Away (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Excellent Chariots

[tense music playing]
[heavy breathing]
[heavy breathing]
Odds of winning the Powerball
are 1 in 88 quadrillion.
You know that, right? That's 15 zeros.
Yeah, I know what a quadrillion is,
partner, but 88's better than 89, right?
[chuckles] Hey, who's that?
Looks like Arya.
Wonder what he's doing up.
Evening, Atlas. This is Houston.
Everything okay up there,
Group Captain Arya?
[Jack] Just a midnight stroll?
Can I get a verbal, over?
[ethereal music playing]
[woman praying in Hindi in distance]
Group Captain Arya, do you copy?
[tense music playing]
[woman's prayer grows louder]
[woman continues praying]
[woman's prayer echoes]
Group Captain Arya, acknowledge.
[door lock clangs]
[alarm blaring]
[Jack] Atlas, this is Houston.
We have an emergency situation.
Houston, Atlas, copy.
Emma, I need you to go to the airlock.
Ram's trying to open the damn door.
[echoing chatter]
Ram, move away from the airlock.
Ram? [grunts]
-Um, Commander?
-[Ram] I'm coming.
[both grunt]
[both grunt]
-Get the Ativan.
-[Lu] Copy.
Hey! Hey!
[both grunting]
[both straining, grunting]
[Misha screams]
[Ram] Why are you doing this to me?
Please get off me!
I need to get to the door!
Please! Please get off me!
I need to get to the door!
I need to get to the door!
I need to get to the door!
-[Lu] Commander!
-[Ram] Please get off me!
I need to get to the door! Please!
[Emma panting]
-[Misha groans]
-Why would he try to get out?
Someone always cracks up in space, right?
I would put all my money
you would be the first.
He's not cracking up. He's burning up.
Everyone in protective gear, now.
[tense music playing]
[Matt] Three months, six days.
That's how long
I've been in the W rehab wing.
To be honest, I
expected to be
a little further along in my, uh
My left hand isn't fully back yet,
and I still can't put any weight
on my left leg.
So it looks like I'll be in this chair
a little longer than, uh
I'm sorry.
I I know I should be grateful
for what I do have.
We're all on different journeys, Matt.
There's no need to apologize.
Is there anything else?
I, uh
What is it?
Well, this morning
I woke up with an erection.
So I'm pretty happy that's back.
-You dreaming about that OT, Veronica?
She always does it for me.
I'm just, uh, taking it as a sign
that things will keep coming back,
you know?
And, uh, Wednesday,
I take the last of my PT tests and
hopefully, if I pass, I'll be going home.
So, I'm going home.
[Putney] How are things at Melissa's?
They're really nice.
And how are your friends at school?
Anyone there you can talk to
about what's going on in your life?
Isn't that what we're doing here?
I hear your dad's coming home soon.
Anything you wanna ask me?
I know you think of me
as your mom's psychiatrist and that
we're meeting today
because she asked for us to check in.
But I want you to know
that I'm also here for you.
So anything you talk about is between us.
Is it hard being in a wheelchair?
It's hard sometimes,
being in a world
that wasn't designed for chairs.
You worry about that with your dad?
I just don't want things
to be hard for him.
-Have you told him that?
-We don't really talk about it.
I think it's because
he's scared that I might have it.
It's genetic.
Do you worry that you have it?
You thought about getting tested?
Not really.
But then you'd know if you have it.
I don't think I wanna know.
You got enough on your plate right now.
And we haven't even talked
about your mom going to Mars,
-'cause, you know, that's not stressful!
You know, when I was little,
kids used to say that when people died,
they'd go up into the sky.
And I was like, "No.
That's where my mom goes.
She's not dead. She's an astronaut."
You worry about your mom dying?
You think it's affecting you
in other ways?
What do you mean?
Your mom said you got a C
on your last science exam.
Wait. Is [scoffs]
is that why she asked me to see you?
Because I got a C on my test?
No, no. Your mom wanted you to see me
because she wants you to have support.
If my mom wanted me to have support,
then she wouldn't have gone to Mars.
-I gotta go. I'm gonna be late for school.
[door closes]
[Emma] I just heard back from Ground.
They pulled Ram's medical records.
He tested positive
for the Epstein-Barr virus.
[Lu] Oh, damn it.
[Kwesi] Isn't that mono?
[Lu] Infectious mononucleosis.
Most of us carry it in latent form.
Space can trigger full-blown virus.
[Kwesi] How contagious is it?
[Misha] Now, let's see.
We are in a tin can with no open windows.
So, yeah, might be contagious.
[Lu] Are you done with your jokes?
[Emma] Everyone needs to go on antivirals
and we're to avoid all contact with Ram
until we're sure that the virus
has run its course.
[Kwesi] And if it doesn't run its course?
[Misha] He is sick for months.
We are at risk for months.
[Lu] Ram will need his antivirals as well.
-[Emma] I'll do it.
-[Lu] You sure?
[Emma] Everyone, you start your meds.
We'll scrub down the ship after.
[Misha] Copy that.
[Ram breathing heavily]
[Emma] Hey, friend.
[Emma echoing] Ram?
[man's voice echoing] Ram?
[echoing] Ram? Ram?
[in Hindi] I see you, little brother.
Take me to the stars.
[Ram in English]
Please don't come near me.
[Ram shivering]
[Emma echoing] What?
[speaking Hindi]
[in Hindi] Go away Go away
[Emma in English]
We're not going anywhere, Ram.
Where am I?
[Emma] Hey.
Hi, you.
What's happened?
You're sick, Ram.
-You have mono.
-Oh no.
[Ram] Oh no.
[Emma] Shh. It's okay. It's okay.
We're all on antivirals, and so are you.
[Ram] You can't be here.
You can't be here.
-[Ram] And the crew
-It's okay.
We're gonna be okay.
So are you.
[shivering] Forty-eight hours.
If it doesn't break,
you have to put me in the airlock.
I'm not gonna do that.
I need you to promise me, Emma.
-It's not gonna come to that.
-Just promise me, please.
[Ram gasps]
[sobs] You can't let me get them sick.
[gasps] You can't let me get them sick.
[Ram] You can't let me get them sick.
[phone ringing]
[phone continues ringing]
Lex, hi!
You called your shrink because I got a C?
No, no. It's just
it's so unlike you not to get A's.
I was worried, and I--
If you were so worried,
then why didn't you
just talk to me yourself?
You're right. You're absolutely right.
I should have brought it up with you.
So I'll just I'll ask you myself.
What's going on?
Nothing is going on. I just got a C, Mom.
It's not a big deal.
Yes, I understand.
I just wanted to make sure
the C wasn't about something,
or that there's not
maybe something that you need
so your grades don't drop
during this difficult time.
Oh my God.
You just don't get it.
What? What don't I get?
All you care about are my grades.
[signal breaking up]
Honey? Honey, are you there?
[signal breaking up]
Mom, hello?
Lex, honey. Are you there?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm here.
I care about you. You know that.
All I care about is you.
Can we just
Can we just forget this?
The connection sucks.
-Call you later.
Just to say, if I got a C in anything,
my family would probably throw me a party.
[forced chuckle]
Sorry. Isaac Rodriguez.
Uh, Alexis Logan.
I know who you are.
You do?
There's, like, a giant poster of your mom
in the cafeteria.
It's annoying when the phone calls drop.
Of course, my dad was overseas
and not in outer space, but
Commander Green reports Ram's been given
his first round of antivirals.
Temperature's holding steady at 103.5.
-What are they doing to keep him hydrated?
[speaking Mandarin]
[in English] Nothing.
Too much risk to the other astronauts.
He's hallucinating,
asking that if the fever doesn't break,
he be put into an airlock.
He wants to be shot into space?
Obviously, we're not going to do that.
How long can we keep him isolated?
[speaking Mandarin]
[in English] As long as we have to.
Better notify the family.
Group Captain Arya
has explicit instructions
that his family only be contacted
under circumstances of his death.
-Are you serious?
-You're not serious?
Apparently, they're not very close.
And it's not going to come to that, right?
Triple his antivirals
and keep him away from the crew.
-[doctor] Let's hope his fever breaks.
Let's hope so.
[Darlene] Thank you.
[thermometer beeps]
[Lu] Ninety-eight point six.
[Kwesi speaking Hebrew]
[Lu] Huh?
Oh. "Blessed be thy name."
I'm thanking my God.
-[Lu] Misha, your turn.
-No, thank you.
[Lu] These are orders from Ground.
[thermometer beeps]
Ninety-eight point two.
[Misha] Yeah, I run a bit cold.
[Lu] That seems right.
[Misha] Your turn.
[thermometer beeps]
Ninety-eight point six.
[Kwesi] Right, so is Ram still
[Lu] Holding steady at 103.5.
[Misha] Don't worry about Ram.
Remember in in training when we did
uh, sense sense appreciation--
-[Ram] Sensory deprivation.
-[Misha] Yes.
[Ram] How could I forget
being zipped inside a sleeping bag
and sealed away in a dark closet
to see how long I'd last?
[Misha] How long did you last?
-[Kwesi] I made it 28 minutes.
-[Misha] Oh.
[Lu] Thirty-four.
[Misha] Forty-one. Ram?
Two hours.
[chuckles] He took a nap.
[Misha] Yeah.
Yeah, he acts like this sensitive
playboy Casanova,
but he's stronger than he seems.
[Lu] You'd better pray for Ram too.
[ethereal music playing]
[strained breathing]
[Ram] The ship is being disinfected,
and everyone's temperature's
holding steady.
You should get some sleep, Commander.
-Oh, I'll sleep once his fever breaks.
-Then I'll stay here, if that's all right.
[Kwesi] I misjudged Ram at first.
I thought he was arrogant.
[Emma] He is a bit. [chuckles]
[Kwesi chuckles] Yes, but generous too.
When Lu and Misha
questioned your leadership,
he defended you.
He cares about everyone so much.
Especially you.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[man in Hindi] Don't tell Mom I'm here.
you should go.
But I have a present for you, Ram.
It's a fire-burning Vimana!
That is from the story you tell me.
It is not just a story.
It is a great myth.
An epic poem!
I thought poetry was for girls.
That's the point, little brother.
Ladies love poetry.
And when you get older
and are healthy and strong,
we will go out together.
Women will not be able to resist
the Arya brothers.
I am not handsome or charming like you.
You will be.
They will write songs about us.
-And epic poems.
-And epic poems.
Tell me the story again.
The evil King Ravana
has taken Sita away
in his fire-burning Vimana.
The Vimana is his spaceship.
And so Rama--
That's me.
-I'm Rama.
-That's right.
And Rama becomes friends with Hanuman,
the monkey god,
and together they defeat King Ravana
and rescue Sita,
and Rama becomes king.
And Rama is given
the fire-burning spaceship.
It is as bright as the sun,
and the excellent chariot
rises up into the atmosphere,
higher and higher,
to the stars
[both] To the Moon,
and to Mars.
[Ram laughs]
[brother's voice echoing]
[man in English] Hey, Matt.
Congrats again on the erection.
I really wish
I had kept that to myself now.
You left-handed?
You said you was hoping
to get your left hand back.
I play piano.
Like classical?
Let me guess,
you're a country western guy.
Did the gigantic belt buckle give it away?
Travis Parker. Maybe you heard of me?
Best bronc rider in West Texas,
two years running.
Then one day a horse tossed me on my head,
smashed me against the back of the chute.
So maybe not the best then, huh?
If you ever wanna use
that left hand again,
if you ever wanna walk again,
then do not pass those tests on Wednesday.
What are you talking about?
Last thing you wanna do is get discharged.
This is one of the best rehab facilities
in the country.
I know, which is why I'm gonna
keep coming here as an outpatient.
Look, I have no intention of slacking off
on my rehab once I leave this place, so
It's not a question of slacking off.
Outpatient therapy is what?
One hour a day?
You have 24-hour access
to some of the best OTs and PTs
and rehab equipment that money can buy.
I understand,
but I I gotta get home to my daughter,
and the doctors say I'm ready.
Of course they do. Costs them 20 Gs a day
just to keep us here.
Come on. It's not 'cause of that.
Hey, look at this.
You see that right there?
Barely move my fingers three weeks ago.
Thank you, rehab.
This is a system, Matt,
and you gotta learn
how to work that system.
Hide your progress tomorrow.
Pass one test, but fail the next.
That way they see you making improvements,
but you still got some room to go.
Because once you leave this place,
it's plateau city, pal.
And your daughter's gonna be
the one taking care of you.
Is that him?
No, I I'm looking for the guy
from the cafeteria.
Lex, is that him?
[laughs] Cassie.
I'll tell you when I find him, okay?
It says he hasn't logged in
in over a year.
Private feed, which means
he's either totally antisocial, or
Why is there no people?
Good question.
[Cassie] Oh, this one. There's two people.
You're smiling. You never smile.
-That's not true.
-Yes, it is. I don't lie.
[pensive music playing]
Did you see something bad?
Maybe you need parental controls.
No, that's the last thing that I need.
[Emma] Hey, what's wrong? You look pale.
Oh. No, I'm okay.
So, what's the latest on your end?
How's Ram? What's your temp?
Ninety-eight point six and holding steady.
You, on the other hand,
you look like you sweat
clean through your shirt.
-Uh, I'm fine.
talk to me.
Look, I met a guy here who says
if I hide my progress
during tomorrow's tests
I'll get more time here.
I know it's the last thing
either of us wants
is for me to be in this hospital
another second longer, but--
But staying in is gonna help you recover?
There's a chance it'll help me walk, yeah.
Then you need to stay.
But Lex needs me right now
more than ever.
Yes. She does.
But you don't need to be at home
to be her dad.
[echoing in Hindi]
Don't tell Mom I'm here.
You should go.
But I have to finish the story
for you, Ram.
We were just landing on Mars
in our fire-burning Vimana!
No, Rohit, no
[Rohit's voice echoing]
[woman] Stay away from him!
He is sick!
I told him to go.
I told him to go.
We will go to the stars
and the Moon and Mars
on this excellent chariot!
Rohit, get away!
Get away!
Get away!
Get away!
Get away!
[tense music playing]
Atlas, this is Houston.
Ram's vitals are plummeting.
[music intensifies]
[breathes shakily]
[Emma] Ram!
[Ram] Do not come in here.
[Emma] Why? What's going on?
I seem to have fallen and cut my back.
[Lu] How deep is your wound, Ram?
It's it's pretty deep.
[Emma] Is it deep enough
that you need stitches?
Probably, yes.
[Misha groans]
[Kwesi] Must be a lot of blood.
[Lu] Contaminated blood.
[Emma] Is it something
you can treat yourself?
[Ram] I will deal with it.
I'll I'll figure something out.
Can you give us an indication
of what's going on up there?
-[Emma] I can't deal with him right now.
-[Kwesi] I've got it.
-[computer chimes]
-Houston, Kwesi here.
Ram cut himself in his pod
and requires stitches.
Tell her not to go in there.
-[Jack] Crew, do not go in--
-[signal cuts out]
[Kwesi] Must be a bad connection.
[Emma] I'm going in.
Do not follow me. That's an order.
No! Emma, no!
You do not come near me.
I'm warning you, do not come near.
Get out.
You get out of here. Don't come near me.
Do not touch me. Don't come near me.
[Emma] I'm not letting
a member of my crew bleed out.
[door opens]
-[Kwesi] Sorry, Commander.
-[Ram] Kwesi, you stay away from me.
-[Kwesi] Easy, Ram.
-[Ram] Don't come near! No!
-[Kwesi] Let's go. Sorry, Ram. Come on.
[Emma grunts]
[Lu] We must put disinfectant
and stop him from bleeding
before we can think about stitching him.
-[Ram] Get off me! Please, get off me!
-[Kwesi] Easy. It's okay. We've got you.
-Get off me, please-- [screaming]
-[Kwesi shushing]
[Kwesi] You're all right.
You're all right.
-[Emma] I can't stop the bleeding.
-[Misha] Move! Move! Move!
Hold him down.
-[Ram yelping]
[Misha] Sorry.
Ran out of Band-Aid.
This is nice.
Yeah. It's still the hospital.
I keep feeling like people
are just talking about their bad news.
You never know. Maybe some of them
are celebrating. We are.
You're coming home!
Yeah, um
Look, sweetie, um
I have made a lot of progress in here,
but I'm not quite where I wanna be
in my recovery,
so I'm gonna need to stay in the hospital
a little bit longer.
How much longer?
I I'm not sure.
I'm so sorry.
I know how badly you wanna get home,
and I so wanna be there with you.
You know that.
I know you do.
It's okay.
It's actually kinda nice at Melissa's.
Cassie's really sweet and funny.
You blow me away. You know that, kiddo?
Even though I'm gonna be here
a little longer,
I'm not gonna stop being your dad, okay?
Yeah, I know that.
Good, 'cause I talked to Mrs. Washington,
and she's gonna let you
retake the exam tomorrow.
-You did what?
-[Matt] Mm-hmm.
Oh my God. Mom made you do this.
No. No, no.
Mom and I are on the same page.
We need to get you back on track here,
[ethereal music playing]
I can't believe you let him staple me.
[Emma] It did stop the bleeding.
[Emma] Uh Okay.
Okay, I've only done this
in simulations on dummies,
so you're gonna have to help me through.
You really shouldn't be doing this, Emma.
[Emma] It doesn't help anyone
to leave this wound open.
And if I'm gonna catch anything,
that's already happened.
I can't live
if I've infected you or anyone.
[Emma] Let's get it done quickly then.
[Emma] Right, I'm going to
put the needle
at approximately 90 degrees,
close to the edge of the wound.
But far enough away
so the skin doesn't rip.
And don't be afraid to push.
After those staples, I can take anything.
Oh God. I'm so sorry.
Never had a light touch.
[Emma] So
who's Rohit?
You were saying his name.
He's my brother.
I didn't know you had a brother.
He died.
I'm so sorry.
What happened?
I had typhus when I was a boy,
and he never left my side.
[footsteps approaching]
[muffled chatter]
Miss Logan?
May I use the restroom, please?
[door opens]
[Alexis] Hey.
-Aren't those things dangerous?
-That's why they're so fun.
Can I
Can I come with you?
I don't know. I
I guess I just wanna have some fun.
Nice bolo.
[engine starting]
Um Is there a seat belt?
[seat belt clicks]
Too tight?
[phone ringing]
What do you mean, she walked out?
Well, did she say where she was going?
I don't care if it was the end of the day.
My daughter doesn't have a habit
of walking out of tests.
No, I I understand. Yes.
Thanks for letting me know.
-Jerry, I just need a minute, okay?
[phone line ringing]
Lex, it's your dad.
Call me as soon as you get this.
Ready to take the test?
[knocking at door]
[door opens]
Tell me it's good news.
I think our dear Ram is out of the woods.
Thank you.
Right. Good job so far, Matt.
Now I'm gonna need you to show me
that you can get yourself
back in your chair, and we'll be done.
[Jerry] Congratulations.
You're going home.
[Emma] Hey.
Oh, hey.
How are you feeling?
[groans] I'm feeling so weak.
But it's just wonderful to be alive.
You know, I'm so thankful
you didn't shoot me out the airlock.
I wasn't even tempted.
My own brother never left my side
when I was sick.
Neither did you.
Is this your brother?
Yeah, that's him.
You know, after Rohit died
everything changed.
My parents, they, um
they basically shut down from me,
and from life.
It was like after he died, I
I lost them too.
I lost my family.
That must be so painful.
If I'm ever lucky enough to have
someone stand beside me like he did,
and like you did
I'm not gonna be afraid.
I won't ever let her go.
[uplifting choral music playing]
[music continues playing]
[music continues playing]
[music continues playing]
[ethereal music playing]
[soft piano music playing]
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