Seraph of the End (Owari no serafu) (2015) s01e05 Episode Script

Black Demons Contract

1 "Black Demon's Contract" Today, we've gathered all nobles with the progenitor's blood for one reason: threat! Running wild around Northern Tokyo is a human organization called the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.
--They are killing our brothers, expanding their territory, --A human organization.
and flirting with the forbidden enchantment as they desire.
According to our intel, they are experimenting on the Seraph of the End again.
If we keep letting them run loose, another plague like the one eight years ago will occur for sure.
Therefore, we decided to exterminate the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.
This is war! To protect world stability, we will wipe out the greedy humans! War, Seraph of the End Yu, I'll come to your rescue, soon.
That is all to report from block three.
This is Japanese Imperial Demon Army Major General, Shinya Hiragi.
I'll report about the intel on suspicious vampire activity in the Kanto region.
Hey, Guren Ichinose! Is the long-ass meeting over? Drop the attitude.
You're merely a member of the Ichinose family.
If it isn't General Tenri Hiragi.
Please excuse me.
I was just extremely bored.
Don't get full of your-- Now, now.
That attitude of his is normal.
I'll continue my report.
I'm gonna go.
Send me the information later.
Come on, Guren.
Even I can't defend you if your attitude is that bad.
Who asked you to defend me? Jeez.
The almighty Hiragi family controls the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.
Then the junior branch family, Ichinose, isn't wanted, right? Heh, so you do know your place.
Then get lost already, scum.
That's what I've been saying.
See ya.
Jeez, that was freaking boring.
I found you, stupid Guren! You're always so direct.
It's kinda funny when it's right after the futile politics.
It's not funny! Why did you disappear for 10 days without giving me a Cursed Gear?! Do you really want to get revenge against the vampires that much? Yeah, I do! That's the only thing I live for! The only thing, huh? Well, I don't want to keep him here long and attract the Hiragis' attention.
OK, then let's sign a contract with a demon.
And I'll let you fight on the front line.
Huh?! Seriously?! Yeah, let's do that.
I don't care if you haven't finished training.
It's your fault if you die.
Yeah, no problem! This is great! I was waiting for something like this! You really are an idiot.
Oh, by the way, Yu.
Huh? Don't try to kick your superior! Gah, it's really tiring dealing with idiots.
But still, things are getting a bit interesting.
What happened to your head? Did you skip class and get into a fight again? No.
Lieutenant Colonel Guren doesn't know how to hold back.
Dammit, if you knew, don't ask.
Congratulations, on the contract with the demon.
He approved it, right? You never know, that idiot acts on a whim.
Now, now.
I know you're really happy about it.
S-Shut up! Don't worry about it.
Lieutenant Colonel Guren has a sharp tongue and often uses violence, but he keeps his promises.
Finally Finally, I can kill those blood suckers! Finally, huh? Aren't you happy? You may be able to finally meet your precious angel.
I have high hopes for you, Mika.
Hey, hurry up.
Ah It's all right.
OK, everyone! Today, I'll return your written exam results and call it a day.
This result will affect the Cursed Gear rank you'll be receiving, so please face your result and make use of it for next time.
No, you don't! Hey, you! Oh, wow! This is that thing! Hey, stop! Dammit! This is that score that everybody says only a superhuman can get! Shut up and give it back! Oh, my.
I can't believe it.
Dammit! "Spellcraft I Answer Sheet" Whoa! What's wrong with him?! He seriously got a 0%! You're right, that's amazing! All the answers are written in hiragana.
You are so annoying.
What do you mean, annoying? I'm just trying to make you popular since you're struggling to fit in to the class.
Mind your own business! Besides, you don't need comrades and friends to kill vampires! There you go again.
You won't be able to succeed in the army without teamwork.
Yes, I can! I'll uber-succeed! You're so childish.
Who's childish?! Now, now, you two.
Huh? Yu is that Well, since he was imprisoned in the vampire city since childhood, his English and Latin are better than Japanese for reading/writing, right? It couldn't be helped for this time.
Huh? Oh, um, well you know Is your head filled with shit or something? Huh? What?! What's your problem?! What was your score then, you arrogant ass?! It must have been really good, huh?! From the right, Latin, English, and Japanese spellcraft.
"Spellcraft I Answer Sheet" You know, I'm not that good in languages other than Japanese, so I'm no match for a study-abroad poser student like you.
I'm gonna kill you before I kill the vampires! Yeah?! Bring it on! Hey, stop it.
OK, everyone! Class isn't over yet.
What's going on? It's always so damn loud in here.
Lieutenant Colonel Guren! You've returned.
Oh, Sayuri.
Yeah, I'm back.
Anyway, what's with the ruckus? Well It's those two again? Hey, wait, Kimizuki! Stupid Guren's here! Hey, Guren! Weren't you gonna give me a Cursed Gear?! How long do I-- Stop shouting, idiot.
I'll do the talking.
Lieutenant Colonel Ichinose, please explain.
Why did you abandon your class and disappear for over 10 days? I believe we have enough ability to make contracts for the Cursed Gear.
Oh? You think you shitheads have enough ability to make contracts with demons? Of course I do! Shithead Kimizuki may not, but I do! You shut up! No, you shut up! So can they really resist the demon's temptation? Hmm, at least those two are far stronger than I was at age 16.
What about the other guys? Surprisingly, Yoichi Saotome by far has the highest stability against demons.
Hmm, OK, then.
I don't like to complicate things, so let's give it a shot.
Wha-What?! No way, Lieutenant Colonel Guren! Oh? Are you planning on attacking them, Lieutenant Colonel Guren? If you die blame it on yourself for not training enough! Huh? Wh-What is this?! It feels like my heart's being squeezed Huh? What? What's wrong with everyone? OK, done! All right, then! You guys that are still conscious have a chance.
If you continue your training, you could move on to the Contract Ceremony for the Cursed Gear.
You guys that are still standing, you get four stars.
I'll grant you a tryout for the Black Demon Series, the same rank as my sword, now.
So, it's Yu, Kimizuki, and Yoichi that are standing.
I wish you'd passed out.
Looking so relaxed without even using a ward.
I guess I should expect no less from the main family line of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, huh? What a turn-off.
What? No way, I'm like super cute.
Piss off.
Let's hurry up and go.
Um, Lieutenant Colonel Guren.
Crazy tests from you are normal, so that's fine but I'm not sure about letting Yoichi try out for the Black Demon Series.
Do you have a problem with my decision? I don't have a problem, but he doesn't have the strength to accept a demon-- Huh? If he doesn't have the strength, he dies.
That's the world we live in.
This isn't a pretend game.
However Shut up.
Hey, Yoichi.
You want to avenge your sister, who was killed by a vampire, right? Uh, um Then you'll put your life on the line, right? M-My life? Or are you gonna quit? You can leave if you're afraid of dying.
Go back, Yoichi.
This isn't a place for a nice guy like you to be.
I agree.
You should go.
No matter how hard I cover my ears, I still hear it.
I'm still at that place.
Are you listening, Yoichi?! You-- Lieutenant Colonel Guren, I'll do it.
Because I want more strength! I want enough strength so I don't have to lose anybody close to me anymore! Damn, in the end, he's the same as me.
OK, then let's get going.
We'll move to the Contract Ceremony.
Getting cold feet now isn't gonna help you.
Uh Don't look so worried.
You made your choice, right? Yeah.
How about you? Are you OK, Kimizuki? You were standing earlier, but you had to put your hands on the desk.
Right? You saw it too, didn't you, Yoichi? Huh? Uh, yes S-Stop paying attention to the small things! I saw it too, Kimizuki.
You seemed to be in a lot of agony.
Don't get too comfortable yourself, Yu.
The demon you're going to make a contract with is different than from before.
If you let your guard down, it'll possess and kill you in a heartbeat.
I know.
OK, we're here.
What is this place? It's where we store what you want most: the weapons holding the highest-ranking demon kings.
The highest-ranking So I can kill vampires if I have that? Well, that's up to your skill.
But they're the same as your sword, right? Right.
They're the rare Black Demon Series.
Anyway, enough talk.
Let's start.
I don't have the time to fool around and hang out with you guys.
So what do I need to do? Pick a weapon you like and enter the spell circle.
The Contract Ceremony will start automatically when you touch a weapon.
If you don't lose to the demon, you'll gain its power.
If you do lose? You'll either become a man-eating demon or the demon's power will crush and kill you.
On second thought, you'll die either way, since I'll kill you if you become a man-eating demon.
I like it! I've been waiting forever for something like this.
Stupid Guren, making me go to a stupid school.
I'm gonna get the power, and for my family For Mika, I'll exterminate the vampires that killed them.
That's the only thing I've lived for! Draw, and it'll begin.
Gimme your power, damn demon! The blended white, the bird cage in the corner, and flower buds with a heartbeat.
The abandoned voices, dizzy from the shadow of memories.
I need your blood.
I chant, "you read love.
" The red lights struggle.
The sound that I sniffed out and the reason that I forced open simply line up parallel.
Come on, break it down for me.
A river will flow.
The never-ending lust, even though the bell of interest rings.
Even the confession dried out, and the intent played by the quadruple-time is traced back.
The red in the sunshine streaming through the leaves is making noise.
Next time on Seraph of the End, "New Family.
" "New Family"
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