Sex Traffic (2004) s01e01 Episode Script

Part 1

Can you say your name for me? My name is Anya Petria.
- And, Anya, how old are you? - I'm 17 years old.
No, no, no.
You're 16.
What's your name? My name is Anya Petria and I am 16 years old.
My name is Julia.
- And how old are you? - I am 17.
- Stefania.
That's a nice name.
- Thanks.
And smile.
That's good.
That's really good.
- Who's that? - Cal, what are you doing here? - Anya? Why did you let him in? Hold this.
Why did you let him in? Anya.
- Leave him alone! - Don't touch her! Come here! - No! - Anya! No! No! - Anya! - You want to get her into trouble? You want to get her into trouble? OK.
What the fuck are you doing? You go home.
You don't know what you're dealing with.
This is not a good place for you.
All right? Go on.
Barry, what are you filming her for? What do you think she does when she's not with you? Hmm? You think she's an angel, that girl? Huh? Now, you go home and you'll see her at the bar tomorrow.
OK? Get yourself together.
You're a mess.
- Just let me talk to her.
- Sshh.
No, no.
I just want to talk to her.
Go home now! Or you will never see her again.
Policija! Policija! Shut up! Sit down! I said, sit down! Get them out of here and don't let them back in again.
Barry, where is she? Barry, where is Anya? Barry, where is she? We only speak English now, Lena.
Lena? Fish and chops! Fish and chips.
Sergeant Callum Tate.
Six months in Sarajevo, and before that missions in Kosovo and Zagreb.
- It's an exemplary career.
- Yes, sir.
So what the hell were you doing? I was looking for someone.
By the International Peacekeeping Coalition's Sanctions of Occupation, fraternisation is strictly forbidden.
- Were you trying to buy a woman? - Not for what you think.
$2,000 is a lot just for her conversation.
It wasn't like that.
I know the girl.
I was trying to set her free.
So you've been to the bar before? - I was concerned, sir.
- About what? About other officers.
- What they might be involved in.
- Involved in? Involved in what? Hmm? If you can't tell us - Sir - You're finished here.
I'm sending you home.
Your career in law enforcement is over.
You are discharged from Kernwell.
No press.
This never happened.
- Hey, Ricks.
- Yes, sir? How're you doing? - See you, Barry.
- See ya, man.
'My name is Anya Petria ' 'I'm 17 years old ' Got all your stuff? Hey! Somebody's puked on your bonnet.
Oh fuck.
- Baby or beer? - Hello.
Beer, I think.
Probably safer.
You fucker.
It's a friend of Lou's.
- I'd come up to about her thigh.
- That hasn't stopped you before.
- When are you going to have a party? - I'm not.
It's not my house.
I just water the plants.
Oh shit! Sorry.
- No, it's fine.
- I'm useless.
You should maybe take that off.
Not off now.
I mean I don't mean it like that.
Forget it.
- You're not very good at this.
- Definitely room for improvement.
- It's Kurdish.
- Oh.
- Are you good at languages? - Not really.
A smatter of anything, apart from not very good at my own.
- I'm Sarah, by the way.
- Daniel.
- Drink? - Yeah.
- Is this your place? - No.
A friend's.
He's in Brazil for a year.
He likes his yuccas.
They're my boxes though.
His fridge.
- Are these yours? - Yup.
What was it you said you did again? Advertising.
Yeah? Yeah.
Oh fuck.
Stop banging the machine.
He's short.
He needs two pence.
You got 86 pence.
If you spend it, you live with it.
It's not a hotel.
What does he want, room service?! It's only two pence, mate.
Can anybody change a tenner? 5p.
I've got five pence.
Five pence.
There you go.
Five pence.
He says you remind him very much of his brother.
"Immigration! Get out! Get out!" Daniel Please, Daniel.
This could take months.
Fucking hell.
Now I speak English.
What do you think? I think she is a lesbian.
Fish and chips.
- Do you know this lawyer? - No.
Phone call, weekend? Were you involved in the skirmish? Course you were.
- I said I'd try and help him.
- Don't do that.
You bloody well do that and we pick up the pieces.
He had his appeal read.
It's a sad story, I know, but He lost his family.
On compassionate grounds alone We map the routes, monitor journeys, we can't fight the cases.
Incidentally, Italy tomorrow - plotting the trafficking routes? - That's Monday.
- Tomorrow.
I made you write it in your diary.
Oh, fuck.
I'm there.
You make promises but you can't keep them.
Have you lost weight, Joan? You look like you've lost weight.
Speak For Freedom.
- 'Daniel, it's Rick.
' - Rick.
- 'Have I got leprosy or something? ' - No.
I've just been avoiding your calls, that's all.
- 'Did you shag her? ' - Yeah.
She nearly fucking killed me.
- I'm going to die.
- Yeah.
You're gonna die.
Tina, make sure she eats something tonight, please.
- The dog poos in the kitchen again.
- Oh, Christ! Tina, I'm so sorry.
Billy! Leah, if your dad calls and he's going to be late I'm divorcing him.
- When is it? - How did you know? - That's what parents get paid for.
- Saturday.
- Booze? - Probably.
- Drugs? - Uh, yeah.
And girls.
Your father keeps the condoms next to the ashtray.
Mom! Unless there's something that you haven't told me.
Billy A nasty accident is gonna happen to that dog if you don't deal with him.
Put a coat on.
'As one of this country's leading defence contractors, ' providing international security and peacekeeping services for the US government across five continents, Kernwell is proud to announce the World-Wide Federation Against Forced Migration as its charity for this year.
This charity's ethos is very close to Kernwell's own.
It is to guard, to guide to protect.
And, as head of Kernwell's charity fund, I know that these values are passionately embraced by Kernwell's CEO, Tom Harlsburg.
Who, as well as leading this international police force, is also l'm proud to say, my husband.
And the man I threatened with divorce if he showed up late tonight.
We need to talk about the Iraq contract.
Glad you could make it, sweetheart.
I would like to remind everyone that tonight is about digging deep in your pockets, about making those pledges We have our first donation of the evening.
Ladies and gentlemen, from Magnus.
Thank you, Magnus.
Ladies and gentlemen, $100,000.
From the chairman of the board and founder of Kernwell.
Without further ado.
I'd like to introduce Dr Lola Carizzoni who is head of the WFAFM shelter in Italy, helping women trafficked from Eastern Europe and beyond.
Dr Carizzoni.
Christina Amalka Merita Anya.
Just a few of the young women whose belief that they might find a better future has cost them their lives.
Last year, 50,000 women and children were illegally trafficked into this country.
If they're not cleaning your office, they'll probably be surviving other ways.
Over 75% we believe are being used by men in the sex industry.
Men who may be doctors, police officers, high-level politicians your neighbour.
Where there is demand there is always supply.
A seven billion dollar supply.
Your money will help to build three new shelters in our aim to get these girls safely home and alive.
Thank you.
Tom Harlsburg.
Audrey Dupoint, Head of Funding.
I work with Lola.
We already supplied 3,000 additional police officers to the IPC anti-trafficking campaign in Bosnia.
Do you understand how widespread the problem is? We're working pretty hard out there, aren't we? Not hard at all.
Lola works in Lecce.
The girls come in there from Albania.
- Half come through Bosnia.
- That put me in my place.
We're not all bad guys.
I like to convince myself that we're making a difference.
Could we borrow everyone for a photo, unless we want Magnus hogging them? That's a lovely suit.
Is that Prada? No.
Lexi? Lexi? Hah! - Lena! - What are you doing?! Vara! Lena! Great night.
- Yeah.
Yeah, it was.
- Thank you.
- And here's Ernie.
You feed him again, I'm gonna make him tip on the way out.
- You know I don't enjoy this.
- I don't know why not.
- What is it tonight? - I've got some papers to sign.
- How did it go? - Honey, it was great.
Jeb called.
You've got tickets to that concert.
- Dad, can I get a ride tomorrow? - I'm leaving early.
- Game's on.
- Oh.
- Ernie, do you want that heated up? - No, it's OK.
So Magnus told you about the situation in Bosnia? They caught one of our officers with a hooker in town.
It's OK.
We sent him home yesterday.
- American? - No.
He was Canadian, actually.
- Press? - We're sitting on it.
Always misses those one-timers.
Always wide.
Bosnia? 'Schedule's changed.
Italy, then Bosnia.
' Keeping our funding means monitoring all routes.
- 'Bosnia? ' - You running out of clean pants? No, no, no.
Pants are a-plenty.
It's just that you fob me off with these places - 'Daniel ' - Write these reports, so we cover our backs, keep our funding, when I could be doing something important.
- 'Daniel ' - What? I'm sorry, there's no other way to tell you this.
Araz - they found him in one of the shower rooms.
He killed himself.
- We're all down the corridor.
- OK.
- Five minutes.
- 'Daniel? ' Yeah, yeah.
I'm still here.
Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama! If they can get them as far as Tirana, they can get them on a boat.
We hear them before they hear us.
The boats are getting more powerful - four outboard motors strapped to one raft.
They throw a girl over as a decoy - they know we'll try and save her.
In doing this, we let them get away.
15-20 people, some children maybe, on each boat.
The difficulty is identifying the girls.
Families don't always want to admit the girls may have been trafficked.
There are retribution killings, brothers, fathers sometimes involved.
Anya Petria.
We picked her up last week.
17 years old.
Just off the coast of Lecce.
WFAFM reported her at a refuge just outside of Sarajevo.
'My name is Anya Petria.
' 'Closer And, Anya, how old are you? ' 'I'm 17 years old ' 'No, no, no.
You're 16.
You're 16 years old.
OK? 'My name is Anya Petria.
- 'I am 16 years old.
' - 'That's very good.
' 'No! ' They're looking for check-out clerks at Shop 'N' Spend.
Hmm? You probably wouldn't get it anyway.
Shouldn't even show your face.
They cost me $1,000 each.
Go on.
Take it off.
No Take it off.
- And the skirt.
- No No, please.
Please Let her get dressed please.
Please, please.
- 13 hundred.
- 1,450.
14 hundred.
2,500 dollars for both of them.
And 13 hundred for the small one.
- Vara - Lena! Vara Vara Vara? Vara 'Kernwell was in court today 'as it faced allegations of financial malpractice in South-East Asia.
' I have a brief statement I'd like to make on behalf of Kernwell.
Today's victory in court is a victory not only for our men and women policing in south-east Asia, but for every officer in Kernwell's peacekeeping force.
No one holds us to a higher standard than we do ourselves.
We are profoundly aware of our responsibility to the US government and to the American people in making the world a safer place.
It is what we believe in, it is what we stand for and it is what we will continue to do.
Thank you.
Is it true a Kernwell officer has been expelled from Bosnia? - Any comments? - We don't comment on rumours.
Mr Harlsburg, are you aware? - Who's been talking? - I don't know what the hell happened.
We caught one of our officers with a hooker and we sent him home.
- We did our job.
- We gotta do it better.
There's 3,000 guys out there, Tom.
You wanna put a tag on every one? - If we have to.
- OK.
- Who's gonna give a statement? - Major Brooke is our guy out there.
Wheel him out because we've gotta cover ourselves.
- It'll blow over.
- Like it just did, Magnus? Come on.
Tom We won.
One officer's actions are not representative of the rest of us, of the thousands of us who are committed to serving the people of Bosnia.
Will that officer be charged? I'm not able to provide that information.
But, as I'm sure you know, under IPC protocol, all foreign nationals share immunity.
We're just hoping to put these events behind us and get back to the business of making Bosnia a safer place.
- Yeah? - Can you name the officer? Our decision not to reveal his identity protects the officer's rights under IPC codes of practice.
Has this ever happened before? - Not to my knowledge.
Wendy? - Tell us about stop and search policy You mentioned his rights.
What about the rights of the girls who are trafficked into this country? That's a big problem.
Bosnia is a transit country.
I'm confident our guys stay on the right side of the law and the law has to protect them too.
What about this officer? - You're not gonna let this one go.
- I'm curious.
No, no, of course Daniel Appleton.
I know your organisation.
I judge your success by the number of girls we send home through the shelters.
324 this year alone.
I see the consequences.
So do we, Daniel, only we're closer to it than you guys in London.
But if you think you can do better Deserved.
One too many coffees this morning.
No problem.
You should memorise that list of bars.
Some of them you do not want to be in at night.
Your colleagues should know that, but you charity workers can be the worst.
We have a top notch medical staff here in a modern emergency-room type set-up If women are complaining of pain at interview, he prescribes antibiotics.
Gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis, crabs The girls come in with all kinds of stuff.
If they are not willing to go to a refuge, this might be the only time they see someone.
That's right.
Moving on Does he treat the officers? The men, yeah.
The odd torn ligament or whatever's going around.
That's not what he said.
They are out here for anything up to 6-12 months.
They pick up stuff.
But if they're not sexually active? This was installed four years ago at the request of the officers.
Moving on.
- Do you want to talk about it? - Talk about what? 'While it is with regret 'that I have to announce the involvement of a Kernwell employee 'in this reprehensible activity 'the swiftness of the IPC response sends out a clear message ' Ah! I've got ID She speaks nice English.
Whatever he wants, OK? You speak French? Last week, there was a man from Orleans drinking - My daughter is at school in Rouen.
- Yes? All day long, complaints from you, from everybody.
You want to go somewhere? You're not good to me, you fucking whore You want a sandwich? No.
- They pick me up soon.
- Yeah.
- Your phone - What? Your phone.
Er Can I use your phone? It's my little boy's birthday today.
We don't We are not allowed to make any phone calls.
Please If I could phone my mother Please.
Hello? Hello? You have to go soon.
Please don't.
Please don't - Everything is OK? - Mm-hm.
You talk a lot, huh? He has a daughter.
Lives in Paris.
- Vara.
- Lena Vara Sshh! Don't wear this tonight.
Dirty whores! Don't any of you clean up in here? Don't help her.
You can't work tonight.
I can't sell this.
You What do you think I should do with her? What? She needs medicine.
You not very well, Monica? Maybe you should call your mummy.
Let her know! Fucking cow.
Suddenly, the police have some other complaints.
If you're complaining, then you're no good to me.
All of you begging leave your countries and when we give you what you want Your boy just had a birthday.
Maybe we should send him a present.
Hmm? Ten minutes.
You're no good to me now.
I'm sending you home.
'Daniel, I want you home.
You could have been killed.
' - I can't do that.
- You're like a moth to a flame.
You're only meant to be monitoring the work.
What the fuck do you think I was doing? - Something stinks, Joan.
- 'Don't go looking for trouble.
' - I can't just walk away from this.
- Damn it! What's the code? 'Er 4482.
Too dodgy.
' - I need a few more days out here.
- 'Just come home.
' - I'm staying.
- Daniel, listen to me I don't know where she could be.
Ah! I'm sorry.
Hello, Audrey.
I'm so sorry.
That traffic was just The updated plans have come.
They look terrific.
I was telling Audrey to try the razor shells.
This is the best place for seafood.
- Do you mind if we cut to the chase? - Is there a problem? Audrey? The London shelter starts construction next week.
It's getting harder to ignore the facts.
A Kernwell officer was sent home from Bosnia recently.
We cannot take money from a company whose officers are colluding We haven't hidden anything from you.
When we offered you this, we were happy to have you check us out.
Sorry, but our position is becoming untenable.
One officer, Audrey.
You're prepared to throw away $3 million because a Kernwell officer was caught with a prostitute? Do you honestly believe that? You can be so naive, Madeleine.
Audrey, we're doing you a favour.
Magnus And what favour are we doing you? I don't like what you're insinuating.
Does Dr Carizzoni feel the same way? OK.
We release a statement confirming the rumour that the WFAFM has refused our charitable offer and we give it to some other charity.
Something to do with sick kids or world peace.
- Ernie.
- We can't afford to lose them.
So you gotta woo the organisation a little.
You know This isn't some prom date.
I've been working on this for 18 months.
- I didn't do it for the PR.
- Maddie - I know this means a lot to you - You speak Italian, don't you? Please You want me to go over to Italy and do what? Flirt a little bit.
- Like how? - Maddie, I've seen you in court.
And I do what? What do I do in court, Ernie? You think I flirted to get myself this far? I didn't say that.
You said that.
Don't talk to my wife like that, please.
- I have a meeting at 5:00.
- Everybody flirts.
- What's wrong with flirting? - That was very smooth.
You know he's right.
Talk to her.
She's a grown-up.
- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, honey.
- Where's Billy? - I said he could go to Jeb's.
Got all his work done, so - You gotta lay off him.
- If I lay off that kid any more - Billy? Billy! - What? - Nice to get an answer.
Good evening, Father dear.
Honey? Put those on the table, please.
Dinner's almost ready.
Am I the only one who cares we're living with a Neanderthal? - Your mother's made dinner.
- You wanna knock next time? - Is this meant to be funny? - I'm not using your credit card.
- OK, guys.
- Have you seen this stuff? Come on, Billy.
Have you seen some of the stuff that people post about Kernwell? - If you want to see dirt - That's enough.
- Dad is a popular guy.
- Can we just have a nice evening? When people ask me what Dad does for a living, I lie.
I say, "Something in business.
" Your dad works hard for you That's enough! Mom, you are one of the smartest people I know, but when it comes to Dad, it's like you enjoy being dumb.
Billy, don't Get your elbow off the table.
- I'll be in my study.
- Maybe I will go to Italy.
That might be a good idea.
Vara? Lena? I'm under pressure to bring girls into northern Europe.
- He doesn't want to move the girls.
- You don't have to translate.
So where are you from? Ukraine? Moldova.
When you need to move the girls on you come running.
And we always give you the best price.
Davor Ai, ai, ai Lena, Lena, Lena This is the bar where he tried to buy the girl, yeah? What about the guys at the bar? Are they? 30,000 officers.
What did you expect? The Serb press have been hinting for months, but they can't make it stick.
Nothing changes.
Welcome to the free market.
You want to talk? Try to speak with her alone.
No, erm Here Take it.
It's OK.
Speak For Freedom? - Yeah.
Yeah, it's a - Sshh! Do you know this girl? She's pretty.
- Yeah.
- No.
If you tell the police how you're treated Officers, they are the worst.
Jesus! Can't you knock sometimes? You stay over there.
Stay in that seat.
Hey, hey! Vara! - Daniel, they've arrested me.
- They can't do that.
It's only foreign nationals who get immunity.
You can't do that.
He's working for me.
I work for a British charity.
He was translating.
That's the least of your problems.
Call your office - I want you on the next flight home.
You can't hold me.
I have papers to be here! - We're only trying to help.
- You can help by letting me go now.
Come on.
Give us some money.
Pay for the picture.
I can't do that.
Vara Vara.
Hey! Elena? Are you OK? Can you deal with that, Suzanne? I know.
Just call Mm-hm.
I'll be back next week and I'll do it then.
Now, did you get in touch with Dr Carter? - My car's here.
- Right.
- Safe trip.
- You shave this morning? Bye.
- I wish I was coming.
- I wish you were too.
'Hey, guys, come on.
Can you just? 'And smile.
'Nice big smile.
Let me see your teeth.
'That's good.
That's really good.
'Yeah, that's good.
'Can you just stand up? Stand up and turn around ' Bye.
- OK, guys.
- Bye, Mom.
- Have a good flight.
- Call you tomorrow.
- Love you.
- Love you too.
- 'Anya! ' - 'Please don't! ' - 'My name is Julia.
' - 'How old are you, Julia? ' - 'I'm 17.
' - '17 years old.
' 'That's good.
And what do you? ' Mom's gone.
- We go together.
She's my sister.
- Elena - Please, don't.
Please, please! - Lena! - Please Where? - Italy.
Please Hey, hey, hey! I speak Italian.
Hey! Take me! Elena! 'Now boarding, all passengers for Flight 387 to Milan.
' 'Can you say your name for me? 'My name is Anya.
Next Episode