Selection Day (2018) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

1 He wants another 500.
Is everyone in this city a cold-hearted bloodsucker? If you wanted an easy life you could have stayed in the village.
- Tell him he is a thief.
- Don't you want to get in? Let them in.
Get ready.
Tie your pads.
We can't play here.
Tie your pads.
Who is your best bowler? This field is for Panthers only.
I I bet you, sir.
Even your best bowler cannot dismiss my boys.
How much, boss? We can easily get money, Coach? I've trained my boys from birth to be world class batsmen.
You just watch them how they play.
And I trained my cat to play the violin, but it's never going to win India's Got Talent.
Come on.
Sir, something is wrong here.
Call the security quickly.
My boy is a champion.
- What? You scared? - Enough is enough.
Get lost! Do it.
Sir, please, five more minutes.
- OK.
- It's too much fun.
I'll bowl.
What's going on over here? Sir, are you from the management? Your coach is an imbecile.
- My boys are - You need to leave.
They are world-class batsmen.
I'll give them permission to join your club, sir.
Get them out of here.
- Just watch them play.
- We have rules here.
We have a waiting list and fees.
You chose by wealth not talent? People like you will never allow talent to come forward.
This country will never be great.
Forget these pygmy panthers.
We will join a proper club.
It's a letter of understanding.
How charming of you to explain.
Look, it doesn't tie you to anything, it just it gives me first rights in case you chose to sell the land.
Shouldn't there be a wad of cash or something, attached to this letter? There can be.
I I didn't want you to think I was pressurizing you into anything.
Or maybe you're just being tight.
It's an open secret you got no money, honey.
Look, I can bring the money.
You know, this is the fifth time you visited.
Normally, I'd welcome such attention from a man half my age still in posession of his own hair, but somehow not with you.
So let's just drop the charade, my answer will never change.
If you sell me the ground, you can pump the money into the school.
Look, I'm I'm not just talking about a new coat of paint here, I'm talking about an entirely new building, state-of-the-art.
Attracting the best pupils, and the best teachers.
Everybody wins.
The boys.
Come on.
Get out of here! Now! These rascals just sneak in.
- You're making a big mistake.
- I'll see my mistakes.
Get lost! Let's go.
Excuse me.
I have an appointment with your manager today.
He's been dragging us around for hours.
Why did he bring us here? We always knew this day would come.
It's all part of the plan.
It's okay for you.
This is what you want.
I've never lied to you, Manju.
He hasn't even talked about school, it's always about cricket.
Is that what the sad face is about? I have to study.
Mum would say the same.
He's only doing this cos she's not here.
Listen, Manju.
I know it's tough for you.
He's a bastard for springing it on us, but we will get you to school.
You'll get your science stuff.
We stick to our deal.
The more you help me Manju, the sooner we both will be free.
What are you whispering? Let's go.
We have plenty more clubs to visit.
Good morning.
- Don't worry, she'll sign.
- Yeah.
You know that fellow Anand We need the money, I know that, but he's just not sympathical.
You know what I mean? I mean, he looks like a person, he talks and breathes like a person, but, it's just a space where a person should be.
I don't think you'd like him.
Wouldn't want him to have your pitch, would we? What did we learn today? That the plan sucks.
- What's that? - I said the system is stacked against the little guy.
There are 20 other clubs we could visit, but the answer will always be the same.
We are dirt to them.
What did I teach you about revenge? Revenge .
Selection Day.
That is when we will take our revenge.
How can we be spotted for Selection if we don't even have a team? Come on, get up.
Look at it this way.
Today was for learning.
It was all part of the plan.
Drink up.
Tomorrow you're going to a field which worshiped by many.
Where Sachin became a great! That's where your real journey to glory begins.
The pitches here are bumpy, and the opponents are rough.
Bones will break, but you will become hard, durable and brilliant.
And destiny will find you.
Let's go for a walk.
Can't sit on your backside forever feeling sorry for yourself.
Geeta, okay.
Where are we going? I have two of the world's best batsmen.
Anyone willing to play with them? Who has the courage? No one here brave enough? Come on! Do you still remember the six vows that you made on our wedding day, right here? Number one, you showed me your salary statement: 'Read it and understand I'm not a man meant to be rich in life'.
Two, you don't believe in God, or three, watch movies, whether in Hindi, English or Marathi.
Four, likewise for live theatrical productions.
Do you remember five? Any type of cricket is being played in the city of Mumbai Ranji, Giles, Harris, Kanga or Purushottam, I will not be at home from breakfast to dinner.
And six? - Why did you bring me here? - Repeat for me please.
Before I die I want to discover a new Bradman or Gavaskar.
And coach him.
Have you completed vow number six? I think you should.
We're running out of time.
- You need to come forward.
- I just misjudged.
I thought you were the number one best batsmen.
I'm the number two.
Open your eyes.
Am I dead? Not for another 65 years.
Though I can change that if you want.
Tell me What do you want, Manju? Can they see you? It's just you and me on this wavelength, baby.
Tell me, what do you want? I want to help my brother be the world's best batsman.
I thought you wanted to be an engineer or a research scientist.
Omniscience is one of the very few perks of being a deity.
But I need to help Radha first.
That's our deal, we will help each other.
It's how we get to be free.
Because our father is That's why I'm here.
I like science too.
But don't you agree, it's getting so complicated these days.
Come on, get up, let's have some fun.
Are you okay, Manju? I'm okay.
I can play.
So, see Manju, I'm a scholar in war, philosophy, logic, divinity and analytics, but the scientific motion of the universe to my understanding.
Now, for example, I'm trying to wrap my head around time travel.
And in order to do that, I'll start by calculating the potential energy of a object gravitational force.
Not bad.
Now, if you take the standard value of G 9.
825 meters per second square That's my boy, Manjunath.
He has an average of 69.
23 over the past five years.
But he isn't even the best of my sons.
Good job, Manju.
Ready to take a turn? Now you're in trouble.
Here comes Champion Number One! Yes.
You're good at cricket, aren't you? Not like all the other losers who come to me to ask for blessings to improve their performance.
I don't even like cricket.
Ah, now that's your curse.
I'm cursed? Why? What have I done? Don't worry, I'm here now.
So now you're blessed as well.
- Why are you hitting so hard? - Fantastic! Yes, Tommy? Tell me.
There are two brothers playing here.
They both fit in all the criteria for Max's scholarship.
What do you care? You're only the art master.
Nellie, take them before someone else does.
Too late, - I've been offered a fortune for the pitch.
- Don't sell! These boys can turn our luck around.
If we , things will be easier, Nellie.
We can't win anything, brother.
Because we don't have a coach.
Now, if we only had a coach like you, who was willing to put his jumper back on and come onto the field, it would be a different story.
But we don't have such a coach.
Or do we? is this what you want for me? It's what everybody wants.
- We run a camp here for under 19s.
- Want some juice? We can give your boys a chance What about the fees? We do charge a certain fee.
- But since your boys are good we - Stop, forget it.
Excuse me, I'm a coach at Max Weinberg Academy.
I'd like to offer your boys our Founders' Scholarship.
Everything else will be free.
Weinberg Academy is not on my list.
Am I on your list? Narayan Sadashiv Kulkarni.
I'm also known as Tommy Sir.
You're Tommy Sir? You should be in a five-star hotel having tea with Sachin and the selectors.
No, I don't like tea.
- My boys will be superstars.
- Absolutely.
I've devoted my life to train them.
Why should I let someone come along to take the credit in the final months, before they hit the big time.
Hello, sir.
What's going on? Tommy Sir is offering you a scholarship.
Without fees.
Tommy Sir? The coach? Yes, the famous coach.
A legend.
Let's go.
The game is over.
Dad, what are you doing? Tommy Sir? - Sir, bless me.
- Please, don't.
"The whole system is against us.
No one will give us a chance.
" Just like you said But fate has finally smiled on us.
Your years of sacrifice have paid off.
We're on the Maidan, the same place where Sachin was found.
And now one of the greats has asked to be our coach.
This was meant to be.
On behalf of the two best batsmen in the world, I'm pleased to accept your offer.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
We are blessed.
Tommy Sir will be our coach.
It still doesn't feel right.
For the first time, things are going our way.
The world finally opened its arms to us.
We're going to be free! Good night, Champion Number Two.
When will Mom come? When I call her.
Where is she? You're here to play cricket.

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