Shahmaran (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Kararsız Denge

[insects chirring outside]
- [owl hooting]
- [dog barking]
[ominous music builds slowly]
[hissing, rattling echoes]
- [panting]
- [hissing echoes]
- [rattling]
- [panting]
[rattling echoes]
[rattling echoes]
[gasps softly]
[music stops]
[mysterious music builds]
[chuckles softly]
[mysterious music intensifies]
[stones scraping]
[knocking on door]
[ominous music builds slowly]
Don't ever lie to me again.
Beg your pardon?
When I asked if you entered my house
the other night you said no.
Your footprints are all over her room.
Are they in her room or on the deck?
The footprints.
Next time you decide to enter my house,
be a man, and use the door.
Good morning, Davut.
Why is Davut acting weird?
What's wrong?
He rushed past me without
even saying good morning.
Someone was in Shahsu's room last night.
Who was it?
Aren't you gonna tell Dad?
He said, "Shahsu's time
will come eventually."
Maybe he was right.
Well, Dad says a lot of things.
They're not always true.
Then Shahsu snuck someone into the house.
Unless somebody's following her around.
I mean, what else could it be, then?
Why are you here?
What do you want from me?
[chuckles softly]
Something tells me
you're attracted to that girl.
- Is that right?
- Stop it, Hare.
It's obvious that you're worried.
[sniffs, exhales]
Is there someone?
[shudders] Do you really think
someone's coming after her?
Should we check on her?
[sarcastically] Is dear Shahsu okay?
[Shahsu] "Making and breaking
of affectional bonds." That's for me.
Um, separation anxiety.
I'll take that one, as well. In fact
I think I should take all of the timid and
anxious attachment types for my lessons.
Wow, that's quite ironic.
I'll give you the safe attachment types,
what do you think about that?
Have you had any kebabs around here?
I'm a vegetarian.
Hmm. Okay, that makes
my question more crucial.
- Have you had any kebabs around here?
- Cihan, I'm busy.
[chuckling] Busy with what?
I'm trying to be a normal person here,
if you'd allow me.
[Cihan] Hmm.
Want to know what
a normal person does in Adana?
Eat kebabs.
[papers drop]
Is that right?
Oh, yeah.
So, you're insisting.
I am.
Don't open your eyes.
We're almost there, okay?
Okay, I won't open them.
Do you have any idea why I'm pretending
to play along with your silly games?
I do. Because you trust me.
No, it's because I don't want to break
your heart. It's the humane thing to do.
Watch out for the bump.
Be careful. Lift your leg.
Higher, it's pretty big.
- A little more [laughs]
- What are y?
- There was no bump at all, was there?
- So you cheated.
- Cihan.
- Shh, come on.
Keep your eyes closed. Don't open them.
Almost there.
We're here.
Do you think you're ready?
- Oh, my
- How do you like it?
[Shahsu] I think it's awesome.
Come on.
[brakes squeak]
[brake clicking]
[engine cuts out]
[melancholy music builds slowly]
[bike engine cranking]
Now just hang on to me
very tight, all right?
And you you can rest your head
right here on my shoulder. If you want.
Go, Cihan. Go.
[engine revs]
[breathes deeply]
[engine turns over]
[woman exhales]
I'm really bored.
Are you gonna finish soon?
[Bike] Almost there.
[cell phone vibrating]
Do not.
I have to take this call.
[Bike] I'm almost finished, don't move.
[cell phone vibrating]
Hare, come on.
[Hare] Yes, sir?
Did you tell anyone?
[Hare] Oh, yes, of course.
It was some chat, I spilled all the tea.
We are a very honest family, no?
[Hare chuckles]
No, I didn't tell anyone. Why do you ask?
Great. Nothing's at stake.
I went there, I saw it, and it's over.
Don't alarm anyone.
I know who was in her room.
Hold on a second.
So, you followed Shahsu, didn't you?
I'm hanging up now.
Hold on.
Hold on a minute. One last thing.
Yeah, what?
How does it feel?
How does what feel?
To be jealous.
She is obsessed.
[pleasant music playing]
I wish you had brought them here first.
Ah, thank you.
- You look lovely today.
- Thank you so much. Enjoy your meal.
Thank you.
Why in the world
would you even want to be normal?
- Look where it's gotten me.
- You really think you're normal?
You've wrapped the kebab
inside the lahmacun, Cihan.
You should taste this.
Anali kizli. Won't find it anywhere else.
- [Shahsu chuckles]
- [Cihan] Have it.
- I'll order another for myself.
- No.
I feel full just watching you eat, thanks.
Dessert, then. You must like dessert.
Hey! Some bici bici over here, please.
[man] Coming right up!
- Make it two.
- [man] You got it.
What's up? You leaving?
I'm going to the bathroom,
if you'll allow me.
I need to splash some water on my face.
- You have dessert coming.
- I won't be long.
Hurry back!
[Shahsu sighs]
[soft hissing]
[tense music builds slowly]
[soft hissing]
[soft hissing]
[water trickling]
Come on, it's okay. You're okay.
[door opens, then shuts]
- [Shahsu] Ah, the desserts are here.
- [Cihan] Yeah, and yours is melting.
I've never had this. What is it?
[Cihan] Trust me, it's great.
Have a taste.
[insects buzzing]
[vehicle approaching]
[engine cuts out]
You two know each other?
[Cihan] Yeah, we do.
I guess you're not fans of each other.
All right, then.
And remember, you have
a screening for the juniors tomorrow.
I know.
Call me if you need
anything else, all right?
- Okay.
- Okay.
What are you doing?
Installing a lock.
So no one can enter without my permission.
Uh, wha What do you mean by that?
What are you insinuating?
Come on. Just say it to my face.
This is my house.
I say who comes and goes.
I've already told Maran.
What do you mean, you've already
told Maran? What did you tell him?
To stay away?
Who do you think you are?
Are you the morality police now?
You didn't even know what my name was
before I showed up here.
You barely speak to me.
But when it's about my chastity,
you remember that you're my grandfather.
Of course.
Congratulations to you, really.
Some grandfather you are.
[engine chugging]
[engine sputters]
[engine cuts out]
I heard Davut came here the other day,
and said something to you.
I have no idea what he said,
but I'm really sorry about it.
It's okay.
What's your problem?
I'm here trying to apologize to you.
And I said it's okay, so
Are you unstable or something?
One minute you show up on my doorstep,
and now you can't look me in the eye?
What do you want from me?
I'm just trying to figure out
why you're acting so strange.
Listen. I have no idea what happened
between you and your grandpa.
Or anyone else for that matter.
I accepted your apology.
We're okay, we're friends.
Don't worry about it.
[instrumental music playing on TV]
- Hey. Listen.
- [Salih] Hmm?
What's with these two?
Beats me.
- She's gonna make him mad again.
- Shhh. Okay, focus.
Do either of you have Maran's number?
- No.
- [Shahsu] That's a shame.
I'd like to invite him
to my room for a drink later.
To your room?
[Shahsu] Mm-hm.
They're not the most
sociable people over there.
They're a little, uh
Y You know Uh
- What's that word again?
- Antisocial.
Yeah, antisocial.
I don't think he'd come over.
I'm sure he would.
No doubt about it.
Believe me, he would, if I call him.
Anyway, it's not like
he's never been here before.
[quietly] God help us.
- Salih, what's that?
- What is what?
You've ruined it. How
could anyone eat that?
Do you think I know
what I'm doing right now?
[Medine] Do it properly and carefully.
- You should fold it like this.
- [Salih] Okay, Medine.
[Shahsu] Can I help too?
Look at her, she's got a knack for it.
I do, actually.
When I was young,
I was one of those sick kids.
Never had a chance to play outside.
So, my mother, in order
to keep me from getting bored,
used to invent games,
like repairing things,
and doing chores and stuff.
Like, "Who's better
at using the screwdriver?"
Or like, "Which one of us is
gonna make the best soup tonight?"
I got used to it.
It sounds like your mother
was a very funny gal.
She was.
There was one time when
she made us live in the dark for a week,
so I could learn
to repair the circuit breaker.
And she always
used to jump out and scare me.
[Salih chuckles]
This one is like that too.
Medine loves to scare me.
Yeah. And you have no shortage
of things that scare you.
- Why would I be scared of anything?
- [both chuckle]
So tell us, what happened to your mother?
She fell ill.
And then she passed away.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
You don't need to make any more.
You came from work. You should go to bed.
We can do the rest.
We'll let you know
when they're cooked. Go on.
"I'll let you know
when they're cooked, okay?"
Oh, shut it. Stop it.
[owl hooting]
[Shahsu] Denying your origins
makes you sick.
Every moment we spend
running away from who we are as people,
and not accepting our true nature,
we are in actuality
committing a horrendous crime
against ourselves and those we love.
Existentialists are turning over
in their graves. [chuckles]
You think?
The deepest despair is when one chooses
to be someone else rather than themselves.
Was it not Kierkegaard who said that?
Professor don't you think finding
your essence sometimes leads to solitude?
One needs time to be able
to reach their inner essence.
Some spare time.
silence, meditation,
a real confrontation without being social.
Though, surely it's not always achievable
to find that essence on your own.
You may need others for it.
Although, to a great degree,
this is a personal journey,
we should not be condemned
to solitude for the entirety of it.
Being yourself means being in touch
and in harmony with your essence,
yourself, others,
and being one with nature.
Incorporate that with the actions
that make you feel alive, feel excited,
passionate, and ready to take action
when you get out of bed in the morning.
So, do you claim to know yourself, ma'am?
I'm also curious to know that, Professor.
Do you feel that
you know your true essence?
I don't.
I'm still searching for it.
My mind does not always
speak the truth to me.
Though I still continue to ask myself.
What's going on in my head, inside of me,
and what kind of person am I?
Who am I, really?
I don't run,
and I take responsibility.
I don't play the martyr.
And who knows maybe this
is the reason I chose this major?
All right, that's enough about me.
If you're all ready,
we can begin watching the movie.
This film was assigned by Professor Tutku.
After we're done watching the screening,
we are going to take some time
to discuss personality theorems.
You are free to take notes in your books.
[instrumental music playing in film]
[woman] Last night I dreamt
I went to Manderley again.
Seven ounces of this.
Ten and a half ounces of cocklebur.
What else?
I'll get a pound and a half
of tribulus, as well.
- [snaps]
- Twenty pounds of blossom honey too.
Twenty pounds? Your family really
is something. That is way too much
[high-pitched ringing]
[ominous music builds slowly]
[line ringing]
Diba, come on, now.
- [line ringing]
- [sighs]
Diba, come on, for God's sake.
[line ringing]
[indistinct film dialogue playing]
Diba, where are you?
Keep your eyes on Shahsu, do you hear me?
Don't leave her alone.
You can't let her out of your sight.
[woman] And I wonder what my life
would have been without Mrs. Van Hopper.
Without that job.
If it wasn't for her,
I would never have gone to Manderley.
And would never have met you.
Mrs. Van Hopper.
[Van Hopper] What kept you?
[woman] I'm sorry. I had to wait
for a package at the post office.
[Bike] Diba, where are you?
Keep your eyes on Shahsu, do you hear me?
[suspenseful music builds slowly]
[hissing echoes]
[rattling echoes]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[Shahsu] Hey!
Hey! Stop right there!
[music slows, fades out]
[tense music playing softly]
Hey, stop!
What the hell is your problem?
[wind blowing]
[suspenseful music builds slowly]
[heavy breathing]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[door slams shut]
- [power clanks]
- [screams]
- [whimpering]
- [hissing echoes]
Somebody help me!
- Help!
- [rattling]
- Help!
- [hissing echoes]
Help me! Somebody help!
Somebody help!
Please! Somebody help!
- Help!
- [loud hissing]
[gasping, whimpering]
Easy, you're okay.
It's okay.
It's okay. I got you.
[Cihan] What happened?
- [crying]
- You're okay.
[sobbing continues]
[Cihan] Shahsu?
What is it?
Have you found out who that was?
There was nobody. The room was empty.
But, I saw a snake.
Well, it's not uncommon around here.
They take shelter from the heat.
I couldn't find it either. Sorry.
But you I saw it with my own eyes.
There was a tall man with a hoodie.
Did security talk to you?
Security searched and found nothing.
Shahsu, hold on a second, please.
- Shahsu.
- Cihan!
I already told you to stay away.
I would, if you were
a little more careful.
On school grounds,
Shahsu is mine.
Stay away.
[engine turns over]
- [door slams]
- [engine revs]
[old man] There's rage around the girl.
Because it started.
We all know this.
How do we know she won't harm humans?
I mean, is she strong enough yet?
She can't harm them.
But someone else sure can. Trust me.
[breathes deeply]
The smell is not coming from Anavarza.
It's coming from here.
Can you be sure of that?
Some of our people have lost their faith.
That is a huge problem for us.
We need to reunite our people quickly.
Why are you here, Ural?
doesn't believe.
He thinks it's wrong.
He says too many people have been hurt.
And I can't reason with him.
Unless he does what he's supposed to do,
more of us will get hurt.
This is how we've been
living for centuries,
among the humans.
Always in hiding.
We concealed ourselves for peace.
For balance.
I'm afraid that
if this order is disrupted
if humans and basilisks
turn against each other
and if Maran refuses to accept
his true love and passion,
that girl, Shahsu
no one will be victorious
in this war, Master Tamar.
A human and a basilisk
will fall for each other one day.
And only then
Shahmaran will return to Earth.
You must believe.
No matter what your son says
he won't be able to escape his destiny.
You will see.
[breathes deeply]
[wind howling]
[melancholy music plays]
[Shahsu's mom]
Last night I tied myself to my bed.
Recently, I've been sleepwalking more.
Shahsu gets scared
when she sees me like that.
She's just five,
and she has no idea what's going on.
But you know what?
It felt good, Dad.
Tying myself made me feel like I was
surrendering myself to someone else.
Then I remembered
the ligature marks on your wrists.
It's not always the color of your eyes,
or the shape of your nose
you inherit from your family.
I guess your darkest fears, and your most
deformed regrets are passed down, as well.
Did I inherit this difficulty
with sleep from you?
Were you like this, too, Dad?
[door squeaks]
[engine cuts off]
[door squeaks]
[Shahsu] Come, come.
Come over here. We're celebrating.
You should join me.
Won't you have a seat, Mr. Davut?
Have a seat.
Will you?
[animals calling in distance]
You smoke. I know you do.
Here you go.
That's what the handcuffs are for.
I knew it.
How about
Seeing certain things
that aren't really there?
Sleepless nights?
I'm relieved.
And I kept on asking myself, you know,
what the hell was going on
inside my own head?
Always beating myself up.
Am I sick?
What's wrong with me?
Turns out
it was you this whole time.
Mother, dear
this gentleman sitting
right here beside me,
your own beloved father
all the shit
that you had,
and you passed on to your daughter
was actually from him.
[somber music plays]
So you weren't adopted after all.
You may now find peace.
Here's to you, Mom.
Did you have any idea that, towards
the end, she thought she was adopted?
[lighter flicking]
[lighter clatters]
She didn't believe that
you were her biological father.
"He wouldn't have left me if he were."
Who doesn't
call their daughter, you know?
Doesn't answer any of her letters?
She told you about your granddaughter.
And you didn't even write back to her.
"I guess
he found me alone in a mosque courtyard."
"So he never really
wanted me," she would say.
Maybe she was right about that.
I'm sure it's possible.
Those cases even have
their own psychological term.
The Oedipus complex.
It doesn't happen often.
But a father can lack
the capacity to love his very own child.
Shut up.
You don't know shit.
[Shahsu] Oh, really?
No, no.
Holy shit.
See? This is what
you've been smelling all along.
We've waited long enough.
I'm going to call Dad.
[door shuts]
[Diba] I was just about to call you.
What's up?
[Diba] Someone was following
Shahsu at school today.
And they almost hurt her.
I paid security, and they gave me
the footage. Maran needs to know.
Hold it.
Why is that?
He'll believe it once he watches.
We have evidence now.
Maybe he'll go to Shahsu and protect her?
He'll go to her, I'm sure.
[owl hooting]
[bottle clatters]
Whoa. [gasps]
[grunts softly]
[footsteps approaching]
[Shahsu exhales]
You okay?
Who told you that you could come over?
Are you drunk?
I am.
I am, a little bit.
I'm okay, though.
Aww what?
Nothing is wrong.
You're fine.
I am.
You're full of shit.
But I am too, you know?
A bunch of lunatics.
Don't you see it?
We're all just a bunch of lunatics.
This is how my mother lost her mind.
Exactly like this.
So much fun.
What have you done, huh?
Then tell me,
why do I feel like this, Maran?
Like what?
Like I already know you.
Like this has hap
hap happened to us before.
["Every When" by Rebel Moves playing]
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Baby, baby, don't you say
You love your man ♪
'Cause I won't buy it ♪
I know this time I'm right ♪
Baby, baby, I can see it in your eyes ♪
And don't you tell me
All these stupid lies ♪
After all is said and done
Don't you tell me he's the one ♪
But look into my eyes
With burning desire ♪
So much desire ♪
Burning desire ♪
Have you lost all your wishes? ♪
Wild ambitions ♪
And I know you understand ♪
Something in your decisions ♪
Says you're mistaken ♪
And I know you understand ♪
[Shahsu grunts softly]
[music continues in headphones]
[Shahsu pants, giggles]
Everybody smile, smile, smile ♪
[Diba chuckling] No way!
No way.
Give me that. Move.
Let my mind fly ♪
Dad was so right.
Oh, baby! [chuckles]
Oh, come on!
He turned the lights off.
Everywhen ♪
["Every When" continues playing]
Everywhen ♪
Have you lost all your wishes? ♪
Wild ambitions ♪
And I know you understand ♪
Something in your decisions ♪
Says you're mistaken ♪
- And I know you understand ♪
- Everybody side by side ♪
Let my love fly in the long run ♪
Always on the road, road, road ♪
Feeling so lost ♪
Everybody smile, smile, smile ♪
Let my love fly in the long run ♪
And I'm gonna take my time ♪
Let my mind fly ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Something in your decisions ♪
Says you're mistaken ♪
And I know you understand ♪
Everybody side by side ♪
Let my love fly in the long run ♪
Always on the road, road, road ♪
Feeling so lost ♪
Everybody smile, smile, smile ♪
Let my love fly in the long run ♪
And I'm gonna take my time ♪
Let my mind fly ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Have you lost all your wishes? ♪
Wild ambitions ♪
And I know you understand ♪
Something in your decisions ♪
Says you're mistaken ♪
- And I know you understand ♪
- Everybody side by side ♪
Let my love fly in the long run ♪
Always on the road, road, road ♪
Feeling so lost ♪
Everybody smile, smile, smile ♪
Let my love fly in the long run ♪
And I'm gonna take my time ♪
Let my mind fly ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
Everywhen ♪
[song ends]
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