Snabba Cash (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Friends and Family

[metal rattling]
Here are the watches we discussed.
Now you can say that you've seen them,
in case the bank asks for confirmation.
I'll need about an hour for the paperwork.
Once it's done,
I'll buy them back from you.
Okay, and after that, I'll end up with
one and a half million crowns?
For the two million crowns cash.
[man] Perfect.
[Li] Please initial
all pages of the agreement.
[Leya] Of course.
[Li] Great.
This is only the first step.
As soon as our legal team has reviewed
everything, we'll have another meeting.
That's when we'll transfer
the 25 million crowns
to your account, Leya.
- Awesome. Thanks.
- No problems buying out Marcus Werner?
- No.
- [Tomas] Okay. Good riddance.
Not that he matters, but I want
nothing to do with mediocre people.
Where did you find the money?
Friends and family.
[Tomas] We've set everything up
with the press. Hassan?
[Hassan] You have an important interview
with Dagens Industri m agazine
at our event on Friday.
That's when you'll set the tone
for your brand.
- They're going to interview me?
- [Hassan] Yes. What did you think?
Before the IPO, I want them to really see
how aggressive
and forward-thinking we are at Macking.
Today we are the kings of our field,
and we are poised to rule the future.
I want everyone to know that.
Of all the companies I invested in,
I want you and TargetCoach
to represent us.
Hope you're okay with that.
Or maybe you're not ready
for the big leagues.
You just surprised me a little.
I'm ready. I can't wait for the interview.
Cool. I'll pick you up on Friday
at your place.
- Great.
- [Tomas] Awesome.
Welcome aboard. Now we have
two poster children for diversity.
[man clears throat]
[Tomas] I'm just fucking with you!
- Thanks, Leya.
- [Leya] Thanks.
["Försent" by 1.Cuz & Greekazo playing]
[distant shouting and chatter]
[cell phone vibrating]
- How are you doing?
- [Leya] Great. I did it, Salim.
My company's deal came through.
For real?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nice.
[Leya] I also wanted to say thanks
for helping me out with Sami.
I couldn't have done it without you,
so I appreciate what you did that night.
- Thanks a lot.
- [Salim] It was no big deal.
Maybe we can get together if you're free?
Celebrate or, you know, chill.
What? Right now?
No, sorry. I can't right now.
I'm working all night.
[laughs] Are you performing
at another wedding tonight?
[Salim] Yeah, that's right.
But I'd love to see you tomorrow.
I have a thing planned
with my company during the day, but
Maybe a little later, sure.
- All right.
- Bye.
[tense music playing]
The cops.
- Fuck this.
- Yeah.
It's bullshit.
[man] Shit, man.
I think the delivery just got here.
Call Ravy now.
- [man] Yeah, that's the po-po.
- Fuck!
[man] Hey, chill.
- Okay, chill, chill, chill.
- [officer 1] Police! Don't move!
- [officer 2] Don't move!
- Give me the burner.
[officer 2] Get out of the car!
[policemen continue shouting]
- [Salim] Swallow it.
- Give it to her.
- [Salim] Just do it now!
- [Nala] You're so funny.
[officer 1] Put your hands on the car!
[indistinct shouting]
[Nala] What's up?
Come here.
- [man 1] Hey, bro.
- What's up?
- [man 1] Hey.
- [Nala] This is our new runner.
[man 1] I'll send you his number. Aight?
- Bro, we need product here.
- Aight. It's coming.
I'm sorting shit out.
We have five days of product,
then we're fucking out.
Okay. Yo, chill.
- Chill, dude. It's coming.
- [man 1] I'm working on it.
[man 1] Listen. Hang around.
You'll get a crypted text on Wickr.
As soon as you get it, come here.
He'll drop you what you need.
Go across the park up to the street.
You'll see a car. You give them
the product. You're done.
- You're clear?
- Yeah.
- Good, man.
- Good. Let's go.
[man 1] Yalla. Let's roll.
Hey. Move.
["Gang Gang" by Linda Pira playing]
[cell phone chirps]
[cell phone chirps]
[Nala] Hey, dude.
["Gang Gang" continues playing in car]
[Tim] Sup?
- [man] How did it go?
- [Tim] Cool. It's all good.
[man] Great.
These are euros,
so invest them well, little man.
- [Tim] Thanks.
- [man] Yalla.
[car driving away]
[doorbell rings]
Sami, can you open the door?
- There he is! Hey!
- Grandma!
Sami, how are you, baby?
- Grandma.
- Everything okay? I'm so glad to see you.
You're look nice, honey.
- You think so?
- [mom] Yes, really nice.
Come here, honey.
I've brought something for you.
- [Sami] What? Did you bring candy?
- You like fruit, don't you? Here.
No candy! What do you think, sweetie?
[Leya] Mom, please,
don't stuff him full of candy.
I promise I won't.
- Hey, does my hair look good?
- You look great. Where are you going?
- It's a business thing. Sure I look okay?
- Of course. You're beautiful.
- Does the bag also go with my clothes?
- Honey, you look great.
- [mom] Great.
- Awesome.
- Be good with grandma. I love you.
- [Sami] Hm-mm.
- Remember, I'll always be proud be of you.
- Thanks, Mom.
- [car engine revving]
- [Leya] What the
[Leya] Seriously? Are you joking?
You can't show up here with that car.
- You're embarrassing me.
- [Tomas] What do you mean?
[Leya] I live here.
[Tomas] Just showing them
what they could have with a bit of work.
[Tomas] Yo!
My man!
- Okay, just go.
- Sure. You bet. Get ready.
- [engine revs]
- [Leya screams]
- Cool, right?
- Tomas!
[Leya gasps]
Okay. So, you're not here to play nice.
We have enough ass-kissers
in the tech world.
I brought you here 'cause you're a badass,
so just be yourself. Period.
[electro music playing]
- [man] Hi.
- Hey.
- [man] Dagens magazine is ready.
- Perfect.
[Tomas] Hey.
- Hello. How are you?
- [Tomas] Great. How are you?
Good. Here's the plan.
First, we'll take pictures of Leya.
This is John, our photographer.
Please follow me here.
Then Jonas
will conduct the actual interview.
- Stop here. That looks great.
- [woman] No questions about the IPO.
- Today we're focusing on Leya.
- [Jonas] I thought we could do both.
When we go public,
I promise you'll be the first to know.
Today it's Leya Wahby
I want to talk about.
She's our new rising star
straight from the hood.
Leya made it to the big leagues.
That's the angle.
[Jonas] She's like the Zlatan of tech.
Is that what you're saying?
[Tomas] Let's put it that way.
She's as good as Zlatan,
but there's a huge difference.
Leya is not dumb.
- [Jonas] How do you spell your name?
- Leya. L-e-y-a.
Tomas, can you get in the picture?
Just a quick one. Beautiful.
Tuck the belly in. Shoulders square.
Give me a winner's smile.
- Thanks!
- [John] You look great.
I'm just jealous, man.
You look great. [laughs]
- [Jonas] How old are you?
- [John] Turn back to me.
Great. That's it.
Keep walking and look back.
- Thanks. I got it.
- [Jonas] Thanks, John.
I had no idea
it would be that kind of event.
This is where the party will be.
That's my private box.
[Leya] You have a box?
[Tomas] Of course.
Even used car dealers have one.
[Ravy] Of all the fucking places,
we're meeting on a fucking hill.
[man 1] Maybe they like skiing?
[Ravy] Fuck, man.
[man 2] What's up, guys?
- [Ravy] What's up?
- Hi, man. How are you?
- [Ravy] Good.
- [man 3] Hey.
- Hey.
- Yo.
- [Ravy] Everything cool?
- [man 2] Not really, bro.
Is something wrong? You sick?
- It's Marko.
- What about Marko?
We're not allowed to do business with you.
No one can sell you product.
- He said that? Why?
- You're burned.
- What do you mean?
- [man 2] Let me handle this.
I'll fucking shoot you, bitch.
What's going on? What do you mean?
- Burned by who? You?
- Can't sell to you.
- Why not?
- It's Marko.
Think I'm a fucking tourist?
Made me walk up here for nothing?
- [man 2] Listen
- You listen.
Come here. I wanna talk. come here.
- [man 2] Chill.
- Tell me what you mean.
What do you mean I'm burned?
- Tell me what you mean.
- Sorry
Marko's not here.
I'm talking to you. Antonio, listen to me.
I'm gonna chop your balls off,
your fucking cojones,
and stick them in your mouth. Clear?
- How many times did I help you?
- It's not me. No one can sell to you.
No one? Listen.
Antonio, are you fucking with me?
- Are you fucking?
- He's the man.
- Fuck off, bitch. Fuck off too! Go! Move!
- Fucking bitches, yo.
Give me the gun!
Fuck off now! I'll fucking smoke you.
- Come on, man.
- Get lost, guys.
[man] I can call my cousin in Amsterdam.
He can hook us up with a small shipment.
[Ravy] How much shit?
[man] Forty, 50 kilos of weed.
- Fifty grams of coke.
- [Ravy] It's nothing, bro.
It won't begin to make a difference.
It'll keep the guys on the street
off our backs for a week.
And what about the week after that, bro?
Can you go talk to Marko then?
[Ravy] Do I look like a bitch?
Why would I talk to Marko?
We're better than that, right?
You want me to run to him
like a fucking dog? No fucking way.
We need a better plan.
- Yo.
- [Tim] Hey.
- All right, bro?
- [Tim] Yeah.
- Tim, right?
- Yeah, that's me.
Good. So listen.
You're gonna go upstairs to an apartment.
[Salim] That's where that motherfucker
Dani's stash house is, in this building.
We're gonna go say hi.
But first, you'll do some recon.
How many men he has, what it looks like.
[tense music playing]
[doorbell rings]
[dog barks, growls]
- Uh, hey.
- Hey.
- [woman] What?
- [Tim] Is Sebbe in?
[woman] Sebbe? Who's Sebbe?
- Sebbe.
- [woman] No.
[dog barks]
[tense music playing]
- So there's just a girl?
- Yeah. A girl and her dog.
- A dog?
- Yeah.
What kind of dog?
- [Tim] A fucking big dog.
- Okay.
No one else in the apartment?
I couldn't see the whole place,
but I don't think anyone else is there.
Okay, man.
You're coming up to ring the bell.
- [Tim] What, me?
- [Salim] Yeah.
But Can I get a vest too?
[pulsing, tense music plays]
- [doorbell rings]
- [dog barks, growls]
[dog barks]
[dog continues growling and barking]
- Back up! Back up!
- [woman] Who are you?
- What do you want?
- [Salim] Back up!
- Check if anybody else is there.
- [Nala] Clear.
You stay right there.
[dog continues barking]
[tense music playing]
[barking continues]
- Where's the shit? Tell me now!
- He moved it last week. I swear.
- [Salim] Tell me where it is.
- [woman] It's not here anymore.
- He moved it. It's not here!
- [Salim] Stop lying to me!
- Where is the shit?
- [dog barking]
[Salim] Take it easy!
- [woman] No!
- [Salim] No, don't shoot, man!
- [woman] What did he do?
- [Salim] Everybody out!
- [shot fired]
- [dog whimpers]
[muffled screaming]
[Salim] Come on! Yalla. Come on!
[dramatic music playing]
[dad] Hey, buddy.
[Tim] Hey.
[dad] Everything all right?
[Tim] Yeah, cool.
[dad] Can I show you something?
I'm looking at hotels and resorts
in the Canary Fuerteventura.
Look at that one here.
There's everything you need. Look.
The national basketball
and swimming teams,
they both trained there.
They have great pools,
amenities. It's all included.
You wanna go?
Uh, yeah.
I had a long day. I'm going to bed, okay?
[dad] Okay.
[dad] Sleep well.
[Tim] Hm-mm.
[door closes]
[Salim] Hey, hey, hey. What's up?
Are you stalking me?
- I didn't know you lived around here.
- Ah.
I'm really glad to see you.
Yeah, me too.
So, do you want to come in for a drink?
Can I do the other one too?
[both panting]
[soft atmospheric music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[toilet flushes]
- [Salim] I was starting to miss you.
- [chuckles]
What are you thinking?
[Salim] Hm.
[Leya] It's weird. I feel like things
are finally turning around for me.
Sami keeps asking about you.
For real?
I see.
He wants to hang out with you.
Cool. We had a good time the other day.
[Leya laughs softly]
[Sami] Yeah?
What do you want for breakfast?
[Sami] Yogurt.
[cell phone ringing]
[Viktoria squeals] Look, Leya!
Look at you. You're on the cover.
Can you believe
- Sami.
- [Sami] Yeah, Mommy?
[Leya] Sami, come here.
I want you to see this.
[Sami] That's you, Mommy.
That's me. I know.
Your mom is on the cover
of the fucking Dagens Industri magazine.
Do you understand?
Do you realize how cool this is?
- [Leya] I'll take the green ones, and
- I want that one.
The egg?
[Salim] Come on.
[Nala] Fuck! Why did I say yes?
I already regret it.
[Salim] We're almost there.
[Nala] I knew this was a really bad idea.
When I move, I'm gonna hire people
to take care of this shit for me.
- Coming through!
- [Salim] Hey, sorry.
- [man] That's fine. Good luck.
- [Salim] Sorry.
- [Nala] Here?
- [Salim] Yeah. Put it down.
- [Nala sighs] Done.
- [Salim] Okay.
- [Nala] I'm already tired.
- We need to finish up.
- [man] Did you find a girl or what?
- [Salim] No. I just wanna
- [Nala] Yeah! He found a girl, for sure!
- [Salim] Stop it. I haven't met anyone.
- [Nala] Salim found a girl!
- [Salim] Less joking, more working.
- [Nala] Ask your girl to give you a hand.
- [Salim] You're such a pain in the ass.
[Nala] Your girl should come help.
That's her job.
- Hey.
- Hey.
[man] Who the fuck are you?
- Five grand for the package.
- [man] Five grand?
It's four and a half. I'm not paying more.
- No, it's five, man.
- We paid the other guy four and a half.
Maybe you did, but now I'm in charge.
Sorry, I don't wanna haggle
with a little boy.
- I'm gonna send the usual amount.
- Pay or give me back the stuff.
Chill. We'll do what we always do.
You owe me five grand.
- [man] Fucking kid!
- [Tim] Hey, wait.
[security] Come in, guys.
Have a good time.
Wait. You're too young. Get lost.
- Hey, guys.
- Come on in.
I'm looking for Nala and Osman.
- Sure.
- Nala and Osman?
[man speaks Arabic]
- You don't speak our language?
- [man speaks Arabic]
Are Nala and Osman here?
A tall guy and a short girl.
Do you understand?
- [man speaks Arabic]
- Are Nala and Osman here?
Do you understand? Where's Nala and Osman?
[Salim] Hey, chill out.
What's going on here? What the hell?
What do you want?
Are you trying to rob our uncle?
- I'm looking for Nala and Osman.
- You just missed them. They're gone.
- [Tim] Fuck!
- What's up?
They sent me downtown,
and I was dealing to these guys
Okay, chill. Come.
Come here.
Coming through. Sorry. Do you mind?
[woman] Sorry.
[Salim] Okay. What happened?
They sent me downtown
to deal to these two guys.
I gave them the product,
but then they got nasty
and refused to give me the cash.
- Where are they now?
- They went to a club in downtown.
I'll go talk to them.
You're coming with me. All right?
- Yeah.
- Yalla. Let's go. Come.
[Salim] Hey, brother.
[security 1] Salim, long time, no see.
How you doin', bro?
- What's up, brother?
- [security 2] Guys, come on in.
["Horse" by Salvatore Ganacci playing]
I think you had a little issue
with my friend here.
Not my fault, man. He wanted to screw us.
- You need to talk to him.
- Don't touch me.
- You need to come talk to me now.
- [man] Take it easy, man.
[Salim] I said come with me,
or do we have a problem?
Come on. Walk.
- [man] Stop! No!
- Come here! Come here!
[Salim] You fucking bitch.
What's your problem, huh?
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Leave him alone!
[Salim] You see this white boy here?
You should have paid.
- He's with me. Get it?
- I paid.
You didn't pay me.
[Salim] Don't push me, you hear?
I swear on my mother's grave,
I'll blow your head off.
He increased the price.
[man 2] He's not lying. It's true!
He's fucking lying. He's totally lying!
Shut the fuck up, you motherfucker.
You're gonna give him
two thousand extra crowns.
- You should have paid me!
- [Salim] Don't disrespect us again.
- You hear me?
- Let go!
- [Salim] Did you hear what I told you?
- [man] Yeah.
You take it. It's yours.
Usually, they're cool,
so this was really weird.
He told me you jacked up the price.
What's with that?
I thought they might try to negotiate.
It was a precaution.
- What?
- I started with a higher price.
It was a precaution.
Okay, listen, little buddy.
I'm not gonna tell Osman and Nala.
- If they find out, you know what happens.
- I know. I know.
- Okay.
- I wanna be like that.
I wanna be like you,
a badass no one messes with.
What for?
'Cause I don't want to be a loser.
You're no loser, bro.
- Tell me, how old are you?
- I'm 15.
You're still a boy, you know?
Keep going to school,
maybe get a good paying job.
- You heard what I said?
- Yeah.
- Yalla. Go home, get some sleep.
- Yeah.
[gentle music playing]
[engine revving]
[horn toots]
- What do you think?
- [Tim] It's okay.
[man] The ad said 15,000 crowns,
but if you take it now,
I'll sell it to you for 14
and throw in the two helmets.
- [Tim] Is cash all right?
- That works for me.
Can I pay in euros?
[man] Euros?
Sure. Even better. It's a deal.
["Älska Mig Väl" by Henok Achido playing]
[Leya laughs]
I think we should start with a monthly pay
of 50,000 crowns for the time being.
I also know you've been super low on cash,
so let's give you
six months retroactive pay.
And about that apartment of yours
in the projects
It makes for a good story,
but it won't work for one of my employees,
so you're gonna move in to one of our
Macking condos. You'll like it.
- Are you serious?
- [Tomas] Yeah, dead serious.
[Li] There we go. The money
has been transferred to your account.
[Tomas] Hm-mm.
- Welcome to Macking. Cheers.
- [all] Cheers.
Okay. Start scaling up right away.
What time frame did you have in mind?
I'm thinking six months.
Too long. Think again.
I'll give you three months. That's it.
- [Leya] Uh, okay.
- That's better.
I really believe in you,
but I don't believe in vacations,
weekends, parental leave
and all that shit, okay?
When you work for me,
you work 24/7. I hope that's clear.
Tomas, please. You should know me.
All I wanna do
is fucking hit this fucking business.
[Osman] Look at this guy.
- Super Swede!
- [Nala] Hey, hey.
Super Swede. He really knows his shit.
[Tim] Hey.
[Nala] Hey. Word you got attitude
from some assholes last night.
- Make sure it doesn't happen again.
- For sure. It won't happen again, I swear.
Here, take this.
Hide it.
[tense music playing]
Anyone fucks with you, lift up your shirt
and flash your piece, okay?
Time to man up a little, you know?
- I'll show you how to use it. Aight?
- [Nala] Let's roll.
Marko! Brother! Can we talk for a minute?
What are you doing here?
- [Ravy] Chill. I just wanna talk.
- You're fucked.
- Do you hear me? You're done.
- [Salim] We just wanna talk.
- [Ravy] Marko, please.
- [man] Boss said no.
- Marko, listen. Give me a minute.
- [man] Step away!
- Don't touch my car! Fuck off!
- Step away now!
[engine starts]
[Ravy] There may be
someone else he'd listen to.
I'm going in alone.
[knock at door]
[Ravy] It makes me really happy
to see you work in a place like this.
- I'm thrilled for you.
- What are you doing here?
- You can't be here. You have to leave.
- Listen, I won't stay long.
- I need your help.
- You need my help for what?
Marko's cut me out of his business deals.
I need you to talk to him.
What? No. I'm not gonna talk to Marko.
You know how I feel.
I know. Because of Yannick,
convince him to sit down with me.
- I'm sorry. I can't help you. Go!
- You're the only one who can!
You've gotta just leave.
Why can't you just go?
- [Ravy] Aren't you forgetting something?
- [Leya] No!
The only reason you're here
is because of me.
- [Leya] I can't get involved.
- Don't fucking dare!
- Argh!
- [Ravy] Listen to me!
- [Salim] Hey!
- Listen.
- Chill.
- You're gonna talk to Marko.
Do you hear what I'm fuckin' sayin'?
Do you?
Don't touch me!
[Ravy] And you need
to keep your fucking mouth shut!
[door slams]
[Ravy] Let's go, Salim. Come on.
[tense music playing]
Don't you ever fucking interrupt me
when I'm talking to someone!
["Det Fina Med Tid" by Ana Diaz playing]
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