forces Medal for Heroic Deeds is awarded for showing resolution under danger, thus contributing to the prevention of loss of life.
They have expressed competence and courage beyond what is expected in combat and in dangerous situations.
The first is awarded post mortem to Sergeant Sigurd Sønsteby.
His mother, Trine Sønsteby, will accept the medal on his behalf.
The Armed Forces Medal for Heroic Deeds is awarded to Sergeant Sigurd Sønsteby for outstanding courage under danger in the Mazar District.
Risking his own life, his efforts were instrumental during the rescue of a civilian Afghan woman.
Here you are.
Lieutenant Erling Riiser.
Lieutenant HÃ¥vard Bakkeli.
-I'm sorry.
-Don't apologise.
-I didn't mean to cause a scandal.
-You didn't.
-Were you there when he died? -Yes.
-In the car? -No, but I was there quickly.
-Did he know what happened? -No, it was very sudden.
He never knew what happened, and he didn't feel anything.
I don't think you can die like that without feeling it.
The Defence Minister said on TV that the road wasn't secured.
The Defence Minister is not in Afghanistan.
She's sending us to war without Knowing what she's sending us to.
We were on a mission in an area we had been ordered to, and it was Do you know who killed him? Yes.
He is no more.
Thank you.
Thank you.
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