Hex (2004) s01e05 Episode Script


Who was she? Rachel McBain.
She became fascinated with the religion of the African servants.
Nowadays we call it Woo do.
Cassie! Have you any idea how frustrating it is being a lesbian ghost? History has a habit of repeating itself.
Who is Azazeal? He was the leader of the Nephelim.
Angles who fell from heaven.
You’re a McBain! You are related to Rachel! You wanted this for me.
You're my mom.
You are supposed to look after me.
I was a nightmare.
Then, why did you send me to Medenham? The called it the hanging tree.
Long way back when a young girl died here.
She couldn't have been much older than you Thank you! It's very nice.
It's been in the family for year.
It will blind her to the possessed.
Nothing more.
- I really like him.
- I know.
He's possessed.
I saw his eyes.
They were all mangy like you said.
Thelma, I'm sick of your jealousy! Get it in your head! I don't want you! Cassie! "Close your eyes" "Rest your head on my shoulder and sleep.
" "Close your eyes" "Let's pretend that we are both counting sheep.
" "Close your eyes" "Oh is this define" "music places" "something dreamy for dancing" "while we are romancing" "It's love holiday" "and love will be out there" "Close your eyes" "When you open yours dear" "I'll be near" "by your side" "Show one shutter of your eyes" "Close your eyes" "Rest your head on my shoulder and sleep.
" "Close your eyes.
" Sweet dreams? Yeah.
Until you appeared? Hi! Sorry, we have to go out for a drink with the others tonight.
But then, I'm taking you straight out - I don't think so.
- What? - I've got better stuff to do.
- Like? Staying in.
You really don't want to see me? Of course I do.
I want to see a review.
Just, not anytime soon.
You'd have me wouldn't you? Well, I'm not sure.
You look very What? You look like you're after something.
Really? Why? Oh, it's very sexy And? It's not very you! You don't find me sexy? That's not what I'm saying.
In fact I know you do.
I know you'd kill to be able to touch me again It's a shame that can never happen.
And I'm just getting used to the idea Where are you going? Nowhere you fit in.
Straight up.
So, how do you like my new haunt.
Intrigued? I wasn't sure you'd come.
- How could I resist it? - That's true.
- Don't you get bored? - Of what? Nothing new.
Same game.
Different women for what, three hundred years now? - I find ways to amuse myself.
- I'm sure.
So, you've decided I'm next.
It doesn't work like that.
That's right, I forgot.
It's uh meant to be Don't have to believe me.
I won't.
There's one thing I want to ask you.
Go on.
What exactly did you do to my mother? She's totally in horror of you.
Well, we had some good times together.
Too much information.
Don't pretend it doesn't excite you.
- She's a good woman.
- She's out of her tree.
And I've a pretty good idea that's your fault.
Don't worry about your mother.
She's perfectly happy.
It suits you.
Well, you could trace that line back to the dawn of time.
- It's tried and tested.
- And it usually works.
- On a certain type of woman.
- They have their advantages.
You'd have to try a bit harder with me.
Aren't you just giving to the inevitable? Do you know what? I don't think I can.
"Close your eyes" "Rest your head on my shoulder and sleep" "Close your eyes" "I'd also smile" - Jo! Could I have a quick word? - What's up? If I told you that you were loosing your job due to staff cutbacks you would be upset, wouldn't you? Yes.
If I told you you could keep your job but you have to stay here over Christmas, you'd we pleased? Nothing is ever straight forward, so what is it? You don't mind do you? - Some one is got to look after this office.
- It's fine.
- And you'll have Cassie's company - Really? and your boyfriend.
- Uh no.
He no longer exists.
- Oh? Don't ask me.
An asshole.
- Yes, we do have a tendency to do that.
- See you later.
Mm, I'm glad, you have a very good evening.
Mm, Bing scars this morning.
Really? Still you can't have pleasure without pain.
I guess not.
You should try it some time.
I don't think the governance would approve.
More reason to do it.
You would like to use a fry-up.
It must have been a wild night.
Yeah, it was actually.
What did you got to? - Not so much what as who? - Really? - Well you know how I get when I've drunk too much.
- Sick - Horny.
God that was so tendant He only touched me on Well I guess you don't want to know.
Hey! I stooped by your room last night.
- You weren't there.
- No.
- I thought you were staying in.
- No.
I don't mind what you do.
Just don't play games with me, OK? - You think I was with another man? - No.
- Do you think that you don't satisfy me? - No.
So, apologize for being such a stalker.
- I'm very sorry.
- And? - It won't happen again? - Good.
So, we could Cassie is taking him for a ride.
And you'd be happy if you just could go to relieve him.
Weird though, isn't it? Two days ago she was this hapless virgin, now she's a total whore.
I kind of like it.
I kind of like having our very own Britney Spears.
I used to think that she's nice, boring yeah, but nice.
Now, she's just a bad girl.
You could learn something from her though.
Yeah, live might be so desperate.
Hello, Cassie is acting like a total bitch and you are giving me grieve.
Mmm, honey! I'm still concerned about him.
Sure you are.
And you are not at all bothered that he is completely in love with her? No.
Not at all.
He's just been a good friend.
You don't really think he's in love with her, do you? She's treating him like shit! Yeah.
And you know what's worst? She's really enjoying it.
Hey! You had any thoughts about what to do next time? Yeah.
Quite a few actually.
Good! Because I want put you into an English module.
I thought you'd like "Women in love, romantic heroines through the ages" Well.
It's either that or Milton.
The first, thanks.
So, Davies says you're staying here for Christmas.
Surely though, let your Mum out hospital? Yeah I know.
But I don't really want to spend my time feeding turkey to a vegetable.
Tell me this women in love are they actually going to do anything? because suppressed desires are well and good but, it's a bit boring without any action.
- Well Maybe we should just read some of your erotic stories instead.
Ok, so you have a large penis but a hairy back.
And every time you wag your back your penis shrinks.
What do you do? I keep the hair and enjoy the rest.
What, is not a good answer? - I don't know.
- Your turn.
How old was the oldest woman you ever slept with? Truth mate.
You had to ask that didn't you? - I had a feeling with this sole point.
- Yeah? - Well I'm not telling.
- You have to.
No way.
I'll do two dare.
- Doesn't count.
- No.
That's the rules.
- What happy been up to? - No I can't say.
- Fine.
Kiss him.
- Yes.
Mate, answer the question come on.
It was a friend of my mother's.
- Oh, my God that's gross.
- How old was she? - Old enough to know what to do.
- What, to draw a pension note, maybe? - Mate, she hadn't had it so good in years.
- Probably she hadn't had it in years.
Come on, that was a question.
- No! - You have to! No.
I don't Well, come on if he's not going to play ball I think we should all just go home.
Ok, Ok, Ok She was fifty Fifty? four Ohhh, talk about healthy aging! You know, she had plenty of plastic surgery.
- Really, where? - Where it counts.
What do you want Cassie? Dare.
All right.
Pick a victim.
And put one of your body parts into theirs.
Not me.
Leon wishes.
I'm going to call it the night.
I'm really tired.
Good night then.
I guess we better get going too.
Thanks Troy.
Truth or dare? Cassie! Cassie! You want one of my body parts in yours? Just shut up Leon! Open your eyes.
Open your eyes Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me! Jesus Christ, you're a nutter! It's just she's treating me so badly and I know why she is doing it but at the same time is really hard to be patient.
I just want to slap her.
But of course I can't.
It is probably a good thing.
She's going to eat my soul of something.
She's possessed.
And there is only one way to solve that.
I have to electrocute her.
That's what she always did.
She's been such a cow.
Still if I can shock her back to her old self, then she can apologize.
Then she can grovel.
On her knees.
Yes, I think electrocuting her could actually be quite fun.
Thanks for your help.
I feel so much better.
"Rest your head on my shoulder and sleep" "Close your eyes" "Let's pretend that we are both counting sheep" "Close your eyes" Have you come to look at this? Because let me tell you now.
I haven't spent the last eighty years working on this inscription for some half breasted bounty to come and solve it all in a second.
- Ok?.
What does that mean? Ok, I won't solve it.
Really? Hi.
Peggy Langston.
Deal it.
Full time Egyptologist, part time suffragette.
We can touch each other! Steady on.
I should be listening your name.
Thelma Bates.
Don't look so worried Thelma, I'm not going to eat you alive.
So What are you doing here? Actually my father used to own this place.
Oh! Sorry.
I died here in 1923.
I'd like to say my husband caught me with this gallery made but actually was the flu.
What about you? I was ritualistically sacrificed by a fallen angel.
Ah the flu too eh? I don't come back here much these days.
I need to study this.
This is the first thing that got me into Egyptology.
Everything about it suggests that is one the old mourning inscriptions found in Akhenaton´s.
Amazing isn't it? So, what does it say? Oh, I wish I could tell you.
I've trying to translate it for years.
I think it's a funerary inscription for someone called Heraph.
Now, she was the daughter of the Pharaoh, but there is one cartouche I simply can't work out.
A cartouche? A cartouche is like a name.
It seems to say Azazeal but that's not very Egyptian at all.
So, I must be wrong.
It's all rather depressing.
I shall maybe able to help you.
OK guys, have a lovely Christmas.
Watch one film and give me a review in the New Year.
Ah! And behave yourselves.
You've got to end it.
Yeah? Well it's not that simple.
Until still blame me.
I mean yeah, I was wrong but I was pissed and she-- but you did it anyway.
It wasn't like that.
You know what? I don't give a shit.
Have a nice Christmas mate.
Can I talk to you? Leon reckons that you were trying to get off with him.
All right.
He says you lost the clock.
- Right? - I don't want to believe him.
I mean, it doesn't sound like you.
So, what's the problem? Well I just need to know.
Is it true? Cassie, what's going on? What are you pissed or something? No.
So what? That's it.
No explanation.
Look eh if that's what you feel maybe we just should call the day.
If that's what you want.
Look, just I thought me and you were getting it together.
No you're right.
We are best apart.
- What are you doing? - Nothing.
God, I want a room with an own suite.
Is that living on on-switches.
I mean who thought getting a room of two was a good idea? Cassie! It's all right.
Don't worry.
It must be a power cut.
What are you doing? I thought you had a spider on your hair.
It's all right.
It's gone.
Some times you are a total freak.
What are you doing here? I missed you.
I'd just say you know the normal is to call such as a drink maybe? Brandy? So, you're going to watch me all night? Yes.
Don't you just love the feeling when you know is wrong but you want to do it anyway.
Don't be so sure.
Women through the ages remain stubbornly the same.
Well Yeah and that some many maybe you wouldn't be so disappointed? But you're hardly an innocent.
That poor boy.
You broke his heart.
So, who was your last true love? Rachel? The woman you made the pendant for? - Heraph.
- What happened? - It wasn't meant to be.
- Sorry.
It's all right.
I've had therapy.
There'll never be another man who’ll wait 250 years for you.
Well, not one in such good condition.
I can be a huge disappointment.
That's true.
Then a guess.
Everybody is gone now.
And we can have a nice quite Christmas together.
Just the two of us.
Thelma why don't you ask me what you want to ask me.
What do you mean? Yes.
I have been seen Azazeal.
I intend to see him again.
And you know? I don't care what you think about it.
Charming! Have you forgotten what he did? I think we may have misjudged him.
Oh yes.
He meant the knife to miss me.
He is really no more evil than you or I.
Speak for yourself.
- You're just jealous.
- Worried.
Because you know you're not going to find love.
- That's rubbish! - You'd rather I was lonely with you - It's not about me.
- …than happy without you? Fine.
If that's what you think, so be it! Bye.
What? Nothing.
She's an old friend.
I didn't ask.
You didn't have to.
So, what is like being so wise? Well obviously it makes normal life difficult.
Trouble is you see everything before everyone else and then you have to wait for them to catch up.
That must be very frustrating.
You've no idea.
Stop being such a crap and buy me a drink.
My! We are being domineering this evening.
It bodes well.
In the end desire is always greater than the consequences.
You're so arrogant.
You like that.
Actually I am into the more shy and retiring type.
You're going to fuck me up aren't you? Probably.
I feel like a naughty school boy.
Can I help you? I'm afraid this is private property! God, I'm sorry.
It looks like I'm casing the joint or something.
The thought had crossed my mind.
So, what are you doing? I was out walking and I saw the house.
It's beautiful.
I was wondering if it open to the public.
Afraid not.
It's a school.
Lucky kids.
I don't think they realise that.
But they will.
When it's too late.
Thank you for your time.
A pleasure.
You've got a sickening smile on your face.
What have you been up to? Nothing you'd understand.
Give me strength.
If I could slap you I would.
What? - Nothing You think I could pay some desperate first year to do this for me? If you had any money.
I have other things to offer.
They call that prostitution! Your thought.
Your knickers are getting smaller.
I'm bored of behaving What's the point of holding off? I mean, look what happened to you.
You'll never grab those things your didn't do.
It's not going to happen to me.
You have no idea what's going to happen to you.
I meant to say, sorry bounty for being a bit uptight before.
A bit? You could sought lemons for England.
I'm just slightly weary of people I don’t know.
- That's OK.
- However, I think that what you told me, I could almost work this out.
So you did need me after all.
You could come in very useful yes.
It would seem that your friend Azazeal was a priest in the reign of Akhenaton.
Yeah, he gets around.
Well, he's male, what you expect? Now, he fell in love with the Pharaoh’s daughter Heraph, which was very bad news for her.
The Egyptians believed that their union destroyed the natural order.
And I quote: "And the veil between the world was broken and the living walked to the dead and the dead with the living.
" - Just like us - Exactly.
Which leads me to believe that the same thing is happening again.
So, what did they do to him? Well he was banished, deservedly so I'm afraid that left poor Heraph to show to the blame.
And they obviously took a great dislike to her because I really can't think of a more gruesome way to die.
She was buried alive.
God, poor woman! I'm afraid there's more.
They were clearly terrified of her.
Why? She was carrying his child.
Ooops! She'll be fine.
She's got to get some rest.
OK? See you later.
How do you feel? Like I got the worst hangover in the world.
I wouldn't have done it it there'd been any other way.
I know.
- You're glad, aren't you? - Of course! Jo looked pissed off.
She's furious.
Thinks it was one of the lads, even want to call the police.
With any luck she'll blame Leon.
Oh, God! What did I do to Leon? Did you know what was going on? I really wish I could say no.
But? I was sort of semi aware.
I couldn't do anything about it.
See, all the normal brakes who apply just weren't there.
What I was really rude to you.
You were the ultimate cow.
I'm really sorry Thelma.
I'm so sorry for everything you put up with.
Always I forgive you.
Do you think he will leave you alone now? I don't know, I hope so.
Well you're not mangy eyed anymore, I can keep you in a tight leash.
That's very reassuring.
- We're going to be OK.
- Yeah.
You know, for electrocuting me.
What are you doing here? How are you this evening? I want you to go.
Why the sudden change of heart.
You know why.
Stop it! Look! Whatever happened between us, it wasn't right.
It wasn't me.
Sometimes it takes extraordinary circumstances to make you see what you really want.
Don't give me that philosophical bullshit.
- You tricked me.
- You enjoyed it.
Every single minute you were where you wanted to be.
You still feel the same Cassie.
I don't think so.
Just because your rational mind pulls away doesn't mean your heart has changed.
I don't want anything to do with you anymore.
It's a little bit late for that.

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