Sleep With Me (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Inconvenience Store

How are you?
How am I?
Weren't you the one who broke up
with me through text and disappeared?
Wow. Thanks.
You know it's for the best.
We're not a good match.
It's just we're so
different from each other.
Anyway, thank you so much
for putting my stuff together.
It's nice seeing you.
I can change.
I'll change my sleeping
habits to match yours.
No. I don't want that.
I can do it.
My coach said,
that pain is temporary
but quitting lasts forever.
I guess this is quitting then?
Hello, sleeping beauty!
You need help?
I can manage.
- Don't worry.
- Sure?
- Yes.
- Okay, good. It's not like I was going to help.
You just had to say that.
Hey, your phone.
I got it.
You good?
- Sure?
- Yes.
I'm just gonna study outside.
Can you help me out?
- Is that yours?
- No, I'm stealing it.
That slot is for PWDs.
Can't you see the signpost?
I'm a PWD.
- Anyway, ma'am.
- Sir, can you just
It's only for PWDs.
Don't do it again.
Time check,
it's 12:01. Are you still awake?
You're with Harry who isn't hairy.
The Harry who's in no hurry.
And the Harry who will
help you fall asleep.
So hurry up if you're still awake
because it's time for Sleep with Me.
Angel, I understand. You're
in a difficult situation.
It's not easy to forget a person
you've known for a long time but
choose yourself.
Don't force yourself on
someone who isn't right for you.
Angel, we're rooting for you.
Always choose to be happy.
And when you're sad and
need someone to talk to,
I'm here for you.
Call us at 929-4589
because we know
that every broken heart
deserves to be heard.
This song is for you.
I'm going!
Hi, Joy.
You alone?
It's just that the whole
time I've known you,
you rarely come alone.
You always have a date.
Well, I just bring
them here because I know
you'll save me in case things go wrong.
Remember that girl that couldn't
stop talking about her ex?
She even showed you a picture.
Her voice was so loud! And
she was right in front of me.
Do you think
Do you think I'm a difficult
person to have a relationship with?
Not my area of expertise.
I'm just here for drinks, not feelings.
Are you trying to protect others
or are you protecting yourself?
You're afraid of your own feelings,
so you stick with people and things
that don't make you feel anything.
Hi. Is this seat taken?
It's available.
What are you having?
Beer. Whatever's on top.
Sorry, I hope you don't mind.
Is it okay if you move?
Because I'm actually
waiting for someone.
Waiting for someone?
The whole time I've known you,
you've never waited for anyone.
Well, I guess
I just got tired of waiting.
Waiting for someone who understands me,
my life, and everything that entails.
Which part?
The part where you're
emotionally unavailable?
Or the part where you can only
fall asleep in the daytime?
The part where you
mind your own business.
You started it.
Suit yourself.
Time check, it's 1:35.
Why are you still awake?
And because every broken
heart deserves to be heard,
it's time for your favorite segment,
your daily dose of unsolicited advice.
Two bucks.
Caller number one,
you're on the line. Hello?
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, loud and clear.
So what's the problem?
I have a crush on my classmate.
We're graduating this year and
I still haven't talked to them.
That does seem like a problem.
I think what you need is an ice breaker.
Something like a pick-up line.
Pick-up line?
Can you give an example?
For you, I can do even better.
Let's ask for the help
of your fellow listeners
and it's time for a giveaway.
Our prize for tonight is
dinner for two at a rooftop restaurant
with romantic views of the city.
Caller with the best pick-up
line wins a dinner for two.
So what are you waiting for?
Call our hotline now at 929-4589.
Here we go.
Caller number seven, you're on the air.
What's your name?
Hi, Wendy.
So, Wendy,
do you have our winning pick-up line?
Yes, of course.
Okay. Wait.
If you win our giveaway,
do you know who you're taking to dinner?
My ex who dumped me.
Wendy, why them?
You said they left you.
So why?
It's none of your business.
Let's just get on with it.
Wendy, what's your pick-up line?
Are you a tower?
Eiffel for you.
Okay, guys. Did you hear
Wendy's pick-up line?
Is it good enough?
Is she deserving of the giveaway?
And there you have it, Wendy.
Our listeners liked your pick-up line.
You are the winner of a dinner for two.
- Oh my God!
- You can pick up your prize, Mondays to Fridays, at
Oh my God!
I'm Wendy.
Luna, right?
Luna Jimenez?
I saw it on your credit card.
You remember that time
when you forgot to bring cash
so you asked us if we
accept credit cards?
What were you thinking?
I paid for your food that night.
Anyway, since we've already met.
It's nothing big.
I'm just wondering if
you could do me a favor?
You heard what happened, right?
Yes, well
I won the grand prize.
And I need it.
So my ex and I can get back together.
But the problem is
I can't leave work.
Maybe you could
Only if it's okay.
Maybe you can claim the prize for me?
Please. Claim it for me.
The station is near. I promise.
It's really close.
Luna, please.
I know you can hear me.
- I really need you to do this for me.
- Fine.
I can't leave because I
don't want to get fired.
- Okay, fine.
- Okay?
- You sure? I'm not forcing you.
- Yeah.
Here's my ID.
- Seriously?
- Yeah, give it to me.
You know what. Luna,
you're my new best friend.
- No problem. I'll go ahead.
- Thank you.
You're not going to finish your food?
It's fine. No worries.
- All right.
- Oh my God!
Really, thank you.
I'll wait for you here.
Just give me my ID later.
Thank you.
Bye. Take care, okay?
It's already late.
That's life. Sometimes we lose.
Am I right, caller Nica?
But instead of seeing it as a loss,
you can look at it as a new beginning.
You're not alone.
Take a break until you're ready.
Ready to smile again.
Ready to try again.
But for now, go get some sleep.
It's time to sleep, everybody.
Always remember, if you're lonely,
I'm here for you.
This has been Harry and you've
been listening to Sleep with Me.
Good night.
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Is this yours?
No, but
Sorry, did I hurt you?
No, I'm okay.
Is this you?
Wendy Vargas?
My friend.
I mean,
a friend that's not really my friend.
You know,
just a casual acquaintance.
She was the one who won your contest
and she asked me to get the prize here.
Are you a tower?
Because Eiffel for you?
That's her winning
pick-up line. Wendy, right?
She was dumped by her ex.
Yeah, Wendy. That's her.
She ended the call
before I could explain.
The office is closed so you need
to come back during business hours.
You're so nice.
You're a good friend.
It's my first time to hear that.
That you're nice?
Or that you're a good friend?
I'm none of the above, I think.
I'll let her know.
Again, I'm sorry for what happened.
- I can help
- No, no.
It's okay. I'm not as fragile as I look.
Yeah. I didn't mean it that way.