Hex (2004) s01e03 Episode Script

Life Goes On

Who was she? Rachel McBain.
She was the first mistress of the state.
She became fascinated with the religion of the African servants.
Now days we call it Woo do.
Locals thought she was a witch.
Then a young maid went visiting the house and her body was found in the lake.
- Angel by miss-hair.
- But I am a di-king-shining-amond.
When I was walking across the sports of today and who do I see but the lovely Troy? - He's not my type.
- Right.
I keep doing things with my mind that, it's when I'm angry or frighten, or even just upset.
It's like an electric shock.
- She murdered her? - I don't know if murder is the right word.
- Sacrificed? - She was trying to summon someone or something.
- Who is Azazeal? He was the leader of the Nephelin.
They were angry to fell from heaven.
You think you can do what you like with me because you know how I feel about you.
It wasn't an accident that you found the cannery.
I'm weak Cassie.
I need to regain my strength.
Rachel sacrifice was a long time ago.
That's the only way.
Sacrifice must be willing.
Must be a sacrifice in the true sense of the word.
I'll take laager please.
- Oh my God! - Jesus! It was an accident! I'm sorry! - I'm covered in laager! - I know! I'm sorry! Really crap laager! I'm really sorry.
Don't worry.
It happens all the time.
Let me buy you something proper and then off you go if you like.
It's fine.
Hi Cassie! Hi.
I thought it was really interesting what you said in media today.
Yeah? I watched Alien again the other day.
- Great film! - Really great film.
I was really questioning about any of the Alien films as a cult glancer.
Aren’t they? Oh I don't know.
Well Did you know that in Alien's Sckully Weeper's mother play Ripley’s daughter.
- Really! - Yeah and I noticed that latter.
I've got this theory, right? And not one you should say so to anyone.
But you, you'll understand Alien is a microcosm for the world.
We know.
It's like The Monster Within.
And we've all got one.
We're psychopaths.
The murderer is There it might look normal, but what you can't see what's inside wrong.
Philip, you're a genius! You're aliens.
Are you right? Oh God! She's still got pepper slapped up.
- Gem! - Yeah, isn't it bloody miserable? Takes not but vodka.
Takes a lot to do that.
Nooo! You're stuck with me! What do you want? Work for me! What you normally do! Open your mind! Run.
Run! Would you stop that! That's not what you said a moment ago.
I'm living in fear.
Now I'm sleeping in fear.
And I hate furry knickers.
But you love the rest! - I look like a whore.
- I know you look great! A bit too much lip gloss maybe, but the giggling was cute.
You missed breakfast! I think the goon has got rush.
He's been eating a lot of natural yogurt recently.
Haven't you got anything better to do with your time? No, really no.
I was thinking about joining a bit of chat I went to the bar.
There are no much cool reasons that ghosts dwell.
Have you been stalked by any foreign angels recently? I seem to attract them.
What did he want this time? Oh neither.
Couple of drinks, a few chasing evils, loot a human soul Just another Friday night.
Didn't it? Getting that way.
I'd give anything smooth things normal again.
- I know.
- I think he's trying to drive me down.
Peel you into submission? He thinks somebody can vent at him.
I thought that too but you never did.
Why is this happening to me, Thelma? Azazeal said it was no accident you found the canary.
- Cannery.
- Yeah.
- But what does that mean? - I don't know.
But he is a man and they never make sense.
Maybe is best not to know.
I had enough.
Where are you going? Is media! - I'm not going.
- Skidder! You don't know anything about cars, do you? I just have been here half an hour and I'm getting a bit desperate.
Not really.
I'll have to call the mechanic.
- Have you got the choke out? - Yeah.
I did so.
Then you probably flooded the engine.
Is that serious? Leave it fifteen minutes and should be fine.
Cool! Thanks.
So, I was thinking if I give you a lift you might not turn you into a crapper around cars.
I'm all right thanks.
Come on I know it looks like a piece of shit, but the alloy is in you.
I'm fine walking.
Heated seats, front and rear speakers, climate control Troy, is a Fiesta! So you are getting in or no? How come that you escaped media? So did you.
Leon is driving me nuts.
You know he talks in sleep.
But that's a whole other story, anyway.
Last week he started singing in sleep.
He's a fatuous I swear, at first I thought he was taking the piss.
I mean this is mixed up mess Kyle and Eminem coming out of his mouth, so, chalking step-down he's definitely sleep.
I thought he was your best mate.
No, is Lydia.
Oh, I mean yeah we're mates but is so ambiguous that we disagree.
Sorry, I shouldn't be doing the whole room mate mum, not under the circumstances.
It's alright.
Tell me.
It's the partners thing.
Some times you have to step up.
Strange, isn't it? People are making it very strange.
You got to rule them out like they were silent.
Never is like to have a love but yes I got an awful lot of concern Tackle her over.
You know? They they want to dedicate a bench to her.
And they asked me where I think the spot was I mean what am I supposed to say to that? Ghost change the mood.
You must miss her.
I can't help the feeling that she's still there.
You know? Watching over me.
Does it help? Sort of.
How much did that thing cost you? Hey! You insult my car, you insult me.
Let's move along.
It's OK.
Oh how sweet.
How nice to see you! Mr both in class.
Oh, we had a special assignment.
You always do, Troy, you always do.
It was my fault.
I had to go the doctor's and Troy accepted to give me a lift.
Aren’t you an angel? I was going to catch the bus but I would have missed my appointment.
- Next time come and see me first OK? - Will do.
No worries.
Cassie! If you have a need some company I'm always happy to get away from Leon.
And I promise I won't be nice to you.
- Mmmm.
Can I borrow these? - You must.
I'm suffering from sensory deprivation.
- Maybe you have been up and go too long.
- Eh? - Coffee shop.
- Ooh.
I was just in the area.
- Well I was worried about you.
- Yeah, right.
It's true! There is a soul eating demon in the loose and you're taking tea! - I was just concerned.
- Is that right? Yes.
You weren't spying on me? Spying is such a dirty word.
Thelma don't try to step out of end! Don't do it again! Ooh This! Did you just listened to anything I just said? And tell me young lady when exactly where you planning to use that? Well.
Ripped for her pleasure Well that works.
How do you know? Thelma Bates I didn't know you had it in you! Yeah, well you've got to try everything once.
Run! That was so no funny.
I mean, we were having a nice conversation and suddenly a freak girl pops out of nowhere.
Talk about a manicure.
Was she possessed? - I don't know.
I've always been suspicious of little girls in wad dresses.
I haven't seen you in such state.
Yeah, well.
Ghosts get scared too.
I've decided that we need to know what is going on.
Absolutely not.
- It's worth a try.
- You don't have to do it! Come on! It can't be that bad.
Trust you can handle an electric fence? I did that once.
Whilst you were seen from the shiny? To some people that would be very exciting.
Oh, you know you have to.
It's just a question of when and whilst I've got and eternity to wait, you All right! All right, I'll do it! - God girl.
- Excuse me? Or something less patronizing.
- You want me to throw you to the nail, girl? - No Miss.
Sorry Miss.
- Don't make do that again! - What! What did you see? - There was this girl.
- The same girl? - I don't know.
She had long hair.
- What was she doing? She was dead Thelma.
She was hanging from a tree.
Don't do that! It's like living with a dirty old man.
You should be grateful I can't warp you.
Believe me I am! It never happen to be like that.
It's so scarily weird.
- I woke up being dead.
- Not David Terron again? No.
It was all girl on girl.
It's not funny! I just wonder if we had sex I mean we did it everywhere.
we were on for anything and you know what the worst thing was? I wasn't really enjoying it.
Actually no, that's not the worst thing.
- I don't even think I can tell you this.
- What? - The girl - Go on.
It was Thelma.
Well Have you any idea how frustrating it is being a lesbian ghost? Thelma! That's gross! She's dead! - Well, obviously she wants more-- - Now, that would be interesting.
I think you killed the moment.
What are you so afraid of? Look at you.
You are a mess.
What do you want? You are not being very friendly, are you? What did you expect? Ah yes poor Thelma.
I didn't want to do that but There you go, sometimes trivial things get in the way.
There's nothing more natural than death, Cassie.
We're all born for it.
Even you? You could go like this for ever.
But it seems a shame to prolong the inevitable, don't you think? That depends.
I like to think you make your own destiny.
Something tells me you won't be thinking that for long.
What's that supposed to mean? Don't expend your energy fighting me Cassie, you cannot win.
Tell me what's going on.
You have to figure that out for yourself.
It's the girl.
- The girl? - You know what I mean.
History has a habit of repeating itself.
Why are you so repulsed by me? Because you saw what I truly am.
You judge me so harshly.
That won't always be so.
We're the same, you and I.
If you could see your soul even now.
Do you think her and Thelma affair do? Oh that's a horrible thought.
- I reckon they did.
- Really? Yeah but they won't getting at anywhere else, will they? That's very true.
So, eh who so you think was the man? Leon, are you really liking to talk about Thelma? - I think they uh took it in turns.
- Really? And would you too do that for me or Oh, you always take it too further Leon.
Oh, off he bumps Hey! How are you doing? Sorry.
I've got no concern.
I would, at least till now.
I wondered if you wanted to go for a drink.
What? I mean not tonight but you know, on Friday or something.
Is that OK? Well I don't know is why? - I thought we had a laugh the other day.
- We did! It's just things are a bit awkward at the moment.
- OK.
Some other time.
- Yeah.
When suits you best? I don't know.
Well I just thought I'd ask.
- It's kind of hard to explain.
- No.
It's OK.
No problem.
I wonder what he meant.
History has a habit of repeating itself.
I don't know.
And I don't want to think about it.
- I thinks he enjoys winding you up.
- Clearly Men.
Aren't they all arrogant pathetic pigs? Women run the world.
Men just shit in it.
You're the most dramatic ghost I have ever known.
- Cassie? - What? You never watched me playing apple.
You're crap.
History has a habit of repeating itself.
Hey! Cassie! How are you doing? Apart from two hours in the Russian revolution, fine.
- I was worried about you the other day.
- Really? Yeah.
It's not like you to bump school.
I've said sorry.
Would you mind if you OK me? I'm a bit concerned.
That's all.
You and everyone else.
I'm fine.
You've had such a hard time as of lately I know but, please, just treat me as normal.
I'm worried you're shutting everyone out.
Because you're not listening.
- Maybe you should cry more.
Try it with self mutilation.
- Shut it! I like Joe but, sometimes he's just too nice.
If I tell you something, you promise not to spread it? He writes erotic fiction in his spare time.
You're kidding.
- Why would he do that? - Oh, how for, how that.
It's not very good! - Really? - Got not action.
What? What are we looking for? I don't know.
Thelma, help me with this.
What is it? Esther McBain I think she's the girl I keep seen.
- Remember I told you about Rachel? - Yeah - So, Esther must be - Rachel McBain daughter Cassie! I can't believe what they did to that little girl.
Why do you think they locked her in there.
I've no idea.
Maybe she went mad.
I got the feeling.
Do you think it has anything to do with what he said? About what? History repeating itself.
Probably Really? Look I got another things to chew on than never think about it.
Witch! Do you know what is considered to be the world's first convenience food? If I guess right can we talk about Cassie? The Hamburg sausage.
Who'd have thought of that? I don't think she's dealing with Thelma's death very well.
I'd be more concerned if she was.
I think she blames herself.
Have you spoken to her? How can I have? Just plants up.
Maybe you're loosing your touch.
No longer the one with the kids.
I got her bumping schooling today.
That's not like her at all.
What, did you never skipped a lesson? Well, yes.
Did it turn you into a serial killer? I just think she needs a bit of support.
- Not like her mother is any help.
- Ah, yes.
She's still at Brook gate? She's still undergoing treatment, yes.
What about her dad? Persona non grata.
I don't think Cassie even remembers him.
Do you know that there are actual quotes in the Odyssey about sausages? I just think that you and Cassie have a special bond.
That's may be.
But I think there is only one thing that can solve this and that's time.
And she has got a lot more of that that we have.
Would you talk to her? Yes Miss Watkins.
Anything you say.
Anything? Don't tempt me.
A sudden blow The great wings beating still about the staggering girl her thighs caressed by the dark webs her nape caught in his bell he holds her helpless breast upon his breast How can those terrified vague fingers push the feathered glory form her listening thighs and how can body lying in that white rush but feel the strange heart beating where it lies.
For those of you who don't remember this poem describes Zeus in the form of a swam raping Leda Does anyone have any thoughts? No we would like a bit of animal now and then, You not may find it surprising that many people, women in particular, find the poem offensive.
- They think that Yates is getting off on it.
- Exactly.
Well, you can't blame them for that.
Others thing that he's writing about one of the most enduring of human myths.
Beauty and the Beast.
So, for the assignment next week, I want you to thing about which side of the fence you're on.
- I'm all beast! - Thank you Leon.
You bet! Beast! - See you around.
- Yeah, give me a call.
- Hi! - Hi! You're going to listen your thighs, Cassie? No.
He's such a taunt Hum, I know is a bit of a long shot but that drink you were talking about the other day I'm around if you are.
Is that an invitation then? All right.
You're on.
Are you ever going to stop eating? No.
I'm going to have whatever I want and never put on a pound.
Shame I wasn't a bit skinnier when I died, really.
You know? I don't think I'm exploiting this ghost thing enough.
I can perform a naked hardcore in the headmaster office and no one would know.
It is that something that you've always wanted to do? I think I'll walk into appreciate it much more.
See? I can still make you smile.
- That was a grimace.
- What are you up to later? Actually I am I'm going on a date.
Right! That's nice.
Golden bows, I presume.
I'm joking.
What are you looking? - It's very nice.
- Not too much? Look.
I know this is weird for you With all the other shit that's going on at the moment I just want to have a god time.
Yeah, I know.
I'm sure you will.
Thelma I Wish me luck.
You don't need it.
Cassie! Look after yourself, won't you? - Hi! - Hi! I brought the jumpings, just in case.

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