Sex Traffic (2004) s01e02 Episode Script

Part 2

1 Elena.
Elena If you want our help, you need to tell me.
My sister she was I left her.
She was still on the boat.
I must find her.
Hi, Nicole.
Nicole! Nicole, please Nicole.
Inside, please.
I'm sorry.
Elena, inside please.
Where's my sister? You come again and I call the police, OK? Where is she? Come inside.
'And can we have the next girl, please? Yeah.
'That's really good.
That's a really pretty dress.
'Julia? That's good, yeah.
- 'That's nice.
Is that all right? - 'Make the camera go closer ' - OK, that's enough.
- What's this gonna cost us? - What? - This is a kid out to make a buck.
- We've got to bring Brooke up to speed.
It's already been done.
- Our logo is all over that jacket - Calm down.
He knows what he's doing.
And don't make copies of the tape.
Jimmy already put a trace on it.
- What you got? - Callum Tate.
The kid we sent home.
He's fucked.
Hey, eyes down, they're coming.
Da boy, he busted, man.
You're 35 with a beer gut.
Don't try and talk street.
Christ, Daniel.
An officer was picked up trying to buy a girl from a bar in Bosnia.
I think it was Anya Petria.
She was found washed up in Lecce six week ago.
You were caught with some girl - No, I was doing my job.
- Daniel! The guy's name is Sergeant Callum Tate.
Now he was sent home five weeks ago.
- Somebody is making money out of this.
- You have no evidence.
I saw it for myself.
They're buying and selling girls.
From where I'm sitting you have fucked up our work out there.
You know how hard it is just to monitor these places I saw officers with my own eyes.
Do you think he was the first one to be sent home? Come on! You're a screwball to work with.
Engage the brain! And do not try to tell me to smooth this over in my report - Which I need to see.
- Oh Joan You were lucky to get away with just a warning.
Show me the evidence.
Otherwise you're just a guy looking for a quick fix in a backroom.
Hi, is that Callum Tate Oh, Clem Tate, right OK, yeah.
Sorry Oh you don't have a son Hi, this is Daniel Appleton.
Yeah, I called earlier.
No, don't put me on hold again Oh.
'Hi, is that Callum Tate? No, I'm sorry, OK.
'Hi, can I speak to Callum Tate? 'Hi, is that Callum Tate? ' No, OK.
Thank you.
Yeah? Yeah, this is him.
Yeah, you got my number.
I'd like to talk.
We got your e-mails and the tape, but I wanted to hear it from you.
- What do you want? - You got a lawyer? No.
- We want every copy of that tape.
- Ernie He was trying to pick up a hooker for 2,000 bucks.
Give me a break.
I was trying to free her.
I was trying to save her life.
- Oh, Sir Galahad, OK.
- Don't talk down to me.
The girl, the same girl on the tape, the next day she was gone.
I want a million dollars.
Well, what else can I do? I can't get a job.
- Fine, I'll got to the FBI.
- Take a look at that.
Your girlfriend washed up on a beach in Italy about six weeks ago.
So you want us to give you a million bucks for what? A tape of a dead girl? What do you think that is to us? If she is dead, that tape is worth a lot more than it was five minutes ago.
You wanna know how deep this goes? You were, er you were close to this Sir.
Her name is Anya.
I'm in love with her.
I was in love with her.
Let's look at our options.
- We could come clean.
- How? If this were a situation where it was just a bunch of guys having a good time away from home, maybe we could get away with it.
But these guys were trafficking girls.
You've gotta be joking.
Now, you come clean and you give the press licence to haul up every case we've ever won, to hound us on every contract we've ever had.
And you can kiss the Iraq contract goodbye.
We cannot have that tape out there.
- Allo? Hello I'm here to see Dr Carizzoni.
Lola Carizzoni? Lola, hi.
They said at the office you wouldn't be here until 5:00.
- The plane was a little early.
No! No! - Where's my sister? - Having a good time.
Where is she? Where is she? She misses you.
- So, Mrs Harlsburg - Please.
Yes is very interested in your stories.
Well, I run a charity and we hope to help your shelter.
So, Nicole My little girl said "Mummy, where are you going?" I say beauty salon.
This woman that came into our house, my mother knows her for years, best friend.
My little girl was very excited.
She brought a present for her, a video.
Austin Powers.
I say, "Be good, Mummy will come back and we'll have a car like her.
" In the car, her husband raped me.
Her husband, I know him all my life.
They sold me for 900 dollars.
And now And now you're telling me it's OK, you're safe You're safe, just testify! - But if they touch my little girl - Nicole.
- I can't do it if they touch my girl.
- Nicole, I promise you, if you don't testify, one day they will come to your house No.
She can't testify.
Don't you know what we've seen? You need better security, more guards on that door.
Kernwell's money could help.
Don't tell me what we need.
You're not because of what we need.
And don't tip too high.
Remember, this is Italy.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
In a population of 4.
3 million, nearly 1 million of the people of Moldova have gone abroad.
I want to speak of my village.
I want to tell you of a place where girls disappear every day.
Deceived by young men who tell them exciting stories of life abroad.
In the last few months, nine girls disappear Nadia Dvorak, Miriam and Hana Prochazka, Vara and Elena Visinescu.
- You must wind it up.
- It is the worst kind of crime I don't want to have to knock on another mother's door.
To see her face and show the police picture.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Please, ten minutes per speaker only.
Hello, Major James Brooke, IPC Anti-Trafficking campaign in Bosnia.
Since 1999, the Anti-Trafficking team has closed down over 400 clubs and bars in Bosnia.
519 have been repatriated.
To say that all trafficked women are victims is, I'm afraid, naive and ignores the real truth, which he himself admits, that many of these women might be better described as 'economic migrants' who are, in fact, eager to embrace the 'realities' of life in the West.
The real truth is that, for some, prostitution is a choice.
Er Daniel Appleton, Speak for Freedom.
As a UK monitor of your campaign I was concerned to discover that one of your IPC officers, Sergeant Callum Tate, was recently expelled for trying to buy a 17-year-old local girl, Anya Petria.
The same girl whose body was found washed up in Italy less than two months ago.
Yet there seems to be no investigation by your employers, Kernwell.
Questions only, please! Sarajevo is a transit point on one of the major trafficking routes from Eastern Europe.
So does it not concern you that this may discredit the work of your officers? Who I witnessed, incidentally, buying girls not yards from a bar, which is a known trafficking bar and which your officer frequent daily.
- This is all in my report.
- Will you please sit down.
You're not helping the conference, yourself or your cause.
Thank you.
Will you please continue.
- How could you do that in there? - Why don't you call my office? Don't bother.
He won't get back to you.
The last time we met, we picked you up in a bar in Bosnia.
You're hardly in a position to throw around accusations.
They're not thrown, Major Brooke, they're right here in print! Did you even run this past legal? You make these allegations You fucked it up for us in Liberia and Eastern Timor.
For fuck's sake, how many years have I worked just to get into these countries? We're trusted.
Speak for Freedom counts for something.
You've just I'm sorry.
Joan Bad day.
You can help me.
This girl I met her I'm sorry.
I need to talk to you.
We really need you to use your story.
- Elena - Elena.
My number's on this card.
Is she OK? Is she still alive? Call me? My report raises questions about the conspiracy of silence that surrounds international officers - over 30,000 in Bosnia alone.
Let's put that to Mr Dwight in Boston.
How do you respond to that? 'How do I respond to that? 'Unsubstantiated claims are not a threat to Kernwell's credibility.
'But they do raise questions as to Mr Appleton's motives.
' What evidence is there to substantiate your report? Only what I saw and heard from my sources out there 'ls it not true, Mr Appleton, that you were picked up 'in a bar in Sarajevo during a raid 'by our Anti-Trafficking campaign.
' I was out there to monitor the situation 'To monitor what, sir? Come on, we have evidence.
What's yours? ' As part of my remit 'ls it part your remit to consort with prostitutes? ' Is that true, Mr Appleton? 'Come on.
We have evidence.
' Nicole If you have cigarettes, you owe me two.
No! Look at me.
Look at me.
She's asleep.
Bianca gave her something.
Thank you.
This is the world.
This is the way it works.
And tomorrow you make more promises, and maybe next time a girl testifies and someone goes to court.
- Yes.
- Take the money.
This place - You can have a beautiful garden - Do you offer us a garden? - It's not just a garden - Wake up, Madeline! The girls tell stories about men in bars in places where your husband has contracts.
About men your husband employs, men who abuse the girls and give them every kind of STD possible.
Don't you blame those guys? Those men who hang around outside Some of the girls are on order.
They end up here, the guys come looking, they want their investment back.
- And the police - They can't guard that door every day.
What we're offering you, it's not just here.
It's in London, it's in Eastern Europe.
Three new shelters with alarms, security cameras and a decent gate.
Take the money.
Just don't think about where it comes from.
Is that what you do? If I was in your position? Yeah, I'd take every penny.
We can afford it.
Oh, get over yourself, Lola.
You don't take this money we just go and give it to somebody else.
Is that what you want? Take me where my sister is.
- You've put on weight.
- You must know where she is.
London expensive.
She's there? - Still tight Nice.
I don't care what I have to do.
Please Please Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday Dear Tom Happy birthday to you Maddie! - I missed you so much.
- Oh I know, I did too.
- How you doing? - Welcome home.
Nice to see you.
Hello, Ernie.
What a great time I had tonight.
Thank you for this little touch of Italy.
Here's to Maddie, who finally got them to see sense and take our money.
Yes, Maddie.
To Maddie.
I hope you passed your touch on to your daughter.
Magnus offered Leah an internship overseas logistics.
- That's great.
- No.
- Yeah.
- No! - It's terrific.
- I don't want Leah doing that.
She's not even 18 yet.
Tom, she's too young.
It will be fun to see you persuade her otherwise.
I'm her mother, Magnus.
I'm sorry, sweetheart, you've had a rough day.
Yeah, I'm flying home and the guy in the seat next to me is reading this.
Oh - Ernie's dealing with that.
- Ernie's dealing with it? - Yeah, it's a bunch of crap.
- It's a pack of lies.
- How do you deal with this? - We're suing the guy.
We have been accused of trafficking.
It's a pack of lies.
You're not even breaking a sweat.
Don't Are you aware of the situation out there? What situation? We sent an officer home.
I met the girls, Tom.
I talked to them.
Lola told me about men in uniforms in bars, your officers.
- They are buying and selling them on.
- One officer.
And we sent him home.
Tom, if you could see these girls the diseases they get, the way they are treated.
What about the shelters that we're helping to build? - Some of them aren't older than Leah.
- I've heard rumours.
They're not true.
If there were officers trafficking women, don't you think that I would know? I'm the head of the company.
I'm just saying that There's some aspirin in my bag here.
Come on.
Come on, it's me.
Whatever you think is happening over there, isn't.
We sent one officer home.
You've got to get some sleep.
Hey! - Yeah.
- 'Lost something? 'Pack your bags, check out of your room and keep your fucking mouth shut.
' No, no.
I can't You have to Where's my tape? Joan, we could really run with this.
- You point the finger at Kernwell - Yeah, I point the finger! We can't afford to make those claims.
- Come on, Joan, you know you want to.
- Show me the evidence.
I can't show you the evidence.
My tape was stolen, you know that.
It's not good enough.
Until you can prove it.
- I saw what I saw.
Daniel, there's a man on the phone from Moldova.
A Rudi Lascar? - Mike, I'll take that now.
- Daniel! I've advised Joan, Speak for Freedom need to distance themselves.
You can't sack me.
I've drawn up a retraction.
You just need to sign it.
I can't sign this.
I can't sign that.
Joan Take a break.
Do something else for a few weeks.
What do you want, Daniel? To stop being such a coward.
- Kernwell are going to screw you.
- Yeah, well, bring it on.
Fuck fuck! - Fuck off.
- 'Daniel ' - I'm sorry, I thought you were - 'Kernwell are serving you a writ.
' Fat bloke, dodgy suit? - 'Mike gave him your address.
' - Prick.
Got yourself a new job yet? No.
Working on it.
Five minutes, we go out.
Is my sister here? I was told she would be here.
Don't talk to me unless I talk to you.
Hello? Erm Hi! Hi, I'm Daniel and I'll be taking your class today.
- Can I help you? - Erm No I was just, er It's fine.
- Oh yeah, this is - Oh.
Have you seen this girl? 'These shelters will help change lives.
' Dad's on TV.
'Victims need help to rebuild their lives.
' Aren't you going to watch? 'This is a crucial part of our charitable programme.
' What's up? - Go on upstairs.
- Mum Go.
Excuse me - Can I help you? - You don't know who I am, do you? Please don't be scared.
My name's Callum Tate.
Sergeant Callum Tate.
I worked for Kernwell in Bosnia.
I need to see your husband.
What the fuck do you think you're doing? - Did he touch you? Are you OK? - Tom, I'm fine.
- Mr Harlsburg - Tom! I just need to talk.
Please! Lena! Lena! Please - Where are you going? - Soho.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Are you OK? - You scared the shit out of him.
- Maddie No, he was really scared.
I know who he is.
He's the guy we sent home and now he's threatening us.
Talk to me, Tom.
I'm your wife.
- Do you think Brenda asks Magnus? - Brenda? Brenda keeps her mouth shut and her eyes closed.
- Have you seen this girl? - No.
- Do you know her? - No.
- Did you hear the name Vara? - No.
Five foot four? No.
Could you sign the register on your way out please, otherwise I don't get paid.
Sorry, do you know any of these girls? Sophia Jushkov.
Er Valentina There are names down for my class that never turn up.
There are over 2,000 students registered and only four classrooms.
I know how these things work.
Er The college launders, er study visas for the traffickers to get the girls in.
- I am I was an NGO.
- Yeah, we know that.
- This is a wind up.
- Not really.
You don't think that You can't think that I'm anything to do with this.
- Aren't you? - No! I was told about this college.
I was told about girls, that there would be girls brought over that there would be a girl would be brought over.
Who told you? - Hello.
- Rudi, I need you to talk to somebody.
I just want you to tell him what you told me.
Hello, I'm Inspector Reese, from the Club and Vice Squad in London.
Joan Yeah, well, I'm Who? She says she knows you.
You gave me your card.
I'm Elena from Yeah.
It's OK.
It's OK.
What have they done to you? If you agree to testify, in return we can maintain you, we can ensure your security in this country until the trial.
And afterwards, although there will be no guarantee of a permanent visa, your application would certainly be looked upon more favourably.
I need to call my mother.
My little boy has to be safe.
Yes, all right.
I'll see what I can do.
They say maybe she works in Soho, in a bar.
I have a photo.
Maybe she looks older now.
Do you know any of these men? Him.
That's Thaki Mjeda.
We've been tracking him.
We can find you a place in one of the centres for tonight.
She can't go there.
It's the best that we can offer.
Can I have a word? - Would you like menus? - Just the coffee, thank you.
- I know you're blackmailing my husband.
- Then you'll know about the tape? I didn't think so.
Three weeks ago I sent your husband a videotape.
On it, there's evidence evidence of Kernwell officers trafficking girls in Bosnia.
- That's ridiculous.
- I was looking for money.
And now? It's Anya.
She looks younger there.
It's not the greatest one, you don't get her eyes.
They're trafficking girls.
Buying and selling them, picking up fees to keep bars open.
The opportunities are there.
My commanding officer You contacted me, Mrs Harlsburg.
If you didn't want to listen then why did you come? I'm not then only officer who's been sent home.
They don't want anyone to know what's going on.
Somebody stole my tape.
Someone broke into my room Who do you think ordered that? She's very pretty.
She was.
She's dead.
I'm sorry.
There are officers employed by your company still employed.
Please I don't have anywhere else to go.
What can I do? Tell me, what can I do? Erm Clean towels on the bed.
I'm through there, on the sofa.
It's just that the centres are a bit I didn't want you to you know.
Er sorry.
I'll be one minute.
I didn't know if you wanted anything to drink.
I just lost my job.
Me too.
Why do you live in boxes? Too many books.
You shouldn't.
Home is important.
- Night.
- Night.
Hi, Mrs Harlsburg.
- Maddie - You lied to me.
- 'I am 17.
' - '17.
' Er you fellas are going to have to excuse me - Maddie - No.
- She's dead.
You can't help her now.
- These men work for you.
They are on your payroll.
They are buying and selling women.
- Christ! - Honey, I don't What are you doing about this, Tom? At least tell me, promise me, that you are sending these men home.
Maddie, we can't afford this.
We can't monitor everyone.
We had to get men into Bosnia, thousands of men in a matter of weeks, to win this contract, otherwise how does our company survive? Huh? We had to get men over there, immediately, and we can't screen everybody.
- But you create a demand - Bullshit! We protect lives! If it wasn't for you, these girls wouldn't be there.
We keep countries safe and secure.
Bullshit! You tear countries apart, using and abusing women.
- Give me the tape.
- What? Oh, Maddie I don't feel good about this.
We're talking about a few men, out of thousands of men.
It is so much more than that, Tom.
And you know it.
Give me the tape, get your purse and we're going to go out for lunch.
Get your purse, and we're going out for lunch.
Because if you don't give me the tape Are you threatening me? Are you? Mrs Harlsburg, your husband has asked that you return to his office.
There are 19 in my class alone that have never shown.
This is good.
- They will all be working in flats.
- Flats, massage parlours, maybe.
Elena needs to find her sister.
I promised her.
I'm sure you did.
Come on, you must have something.
When were these taken? Tuesday.
You missed your eleven o'clock on Tuesday.
And your 4:00 and 4:30 on Thursday.
- I called in sick.
- You don't look sick.
Where's Maddie? She's at her mother's with the kids.
She found the tape.
She's got the tape.
- What's she done with it? - I don't know.
Get dressed.
Come on, this is Maddie.
She's not stupid.
You want me to lie to her.
It's easy.
Try shaving, too.
If she doesn't show, it doesn't mean Vara! Vara? Sorry.
Vara? Speak English, Lena.
We're in England now.
It's legal.
I've got papers, I'm fine.
- I looked for you everywhere.
- I thought you were dead.
He's helping me.
Yeah? Everyone's really helpful over here.
- I'm going to testify.
- You shouldn't do that.
Come see my flat.
It's lovely.
It's so lovely, Lena.
Mum I say she sees Vara soon.
She's very excited.
You shouldn't have said that.
You shouldn't have told her that.
She hasn't agreed.
She will.
Why do you worry so much? You're so serious.
And these pictures, I hate these pictures! It's what I see.
I like beautiful things.
See, this place could be beautiful! You don't even listen to nice music That's why everything is so gloomy.
How do you think Vara has managed here, Elena? Huh? How do you think she manages to live here? I have a shower.
Why have the police got surveillance photos of her? Her make-up, her clothes? Where did Vara get the money from? Huh? Elena, the police have caught her on surveillance camera because, and you this, because Vara is picking up the girls.
She's enrolling for them so they can get into the country.
The police are watching her, Elena.
I want to take a shower.
Are you going to get out? What do you call somebody who does that? OK, go on, if you want it! Why do you help me, huh? - I'm not trying to hurt you? - Why not? What makes you so different? Look at you, you think you can help me? That you can help any of us? With your pictures and reports What else do you want me to do? You do nothing, and now you tell me that Vara I'm sorry.
Look, tell me tell me what I can do.
We'll go back tomorrow.
OK? You're crying.
When we were little, my mother used to say, "Vara, don't eat so fast.
" She would gobble her food so fast.
Her eyes were always bigger than her plate.
One year, it was my birthday, I was nine or ten, and my aunt baked me a special cake and when we all came to eat it, it was all gone.
My mother blamed my uncle but I knew it was Vara.
I remember she kissed me and she said, "I'm sorry, but now I pay for it.
" She was sick all night.
I stayed up all night.
I didn't sleep, because she was my little sister who didn't know better.
Nothing has changed.
Except she's not my little sister any more.
It's OK.
Maddie Get away from me.
I'm not talking to you.
I can't change things now even if I wanted to.
This is the way it is now.
We've got a good life.
You know we have a good life.
- You want to walk away? - I'm not the one who's walking away.
If you do anything with that tape l'll divorce you.
- You'll lose everything.
- No, we won't.
We never do.
- We always win.
- I'm not talking about Kernwell.
I sent the tape to that Appleton guy.
I'll see you in court.
I spoke to Mummy last night.
Vara Vara, these girls you look after they trust you.
They are like you were.
Then maybe they should open their eyes like me.
See the world as it is.
Something is frightening you.
Tell me.
I don't need you to look after me any more.
You should go.
- You should go now.
- No.
- What take you so long? - I was having a shit.
- Are you OK for pick up tomorrow? - Fine.
I spoke to Rudi this morning.
Waterloo Station.
A delivery of girls tomorrow.
Vara will be there to meet them.
I know.
- Elena want to be there.
She's - You told Elena? Christ.
She already knows.
She just wants to help.
She's spoken to her sister.
We just need to track Vara until she leads us to her contact.
- If Elena comes, she will fuck it up.
- OK.
Oh, and I don't want you there either.
- What do you think you're doing? - She'll stay with me, OK? No, get her as far from here as possible.
Right across the other side, OK? She is not talking to her sister.
Listen, let's go for a coffee.
Elena Fuck, fuck.
What are you doing here? Come with me now.
Do you think she had her boobs done? Just tell them everything.
Then we can go back home.
This is home.
I've grown up, I've set up a new business Please! Vara don't be frightened.
We'll be safe.
They've promised.
I will testify against Thaki, I will do it.
- Well, I'm not as brave as you.
- Yes, you are.
Please, just you just need to tell them who your contact is.
No! I am one of them! I work like them.
Please don't cry, Lena.
Don't cry for me.
I made it.
Look, I made it! They're watching you.
Who? I'll kiss Sasha for you.
Don't forget your post.
Another writ? Not exactly.
'Can you say your name for me? ' 'My name is Anya Petria.
' 'Course you are.
'And Anya, how old are you? ' - 'I am 17-years-old.
' - 'No, you're 16.
- 'Hello? What's your name? ' - 'My name is Anya Petria.
' 'My name is Julia.
' 'Anya Petria.
' 'Course you are.
'And Anya, how old are you? ' - 'I am 17-years-old.
' - 'No, you're 16.
'Hello? What's your name? ' 'My name is Anya Petria.
I am 16-years-old.
' '17-years-old.
Wow! Can you smile at us? - 'Stephania That's a nice name.
' - 'Thanks.
' 'Cos you're really pretty.
'Right there.
' 'The full extent of the trafficking of women in Bosnia 'by American officers is beginning to emerge.
'It seems certain that Major James Brooke 'will be expelled in light of these allegations.
'A criminal prosecution has not yet been ruled out.
'Lt is expected that Kernwell will offer some kind of press statement 'in the next few hours.
'Questions still remain as to how much senior Kernwell staff knew about this.
' 'Two British soldiers have been injured in Iraq 'after a bomb exploded in the centre of Baghdad.
' 'I'd like to read a statement.
' We are pleased to announce that Major James Brooke as arrested this morning in Sarajevo.
As always, our goal is to deal swiftly with abuses when we are aware of them.
We would like to thank Daniel Appleton for bringing this matter to our attention.
And the Kernwell staff for ensuring that our mission to make Bosnia safer has not been compromised.
'Since it's inception, Kernwell has been committed to making 'significant contributions to the security and wellbeing of our communities.
'I'm proud of our reputation 'for upholding the highest standards of quality and ethical conduct.
' 'Kernwell continues to look to the future, 'not only to continuing financial growth, 'but also to building on a culture firmly grounded in integrity and respect.
'We encourage outstanding performance and entrepreneurial freedom, 'and continue, above all, to be responsible citizens, 'respect the laws and the customs of each community 'in which we live and conduct our business.
'We would like to congratulate the whole Kernwell team 'for securing a well-deserved 8.
5 million dollar contract in Iraq.
'Kernwell has always sought to foster competitive excellence and growth, 'and this contract is a testament to the expertise of our workforce, 'to our ambition always to exceed the expectations of our customers 'in terms of responsiveness and dedication.
' Recently in Sarajevo, we were able to clearly identify problems and swiftly eliminate the causes.
I'm gonna miss my show.
How long till we get there? Stop whining, it's only an hour.
You'll live.
Mama! Mama!
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