Serie Noire (2014) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

1 We are done! I just heard that they ordered a second season! What part of "I won't do it" -don't you understand? -I just had an epiphany.
I'm offering you a groundbreaking screenwriting experiment! My name is Marc Arcand! I'm calling to tell you that I'm going to write season 2 with you.
Jean-Guy Boissonneau played Judge Boivin in Justice's Law.
He's a fairly well-known actor and he has been playing the "husband" in 2nd grade soap operas for the past 30 years.
He doesn't know it yet, but one of his arteries is almost completely clogged.
I came here as soon as I heard the news.
Do you recognize me? Hi, Jean-Guy.
Look, I'm not sure if I should comfort you or congratulate you.
I'm sorry, Jean-Guy, I just want to speak to the nurse, please.
It's too early to have visitors.
If I call her, she's going to send me away.
Don't worry, I won't be long.
I really enjoyed acting in your series.
It was well-written and it packed a nice punch.
I woke up this morning and I read that you guys are doing a second season You must be really happy I got a phone call from Julianne.
She's a nurse here.
I bang her from time to time.
And she told me my favorite writer was in a car crash.
I actually called Louise.
I hope you don't mind.
But it doesn't look too bad Did you break anything? No, it's not that bad.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Thank you for coming by.
Am I coming back? The judge is going to survive his car crash, right? You're the living proof that a crash doesn't have to be deadly.
If I don't come back, I will respect your decision.
But if I do come back, I think prostitution is a good angle.
The judge could befriend the little prostitute.
I liked her quite a bit.
And if you need any anecdotes Just ask me! I've been in many massage parlors.
Denis, I'd like to hear from you.
Just call me and let me know you're OK.
By the way, I did channel Judge Boivin.
I'm at the Sacré-Coeur hospital.
As of now, the only thing I learned from this experience is that car crashes do hurt.
If that's what you call "groundbreaking creative process," I am not impressed.
Hello, is anyone here? "The very fact that a botched and lackluster TV show such as Justice's Law has been renewed for a 2nd season is in itself absolutely outrageous.
As I mentioned in this column earlier this week, this series has managed, week after week, to set new standards of mediocrity on television.
" OK, Mom, I think it's enough.
No, wait, that's not the part I'm looking for Hold on OK, there you go.
"I strongly believe in public funding for the arts, but sometimes, we should have the right to ask: Do we really need to pay for this? After all, there is a place where one can find this type of TV content for free.
That place is called the city sewer system.
" It's well-written, at least.
Poor sweetheart Can you swear that you weren't drinking? I swear.
It was a stupid accident.
Do you want me to call Léa? No, please, don't get her involved in this.
I thought you said you wanted to start over? I changed my mind.
Do you still plan on working on season 2? Why do you ask? I don't think it's a great idea to get back into this thing.
Especially considering the bad press.
If I were you, I would just walk away.
What's the name of Valérie's sister? In the show, Valérie has a sister.
What's her name? That's easy: her name is Anna.
Oh, it's Have you watched the series? Look, I really tried Beginning of season 2.
Valérie wakes up in a dark small room.
She's naked under a wool blanket.
She's shivering and panicking.
We'll have to negotiate the nudity issue of course.
But man, she's going to have to give us a little more.
Valérie stands up.
She puts on the hunting outfit next to the bed and decides to get out of the bedroom.
She walks around and notices that no one else is in the cabin.
She keeps on walking slowly towards the cabin door and to her dismay she realizes that the door is locked.
Valérie now understands that she's Pierre's prisoner.
She takes a seat.
She tries to clear her head.
She dreads Pierre's return.
OK, ellipsis We move on to something else.
Maybe Judge Boivin at the hospital.
Yes, very good.
Back to Valérie.
She stands up.
And suddenly, she sees an SUV parked in the cabin's driveway.
Valérie freaks out.
Commercial break.
Valérie sees the SUV and hides in the bedroom.
Valérie listens carefully.
Pierre just walked into the cabin.
Valérie fears the worst.
Is Pierre going to abuse her sexually? Pierre comes closer.
Pierre climbs the stairs.
He's still climbing.
Pierre is now at the top of the stairs.
I went out to buy some juice.
You'll see, that blend is really good.
I don't know what happened to you.
You can tell me the story if you feel like it.
Come over here, I'm going to get started on that breakfast.
My name is Carol.
You are lucky, I just bought a great coffee machine.
Thank you very much.
I've had issues with young people coming onto my property to party.
So I had to put some motion sensors outside.
How lucky you are! You could have froze to death.
You don't have to tell me what happened to you.
Well, actually I was going to a cabin I used to own.
-But, actually I don't own that cabin anymore.
Yeah, OK.
I noticed on your driver license that you live in Montréal.
I'll be happy to drive you back there.
I just had a thought I have a little ointment for you.
Arnica gel.
Have you heard about it? I don't need anything.
Don't worry.
Do I look like I'm worried? OK So the door opens Pierre comes in, more menacing than ever.
Valérie hides in a corner of the room.
Pierre comes closer and he he offers her some waffles.
I have it somewhere! It won't be long! All right! This is going to be great! While Pierre was busy, Valérie took the opportunity to flee the cabin.
Pierre is watching her with a threatening look in the eye.
Valérie runs, she's about to leave the main trail to enter the woods.
The chase is on.
The sound of Pierre's chainsaw bounces off Valérie's eardrums.
Suddenly, Valérie realizes she's leaving a trail behind her.
She runs.
She keeps on running.
Valérie feels relieved.
She is safe and sound but for how long? Hello? I've tried to call you at least 50 times.
Can we talk, please? No, Judith, I really can't talk right now.
I'm still too upset.
Where are you? I know you're not at Patrick's.
I went there, nobody's home.
Right now, I'm with I'm with Carol.
I'll call you back.
I am sorry, Carol.
May I ask you what made you act this way? Act this way? M.
Bouchard, you hit a street lamp while driving 30 mph in an empty parking lot.
A mall employee saw everything.
Look, you don't have to tell me anything today.
I respect your silence.
But I would like to prescribe some antidepressants to help you settle down.
The next few weeks are going to be crucial for you.
I just want to make sure we use every resource we have.
Denis? Oh no! Were you in the car as well? What? No.
I just fell down.
OK, because we can't afford to suffer another casualty.
Have you read the news? It's out.
We have a meeting with the broadcaster in two days.
They want to know about the new direction.
Have you done some work? Should we find you a new partner? No, don't worry.
Patrick is OK.
It was just a little accident.
Everything is under control.
So is it officially a yes? Because remember, per our agreement, I can hire someone else.
Are you serious? Look, we've already started working on the script.
I have the whole opening scene in my head.
It's awesome.
Take a deep breath through the nose.
We're on.
-Have you seen him? -No, not yet.
Let me go and see him.
Go home.
I'll take care of him.
No worries.
You're wonderful, Denis.
OK, opening scene, season two: Valérie is in the cabin.
She runs away.
Pierre shows up with a chainsaw.
He runs after her, like in The Shining, but they run in the mud, it's disgusting! I thought about it in Carol's car.
We need new equipment.
We got a 10% discount.
Carol used his senior citizen card.
You owe me $1,600.
I'm doing OK, thank you.
I'm sorry.
But you seem OK! I need you to get me out of here.
They want to give me antidepressants.
-Why? -They think I tried to commit suicide! But do you feel like Judge Boivin now? Not at all, I'm just worried about repairing my car.
Maybe you should have had a bigger crash.
-What is it? -I wouldn't read it if I were you.
Your mother called me.
Are you OK? I'm fine.
I told her not call you.
I'm OK, it's all right.
Were you drunk? -No, I wasn't.
-Fuck that! I warned you! We're getting pummeled.
Hold on, I don't understand.
You told me the series was over.
It's not over after all.
We're doing a 2nd season.
You're not going back into this.
Not in the shape you're in.
My mother gave you the whole speech.
-We're leaving.
OK, stop! Can we put the bullshit aside for a second? The series Our TV show is not everything! Can we cut to the chase and tell it like it is for once? Patrick just tried to kill himself.
That's what matters.
Can we call a spade a spade? And he wants to sneak out of the hospital? No way! What just happened is a big deal.
What's your doctor's name? You said they want to give you some antidepressants.
Who's your doctor? Dr.
Léa, please find Dr.
We need to have a conversation.
All of us.
-I -OK.
Let's go! -Are you nuts! -No.
You're the one who's nuts.
You tried to kill yourself.
Forget Judge! You're not Judge Boivin, you're Karl! Didn't we say he died of suffocation in his car? Who cares what we said! We need to go with the flow.
Karl will survive his suicide attempt in the garage! And everyone will start looking at him differently! And it's great for Évelyne's character.
Her guilt will really transform the dynamics in their relationship! Yes.
It's excellent.
We're going to make him eat his words! All right.
I need to go.
Trust me.
My method works.
I know it now.
Talk to you later.
Rivard will be here in five minutes.
I feel so guilty! I'm sorry, Léa.
I'll be OK.
I just need to learn how to enjoy living again.
Renewed by his screenwriting experiments, Denis finally decided to go back home with his family.
He had held the grudge for long enough.
After all, hadn't he himself fallen for other women before? Diane was one of them, a woman from Gatineau, inside her Tiburon She had shown some amazing sexual skills considering how small her car was.
Denis really had every reason to show some understanding.
Love has its highs and lows, and Judith was probably full of remorse.
Holy shit, what time is it now? It's not what you're thinking.
It's exactly what I'm thinking! -Denis, come here.
Let's talk.
-Careful! Are you in love? I'm a little lost.
Lie down.
-There you go.
You should rest.
-Thank you.
I'm going to sort out your meds.
That's It's 20 mg, so two tablets.
OK, I'll be right back.
Maybe we can start tomorrow? Don't worry, Patrick, OK? I'm not leaving.
I'm here.
You mean a lot to me.
We'll go through this together.
Please don't tell my mother anything.
She still thinks it was an accident.
Let's keep things that way.
OK, I won't say anything.
Léa? And how do you feel? How do I feel? Do you see me differently? Do you think the dynamics in our relationship have changed? Hello, dear artist.
Who is Anne-Sophie Laverdière? She's a journalist.
What's her fucking problem? I don't know.
Anyway, well done regardless.
This is great news.
How's your face? Look, we're going to make a deal: I will leave you alone if Marc Arcand gets out of prison.
He can't get out, he was sentenced to 25 years.
Try temporal ellipsis or something.
I'm not the writer, you are.
I want it as a form of redemption.
That could be the title: Justice's Law: Redemption.
OK, if you don't mind, I'm working.
I'd like to be alone.
OK, no problem.
Look, that's where I work.
Come and see me.
It'll help you understand the character.
Anne-Sophie Laverdière is a TV show enthusiast.
She's been a columnist for five years.
She likes original, curious and smart TV shows.
Do you remember me? We met at the launch party.
We did an interview together.
Yes, I remember very well.
How are you? I'm doing fine.
It's nothing.
Just physical wounds.
Some other things can be much more painful.
Can I do something for you? I just wanted to tell you that you're not going to win.
You might think that you're going to win, but you're not going to.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
-Can I give you guys some advice? -No, thank you.
You should hire a legal expert.
It would help you guys.
And you think we don't know that? -That we don't have one already? -Yes, I do.
That's exactly what I think.
You look like two guys who have read The Firm and started writing a series right after.
We didn't read The Firm, we watched The Firm.
The Firm is a movie.
Madame Television! I'm working tomorrow.
I need to find someone to keep you company.
Come on, I'll be fine on my own.
The doctor said it's best to avoid leaving you alone.
Is this the reason why you're crying? What? Are you crying because you can't find anyone or because you still think that you played an important role in my suicide attempt? What do you think? You're not fully responsible.
Sure, you rejected me, and it hurts, but there are other factors, such as professional and family issues.
I'd say you're only 33% responsible.
That's not so bad.
Judith, I'm entering the house.
If you're engaging in some homosexual activities, I can wait five minutes outside, but that's it.
Quiet! Don't scream, Juliette is sleeping.
Maude is staying in a hotel.
I just want to tell you that regardless of the outcome of our upcoming conversation, I will sleep in my bed tonight.
Didn't you want to talk? I am too tired to have the kind of talk we're going to have.
OK, then, good night.
What are you doing? Why don't we let our bodies do the talking? No.
I think I prefer a regular conversation.
Right, I forgot you already had sex twice in two days.
You must be exhausted.
What? I had sex three times.
Do you feel guilty? No, it's stupid.
She keeps on crying.
I took some notes, but that's not enough.
I'd like to see some action.
Hold on! It's a whole process.
Stay on stand-by, something will happen.
I might have an idea.
What do you think about using the prostitution angle? He could befriend the prostitute after his crash.
It could be good.
If that's how the crash makes you feel, follow your instinct.
Trust the process.
I'm meeting with an attorney tomorrow morning.
Maybe we should hire a legal expert as well.
Damn, why didn't we think about that before? I don't know.
Thank you.
-You got it.
Patrick understood three things that night.
One: the prostitution angle was questionable.
Two: at the same time it was his one and only idea.
Three: apart from remembering Geneviève Rioux's breasts in The Decline of the American Empire, he knew nothing about this topic.
So everything is falling into place after all.
Yes, it's great.
You are right.
I shouldn't stay alone today.
No way.
Enjoy your day.
Get some rest.
I'm going to keep your keys, OK? Thanks again.
It's great to know he's safe and it was a pleasure to meet you.
Shall we? Already? It's only 9:15.
It's never too early for a hand job.
Come on.
What did you have in mind? Jean-Guy, again, I'm just going to be a passive observer.
Yeah, right You just need to tell me what you want.
In some places, they don't do everything.
In some places, you get a "happy ending".
But that doesn't mean that you're going to see some tits.
I'll just go for the basic "happy ending".
After years of experimenting, I think the best hand job I've ever received was at the BackBoy Spa The BackBoy Spa? Doesn't it sound a bit gay? Men give the best hand jobs.
No, I'm not gay, it's got nothing to do Paul Tousignant is the one who told me about it.
You know, Paul, the fat guy? He was a stage actor.
I don't remember him.
Maybe I'd like to stay on the feminine side of things.
Charlène! Charlène? Yes! She's the one you need.
I see you now.
There you go.
It's a little too early.
It's never too early to relax.
Are you OK? Yes, no worries.
It happens sometimes.
I just have to press here and it goes away.
It's a trick I came up with.
Oh, my word! You're bringing in some fine people! -Mimi! -Jean-Guy! Good morning, gentlemen.
Good morning, Madam.
By the way, long time no see I've been busy filming! We're going to help you relax.
Good morning.
My name is Denis Rondeau.
I'm a screenwriter.
I have a meeting at 10:00 am.
With Ms.
I don't see anything here.
I'm going to double-check.
Have a seat, it won't be long.
Thank you.
I'm going to give you the Aquatic room.
It'll be the first door on the left.
Excuse me.
This is Ms.
Lamontagne's office, good morning.
Yes, of course, we expect you at Noon.
Do you want to take a shower? No, I took one just an hour ago.
That's fine.
We have a sauna and a Jacuzzi.
The sauna stinks, and the Jacuzzi is very noisy, so Can I ask you something? What's "aquatic" about this room? Right now, nothing.
But there used to be an aquarium in here.
Do clients ever ask you to masturbate them while talking about the year 1000? Year what? It's a joke.
It's a reference to The Decline, you know, the famous scene with Geneviève Rioux and Pierre Curzi.
I have no idea.
OK, don't worry about it.
Do you mind if I have a smoke while you undress? I'll be in the back.
No problem.
This section is "employee only".
I'm sorry.
I just need a breather.
It's OK.
I feel hot.
I started taking antidepressants.
It must be the side effects.
Do you want some? No, OK, yes, I Thank you.
It must be hard sometimes No, please don't pretend to care about a girl's feeling before you come all over her face.
Let me be clear, I have no intention to come on your face.
I'm doing some research for a project.
-I am a screenwriter.
-You're working on a film? No, a TV show.
Which one? It's a new one.
You probably don't know it.
Look, you're not on the schedule.
She's in a meeting.
I don't understand.
I was told to come here at 10 o'clock this morning.
Rondeau! -Claudia Lamontagne.
Did I make you wait? Yes, but it's fine.
Did you enjoy waiting? I beg your pardon? You were sitting on a chair.
You were waiting.
Yes, but it was totally fine.
Did you enjoy sitting on that chair? I don't understand.
Do you think this experience might help you in your writing? Because that's another thing lawyers do: they sit on a chair, behind a computer, with some books.
We do most of our work sitting on a chair.
We don't always dress sexy in order to give blowjobs to judges.
And we rarely get abducted by a masked madman who drags us by our hair.
You know, Mr.
Rondeau, when I received your call, I thought it was a joke.
One of my colleagues is a specialist.
But he swore that it wasn't him.
So I thought it'd be great to be able to tell you, on behalf of my colleagues, how much we all hated your series.
It was a real pleasure to waste your time this morning.
Hello? We are barred.
Barred from the Bar! I got punked.
They were laughing at me.
We write a TV show about the Law, but the Law wants nothing to do with us.
Hello? I'll call you right back.
What's the address here? 1972 Théodore.
-Do you have a busy day ahead of you? -No.
-You can take time off whenever? -What do you mean? If I give you, say $300 Can you go home and relax? If you give me $300, I can go home and relax, and I'll let you fuck my tits.
There you go.
-Go home and relax, OK? -Who are you? Nobody.
Don't let me forget about that titty fuck.
What? I'm giving you an address.
Come over here right away.
So, what's going on? What are you doing? Some research? Are you OK? You look strange.
I just called the police.
What? If we can't go to the Law, we need to let the Law come to us.
How can I help you? Someone called and told us that a minor was on premises.
There's no underage girl here.
We're going to check, OK? We're here to get a hand job.
Madam, could you please take a seat over there? Are we under arrest? We'll see about that.
Are you sure this is a good idea? I want to spend the summer in Ogunquit.
I'd like to be able to cross the border.
-Hi, buddy.
-Hi! -Congratulations for season two.
-Thank you.
Please sit down, sir.
Madam, please come with me.
We have a few questions.
OK, boys, let's stay calm.
We just have to give our names.
We'll be out of here in 15 minutes, we can finish it off in my car.
To each his own, of course.
They're not taking us in? No, not for this.
We'll get a court date.
You'll see the judge in one month.
Plead guilty.
Pay the fine.
That's about it.
Don't we need to call a lawyer? No way! Trust me, boys.
This is not my first barbecue.
-Give me your wallet.
-No, we'll need it.
Give me your wallet.
-I won't -I have an idea! It's your turn to trust me.
Give it to me.
Let me try this! Gentlemen.
Have a nice day.
What's going on? I must confess that I'm clueless.
Excuse me! Wait! Are you calling for back-up? We checked.
The girls are overage.
Have a nice day.
No, hold on I don't understand.
We came here to get a hand job, maybe a full intercourse even.
Isn't that illegal? We don't have a warrant.
We can't do anything.
But Come on! What is he doing now? I don't know what you want, but you got my attention now! I don't have an ID.
I won't say my name -until I get an attorney.
-Sir! Stop walking right now! OK, 14-13, we're going to need a second car on 1972 Théodore.
Thank you.
Does every person get questioned once under arrest? That is part of the process.
And how long does the questioning last on average? Well, it depends.
If you tell me your name, it won't be long at all.
And if I don't tell you my name?
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