Slutever (2018) s01e03 Episode Script

Stoned Sex

1 What kind of weed are you interested in? Cherry: There's just something sexy about smoking.
You just kind of, like, let your inhibitions down and go with the flow a little bit more.
Ashley: Sex and cannabis -- game-changer.
I ended up having the best sex of my life.
Karley: Like all modern Lean and Instagram feminists, I have high stress levels and so does my vagina.
Friends have told me that smoking weed can make you relax and make sex better, but being stoned always makes me hallucinate that I'm peeing my pants.
You know? If only there was a way to bypass my brain and just get my vagina high.
Marijuana's long reign of prohibition seems to be ending in California, making it a capital of cannabis innovation.
The growing weed cult claims that the magical pot plant can heal everything from a sore back to a tragic sex life.
But I still need to be convinced.
So, I opened my computer and literally Googled, "Is weed sex good?" And the first thing I found was the website of a woman named Ashley Manta.
She coined the term "Cannasexual.
" I don't know exactly what that means, but apparently she's great at teaching people how to transform their sex lives with weed.
What exactly is a Cannasexual? Anyone who mindfully and deliberately combine sex and cannabis to deepen intimacy and enhance pleasure.
What are some of the ways that cannabis can enhance sexual experience for women? To help us get out of our heads and into our bodies.
Weed will make your body respond with heightened pleasure and heightened sensation.
But every time I get stoned, I feel, like, paranoid and I feel like people are, like, in my closet and I don't feel like those things are going to enhance my sexual experience.
It's really common for people to be worried about paranoia when they're consuming cannabis and especially when mixing it with sex.
But it doesn't have to be psychoactive.
THC is a vasodilator, which means it brings more blood flow to the area.
That's why your eyes get bloodshot when you smoke.
So, if you put something containing THC directly on the pussy, more blood flow comes to the area, which means more lubrication and greater arousal and enhanced sensation.
So, you're not going to feel high.
So you can just enjoy the physical benefits without having any psychoactive side effects.
That sounds good.
It's awesome.
My sex and cannabis class is one of my most popular where I talk about different ways of incorporating cannabis into the bedroom.
Ashley: Welcome everybody.
We're going to get started.
I could not be more stoked to share this sex and cannabis knowledge with all of you.
When I moved to California, it was really amazing to me to walk into a dispensary for the first time and go up to the counter and be, like, "Hi, so I'm a sex educator, and I want to make sex better.
What do you got for me?" The man behind the counter said, "Well, how do you want to feel?" And this -- this became a key question.
How do I want to feel? Because that's really what it comes down to with sex.
How do you want to feel? What do you want your body to do? I was, like, "Ooh, I should keep track of this.
" So, I started a spreadsheet because I'm a nerd.
Keep a little diary of the strains that you're smoking.
When you're trying a new strain or a product, try a little bit and go masturbate and then take notes.
What does it do to your body? How quickly does it set in? Are you humping the furniture, or are you like, "Let's binge watch Netflix for several hours.
" And that way, you can start to really find a catalog of data that is specific to you and your body.
For me, I can only have multiple orgasms, or squirt, if I have edibles in my system.
Yes, and I was just about to say with edibles, there's this one kind of chocolate, and I've been trying to chase it down because I forgot what kind it was, but I happen to get it and, oh, man.
I want to hear from you about what you know about the endocannabinoid system and bioavailability through our bodies.
There's cannabinoids and terpenes.
Cannabinoids are THC, CBD CBG, CBM.
There are things to consider with each method of consumption.
With topicals, they take a while to kick in.
So, date night is happening.
He's getting there at 1:00.
At 12:30, I have sprayed myself with oil, and by the time he gets there, we're ready to fuck for the next four hours.
-That sounds exhausting.
-Oh, it's so good.
You actually get energy from it.
You're, like, "Oh, my God.
Yeah, like, hours and hours.
Hours and hours.
Hours and hours.
-Yeah, that's true.
-Hours and hours and hours.
The reason that oils are so effective on vulvas is because of the exposed mucosal membrane.
The vulva has exposed mucosa.
It's wet on the inside.
So, I tend to keep cannabis oil to just vulvas.
Any questions so far? Well, I'm someone that doesn't smoke that much weed.
So, I'm wondering how I can incorporate weed into my sex life to make it better, but in a toe-in-the-water kind of way.
I really like the idea of the oils, like, the topicals, and the genital oils and having it be higher CBD.
Is that just weed lube? Yes, that is weed lube, and I think that would be the best for you.
I wanted to get just my vagina high to start with.
Then, I would highly recommend that as your option.
I just, like, did this by accident.
It's good.
That's perfect.
That's actually a really good hand-job position.
Oh, really? The Diamond of Glory.
Like, you've got the thumbs behind the balls, like, rubbing the perineum.
We'll go into a hand-job lesson later.
Karley: Huh, maybe I've been doing this whole weed thing all wrong.
I can't believe I've wasted all this time trying to enjoy smoking weed, when really, I could've just let my pussy be the stoner.
I'm excited to get my vagina high for the first time.
Take a hot bath.
Put on some Sadé.
And then bow chicka wow wow.
Kaylene: Be prepared to have the best orgasm of your life.
Karley: While I've never personally identified with the stoner lifestyle, maybe my vagina is on her own journey in search of her stoner Prince Charming.
Or should I say, her lube and shining armor? Quim Rock is a San Francisco-based company started by two women who make intimate oils using cannabis.
Quim is a 17th century, archaic, taboo word for vagina.
What we want to do is break taboos around vaginal health and wellness.
And why weed lube? What we're really trying to do with our initial product is combine the aphrodisiac properties of cannabis, which have been used for ages with vaginal health as a really important part of sex.
It increases blood flow to that area, increasing sensitivity.
It increases my own natural lubrication.
So, I have to use less commercial, other types of lube, and vaginal dryness is one of the leading factors for getting a UTI or getting a yeast infection.
I feel like my life is a giant UTI, and also I have a very fragile PH.
-So, is your product good for me? It's definitely good for you.
Can you show me how you make it? -Yeah.
I feel like we're hosting a cooking show.
For the first thing I've ever cooked.
We didn't actually need aprons for this, but I just feel so good in an apron.
Let's make some weed lube.
Let's make some weed lube.
We want to make sure we're using really high-quality cannabis trim.
We are going to be using a Sativa Hybrid.
Why is a Sativa Hybrid the best for your vagina? We tried a number of different strains.
For us, the Sativa Hybrid tends to be more of an awakening.
We need a light bulb moment vagina.
Looking for a sparkly, creative vagina.
So, the first part is decarboxylate the cannabis.
We're activating all the THC without burning it.
Pour the whole thing in.
Ooh, I got it.
It smells so strong.
It smells really great.
So, we're really trying to preserve the terpenes.
Karley, will you do the honors? Yeah.
We're like modern day housewives.
I know.
In order to decarboxylate it, we just heat it up.
The vagina's the most absorbent part of your body and why are we not including that very integral part of our bodies into our self-care routines? A big part of what we want to do is bring conversations around vaginal wellness as a key part of sexual health.
This was the first place to start because it solved some of the issues we were having.
From the moment I started having sex, it was in this awful feedback lube of UTI then you have to take antibiotics.
Then, you get a yeast infection.
And it felt like I was being cursed by the gods above for having premarital sex or something.
So, I tried so many things.
It was really a true Goldilocks situation.
I'm like putting so many different things in my vagina.
Having a vagina is really stressful.
Take it out of the oven.
And we're going to add in the liquid coconut oil.
Coconut oil is the cure to everything, it feels like.
Karley: Sensual.
Do you want to give it a stir, Karley? The THC is going to be extracted into the oil.
It smells so Weedy.
Good adjective.
We've got it all mixed up.
Sort of ground in there.
Can you use the product with condoms? Nitro, polyurethane are ones that we recommend.
Unfortunately, it's not latex safe because it's oil based, which is definitely an important thing to know.
We're going to pour it into here, and, as you can see, we're not seeing a whole lot of plant material, which is ideal.
Maybe this will be for you.
We'll make you a little sensitive batch.
Oh, my God, I would love that.
From your vagina to mine.
From our quims to yours.
From our quims to yours.
Karley: All of this newfound slutty interest in weed is creating a modern industry driven by female entrepreneurs I love this.
who are bringing the world plant-based pleasure one baked pussy at a time.
You don't look like what I would expect a weed delivery person to look like.
I've heard that a lot actually.
Weed lube delivery.
Karley: So, I just found out that weed lube is basically the female Viagra.
Am I the last to know? You're literally holding weed right now.
This is such a California moment.
So, do you guys know about weed lube? I don't think we really have delved into the topical weed -- Like, ointment.
I have not heard of weed lube.
It's just like a high for your vagina.
Oh, wow.
It would be interesting to not be, like, high in your brain and just have your genitals be high.
If you guys smoke so much weed, I'm surprised that you guys haven't tried weed lube.
If people are starting to learn more about this stuff, then things like that will become more, like, readily available for women.
Not so much of, like, a niche market, you know? Karley: Weird.
So, it seems using weed specifically for female pleasure is unheard of, even amongst marijuana junkies.
It does look hot.
Thankfully, there's a special weed delivery service that is trying to fix that.
Lady Chatterley's Lover brings female-centric weed products right to your door.
So, basically, this company is creating a safe and easy way for horny, high women to buy pot from a non-dude.
Thank for coming along with me today.
I know.
I've never delivered weed before.
It feels very illicit.
We are headed to Rachel's house.
We are going to deliver aphrodisiac products as well as some women's health products.
Do you like being an erotic weed delivery woman? I do.
I like to talk to women.
You know, we go to people's houses.
We help them out.
We answer questions.
And, you know, it's nice to have a friendly and consistent female, you know, face whenever we're delivering cannabis products.
Who are your clients typically? You know, our clients range from early 20s to mid-80s.
I delivered one time to this woman.
It was a penthouse suite.
She had the whole top level to herself.
Like, the elevator opened up into her apartment.
She was in her early 80s, and she ordered all of our aphrodisiac products.
I was very impressed.
That's a life goal.
Yeah, for sure.
California is crazy.
Weed lube delivery.
-Hi, Rachel.
How's it going? -Great.
How are you? -Good to see you again.
Good to see you, too.
Yeah, come in and sit down.
-Thank you.
-This is so pretty.
-Thank you.
Well, thank you for your order.
You ordered quite a few products that you're going to love.
Be prepared to have the best orgasm of your life.
That's all I'm going to say.
Um, so, I think I'll start with the lubricants.
We've got four different kinds here.
This is the Lady Chatterley brand.
Very potent.
Does it enhance pleasure for you? Oh, yeah.
Actually, the first time that I tried it was the first time that I'd ever had multiple climaxes by myself.
That's a good Yelp review for that product.
Five stars.
Kaylene: Another fun thing that I brought is the passion and arouse.
You'll be very happy with these.
That's just a regular weed pen, but with aphrodisiac weed.
It gets the juices flowing, so to speak.
There's the bath salts.
We've got two Mr.
Nice pre-rolls for you.
The Bosm breast oil, which is, um, a really great product.
This massage oil, this is really the kicker.
Always remember, less is more.
Just sort of lube up the wheels, and then Nice.
kick it into high gear.
This is an insane amount of weed to give someone and then say less is more.
Is there something about the fact that a woman is delivering it and she knows all about the products that makes this service more appealing to you than going to a head shop? Yeah.
I just feel kind of more comfortable having someone come and describe everything to me in my home.
-It's like girl talk.
Karley: Wow.
Yet another example of kick-ass stoner chicks taking care of each other's pussies.
Sexy, right? Almost sounds like the plot of a porno.
You need more of an upper? You want to be more mellow? Something in the middle? So far we've learned that ingesting weed can enhance sexual pleasure and there's a ton of new products on the market that get behind that.
But for some people, it's actually the act of smoking weed that's the biggest turn-on.
So, I'm here on the set of a weed porn film to find out what's so sexy about being a pothead.
Emerald Triangle is a woman-owned production company of the forefront of the growing trend of lesbian stoner porn.
So, what are you guys doing? Well, right now, I'm getting into makeup.
And then, eventually, we're going to have some hot, lesbian sex.
What are some of the things that you can do to incorporate weed into sex? My current partner gets a big kick out of, like, feeding me weed.
Yeah, yeah.
It feels really sexy to smoke while someone goes down on you, and I really to, like, feed them hits and smother them.
That sounds hot, actually.
It's not bad.
There is a fetish for just the existence of smoke, right? Oh, yeah.
There is all sorts of little perverts.
Sometimes they want to be tortured with the smoke.
They want it blown in their face.
They want you to ash in their mouth.
There's just something sexy about smoking.
So, would you say that this is still a niche market? Definitely.
It's a niche market, for sure.
I feel like it's definitely going to explode the more and more that weed becomes mainstream, but we'll remember who started it.
That's right.
So, what is the, um, story for today's porn? I'm going to be smoking a lot of weed in my backyard, and then Cherry is going to catch a whiff, I guess, of my weed clouds and she's going to see me smoking and, like, come hang out.
And then, bow chicka wow wow.
Then rock, paper, scissors.
Fivestar: All right.
You're lighting it, and action.
So, are you a veteran of weed porn? I like to think I'm a veteran of weed and of porn.
So, yes.
I think the combo just is like a peanut butter and jelly.
Can I see you go down? Okay.
I didn't realize there was so much stopping and starting.
I've been totally fooled by the porn I've seen.
Is making weed porn different than making "mainstream porn?" I see weed porn very similar to fetish porn because you take that thing that someone's really interested in and you focus on that, hands going close to the mouth and the ways that lips might go around a joint or a bong.
The action of the smoke going in and out of a person, that's hugely erotic.
That was my last joint.
Oh, no.
But you know what? I know somebody that could deliver.
Mm, I like the sound of that.
Yeah? Yeah.
Penny's going to walk in.
Did somebody call for a delivery? -Ooh.
Do you think that you're trying to sort of, like, change the way that people think of women who smoke pot? I think that we just end up changing the image of what a woman who smokes pot is like.
I mean, you talk to these women, they're all really intelligent, and they're smoking pot for a reason.
And they're actually connoisseurs, and they know all the different strands and what kind of strands will make them feel which way.
More of an upper? You want to be more mellow? Something in the middle? I don't know.
I like a hybrid personally.
I want to feel it in my head and my body.
Might I suggest Purple Dream.
Have you tried it before? No, I haven't tried that one before.
-I don't think so.
-Well, I'm a firm believer in always trying before you buy.
-Smell it.
-Your top just fell down.
Boob reveal.
It's a technical porn term.
-Boob reveal.
-It's one thing to know that weed is healthy for my pussy, but now that I know that it's also a fetish, I'm officially game.
So, it's time to finally give this a try.
Nowhere does sex and weed intersect more than at a Cannabis Pleasure Party, which is, essentially, a sex party where everyone gets high.
What is a Cannabis Pleasure Party? Ashley: So, a Cannabis Pleasure Party is where adults can come together in a safe space, interact at a level that you're comfortable.
So, if you want to hug, if you want to cuddle, if you want to kiss, if you want to get sexy, you can do all of those things.
In fact, I was just negotiating a threesome for later.
Really? Is your threesome going to be, like, a weed-related threesome? It will definitely be weed related.
I like threesomes because, like, if you get tired, it's okay to just, like, clock-out and take a break.
You can tag in and out as you like.
So, what would usually be served at a Cannabis Pleasure Party? Check out what Andrew's serving.
Andrew: This is a lavender lemonade infused with 2.
5 milligrams of THC.
So, is this going to make me feel sexy? Absolutely.
They always do.
Ooh, it smells so intense.
So, what is this stuff that you've supplied for the party? So, these are our new and medicated lollipops.
They're medicated with aphrodisiac herbs.
I mean, look at this.
This is all you need for a great sex party.
Karley: When it comes to innovation, female pleasure is rarely a priority.
So, it's comforting to know that, thanks to feminism, we now finally live in a world where our pussies can get stoned.
By virtue of my time with the ganja goddesses, I'm excited to take my orgasms to a higher state of consciousness.
Even if it means that my vagina will smell like a dispensary.
Puff you later, sluts.

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