Hunted s01e06 Episode Script


Cafe Khalil, four o'clock.
Don't be late.
Do you expect to come back to work? I'm your best operative.
Target is Jack Turner.
He is currently bidding to acquire the Upper Khyber Dam.
JTRP holdings, £1 billion.
Dad, we're short 30 million quid.
We'll just have to get hold of it, won't we? This is Gary.
You're the mole.
I did lie.
I had to.
The lovely Miss Thorpe was blackmailing me.
I know we can never get back what we lost.
What WE lost? You nearly lost your life, but the baby that was my loss, too.
Five major multinational corporations.
They formed a secret pact.
They called it Hourglass.
What's Keel's connection? Three members of the Byzantium board are CEOs of Hourglass Corporations.
'I want people to become angry 'about the corrupt elements in our country.
'You referring to the privatisation of the Khyber Dam? 'I intend to expose and stop it.
' I went to the hospital this afternoon.
They said you checked yourself out right after we left.
This programme contains some violent scenes.
This programme contains some scenes of a sexual nature.
Then we're going ahead? Of course.
You want me to tell Dave? Dave's turning into a useless old fart.
Just tell Tyrone.
I had to make a phone call.
Another one of your girlfriends? You know me too well, Auntie.
You want to help on this campaign, you can't keep disappearing all the time.
I would do anything for you.
You know that.
You seem worried, Umair.
Aren't you? What is it? I know how important this is, but the risks are considerable.
I will do whatever it takes, however long it takes.
Do you understand? You have my loyalty.
You know that.
That was nice.
It's been a while.
Glad it was me.
Me too.
That was from the accident.
We've both lost so much.
Get some sleep.
You all right? Oh, it's nothing.
I get these sometimes.
And the bruises on your back? I'm really sorry.
You don't pay me to look like this.
Perhaps you should tell me what's the matter.
I'm fine, really.
I'm asking.
It's a platelet disorder.
Are you on medication? Mm-hm.
I feel weak.
I'm tired all the time.
Don't worry for myself so much, but .
I have a little girl.
Must be very difficult.
All these months, I've never asked your name.
It's Lianne.
Lianne Wells.
This is Rupert Keel.
My regular girl, Lianne Wells .
I don't want to see her any longer.
Send someone new next week.
You were supposed to be here an hour ago.
Stephen made a pass at me.
You reciprocated? What do you think? And what motivated you to take THAT course of action? My job.
So sleeping with him had nothing to do with the fact you actually care about him? And his son? It's a little late to be jealous, don't you think? Or maybe you let yourself feel something for me again yesterday? Must have scared the hell out of you.
This is not about you.
No, Sam.
It's about you.
Always looking for a way, any way you can, to push me aside.
Why would I need to do that when I don't even know who you are? Yes, you do.
You have since the moment we met.
You just keep forgetting, that's all.
Where's Fowkes? Unavailable.
But this couldn't wait.
So apparently, Jack Turner did more than go drinking yesterday.
He had his financing for the Khyber Dam put into liquidity.
£1 billion in total.
He's fully vested now.
One phone call away from purchasing the dam.
Then at 01:35 this morning, he received a fax.
We don't know the contents.
A fax is still almost impossible to intercept digitally.
What's remarkable about this? Where it came from.
Private airfield in Pakistan.
According to our Islamabad office, only one flight left at that hour.
And it was carrying Fatima Zahir to London.
Two hours later, the body of a Pakistani officer was found at the airfield.
He'd been strangled.
That can't be a coincidence.
No, it can't.
We need to know who sent this fax, what it said and why it's worth killing for.
Perhaps Stephen Turner can be helpful.
He's Sam's latest conquest.
He seems to know little or nothing about the criminal side of his father's activities.
I could speak to Lewis Conroy.
Lewis Conroy is dead.
How? We led Jack Turner to believe his secretary saw him murder the economics professor, Vincent Cage.
Was this necessary? It became necessary when you let yourself be seen.
That's all.
Look, I just can't get past this.
You're human.
I forgive you.
It's not your forgiveness I need.
What, then? Aidan.
I still think he's lying.
He is.
Then you think he got Hasan captured, despite what Natalie Thorpe told you? And Sam knows about it.
It seems they're working together.
Then we're being lied to.
That's not a surprise.
We've known that since the day Sam returned.
If he got Hasan killed, then the rest of us could still be at risk.
Aidan had a chance to kill us both yesterday and he didn't take it.
That doesn't mean anything or explain why he's looking into Hourglass.
We have a client to serve.
He's grown very restive of late.
Jack Turner seems far too confident.
Complete the op.
I'll take care of Sam and Aidan.
So, you was in the Army, yeah? You feeling all right, Mr T? I mean, you're actually talking to me.
Dave says you was in the Army.
I was in the Army.
So you got to shoot rifles and all of that? Rifles, guns, knives.
If it hurt people, I learned how to use it.
Sounds like fun.
A lot of laughs.
Shooting people, getting shot at.
Good times all round.
What are we doing here? What's the matter, you don't trust me anymore? Who's your friend? Weapons man.
It's in there.
It's a beaut.
Where's the money? What'd you do that for? Don't forget the case.
I got down early.
Managed to make a cup before Mrs Sidwa came in.
That's the best cup of coffee I've ever had in this house.
I should go.
Eddie will be awake in a minute.
I don't know what to say.
You don't have to say anything.
There are seven members of the Byzantium board of directors.
Three are Hourglass conspirators.
So where do we start? Polyhedrus - the third largest private corporation in the world.
Dr Hill, I'm going to get you out of here.
Any luck with the fax? I'm trying to recapture audio.
No luck.
What about Zahir? Her plane landed at Heathrow an hour ago.
She's on a one-day fund-raising trip.
All closed meetings at the hotel with big-money donors.
Except for a speech this afternoon at the Asia Promise Society at 3pm.
That's her only public appearance.
Rahim Soomro, the Pakistani minister auctioning the dam will also be there.
I'm assuming Jack Turner is nowhere on that itinerary.
Turner's hardly the sort of man she'd invite to tea.
Everything all right, Deacon? Bloody hell, it's good to be back here.
Never thought those words would pass my lips.
Why are you dumping this shit on my desk? It's for you.
What is it? Address and description of two blokes Tyrone murdered.
I wrote those notes in the toilet.
What did he murder them for? That's what I'd like to know.
He shot them both in cold blood.
Arts dealer? Arms.
Says "arms.
" Uh-huh.
Nice bit of kit, actually - heads-up display, lightweight stock Wait a minute, you're talking about a sniper rifle? Tyrone said he needed it for something this afternoon.
What? Candidate Zahir.
It's a privilege to welcome you to London.
I appreciate your courtesy, Minister.
But forgive me if I question your sincerity.
We may disagree politically, but we both serve the same great nation.
I know what interests you serve - the corporations that would loot our treasury and line your pockets.
Surely even you appreciate the need for investment.
To raise the standard of living for our people.
If only that were your intent, Minister.
Then you and I would have no quarrel at all.
Excuse me.
Morning, all.
Coffee? Er No, thank you.
What's the book, Eddie? It's The Snow Maiden.
Alex gave it to me.
My mother used to read it to me.
She did, did she? Huh.
Mr Stephen.
It's for you.
Hello Yeah.
Thank you.
What is it? Um You saw Lewis the other night.
How did he seem to you? He was fine.
He seemed fine.
Stephen, what's wrong? Morning.
What's the matter, Stevie? Erthat was the police.
Lewis is dead.
What? Did they say what happened? Ermurder-suicide.
They're saying that he killed his secretary and her husband too.
Oh, no.
That's awful.
Offed himself? Well, I didn't see that one coming.
That's a heavy blow, son.
He was a Was a good friend to this family.
I don't want to tell Eddie, not just yet.
No, no.
Whatever you think best.
I just need a moment.
Can you get him ready for school? Right away.
Come on, sweetheart.
Here, let me help you.
Do you need these? Mm-hm.
Same prints here, on the door frame and the door latch.
This is Everett.
DI Everett, my name's Stephen Turner.
I understand you're investigating the death of my friend.
Lewis Conroy.
That's right.
'I wonder if we might speak in person.
' What's this about? I have some information I think you should hear.
What's your address, Mr Turner? What's this? Remains of the fax Jack received.
We'll see what Zoe can do.
I also found a report.
With Horst Goebel's name on it.
You've had a busy morning.
Where'd you find it? Stephen's bedroom.
What kind of report? Highly technical, about the completion of the Khyber Dam.
Apparently Goebel is one of the engineers.
But I saw another name I recognised.
Arthur Hill.
The doctor Faroux tortured in Tangier? He works at Polyhedrus.
Yeah, it all fits together rather nicely.
Very snugly.
What are you going to do? Polyhedrus has offices in London.
I'm going to see if I can find Hill for some answers.
That's bad timing.
Jack Turner's planning to have Zahir assassinated later on today.
I didn't know Jack was in the assassination business.
Fowkes picked up a sniper's rifle with Tyrone.
We think they're going to use it at the Asia Promise Society this afternoon.
Why would he kill Zahir? She's opposed to the sale of the dam.
She may be, but she can't stop it.
He doesn't need her dead.
But we think he wants her dead anyway.
Keel won't tolerate you pursuing personal business.
Today of all days.
This isn't personal.
I need to know what was in that case that Horst Goebel gave Turner.
And Hill might have some answers.
" "I'm trusting you.
" Why would Zahir trust Jack Turner? She wouldn't.
And what is "Something something C4"? Tyrone again.
Right, I want you to stay on him, you understand? You've got to make sure he doesn't use that rifle.
Don't let him out of your sight.
Thank you for coming, Inspector.
You said you had, er information.
Your officer told me that Trudy Barnes and her husband, they were shot with the same weapon that killed Lewis.
That's correct.
Well, I can understand why you'd conclude this was a murder-suicide.
But I can tell you, Inspector, it wasn't.
How do you know that? He told me two days ago how happy he was that she'd gotten married.
The idea that he'd kill her or himself .
it's not possible.
Mr Turner, if people never did anything out of character, we wouldn't have any murders, would we? Well, were you aware that his professor was killed two days ago? Yes.
And we've already made an arrest in that case.
With a full confession.
I read it in the paper.
But you still think there might be a connection? Well, I don't know.
But it seems worth looking at, doesn't it? Two friends killed in a matter of days.
It certainly does seem worth looking at.
And I'll do just that.
Thank you, Inspector.
I appreciate it.
And please don't hesitate to call me if you think of anything else.
I'll see myself out.
Are you all right, Stevie? Yeah.
Yeah, fine.
How's it coming? With the bid for the dam, I mean.
Well, now that we're funded, we just have to persuade Soomro to accept our offer over the Chinese.
How do we do that? I'm working on it.
You know our portfolio went up by £32 million yesterday, right when we needed the money? That's right.
That's an awfully neat trick, Dad.
Lucky, Stevie, that's all.
Just lucky.
This is where she's giving her speech? Yeah, in less than four hours.
'Thank you.
Thank you all.
' Well? She's as good as dead.
Gary, what you doing here? Tyrone rang me.
Keeping you busy, is he? We had a long night.
You watch yourself, d'you understand? I always watch myself, Dave.
No, I mean it.
He's up to something.
I don't know what.
I thought all the jobs come through you.
I'm being put out to pasture, more and more.
Whatever Tyrone's got you doing, they don't tell me.
Yeah, what do you want? My business is with him.
No, any business you do through me.
I still run things round here.
You got some glasses to wash, old man.
Arthur Hill.
'This is Southern Counties Power.
We have a report of a gas leak at your property.
' Ohum Could you look into it for me, please? Cos, umI'm very busy at work, er 'An engineer is on his way, but I'm afraid you need to let him into the property.
' Right, right.
Dr Hill.
That was you on the phone.
I need some answers, doctor.
Answers? I think you owe me that much after I saved your life last year.
What do you want to know? A few hours after I rescued you, I was ambushed by three men.
I have reason to believe they were sent by your employer.
My employer? Polyhedrus.
Why would they want to hurt you? You tell me.
I don't know anything about this.
What about Hourglass? Hourglass? What's Hourglass? Look, umcan I get back to work now? Cos I've got a lot to do.
Just one more question.
The man who captured you, Bernard Faroux.
Yes? He was bidding on the Khyber Dam in Pakistan.
The dam was built by Polyhedrus.
You were an engineer on the project.
That's right.
What made you so valuable to him? What do you mean? He had you tortured.
He must've been trying to find out something.
I don't know.
You're a poor liar, doctor.
'Which floor?' Seven.
Got a positive ID.
'Room 712, she's on her laptop now.
' Got it.
Reading her loud and clear.
She's having a private chat with someone in his 20s, 'slicked back hair.
' Who is it? Umair Qassani, ex-Pakistani special forces.
His family's a major clan, allied to the Zahirs.
Any connection to the dam? 'Not directly.
' But the Qassanis' ancestral territory is the Khyber Valley.
It's where the dam's built.
Thank you.
Are you sure about this? Of course I'm not sure.
But I'm going to do it anyway.
'Yeah?' She's going ahead.
Where we headed? Cos you don't pay me enough to listen to this shit.
What are you doing in here? I don't see what business that is of yours.
This is your father's office.
It's a room in my home.
And you work here for me.
I work for your father, sir.
And he wouldn't like you snooping around his affairs.
Well then, let him tell me that himself.
I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave.
Or what? You threatening me, Bingham? You going to take me down to the basement? What happened to that man down there, anyway? You didn't take him to the police, did you? Best ask your father.
I have an idea of the kind of work you do for my father, Bingham.
I don't like it.
You don't have to like it.
Excuse me, Miss? May I have a word? Stop there.
You bastard.
All right, guys, she's gathering her things.
Her next meeting is on the tenth floor.
How many guards? 'Two.
' Let's take a walk.
Madame Zahir.
Don't be afraid.
We're here to help you.
That's why you assault my guards? To help me? Someone in your party sent a fax to a British businessman.
Jack Turner? I don't know any Jack Turner.
He's one of the bidders on the Khyber Dam.
And he's prepared to kill anyone who gets in his way.
Including you.
What is it you want? We need you to cancel your speech at the Asia Promise Society this afternoon.
We think that's where he plans to have you shot.
And who is this "we," exactly? My client has asked us to ensure your safety.
Your client? And who might that be? Does it matter? Someone wants to kill you.
In my country, someone is trying to kill me every day.
If I let that stop me, I would never get out of bed.
I have a meeting, and I'm late.
So unless you intend to kill me yourself I understand what you're fighting against, Madam Zahir.
But you can't win the battle if you're dead.
That's him.
What do you want with him? You remember where I said to meet? Yeah.
Long day? It's harder being a rabbit than it looks.
Fancy a carrot? Wallet and keys.
You're mugging Rafi the Rabbit? Are you bloody serious? Oi, give me the gun.
Get in.
Now look, I I said, get in.
I've done nothing to you, what is all this about? What are you doing? Please, no.
Are you freaking crazy?! Get in the car.
Get in the car! Sorry to keep you waiting.
Right, now, we've received your latest imaging scans.
And at least the news isn't any worse.
You can see here, the astrocytoma in your temporal lobe.
In the past few weeks, it's actually shrunk a few millimetres.
So the medication's working? It's possible, but with a malignant tumour, unlikely.
I don't want you to raise your hopes.
Have you thought more about what we discussed? It is important you get your affairs in order.
How are you bearing up? I'm throwing up two or three times a day.
I feel weak down my left side, and I have a headache more or less all the time.
I'm wondering about your spirits.
Your state of mind.
Oh, my state of mind? How would you imagine it is? Of course, this is difficult.
Facing one's own mortality is frightening.
But it's also an opportunity.
Is it? For what? To assess, to appreciate.
To find meaning in one's life.
Can I have a word? Alone.
Of course.
Bingham said you'd had words.
I can understand if you're upset about Lewis.
About Lewis? How stupid do you think I am, Dad? I don't think you're stupid at all.
You weren't "lucky".
You caused the explosion at Goncourt.
That's how you raised £32 million overnight.
A woman was killed.
I don't know what you're talking about, Stevie.
Yeah, you do.
I'm your son, Dad.
I tell you what you need to know.
I need to know the truth.
You never had any intention of going legitimate with this dam.
That word - "legitimate.
" You really think these men you went to your fancy schools with, these bankers and lawyers, are better than your own father? They don't get people killed.
Don't they? Read the papers, son.
What do you think's happening out there? You're crying because, what, you want respect? I'm not looking for your RESPECT, Dad! You don't respect the life I've built for you and for your son.
This life is rotten.
Eddie and I should've left a long time ago.
You want to go? Leave, anytime.
But you'll never take my grandson.
Where the hell are we going? Flat 33, yeah? I'll be right there.
Where the hell are you going? I said, "I'll be right there.
" Gentlemen, will you excuse me, please? Yes, sure.
That was good.
A man got to her.
He got past her guards in the lift.
What are you talking about? She told me he warned her she was going to be killed this afternoon.
Has she changed her plans? No.
She's going forward.
Then hold your nerve, Umair.
Your family stands to make a lot of money when this dam is sold.
It's going to be a good day.
A VERY good day.
Just seen Qassani talking to Soomro.
'What about?' 'I don't know, but I think I could guess.
' Let's go.
How did you got here? Got a call from Keel.
How did HE know I was here? He didn't say.
He just said to come get you.
Now come on, Zahir's speech is starting.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you all.
It's a cold day outside but I am warmed by the sight of so many friendly faces.
Our country is blessed with natural resources, but riven with sectarian conflict, making us vulnerable to predators - multinational corporations, interested in ever greater wealth and power.
Where the hell is he? It's not just Pakistan whose fate is at stake.
This financial crisis was engineered by those same banks and corporations .
willing to make billions suffer.
Together we will fight this fight .
bless our country .
only to further enrich themselves .
economic justice with just words We will protect the interests of our nation.
We will gather evidence against foreign corporations, bring them to justice .
make it the right of the Pakistani people to live in a nation ruled by law, not by profit.
Thank you.
I found the original document on Hill's desk.
That fax you intercepted wasn't from Zahir, it was sent to her from Doctor Hill.
And a call log showed that he sent a fax to Pakistan.
Why would someone from Zahir's camp forward that to Jack Turner? Because Hill's some kind of whistle-blower.
He ran when I questioned him.
So what is it he knows? I don't know, but it must be something worth killing for.
Well? There's no hurry, the speech is over.
What happened? Zahir's gone back to the hotel with her entourage.
Sam thinks Zahir's going to meet with a whistle-blower.
Dr Hill.
The man we rescued in Tangier.
It's Fowkes.
Where's Tyrone? 'I was trying to reach you.
He murdered Rafi the Rabbit.
' What? Tyrone.
He killed Rafi the Rabbit.
Now he's got me waiting in his flat.
What, Tyrone's? No.
Rafi's! You're waiting in Rafi the Rabbit's flat - for what? It can't be good.
He said he'd be right up.
'Here's the thing, Rafi's flat is across from Brensham Hotel.
' He's opposite Zahir's hotel.
'He's got to be messing with me.
' Stay put.
Wait for him to come back.
We're on our way.
If Turner wants to stop Hill talking, why wait for him to show? The fax was unsigned.
He knows there's a whistle-blower, but not that it's Hill.
He'll know it's Hill when he shows up for their meeting.
That's when Tyrone'll pull the trigger.
Fax said "4," that's two minutes from now.
Yeah, but we don't know where it's taking place.
Zahir does.
Split up, we need to find her.
It's all right, Umair.
No-one's seen us.
I just want to make sure you're safe.
'They're not in the conference room.
' 'No sign of them on the third floor.
' "WSC.
" They're in the Winston Churchill room.
Which floor? 'Second.
Second floor.
' Madame Zahir.
Thank you for trusting me, Dr Hill.
You're a very brave man.
No, I'm not brave.
I just couldn't live with this anymore.
What is it you have to tell me? Hundreds were killed.
And I'm responsible.
Get down! 'So, you was in the army, yeah?' I'm the patsy.
I'm the bloody patsy.
Hill? What did he tell you? I don't know, something about the dam.
Some terrible crime.
How did they find out? This meeting was secret.
You can't think that it was me? Armed police! Armed police! Go, go, go! Clear! Armed police! Suspect's in flight.
Eddie? What are you doing in here? Dad's out, and I didn't want to be alone.
What's the matter? Nothing.
You're sure? Nothing happened today? Uncle Lewis died.
Did Daddy tell you? Yes, he did.
We only saw him a couple days ago.
And now he's gone.
Just like Mum.
Can you read your book to me? Sure I can.
I'm glad you're here, Alex.
So am I.
Mr Turner.
Why all the cloak and dagger? You know, I would've been happy to meet back at your house.
I saw you talking with Bingham this morning.
He's paying you, isn't he? You'd best talk to Mr Bingham about that.
Whatever he's paying you, I'll double it.
Here's £10,000.
Take it.
It's a down payment.
A down payment on what? Information.
Anything you tell him, I want you to tell me first.
I don't think Mr Bingham would like that too much.
He won't know.
C'mon, Inspector, take it.
We're all on the same side.
I just don't like being kept in the dark, that's all.
As it happens, Mr Turner, I do I have some information that I was planning to take to Mr Bingham this evening.
What is it? That woman you have working in your house Alex Kent? .
she's not who you think she is.
Explain this.
Are you accusing me of something? Just answer the question.
'Sam was nearly killed and Ballard's dead.
' You think they'd hesitate to kill you too? You trusted me, that trust nearly got you killed.
And cost us our child.
I hope you don't expect pity.
No, not pity.
Jack Turner's finally shown his hand.
And it's blackmail.
Our client wants you dead.
That's why you disappeared last year.
'There was something else in his files.
' The murder of Katherine Morton.
She was my mother.

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