Skull Island (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Maritime Pilot

Stop her!
Stop right there!
What's going on?
Where are you going?
Come on!
Hey, hey, hey.
Easy there. Easy, easy.
Go, go!
Come on!
- Cut her off!
- Hey, now.
Stop her!
All right.
Fun's over now.
Come on!
You know our equipment
gets screwy around here.
Yep, that's why
I said we're going around in circles.
Because we're going around in circles.
We got maybe two sweeps left.
And if we come up short,
we can come back with better equipment.
- I don't know if I can come back, Dad.
- Why not?
- I'm going to college.
- Since when?
Are you being serious right now?
When you said you wanted to go to college,
it was one of those,
"Yeah, someday it would be nice" things.
- Like getting married or skydiving.
- What? No! No, it's a "this fall" thing!
And I'm never going skydiving.
That sounds awful.
But I am going to college.
I got it. You can do that here.
They have correspondence classes.
Ha, I don't think that's necessarily
the college experience
I've heard so much about.
- Or we can come back in the summer.
- I'll need a job!
- This is your job.
- No, this is your job.
- I pay you.
- You owe me!
- What would you even use the money for?
- College, Dad. College.
- You'll just go in debt.
- I want to go in debt!
I mean, I don't want to go in debt.
I just
I just want to try
the normal kid thing for a while.
- But you have an extraordinary life now.
- I'm living your extraordinary life.
Maybe my version of that
is going to college
and learning things that have
nothing to do with mythical creatures
and "undiscovered worlds."
How many people
were remembered for going to college?
None, because they
But explorers, discoverers,
men and women that followed their destin
Because they did
all the memorable stuff after college!
They get Space Shuttles named after them.
I don't need
a Space Shuttle named after me.
The thought has literally
never crossed my mind as a goal
until you revealed it
being a goal of your own right now.
This is an ouroboros
of a conversation.
That's just a pretentious
That seems exhausting.
You meant physically,
I meant verbally.
Okay, Dad, listen.
I can't just spend my life
chasing your monsters.
I understand.
- You have to chase your own monsters.
- No, no, no. No, that's
- Dad, that's not
- Tell you what.
Take a walk, think it over.
Just do that for me, will ya?
All right, let's get started.
Walk where?
We are in the middle of the South Pacific!
Hey, buddy. How'd it go?
Ah, same as yesterday, same as tomorrow.
You guys should really
switch it up sometimes, man.
Be less repetitive, play some new tunes.
Oh, I'd love to.
- But the fans love the classics.
- Do we, though?
All I hear every day,
"encore," over and over,
and we just have to oblige.
Man, what's college got
that we don't have here, huh?
I mean, besides homework.
Well, it'd be nice to meet new people.
- Eh.
- Meet girls.
I wish I was more like you.
Handsome, strong, intelligent.
Happy to settle for a life on a boat.
It'll be my boat someday.
It kind of already is.
I like the sound of that.
Hey, do you think
Boomer's blown up boats before?
Oh, absolutely.
You know, I feel like our dads
make questionable decisions.
Oh, absolutely.
See anything?
Not yet.
He said not yet.
Uh, yeah, that was in English.
Would you stay if they found something?
Will you stay if they find nothing?
Oh, absolutely.
Hey, hey, whoa, whoa! Man overboard!
Hey, man overboard! Help!
No! Hold on!
I got you. I got you. You're okay.
My dog.
Have you seen my dog?
Uh, no! No, I haven't!
Whoa, wait! Help! Mike!
Charlie? What are you doing down there?
Well, uh I met a girl!
- Who fell over?
- She didn't fall.
It's a girl?
- She was holding on to some wreckage.
- I can't
Can't find my dog.
- There's a dog too?
- I don't know. I didn't see it.
He can swim.
We need to get her dried off.
Charlie, see if anyone
needs help out there.
On it, Dad.
Shh, shh, shh. It's all right.
Oh, hey, you're okay.
Hey, shh, you're okay.
- Who are you people?
- You're safe now.
- We found you in the wat
- No radio!
Uh, also, she might be handcuffed.
Are you good or bad?
Oh, don't worry. We're
We're good.
Here, this'll help.
Ugh! What is that?
- It's coffee?
- Ugh! It's terrible.
Is my coffee terrible?
You make great coffee.
- Have you ever had coffee before?
- No.
Why is it hot?
Hey, hey, it's okay.
Listen, what's your name?
You can call me Cap. This is Hiro.
This is our boat.
That's his son, Mike, and my son, Charlie.
You got me out of the water?
Uh, yeah.
Did your ship wreck?
- No, I escaped.
- Why?
The sky's on fire.
Wait, you don't know who they are!
- They could be drowning.
- Then let them drown!
Hey, hey, hey. No, it's all right.
Listen, we're just going to see
what's going on, all right?
You're safe here.
- Cap, there's a flare!
- That's what people say before they die.
- Oi, Cappie!
- Wait with her.
Sure, Dad.
Oi, Cap!
Cap, there's a flare!
Where'd she come from?
Did you not hear any of that?
Uh, I'm deaf!
- Where's your hearing aid?
- In my bunk!
it's not meant for your bunk!
It's meant for your ear!
- How many guns do you have?
- Um
It's coming towards us.
You think they're after the girl?
Feels like that would make the most sense.
But then why not radio?
And why send up flares?
It's a big boat.
Maybe she broke it?
- The boat or the radio?
- Dealer's choice.
I'm not seeing anything.
Dad, there's nothing there.
It's gone.
Uh, I'm Charlie.
I know.
It's nice to meet you, Annie.
I'm sorry about your dog.
He'll find me.
Why are you out here?
We're an expedition vessel.
I don't know what that means.
It's hard to explain.
We're searching for cryptids.
I don't know what that means, either.
Like undiscovered creatures
that live in the sea.
We set off deep sea charges
and scan for them.
What's a "charge"?
Oh, like, you know, kinda
kind of a baby bomb.
You're bombing the ocean?
Well, it sounds
dumb when you say it like that.
Stop! You'll bring it back.
- Bring what back?
- The monster that destroyed my boat!
I thought you escaped that boat.
I did! On a smaller boat
that got destroyed!
Okay, I need to talk to my dad real quick.
We can't find the ship anymore.
What, do you think it sank?
Maybe we just
lost sight of them in the storm.
- Then why send up flares?
- That's what I said.
Let's get on the radio.
She says
something destroyed her lifeboat.
Wait, what?
A creature.
A creature destroyed her lifeboat.
Well, she could have led with that!
How big would something have to be
to take down a whole ship?
You think something took down the
Hey, hey!
What are you doing?
I am not going back on that boat.
Then say that!
Don't destroy the radios.
I didn't destroy it on purpose.
He dodged out of the way.
- Who is that?
- He's a bad man.
He wanted to
bring me back to the boat, but
I said no!
The creature
that destroyed your lifeboat,
could it have destroyed their ship?
Would have had to be really big.
Bigger than my dog, even.
- What, is your dog Clifford?
- I don't know who Clifford is.
What? You know Cliff, he's a big red dog
- He's irrelevant.
- Please!
I have been searching for something
out here my entire life,
and I feel tonight is the first time
in decades I've come close to finding it.
Now, I don't know what's going on here,
but I will do
everything I can to protect you.
All I ask
is that you tell me your story.
- And then
- No one move.
Give me the girl and no one gets hurt.
I already hurt you! You got hurt!
Wait. Why's he got a knife?
I guess I forgot to search for knives.
I'm sorry, all right? A lot was happening.
Who are you?
Jules Verne.
What's it matter to you?
Well, I'm not letting you take her.
Well, then you can come too.
We can take a field trip for all I care.
- But we're not staying on this driftwood.
- She is not driftwood.
You don't understand
what's going on out here, none of us did!
If you keep
looking for your little undiscovered fish
you are gonna wind up dead.
Unless you listen to me,
and we get back to my ship now.
You're new.
By the way, your ship sank.
What? It's true.
Ugh. This job sucks.
No, no!
- No!
- Boomer!
- We need to get off this boat right now.
- And go where?
To my island.
Where is he?
I don't know!
We found it, didn't we.
That's what you were chasing?
No, that's something else.
Oh, my God!
Get to the island!
Where are we?
I don't know.
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