Dinotrux (2015) s01e06 Episode Script


(THEME SONG PLAYING) (SNORING) (MUMBLING) A giant ramp made out of other ramps? (MOANING) Dude.
Of course I want to ride that.
(SNORING) (MUMBLING) (CLATTERING) Is it done? (GIGGLES) Oh, yeah! I hope they sleep well tonight, 'cause they're gonna have a real bad dream when they wake up.
I mean, not when they wake up, 'cause you don't dream when you're awake.
- (GRUNTS) - They'll never stay in the crater after this.
How are you feeling? Great.
But I think my wrecking ball's still asleep.
(GRUNTS) There.
That's better.
Let's eat! (MUNCHING) Does this ore taste funny to anyone else? What do you mean? Tastes fine to (MUMBLES) Hold on.
This ore tastes like (MUFFLED) Like tar! - Did you say "tar"? - Yes! Tar.
Tar! Everyone! Stop eating! There is tar on all the ore! It will gum up your systems.
But I already ate a ton of it! (GASPS) What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? I'm too young to be gummed! Quick! We must get him to the watering hole and flush it out of his system.
On it! Oh, no, I can feel it! I'm feeling gummy.
(GASPS) I've been gummed! Drink it up! (TON-TON SIGHS) Much better, dudes.
(SIGHS) We are lucky none of us was hurt.
D-Structs is getting more serious about forcing us out of the crater.
I'm not going anywhere.
Except maybe to find some breakfast.
And then what? Let D-Structs coat it in tar again? We're gonna fix this once and for all.
You suggesting we strike back? Take the battle to D-Structs? Yeah, maybe that would be the best way to go! We charge in there and turn him into nothing but a pile of broken gears and twisted scrap metal! Uh Actually, I was thinking we could build a solution.
You know, like a safe spot to store ore.
Yeah, right.
Sorry, I get kind of cranky on an empty stomach.
How about something like this? Top-loaded and equipped with customized stations for all of us to feed, both big and small.
That's it! We can even build it by the garage so we can get filled up And tuned up At the same time! TON-TON: Dudes, that rocks! We should build it with a super-strong kind of rock so D-Structs can't just do a smash-and-tar.
Anyone know any super-strong kinds of rocks? Oh, I love a challenge! We could use granite, like the garage, or maybe quartz.
Quartz is pretty strong, or Ooh! Ooh! I know! A lava rock/feldspar combination would be perfect! I don't know, Rev.
Those are all great ideas, but what we need right now is a rock expert.
Where are we gonna find someone who knows more about rocks than us? (GROWLING) Stegarbasaurs? Ty, have you blown a gasket? They are incredibly destructive creatures.
I know, but they eat rocks.
They've gotta know which ones are strongest, right? Hey, fellas! You got a sec? ALL: T-Trux! Well, it was worth a try.
Shall we try that lava rock/feldspar combination I suggested Wait, what about that one? (GULPS) We'll We'll do this in a sec, okay, T-Trux? (BURPS) All right, I'm ready.
Ready for what? To fight.
Well, that's what you're here for, isn't it? Spikes! (GRUNTS) There's a lot more where those came from, so come on, scoot! (GRUNTS) Ty, this is not worth it! Don't worry, Rev, I got this.
Stegarbasaurus, listen I know usually when a T-Trux comes rolling up, it means you're gonna get your (GRUNTS) Tail smashed or your rocks stolen, but not this time.
This T-Trux is here 'cause he needs your help building.
(GRUNTS) "Build"? Wait a second, are you that weirdo? Depends which weirdo you're talking about.
The weirdo T-Trux who teamed up with the oddball Reptool and took on D-Structs.
Yeah! Yeah, I heard about you! Huh.
He heard about me.
He heard that you are a weirdo.
I'll take "'weirdo"' over "'oddball.
"' Name's Ty.
And this is Revvit.
GARBY: Oh, there's that tiny tool! (LAUGHS) Didn't see you there.
I bet you get that a lot, huh? Actually, no.
First time.
Name's Garby.
Pleased to meet you.
- You in? - Why not? Though I don't know how you could build anything with those little arms.
- Huh? - (LAUGHS) This guy's a riot, huh? Not the word I would use.
(MUNCHING) Ty, are you sure you want a Trux like him to help us? (GRUNTS) (GULPS AND BURPS) Wait a second, I know what's going on here.
You're jealous! Excuse me? Yeah, you're jealous that we're asking someone else for advice for a change.
Well, that is not true.
(CHUCKLES) As I said, I am worried about what this destructive creature will do to our home! Jealous! - Destructive.
- Jealous.
- Destructive! - Destructive! - Jealous! - See? I knew you'd admit it.
What? No, you know that's not what I meant! (HONKING) I have a bad feeling about this.
Garby, meet Dozer, Skya and Ton-Ton, otherwise known as my weirdo friends.
Nice to meet you! Wow.
Different Trux living together.
It sure is an interesting concept.
Tasty, too! (GULPS) Dude.
You just ate our garage.
Oh, is that what it is? Sorry, but if you didn't want someone to eat it, you really shouldn't have made it out of granite.
Rich, smoky flavor with just a slight silty aftertaste.
Who could resist? You're one of them rock-eaters, huh? I can respect that, - as long as you stay away from my mound! - (CHUCKLES) I don't know, that mound is sure filled with some delicious rocks.
Oh, do tell me more.
My mouth's watering.
- Cut it out! - (LAUGHS) Rev, we're gonna get started digging the foundation.
You work with him to pick the right kind of rock.
- (SIGHS) I suppose.
- Thanks.
(MUMBLES AND BURPS) (GULPS) (CHUCKLES) Even better the second time around! Oh, my.
So, these are the plans for what we are building to prevent D-Structs - from sabotaging our food supply.
- (GASPS) It's essential Uh Were the plans.
Sorry! Old habits, you know? Don't worry, I can have that back for you before you know it.
Have it, um, back? (RUMBLING) Ah.
Any of those yours? (GAGS) That is incredibly disgusting.
Hey, they're just tightly compacted rocks and pebbles.
I have a very efficient system! Please, just tell me what would be the best type of rock to use for that type of build.
Well, this is a tricky one.
Wait, I've got it, I know just the perfect rock! Follow me! Would you just smell that crisp air! (HONKS) (GAGS) Oops.
Sorry! (CHUCKLES) I tend to gas off after a big meal.
Won't happen again.
- (HONKS) - Oh! - (COUGHING) - Oops! Okay, maybe it will.
(CHUCKLES) You probably don't want to be standing behind me.
Ty is gonna owe me for this one.
Here we are! It's like a virtual rock buffet out here, huh? Hey, but don't worry, the ones you're interested in are right over here.
Now this stuff will get the job done.
It's a lava rock/feldspar combination.
"'A lava rock/feldspar combination.
"' Yeah! Yeah, you've heard of it? (SIGHS) Thank you for your help, Garby.
I will tell the others.
We can both tell 'em! Actually, I have a better idea.
It would be a great help to us if you could stay out here and put your, uh, unique talents to use by cataloging all these different types of rocks.
- Really? - Oh, yes.
And there's no need to rush, take all the time you need.
And I mean that.
All the time you need.
Well, I was really looking forward to doing some actual building with you Trux, but you're the boss, Tiny Tool! (SHUDDERS) Please do not call me that.
You got it, Tiny Tool! I said Oh, forget it.
(SIGHS) Wonderful.
What else can go wrong today? GARBY: (GASPS) Ooh.
Is that wackestone? (CHUCKLES) I haven't had that in forever! (REVVIT SCREAMS) Skya! Heads up! Alley-oop! Swish! Okay.
One ore station foundation hole dug.
Now all we need are those rocks.
Revvit's still not back yet? You hear him telling us to be more careful? Good point.
I wonder where he is.
(REVVIT PANTING) What happened? Where am I? What is this place? Is that rock? Wait a second.
That obnoxious Stegarbasaurus ate me! (RUMBLING) (SCREAMING) (WHIRRING) This is distressing.
All right, let's do this.
(GRUNTS) Phew.
That actually was not so Bad! (SCREAMS AND COUGHS) Aah! (GASPS) Another stomach? He eats so much, of course he would have two stomachs! (SCREAMS) (BURPS AND CHUCKLES) Sorry about that.
I must have ate something that's not agreeing with me.
So, what were you saying again? We were asking about Revvit.
What's a Revvit? Oh! You mean Tiny Tool! (CHUCKLES) Well, last I saw him, he was heading on back your way.
Really? It's not like the dude to disappear like this.
Something must've happened to him.
Let's find out what.
Spread out.
I'll go with you.
It's not like you're gonna be able to pick through the brush with those tiny arms! Ha! You know, that "tiny arm" thing is getting kind of old.
- TY: Revvit? - Huh? Revvit! Wait a second.
Is that Ty? Revvit, are you out here? Revvit! No, I'm in here! Can you hear me? Wait, did you hear that? It sounded like Revvit.
(MUFFLED) Ty! There it is again.
But where's it coming from? Ty, please! I may not survive another stomach! (RUMBLING) (BURPS) Oops! Sorry about that.
I think I might have eaten too much wackestone.
I sure hope I'm not becoming wackestone intolerant.
Maybe some roughage will help.
(MUNCHING) Now what? (SCREAMS) Ah! (SIGHS) That did it.
Finally, some relief! No sign of him on our end, Ty.
Maybe D-Structs got him.
Did you see something? No, but didn't he mess with your ore last night? Maybe he came back for round two.
Sounds like D-Structs to me.
Sure would be a great way to stop our build.
TY: Hmm.
He's not stopping anything.
Dozer had the right idea in the first place.
(MUFFLED) It's time to take this battle to D-Structs.
Ty, stop! Do not do this! (BURPING) Oh! Sorry, feeling kind of gassy again.
Garby, less gas, more rescue.
We could use your help in there.
(BURPS AND GROANS) I'll do what I can do.
(MUMBLING) I never said you could keep your scrap in here.
You never said I couldn't.
And look, it's a picture of you! (GROWLS) I think you should handle this.
Look who it is.
The builders.
Where is Revvit? "Revvit"? Oh, you mean your little Reptool friend? Why would I know where that bug is? Yes! "Bug!" (LAUGHING) Oh, I gave myself away.
Don't play dumb.
Tell me where he is! (ROARS) - (GRUNTING) - Ty! Ty, this is not a good idea! - Get out of there while you still can! - (RUMBLING) This is going to be fun.
(RUMBLING CONTINUES) What's that? You all right? Oh.
Oh! I don't think so! Dude! Not now! (HONKS AND BURPS) (MUFFLED SHOUTING) Revvit? Is Is that you? REVVIT: Who else would it be? D-STRUCTS: Thanks for dropping by.
Enjoy your stay.
(GRUNTS) Did I miss this part of the plan? (MUFFLED SHOUTING CONTINUES) Revvit.
Revvit, are you okay? What are you doing in there? (DRILLING) (PANTING) I was in there because he ate me! I did? Huh.
So I'm not wackestone intolerant! No, you're Reptool intolerant.
Rev, are all your bits intact? Surprisingly, I think they are.
The bigger question is, how are we getting out of here? Not out the front door.
No room in here to doze.
And even if you could, where you gonna put all the rocks? Don't worry, I'm a mean, green eating machine.
And I just got my appetite back! (MUNCHING) SKRAP-IT: Let's destroy something! Let's destroy something! (GRUNTING) (ROARS) So, what should we knock down next? SKRAP-IT: How about the crater wall? No, the sky! (LAUGHS) Do the sky! Or you could go with that.
Why's he here? Where are the Trux? Just take cover.
You don't have to tell me once.
(GROWLS) (GRUNTING) Repair this! (GROANING) Garby, don't stop now.
Huh? (GRUNTING) (GROANS) (GROANING) - Yeah! - Dude, that rocked! Yeah! I've never seen D-Structs move so fast in my life.
Remind me never to get between you and a rock.
Thanks, gang.
Yeah, but that meal shouldn't include Revvit.
Actually, Ty, it was not so bad.
In fact, thanks to Garby, I know something even better than a lava rock/feldspar combination to use for the ore station.
Dude, seriously? You know where those came from, right? Yes.
But take it from me, they are just tightly compacted rocks and pebbles.
Strong, too.
I told you I had an efficient system! Now, come on, I've been waiting to try this building thing all day.
Boom! Did it! Let D-Structs try to mess with that.
Sorry about the whole eating-you thing.
No hard feelings, eh, Tiny Uh (CHUCKLES) I mean, Revvit? No hard feelings.
I must say, it is nice having another expert around.
Thank you for your assistance.
With everything.
Well, the pleasure was all mine! You sure got some tasty rocks around these parts.
If you need anything else, you know where to find me.
(MUNCHING) (REVVIT COUGHING) TY: You see that, Rev? I knew you two would hit it off.
Well, close enough.
Has anyone seen Waldo, Ace and Click-Clack? I could sure use a tune-up after the day we've had.
(ALL SCREAM) - Uh-oh.
- Whoa! Wow.
The only thing worse than a Stegarbasaurus that just ate is one that just ate you.
Are you kidding? (GASPS) I can finally get a look under the hood of one of these things! (RUMBLING) Come on! Whoa! And I thought it was scary being outside of a Dinotrux.
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