Battlestar Galactica (1978) s01e05 Episode Script

The Lost Planet of the Gods (2)

Should I come out to find you? Do you read me, Apollo? Apollo.
It's an ocean of darkness.
I can't see a thing.
It's more dangerous than a Cylon outpost the biggest magnetic sea I've ever seen.
- A magnetic sea? - A void.
We couldn't scan the other side.
This disease has affected every pilot and half the bridge officers everyone who'd been in contact with anyone at that party.
I can't isolate it.
The viper's the most advanced flying machine ever.
You don't just turn one over to a shuttle pilot! I want you to get them combat-ready.
- You're not serious? - I'm deadly serious.
Ah, don't force it.
Remember, you're flying a viper.
Just think what you want it to do.
- We're about to be married! - What does that have to do with it? Your own sister's a pilot and a warrior.
She's not my wife-to-be! 'Stand by to launch probe.
'Core systems transferring control.
Launch when ready.
' - Oh, felgercarb! - Easy, Brie, I got him.
Commander? Blue Squadron reports mission successful, no casualties.
As soon as the squadron has landed, order all ships to close on the Galactica and slow down to probe speed.
- We're not going into the void? - The void may give us some cover.
By your command.
Everything is still proceeding according to my plan, except you have not captured one of their pilots as I ordered.
To assure such a capture, we would have to risk being discovered.
They send out patrols, do they not? Capture one! 'There are those who believe 'that life here 'began out there, 'far across the universe, 'with tribes of humans 'who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians 'or the Toltecs or the Mayans.
'Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man 'who even now fight to survive 'somewhere beyond the heavens.
' Navigation reports - instruments fluctuating from magnetic interference.
- Commander? - Steady on course.
Distress signals from the Rising Star and the Edena.
Half the fleet is panicking, sir.
If they drift off, we'll never find them.
Order all captains to maintain visual contact on the Galactica.
All right, make it brief.
How do you feel? I heard about what you did.
How do you feel? Awful.
But it beats being dead.
For all we know, the void could be endless.
The Book Of The Word tells us that a great star guided the Lords of Kobol away from the dying planet, across an endless black sea.
The void? Adama, there are probably as many voids in the universe as there are ideas.
Old friend, this simple medallion is the symbol of my power.
But it is also the symbol of our faith, handed down by the Lords of Kobol through the millennia to each member of the Council of 12.
With all our magnificent machinery, can we turn our backs on the inspiration which delivered our people once before? - This round's on me! - All right! Did you see what Deitra did? - It was incredible.
- What happened, Deitra? Well, when I broke over their launch bay, there were two rising on Apollo's tail.
Apollo, what do you plan on doing for living quarters after you're married? Oh, I am so excited.
I found a place in the Astrodon freighter.
With a little paint and some nice curtains, it's so cosy! You're so good with colour.
In the shuttle, I only pulled about two Gs.
But when I was on my own You'll never believe what I found.
I just found some Valcron in the tip barge.
Really? - The soft, translucent kind? - Absolutely stunning! There were vipers and Cylons all over the place.
And I was afraid to fire a laser in case I would hit one of you.
Apollo, Starbuck.
You're not feeling left out, are you? Oh, no.
What would make you think that? Commander, could you take a look at this? - What is it? - I don't know.
It was there behind us and then it was gone.
Field looks clear to me now.
Now it does but every once in a while There! Look! - Meteorite track? - It's always in the quadrant Delta 9.
If it's a meteorite, it's following us.
Cylons? There's only one way to find out.
Stay beyond scanner range.
Our objective is to capture one of their patrols.
- Hey, slow up, you guys.
- This is confidential.
It's a mission.
- You've got the wrong pilot.
- Wrong pilot? I'm Apollo's wingman.
Where Apollo goes, I go.
- I don't think you understand.
- Adama's orders, it's been posted.
That's posted? I didn't look.
I just assumed.
I mean That's fine.
I'd rather spend the next few centons in the bar picking up pointers from those hot pilots.
- Colonel - Proceed to the launch bay.
- Your coordinates are programmed.
- Have a nice mission! - Starbuck! - I think we hurt his feelings.
We don't have time for this.
There are targets trailing our fleet.
- Where's he going? - Why? He's going the wrong way if he's going to the Officers' Club.
- Starbuck, this is Captain Apollo's ship.
- Yeah, we switched patrols.
Launch when ready.
Transferring control to Intercept 1.
Launch when ready.
- He's violating orders.
- He's protecting us.
Wait a minute.
I'm your wingman.
- I'm his wingman! - I know.
I know.
Serina! Intercept 2, acknowledging coordinates.
- Launch.
- Launch when ready.
Commander, Intercepts 1 and 2 are launched.
- Only there's - Only what? There are three ships in the air.
If you get too far ahead of me, you're gonna lose your fix.
Now slow up and give me a chance to catch up.
Get your tail back aboard the Galactica.
Is that any way to talk to an officer? I'll have you up on charges.
Or locked out of my chambers.
Serina, you're a good pilot.
My head believes that even if my stomach doesn't.
But this void can swallow up good pilots.
- Apollo.
- 'Yo.
' Whatever the Galactica picked up on her scanners is beyond our range.
I could lose my fix on the Galactica.
- Then go back.
- 'I got a better idea.
' I'll keep my fix on you, you keep your fix on the home base.
- We can double our range.
- I have a better idea.
Apollo can lock on me, I'll fix on the Galactica and we triple our range.
- Who was that? - Nobody.
Just come back.
If anybody's going on deep probe, it'll be me.
Consider it a wedding present.
- Starbuck.
- Starbuck! Switching off of you for a microcenton to scan ahead.
Stand by.
Galactica patrol entering quadrant.
Stand by to intercept.
I'm practically on top of 'em.
I'm leaving the void and Uh-oh! I am on top of 'em! Apollo, I'm in trouble.
Repeat, Apollo Say again, Starbuck.
You're breaking up.
I cannot read you.
Starbuck, do you read? Do you read? Come in! Frack.
I like the way you haven't gone overboard on furniture.
It will go better for you if you'd show a little respect.
You mean things could get worse? Mmm.
Lieutenant Starbuck.
- How nice of you to drop in.
- Baltar! I'd trade my life for one shot at you.
Understand that I had nothing to do with the defeat of the Colonies.
- I, too, was a victim.
- Yeah, you look like one.
There have been changes in the Cylon Empire, changes favourable to humans and their predicament.
You'd know a lot about that.
Don't antagonise me.
I come to bring an offer of peace to all humans.
These people are our friends.
Really? Then you won't mind my leaving with the good news.
In time.
Remove him.
See that he's fed and made comfortable.
Torture won't do you any good.
I had a course in resisting.
Hey, careful.
I bruise easy! This is your plan? To convince the humans that we come bearing the twig of peace? Yes.
You cannot assume they would ever trust you again.
You underestimate the human need for hope.
Properly presented, and at a propitious moment, they'll come willingly to my arms.
How long will you watch for him? I just can't believe he's gone.
I loved him too.
That's why I think he'd understand.
Even approve.
Understand? Approve what? Apollo, marry me now.
Now? - Right in the middle of - Of what? A disaster, a void, an endless night? I don't care.
I don't want to wait for a moment which may never happen.
Do you love me? Is that what it would take to prove it to you? I just want every moment we have left before another centon passes, another mission where I might lose you.
Will the protector of Serina consent to relinquishing his responsibilities to Apollo, the man to whom she has consented to be married? Yes.
The words I'm about to speak are the most powerful in all the universe.
They seal a union between this man and this woman which is not only for now but for all the eternities.
Apollo, Serina, under the eyes of God, bound by the symbol of the faiths of the Lord of Kobol, I declare you sealed.
A star.
A star! - What is it? - It's a star.
What is it, Colonel Tigh? - Where are we? - Is it the end of the void? - It's hard to believe.
- Believe it.
Believe it! It's the end of the void! Tigh, initiate a search for a planet, elliptical orbit, one to three parsecs from the star.
- A planet? - If I'm right, the planet Kobol.
The mother world of all humans where life began.
We have a better chance of being alone here than in the fleet.
Lieutenant, we'll set up camp on the hill and post a guard, please.
Against what? I thought this planet was supposed to be dead.
Yes, it's supposed to be.
But post a guard.
A curious development, Your Eminence.
This one will, I am sure, take you by surprise.
Nothing takes me by surprise.
What is it? - A star.
- What star? A star has appeared as if out of nowhere and has guided the Galactica to a dead planet.
Surely Adama knows I'm closing for the kill, why would he? A star, you said? Of course.
The endless black void and the majestic star in the heavens.
The trap is about to be sprung, my good friend.
And now it will be all too easy.
- Prepare my craft.
- And an escort? - I go alone.
- Of course.
Only I can bring the Galactica to your leader.
Of course.
I wonder what the city was called.
There were many cities here on Kobol.
Eden was the largest.
It was the first to fall.
Thisthis might be it.
I don't know.
I can't read any of it.
I know.
It's difficult.
But I've been spending so much time with the old records.
For example, that.
That refers to the Ninth Lord of Kobol.
That's his seal.
He was thethe last ruler before the 13 tribes migrated to the stars.
- 12 to settle our Colonies.
- That's why you entered the void.
You think you can find the clue to where the 13th tribe went! "Beyond this portal "lies the Ninth Lord of Kobol "in eternal peace.
"Enter upon pain of death.
" Your medallion.
- It's the same.
- Yes.
The seal of the ancient Lords.
Who were they? Tomb robbers.
Must be.
The laser blast would bring the ceiling down upon us.
We must be near the sacred chambers.
I know exactly how you feel old friend.
No, Father! Leave him to the Council! You almost killed me.
- What is this madness? - You need to ask? - Selling out your own flesh and blood? - Selling out? What has he told you? What great truths has Adama spoken to my back? You didn't destroy our fleet, our cities, almost every living thing in the Colonies? Are you completely mad? What sane human being would do a thing like that? Adama, surely you have not supported such lies? How could you think me so evil? I, too, hold the Seal of the Lords, am a member of the Council of 12.
I was as much a victim as any of you.
I lost everything, my family, my people.
I was trapped between the President's battlestar and my own.
Captured by the Cylons, taken away like an animal to face trial! Apparently they found you innocent, a friend of the Cylons.
I was spared to lure you into another trap through a message of peace from some new and more benevolent Cylon ruler.
- Get him out! - Adama, wait! You must hear me out.
I have been to the Cylon seat of power.
It is in chaos.
The Cylon forces are searching for you throughout the star system.
The route back into the Cylon Empire is barely defended.
One single battlestar could take control of the Empire and bring it to its knees! You have the tongue of an angel and the soul of a serpent.
I can prove my good intentions, that I have the power to lead you back into Cylon, supposedly as my prisoners but in actuality to launch a counterattack against those demons.
- What proof? - The release of one of your officers.
Lieutenant Starbuck.
- He's alive.
- Let me show you.
At what price? - Remove him, Apollo.
- What if he can prove what he's saying? If they've sent him, then it is a trap.
Then why haven't they attacked? I cannot tell you.
But our safety is not behind us with you or the Cylons.
It lies somewhere out there along the path taken by the 13th tribe.
- The one that colonised the planet Earth.
- Earth? You can't be serious.
That's only a fable.
I believe it is as real as the existence of the 13th tribe.
And the key to that tribe is here in this place, locked away somewhere.
I'm certain of it.
Just getting the feel of it, Centurion.
What have you to report? Two Centurions have escorted the prisoner to the surface but there is no word from Baltar.
A pity.
I'm afraid Baltar's plan has failed, whatever that plan truly was.
A pity.
His instructions were quite specific, to stand by to escort the Galactica back to Cylon.
The thought that intrigued me was just who was to be whose prisoner.
The orders were quite specific.
They were to be our prisoners.
Oh, you Centurions are so limited in your appreciation of the human mind.
I'm afraid even our Imperious Leader underestimates Baltar.
The Leader and I are of the same series, you know.
The IL group.
Why he was chosen over me I'll never understand.
But it's just possible that a major military victory under my command What is your command? Hmm Oh.
Just thinking out loud.
The old writings they have him beguiled.
He sits up there in the temple waiting for I-don't-know-what.
Apollo, those scriptures sent us here.
No, a burned-out sun led us, nothing more.
All right, dear "Practical".
Isn't it comforting to know there's more to life than a burned-out star and ruins? Hi, how are you? Starbuck! - Starbuck! - Starbuck! Ah, missed me, did you? - I guess you did.
- Hey, everybody, it's Starbuck! He's back.
Hey, it's against regulations to hug a junior officer.
Unless you mean it.
We thought you were dead.
What's a little base star to an old war jock like me? - Base star? - There's a base star coming? Not coming, waiting.
For orders.
Didn't Baltar show? He got me free.
- A base star? - Cylons here? He's come to offer peace.
Do you believe it? We better leave the planet before his forces get here.
Start breaking camp.
Where are you going? Baltar, I want some answers.
- You're coming with me.
- Ah.
Starbuck has arrived.
- I told you to send him to the Galactica.
- I was afraid to send him.
You should see his effect on our warriors.
- We can't expose him to the Council.
- I can handle it.
Can you handle the Cylon base ship? There's one just beyond scanner range.
We must leave while the star is dormant and the magnetic field can hide our escape! We cannot leave.
Adama, listen to reason.
You could drift forever in search of what? A planet that may be the myth of half-drunken star voyagers who died here? We could all die here, unless I give the appearance that I've delivered you.
We must attack and seize power.
- It will take them completely by surprise.
- I trusted you once.
I cannot stay here too long before my machine friends will become nervous and do something rash.
Is it me or is the room getting light? It's the star! It's pulsing again.
It's as if that window were placed precisely in that position for a reason.
- The medallion.
- Keyed by the star.
Baltar, wait! Baltar, don't touch that! Baltar! - The Ninth Lord of Kobol! - Don't touch it! How dare you defile the holy crypt! I don't believe in primitive superstition.
I didn't mean it! It's blocked! Out! I want out! Stand aside! It was a mistake! I meant no harm! Adama, the Lords are with you.
Use your power.
Get us out of here! I cannot.
- Apollo? - I'd say they're using 50 megon loads.
Cylons! Take cover! Get down! Get to your vipers! - Athena, where's Apollo and Serina? - Up at the temple with Baltar.
They're gonna blow that place to pieces! The only way to get 'em down is to knock 'em out of the sky.
Are you crazy? You barely know how to fly! - You do what you want to do! I'm going! - Wait! Lord help us.
Watch out, Deitra! Take cover! If I get my hands on you, Lucifer Adama, do something! Give me the torch.
Quickly! All right, fly in pairs.
Wingmen, stick to your leaders.
Protect them.
- We may have a chance.
- Starbuck, we'll ionise them! The angle of deflection on incoming Cylon fighters indicates an attack on the surface of Kobol.
And all of our warriors are down there.
Not all of them.
Colonel, Blue Squadron reporting for duty, sir.
Lieutenant, obviously you can't even stand.
A viper is flown from the seated position, sir.
'They've seen us!' '80, 90, 100.
' Athena, quit counting.
You're not on the bridge.
Let's go get 'em! Jamie got hit! Watch out! Brie, there's one on your tail! Breaking! It's hopeless, Starbuck! Deitra, roll! Roll! - We're trapped.
- Let's go out fighting.
Launch vipers.
Transferring launch control.
Launch when ready.
- On your wake.
- Let's go.
This is what we came for.
This is a record of the Exodus, the final departure of the first 12 tribes, the ones which eventually became the Colonies we knew.
And here, the last days, the final days of Kobol.
- It tells of the 13th tribe.
- Can you tell where they went? The door! - It's been blasted open.
- The writings! - Forget the writings.
- They're gone.
- Help me! - We'll be gone if we don't hurry! Somebody help me.
There they are.
Blue Squadron, let's go join the party.
- I'm in trouble.
- 'Hang on, Starbuck, I'm coming.
' - You better hurry.
- Jolly, this one's mine! Yeee-haa! I got two lined up! The pillar is just too great! Father, we must get out before it comes down on us! No, you can't leave me here.
Baltar, we're left with no choice.
Youryour friends have sealed your fate and ours.
Lucifer I'll tear you apart limb from limb, circuit by circuit, so help me! You have not heard the last of Baltar! Colonel, combat report coming in.
"Surprise total - Cylons running.
"Shall we pursue? Boomer.
" Negative.
Bring them home.
Any word from the Commander or Apollo? No, sir.
The camp has been obliterated.
It doesn't mean they didn't get away.
Starbuck! - What happened? - We lost good pilots.
- Athena? - She's with the rest of the squadron.
Colonel Tigh wants to get underway.
The Cylons will be sending reinforcements.
Yes, we must get off the surface quickly.
Come along.
Look out! Serina.
Mama I hear you won the whole war.
I had a little help.
You're going away, aren't you? Yes, Boxey, I am.
But your father will be there to love you and and take care of you.
And I'll love you always.
You won't forget that? Is that any way for a junior warrior to act? That's better.
That's much better.
It isn't fair to you.
To me? If I could trade places I just want you to know that I feel very, very lucky.
Even if all we had was a brief time, it will be worth an eternity.
We will have an eternity too.
- Do you believe that? - You've convinced me.
A spirit like yours just can't end.
I love you.
I love you.
- I don't want her to go! - I know.
But it's her body that's gone, Boxey, not her spirit.
Or her love for us.
We'll have that always.
I guess I won't make a very good warrior.
You'll make a fine warrior.
Come on, son, let's go.
'Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, 'the last battlestar, Galactica, 'leads a ragtag fugitive fleet 'on a lonely quest 'a shining planet 'known as Earth.
' ST US By Tchen.
Sync & error correction: Ki3r
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