Hunted (UK) (2015) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

1 Constantly thinking and worrying.
Today's the biggest risk of all.
RECORDING: What is the balance between liberty and security? The country may not be convinced that this mass infringement of privacy is a price worth paying.
Britain 2015 - one of the most-watched nations on Earth.
In a country where everything we do leaves a trail 14 ordinary citizens are going on the run.
I've got the laptop, I've got the socks and pants, I've got the toiletries.
Whisky, have you got the whisky? Run! What the BLEEP? Everything feels like it's closing in on you.
You just don't know which way to run.
I don't feel safe at all right now.
Hunting the fugitives down, 30 of the world's most successful investigators.
We have eyes absolutely everywhere.
The cat's getting a lot closer to the mouse at the moment.
There's somebody there.
The psychological pressures will play mind tricks with you (That lady could be ringing them now.
) .
and that gives us an advantage.
I really miss you guys today.
28 days Have a password, that's all I want.
14 fugitives.
Come on! We've got to get this guy.
We know where you are.
If you had to disappear what would you do? You need to stop right now.
You are surrounded.
Across the UK, nine fugitives are still at large.
They must evade capture for up to 28 days.
So far, the hunters have caught five of the 14 YELLING .
including their biggest challenge yet, Dr Ricky Allen.
I'm just tempted to stay on this train now and take my chances.
This smacks to me of a surrender.
Dr Allen your time on the run is over, my friend.
1-0 to the dimwits.
It may be over for me, but I'm sure there are other fugitives still out there.
They won't get everyone.
Still on the run, school friends Emily Dredge and Lauren English I'm scared.
I'm actually scared.
That's heavy! .
heating engineer Stephen Hardiker I'm just going to shove it in there.
and IT manager Martin Cole.
Shall we have an exaggerated wheel spin? I've always been obsessed with war diaries, people's stories from the Front, ordinary people doing these extraordinary things.
It's a nice idea, isn't it? This bloke from Walsall, who's just an IT manager, who are ten a penny, who's trying to take on the state.
I'm going to give it a go, to be honest.
They escaped using a borrowed car unknown to the hunters .
and have disappeared into the countryside.
SHEEP BLEA God, there's shit everywhere.
I really don't like herds of animals.
I don't mind singular or whatever they're called What's it called when it's one? Stephen and Martin have been on the run for two days.
What a lovely day.
Hello! Morning.
Their plan is to go to Wales, travelling on foot and staying away from surveillance cameras.
What's that up there? That looks like a pub or something, is it a pub? Yeah, it looks like a pub.
You know what? That pub looks absolutely gorgeous.
You know what? I'm going to make this my aim now, I'm going to come back here with my beautiful girlfriend and I'm going to sit her right there and buy her a meal.
Sadia, my girlfriend, we've been together 6½ years now and then my two boys, Preston's three, Lucas is one.
I've only ever done five days away from them.
I know it's going to be tough without them.
I think I've got to use that as a strength to drive me.
To do it for them.
So this reminds me of being a kid, this smell.
Just by the river, by the water, well, canal Let's get some information up on this whiteboard as soon as possible, please.
Stephen Hardiker, I've got huge amounts of information already about him.
In HQ, online intelligence experts have infiltrated Stephen and Martin's social media.
Cheers, bye.
Surveillance specialists Nathan Rose and Steve Cottam deploy to search Stephen's home, where he lives with his partner Sadia and their two children.
Mummy, go.
Mummy, go.
The hunters scour the property for technology .
and it's not long before they have a breakthrough.
So this is his, isn't it? Wales? Yeah.
Hello, Peter Bletchley.
We've sent back to you an iPhone that he's left at the home address.
We asked her for the code, she's been compliant and given the code for the phone.
On the weather app, it's got Powys listed as a location.
It turns out they have a caravan there in Wales.
BLETCHLEY: I would like you to go to the caravan.
This is important.
Focus on evidence of them being there, evidence of them preparing to be there.
Former police officers Nicola Thorn and Danni Brooke are sent to scope out Stephen's caravan.
Yeah, this one, yeah? Yeah, that's the one.
Although there's no sign of Stephen or Martin, the caravan is now firmly on the hunters' radar.
The static caravan, I think they'll find it hard not to utilize that.
This is the hardware from Mr Stephen Hardiker.
Thank you very much.
In HQ, the online intelligence experts start to analyse hundreds of text messages in an attempt to find out Stephen and Martin's plan for being on the run.
Everything I'm seeing is that they're going to ground.
It's all rucksacks and survival blankets and they'd also bought a book called Free Country, which they both read.
That's basically just two guys that go around blagging your way through the UK.
And they're just going to blag everything.
55 quid.
55 quid, he's asking for.
Hello, mate.
All right? Look, I'm basically pleading for your help on anything you can do on those bikes out there.
I'm just a plumber from Walsall, basically.
You're a plumber? Yeah.
You want me to fix something? Fucking hate plumbing! WATER GUSHES I've still got it! Look what we've got.
Where the fuck did you get them? How much should you get these for? Guess how much.
Nothing?! Where the fuck did you get? How the fuck did you get all that? I had to fix his tap.
You're fucking shitting me.
And then he gave you free bikes? Yeah.
OK, what have we got, Simon? So, this is CCTV footage for Adam Young.
The hunters receive ATM footage of another fugitive.
25-year-old NHS support worker Adam Young has been on the run for 48 hours.
Oh, you're going to miss your uncle Adam, aren't you? Adam left South Wales with his best friend, Lauren.
Right, go lie down.
Do you see as well that he got into a car after he got to the cash point? What was it? It was a black Corsa.
To identify the vehicle Adam is using, the hunters request CCTV close to the ATM.
And they dig up as much information as they can about his life.
So this looks to be his partner.
You can see a definite transition between his crazy photos.
Has his top off, bleach blonde hair, now he's met Dale and a lot more serious photos.
He's got a dog, they've moved in together.
Oh, my God, Lauren, you better look after Dale.
Since I've been with him, I've never gone one day without speaking to him.
Oh, Dale.
We met five years ago.
At the time, I was living in a tiny village and I was actually the only gay in the village.
I knew that I wanted to be with him forever and we've been together ever since.
Right, we've got to go in and out.
Adam's plan is to go to Yorkshire, where he will leave Lauren and go off-grid.
Dad? Yeah.
We've got to go.
But first he stops at his dad's house for supplies.
Torches, the world's smallest water filtration pump.
Let's go, let's go now.
I am a prepper, I stockpile resources.
So I've got countless litres of water at home and I've got six months' to a year's supply of food.
I'm a gold member at Makro.
Oh, my God, Dad, I'm being tracked down by expert trackers.
'My dad is a full-on prepper and he's passed those skills' and reasonings down to his kids.
Dad, am I doing the right thing? I think you'll thrive on the challenge.
You're going to be scared, you're going to be lonely, you'll maybe even get weepy.
But so what? You'll be a better man when you come back, you'll be stronger and you'll be like Nothing's going to faze you when you come back.
You go, girl! Fight the power! Hi, there, I just wondered if you can give me some information.
Some friends of mine stayed with you in March.
Adam's phone record reveals a call to a training centre that teaches survival skills.
They said they did some kind of survival course and my husband and I want to do the same course.
Online intelligence expert Julie Clegg scopes out his survival prowess.
I just spoke to a woman on the phone, it's the bush skills course, it's only a 2½ hour course.
It teaches foraging for food, shelter, making a fire.
It's only £10.
2½ hours is not an intense survival course, is it? I have no expertise in survival or prepping.
I'm a mediocre prepper.
It will give me an opportunity to see how much I actually know and how much I need to learn.
I want to show my dad he didn't fail.
I want him to be proud of himself for raising someone like me.
HQ picks up Adam's ANPR trail.
You just got a VRN for it? Yes.
Brilliant, OK, that's good.
Using automatic number plate recognition technology, the hunters discover where Adam left the motorway.
Manchester, M62, Leeds.
Bradford, yeah, that's right.
South Wales to Leeds is quite some distance.
And they've come off there.
He's going to look to stay for a little while and then potentially move on.
I think we should stay here two days.
Look around, there's nothing here so far.
Adam is only 15 miles from where he turned off the motorway.
It's the first time he's been camping since he was 11.
When I was very young .
we went camping for a long time .
and we all, all the kids, thought we were on holiday.
And it almost got to the point where the holiday was going on too long, we wanted to go home.
So each day, Dad used to make it fun and have things for us to do, even if it was building treehouses or dens in the woods.
But, er what he was protecting us from was that we were homeless.
We never knew, though, there wasn't even a worry.
Dad, very often, similarly to me, he takes burdens on himself.
Maybe I'm the young, clean-shaven, non-biker gay version of my dad.
OK, here we go, Lauren Edwards.
In HQ, the vehicle Adam used gives the hunters a new lead.
The black Vauxhall Corsa which assisted Adam Young out in the Bridgend area when he became a fugitive So this address now and this person will be crucial to our investigation.
There's no cameras here.
I feel safe here.
I don't think they know where we are.
I hope they're still scratching their heads, looking for me.
Got sugar in my back pocket, so it must mean I've got a sweet ass.
Good morning, David.
The hunters are pursuing a promising lead on Adam Young.
They've traced the owner of the vehicle that him to Yorkshire.
The Vauxhall Corsa is registered to a Lauren Edwards.
I want you behind Adam Young as soon as possible, buddy.
HQ deploys former army captain David Blakely and his team to interview Adam's best friend.
Good morning.
Are you Lauren? They need to establish where Lauren took Adam after leaving the motorway.
You've got a black Vauxhall Corsa, haven't you? Yes, I do.
You were using that yesterday, weren't you? Yeah, to come back home.
To come back home.
From my mum's.
And you haven't been anywhere else in that car? No.
There are cameras everywhere on every motorway.
I know that you were with Adam yesterday.
We've got to start playing ball now.
Yeah? Come on, don't get upset.
SOBBING: I hate lying.
It's all right.
I know he's in Leeds.
I know the sign was Leeds.
I've seen the sign.
Whereabouts in Leeds? It was just like an industrial estate.
Like, not an industrial estate, sorry, like a whatsit called? The bingo Like, I don't know, like a Next shop.
SHE SOBS It's all right.
What was he wearing? The hunters need to check Lauren's telling the truth.
So they plant a listening device to monitor any conversations after they leave.
The listening device casts doubt on Lauren's story.
So, if we think that she's lying, we haven't identified the drop off point yet.
We've got last ANPR hit and a half hour window from that.
In Leeds, yeah.
They're offering us to go and spend a night with them, they live in the village down the road.
Well, I'd have to clean my house up.
And give us a sausage.
Adam's planning to hide out for the night with his new friends, Steph and Danny.
Yeah, you've picked a good place to come, mate.
It's very rural round here.
Right, mate, make yourself at home.
Feel free to sit down.
Who wants a cuppa? Here I am.
Luck has prevailed and the kindness of strangers have pulled through.
We're staying with a beautiful young couple.
I'm going to go now, so I can have a lovely hot bath.
Wish me luck.
HE HUMS RAINDROPS KEEP FALLIN' ON MY HEAD # We're all going on a # Summer holiday For a week or two.
Steven Hardiker and Martin Cole have been on the run for four days.
THEY LAUGH I think I've got it.
I think I've got it.
They've stumbled upon a clever way of getting around.
Do you know what, mate? These bikes have now got a lot of affection for us.
They've sat outside that shop, no-one wanted them and now we love them, and they'll do for us.
They're using Britain's canal network to stay off the hunters' radar.
It's better than our canal, isn't it? Yeah.
There's less shopping trolleys.
Less dead people.
Their plan is to travel from the Midlands into Wales where Steven has a caravan.
How would they know I own a caravan? Everything I pay for that caravan is cash.
It gives us something.
When it's cold, when you're tired, there's a goal, isn't there? It's a big risk but the big selling point of this is booze, running water Booze is your first concern! I love that! Booze is his first concern! No, but it's free booze, so that It's all about recharging batteries, isn't it? Oh, man, I love this! Oh, I wonder what my beautiful family is doing right now? Oh, God.
I fucking love them.
They're obviously very connected to their family.
He's obviously quite an emotional person.
This one here, it looks like Steven's saying that he's in tears.
They obviously care deeply about their partners and they're worried about their partners, their partners are worried about them.
The hunters are reviewing Steven and Martin's e-mail and text message histories.
We're looking for their emotional vulnerabilities.
That's the kind of information that we need to be able to really exploit somebody's state of mind.
Something else that's come out from the text messages that's really apparent is that Martin's girlfriend is absolutely not on board with him being on the run.
Really? It might be an angle for the future.
This is my Superman saddle and look at the give.
There's nothing.
Look at this! That's just pure comfort! HE GROANS So far, Steven and Martin have cycled over 100 miles on their blagged bikes.
I can't sit down.
Every time I sit down, it feels like somebody's just BANG in my ass.
I just This is operation save Martin's arse.
This is save my bum.
Oh, that is so much better.
My general feelings at the moment are still quite high, but I am starting to miss home.
Really missing Jess.
I really, really do want to find a way to get in touch with her, but I need to break that barrier.
The fact that I can do it, confident that I can send messages that will be untraceable.
Martin has got this obsession with Skyping Jessica.
I just don't want to.
Well, I want to phone home, of course, but I don't want to put at us at risk.
What we're going to do is we're going to use a VPN and we're going to use Skype to Skype, so we're Skyping from a peer to peer connection, so we're Skyping from one machine to another.
I don't understand.
I know, but I can't explain it to you, like Is it not clearly just safer to not speak to them? Would you agree with that or not? Steve, I agree with you, but at the end of the day, I can't go four weeks without saying, "Hello, I'm fine.
" We have got a perfectly safe method of doing it.
She ain't going to dump you for being on the run.
I'm in the same boat, mate.
Yeah, I know, I know.
I know we're in the same boat.
She's going to say, "You've neglected the children, you haven't bothered to phone "to see if the kids are all right, see how your kid got on at swimming and nursery.
" How do I answer them questions? I agree with both She'll smash me over the head with a frying pan, but one day, she'll forgive me - I hope.
After some discussion, the boys reach a compromise.
There we go, so IP address, location.
We used an online android phone emulator to sign up to Twitter using an anonymous e-mail, which disappears in 24 hours.
Cloaking his presence online, Martin has opened a private Twitter account so that his messages are only visible to followers he approves.
We've set up a profile for my sister's dog and then we've put a secret message onto the header, so if I click follow that's it.
Wow, does Jess follow Big Black Meat? You fucker! THEY LAUGH You're such a git! And now there are sirens all over the UK and people are now flying in their black minivans, with earpieces, to our location, as we speak.
Right, Ritchie, are you ready? Time to cast the net.
Using intelligence gathered on their relationships, the cyber team mount a phishing attack on Steven and Martin's girlfriends.
Phishing that's with a P-H and not an F.
Shall I press the button? Go for it.
Our cyber guys can put together a very well-presented, legitimate-looking e-mail with a link in it to take you to another site that might be of interest.
The phishing link requests a password.
The cyber team then use this to access the girlfriends' online accounts.
So, we've managed to successfully phish Sadia Ahmed, who's the girlfriend of Steven Hardiker.
So far, we've got into her Hotmail, managed to get her eBay and Amazon account, so using Sadia's username and password for her iCloud account, we're now going to re-store her phone onto one of our burner phones.
We can seize control of your phone, virtually, by cloning it.
We'll also be able to access e-mails, text messages, records of calls.
You can see in the background, we've got her wallpaper of her kids and all her apps loading onto it as well.
iMessages from yesterday.
What's this one, the second one down? "OK, have you spoken to Steve again today?" "Yes, he's finding it tough.
" And how is she speaking to him, then? Well, I'm glad he's finding it tough.
We've just got to find him.
RADIO PLAYS GLORY OF LOVE Adam's new accomplices, Steph and Danny, are driving him to North Yorkshire, where he plans to camp rough in the Yorkshire Dales.
Well, it's as good a place as any really, isn't it? This is the first time he's had to carry his full survival kit.
Are you sure you need all of it? Fugitive on the run who can't carry what he's got with him - it's ridiculous.
It just gets worse, doesn't it? HE CHUCKLES It just gets fucking worse.
Adam Young.
What we are going to do today, we are going to do a publicity campaign, trying to provoke a reaction.
In HQ, the trail for Adam Young has gone cold.
I'm logged into Adam's account here, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to change his profile picture, that everyone can see, to the wanted poster that we've put out for him.
The hunters are planning to smoke Adam out with an extensive media campaign in the area where they believe he was dropped off.
As they've come off the M62, if we look north, I think there's a big national park.
He likes the outdoors, we know he's been on this camping course.
I can't help but think they were doing it as some sort of preparation.
They're targeting rural areas where Adam could be living off-grid.
There's camping in Poole, there's not much up this way.
Going to the Yorkshire Dales is one of those places where you would go to hide.
Adam has dumped some of his bags.
And unaware of the media campaign, he's walked into a local village for some food.
The Fox & Hounds.
Two of the Angus burgers and chips, please.
Two burgers and chips.
Are you walking far? Have you got everything that you own with you? Basically.
See you later.
See you, then.
How do we get out of this place? They know we're here basically.
(That lady could be ringing them now.
Yeah, who is it you think you've seen, please? Fox & Hounds, West Witton.
Adam has bought a burger in the pub that she works at.
Is it North Yorkshire? Where is it? West Witton.
She's left the pub.
She got irritated with Adam Young, because she served him a burger and he didn't leave her a tip.
Oh, right.
HE LAUGHS Always tip the waitress, or waiter, always.
Mark, redeploy, redeploy, 'you're on the tail of Adam Young.
'It's a confirmed sighting from a member of the public.
' Within minutes, two hunter teams are deployed to the Yorkshire village of West Witton.
Where do you think he might have gone? I don't know.
They've not exited this village.
They hid away somewhere.
With only one main road in or out of the village, Adam goes to ground in the surrounding countryside.
HE SHIVERS It's literally freezing.
I've been sitting under this fucking tree for six-and-a-half hours.
If you can help us find this guy tonight, there is a very big cash reward.
CLATTERING (Your bottles are banging.
) (I know.
) Where the fuck is he? Is the full beam on? Yeah.
Shine a torch over there.
(I saw that light.
) (Did you?) (Yeah, it looks like a torch.
) (Shit.
Now there's more.
) (Get down.
Get down.
) ON PHONE: 'How are you? Are you still out there or have you returned to base?' No, no, we're still hunting him.
We're not giving up, boss.
We're not giving up.
BIRD CHIRPS REPEATEDLY I don't feel safe at all right now.
BIRD CHIRPS (I wish those birds would shut the fuck up.
) Shh! Shh! Go bed! SINGING ALONG TO "HOTEL YORBA" By The White Stripes Fugitive Lauren English has split from her best friend Emily Dredge.
She continues to evade capture by hitchhiking across the country I want to be in that! That's a getaway car.
while an increasingly anxious Emily is hiding out by the sea.
With the girls off the hunters' radar, HQ turns its attention to Stephen and Martin.
Is there any kind of history anybody may have gathered in regards to places they're familiar with, places they've researched, places they might go to? The main one is the caravan.
I'll tell you what, boys, I'd kill for an English breakfast this morning.
Oh, yes! Lashings of brown sauce, big mug of tea.
Some fat bird with tits half out, tattoo of a fucking panther on her arm.
Yeah! That's what I'm talking about.
Over 13 days, the boys have been heading towards Stephen's caravan in Wales, evading capture by going cross-country.
Whoo! It's hailing! This is Hardiker.
He has had an e-mail from Holiday Lettings, from Trip Advisor.
This week's picks, especially for you.
Llandudno, Conway, Rhos-on-Sea, Colwyn Bay.
It's all in Wales.
In HQ, the cyber team is monitoring Martin and Stephen's online accounts.
What they discover builds a profile of the boys' likely plan while on the run.
I know as soon as you inquire you get lots of stuff in that area.
We're getting the fallout from his advertising footprint.
You are constantly being profiled by every single website that you go to, and that may come back at some point in the form of junk mail, in the form of a piece of advertising somewhere else.
Small pieces of information can change the entire course of an investigation.
That makes sense with everything else that we've got, that they were going to head over to Wales, right? Beautiful! Absolutely stunning.
Phew! That's a hell of a walk.
Do you know what? From my caravan site you can see south for quite a way.
And in the distance I'm sure it's those that we can see, those wind farms.
Nathan, you all right? 'Hello, Ben.
' 'Your plan is to go straight to the caravan.
' Yes, yes.
'OK, mate, speak to you soon.
' Bye.
Following mounting intelligence, HQ once again dispatch a hunter team to Stephen's caravan.
How are you, are you all right? I don't suppose you've seen Stephen Hardiker around? He lives in the caravan.
Or they come to the caravan down there.
She's not seen him.
So she's been here last night.
It was a negative for Stephen Hardiker and Martin Cole, unfortunately.
OK, Martin, look to your left, see if there's anyway to hide.
My little boy's trike.
Is there beer? There is Guinness! Can I have one? Wine, Bacardi, vodka.
There's more vodka.
Bottles of beer, cans of Guinness, cans of Carling, bottle of rose.
Just think - my Mrs was here last week.
I'm so close to my family.
Fuck! How does that feel? It's horrible.
HE SIGHS Fucking hell.
How are you doing? I'm Steve Hardiker.
Has anyone been here asking for me? Yeah.
I've had loads of people coming looking for you.
Have you? Yeah.
Come on.
Come on.
They were here all day? They were driving a black four-by-four.
Really? With blacked out windows.
This is real.
Argh! It has literally become real now.
But what a journey this is.
I'm learning so much.
I've learned that when I came on this journey I came looking for adventure.
I felt there was something slightly missing in my life.
I felt I needed something.
And the truth is, the adventure's at home.
The adventure's with Saadia and the kids.
That's the adventure.
Not this.
So if anything has come out of this, it is that.
And that I don't like fucking cheese.
I'm sick of eating cheese.
I'm going to hide out in the woods.
Definitely in a cow field.
Adam is still hiding out in the countryside around West Witton.
Are they still walking this way? Yeah.
And they're all male.
He hasn't dared move since his narrow escape from the hunters three days ago.
LAMB BLEATS Hello, I'm so sorry to bother you.
Do you have a mobile phone? I do, but it's in the house.
Adam needs to make his getaway, so calls the friends he met earlier on the run.
Is that Steph? Steph, it's Adam.
Are you busy today? Thank you so much.
You all right? Thank you.
I'll tell you when the car.
But it's so, so close.
Who are you phoning? The landline, my uncle's landline.
Adam borrows Danny's phone to call his uncle and aunt in Edinburgh.
I'm in a car and I'm going to Newcastle.
How far is Newcastle from you? Do you know The Angel Of The North? Do you know what I could do? I could give them the bank card to use in Leeds.
Good idea.
Buoyed up by his success, Adam is becoming bolder in his attempts to evade the hunters.
I want them to think that I'm still in the area, cos if they do that they'll waste so much time looking for me there.
Wow! Big, isn't it? I knew you were coming! Hi, Adam! Thank you.
Bye! From now on, Adam plans to lie low with his uncle Alan and aunt Mary near Edinburgh.
Just got an ATM usage from Adam Young in Morley, Leeds area.
It wasn't Adam Young that used the card.
I think this is a decoy.
It's a perfect distraction, to have us chasing around in Leeds.
If we can, Becks, we want to fan out that CCTV coverage for the person who used the card.
Adam's plant to outfox the hunters begins to unravel.
Trying to find out who it was.
We can confirm the subject was seen entering a grey Ford Transit, and then the reg, and then put it on ANPR, which we have now got.
The hunters use CCTV footage to trace the owner of the vehicle who was seen using the ATM.
OK, so, this is the company website and this is the number that is associated to this website, maybe we can try this in Facebook.
So if we search it Here we go.
It comes up with somebody called Daniel Dearlove.
He looks like someone who'd help a fugitive out, doesn't he? PHONE RINGS 'Hello, Cleaning Hero, how can I help?' Hello, is that Daniel? 'It is.
' We believe you may have some information we need regarding Adam Young.
Does that ring a bell at all? 'I'm not willing to discuss Adam'.
Are you aware of financial reward for any information that leads to Adam's capture? He was in the Ford Transit Connect van today.
That was seen on CCTV near the ATM machine, is that right? LINE GOES DEAD OK.
Daniel's done this as a decoy.
Right, have we asked for that phone to be monitored? I've asked for retrospective, I can now move forward to ask for phone monitoring in the future.
Yes, please.
Danny Dearlove's call history reveals a number near Edinburgh, where Adam is known to have family.
David got something very interesting.
You know the guy who used Adam Young's cash card? He rang a telephone number which turns out to be registered to a Mary Kinlon in Livingston, Scotland.
Hello! Adam is hiding out with his cousin, Kylie.
I've just been to my mum's, and basically they received a phone call on the house phone.
It was a man, said, "Adam used my phone in Newcastle yesterday, "just to let you know that the hunters phoned.
" That's Danny.
I think you need to just go south tomorrow.
What do I do? What do I do? What's the next move? What is your gut telling you? Stress poops.
My gut telling me to go and have a stress poop.
As you can see, I look like shit.
I've had about three hours' sleep.
I'm constantly thinking and worrying.
I feel today is the biggest risk of all.
Adam Young.
All roads head to Edinburgh.
We've put in CCTV requests for the local transport hubs, railway station, and the local coach station.
We're waiting on the results of those.
Aware the hunters are on to him, fugitive Adam Young decides to catch a coach from Edinburgh to southern England.
'For your safety, CCTV recordings may be made during this journey.
' 'We've got CCTV footage of Adam Young.
' 'Sweet.
' 'This is this morning.
' Adam Young has left Edinburgh this morning on a bus.
Top skills, buddy.
'Morning, ladies, we've got CCTV images 'of Adam Young getting on a coach.
' Start heading south.
Former police officers Nicola Thorn and Danni Brooke are deployed in pursuit of the coach.
We need to fucking catch up with this bus, that's what we need to do.
There's a bus, there's a bus! We've got eyeball on the bus that we believe they're on.
Having overtaken the bus, the hunters' plan is to intercept it at its next stop.
INDISTINCT PA ANNOUNCEMEN What did he just say? It's stopped at Killington Services.
Killington Lake Services.
We're well south of Killington now.
Turn round.
Oh, man, this is not as straightforward as we expected.
Following the unscheduled stop, the hunters must rejoin the coach to keep eyes on Adam.
Right, we're here, we're here.
Do you feel the adrenaline? Yeah, my face is going to explode.
Where's the bus? There it is.
There's the bus.
We are eyeball on the coach.
It's still stationary.
A lorry has just pulled up right in front of the bus.
Right, I'm going to get out.
'Of all the places to park, and he parks there.
'Oh, stand by, stand by.
'Coach is away, coach is away.
Coach, coach' Coach is away.
INDISTINCT RADIO All available hunter teams are deployed to tail the coach.
They're converging on the next stop, Birmingham, in the hope that Adam is on board.
If L can cover the other exit Right, do you know what he's wearing? 'Grey hoodie.
' 'He's got jeans on as well.
' MAN: 'We're going to come in from the entrance on your right.
' Nick! He's out, he's out.
'Run right now, run right now.
' Adam Young, your time on the run is up.
You've been hunted down.
ADAM: 'I thought I would last two or three days - 'my personal goal of the week.
'I've doubled that.
I'm proud of myself.
'Sometimes David doesn't beat Goliath, but he'll have a go.
' OK, 21 minutes.
Martin Cole and Stephen Hardiker.
With another fugitive down, the hunters focus on Stephen and Martin.
Nobody is willing to help.
Their investigation has hit a brick wall, and they're desperate for new intelligence.
We have the ability to deploy covert listening devices.
I'm certainly thinking about Saadia Ahmed.
Surveillance specialist Nathan Rose has been deployed to Stephen's house, where he is met by his girlfriend, Saadia.
Just a quick follow-up visit, actually.
As one agent distracts Saadia, another places listening devices around the house.
At HQ, former CIA analyst Cindy Storer is monitoring the live feed from Saadia's house.
The first thing I heard was she's communicating with them via computer.
She said, "They have set up in some woods or something.
" SHEEP BLEATS What a noisy git.
Did you hear that? Baaa! Noisy.
SHEEP BLEA Where are we? The beauty of that answer to that question is I have no idea.
So if I have no idea, the hunters certainly have no idea.
If you think they have embedded in local woods or fields, we've got a rural tracking team available that we can deploy.
If they find us here, they can have me.
Well, after a fight.
Next time on Hunted I would actually like to catch some fugitives.
Fuck, that's them! Are we safe here? Red for yes, black for no.
No, we're not safe here.
Find the bike, find the couple, find the fugitive.
Fuck it.
Are they watching us and just You are surrounded!
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