Heartless (2014) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

What we have is a gift.
We have to find out what we are.
And why.
Welcome to a new semester at Ottman's Boarding School.
We're here to find out what happened to our mum.
That must be the heart our mum was looking for.
The baby is moving.
Who's she? What about our baby? Witch.
Shut the hell up! One more? Your powers are dangerous.
They used to burn people like you.
How dangerous can it be? What's your problem? - I don't think it was suicide.
- Where were you when Ditlev died? If a single lead points to us, we're done.
We're so close to finding out who we are.
What happened to your eye? What the hell are you doing? Butt out! Who is he? What are you doing? I saw how you touched her.
The kitchen maid.
I'm just someone you can do all your perverse acts with.
- I think I sensed her hunger.
- We've never met anyone like us.
- Is she friends with the Sofie girl? - Yes.
Is that significant? I'm hungry.
Very hungry.
What did you find out about the girl? Nothing.
And Emilie? How's she doing? How is she? She's fine.
She can handle more than most.
It's as if she doesn't feel it.
I'm not even sure she noticed.
- What the hell are you doing? - I'm sorry.
- Don't do that! I couldn't get free! - I'm sorry.
I'm sorry As you may have gathered, we need a new head prefect after Ditlev's suicide.
I've given the matter a great deal of thought and I've decided that Pieter will assume the title.
- Isn't that up to the students? - Yes.
But Ditlev's passing has been traumatic for us all, so I've decided to do things differently.
Yes, but the new head prefect must be liked by the students.
That's why Pieter is the perfect choice.
He's the most popular.
And you, Frederik, will of course continue as ordinary prefect.
When things have settled down, we'll appoint a third prefect.
Thank you.
I will work hard to live up to the standard set by my predecessor.
Yes, it's a great responsibility.
There's more to it than meets the eye.
You can trust me 100%.
I will be like a son to you.
I have three daughters, I don't need a son.
I need a head prefect.
Your first job is to keep an eye on Emilie.
She's having a hard time.
You're dismissed.
Your brother is a shit.
I I thought we were dating or something.
But He's having sex with the kitchen girl.
He's a pig.
He's not normal, Sofie! He's not! When he kisses me it's like he sucks my insides out or something.
It just feels I'll talk to him.
He's not the one you should talk to! You should talk to all the girls, he They should be warned.
I'll tell them! Talk with him all you want.
She says you're odd.
That you're a freak.
That you suck her insides out through her mouth.
- I'll get her under control.
- You've said that before.
Shut up! Look.
I found the heart.
All women.
And all three of them from the Just family.
What are we supposed to do with the heart? And where is it? - I thought you might find out.
- How so? Don't you think the Just family has a photo album? Perhaps your friend could help out? Hey.
What are you doing after school? - I don't know.
Why? - We're going out drinking.
See you around 4:00.
You must do something for me.
No questions asked.
I need to see a photo of your mum.
Damn, you're weird.
- But I want something in return.
- Anything.
Don't ever do that again! Don't hold me like that! Sofie, your eyes What are you doing here? You know we're not allowed in Dad's office.
It's been almost five years since she died.
I miss her.
Do I look like her? I'll say.
She was nuts, too.
Put it back and get out of here.
- Yes.
- Good.
- Hi.
- Hi.
How are you? - Fine, thanks.
- Good.
Hang on! Did your father tell you? I'm the new head prefect.
No, he didn't involve me in that.
I'll be working alongside your father.
- Off you go.
- Yes.
Who's the little girl from the other day? I don't know what you're talking about.
You were dragging a girl across the yard.
You must be confusing it with something else.
I suppose I am.
Hey Nadja? Hey, Nadja? Nadja, stop.
I want to talk to you.
I don't want to talk to you! Hello! Tell me what I've done wrong.
You're sick! I'm fed up with you kissing me like that and treating me like that.
- Leave me alone! - OK.
You can't just walk away! Sebastian is sick! If you're perverted and gross and want to be used, then have sex with him! - She's a complete loon.
- Then shut her up.
How the hell do I do that? I can't.
I can't! Yes, you can! I need to see you.
Can we meet later? Why did you hit Pieter? Huh? What do you want? Josefine, it's complicated.
Then kiss me.
Kiss me.
Kiss me.
Kiss me! Nadja? Can we please talk? - No.
- Please.
- Let me through.
- Please listen.
What? I'd like to show you something.
And I'd like to apologise.
I'm sorry I'm such an idiot.
Will you give me a second chance? Yes.
Will you come with me? This way.
That's my mum.
- OK, it's not her.
- Oh, my God, you're so I think she's There.
That's her.
She's beautiful.
- You look like her.
- Do you think so? My sister says I'm just as crazy.
- Who's that? - My grandmother.
I like her necklace.
Is that the one you were talking about? - I don't know.
- I think it's a bore.
Do you know where it is now? No.
Why? Are you gonna steal it? Yes.
I think I am.
What did you want to show me? You're scaring me, Sebastian.
It's a family weakness.
What I said about you being a freak I am.
I am a freak.
- No.
- Yes.
I'm a freak.
What are you doing? What Stop! I don't understand what it is you do When you do that.
Or why you do it.
I really like you.
I know you're odd, and But I don't care.
I'm crazy about you.
You can do that thing to me.
- I know who it is.
- You don't know anything.
I can't believe my sister likes girls.
- Is it weird? - No.
I like boys, too.
- What do you like best? - I don't know, Clara! - How do I look? - You look gorgeous.
But Dad won't let you go out like that.
If you don't ask, you cannot get a no.
- Do you wanna come? - No.
Do you remember the necklace Grandma used to wear? - The gold heart? - Yes.
Do you know where it is? No.
Why do you ask? No reason.
See you.
Hey, man.
- Take it easy, OK? - How goes? Here you go.
See you.
That's right! Let's have some shots! It's brave of you to show up here, little buddy.
Go on in.
- I've been waiting for an hour.
- I'm sorry.
- You're kinda cute.
- Stop that.
She always had good taste, that Miriam.
Sofie, watch this.
For you.
How did you do that? - That's my little secret.
- You're odd.
Yes? - I need to show you something.
- It had better be important.
My cousin says there's a problem with thefts in town.
This hard drive has saved everything from the last two weeks.
When he looked through it, he noticed this.
And why would I find this interesting? It's the exact time Ditlev was burned to death.
And the gas station is over 10 kilometres away.
I thought you might find it interesting.
So, we have one in our school.
Ida! Close all the windows, lock the door, and don't let anyone in! - Where's Emilie? - I don't know.
- Stop that.
Where is Emilie? - I don't know! Tell me where Emilie is! At the Pavilion.
- Hey, this is a private party.
- I couldn't care less! Hi, Dad.
Would you like a shot? - You're coming with me.
- I'm off for a smacking.
See you.
You cannot tell anyone what I'm about to share with you.
Will you promise me that? Good.
You see, many years ago, a 9-month pregnant woman was executed here at Ottman's Manor.
Her name was Ane, and she suffered an excruciatingly painful death.
Whether it was Ane's supernatural powers or the pendant she wore, no one knows, but her child miraculously survived the flames.
Our family descends from that child and you have your special powers from Ane.
That's why you can do, what you can do.
Ane took a terrible revenge on those who had her convicted.
Before the flames had devoured her body, she had cast a curse on the Ottman Count and Countess and their unborn child.
Everything you touch shall wither away.
Everything you love shall die.
Heartless, your family will roam.
Hungry, never to be filled with love! Shortly after Ane's death, the Countess gave birth to a girl.
But the girl was cursed, and her descendants carry the curse to this day.
They are merciless, gruesome killers.
They have an omnivorous appetite and suck the life out of their victims and Ottman's Manor attracts their bloodline.
You can't tell the difference between them and us.
But when they eat, their eyes turn black.
Hunger is their curse.
And there is a cursed one in our school.
So if any of you suspect who might be cursed, tell me now.
Emilie? It's them or us.

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