Skull Island (2023) s01e02 Episode Script

The Last Blank Space on the Map

Best I could remember it.
That's not how this works.
How do we know it's real?
Well, that's not really my problem.
If you want the money,
make it your problem.
End of the war, our ship got sent out
on a classified mission to this island.
Dozen choppers left. None came back.
I had buddies on those choppers.
Never saw 'em again.
A few days later, we picked up
a few survivors on an old boat.
The stories they told
Well, word from the top came down,
and all the charts were burned.
I have a great memory though.
Well, had.
That was 20 years ago.
What's on this island?
Unnatural things.
You go to that island,
you ain't coming back.
You know what they call that place?
Skull Island.
- You think he's lying?
- About the island?
Or the name?
Both? Neither?
Do you think it's what she's looking for?
If it is, you might have just saved us.
I'm all right, Charlie.
- Mike
- I said I'm all right.
No one's all right, man.
Is it just us?
I don't know.
We need to head inland,
get some wood and start a fire.
Hope someone spots
Look out!
Ahh! Ahh! What is that?
Where are we?
Where are you, kid?
No, no, no! No!
That rock just ate that man.
Hey, wait!
Aw, jeez.
How's your leg?
Just assume every answer to every question
right now is gonna be "bad."
Well, you smell good, at least.
- Really?
- No! No, it's bad, really bad.
You were right.
We gotta get a signal going.
I just love when you say you were wrong
and that I was right.
Well, I never said I was wrong.
Really? Because you said we
should stay here and be eaten by the crabs
instead of going to the trees,
getting wood, and starting a fire.
- I, uh, don't recall saying that.
- You did. And it was very whiny, too.
I'm surprised you could hear me
in the crab tunnel I saved you from.
I could hear everything.
I have incredible hearing.
Yeah! You have incredible, uh
Stuff. I dunno, I lost steam.
You're reckless!
We're gonna get eaten, so
To the trees, on three. One
That rock yelled at you.
Yeah, it did.
This is the worst beach ever.
So, sea monster?
Sea monster.
Was that one of those giant squids?
No, that was something else.
Oh, that makes me feel worse.
- Why?
- I don't know.
Maybe I just like
my monsters to have names.
See, the naming part
is what gets me excited.
I'm Cap.
Irene. Are you a captain?
I'm shipwrecked.
Aren't we all?
Did you start that?
But at least
it means we're not alone.
Who was with you?
I'm looking for my son and his friend.
I, uh
I don't think anyone else
made it off my ship.
What about you?
We were on a cruise to Singapore.
With soldiers?
Excuse me?
The guy with the gun?
I don't know.
Maybe they had guns because of, um
Bet you wish you flew.
Well, Cap, I am afraid of planes.
Well, I hear boats are a lot safer.
I have heard that too.
- Do you know what that is?
- Uh
It almost looks like aloe?
But you get
what's wrong with it, don't you?
It's a lot bigger than aloe.
What is that?
It's beautiful.
I really thought it was aloe.
It is.
It's both.
Something else
is happening on this island.
So, what you're saying is
This island is terrible.
I mean, have you ever even
heard of giant crabs with trap doors?
Crabs? No.
Spiders? Yeah.
Ugh. Spiders would actually be way worse.
That's so true.
And I'm so tired.
I know.
My dad would know what to do.
He'd probably just want to pet them.
Our weird dads.
Let's find yours.
Grab it! We can eat it!
I'm not touching that.
- Why not?
- It's a giant crab that wants to eat me!
- There's tons of 'em! We're stuck here.
- Where
- Where'd you get a spear?
- I found it! It's nice.
- You just found it?
- I'll look for more!
Hey, Annie! Annie!
Man, I don't know about that girl.
- You don't like any girls.
- Man, you like every girl.
That's true.
There are other people here.
Like people that make spears
and conveniently leave them in the jungle.
They probably got eaten too.
I don't want to get eaten by crabs,
I want to eat crabs!
I didn't find more, but I still have this,
so I'm gonna fight 'em now.
What? Wait, wait, wait! You're gonna what?
- Catch!
- Hey!
Mike! Come on, Mike!
What could possibly
be so big to be that loud?
That's mine.
It's not nice to steal.
All right, that's from our ship,
but, wait, hold on.
What? What was that noise?
I don't know.
Must have been a really big dog.
Wait, how how do you not know?
Why would I know?
- Uh, this is your home, right?
- This isn't my home.
What? What are you talking about?
You said you lived on an island.
I do.
But we're on an island.
- There's more than one island, Charles.
- Uh, Charlie.
- Isn't that the same thing?
- What?
Uh, no. Yeah, it's a nickname,
but I prefer Charlie.
I prefer not being stolen from.
Wait! Wait! If you don't live here,
then who made that spear that you threw?
Someone else?
Ugh! Where are we?
Skull Island.
We're on Skull Island.
We're on
Uh, what?
It's all my fault.
We were trying to get the money,
I heard people talk about this guy.
Whoa, hey, it's okay. Slow down.
This old GI
who had a stupid map.
And maybe it was
what she was looking for and
God! So stupid! He even told us we'd die!
- What's he doing to his hair?
- Not now, Annie.
Mike? Hey, Mike, breathe.
And now look at us!
He was right! We're gonna die!
And it's my fault. I got my dad killed,
and now I'm gonna get us killed.
I'm so sorry.
Uh, Annie?
And now there's guns!
I don't think that was the rocks.
No, it definitely wasn't the rocks.
- Do you think it was the sea creature?
- No, that came from inland.
Oh, great, more monsters.
So, um, so what do we do now?
Well, I guess we hope
they're better shots than the last guy.
Just help me find my boy.
- Excuse me?
- You're looking for the girl.
- Right?
- Hey!
You all right, boss?
I am looking for the girl.
We're looking for the girl.
Okay, just so we're all clear,
on the monster island,
you're looking for a girl?
So you've seen her monster?
We've seen dozens of monsters!
This place is terrible!
Have you seen her or not?
Oh, yeah!
Yeah, there's a whole sorority of girls
back at the beach
playing volleyball and mud wrestling.
It's very engaging!
Look, kid.
As soon as we find this girl,
we can get off this godforsaken
- Wait!
- Ugh, what?
- Have you seen my dad?
- Who's your dad?
That's not how this works.
We ask you questions, you answer them.
How is it
Are all boys as useless as you?
- Yeah.
- Pretty much.
Did that thing follow us?
Shut up!
What is she doing?
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