Halfworlds (2015) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I'm sorry.
Where are you going? -I do not know.
What are you listening? -Metal.
I do not like.
What kind of music do you prefer? -Classical.
Demi Gods created in a fiery mountain, but this same mountain, which gave them life, sowed the seeds of their destruction.
Only blade forged in the sacred Mountains can kill Demi.
Many daggers were created dark for this purpose.
But beyond life and death gods and gave them hope.
They promised Demi, it will come back with a gift, you will get the most worthy among them.
The selected should make the altar three sacred symbols.
And the gods will say favorite children when will present their gift.
Halfworlds Hello.
You have no job.
Have you seen my folder? Are you sure it is not in Chalky or "moth"? Yes, I'm sure.
you'll find her.
You should.
It's important.
Especially now.
you'll draw all over again.
I can not.
It's not that easy.
Which picture looking? -One with palasika.
a female head, which hang from the guts it? It's not funny.
Of course.
Do you have books about them? -For palasitsite you? No.
There is something called "Internet".
-You know I do not have a computer.
What raises this passion? -You do not understand.
Then tell me.
Why are they so important? I have no time.
Who are you? -Who are you? A friend of Eddie.
-Eddie's dead.
I know.
He did not answer my question.
Officer I am.
Do not whisk badges like in the movies.
I've come to take pictures.
-What pictures? I gave Eddie I took his own drawings.
I want to get them back.
-What problem you have with the cops? I'm sure management I have a thick file.
But now you do not have anything against me.
If this is not questioning will go.
Would not invaded a crime scene in the name of art.
How will prove, that the drawings are yours? What is it? -Nothing drawings.
What do you want from me? -Do me a favor.
What? -Have a little faith in people.
Leave me your address.
I have no address.
Come on, I will not say your.
-And parents do not.
Here is hot.
I'm Tony.
-That you managed to invent? Sorry.
I am shy.
Vodka martini, please.
And whatever drink lady.
Vodka martini and lemon.
-Yes, thank you.
What's your name? -You can call me Ross.
And you do not have pains to impress me.
You're beautiful.
-How banal.
Excuse me, but the drink is mine.
No problem.
One more, please.
I was talking to the lady.
Echo? weary of my girlfriend.
Hello? Excuse me? She's with me.
You have a good heart.
-What? Your heart - pounding.
Fucking weirdo.
Be careful not to spill.
Damn! -Calm.
Honey, I always go here.
Next time, call me, say something.
What's going on? Something happened.
They killed my friend.
-What? Eddie constantly giving me food.
My God.
I'm very sorry.
Sarah Do not get me wrong, but this type is everywhere.
Who is he? -None.
Believe me, I do not lie.
Please do not throw them.
Why should I? I love you and I can not look so sad.
I'm not sad.
You're lying.
investigator! You have chosen a terrible place for a meeting.
Really? For it is ideal.
Keep so, and you see the cemetery.
What do you want, Marnie? What is it? This symbol has not been seen by 300 years There was a time.
It takes all three, to get the gift.
You know too much about death.
Draw them alone on parchment.
It is a taboo for our species.
If we try to fake, waiting for our death.
Firad is dead.
-I understand.
Who will get the gift? -I do not know.
It's interesting, is not it? I want to see Dzhuragan.
Not the kind you want to tarnish workplace.
Aware of his.
Our species doubt, the boss you will keep order.
I can not be measured by his predecessors.
But it can be repaired.
It needs allies.
I'm sure, he would be angry if she that you prevent him from finding them.
This would need.
-So they sought.
-Fuck you, Marnie.
"Happy peace.
" Are you sure this is the place? -Yes, you know? See? I'm happy! He left because of that?! He likes to live with the dead.
Tony? Hassan! Go back to the room.
It took quite a while.
How long we have not seen Tony? years.
Hassan forget something important.
We are fast.
Tell me.
What do you like most about men? They know that they will die.
And we know that we will die.
Demitskite blades kill us.
You have made quite such.
-What do you want? Elders, of course.
He was one of them.
Where meet? -If I tell you, he will kill me.
Who? -Dzhuragan.
Dzhuragan? -She'll send it.
You're afraid not to happen with your wife's death? Your eye will not grow again.
-Tell us where they are collected.
Omar is a strange creature.
You know why? Lobsters grow by changing shells.
You know? I do not understand, sir.
I do not watch documentaries.
Because keep order on the streets.
Lobsters grow and change their shells.
Once out of one, form a new one that is more robust.
Imagine how hurt to lose your skin.
I need to show you something.
I'm sure that you are familiar.
Lost Symbol.
Excellent work.
Where's Demi, which is expected to get a gift? Firad you? It's dead, sir.
Who killed him? -More investigate the case.
Perhaps another demi, who is trying to get the gift.
Why do not you give your trusted Demi? You need allies.
I do not think you need to bribe them.
You insult me.
-I'm sorry.
I had no such intention.
You believe still I can take care of order here? Yes, I'm sure, sir.
We live in a half-world, which demons among us.
duty of my family for many generations to maintain balance in this world.
Yes, sir.
You're a good man, investigator.
And do not forget to watch documentaries.
Acting refreshing.
There is another problem.
A girl.
He knows too much.
For? -For the others.
Nadia killed her parents and now it people around.
Do not I care about her, sir? No.
Should not we keep polusvetovete secret? What do I do with it? You're a cop, investigator.
We need to keep citizens.
Keep an eye on the girl.
Marlon, fool.
I'm not so shocking! -I'm sorry.
This is my folder you? -Yes.
Where did he find - in "moth" or at the gym? This area is dangerous.
Let's talk somewhere else.
I must tell you something for palasitsite.
The first data palasitsite date not long ago.
Maybe 300 years ago -It's a long time.
On the contrary, in comparison with other creatures of legend.
The data for palasik connected with the disappearance of embryos from the bellies of expectant mothers.
How are stolen? Palasitsite them suck.
Thank you.
If these creatures exist, why no one has seen them? Because no longer seem so, but like us.
What was the hell? Shit! Do something! -What? Help! It's you! Did you bring anything coveted? Do you want the rest? Take them.
And do not forget to pay them.
HDTVRip by 5rFF Translation ANNA DELCHVA
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