Hello Tomorrow! (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

[FASTBALL FRANK] Oh, no, no, no, caller.
You're wrong as lace panties
on a hog in hot number two.
That kid's got
scrape-your-jaw-off-the-turf talent
with a heart true as grandma's gravy.
And I'll eat a zone-catcher's gym
sock if he doesn't come out tonight
pitching nuke-the-town heat.
That's right, Vistaville.
You're talking Volts' Jetball
with Fastball Frank on WYBS.
your queen who rules the scene
with Marvin, Vistaville's
HoverCar King
Joe. You look spiffy. Big plans today?
I'm trying out this
new day job, actually.
It's a It's a pretty
great opportunity.
It won't interfere with my
shifts, though. I promise.
I see. Your life, your business.
It's in sales.
Kind of a big change, but with Ma's
hospital bills and everything I
- Sales, huh?
I never figured you for
the greedy, shifty type.
But hey, you go get 'em, hotshot.
And if you're not a
millionaire by tonight,
I got another shipment you can hump.
Right. Well, thank you, Mr.
Hartoonian. I knew you'd understand.
There's absolutely no
reason for alarm. Stop.
Up here, today's a day like any
other, spirits are sky-high. Stop.
Of course, minor launch
delays are a natural part
of any growing Lunar operation. Stop.
Funds are out to your sales
managers to cover any refunds,
but we trust that you'll
keep our customers' eyes
on tomorrow's smiles, not today's delay.
Sincerely, new line, Stanley
Jenkins, comma, Brightside Lunar HQ.
Morning, Boss. Ready for your
shave, plus cooling lotion?
[JACK SIGHS] Goddamn it!
Not today!
To all account managers, new
line. For immediate action.
Oh. Usually, I'm the first one down.
Oh. Textbook desperation-punctuality.
Look at him eating his eggs.
Like a born nobody going nowhere.
Hey. Big morning for ya, huh, there
- Mmm.
- uh [CLICKS TONGUE] uh, Jerry?
Joey. Uh, and it's nice
to see you guys again.
Call me Mr. Nickels,
and that's Mr. Porter.
[SMACKS LIPS] So, you ever
sold anything before, Son?
Oh, no. I've mostly
just worked in groceries.
Retail? Wow. [CHUCKLES]
[STAMMERS] You know, you really
blink a lot when you talk.
Might wanna work on that, seriously.
Some say it gives the unconscious
idea that that you're half a perv.
- [HERB] Mm-hmm.
- That's a free tip.
Tip I was going to say is,
how the customer is always
the most important thing,
and never push them, but
never take no for an answer.
'Cause at the end of the day,
what comes first is
always the Brightside.
- Uh-huh? [LAUGHS]
- Uh-huh. [LAUGHS]
[JACK] What a morning! Right, Shirl?
Wire came in for ya.
[SHIRLEY] Listen to this from the moon.
Jenkins says no launches
till next quarter.
That's cash to refund whoever wants out.
Goddamn it! We're out there
giving people our word.
Our bosses turned us
into a bunch of liars.
And I got a day's worth of no-fun
calls, letting everyone know it.
Well, you make a root
canal sound like great news.
Then how does this sound?
Those leads are limp.
We need to move on from Vistaville
or find a way to cast a wider net.
- Now, I was thinking
- Enough with the wide-net talk.
We're juggling the
whole fruit bowl as is.
And you know, great salesmen
Make their own turf.
More like I make the turf.
But it's a nice saying.
I've seen worse. Ah, here's one.
Give the new kid half a shot.
You're gonna burn a good
lead on a kid you just met?
We both know he's not
closing anything today.
Oh, wow. We're gonna have a
hell of a day proving you wrong.
Sometimes you're like
talking to a brick wall, Jack.
World's made out of brick walls, Shirl.
Hey, have you seen this?
Jack, it's Sal from Silver Creek.
My oldest, Nina,
and then this little rascal, Vinny.
He's trouble, just like Gramps.
I just can't wait to get up to the moon.
We've got the whole clan back
together again thanks to you.
I'm forever grateful
to you, Jack. Take care.
Cute kid.
[CHUCKLES] Kind of makes
all that talk about refunds
- and wide nets seem pretty silly, right?
He gets to be a dad again.
And we did that for him.
- What's better than that?
- [EDDIE] Heya, Boss.
- [HERB] Can't wait to get started today.
- That's a new suit, isn't it?
- Looking sharp.
- Yeah. Good morning, fellas.
Ah, God, great to see
the three of you together.
Some leads for ya.
And I think I will ride with Joe
today, maybe learn a thing or two.
[LAUGHS] Great one, Mr. Billings.
Uh, I'm sorry.
Are these today's leads,
or are they rejected obituaries
for being too depressing?
- Now, don't tell me you're scared.
- [HERB] Don't you be afraid, Joey.
Remember, you will never be worse
at this job than you are today.
Oh, he's not afraid. He's, uh
He's, uh Oh. Huh.
Oh, no, it's, uh
[EXHALES DEEPLY] it-it's fine.
- Um, it's actually wiping out just great.
- No, no. Hey, don't sweat it, kid.
mornings, I'm much worse.
And I got an extra that'll
go great with that suit.
Let's leave these guys
here to gripe without us.
- [JOEY] Thanks.
- For the record, I had no gripes!
Uh, shut up, Herb.
Here. I saved you boys a decent one.
Pull yourself out of the hole, Ed.
Oh, God bless you, Shirl.
You're like one of those
furry dogs in the snow
with the booze thing around its neck.
Yeah. Maybe you can remind Jack
that this is a business, not a day care.
- Yeah, gladly. Come on, come on.
a wonderful morning.
Did you look at the
Thanks again for the
loaner, Mr. Billings.
- Five bucks you call me that again.
All right. Deal, Jack.
Oh. The tie was my old man's.
It looks pretty good on you.
Hey, you ready to take your first swing?
[STAMMERS] Uh, sure. But I'm
not gonna watch you do it first?
What, and get twice as nervous waiting?
[STAMMERS] No, no,
no. I-I just mean, um,
I read up on everything
that you gave me.
I I I just I
don't, uh, I don't [GASPS]
You're gonna do great, kid.
Okay? This is not half as
hard as asking out a girl.
- And who's any good at that? [CHUCKLES]
- [CHUCKLES] All right, fair enough.
Um, well, how about your
first time behind the wheel?
Oh. I wouldn't really know about that.
Well, what have you been doing
with yourself, Joe? [CHUCKLES]
Ah, we Hey, no.
You ever play ball and,
uh, you face a full count,
you swing for the
Watched a lot more
than I played, I guess.
We got a bush league team over here.
Oh, wait. You don't say. [CHUCKLING]
What do you mean?
And here, why, I wasn't
even thinking you're a fan.
No, no, I'm I'm a
pretty big fan, actually.
Oh, well, I got us all
tickets this morning.
Uh, front row, right behind home zone.
game two of the semis.
CHUCKLES] Higgins is pitching.
- Well, yeah, exactly.
Only I was gonna tell you later,
like as a congrats on a great first day.
- Cat's out of the bag.
- [LAUGHS] Yeah.
Wow, Jack! I mean, I-I don't
know if I deserve it yet,
but I I I promise
I'm gonna earn it.
Well, then let's rip this Band-Aid
off and make a salesman out of you.
Okay. Yeah, here goes.
Can I help you?
Hi, yes. Uh, I'm Joey Shorter. Uh
- With, uh, Brightside Lunar Residences.
Um, you know, ma'am, uh,
a lot of people today
aren't actually even aware
of the kinds of opportunities,
uh, that are available to them
in terms of the, um,
uh, new kind of life
that you could actually afford.
[CHUCKLES] Well, maybe you've
got your hands a little full
with that little angel
there. We could come back?
- Sure, sure.
- Great. Thanks.
Y'all two gentlemen have a nice day.
Well, you have a nice day too, ma'am.
It's a beautiful fam Beautiful
That was worse than I thought.
It's great that you're
tough on yourself, but
that might have been the best
first shot I've ever seen.
[RESIDENT] Marv, hon!
You gotta see this!
Let's show Private Brownnoser
what grown men can do with
a choice lead, shall we?
No need for a pep talk, Ed.
I try my best no matter what.
This is perfect timing,
really. How soon can we go?
A woman who knows what she wants.
Earth's finest, rarest creature.
Check out that Jacuzzi.
Now, picture you, some
swank bit of swimwear
[MARVIN] What couldn't wait?
And who let in these bums?
Hon, you're gonna flip.
All those promises about
getting away together,
somewhere nice where we can be alone.
I found us the perfect place.
[HERB] I know, Mr. Mayburn. But
most difficult decisions in my life,
my wife always has
the exact right answer.
Uh, I should also mention
we have time-shares available
for the occasional
escapade. No big commitment,
- you sneak in a little bit of fun.
- [MARVIN] I see.
I always thought it took movie-star
money to get up there, no?
I don't do escapades,
Marv. You said just us.
Exactly! A home you could
both share together forever.
Or sometimes a real man
likes to keep his options open
affordably and discreetly.
- Are you six years old?
- I'm not going to answer that.
Then how about laying back on this one,
'cause you're way in
the dark here, okay?
[CINDY] You got a problem, Mister?
No, ma'am. No, ma'am. It's all
It's hunky-dory with me. It's beautiful.
- It's It's natural. [CLICKS TONGUE]
No, sir, love's a many-splendored thing.
Get the hell out of my house, you creep.
- Can I
- Get the hell out!
- Okay.
- [MARVIN] Now!
So, usually at lunch,
we do an update on all the
things that are going really good.
I try to at least.
I didn't get in a single door.
Ooh, doctor, front-porch-itis.
Possible terminal case.
Jack's been really nice, though.
Hate to think that I'm letting him down.
[HERB] Probably are.
Not getting in the door is about
the worst thing that you could do.
Said the drooling man-child who
just botched a sure thing B-Plex.
I wouldn't give up on that lead, Ed.
Hey, remember that
D-Plex that I sold to you?
What great things did I say
then that might help you now?
Well, you were real knowledgeable.
And, uh
it was more Jack's speech, honestly.
[STAMMERS] Him calling Buck
Manzell didn't hurt either.
[SCOFFS] One born every minute.
Who, me?
You really think that an American legend
like Mr. Manzell is
gonna hop on the phone
twice a week from his
A-Plex just to sell for us?
It was actually prerecorded.
It's kind of, like,
this trick that Jack does
to warm up the crowd. [CHUCKLES]
That's sales, rookie.
Really sorry the Easter Bunny wasn't
here to break that news to you.
No, I know.
Know what? Uh, you two
can sit here chatting
like grannies at bingo.
I got units to move.
He's pretty hardworking, huh?
We all are.
I'm gonna finish my food fast, and
get back out there. You should too.
[PANTS, SCOFFS] Look at you.
Ah, shit!
[JACK] Five behind home
zone. Whatever it costs.
What exactly are we celebrating?
Hey, it's a ball game, Shirl. [CHUCKLES]
You got hot dogs, happy
families, fresh-cut grass.
You don't like that,
something's wrong with you.
And, uh, get some popcorn for
the boys with the change. You too.
- Am I writing this off as an expense?
- Course not. It's on me.
Spoke to most of our sales about
the delay. Out of 48, we lost six.
The Mitchells need to
launch before the baby comes.
Figure try them back in a few months.
And the Pearlmans are worried
there's no chiropractor.
Low gravity is great for the spine.
I'm trying to keep
these folks happy, Jack.
But I call with bad news,
and they start imagining
a million new problems.
But that's a great sign, Shirl.
They tell us their problems,
they trust us enough to solve 'em.
The kid get inside a door even?
He will. And I'll tell you
all about it at the game.
- If he doesn't?
- Never thought about it.
That's why I have to.
How about if he doesn't, you let him go?
Get your mind back on sales.
[BLOWS] That's pretty cold, Shirl.
But sure.
- I'll lay the house on him any day.
- I got your word on that?
I'll shout it from the
goddamn rafters if I have to.
You can't save everyone, Jack.
We do welcome pets. [CHUCKLES]
Here I am, laid off after
20 years taking it no grease,
and you wanna pinch
what little I got left
with this shined-up horseshit?
Well [STAMMERS] a man
like you doing such hard work,
- I'm sure you earned a carefree getaway.
- Not from you. Thanks.
Don't take it from me. I
mean, just look at the numbers.
Tell me, do you own your home?
Why don't you tell me how many
pencil-dick suits does it take
to screw a town of good people to death?
You've got us all wrong, Mister.
I'm actually from Vistaville
You're scum! Rotten
bloodsuckers, all of youse!
- I'm sorry you feel
- So he's scum with his ambition?
His bright future? That's
great advice coming from
a ham-faced, slobbering
drun [GRUNTS]
Oh. You must be Mrs. Mayburn.
I am, but whatever you're selling,
my husband handles all that. [CHUCKLES]
Right. Have a nice day now.
Forgive me, ma'am, but
are you totally sure
that this is as happy a
home as you think it is?
Excuse me?
I know firsthand [INHALES DEEPLY]
that a loving
marriage is built on trust.
So, if you're planning a getaway
or a fresh start somewhere
very far away from here,
I would do my best to
give you a great deal.
[SCOFFS] That's enough, thanks.
Are you familiar with a Cindy?
I met her. Here.
And all I could say is a woman
of quality, like yourself,
deserves better.
[BREATHES SHAKILY] Easy for you to say.
If it helps, he was ready
to do the same thing to you.
Could be the escape
you've always dreamed of.
Well, you know what?
I learned a lot today.
There are gonna be more
leads tomorrow, right?
You remember the grandma
that you had earlier,
who begged off to get her cookies
out of the oven? She liked you.
[STAMMERS] I guess.
So, pretend that I'm her, okay?
You just gave a good pitch.
The smell of cookies is
drifting in from the kitchen.
Now I gotta go get 'em out of the
oven before they burn. You're up.
[INHALES DEEPLY] Okay, uh, well, ma'am,
if I could just have another
moment of your time
No, no, no. They're burning
right now. I just told you that.
Well, I'm happy to wait on
the stoop until you get back
Like a Peeping Tom? Oh, no thanks.
Trust me, ma'am, you don't
know the opportunities
- that you're missing on the moon.
- So now I'm stupid?
- I'm d
- Smell the cookies, Joe!
Your grandchildren
would have a great asset
- that you can leave to
- Jesus!
Smell 'em. And what do you say?
[GULPS] Smells pretty good.
Pardon me, sonny?
Little hard of hearing.
[STAMMERS] The cookies
smell great, ma'am.
[CHUCKLES] Wh What are
What are they, chocolate chip?
Well, yes. Thank you for asking finally.
Now, would you like to come
in and share one with me,
and sell me on my new life
that I desperately need?
Because my husband is
dead, my kids don't call,
and I spend my days baking
cookies and eating them alone.
Do you think she's really that sad?
And if we don't help her, who will?
[CHUCKLES] What if
What if I didn't actually
smell the cookies?
You better damn well
find a way to smell 'em.
How about we try another one, okay?
Just get inside one door.
Okay. Okay.
All right.
[JACK] Come on, kid.
Let's go, Joe.
Find a way.
Come on, Joe.
[LAUGHS] Yeah! There he is!
That's my boy.
- [EDDIE] Ow.
- [GASPS] The hell, Eddie?
- Ow.
- Who are you hiding from?
What, is napping a criminal offense now?
So that solemn vow you made last
night, all blubbering and naked,
how I'm the only bet you'll
ever need, that didn't stick?
It stuck. And then it unstuck.
- Mmm.
- What the
Shirley, what what is this?
Maybe you're unfamiliar. It's
money that hasn't been pissed away.
[EDDIE] They let you
hold bags that size,
and you didn't tell me about it?
Yeah, don't get too aroused. It's
refunds. They're pushing launches.
Sweet sadistic Christ.
Are you kidding me?
Humble salesmen are already drowning.
Now they're gonna throw
that turd in the pool?
Jack's taking the new kid to a
ball game. We get to tag along.
Is that right?
Shir Shir Wait, Shirley?
I'm having a vision of me and that
bag at a game at a wager window,
and many, if not all,
of my financial problems
just valiantly solved.
Maybe we can find a better
plan than you losing more money
that you don't have. Hmm?
Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to game two of the semifinals
- at Volt Park in Vistaville
for tonight's match-up
between the Denver Dynamos
- and the Vistaville Volts.
- [JACK] Look at these seats, right?
- Yeah.
- Never been this close before.
- [JACK] You earned this today.
Tore off the training
wheels, never looked back.
Might have helped if I
had actually made the sale.
Ah. Now, as your boss, I'm telling
you to forget about all of that
and enjoy the game. Okay?
[SIGHS] Right.
Hey, guys? Great seats.
You know I played right zone
in junior high, right? Nacho?
Watch hi Shirley, Shirl,
watch Higgins' lateral.
Tell me that is not a
game-botching hammy injury
he is hiding at plus 160,
and us with a rare
capital opportunity here.
You're hallucinating.
He's just stretching.
[EDDIE] What? Look at him.
your queen who rules the scene,
with a royal deal on high-class wheels.
Oh, this putz. In real life,
this guy is unnervingly tall,
he two-times his wife,
and he's got a scraggly
dusting of chest hair.
But he's the one rolling in dough.
Vistaville's hovercar king.
"Great salesmen make their own turf."
Shir Where are you going?
Look at him, Herb, he's
practically crippled.
Oh, gee I I forgot that
thing in in Shirley's car.
melting NachoPole here.
Ah, you know what's missing?
A couple of cold ones.
You want to come track
down a BarBot with me?
- No, I'm fine.
- None for me, thanks.
[EDDIE SIGHS] Come on. Come
on. Where's that damn car?
[HERB] Selling one would be
a great next goal for you.
For now, you should be proud.
Getting in the door is a good step,
considering how bad you were doing.
Hey, can I can I tell you
something? Just between us?
Sure. I'm very trustworthy.
I didn't actually get
in that door today.
I just paid the guy ten bucks
to let me stand inside a while.
I don't know. For Jack, you know?
Well, you ended up lying to
him, which is definitely worse.
Right, yeah. Feels that way.
Hey, Joey?
I can keep this a secret.
I'm just worried it's
gonna hang over your head
the rest of your career.
Hey, can you, um
Do you think you could
[SIGHS] give this to Jack
when he gets back, and just tell him
- [STAMMERS] that I'm sorry?
- [HERB] Sure thing.
rise for the national anthem.
[SIGHS] Shit. Shit. [GRUNTING]
Goddamn it, Shirl.
Come on.
- [UMPIRE] Play ball.
end of the fifth inning,
number 15, Johnny Zapp.
He got in a door,
Shirl. Goddamn, did it.
You did right by him, Jack.
Not your fault he's not ready.
- Third striker. You are out.
Three, two, one, blast off.
[HERB] Hey, that's our ad.
a new beginning beyond the stars.
Goddamn, Shirl. That's how
you spent it? The balls on you.
Lunar Residences are the new
[HERB] Look at this crowd.
Imagine if we sold all of them.
collection of fully furnished
What do you say, Jack?
Making our own turf.
You're way out of your depth.
Shirl, how are we supposed
to handle this type of volume?
You got no clue how
this is gonna play out.
is where the happiness is,
not the headaches. Where you're free
easy to be your best.
To live, love and laugh, and
leave the strains and stresses
[MR. HARTOONIAN] Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Well, that's not where
I would have put 'em.
But hey, that's why God made mops.
Don't hurt yourself helping out
too much there, Mr. Salesman.
Guess you hit the jackpot today, huh?
That's why you're still
half asleep on the job.
- I can take care of this on my own.
- Ooh, that bad out there, huh?
Well, I'm just glad
you're back in real life.
Hope you can stay a while.
You know, the day went great, actually.
I, uh, closed three before noon.
"One of the best days a
rookie's had," my boss said.
Really? You pulling my leg?
[SCOFFS] Thanks for believing in me.
Oh, no. Hey, hey, not that.
And the company's really taking off.
You know, Jack says it's an
opportunity for a real career.
[MR. HARTOONIAN] You don't say.
I guess people must really be
getting sick of life down here, huh?
[CHUCKLES] Sure. Well, I
mean, w Can you blame 'em?
I'll tell you one thing.
You're never gonna catch me in
one of those rockets. [SCOFFS]
No, of course. Of course not.
Boy, I mean, you have
your whole store here.
I mean, this place is your whole world.
[MUMBLES] Lemme tell ya,
you would not believe the
rockets they have now. Oof.
Plush seats, cocktail waitresses.
Hey, I get it's not for you.
[MARVIN] Myrtle?
Hey! Myrtle?
[SHOUTING] Myrtle!
[JOEY] Hey, Jack! Look.
Joey, hey.
[STAMMERS] I'm sorry that I cut
out of the game early, but, um,
I just [SIGHS] remembered
I had this great lead to work.
I, uh, sold him a C-Plex.
I knew you had it, kid.
Everything it's ever going
to take, you got it in you.
Well, I just did what you taught me.
"Smell the cookies,"
basically. [CHUCKLES]
How did How did it feel?
The best.
[CHUCKLES] I never found
anything to beat it.
Hey, what's going on in there?
Well, we're about to have a big night.
- Yeah, I heard the ad on the radio.
- Mm-hmm.
- It's pretty neat.
- Mmm.
Aren't we gonna answer them?
Just waiting on a little help.
Hi, this is Joey Shorter
- with Brightside Lunar Residences.
- [CALLER] Oh. Hello.
And how can I be of assistance, ma'am?
Absolutely, of course.
Now we have multiple plans that I'm
sure you'll be over the moon about.
We have A-Plex, B-Plex or a
C-Plex if you would prefer.
Of course, D-Plex is, uh, one
that I started with, but honestly,
when I got up there, I knew that
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