Whitstable Pearl (2021) s01e05 Episode Script

A Cup O' Kindness

I feel so rough.
You'll feel better as
soon as we're out there.
Why do I feel normal at sea?
It's so weird.
Oh, you're not weird.
Supposed to feel sick at
sea and normal at home,
not the other way round.
I was the same at your age.
Ha! Exactly the same.
You're two peas in a pod.
We're a couple of sea dogs.
Did you just call me a dog?
You don't get it.
You're a teenager. I'm not supposed to.
There you go, my love.
Up you go. There we are.
And a flask of tea. For
when you feel better.
What about Dad?
You let me worry about him.
You'll call him?
He'll understand.
I'm worried, Mum.
It's been too long.
It'll pass.
Like you said, you were the same.
You grew out of it.
Chloe will, too.
It might look calm, but be careful.
90% of car accidents happen
five minutes from home.
Good job we're on a boat then.
I'm saying, don't be complacent,
not with our precious cargo on board.
Put your phone away,
love. Give your mum a hand.
You'll feel better soon.
I promise.
Hey, Rosie, what's going on?
Chloe texted me.
Chloe wasn't feeling well.
So, Lynsey took her out on the boat.
Rosie, it's my day.
We planned this. I made a schedule.
Chloe was sick, poor thing.
She wanted to be with her mum.
Lynsey knows what's best for her.
You're saying I don't.
How long they been gone?
Don't worry.
They'll be back soon.
I know what you're doing.
Every time it's my
day, there's an excuse.
It's not gonna work,
Rosie, I'm telling you now.
Bye, my love.
I'm calling Lynsey.
She's got no right. This is my day.
Bowl of chips.
A large bowl of chips.
It's your holiday. Treat yourself.
Two slices of bread and
a pot of curry sauce.
The Earl of Sandwich
Is about to have his mind blown.
will be spinning in his grave.
Hi, you've reached
Chloe. Leave a message.
Chloe, it's Dad. Um, I
hope you're feeling better.
How long are you planning on being out?
Um, I'll be right here waiting, okay?
Chloe, sweetheart, it's Dad again.
Listen, you, um You
don't have to run off
every time you're feeling ill, okay?
I can take care of you, you know.
I'm worrying. Just why
aren't you answering?
Pick up. Call me back.
Lynsey, you are using our
daughter to play games.
This is not okay.
None of this is okay.
Come back, now.
- Chloe?
- Dad! Dad! The boat!
- It's it's taking on water.
- Wait, wait. Wait a second.
- Slow down. Slow down.
- I think we're sinking!
- I think we're sinking.
- What d'you mean you're sinking?
Dad, please. Can you
come? Please, Dad, now.
Chloe, wait, I'm
calling the Coast Guard.
Put your mum back on.
They've gone.
Guess so, yeah.
Without paying.
Call yourself a detective.
Not this week.
They committed a crime
right under your nose.
I'm on holiday.
- That's them!
- Dad.
Chloe, you okay?
I love you.
- She's all right.
- Thank you so much.
It's okay, you're safe.
You're safe. You're safe.
Just wait till it's tied up.
- Nice and careful. Nice and careful.
- Dad.
Come on.
Let's go.
There you go. Watch Watch the ropes.
Let's go.
Come on. Let's get you warm.
Well done.
Well done.
I know. Come on.
Don't cry. You're okay.
Hey, oh, God. Get this in you.
- Thank you so much.
- It's all right. Well done.
We'll get you home. You'll be all right.
- Well done.
- Thanks.
Here you are, get warm. Drink this.
What the hell happened?
I don't know.
The boat's gone.
Gone? She sank? How?
She was taking on water.
I don't know why. I don't understand.
I checked her over last night.
Last night? You didn't
check this morning?
- Are you insane?
- Dad.
All right, that's enough.
Just stay out of it,
Henry. We've done our job.
What's it got to do with you?
- Jamie.
- Really?
- Hey. Hey.
- Dad!
- Hey, hey. Hey!
- Enough!
- Dad.
- Jamie.
Fellas. Fellas. Fellas. Fellas!
- Leave him alone!
- Hey!
Calm down!
That was odd, the way they
all turned on each other,
and Jamie he was
trying a bit too hard.
- Do you know them?
- Yeah.
They run the sailing club next door.
And you showed great
restraint, very professional.
Pearl, I'm on holiday.
Oh, sorry. It's a rubbish start.
What are your plans for the week then?
An old mate of mine
invited me paintballing.
Told him I had a clash.
And another mate invited
me to Gran Canaria.
You've got mates?
Just to be clear, you're
not gonna do either
of those things then, yeah?
Having a staycation.
Apparently, there's a thing.
Oh, right.
Well, uh
what about New Year's Eve?
Apparently, that's a thing.
Noise-canceling headphones,
pint of Guinness, and a bowl of soup.
Well, we have a party here
after the restaurant closes.
- Oh?
- Yeah.
We have three rules
no kissing, no singing,
no resolutions, just hard drinking.
Is that misanthropic enough for you?
Oh, come on.
You had a good time
at Christmas, remember?
All right, no pressure.
I've got customers to get back to.
Important orders.
Lobster Thermidor, crab ravioli,
seafood risotto, and
a chip and curry sauce butty.
- You're an artist.
- And you're a savage.
So, Dolly's gonna be
with us New Year's Eve?
Just 'cause Ruby's parents
are coming 'round and
you know, just for a drink or two.
Oh, cool. Is Ruby coming, too?
Obviously, yeah.
- Well, you remember the rules.
- Oh, come on.
Well, they're your rules, Romeo.
I was 12-years-old,
and you were going out
with Crap Car Steve, all right?
Way too much PDA.
Way too much MDMA.
Oh, God! Shut up!
Seriously though, you will tell her?
- What?
- You know, just to be a bit
- Bit less?
- You know, a bit less Dolly.
Thank you for a lovely night.
- Call me.
- Oh, I will.
- Good morning.
- Good morning!
Sleep well?
Not a wink.
Ahh. Mother Teresa wants a word.
The Coast Guard found the boat.
The pipe connecting the
bilge pump had been severed.
Without it, you're powerless
to stop the boat sinking.
It's not one of the boats she rents out.
It's Lynsey's boat.
I think she was targeted.
It was done on purpose?
Has she called the police?
She's saying it's just kids
breaking in, messing about.
Has she said anything to
She's trying to protect Chloe.
Ever since the separation,
the poor girl's nerves
have been shot to bits.
She's quiet.
She doesn't need
The last thing she needs
is to find out her Dad's
You think Jamie sabotaged the boat?
He likes creating a drama.
Making Lynsey look negligent,
swoops in, saves the day.
But he didn't save the day, did he?
I mean, if the lifeboat hadn't
They could've drowned.
He could've killed them.
- Thanks, mate.
- No worries.
Had him young.
I had Lynsey young, too.
Think it makes you more protective.
He's thinking of going to university.
You've got to give them their wings.
But it doesn't stop you worrying.
This is Jamie's address.
Don't fall for it.
- His charm.
- Okay.
I'm warning you, he's very persuasive.
Five minutes with him,
and you'll be a vegetarian.
It's one of his fads.
Chloe's bought into it, of course.
And don't be fooled by the
big house and the flash car.
Six months ago, their
old house was repossessed.
Chloe was home alone when
the bailiffs turned up.
Lynsey nearly lost her business.
Jamie's in debt up to his eyeballs.
He's gambled their lives away
on wild punts and grand gestures.
Only thing he truly owns
is that number plate.
What number plate?
You'll see.
- Morning.
- Morning, Mike.
The sound of old ♪
You know that's how we view ♪
You gotta know I'm on a roll ♪
Can I help you?
What's going on?
she worries too much.
Bilge pumps fail. It happens.
Well, the Coast Guard said
We were all living here, you know,
me, Lyns, Chloe,
and then Rosie went inside Lynsey's head
and said it wasn't safe.
Well, is it?
It's our dream house.
It was our dream house five years ago.
It's still our dream house now.
We're just a bit behind schedule.
What did Rosie tell you?
That I re-mortgaged the sailing club
to pay for the renovations?
That That I'm a control freak?
That Lynsey's wanted
to leave me for years?
She didn't say any of those things.
'Cause there's two sides to every story.
She wasn't confident when we met.
I helped her believe in herself.
She wouldn't have the sailing club
if it wasn't for me.
We were a team.
She's just lost sight
of that, that's all.
Well, do you know anyone
that might wanna hurt her?
No. No. No one's tried to hurt her.
It was an accident, trust me.
Listen, Detective.
You don't have to call me that.
I wouldn't tell you how
to investigate a case
or how to fry a fish.
But I do know boats.
Lynsey's got too much on her plate.
She forgot to check the
boat before they went out.
End of story.
Chloe, slow down.
Slow down, slow down. What's happened?
- Chloe?!
- You called him.
He's good a fixing things.
What's happened?
Someone smashed the boat windows,
and I cut my hand.
Kids are causing trouble again.
You forget to lock the doors?
Does it matter? We
can't afford to close.
Either help or leave me
alone to get on with it.
All right.
Come and show me what happened.
Pearl, what you doing here?
I just wondered if we
could have a quick chat.
Everyone's going behind my back.
Chloe, Mum.
Well, d'you think the
Coast Guard made a mistake?
If you tell me it's an
accident, I'll leave you alone.
It wasn't an accident.
Why haven't you called the police?
Your mum thinks you're
protecting someone.
Let me guess, Jamie?
Jamie would never hurt Chloe.
Well, did he know she'd be on the boat?
He'd never hurt me.
Now you're making me
paranoid. He wouldn't.
Well, can you think of anyone
that would wanna hurt you?
Can't believe I'm saying this.
Go on.
Henry can never know I suggested it.
- Henry?
- Henry Wright,
from the sailing club in Seasalter.
So, a rival club?
I didn't see it that way.
Well, he was on the
lifeboat that picked you up.
He saved us.
I'll always be grateful,
not just for that.
I was a lonely kid.
He taught me to sail.
He was like a father.
That's why I didn't go to the police.
You think Henry sabotaged the boat?
God no.
Heather, his wife.
These, going back years.
There are things she accused me of.
There's no truth in them.
I don't know where she dreamt them up
but she's clearly unhinged.
Would you mind forwarding
me those e-mails?
Yeah, I've never told Jamie about them.
Things are hard enough for Chloe
without this to worry about.
Find out what happened.
I'll try.
She's got his laugh.
She's got your smile.
Haven't seen it much lately.
I left Jamie. That makes me the bad guy.
Look at him
He's in his element.
Little emergency.
Now he's the hero.
You read my mind.
You see, I'm not all bad.
So, go on then.
Tell me about Mother Teresa
and the family from hell.
Thanks for today.
You gonna be all right?
It's just gonna be
freezing in that house.
Our house.
I could stay if
Lynsey and Jamie, they make
out they hate each other but
Really, they wanna tear
each other's clothes off.
They're in debt. They
own that shell of a house.
If it wasn't for Rosie,
they'd be homeless.
I told you, Mother Teresa.
They do love each other.
And love makes you do stupid things.
I'm saying nothing.
It's all right.
I've, um got a portable heater
and, um, sleeping bags.
Get up early, watch the sunrise.
The more I'm there, the
sooner it'll be finished.
The sooner we can all
move in.
Lyns, wait. I
I didn't wanna say anything before,
not in front of Chloe but
all this,
what we gonna do?
Jamie, there is something
I need to tell you.
You think Jamie sabotaged
the boats on purpose,
for insurance?
Maybe they both did.
They wouldn't intentionally
hurt their daughter.
No, but they are desperate,
and they're not thinking straight.
I don't know.
I am worried that Chloe
could be at risk, though.
All right.
What's going on?
You said coffee and bacon sandwiches.
I don't smell coffee
or bacon sandwiches.
No, uh I thought we could go sailing.
Oh, come on.
- You done this before?
- Yeah.
My dad used to take
me out every weekend.
A long time ago.
We're not going to the place
where the boats keep sinking, are we?
It was one boat, and no.
We're going to the other sailing club.
I could be in Gran Canaria right now.
Hmm, yeah, or, uh, paintballing
with all those mates.
Yeah. Or at home,
staycationing my heart out.
Why are we doing this?
This is how you get
your bones down here.
If you can survive one miserable,
freezing seasick day
on the Thames Estuary
I'm, what, no longer a DFL?
Well, I can't promise that.
But I have got a confession to make.
I'm always gonna be a DFL, aren't I?
No, I've I've got an ulterior motive.
Oh. Okay.
Um, yeah, no.
Okay, really?
Oh, sorry, no, I didn't
I didn't mean it like that. Sorry.
- Oh, 'cause the boat and like
- No, I know.
- the two of us.
- Yeah.
Well, you said an ulterior motive,
- so people only say that
- Yeah, they do when
Yes, but, uh, I didn't mean that.
I meant like a professional
ulterior motive.
What, like, you wanted
to catch some fish or
Not that profession.
Your side hustle.
Yeah, I need a sidekick.
I need a sidekick for my side hustle.
- Pearl
- I know what you're gonna say.
- No.
- Yeah.
- I know, sure.
- I am on holiday.
And this is good for that.
Trust me. You
See, look, that suits you.
Already you're starting.
E'are, sunshine.
Yeah, almost tropical.
Oi! Oi! Hey!
- You're a maniac.
- Get off him.
- I've called the police.
- What you doing?
Don't you dare come
near my family again.
- You threaten my wife again
- I don't care!
I'll tell them what you're really like.
- What?!
- I don't know what he's doing.
Hey. Oi! Oi!
- Stop it!
- Stop it.
Stop it!
Jamie just barged in,
accusing us of all sorts.
Well, he thinks you
sabotaged Lynsey's boat.
We saved Lynsey.
He thinks you sabotaged Lynsey's boat.
Lynsey does, too.
She showed me the e-mails.
I sent those e-mails a long time ago.
'Cause she set up a rival business?
It was ungrateful.
After everything we did for her.
She was a a shy, sickly kid.
We took her under our wing,
taught her everything she knows.
She said Henry taught her the ropes.
You accused her of some
other things, as well.
Lynsey said none of that was true.
Henry said the same thing.
He promised, and I believe him.
It's just
when someone puts those
ideas in your head,
they're hard to shake.
Honestly, they are just a
a strange family.
Look closer to home.
Stay away from him.
Heather's at mine if you
need her for a statement.
Yeah. Cheers, thank you.
I was just seeing if,
uh, Long John Silver
wanted to press charges.
- Does he?
- Nope, apparently not.
Listen, I invited Mike out
with my mates for New Year's Eve,
and he said he was going
to a party at yours.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, cool.
I just wanted to make sure
he wasn't making an excuse.
You know, I thought
he might be on his own.
Oh, Captain Misery Guts.
Yeah, exactly.
- No.
- All right.
- Okay, see you.
- Yeah, cheers.
It's supposed to be a medium, yeah?
I think medium's a bit optimistic.
You need a large.
- Ahh.
- You all right?
So, how is this, uh,
sidekick gig gonna work?
Well, I was gonna push you in the sea
and then get Heather on her
own while Henry saved you.
And what if he didn't?
- What, save you?
- Yeah.
Hmm, well, the sidekick
role is not without risks.
What's that about anyway, the, uh
sailing club turf wars?
Bloods and the Crips of the yacht world?
D'you know what? I don't think so.
Harry and Hilda aren't guilty, no?
It's Heather and Henry.
- But anyway, enough.
- Yeah.
You're supposed to be on holiday, so
Yes. Oh!
Keeps the scurvy at bay.
So, my New Year's party
Ah, about that Look, I forgot.
Nikki's invited me out with her friends,
and I said I'd go
and, yeah.
- What?
- It's Gran Canaria
and paintballing all over again, innit?
You're just gonna stay at home.
Look, a pint of Guinness, right?
- A bowl
- Yeah, bowl of soup, yeah, yeah.
And don't forget
noise-canceling headphones.
I'm telling ya, it's bliss.
Sounds lonely.
Is it first New Year since
Since my wife died.
Yeah, it is, yeah.
What did you used to do?
Oh, well
She was an extrovert so, uh, I dunno.
We'd end up paying a crazy cover charge
to stand at the bar in a packed out pub.
What, you didn't mind?
Mm, back then
maybe, I was an extrovert, too.
I think you should come to my party.
Is it, no kissing, no
singing, no resolutions?
- Hard drinking.
- All right.
There's no ulterior motives?
And you don't need a sidekick,
like, some secret New
Year's shakedown, no?
No. No, I promise.
Let's go.
Thanks for this, taking me out.
We haven't left yet.
Yeah, but it's nice.
I could get used to it.
Dumb, irresponsible,
macho nonsense.
I should never have told
you about the e-mails.
You can't just punch anyone
who makes you feel threatened.
How dare you, Jamie?
I told you in confidence.
What were you thinking?
It's sad.
It's so predictable.
It's so typical.
Think about Chloe.
You don't think it's Heather?
He's reckless and
impulsive, but he loves them,
I mean anyone can see that.
My girls. I love them, too.
Before they moved back in, I
used to go to this book club.
You have to find ways to fill your time.
You'll see that soon.
Empty nest.
We read murder mysteries,
Agatha Christie, that sort of thing.
Huh, right up your street.
I never told anyone,
but I used to read the end
first so I'd know what happened.
Hmm. Couldn't bear the suspense.
I'm just impatient.
I'm beside myself with worry.
I love my family.
I'm not going round,
beating up suspects,
but I do love them.
So please
find out who's behind all this before
What d'you think you're
doing? We're closing up.
Night surveillance.
What is that?
Night vision goggles.
SAS standard.
You lock up.
Your mum's a badass.
Mm, she's something.
Please don't.
Go away.
Go away!
Please, love.
I called my dad.
My dad's gonna come.
All right, darling.
My dad's gonna save me.
It's all right.
It's all right, sweetheart.
What if Pearl tells the police?!
That's what you're worried about?
And the boats.
They're insured. I'll fix them.
I don't care about the boats!
Lyns, you just said you
Jamie, all this, we caused this.
- Oh.
- I'm sorry.
Oh, my love.
We've had quite a morning.
She hasn't had anything to
eat. Shall I make you something?
Oh, it's okay.
I-I-I thought you might be
hungry, so I made you this.
Planet-saving vegan peanut butter.
I'm not gonna blame you.
We need to think together.
- 'Course you are.
- We need to be a family!
- It's okay, love.
- Don't you see?
- I'll tell them to keep it down.
- Us, nothing else.
Jamie, it's that
simple, is it? Fantastic.
No one said it's simple, Lynsey.
What do you think you're doing?
- This isn't helping!
- Thank you, Rosie.
Come on. Sit down, please.
It must be hard when they argue.
It's worse when they're quiet.
They're talking, kind of.
It's a start.
That looks a bit boring.
Do you want me to
make you something hot?
I won't tell.
What about?
It could be our secret.
Soon be home.
Thank you. I mean it.
I think I'm gonna transfer
the money back to you.
- You don't have to do that.
- No, honestly, I'm so sorry.
It's okay.
Now we know.
It's a cry for help.
These things are hard on kids.
Lynsey's taken her eye off the ball.
Well, maybe spend the money
on getting Chloe some help,
someone to talk to.
Lynsey and I used to lock
horns when she was a teenager.
I know what people said about me.
I was too strict, too controlling,
too old fashioned.
I'm sure I got things wrong,
but Lynsey never wanted for love.
When she needed me, I was there.
Well, I think Chloe needs your love now.
Oh, don't worry,
I'm going to give her
all the love in the world.
Budge up.
Sorry, they're noise-canceling.
Oh, I see.
Oh, I said, um, budge up.
It's my wife.
I'm sorry.
Do you want me to
No. No, no.
No, no, you're all right.
Nice idea, though.
Oh, it's a bit formal for her.
She'd like it better with some graffiti.
The vandals 'round here
aren't what they used to be.
Eva the Diva.
Too right.
She was, as well.
It's hard, innit, this time of year?
New starts. Making changes.
Looking forwards.
Reminds us of all the
things we're not ready for.
Table six.
Are you all right?
Oh, my God.
Keep it down.
- I'm trying!
- I mean the noise.
People can hear.
Throwing up in your own restaurant
- isn't a good look.
- No.
I haven't done this
since you were a teenager.
Corner shop bottle of
vodka I seem to remember,
but what was your cover story?
- Food poisoning.
- Your cooking.
Oh, yes, you said I was trying
to poison you on purpose.
So what have you eaten this time?
Thanks, Mum. This looks great.
Yeah, lovely.
Here you go, my love.
- Your favorite.
- Thanks.
All together.
No one hurt.
Let's be thankful.
I I I don't mean to be rude.
We just sat down for dinner.
I know what you're doing, Rosie.
What are you talking about?
I had a bite of Chloe's sandwich.
I've been throwing up all afternoon.
And I rang Heather.
She said that you started the rumors
about Lynsey and Henry
all those years ago.
You were the one that said
they were having an affair.
Lynsey was infatuated. Silly girl.
She spent all her time there
with a man twice her age.
I nipped things in the bud
before they got out of hand.
Any parent would've done the same.
You missed her.
It was just the two of you
and then, suddenly, she
had a life of her own.
It was not my job to be Lynsey's friend.
What I did then and what
I do now is for the best.
You were poisoning Lynsey,
too, when she was a kid?
That makes it sound awful.
No, it was just
She liked being looked after,
tucked up in bed, a
day or two off school.
Chloe's the same.
Well, Rosie, listen to yourself.
You're poisoning your granddaughter.
Lynsey's making a mess of things.
Jamie, the debt, the house.
They need some guidance,
some control, some consistency.
They need me!
They just don't know it.
It was a way to make them see it.
To make them see sense.
Don't you see what
you're teaching Chloe?
That the only way that
she can get some attention
is to create a crisis.
I'm sorry, Rosie.
I really wanted to be wrong.
Last table standing.
Thank you so much.
Have a great night.
Happy New Year. Take care.
Thank you.
Careful on those steps.
Ruby, suck the lime, lick
the salt, and down in one.
Right. Now let the hard drinking begin!
Happy New Year.
Urgh! Any more?
What? Pace yourself.
Amber and Craig, my mum and dad.
This is Pearl, Charlie's mum.
Hiya. Nice to meet you.
- Hiya.
- Hiya.
- You know Charlie.
- All right, kidda.
Hey, good to see you again.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
This is Dolly. This is Ethan.
- Hello.
- Ethan's Dolly's
- Grandson.
- Craig, don't be so rude.
Ethan's Dolly's son.
- No.
- No?
is my boyfriend.
As long as he plays his cards right.
More Tequila por favor.
Coming up.
Bet you thought it was
a quiet life around here.
Get away from the gangs
and the serial killers.
I was trying to get
away from the gastropubs
and Farmer's Markets.
Yeah, you're from London.
You think you've seen it all.
But on a Saturday night
when the bears are in town,
it's like World War Three 'round here.
- I told you not to grill him!
- No, we're just
Did they ask you for a ride-along?
But you were about to.
We were building up to it.
Now he's gonna think I invited him out
because you two have an ulterior motive.
Whoa! Guys, cheers.
She just wanted to feel needed.
And she did the same
thing to her own daughter
all those years ago?
Hmm. She was lonely.
She just couldn't stand
the thought of her leaving.
Sounds like she could do with a bunk up.
If she wasn't such a psycho,
I'd ask Ethan if he had a friend.
Okay, everybody!
Make your way outside.
The fireworks are about to start.
Hey, McGuire. You
better not be going home.
I'm not.
Well, go on then. What you waiting for?
Ten, nine, eight, seven
three, two, one.
Happy New Year!
- Happy New Year!
- Happy New Year.
For Auld acquaintance be forgot ♪
And never brought to mind ♪
Resolution number one
smash Craig's guitar.
For auld lang syne ♪
We'll take a cup o'kindness ♪
For auld lang syne ♪
Everyone's breaking all your rules.
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