Sleeper Cell s01e01 Episode Script

Al-Fatiha (Pilot)

Librarian I just wanted to say goodbye.
Remember this day.
Remember what it feels like to leave this place and don't come back, no matter what.
If it comes down to it, let the devil shoot you in your motherfuckin' head before you let him stick you back into one of their prisons.
Remember All the laws of man are evil.
Only the laws of god are just.
The key to your higher purpose.
Excuse me.
I'll do you for free, hon.
Can I help you with something? I'm, uh, not sure.
Maybe I'm in the wrong place.
I'm sure of it.
You have a problem? No, you have the problem, my friend, unless you leave right now.
Maybe I'm not gonna leave until I find what I came here for.
You want to get a close-up look at all "those who incur the curse of allah and his wrath" with your own eyes, is that it? All the ones your precious allah has "transformed into apes and swine"? Go ahead.
Take a close look at all us jewish apes and pigs while you can still see.
Don't quote my book unless you can get it right.
Sura 5, verse 60 of the holy koran reads, "of whom some he transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil.
" God didn't turn all the jews into beasts or all of the christians, just the evil ones.
This is a house of prayer.
It's not a debating society, and it is not a professional-wrestling arena.
Let's settle this outside.
Go on.
You know the answer.
Don't be shy.
Indeed it is.
Darwyn Al-Hakim, I presume.
I never liked games, man.
It's no game.
Know your enemy.
Come on.
And keep that off your head from now on.
It attracts too much attention.
Best in L.
Much better than those overhyped krispy kremes.
Shouldn't you be eating a bagel? Most people from the middle east look alike, sometimes even to each other.
I've passed as persian, turkish, coptic christian, as well as sephardic jew.
Don't african-americans have a long history of trying to pass for white? I don't.
So, Faris Al-Farik -- "the deadly knight.
" That's an impressive name.
Is it real? In this relationship, I'll be the one buying the coffees and the doughnuts and asking the questions.
If you have a problem with that, no harm, no foul.
You go your way.
I go yahweh.
Back to the temple of the apes and swine.
It's cool.
No gang gives you the keys to the kingdom before they beat you in.
You always come strapped? What did I just tell you about questions? Come on, man.
How do I know you're not setting me up? Carrying a piece on your ankle.
You could also be wearing a wire.
I guess we're both gonna have to trust the librarian, aren't we? You did well tonight, darwyn -- braved the unknown, stood up for yourself and the koran.
But there is more you must do before you can set foot in the kingdom, let alone carry the key.
I'm putting together a team of holy warriors believers who are ready to strike without warning, without pity.
Go on.
You want me to marry her so she can stay in the country? No, I want you to follow her.
Everything you need is in that envelope.
Show up here tomorrow at noon.
I'll have a van waiting.
What if I don't show? Then, if you're lucky, you'll never see me again.
Man, you almost gave me a heart attack.
- You with Farik? - How'd you guess? Racial profiling.
That's a good one.
You must be Darwyn.
I'm Abdullah Habib.
Everyone calls me "Bobby.
" What are you doing here, bobby? Farik doesn't trust me? Farik doesn't trust anybody, except maybe Osama.
But I'm driving.
Man, public school is a bitch, you know? No supplies, textbooks older than my grandma, and more metal detectors than the airport.
So? So I got a little girl who's almost 6.
You don't worry about this shit, before you know it, she's fucking some gangbanger she met in social studies, pregnant and on welfare.
She's not even 6, man.
That's easy for you to say 'cause you don't have kids yet.
I mean, look, you got to plan ahead for these things.
That's her.
You know this girl? - No.
You? - No.
Any idea why we're following her? No, but Farik always has his reasons.
You know, Farik -- he's taking a real chance on you.
How so? Well no offense, all right? But, you know, most arabs don't think american blacks are real muslims.
So Farik must really see something in you 'cause, normally, they'd only recruit a brother such as yourself as, like, a low-level stooge.
Maybe I am a stooge, Bobby, but what does that make you? Tell me about it.
Check it out.
Target at 2:00.
Let's roll.
Most of us are ex-military.
Were, uh, you in the service? Damn.
- She's macking down with a white boy.
- Yeah.
Mark down what time it is.
Describe the car, too.
She's dating a frat boy.
See? What did I tell you? One day it's candy land and beanie babies.
The next day it's get drunk, pass out, and wake up in the middle of a date rape.
You're never gonna let your daughter out of the house, are you? I got two words for you -- "home schooling.
" Hey, man, I'd offer you a ride, but farik would be pissed.
The jihad-mobile -- it's for business only.
No problem.
Hey, Darwyn, my little girl's birthday is, uh, this sunday.
We're having a little party for her over at Van Nuys park.
People are showing up about 3:00.
You should come.
I'll think about it.
Hey, don't think about it.
Do it.
Farik will be there.
You can give him this.
Shit! That was close.
Hey, man, check this out.
Oh, snap! Hey, it's Osama, dude.
We just clocked us 25 million bucks.
Osama, you don't hang on hollywood boulevard, do you? Oh, no, no.
Shit, no way.
Dude like him wouldn't be caught dead in a place like that.
Allah just wouldn't dig it, right? Right? Please let me go.
Ain't that right, you fucking arab faggot? Let me go home.
Oh, you want to go home? Just leave him alone, all right? Fuck that, man.
Fuck you, too, nigger.
Good at running your necks, huh? Now what?! He's not an arab.
He's not a muslim.
He's a sikh, you little dumb motherfuckers! Sikhs and the muslims are like crips and bloods -- they fucking hate each other.
They've been slaughtering each other for 300 years.
You scrubs need to educate your little shit-brain selves.
What are you looking at? Thank you.
You must be Darwyn.
I'm Bobby's wife, Nadia.
Thanks for bringing Reza a present.
She deserves it just for the name alone.
It's beautiful.
Hey, man, I'm glad you could make it.
Yeah, yeah.
Home schooling -- definitely.
Hey, birthday girl, this is Darwyn.
Will you give him a high five? - Yeah.
- Ow! You're so strong, Reza.
Hey, Marcus, watch out! Come here! Marcus! Oh! I'm so sorry, really.
No, don't worry about it.
It's just water.
Let me get you another drink.
I'm Gayle.
I live next door to Bobby and Nadia.
That your boy? - Yep.
- Marcus.
He's madly in love with Bobby's little girl.
Yeah? So how do you know Bobby and Nadia? Actually, I just met Nadia.
I haven't known Bobby for that long either, but I definitely get a kick out of him.
Bobby's a good guy.
Great dad.
So, what do you -- what do you do, Darwyn? I work at a grocery store downtown.
Get an employee discount? No, not till I join the Union.
That takes about six months.
Well, how long you been working there? About a week, but it's a big improvement.
Really? What were you doing before? I did laundry at a federal penitentiary in Lompoc.
Don't they make the prisoners do the? Yeah, they do.
So, what were you in for? I'd rather not talk about that, but I'll tell you this.
I didn't shoot anybody.
I didn't stab anybody.
I didn't beat anybody.
What about kidnapping? No, I didn't do that.
Whew! That's comforting.
No, I -- you know, I paid my debt and got what I deserved, but, uh, I just want to start over-- start fresh.
So, uh, how old's your son? Marcus? Yeah.
- He'll be 4 in august.
- He'll be 4? Yeah.
I think I kind of remember being 4.
He got any brothers or sisters? No.
No dad, either.
So what about you, darwyn? - You got any kids? - No, no.
Not yet he doesn't.
What's up? Look, I just need five minutes of quality time with my friend here, and then he can be yours for the rest of the day.
I might just hold you to that.
We got a good crowd here today.
A few of these guys you're gonna get to know better.
See that guy over there in the red sweats? That's Christian.
Christian -- he's french.
Used to be a skinhead till he found his way -- our way.
That guy over there -- Ilija -- from Bosnia.
That poor guy saw his whole family get butchered by orthodox serbs and catholic croats.
No one in the whole world lifted a finger to help, except the mujahideen.
And this guy over here -- Thomas Allen Emerson.
Tommy boy -- all-american.
Born and raised in Berkeley.
He's like a budding religious scholar -- our own blonde emir.
We've all had military experience of some kind.
Hey, these are the kind of guys you want to have around when the shit goes down or when you bring it.
And speaking of players.
Come see my daughter.
Whoo-hoo-hoo! Always watch your back, brother.
- Sore loser.
- That's the best kind.
Happy birthday to you cha-cha-cha happy birthday to you cha-cha-cha happy birthday, dear reza happy birthday to you That takes practice.
Tommy boy's the assistant manager here.
All he does is practice.
Bowling? What kind of stupid game is this? It's almost as bad as your so-called football.
The rest of the world, billions of people, play real football every day, but not you.
You make your own stupid games.
Go ahead and play.
I don't care.
Why do you have to take the name of the real game? Fucking american arrogance knows no bounds, man.
But we are in america.
Don't you forget it.
Let's go.
We use it as a storeroom, but it's always locked up during the day, and, at night, almost no one ever comes here.
All right, we must make ablution.
This is how you communicate with each other from now on.
Use these no more than once then cut them up, and I'll issue new ones as we go along.
Only once? I'm not paying for your phone sex, christian.
Too bad.
I, um, checked with an old friend of yours from Atwater, before Lompoc.
No, I didn't have any friends at Atwater.
I was told you had a particular nickname among the muslim brotherhood.
Do you remember it? Some of them used to call me "nakir.
" That's one of the two angels who come to challenge you in the grave after you die.
Black skin, blue eyes.
These are text-message capable.
Don't worry.
When you get the call, each of you will know what to do.
These are epipen auto-injectors filled with ciprofloxacin.
Liquid cip -- anthrax antibiotic.
That's right -- but not from the rite aid.
This is an extra-strength dosage recently developed for the U.
How'd you get these? I have many friends in uniform.
I received my advance military training in Georgia.
On the border with Chechnya? On the border with South Carolina.
That's where I learned all about american life -- that and MTV.
And I want to fuck Britney Spears.
You can fuck her corpse.
Speaking of which What are you looking for? CNN.
The new location of the american military central command headquarters is in Qatar.
American personnel feel safer there than anywhere else in the middle east, even israel until now.
Have just struck at the headquarters of the united states central command with what appears to have been a massive car or truck bomb.
Official casualty figures have not yet been released, but there are eyewitness reports of multiple dead and wounded.
I've seen worse.
What are you talking about, dude? That's central command H.
That's that's fucking awesome.
You know, the first time I saw a man die -- a bunch of men, really -- all their cocks were hanging out.
Oh, yeah? Sounds kind of freaky, man.
What was that about? It was about who you are, what you are, or what you believe in.
My father sent me and my brother into the woods just before the serbs came.
My mom wanted him to go, too, but he wouldn't leave her and my sister.
Anyway, I joined up with a bunch of men and boys from our town and started through the woods towards where the U.
Soldiers were.
We had to cross the road to reach them, and when we did, the serbs were already there waiting for us.
But they didn't know for sure who we were, so they pointed their guns at us and ordered us all, 23 of us altogether, men and boys, to drop our pants.
And? And they saw we were all circumcised, so they knew we were all muslims, so they opened fire and killed us all.
Except me -- I survived without a scratch.
I hid under rada's body, my little brother.
He was three years younger than me, but he was on the wrestling team and twice my size already.
It was mujahideen that found me.
Help me learn what happened to the rest of my family -- that they were all dead -- taught me how to fight.
Probably, he wouldn't want me to tell you, but farik was one of them.
Doesn't surprise me.
I loved america, man.
But she never came not for us.
Please have your 4-digit ident numbers ready.
Darwyn Al-Hakim! How are you doing, Darwyn? All right, I guess.
All right.
After three months in deep cover, an FBI agent's supposed to report to Quantico for treatment, rehab, posttraumatic stress syndrome.
You're going on six months, Dar.
Now, I know you didn't get any real treatment while you were under at Lompoc.
I'm getting a little worried about you.
Maybe it's time I hooked you up with a therapist.
I'll tell you what I need, Ray.
I need the mega hut to make sure my backstop is fucking airtight.
This Farik -- he's all over my story, not just at Lompoc, but at Atwater, too.
That's what I need.
All right.
I get you.
I get it.
Hey, man, no need to apologize.
You're kicking ass out there.
We got surveillance on all those locations you're feeding us.
We're starting on the people, too -- their movements, their communications.
By this time tomorrow, we're gonna be all over their trash.
According to Farik, this is military-issue cipro.
Maybe you can trace it, find out where it's coming from.
Now, he says he received his advance military training in Georgia.
I'm thinking Fort Benning.
They get a lot of foreign students there.
I can get an origin on this phone card in a few minutes.
It'll probably take me a couple hours to clone this pager.
You got any idea what they're planning? Nono.
My bet is the only one who knows the plan is Farik, and he's still testing me.
The bomb -- that bombing last night in Qatar what about it? He knew it was gonna happen -- time, place.
Whoever this guy is, he's the real thing, and you can bet, whatever the plan is, it's gonna be big.
You should know that there's a whole lot of people way above my pay grade that are arguing about putting an end to all this -- bringing all these son of a bitches in.
That's bullshit.
That's bullshit, Ray.
We've only got five guys.
That's just one plane on 9/11, man.
We could pick them all up.
We could sweat the shit out of them.
You could even go Abu Ghraib on Farik's ass, and you could still have two buildings coming down or worse.
That's what we're trying to prevent, right? You got You got to let me play this out till the end.
How's Angela? She's good and still hot and happy as hell I'm not doing what you're doing.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, when neo-nazi militia become the big thing again, you're gonna get your shot.
Oh, man.
I got to tell you, I'm in fucking awe of what you're putting yourself through, and I want you to know that whatever I got to do to back you up, you consider it done.
But whatever you have to do to stay safe, you do it.
Well, can't live forever.
You know, it says in the koran, "god gave u life and will cause you to die.
" Still got your faith, huh? You know what "islam" means in arabic? No.
"Surrender to god's will and peace.
" These guys have nothing to do with my faith.
Excuse me, uh, Darwyn? Hi.
I was, uh, coming home from work.
I just thought I'd, uh, come by and say hello.
Didn't get your number before, but, um, bobby told me where you were working, so Hey, Mike, can I get a break? Thanks.
So you always want to work at a supermarket when you grew up? Did you always want to be a single mom? Life doesn't always work out the way you plan, huh? No.
You know, Marcus keeps asking about you? Yeah? He says you remind him of the black guy in "Star Wars.
" Sam Jackson or, uh, Billy Dee? - Billy Dee? - Billy Dee! Darwyn, that's not old school.
That's ancient.
What can I tell you? You can tell me what time you get off.
Marcus is at a sleepover at my sister's, so I got a little break.
I was thinking, you know, if you're not busy I like you, Gayle.
Well, that's good, 'cause I like you, too, Darwyn.
It's just my life is very complicated right now.
You know, um life is always complicated, Darwyn.
There's never really a good time.
I should probably get back to work.
You don't know me, Gayle.
I know my kid likes you.
That doesn't mean anything.
Yes, it does.
He hates every man I meet.
When you're with me, you're nice.
Whatever else you do, your job, your life I don't care -- not now.
Maybe later, but not now.
What's wrong? You must you must think I am such a desperate fucking loser.
What are you talking about? Look at me.
I'm in bed with someone I don't even know, who happens to be an ex-con.
You didn't do this on your own.
You're not the only one who's feeling a little weird.
Muslims aren't even supposed to have sex outside of marriage.
No kidding? Same with catholics.
Hey, we're all conceived in sin, right? Actually, we don't believe in original sin.
Islam says that people start out innocent and only become sinful when and if they do something consciously wrong.
What we just did it didn't feel wrong, did it? You want to leave? Only if you want me to.
No, that's not what I want.
Farihah al-harithi, known to her friends as "Farrah," lived in the neighborhood, the daughter of local yemeni-american immigrants who have built a successful life for themselves since arriving here just after she was born.
But the Al-Harithi's family's american dream turned to tragedy when their 17-year-old daughter was found stabbed to death late this morning.
Allah! - Gayle, there's someone at the door.
- Huh? Someone's at the door? Who the fuck is that? It's 1:00 in the morning.
- Who is it? - It's me -- Bobby.
- What do you want, man? - Hey, there's been an emergency.
Farik's toilets overflowed, and the whole place is flooded.
He said you were a good plumber, so can you? I just need to make a phone call.
My parole officer -- is gonna be really pissed off if you wake him up in the middle of the night, Sowe got to go now.
- How'd you know I was here? - Nadia saw you guys pull up together.
Thought you said you were gonna page us? I didn't want to interrupt you.
Get in.
Sleeping with the infidel? Go on.
Get in.
- So, where are we going? - Paradise, of course.
If I take the 10 west, what could I hit? The ocean.
Hit the PCH, then turn north to Diablo Canyon or south to San Clemente.
Anyone else knows what's located at these two destinations? Hmm? Darwyn, go ahead.
Tell them.
Nuclear power plants.
That's right -- california's only two.
Who's next? Take the 405 to Westwood.
Bad choice.
Institutions of higher learnings are unacceptable targets.
Too much potential support there.
Christian, you're always making fun of americans.
You don't seem ready to bring them to their knees.
I don't pick targets.
I just destroy them.
The rest is up to you and the Ulama.
I got one.
Take the 405 south to L.
It's one of the busiest airports in the world.
Not bad.
Ilija, that leaves you.
Take the 101 to the 134, merge onto the 210, exit in Pasadena, hit the Rose Bowl.
Whoops, Farik, I might have trouble.
What are you talking about? I left my wallet in el segundo.
I got to get it.
I got, got to get it.
You grew up in Bosnia listening to a tribe called quest? "People's instinctive travels and the paths of rhythm" came out in 1990, before everything went to hell in Sarajevo.
The best hip-hop album of all time.
Capacity of the Rose Bowl? Approximately 90,000.
Are any of these places close to our real target? Even if they were, I wouldn't tell you.
Not yet.
Hey, Farik, you watch the news tonight? Of course.
Anything jump out at you? The two bombings in Iraq? I'm talking local news.
You refer to the matter of honor? Yeah, that's right.
The girl.
It was a community service.
The father wanted an objective confirmation before he could feel comfortable doing the right thing.
You helped promote virtue and prevent vice.
You have a problem with that? I just like to be told what I'm doing before I do it.
Whenever possible, you will be.
When it's not possible, you won't.
Bobby, Darwyn Start digging.
Cold, huh? That's the desert at night for you.
She's a cold bitch, but if you feel the cold, you know you're alive.
Some of us, perhaps all of us, are gonna be dead soon -- or worse, in Guantanamo Bay.
Our one chance at striking a blow against the great Shaytan stolen at the very last minute.
It could happen.
It will happen if we're not careful, if we talk out of turn, if we risk exposing ourselves and our brothers with us.
Without absolute discipline, I promise you, we will not succeed.
One of us is a traitor.
Do you agree, in order to succeed, we need absolute discipline.
Brother Darwyn Al-Hakim? Brother Abdullah Habib? Of course, Farik.
Of course.
This man has endangered us all.
And far more important, he has endangered the job we are here to do -- the blessed and holy task it shall be our honor and destiny to fulfill.
He says I'm wrong, but I'm never wrong about such things.
For those of you not fluent in the dialect of the Cairo slums, I will translate.
Our comrade here is speaking to his uncle in Egypt about us, bragging.
We can only pray that the NSA is not listening to a recording of that same conversation right now.
What we do, what we say, what we plan is never discussed with anyone else -- not one word ever! Not with your Imam, not with your wife, not with your children, not with your brother, not with your sister, or your whore, or your fucking uncle! Try to die like a man, even if you couldn't live like one.
Ilija, Christian.
I did nothing! Start digging.
Our traditional punishment since the days of the prophets Please, don't do it! No! Pleasedon't No! No! Don't do it! Tommy, don't do it! Don't! I'm begging you! I'm begging you, don't! Please! - It's your turn.
- No, no, no! Darwyn, please.
No, no! Christian, no! Bowling.
You go ahead.
He wasn't a traitor.
He was just sloppy.
What about his wife and kid? They'll be looked after.
He didn't brag to them.
What are you doing? Digging out the bullet.
We leave no evidence behind.
We'll bury the rest of him.
You try something like that again, and we will have a problem.
But for now, be proud.
Take my hand.
Repeat after me.
I pledge my absolute fealty to a life of struggle, a life of jihad I pledge my absolute fealty to a life of struggle, a life of jihad against all enemies of god against all enemies of god and any who break this oath, break it to their own hurt and any who break this oath, break it to their own hurt but who so fulfills this covenant with god, god will give him a mighty reward.
But who so fulfills this covenant with god, god will give him a mighty reward.
Welcome to Beit Al-Shuhada.
"The house of the martyrs.
" She's beautiful, no? It's freaking me out.
She looks so much like my wife.
- You're married? - Yes.
My wife's moroccan.
I love her very much, but I also hate her.
She brought me to god but refuses to follow me all the way.
I used to beat up her brothers and cousins, you know? Of course you did.
Jesus christ, man.
Where the hell you been? We lost you on the freeway stack, and you never called.
It doesn't matter.
What do you mean? I'm in.

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