Seraph of the End (Owari no serafu) (2015) s01e03 Episode Script

The Demon in Your Heart

1 Hey, let's hurry up and go.
We'll get in trouble if the army guys find us.
Let's go, Yuji.
"The Demon in Your Heart" U-Um, thank you for that time when you saved me from the vampire.
Uh I really like you! Please read this to see how I feel about you! Wait, I My, my.
As expected, Mr.
Hero who saved the school from the vampire is popular with the girls.
Are you going to break her heart next? What do you mean "next"? I haven't done anything like that.
I suppose, since you are a cherry-boy.
Shinoa, you little But Yu, virginity is "evil.
" After all, we the Japanese Imperial Demon Army encourage people to hook-up every day.
Huh? The world ended once.
Because of an unknown virus, monsters suddenly swarmed the earth, killing many people.
Past those walls are ruins and wastelands crawling with monsters.
This world is no longer human-friendly.
However, we the Japanese Imperial Demon Army will gather the remnants of humanity, multiply, and take control of the whole world! Now, give birth! Breed! Hurrah for illicit sexual relations! Anyway, can I ask a question? My talent was recognized from that incident with that vampire, and I was assigned to the Vampire Extermination Unit, right? So why am I still going to this high school? Well, you can express complaints like that to the LTC.
That stupid Guren is never at his office! How am I gonna complain to him?! It won't do you any good to yell at me about the LTC.
Besides, the training for the Extermination Unit has already begun.
Huh? The training that'll allow you to obtain what you truly want.
What I truly want This is what you want, right? Th-That's This is the demon I have a contract with: Shikamadoji.
I wanted you to see this.
So this is the Cursed Gear that can kill vampires with its curse.
I am, after all, one of the members of the Vampire Extermination Unit.
If I have that, I can kill vampires on my own You can't on your own.
You need to start learning what teamwork-- Shinoa.
Gimme that.
I'm gonna take that and go gain my revenge against the vampires.
You can't use the Cursed Gear of a demon's that another person has contracted with.
Then show me the power of that gear.
Jeez Not bad.
But you can't fight against a Cursed Gear with a normal gear.
That's seriously awesome.
Anyway, if you have that gear, a vampire shouldn't be any match for you.
Oh, no.
At the battlefield, they're armed as well.
They're nothing like the unarmed vampire you took down the other day.
Armed? Seriously? That's why Lieutenant Colonel Guren is stressing on teamwork so you can move as a unit first.
H-Help me, Yu! Yoichi! What is it, Yoichi? Are you being bullied again? Please wait, Yoichi.
We apologize for bullying you, for real, so please make us your disciples.
Disciples? W-W-Wait, I really, um, can't be someone like that! I just can't be someone like that! Oh! Hello, Boss! I'm Yamanaka! Satoshi Yamanaka, the one you saved from the vampire! Boss? My, you seem to have gotten lots of friends recently.
I feel kinda left out.
Anyway, just the other day, you guys were bullying Yoichi.
How could you possibly ask him to make you his disciples? Th-That's true, but right now, we actually need help bad.
So just like that, you'd bow your head and ask for help to a guy you bullied? Delinquents these days apparently have no pride at all.
Yu, you sound so patronizing.
We know we have no right to ask when we did such things, but But? Yuji, our friend, went inside the Forbidden Chamber and never came back.
The Forbidden Chamber? And since I heard that Yoichi is getting into the Extermination Unit-- Ah-ha.
You guys broke into the army's Class 1 Restricted Area? Th-That's I don't need an excuse.
I bet you broke in as a dare or something, right? People who enter that area receive a very severe punishment.
Th-Then Yuji's? Probably captured by the army.
Oh, no Can you please do something?! Death penalty is also possible.
Please give up.
Shinoa, what was that Forbidden Chamber thing about? Haven't you heard of the seven wonders of the school? A piano that plays on its own, a moving anatomical model, and the forbidden chamber that you should never open.
Seven wonders my ass.
It's a restricted area that the army manages, right? So Yuji went inside, and now he can't come out? Probably.
That place is actually a training facility for the Vampire Extermination Unit members.
If untrained personnel enter, they could get possessed by the demon.
Huh? Demon? Like I said.
The training for the Extermination Unit has already begun.
We're moving on to the next step.
Please follow me.
An underground shrine? Why is there an underground shrine beneath the school? Well, we just call it a shrine.
Some time ago, there was a gigantic space underground of Shibuya to prevent the river from flooding.
The Vampire Extermination Unit chose there as a training area.
Actually, this entire school is a training area for the Extermination Unit.
We keep a demon underground, and those unaffected by the demon's evil energy are pulled into the Unit.
Basically, the purpose of this school is to conduct a large-scale human experiment.
Did you really think a peaceful school existed in a messed-up world like this? From here on, only people who were called by the Extermination Unit or people chosen by the demon can enter.
Then Yuji's We didn't call him.
The demon may have consumed his heart by now.
I-If your heart's consumed, what happens? You'll become something worse than a vampire.
A man-eating demon with no intellect.
That's why you need thorough training.
Especially training your heart.
Today, I wanted to show you two the frightfulness of this Cursed Gear-- The point is to not lose to a demon, right? I need power in order to get revenge.
If I can get that power, I don't care if it's from a demon or a devil.
Hey, don't just go in! Just watch from a distance and don't do anything.
He will be rescued by the Extermination Unit.
No one has a contract with that ax yet, right? Then that's mine! Huh? Hey, wait! Argh! Yoichi, please go call the Moon Demon Company for backup.
There's a barrack at the back of this place.
Right! Gimme that ax! That's amazing, but it's weaker than Shinoa's scythe! Hey, don't butt-in.
My goodness, how poor is your teamwork? If you touch the Cursed Gear with your bare hands, a demon will take you over, and you'll end up a demon, like him.
I won't lose to a demon.
You will.
You can't defeat a demon yet.
What? Because you have a weak heart.
Demons feed on people's dark desires.
They'll take advantage of your desire for revenge.
That's why, despite your overwhelming combating skills, Lieutenant Colonel Guren won't give you a Cursed Gear yet.
Bull shit.
Then I'll prove to you right now that I can defeat a demon.
Wait, that's crazy! All right! I took the weapon huh? Yu what's wrong? You were spaced-out.
Hurry up and sit down.
Our dinner will get cold.
Yeah, Yu.
Don't ruin my cooking.
Hurry, big brother Yu.
It's yummy.
Here, eat while it's warm.
Isn't it great, everyone? Yu is with us today.
Yu never comes over.
Oh yeah, Yu.
What happened to your revolution? Huh? Jeez, did you forget? You said you'd become strong and kill the vampires, making a kingdom here for the humans.
That's right, Yu.
We'll wait for you forever.
Hey, Yu.
You haven't eaten at all.
That's not good, Yu.
If you're going to get strong, you have to eat well.
Were you guys all alive? What are you saying? Of course we're all dead.
Of course! You're a little weird today, Yu.
We were all killed by the vampire, and only you ran away.
N-No! I didn't run-- You did run away.
And on top of that, you haven't gotten any revenge for us.
Come on, Yu.
Revenge our deaths for us.
If you want, I'll lend you my power.
Just accept me into your heart Revenge.
Yes, revenge.
You're right.
I need power to gain my revenge.
See? So just accept me already.
But who are you? Mika isn't Mika isn't that kind of person! He's not like me.
He wouldn't tell me to get revenge.
He's always smart, but an idiot that's nice to everyone, and he'd carry all the burdens himself Yu So who the hell are you?! Stop, Yu.
Shut up! How dare you try to imitate my precious family! What the hell do you know about my precious family?! Oh.
Huh? What was I doing just now? There's no way.
Did you come back on your own? Huh? What do you mean, "come back"? Well, um, a demon was showing you hallucinations.
But you broke free with just the power of mind and pushed it out, without using the contract spell.
Huh? So what does that mean? That this ax is mine now? No, it doesn't work that easily.
There are procedures to contracting with a demon.
Lieutenant Colonel Guren will decide which gear to give you.
But I defeated a demon.
Well, um Even stupid Guren can't ignore that, right? Uh, um, well I suppose.
You did save your classmate, too.
Tomorrow, you'll probably start coming here, to the Vampire Extermination Unit's training school.
All right! I wonder if I'll get in trouble for making this decision on my own.
Finally Finally, I've come this far, Mika.
I'm going to learn how to kill a vampire here.
Mika, Mika, Mimika.
Ah, I knew you'd be here.
Did you get the report? Apparently, they finally found your precious angel that you've been looking for.
As anticipated, he was being used by the dirty humans.
By "he" I mean Yuichiro Hyakuya.
Now, how are you going to gather the threads of your story, Mikaela Hyakuya? The blended white, the bird cage in the corner, and flower buds with a heartbeat.
The abandoned voices, dizzy from the shadow of memories.
I need your blood.
I chant, "you read love.
" The red lights struggle.
The sound that I sniffed out and the reason that I forced open simply line up parallel.
Come on, break it down for me.
A river will flow.
The never-ending lust, even though the bell of interest rings.
Even the confession dried out, and the intent played by the quadruple-time is traced back.
The red in the sunshine streaming through the leaves is making noise.
Next time on Seraph of the End, "Vampire Mikaela.
" "Vampire Mikaela"
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